SINGLE MOMS Get SHAMED By Others PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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and so i told her you're fired [Laughter] [Music] oh hi i'm so sorry we're late we missed the bus and everything and anyhow here are the cookies you asked me to bring that's what you brought they look so cheap and where did you even buy those anyway well i didn't buy them my son and i we bake them together i baked and he decorated first you show up at my christmas party late and then you bring those well it's a good thing i bought these each one is handmade by an award-winning pastry chef that cost ten dollars a cookie wow those look delicious that's a good thing i didn't count on james and then it had a backup plan how do you know her again her son and my son are friends so i had to invite her [Music] all right everyone it's time for the white elephants let's start with number one that's me this one smart choice that one's from me a crystal ornament wow thank you so much karen wow it's swarovski i know we said 25 limit but come on who really followed that [Laughter] ah oh i'm number two i choose oh maybe choose another one no i already chose is this a hand made ornament it looks like it costs less than a dollar [Laughter] let me guess this one came from you yeah my my son and i we painted it together it reminded me of where did you get the materials the 99 cent store if you don't like it you you could always trade it for no i don't want anyone else to get stuck with this let's move on to number three here you go richie i hope one of these has what i asked for well i know you're going to love them i'm going to open them right now what's wrong max didn't your mother get you any gifts oh uh well i hope you like it thanks mom a picture frame that's what you got him for christmas how cheap um i know it's not much honey but i hope you like it like it i love it thanks mom i'll put this next to my bed [Laughter] max you don't have to lie you can tell her you hate it i mean what kind of a mother spends five dollars on their son's christmas present honey um would you mind giving us a moment you know i don't think you understand what the holidays are about you see i may not be able to afford fancy cookies from an award-winning chef but my son and i put a lot of love into the cookies we made and that is what matters and i may not be able to buy expensive things for the white elephant exchange but i put a lot of time into decorating that ornament with my son and to me that means a lot more and i may not be able to afford a lot of christmas presents for my son but i teach him to be grateful for everything that he gets no matter the cost and that matters more than anything so you see the holidays are not about how much you spend they are about how much love you give [Laughter] wow that sounds like something a poor person would say you clearly have no idea what the holidays are about these cookies are so good they're my favorite yeah are there any more i'm so glad that you like them i tell you what i can make more and send them to you um did you try the ones that i bought over there those are gross yeah no one's eating those i want more of these excuse me karen do you still have that handmade ornament by chance yes why is it possible to trade you actually that one reminds me of my childhood my mom used to make ones just like that for our tree really you would rather have some cheap handmade ornament than a crystal one whatever here thanks so much i can't believe this what's wrong sweetheart you didn't give me the new ps5 well i figured since you had the ps4 you didn't need the five you've got all those other great gifts i don't care about all the other stupid gifts i wanted a ps5 i'm sorry honey i will get you one as soon as i can this is seriously the worst christmas ever i hate you here's some advice it's not about how much money you spend it's about how much love that you give it was nice to see you karen thanks again mom i love you so much mom i'm hungry can i have a hot dog i'm sorry honey i only have enough for groceries but it's my birthday okay come on excuse me sir how much for a hot dog three dollars do you accept wic cards come on lady i don't take food stamps only real money do you think i could have one for two dollars maybe you have a smaller one what do i look like government assistance take a hike i'm sorry isabella i promise i'll make you something to eat as soon as we get home okay okay little help i wish i could to be honest you've got more than we've got i'm sorry to hear that by the way congratulations thank you i hope you have a really nice day hello um do you uh do you accept wic cards oh great you're one of those i'm sorry do you know how frustrating it is that i have to work while you get to sit at home relaxing on your couch eating free food with my tax dollars it's not like that at all yeah you don't know what she's been through never mind i should have stayed quiet the answer is yes we do accept those come on honey let me guess strawberry oh i'm here to change thanks so much sure [Music] it's 12.98 uh the cake makes two please i'll have to ring that up separately what why is that donut like you don't know you know you can't use your wic card for luxury food items like cake i'm sorry it's my first time using this card uh-huh how much is it maybe i can pay cash it's 2 10. shoot um yeah you're you're gonna have to put it back what no we promised we'd have cake for my birthday i know honey and i promise you that here no really don't worry about it oh my gosh um i couldn't but i appreciate your offer so much no i insist no she doesn't need any more help she already gets her groceries for free but she's pregnant and she has a daughter i just feel bad why do you think she's pregnant she's trying to get more assistance wow you know you really shouldn't judge someone before you get to know them maybe if you weren't so lazy and got a job you wouldn't need my tax dollars to support you i had a job i even had my own business you see for the past several years my husband and i ran our own restaurant it was always packed with customers and business was booming even though the hours were long we loved every minute of it [Music] when we found out we were pregnant it couldn't have been better timing we were both so excited to be having our second child [Music] it felt like all of our dreams were finally coming true [Music] and then one day i decided to stay home and watch isabella while my husband went to work he gave me a kiss goodbye and said he'd be home early [Music] except he never made it home at all a police officer came to the door and said my carlos had gotten into a car accident and he didn't survive all we could do was cry with my husband now gone me being pregnant there was no way i could run the restaurant all by myself so i had no choice but to close it down and turn in the key i tried my best to get by i downgraded our apartment and i cut our cost as much as i could but when i can no longer afford to feed my daughter that's when i decided to ask for help so you see i did have a job and a husband i lost everything i'm a prideful woman it wasn't easy for me to ask the government for assistance but i would do anything to make sure my daughter and my baby don't go hungry it's so bad you had to go through all that i am so sorry thanks good story lady and i had thought i heard it all you know if you do decide to get a job maybe you should be an actress that's what you have to say to me after everything i just shared with you look i don't have time for sob stories unlike you i have to work so do you want the cake or not please take this i won't take no for an answer [Music] thank you let me get you your chain oh no buy your daughter a hot dog and consider it a birthday present for me thank you i don't even know what to say you don't need to say anything are you ready honey to eat your strawberry cake i can't wait cynthia oh my god hi monica good to see you here's your change and your food stamp card have a great day thanks and thank you truly from the bottom of my heart and happy birthday thank you let's go honey it was nice to see you monica [Applause] come on let's go get you a hot dog uh are you sure yeah cynthia do you have a minute i actually wanted to ask you something oh sure what's up you know after you left my next tenant only lasted about six months no one knows how to run a restaurant like you oh that's sweet thank you our old customers still come by asking about you you know i wanted to ask you have you ever thought about i don't know coming back i appreciate the offer but um a lot has changed since back then i don't have uh my husband as a partner anymore so um it would just be too complicated but thank you maybe i could partner with you we could go say 50 50. i can't i wouldn't have the money to put up 50 and we're barely getting by but really i do appreciate it i will pay for all of it we'll hire manager to run the operations so you don't have to be on your feet all day all you need to do is take care of the customers and we will take care of the rest so what do you say really yes i um mom you should do it you always talk about how much you want to be at the restaurant and it's not like you're working anyways [Laughter] you see it looks like it's perfect timing for everyone so what do you say come on come on um uh what the heck all right let's do it isabella and cynthia are so excited to open up their restaurant together [Music] a few weeks later they celebrate their grand reopening cynthia's old customers are so happy she's back and come to show their support before long business was booming the tables were always full and the people were always happy cynthia was running a very successful restaurant again with a little bit of help of course cynthia and isabella even managed to get their old place back everything was falling right back into place the girls and the baby couldn't be happier and then one day cynthia comes back to the convenience store you're one of those huh what do you mean someone who lives off welfare that's enough please don't listen to her excuse me i don't know who you think you are coming in here like this you know what you can take your items they're on me really yeah oh thank you so much you're welcome and uh congratulations by the way thank you why are you acting like you own the place oh i'm not acting i do want the place well my partner and i ah we just closed the escrow what i don't understand how did this happen well it's just like she said you really shouldn't judge somebody before you get to know them here you go thanks you're welcome and i have change for you oh that's okay you keep it seriously thanks wait aren't you roger the head of operations of our restaurant and now the manager of the store you've got to be out of your mind there's no way i'll be reporting to a homeless man no that's okay you don't have to because you're fired are you serious i always hated this job anyway bye so how did that feel i'm not gonna lie it felt pretty great can we have strawberry cake tonight you know what why don't we have chocolate too i am sorry to keep you both waiting you might want to have a seat for this why is something wrong well at this stage it's still a little too early to know for sure but based on the initial assessment there is a high likelihood that your son may be on the autism spectrum now autism is not i know what autism is doctor i'm a professor at a university for crying out loud i can't believe this gwen i told you that he should have been more responsive to his name by now oh my goodness does that mean he's not healthy no don't worry he's perfectly fine he might just have a little harder time learning certain things compared to other kids that's all that's all look i know it's a lot to take in i'll give you two some time [Music] i can't believe this so what are we gonna do now what do you mean he's our son we're gonna stand by his side no matter what come on gwen i'm a top professor at the most prestigious university in the country i can't have a son that has learning issues i need a smart child i can be proud of not one with autism look we could have another kid i know this isn't easy but we have to give him up for adoption what we are not giving up on chance we're his parents besides just because someone has autism it doesn't make them any less intelligent i'm not gonna argue about this gwen it's either him or me now decide you know i can't make that decision please this is your last chance gwen you either give him up for adoption or i'm gone what's it gonna be [Music] fine have a nice life [Music] gwen is devastated she can't believe her husband just walked out on them her ex-husband moves on and quickly forgets all about gwen in no time he meets another woman and finds out they're having a baby boy together he's so excited a lot of years pass and alan spends a lot of time helping his new son samuel become a very successful student samuel constantly gets a's in all of his classes and he even gets a near-perfect score on the sat [Music] samuel does so well that he ends up getting nominated for a full ride scholarship to a very prestigious university allen could not be any more proud of his son they both get ready to attend the scholarship ceremony hello are you here for the jar man scholarship ceremony actually uh my son's been nominated he scored in the top one percentile on the s.a.t wow that's very impressive we'll go ahead and take a seat we'll be announcing the winner momentarily thank you great good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the third annual darman scholarship awards we'll be awarding our highest scholarship to a very special student who scored the highest on the sats and we are so honored to announce that the winner of this year's darman scholarship is chance wilson [Music] wait a minute wait a minute this is a mistake dad stop no this is ridiculous my son scored 15.90 on the sats i thought this was a scholarship for the for the smartest kid in the country well actually it is why don't we let chance tell his story go ahead chance hello everyone this is such an honor i never dreamed of standing here to accept this award tonight it would have never been possible if it wasn't for my mom never gave up on me you see ever since i can remember i've struggled with autism people always treat me differently and thought i wasn't smart enough [Music] i even found out that my own dad gave up on me because of it but my mom never gave up on me every night she would read with me and patiently help me learn she never once made me feel like i was less intelligent than the other kids [Music] because of her i started doing really well in school so well that i began getting straight a's in all my classes and ended up as one of the top students in the country [Music] so you see because my mom never gave up on me i never gave up on myself and i ended up getting a 1600 on the sat perfect score more importantly i proved that just because you have autism it doesn't make you any less intelligent [Music] [Applause] hi oh hey how are you i'm good i didn't realize this home got sold already yeah just last week oh great i'm candace by the way oh that must be your porsche oh yeah i work on cars for a living so i can appreciate a nice ride when i see one oh i thought you were a mover but you're a mechanic well i guess laborers take on a lot of jobs huh well anyway are they inside who the new homeowner is silly i want to meet them oh i'm so sorry i'm hector nice to meet you um maybe you're not understanding how do i say this in spanish [Music] s [Music] look i speak english perfectly fine thanks but i am the homeowner i just closed escrow stop it come on this is a really expensive neighborhood a laborer like you couldn't afford a place like this i'm not hello hi i'm candice you must be the new homeowner uh no no i'm not actually hector is hey boss i gotta get going do you need anything else nope all good as a matter of fact here's a little some extra for your hard work great job today thank you so much take care buddy thanks uh i'm confused so you really live here but how well i guess you can say things aren't always what they seem right well don't act like you own the place i'm sure you're just renting whatever you say hey look i gotta finish unpacking it was really nice to meet you candace [Music] hey heard we have a new neighbor yeah and we both need to be really careful there's just something suspicious about him oh really seemed like everyone i messed seemed really nice everyone who's everyone i don't know i i think they're having some sort of like get together or something i saw a handful of people outside what see that right there i'm gonna go over there and find out what's going on i'm not gonna have a bunch of cholos ruining my neighborhood oh wait uh mom look you think that maybe i could take the porsche tonight i have a date and i really want to impress her absolutely not i can't even believe you would ask me that hector what's going on over there hey something wrong yeah did you invite your whole gang over here gang these are my cousins hey primos say what's up to my new neighbor we're just having a little housewarming celebration that's it you know i knew you moving in here would be trouble we all worked very hard to keep this a nice neighborhood and now you're going to ruin it by hanging out with my family i don't understand those guys over there they look like troublemakers to me not at all these guys do very well for themselves see the one on the left he's in the restaurant business and the one in the middle he's into agriculture and the one on the right right here he sells alcohol oh so selling tacos and being a farmer and working at a liquor store is doing well for you no listen just keep the music down or i'm calling your landlord no even worse the cops [Music] comprendel sure good hey just so you know i'm keeping my eyes on you i'm not gonna do anything hey lady nice porsche yeah i know you just stay away from it [Music] i can still hear them yes hello yes my neighbor's having a big party and i need you to send the police right away thank you all right guys it's getting late we all better go congrats again hector i'm a new house salute oh what we're calling cops man man i know hey officer can i help you thank goodness you came these guys have been blasting music and having a whole wild party all night i can't even sleep what are you talking about there's no party going on over here don't believe a word he says are you the owner here sir yes i am i just moved in no more like a renter and when the landlord hears about this he's not gonna be happy okay wait wait which one is it officer can i have a second please yeah sure you're just gonna let him leave well he hasn't done anything wrong and there doesn't seem to be any party going on here i am telling you that there is something fishy going on here you know they were looking at my car earlier it [Music] oh my my car my car my car is gone what do you mean those guys they stole my car whoa we didn't steal anything liar i saw you i saw you checking out my car and i knew it i knew there was something going on with you wait ma'am do you have any kind of evidence to prove this like maybe a video or anything no i am telling you i know that they stole my car we've never stolen anything in our lives like this is getting ridiculous i try to be cool but i'm sick of being stereotyped by you and i'm not gonna tolerate this anymore you see you said that i couldn't afford a house in this neighborhood but actually i bought this house cash now it all makes sense because only drug dealers and criminals buy homes in cash actually when i told you that i worked on cars earlier you assumed i was a mechanic but i own the largest car dealership in town you probably even bought your porsche off of me you do okay then well [Music] it must have been your cousins oh my cousins don't have to steal anything they're more successful than i am when i said that my cousin juan here was in the restaurant business you assumed that he was making tacos but actually he owns the largest chain of steak houses in the state i have the best steaks and my cousin francisco right here he's not a farmer he owns the largest agave plant in mexico and his number one client is my cousin jesus who doesn't work at a liquor store he manufactures his own tequila so you see officers we're not troublemakers we're very successful entrepreneurs wow that's all very impressive what you don't believe this okay well how does that even explain how my car is missing wait isn't that your car right there [Music] monkey um you stole my car [Music] what happened to my windshield mom mom i i thought you were sleeping okay okay look look i can explain okay i i was driving on the freeway and i didn't get inside the house you are in big trouble young man get inside well i guess that solves that mystery guys we're going to get out of your hair now thanks listen sorry for the inconvenience guys have a good night good night tonight i uh i don't know what to say i am so sorry for assuming that you stole my car that's fine honestly we're used to it we get stereotyped all the time it sucks but sally it's the world we live in hopefully this teaches you a valuable lesson it does i i realize now that things aren't always the way they seem can you please forgive me sure and hey look keep the card we got a great body shop and we'll take care of that windshield for you okay thank you so much have a good night [Music] are these fellaishies i know how badly you've been wanting to take dance class don't tell me you're here to dance with us but i don't want my boy dancing around like a ballerina is there something wrong with that oh nothing if you're a little boy
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,936,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: F1lngTG0_NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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