Indians That WENT TOO FAR, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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wow this is such a beautiful dress um excuse me what do you think you're doing that's my dress oh um i'm sorry didn't you get my email you're not playing cinderella tonight priya is you get to be one of the stepsisters what this has to be a joke or something right because everybody knows that princesses are supposed to be light-skinned not dark skinned princesses can be any skin color now either take this or you don't have any role tonight this is ridiculous boss sorry to cut in i know this isn't the best timing but the landlord came by and gave us this past due rent notice either we start selling more tickets soon or we're not going to stay in business much longer maybe you can turn things around for us that's a lot of pressure but i'll try my best [Music] yeah right more like you'll make us lose sales you know you don't have to be so mean just because you're not playing the main part tonight i don't get it an indian cinderella that sounds ridiculous i'm supposed to be wearing that dress oh wow sorry i know it's a bit uncomfortable you know if you had blonde hair like cinderella you wouldn't have to wear a wig don't worry about her she's just jealous priya look what i brought you some wait what are you doing why are you wearing a wig because cinderella has blonde hair mom not black cinderella is a princess right she can have any color hair she wants anyways i was thinking for the play how about if you wore this indian dress what ma no are you trying to embarrass me what do you mean you're not actually considering wearing that are you why is there something wrong oh no not at all i just thought that if priya is gonna be wearing that then maybe she should fly to the ball in her magic carpet too okay big news everyone i just got word that someone from creative artist agency may be coming to see the show tonight what are you serious they're like the biggest agency in the world you have to let me perform a cinderella then oh no no no we don't have time to make any more changes okay everybody that's one hour to curtain if you are not performing tonight please come find your seat in the audience here i brought you some chai and put out no i don't want that i need to concentrate but it's my mom please okay beta i will be cheering you from the crowd so what do you think priya oh sorry i just can't stop thinking about caa being here but the way the wig looks great it's a little bit uncomfortable but i'll make it work awesome good luck tonight thank you wow you look like a real monstrosity can you just please leave me alone i'm just saying nobody wants to see a brown girl prancing around on stage pretending to be a princess i wouldn't be surprised if you got booed off stage you know what ashton you should really just please educate yourself yeah you ready to put your dress on oh um yeah i am thanks [Music] the dress looks so beautiful too bad it's wasted on you [Music] that's really right here i know there's more actors than people in the audience okay everybody we are just about at times so let's uh where is bria she was about to change into her costume the last time i saw her maybe she got cold feet you know it's not too late to make me cinderella okay thank you ashton that's very kind of you but we're gonna oh priya there you are wow beautiful priya you look stunning thanks okay i'm ready to go okay great so the first scene is between priya and ashton let's give him a little space everybody okay places come on let's go let's go thank you look i don't want there to be any tension between us when we're on stage so i just want to say i'm sorry really wow i wasn't expecting that sorry this thing is just so uncomfortable here let me help thanks ashton you know i have to admit i was wrong about you oh oh whoops it slipped it came off what'd you do that for sorry was an accident we have to be up on stage soon how am i gonna fix this oh well no i feel awful and i wish there was something i could oh my dress oh no i'm so sorry i feel so terrible i can't believe you just did this i said i'm sorry [Music] look at it on the bright side at least you want to humiliate yourself on stage anymore my daughter is in the show she's playing cinderella she's the star of the show that's incredible are they serving tea by the way oh no no i brought my own would you like sir um priya where are you going i'll be right back priya slow down beta what's wrong tell me what happened i don't know what i was thinking i could never be cinderella what of course you can you've been working so hard for this i'm not talking about the way i asked ma i'm talking about the way i look everybody knows princesses are light skin no that's not true yes it is snow white light skin cinderella light skin and blonde hair rapunzel light skin elsa what about pocahontas she was dark skinned wasn't she a princess okay fine maybe there's one how about moana i forgot about her and esmeralda from the hunchback of notre dame and raya from the last dragon oh and your favorite jasmine from aladdin they're all dark skinned princesses right so you really think i can be cinderella i don't think so i know so because princesses can be of any skin color thanks mark you're welcome now let's go the show is about to start so hurry up wait what about my wig you don't need any wig beta your hair is beautiful just the way it is what about my dress it's covered in stains well we do have one other option what's taking so long this was supposed to start 10 minutes ago we can't make them wait any longer maybe we should just cancel the show i told you it was a mistake to make her cinderella i should have listened to you okay fine i will just go out there and tell them all the shows canceled i'm here i'm here oh priya what are you doing where were you why aren't you ready i'm sorry i had a little bit of a wardrobe malfunction but i can perform like this if that's okay with you guys uh i can't be serious cinderella doesn't have black hair and she doesn't wear an indian dress says who besides it's not like ticket sales could get any worse okay what the heck let's do it what but she can't whip [Music] please [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen we have a very special performance for you tonight a cinderella like you have never seen before [Applause] it was around here somewhere looking for this i take it now tell me did you steal it no it was given to me given to you given to you know nothing is ever given to you for everything you must pay pay pay no that's not true you see kindness is free love is free now feeling more confident than ever priya or cinderella gives her best performance yet when the play is over the audience gives a standing ovation everyone is so excited but no one more than priya's mom word quickly starts to spread about this new brown-skinned cinderella with black hair as the news starts to go viral more and more people come to the play [Music] before long all the seeds start selling out there isn't a single open seed in attendance the director can't believe it and then several weeks later priya gets a visit from an unexpected person are you ready for anything so long as it's with you my princess thank you very much for coming out ladies and gentlemen if you are interested in some merch it's available at the concession stand drive safe thank you so much you did amazing tonight you really think so yeah um and i was thinking if maybe you wanted to grab dinner sometimes yeah i don't think so you see you're a prince on stage but not in real life plus she has dal and on at home so you can run along i'm sorry mom what what'd you do that for he was just trying to be nice you know the rules you're not dating till you're married you were so good it really is [Music] great show tonight oh hey thank you and you are oh sorry chris meyer yeah i'm with creative artists agency uh i was hoping i could talk with you hi chris i'm ashton not sure if you saw the earlier plays but i was the original cinderella that's great actually i was hoping i could talk with priya what but she doesn't look yeah of course i can introduce you chris not a problem hey priya i have somebody that i need to introduce you to hi hi priya my name is chris i'm with caa and we're a talent agency oh my gosh i know who you guys are okay great great that makes things a lot simpler uh i've been watching you perform for a while now and i was wondering if you'd be interested in signing with us are you kidding yes of course that's always been my dream great great well maybe you and i could sit and or maybe the three of us could sit and talk and chat about business yes i would love that awesome you know i gotta ask you're the talk of the town right now how'd you write so quickly well let's just say i had my own fairy godmother by my side oh beta that's so sweet thank you you know this cause for a cause of celebration so how about some child oh i have some oh would you like something please yes okay sure oh what the heck i am so sorry i can't believe you did that she said she was sorry sorry about that that's okay uh should we talk business yes wait not before we get some more chai of course priya do you mind if i get a pic with you of course not beautiful dress by the way thank you you know my school's putting on a cinderella play and i was thinking about trying out but this girl at school said i was too dark is going to be a princess do you think that's true well if there's one thing that i've learned it's that princesses can be any skin color and i think you'd make a really pretty cinderella wow thank you so much i'll never forget this thank you [Music] so when you meet my dad on saturday i want you to wear the red shirt i got you with the khakis like this so you want me to look like i work at target he's not gonna think that trust me in indian culture red means royal he's gonna love it um okay but why can't i just wear what i usually wear my dad's a senior partner at a law firm you need to make a good impression on him you can't just show up looking like this also why are you wearing this beanie i told you i didn't like it okay um why do i have to try so hard to impress your dad because indian dads are super strict and if he doesn't like you he's not gonna let me be with you which is also why we need to talk about you getting a job good job but i told you i'm trying to start going what's up yo what's up i dude what's good did you get your ticket to the lakers bowls game tomorrow arthur and i got ours what you're going to the basketball game tomorrow you didn't tell me this yeah look i i know i'm sorry babe i just i was just about to let you know but friday nights are our nights together so is every other night look i hardly even get to see my friends anymore well that's what happens when you're in a relationship john um do you don't mind giving us a second look babe i'm i'm really sorry okay it's just sometimes i feel like i can't talk to you about these things because you get really mad or you you guilt-trip me that's not true okay well would you mind if i hung out with arthur and jerry tomorrow so you don't want to hang out with me see guilt-tripping that's not a guilt trip you know what fine just go i'll just be by myself on a friday night don't worry about me rashid stop stop roger where are you going i should probably check on her yeah um i'll let you know about the game though [Music] you don't always need to do what she says you know yeah you shouldn't have to change yourself to make someone else happy i know thanks guys i'm just going to figure this out and i'll hit you guys up later yeah later can you please just stop being upset i just don't know why you'd want to hang out with your friends over me okay look babe it's not like i'm choosing them over you all right i just like to see them once in a while too you know hi what can i get for you guys i'll take a sweet green juice please great and you uh can i get the impossible burger and fries what i thought we were on a 14-day juice cleanse together i know but i'm so hungry that i've been feeling light-headed i want an actual meal well that's how it goes i can just come back when you figure it out no he'll take a green juice as well all right two sweet greens bring him right out i said i wanted the burger all right look i'm way bigger than you and i can't just get by on on juice alone well that's how it goes we had an agreement you said you'd stick to it you forced me into that agreement all right i didn't want to do this whole juicing thing anyway it's not like i'm even overweight yeah not now but i don't want to know b's husband a year from now when we get married well did you just say you want to get married in a year yeah after you meet my dad he's not just gonna be okay with me dating a guy we are so young i don't even yo what's up uh give me one second babe can i please go seriously john even after i told you how it made me feel you still want to go okay i'm really sorry okay i'm gonna be spending time with you tonight and saturday night and sunday night that's what people who want to be with each other do hello you there yeah yeah um can we talk about the game later seriously come on why can't you just tell us right now are you really gonna be on the phone the entire time we're at lunch i'll call you guys back no no hey wait wait wait i don't like your friends what are you talking about they've been my best friend since elementary school well you know you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with just so you know i don't even get to spend time with five different people the only person i ever spend time with is you you say that like it's a bad thing okay i did not mean it that way i maybe we're just both hungry drink your juice hey babe guess where i went today uh can't give me one second please you care more about your game than me no it's not that i'm just about to beat this level just give me one minute hey why would you do that i haven't seen you since school got out and then you're gonna ignore me when i walk in besides you shouldn't be playing video games anyway why not it's a friday and you wouldn't even let me hang out with my friends and now i can play video games too video games won't help you get ahead john but you know what will what this job application i picked up for you today job application i stopped by at a local law firm they said they're hiring interns the pay isn't that great but it'll help you get your foot in the door i even went ahead and filled it out for you already why would you do that i i told you i wanted to start my own business do you know what percentage of businesses fail over 50 in the first two years alone and then over 90 within 10 years it's not a reliable source of income but that doesn't mean i'm gonna fail look john i don't want my dad to think that you're not gonna be able to support us when we have kids kids yeah he's very traditional i really think you should apply for this job that's gonna impress him and hey honey arthur and jerry are here uh yeah uh okay you invited them over uh no they they were supposed to be at the game i have no idea why they're here [Applause] wait yo weren't you guys supposed to be at the game yeah man but we couldn't go without you man we go to every game with each other that's why we bought you a ticket oh yeah and we are not taking no for an answer my friend no way seriously oh man go get some gear on so we can roll out oh dude i wish it was that easy raji's hair come on man i'm sorry i'm gonna stop letting her tell you what to do yeah man you got to live your life you should just tell her that tell me what go on you were saying that's what i thought babe guess what they got me tickets to go to the game so do you think maybe absolutely not we already talked about this see this is why your friends are a bad influence they don't respect your decisions a bad influence we're just trying to hang out with our best friend no you're peer pressuring him into doing something he doesn't want to do right john i uh so you don't want to hang with us no it's not like that guys come on you know okay then so what's it gonna be your friends or your girlfriend i don't want to have to choose well you have to so make a decision [Music] i can't go sorry guys wow man you've changed you're not the john we used to know have fun hanging out with your girlfriend [Music] are you happy now you just ruined my friendships with my best friends wow when we're married with kids you won't have time for them anyway come on let's go over your outfit for tomorrow [Music] don't even think about eating those doritos how did she know do i really have to wear this tie yeah so stop asking let's go over what you're going to say one more time i don't want to do it again i'll be fine it's really important that you don't dab [Laughter] i missed you so much i missed you too how are you my god this is john the guy i've been telling you about hello samir it's you mean mr gupta yeah yes i do i'm so sorry uh mr gupta it's nice meeting you sir it's okay sameer's fine oh no need for formalities with me okay sit down relax great great hello my name is alex i'll be your server today how are you doing here's your menus yes can i get you something started to drink today um so actually only my dad's eating we're juicing we are mm-hmm okay we'll get two green juices sure we're on a strict diet but you should eat whatever you want you've got a lot of discipline thanks more so than i can say you know what i'll do the impossible burger please with uh fries and a sprite that's what i usually order you know i've had it a few times it's really good i'll be right back with you thank you are you sure you don't want to order some real food uh yeah you sure okay so john tell me about yourself you working or no uh i i actually my goal is to start my own business what he means to say is he just applied for a job at a law firm really so you want to be a lawyer one day uh yeah you know i've been a lawyer my entire life and i'll be honest with you it's a lot of stress you're young now's the time to take risks i mean why not look into starting your own business that's exactly what i want to do uh i want to be an entrepreneur yeah but john and i already talked about it and he knows how important it is for him to have a stable job that way when we get married you guys are already talking about marriage i mean it's a little fast don't you think yes wait i thought you wouldn't let me date raji unless we're not gonna get married like tomorrow we're gonna take our time but this year for sure i mean how else will we have kids kids you already talking about kids too what's the rush there is no rush mr gupta i i assure you uh rashi said that that's what you wanted us to do me absolutely not enjoy your life travel experience new things now's the time to do that yeah wait so i'm confused you told me that you're my dad is a lot more traditional than he's coming on traditional me that's a good one raji wow so this this entire time when you said that your dad wanted me to have a job and that that he wanted us to get married and have kids that that was you i so was this tie really that big of a deal you know i was wondering why you wore that i mean honestly the only reason i'm dressed this way is because i had court today otherwise i'd probably be in a t-shirt and beanie here's your drinks thank you my sprite and your jeans actually can you cancel my green juice but we agreed to do this diet together yeah but that was for you and now i want to start doing things that make me happy i want to focus on myself and i shouldn't have to change who i am just to make you happy i'm sorry but you're a really cool guy but i i can't i can't do this anymore i i gotta go are you sure yes i am just you know process things do you mind no please don't go rashi i'm serious i need to go why are you doing this ragi let him go you have to respect his wishes thank you it was uh really nice meeting you hey hey come on it's all right it's okay come on come on come on come on come on you got this you got this you got yeah let's go john hey what are you doing here man what are you wearing oh uh is it cool if i come in yeah of course thanks surprised rajiv let you come here well uh let's just say that raji isn't going to be telling me what to do anymore uh do you guys mind if i yeah sure i forgot what real food tasted like so you want to tell us what's going on um yeah yeah i'm sorry guys i was honestly a really bad friend um i let rashi control me way too much and honestly i finally hi is john here do you mind coming out for a sec oh i think i'm good right here i'm being there i came here to apologize i'm sorry for how controlling i've been just controlling and the guilt trips and lying to you about my dad i'm so sorry for everything i realize now you shouldn't have to change who you are to make me happy will you please forgive me i i don't think i could do that right now i promise no more telling you what to wear what to eat where to work or to not hang out with my friends yeah none of that i just want you to be happy is there any chance we can try this again also i bought three box seats to the laker game next week you can take arthur and jerry with you really are you for real yeah you guys were eavesdropping duh come on box seats you can't turn those down man man harry even forgive her yeah uh [Music] i forgive you yes thank you and i'll tell you what keep hanging out with your boys for as long as you possibly want and just call me when you're done i'm sorry i like the new raji wait how did you know where i was i may have been able to share my location from your phone a few months ago seriously raji okay but look i turned it off see bye we just got boxies remind me again why i had to come to this of course you had to come it's my company holiday party besides there's someone i want to there he is who let's see could have spent a little more time on your hair priya mama there's nothing wrong with my hair and are you not wearing lipstick oh my goodness let's see mama you know i only like wearing gloss and besides why do you care anyway mama please stop i'm not gonna wear any lipstick fine anyway there's someone i want to introduce you to oh my god you better not be trying to set me up again i told you i don't want to be in a relationship right now oh why not when i was your age i was already pregnant with you hello look isn't he handsome and newly single and the best part is he makes a big six-figure salary i know this because i'm in charge of reconciling the bank statements oh wow that's not creepy at all mama i don't care how much money he makes when my new app takes off i'm gonna make more than any guy come on priya first it was acting and now you want to build an app what you need is a solid foundation and the way to do that is to have a good husband who can take care of you wow i'm out of here it's comfy hello oh hello nice to see you nice to see you too and remember please call me auntie this is my daughter priya the one i was telling you about oh hi it's nice to be your mom talks about you all the time oh does she arjun is the head of the engineering department your parents must be so proud yeah they said uh either engineer doctor or complete failure and i can't stand the sight of blood so i chose the only other viable option you're a good son listening to your parents priya always listens to her mom don't you priya yeah i heard about your engagement i'm so sorry thanks it's honestly for the best the only hard part is uh no more home-cooked meals ah you don't have anyone to cook for you i feel so bad for you you know why don't you come to our house for dinner priya is an excellent cook she makes the best dosa really i mean i do love dosas mama you know that honey why don't you come tomorrow at seven o'clock um are you sure i don't want to intrude or anything you will never be intruding you're like family please come any time yeah okay sure that sounds really great actually i look forward to it i can't believe you told him i know how to cook when i can barely even make mac and cheese a good wife knows how to cook how else is her husband going to eat i don't know maybe he should learn how to cook for himself or even cook for his wife don't be silly it's fine i have plenty of time to teach you to cook before the wedding what what wedding i barely even know the guy do you know how long your father and i knew each other beforehand two hours before our marriage okay this isn't india mama and i'm not even trying to date let alone get married i'm super focused on building my business right now priya if you listen to me you won't need to start any type of business urgent makes enough money to support both of you is that really what you think i want for a man to support me no i want to make it on my own not rely on some guy he's here okay don't talk about any of this kind of stuff in front of him okay wear this ew no why hello hello auntie hi oh these are for you oh thank you veda thank you oh come come i'm coming we had just got done cooking oh okay hey hi come have a seat thank you get ready to have the best dosa you've ever tasted i can't wait please don't let my mom fool you i had nothing to do with making any of this to be honest i kind of had a feeling maybe she didn't make the whole thing but she did help a lot here you go oh this looks incredible the chutney here you go thank you so priya tell me about yourself what do you like to do oh i'm actually kind of boring to be honest but i've been super focused on building this new app really an app wow yeah um how it works is that it's like kind of oh yeah let's not talk about this little idea of yours i keep reminding her that she needs to concentrate on more important things in life like building a family you know once she has kids she won't have time for all this you know careers are important too mama not as important as marriage righteous well i think being fulfilled is what's important right whether that's their family or a business see your silly little app isn't a career it could be priya you're embarrassing us in front of our guest not at all actually i'd be interested in hearing more about what you're working on really yeah give me an elevator pitch oh okay so basically it's like a ride sharing app but just for women you know to make transportation safer and i'm gonna call it safe her that's brilliant yeah actually have an old college friend up in silicon valley that might be interested in hearing something like that have you met with any vcs yet no i haven't actually but i'm still developing the ui so after that i think i'm gonna ria it's rude to keep talking about yourself let's talk about our guest arjun it's my fault i asked why can't you ever be more supportive i've invited this lovely boy here and all you can do is keep talking about some app how can i support that some app you know how important this is to me since arjun has been here he hasn't even taken a bite of his food it is getting cold now let's talk later and eat now why do you always have to undermine everything that i do or say or want to stop talking back a traditional indian girl talks less and listens more wow really well then i'm sorry i couldn't be the traditional indian girl you wanted me to be priya where are you going i'm sorry about that i don't know what got into her you eat i'll be right back okay [Music] why did you leave you're making such a bad impression so i don't need to impress anyone i just want to be myself and i hate how you're always trying to push your values on me it's because i know what's best for you priya after your father passed away you know how hard things got for us i work so hard every day and we can hardly afford this small place i don't want you to struggle like this too then shouldn't you be teaching me not to rely on a man but to chase after my own dreams dreams don't come true in real life priya trust me but if you were with urjun you wouldn't have to worry i wouldn't have to worry about you your whole life would be set so please come back out there with me i'm sorry but no i can't lead someone on when i'm not interested i don't care how much money he makes i just want to focus on myself and what i'm doing mama i've already made up my mind you are making a huge mistake priya and one day you will regret it we'll see priya's sad that her mom doesn't believe in her but at the same time she knows that she has to follow her dreams she puts in a lot of hours working on her app starting with drawing all of the design concepts by hand over time she teaches herself how to code and is even able to come out with her very first beta app she begins to pitch her concept to different investors at first she's so excited to talk about her app but that excitement quickly starts to fade when she gets told no over and over again she almost feels like giving up that is until she meets someone that finally says yes [Music] of course it didn't hurt that she had the right introduction [Music] a couple of years go by and it turns out priya's silly little idea worked her business is booming and she becomes a really successful ceo [Music] and then a while later priya's mom comes to pay her a visit at her new place hi hi lia cup thank you wow is this your new place yeah not bad right oh not at all come home thanks oh oh my goodness you learned how to make dosa i can't believe this i actually didn't make those oh then who did auntie how are you arjun oh what are you doing here oh well pre and i are um we're dating but don't get too excited we're taking things kind of slow i rabah this makes me so happy now it explains it i was wondering how my little priya could afford this place by herself oh well i had nothing to do with that it was all priya oh really yeah i'm just in charge of the dosas they're not as good as yours but you should try a bite you made these dosas but uh isn't that priya's job well priya handles all the bills i handle everything else actually works out quite nicely that way especially considering how much more successful she is than i am what's this wow i i can't believe this it's not so bad for a silly little idea huh i hope you're proud of me so so proud virgin yeah go get the chutney let's try these doses of yours okay [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday thanks dad of course wait is this strawberry yeah why is something wrong i told you i wanted red velvet i'm so sorry honey i tried but the bakery didn't have any left so i got your second favorite instead why would i want to eat my second favorite today of all days forget it i guess i just won't be eating any cake on my birthday gosh no i feel terrible excuse me hi how can i help you uh by chance do you guys happen to have any uh i said forget it dad i don't want cake anymore okay um never mind thank you sure well i know what'll make you feel better here you go a gift now this is more like it and don't worry it's just one of them i didn't forget about what you really wanted this better be good the iphone 12. i know you wanted the new ones so wait what color is this you got me the black one i told you i wanted the white one i i know honey but they were all sold out and besides when when you put a case on it you won't even be able to it's only 128 gigs my 11 is 256. how am i supposed to move all my photos don't worry the guy at the store said you could store him in the cloud you ready to go yeah let's go this is supposed to be my sweet 16 and you're totally ruining it dad i don't want this i'll get it just leave it on the ground my dad got me the wrong phone on my birthday can you believe it well there's a lot of people that don't get anything for their birthday so you should be grateful for what you have whatever no one cares about your opinion i'll take that thank you very much you know honey she does have a point a lot of kids would be very thankful to have this yeah right any kid who got that would be mad too so seriously where's my real present i was hoping to give that to you a little later why don't tell me you messed that up too i don't know i i got you what you wanted i guess you can have it now come on let's go can you watch this for me make sure no one takes it yeah sure happy birthday thanks it's my daughter's birthday too oh hopefully your birthday is going better than mine uh i'm sorry about that and happy birthday [Music] well where is it there it is i've been so excited to give this to you yep a brand new 2021 porsche cayenne suv i know how badly you've been wanting a new car listen it's got 543 horsepower leather seats and it's slack i can't believe you got me a black car i i don't understand i i thought you really wanted a porsche yeah a red porsche not a black one i'm sorry honey they didn't have a red one i but it's still a brand new car i mean shouldn't you be grateful for that i would have been grateful if you got me the color i wanted not this one hey you know what i have a guy that can wrap it and make it red i'll give him a call at most it'll take about a week okay you just don't get it why do you think i wore a red dress today i had a whole rouge themed photo shoot planned for my insta to match my car and now i won't even get to post a pic on my birthday i i didn't know that well maybe we could get you a black dress no first you get me the wrong cake then you get me the wrong phone and now you get me the wrong car seriously you're like the worst dad in the world honey come on don't be like that just leave me alone i'll call an uber home i can't believe him there you go happy birthday thank you thank you happy birthday again sweetheart it looks so delicious i'm sorry i couldn't buy an entire birthday cake and and i'm sorry they only had chocolate here right i know strawberry is your favorite then stop i'm grateful to have any cake at all thank you so much it's so good yeah here try a piece okay [Music] so good yes and don't think i forgot to get you a gift dad i told you i didn't want anything for my birthday i know it's not much i just after i lost my job um i know things have been tough but uh i wanted to get you something the food and cake are more than enough and you should be saving your money just a phone i'm really sorry it's just a prepaid phone and i i couldn't get you an iphone are you kidding i'm so lucky to have this phone seriously this is too much you should take it back no no no i want you to have it okay so please just take it i'm just sorry that it that i couldn't get you something better i just feel like a terrible father dead there's so many people that don't get anything for their birthday i'm so grateful for what i have and for the record you're the best dad in the world i love you so much honey i love you too here have another piece okay [Music] hey hi honey i i spoke to my guy and he said he's going to try really hard to have it wrapped read by it's okay dad you don't need to rob it i don't but i feel terrible i i never realized how important having it read was to you i i'm really sorry no you don't need to say sorry i'm the one that should be apologizing i don't understand where's all this coming from i just realized something a lot of people don't get anything on their birthday i should have been a lot more grateful for everything that you got me i'm really sorry can you please forgive me of course honey i'm so proud of you are you sure you don't want me to change the color no you got me a porsche like are you serious i'm so so grateful i love you so much dad i love you too hey um what about this iphone do you still want to keep it or actually i have a better idea come on hey i just wanted to say i'm sorry about the way i acted earlier and for not wishing you a happy birthday oh it's all right actually i wanted to give you something oh i saw the phone you got earlier and i wanted to give you this what really yeah i'm happy with my iphone 11. wow actually i like the phone my dad got me think so are you sure this is like a thousand dollar phone yeah i'm sure okay well i heard you like strawberry cake would you guys at least come and have some birthday cake with us yeah sure we'd love to great this is my dad by the way he's also the best dad in the world birthday to you [Applause] excuse me where are your slurpees at sorry come on a pill i don't know what you're talking about don't you work here you must drive a cab then i actually need a ride to the bank so i can deposit this check i don't drive a cab do you know you can deposit a check through the banking app you're a software engineer you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 4,047,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: zLMDJl6jw5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 13sec (3253 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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