Greedy People Getting Instant Karma | Dhar Mann

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great news boss we did $1 million in Topline revenue and after about $600,000 in expenses get this we did over $400,000 in profits by far our best quarter yet H if we had just cut expenses more we would have hit half a million I mean based on industry averages our profit margin is ex extremely high sir I was also going to say we could even afford to give the team a raise since it's been 3 years since a raise are you kidding me Carly we need to cut costs not increase them next quarter I want to make half a million in profit at least so we need to figure out a way to cut pardon my reach sir but I have your chicken alfredo here what in the world this is Albert Brooks justers St on the job isn't he neat why in the world is a robot dropping off my food well a robot can do just as good a job as a human if not better isn't that right Albert thank you sir I appreciate the kind words he doesn't need to take lunches or breaks and I don't have to worry about him being on his phone plus it doesn't hurt that we're able to cut our expenses by 20% because now you don't need as much Manpower 20% mhm just let me I guess Albert no of you need any help uh what happened to customer service I I don't get it this whole robot thing it doesn't make any sense research shows that consumers are more healthc conscious than ever so for your new packaging we decided to position your cookies as a health nutritious snack love the concept but uh really don't know how believable that's going to be considering our cookies are loaded with fat and carbohydrates true but we noticed there's no cholesterol and no trans fat so that needs to be highlighted and if you combine both cookies there are 10 g of protein and 4 G of fiber so getting customers should just focus on the positive they'll be less likely to think about all the bad stuff finally the name so we like crave cookies right but if I'm a parent I may not want my kids to Crave cookies so we decided to go with neutri cookies now that's something I have no problem with my kid eating you know I noticed that you used vegan packaging we're not currently a vegan brand I'm really glad that you caught that so we did some research and we found that the owner of your company is a vegan so we'd imagine you want to push for that at some point we looked into it a couple years back it just was way too expensive for us please maybe not we found a manufacturer who could do it for only 10 cents more per unit and that may sound like a lot but the best part is the marketplace rewards a premium to companies that change to vegan packaging conservatively you can charge an extra 20 cents without a drop in demand so by switching you'd be building more good principles but also more lining in your pockets you know what thank you thank you thank you that was an amazing presentation we are going to discuss and uh we're going to circle back real soon with you guys real soon thank you so much thank you so much thank you for your time thanks coming yes thank pleasure you guys enjoy the rest of the day you did great oh my were amazing great job David and Kayla just phenomenal work thank you that went better than even expected did you hear how she added real soon I have a good feeling they're going to sign with us I agree what do you think DeAndre oh Carly's right you did great uh just out of curiosity though how long did it take you guys to come up with that presentation I I don't know maybe a month a month each so that's two months of Staff time total yeah okay thanks guys again great job let's get some drinks we've been trying to land this account for a long time and if we get this it could really be a game changer is everything okay how much do we spend in payroll each month um I'm not sure but it's definitely the majority of our costs off the top of my head i' probably say around 15,000 a month wow that's insane I mean it's because of our marketing team that we get the business that we have I mean how else will we create these marketing campaigns and presentations I know how we can do over half million in profits next quarter [Music] I'm hungry how much longer I'm going as fast as I can Talia I'm not a robot maybe it's time to buy one though dad can you help me with my essay honey I'm really tired I had a long day at work and I had to go dinner and great give me a sec hey you want to talk to Talia I just talked to her an hour ago I called to talk to you I'm still at the hospital the doctor started my mom on a new medication I hope it helps yeah I'm sure it will hey look can we talk later down every time I call you you too busy to talk it's just I got home a little while ago and I'm trying to eat and look we'll talk later tonight I promise fine I'll talk to you later Dad I need help with my essay okay fine what's it on the topic is what's the difference between a privilege and write how am I supposed to know having had to write an essay [Music] and hold up how many words does this need to be 500 why write me a 500w essay on the difference between privilege and write what are you doing here's your essay [Music] [Music] hello testing 1 two 3 testing hello my name is DeAndre oh this is incredible is there anything AI can't do oh crap hey honey you said you were going to call me oh I know I was just about to I'm sorry what's up you won't believe what happened to me today remember that girl Emily Hans I told you about the girl who bullied me all the time in high school mhm she made my life a living nightmare for 4 years wellow I saw her today at the hospital uhhuh that's great that's great are you even listening to me DeAndre uh yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm just tired of course you are whenever it comes to our time together you're tired what's it going to take for me to get 30 minutes with my husband all right all right I'm listening go ahead thank you so we were 5 ft away from each other other and she totally acted like she didn't see me I wanted to go right up to her and give her a piece of my mind but I didn't no I'm kind of regretting you now do you think I should have confronted her I I completely understand how you're feeling that's not easy but I do think you did the right thing there's no point in escalating a situation you're above that I'm proud of you for how you handled it wow you have no idea how much that means to me to hear you say that thanks DeAndre I mean what is she doing with her life now you know we have a beautiful family a nice home I just need to let bygones be bygones I absolutely agree with you honey you made the right decision it was in just hello everyone I have a very big announcement to make okay don't tell me crave cookies already called and they said yes uh not yet Kayla what I wanted to say is you're all fired is this a joke yep you heard me so you you you you you pack your things and get out well you can't be serious does it look like I'm joking Dave DeAndre what do you think you're doing you're letting our entire team go yep we don't need them anymore because anything they can do AI can do better and most importantly cheaper no it can't not everything in life can be automated DeAndre a machine can't be as creative or as empathetic or connect with other humans as well as a person can I'd be careful Carly because I'm sure AI can replace your job too you know let's forget about half a million in profits next quarter let's go for a full [Music] million the day was born and make a way of your own here you are but what you really need is a handsome one to hold something calls to you again black voes on the Wind some of what they say don't really mean what you think they do or what you it did thought you knew but then again you did and you don't mind they don't mind and it's all over my head [Music] so what do you think nice huh sure what is it this is not what we agreed to in our original proposal yeah like what happened to the vegan packaging idea that David and Kayla had well unfortunately I had to let them go shortly after that presentation so I don't have the context they found however I think this new packaging concept is just as good this is like every other presentation that we've seen we didn't turn down a dozen other marketing agencies just to get something that's generic agreed this is nowhere near as creative as the idea that David and Kayla had they were so passionate and personable I have to say this is very disappointing especially since we came here to sign with them if you don't like this idea no problem I can get something else for you here don't bother this whole thing has been a colossal waste of our time and uh we'll be taking our business elsewhere no wait please just just give me a few more seconds and I can generate a whole new presentation for you [Music] hey sweetie how was school did you get your essay back hey look at that you got another a what's wrong aren't you happy that I help you Ace another ESS you mean AI helped me okay so why are you upset you're getting great grades you're missing the point dad I never needed your help to get an A I'm already a straight A student I only asked for your help because I wanted to spend time with you if I would have known you were going to pwn me off to a machine I never would have asked oh I'm sorry honey I didn't know that's what you wanted of course you didn't I don't want a robot for a dad I wanted you no D you don't go hold up hey Natalie I can't talk right now talia's are you going to apologize huh for what for what you said to me last night what' I say oh don't play dumb Deandre first you told me that I just need to accept that it might be my mother's time to go I should just move on with my life like how insensitive is that and then you had the nerve to try to body shame me I have gained a few pounds but I've been really stressed out I my mother's been in the hospital for crying out loud do you really not have any empathy no I'm sorry Natalie I didn't mean that someone else said those things oh some magical person had your voice and was talking to me on the phone last night you're a real piece of work you know that and for the record you're the one who needs to lose weight not [Music] me well the good news is our expenses are half of what they used to be but the bad news is our revenue is even less it's about5 which means we actually lost money for the first time I'm sorry Carly I should have listened to you my life is just gone downhill ever since I started using AI for everything my wife and my daughter aren't speaking to me my business is tanked and all right here you go guys y'all just let me know if you you need anything else thank you hold on one sec yes hey what happened to that robot oh Albert well he was working out great first until he told the customer that if she didn't like the food she should take a hike and told another one that instead of eating cake he should go to the gym within a week of Albert starting our yelw dropped by an entire star So eventually we came to realize that while technology can be great not everything can be automated yeah great minds right anyway let me know if you need anything did David and Kayla start their own marketing company yeah I wonder if they're hiring Miss Sophie would you like to buy a cookie oh sure I'd love to did you make these yep um my dad helped me oh oh honey your nose Holly what's going on what happened she just got a nose bleed I can walk her over to the nurse's office it's nothing she gets them all the time are you sure yeah she's a sensitive kid that's all she'll be all right okay thanks for the cookie Holly feel better you ready to go sweetheart I have to swing by my office for a bit I have wait you promised me you would take me to the mall to bite me a new OMG doll I know I know but I got called in for a meeting at the last minute so you can do your homework there and then I'll take you but you're always working how do you think I could afford all those dolls huh now come on pack up and let's go were you selling these for a dollar H what do we talk about you need to increase your profit margins if you want to be successful but it's Christmas everyone should be able to have their cookies no no you should be marking up prices as much as you can money makes the world go around but don't people matter more than money dad not when it comes to business sweetheart business you need to be a shark now come on pack up and let's go let me know if you need anything else kiddo thanks Regina well folks looks like we're projecting record prophec this year going into the Q4 but with the economy going down and to keep our board happy well we got to tighten our belt a little bit and uh that means we're going to have to lay off 25% of our sta doesn't that look bad for the company to lay off that many people when profits are up especially during the holiday season we're business we're not charity you know besides I think that's a PR department problem and that's assuming they have their job at the beginning of the year okay anyone else they got any good ideas as to how we can continue to uh you know raise our margins we could cut benefits okay that's a good idea any by El what about uh raising drug prices leximi just got FDA approval to go to market the cancer drug yeah but we produce it for about $195 per dose or 780 for the full recommended course but comparable drugs are on the market for full course are $50,000 but the company's mission was to provide more affordable and accessible Healthcare but don't forget patients won't have to pay the full cost insurance will still raising drug prices does seem a little greedy you say greedy I say that's genius you know the more we make the marrier right I tell you it's thinking like that that that keeps Dan my number [Music] one hey D you did a great job in there you keep that up I see a promotion coming up in the [Music] future all right honey you ready to go why would you do that do what fire all these people sh H keep your voice to look like I said before in business you need to be a shark this is just the cost of that what if people can't afford these prices to these Cancer drugs that's not something for you to worry about okay if someone gets sick it'll be covered look companies like mine do this stuff all the time because money is a priority got it hey you're my priority no matter what money comes second always okay now come on let's go get you that doll that didn't take long hey isn't that your office those people look really upset don't worry about them just a bunch of people that have nothing better to do than Wine all day come [Music] on hey Hall I got to take this this go Ahad and pick out whatever doll you want Mike [Music] hey hey Dan I'm here with the sea suite and I want you to know that we're going through the new projections that we just got from finance and it's because of you and your suggestion to raise those drug prices that uh we're going to hit a new record great job Dan I can finally get that Porche if I always wanted anything to help the company sir yeah well we just popped some champagne and I want you in my office tomorrow at 900 a.m. sharp cuz I want to talk to you want to talk to you about that holiday bonus I tell you Dan you're going to be a happy man it's great to hear listen I saw some of the news coverage on the protests and uh hey don't worry about that Dan you just worry about yourself you worry about this company and if you keep this up I can see you driving into the sun set with that new Porsche that you want all right so listen I'll see you here [Music] tomorrow you about ready Holly Holly Holly Holly please help help Holly H help somebody leukemia how is that possible she's 10 she's healthy she doesn't even have any symptoms if I may ask have you noticed you been bruising more easily no any uh red spots on your skin no nothing like that any nose bleeds I mean maybe once in a blue moon actually I've been getting them every week if you weren't working so much you would know that [Music] I am so sorry sweetheart I should have taking it more seriously well there's good news we caught it early enough where the treatment should work in fact there's a new medication on the market lexide isn't that the drug your company makes I should warn you it's not cheap they just rais their prices by a lot I uh actually work for the company so uh I can get it for free we just have to do whatever it takes to make sure my baby girl's okay okay for today's visit your total is it's fine just put it all on my card okay what what do you mean insurance won't cover it I'm sorry ma'am but Lex amide Falls outside of your policy so it's considered an out-of-pocket cost but it's $50,000 where am I supposed to find that kind of money um I'm not sure what to tell you I can speak to someone about a payment plan or there's loans loans oh no no no the last thing I need is more debt things are stressful enough as it is um well uh you can speak to your doctor about alternative treatments there are no Alternatives we tried chemo radiation this is the only thing left this is the last think that might save my daughter's life please please please do [Music] something honey go go have a seat right there for me okay [Music] okay let me ask you something are you a Barrett yes ma'am will imagine your your in my situation with your child's life on the line and the only thing that might save your daughter's life you can't afford to buy tell me how would that make you feel no more no more no more more more no more no what do you want me to do look I know it's a big ask but raising drug prices as much as we did was a mistake it wasn't a mistake I never seen the board happier but the decisions we make here affect real people there was a woman and her daughter at the hospital and she couldn't afford oh come on Dan everybody's got a s Story look it's not our problem if they get sick in fact the sicker they get it helps our bottom line I now know what Alex was talking about during our meeting our business is supposed to help people our business is to make money that's why I hired you you're shark D eat or be eating sharks don't swim around worrying about the opinions of the fish that they eat but that's the point patients are not fish they're people re people all right Dan where's this coming from you didn't have a problem taking their money during the last meeting I uh found out some news and let's just say things have changed I've changed so please lower prices again it may even turn out to be good for business when people realize how much we care about our customers and their concerns we have a chance to do the right thing let's not miss [Music] it you got me a new OMG do mhm thanks Dad wait how' you have the time to get this weren't you at work all day no uh I didn't go in today because I quit what so how are we going to get my medicine now hey don't worry about that I got plenty of savings I thought you liked her job I did but I didn't like the person I was becoming by being there a very smart girl reminded me that people matter more than money once I remembered that I decided to leave okay so what are you going to do now what I should have been doing all [Music] along so many things pulling me this way and that telling me who I should or shouldn't be like it's all about of some big plan but without that love from nothing without that life from dead I know I'm not perfect we show me who I really am this is life living like it's the end of the world world so show me love show me everything that I'm living for no I'm not perfect will show me who I really am this is living like it's the end of the world show me love show me everything that I'm living [Music] for this is life living like is the end of the world [Music] where is he oh Mr gorich dance in the conference room but you'll need an appointment if you want to I try to stop him what do you think you're doing ah Mike I wasn't expecting you how's hope trying to acquire zerx pharmaceutical are you out of your mind time you think your little startup here is going to come up against my company you got something else not out of my mind just out to do better that's all and it's working this little startup has generated more Revenue in q1 than zerx ever did and according to your last shareholder meeting compan has projected to continue taking massive losses throughout the next few years looks like all that bad publicity it's caught up to you who is he yes uh I have a voice I'm Lauren head of patient advocacy and most importantly a parent of a Survivor just like me when I started the company I asked her to come on because we both believe that people matter more than money and that strategy paid off big time you think you're going to pull this off you going to put me out of a job you said it yourself I'm a shark and sharks eat small fish but this time you're the [Music] fish welcome to Dean sandwiches what can I get started for you I'll have a salami and swiss on 6-in white with all the fixings please coming right up [Music] what are you doing what's wrong I know you're new here but we are not doing any charity work here okay I'm just trying to follow orders it says uh put the meat on the scale until it reaches 3 o so you have to read between the lines I'll show you there 3 oz I don't think we're supposed to do that who made the rule um well you did Sir so then what I say goes got it yep good I'm trying out some new policies to improve my margins and increase my profits so there's going to be a few more changes coming soon be prepared [Music] stop stop stop you're still doing it wrong that's way too much cheese I'm just trying to follow orders that says four slices of cheese per sandwich so exactly watch and learn okay [Music] there four slices that's I mean that's cutting Corners literally I am here to make a profet not to be a moral philosopher uhhuh you wanted everything right yes please yikes Robert yeah what do you think you're doing I'm sorry I meant to throw this away this morning no that's perfectly good bread you're wasting I thought we only served fresh bread here we are can't you read it's Monday well right these were made last Friday so you're only supposed to count business days not Saturday and Sunday sir I I don't think that bread Waits weekends to go stale we do is there a problem uh no sir um it's just that this feels wrong you know like like we're taking shortcuts H let me ask you something Robert have you ever run your own business before no but it's always been my dream you know to to to have my own store like my dad who uh actually he used to own a place a lot like this is that so yeah I used to work for him too he would always say there's no cutting corners on the way to success at least that's the business philosophy try to instill in me so if he's so smart why aren't you working for him well he uh actually had to close down his shop after so you take advice from him in his business failed you just proved my point let me tell you something Robert the more you cut Corners the more you profit remember that but is it really the right thing to do who cares about r wrong you w briting wrong listen to a priest you want to know how to run a successful business listen to me today's lesson use Friday's bread what if what if the customers find out just toss it in the toaster for a few seconds they won't know the difference back to [Music] work wel Jean sandwiches what can I get started for you uh could I have one of those sure thing here you go and have a great day thank you thanks how's everything going um good following my rules to a tea I hope oh come on I'm so sorry it's totally fine I'll I'll clean it up thanks I really don't know how that happened I I'm such a clut you know can I get a refill on the drink absolutely absolutely not here clean it up okay no problem why would you offer a new drink what I mean that's our company policy right free refills not anymore since when since now $3 that that's more than the drink inflation soda ain't cheap we can't just keep giving refill after refill especially in these situations I don't think that she did that on purpose it was clearly an accident did you forget about what we talked about today I got to get that make sure you collect $3 or no soda there you go I'm sorry about that again don't worry about it happens all the time I appreciate it so can I still get that refill I hate to tell you this but uh we actually just changed our policy it's um it's going to be $3 if you want to refill oh yeah okay um well then can I just get a water I guess um yeah actually you know what um I'll get you that refill don't worry about it really yeah wow thanks um okay I'll just be sitting down sure there you go thank you enjoy how dare you what I saw you on the video camera while I was on the phone you gave that customer a free refill look it was clearly an accident and I don't think that she should have to pay for it when you just changed the policy fine I'll just take those $3 from your tips that's not fair let that be the lesson for you to do what I tell you to do no more refills but that made a lot of customers really happy and if we keep cutting Corners like this then I'm getting awfully sick of you constantly preaching to me if you want to make these customers happy how about you do it at your dad's shop then huh oh yeah you can't right because his business shut down that's really not very nice I'm not here to be nice or make friends I'm here to make money so either you do as I say or you're fired how about that fine you know what I don't want to work at a place that's run like this anyway wow so that's it huh yeah I'm done good I'm better off without you so maybe you can use this opportunity to open up your own shop and with the way you run a business you'll fail in no time just like your dad's my dad's business didn't fail okay he had to take time off cuz he he had health issues but when he was open he was actually really successful sure kid you'll close down faster than you can sa a strong me on R and don't think that I'm not taking this you're unbelievable you know that Robert decides to leave determined to start his own shop when he tells his dad about how Jean treated him his dad decides to do what he should have done all along he writes Robert a check for him to start his own business Robert couldn't be more grateful with the money his dad gave him he doesn't have enough to open his own shop but he does have enough to start a hot dog stand within a short time Robert's dogs was officially open for business in the beginning everything seemed to be going great he didn't cut corners and went above and beyond to take care of his customers even if that meant sometimes taking [Music] losses what Robert didn't expect is how quickly bills began adding up running his own hot dog stand was more expensive than he thought he soon realizes that he may not be able to stay in business for long eventually he decides to give up thanks thank you oh actually would you mind adding some chili for me oh of course there it's perfect how much extra is it oh don't worry about it there's no extra charge for chile no it's it's on the house I've never had that experience before thanks have a great day well well well what do you want Jean heard you started your own car how's the uh the new business going it's um it's going fine thanks for your concern look if you're not going to buy anything can you please just Robert sorry to bother you I just came by to drop this off right um right yeah I'll uh I'll take care of it look I don't mean to be pushy but if you don't start paying your rent soon I know I know um I'm grab donut it's going fine huh you about to shut down even sooner than I thought it's just it's just taking me a little bit longer to get off the ground that's that's all right hold on I've been waiting for this moment I told you so wait I'd offer you your old position back but unfortunately for you that position has been taken by someone who actually understands how to follow orders even if I was homeless I would never go back to working for you ouch that actually hurt my feelings wait what is it that your dad would tell you again um uh oh there's no cutting corners on the way to success how did that work out for you huh look can you please just leave okay things are hard enough without you making them worse don't be so hard on yourself kid it's it's like they say the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree you could just tell them that you were following in your dad's [Music] footsteps sorry is there anything else I can get for you I just come back to say that that was the best hot dog I've ever had in my life thank you yeah we uh locally Source all our ingredients and it's uh it's 100% real beef I um I prepare it myself every day before work oh I believe it I mean you can taste the quality I didn't get a chance introduce myself earlier I'm a producer for the food lovers Network what I know this show I I used to watch it all the time with my dad oh that's great we have a new segment called undiscovered gems if you'd be open to it I'd love to feature you are you serious yeah I absolutely great I'll be back tomorrow with my videographer and we'll start filming right away and uh thanks again for the free chili anytime Robert's excited once again hoping to find the lifeline he needed to help help his business succeed the next day Jeremy comes back with his videographer and features Robert's amazing food Robert goes into details as to how much effort he puts in to making the best quality product possible when the interview airs Robert and his dad couldn't be more excited it's the exact kind of exposure Robert needed to really make his business business boom within a short time he had customers lined up excited to try the amazing food they saw on TV Robert couldn't be any more happy amazing segment on the Food Network by the way I appreciate that very cool thank you thank you thanks hey hey how you doing I'll you have a hot dog with ketchup please sure coming right up thanks well uh hey sorry uh uh give me a moment hi Jean I'm uh surprised to see you still here yeah well things have actually been on the up and up ever since my segment on the Food Network uh is there something I can help you [Music] with yeah I I was wondering do you think I can get the producers contact who help you get on the show I was wondering if maybe they want to do a story on my sandwich shop yeah um I uh I don't think so I'd be careful if I were you you know not all news is good news and well I've seen your two star reviews and frankly I uh I wouldn't want that on television I I don't know what to do with those ever since I started changing my policy um business has been slow well I I try to warn you there's no cutting corners on the way to success M maybe you're right well if you ain't going to give me the contact do you think I could try one of these dogs I want to see what all the fuss is about well sure if you want one you're going to have to wait in line do you know who I am this is ridiculous I don't wait in lines look we're hiring if you need it it's good seeing you too Jean I'm sorry about that don't worry about it thank you so much how win welcome to rer dogs what can I get for you hey can I get a hot dog with onions please sure hey son I'm so sorry can I can I get a moment yeah can't believe this is on you I yeah I mean what can I say I I had a great mentor you look well tell me about it it was driving me crazy locked up in bed all day now that I'm up who knows maybe I can work for you seems like you could use the help I uh I've got a better idea here what's this it's a thank you for helping me get the money together to start my own business you don't have to pay it back I appreciate it though Dad it's not money just open it please okay geez so we can start our own business together H I still don't understand look I know it broke your heart when you had a close down your store so I talked to the landlord and they haven't leased out the property yet so they agreed to rent it to me are you serious I don't know what to say I do [Music] that you'll help me make hot dogs of course so basically it's a dating app but but when two people match each other they have to play games to unlock information about the other person pretty cool right yeah I just I didn't know we needed to bring our own code oh uh we don't I um I I thought it would be nice to show it off to the developers here get some new feedback yeah um I don't think we're going to be talking to the developers on our first day oh I also don't think you needed to wear a tie what oh come on man don't don't you want to make a good impression make big moves here yeah uh the only moves we're going to make is towards that coffee machine over there for the employees oh well regardless I'm going to do my best to stand out I'm I've got Big Dreams you know my goal is to be the next Kevin syst of the dating app world wow I don't know who that is but that's really cool I'm trying to get my college credit so I can graduate that's the CEO we're launching in two weeks it's going to be our biggest app yet just you wait and see that's what you said about the last three at this point the shareholders need to see some Real Results okay well this time it's a sure thing you know come into my office and I'll show you our first quarter projections I didn't realize I hired some new people uh I didn't realize either I'm sorry who are you guys again it's an honor to meet you gentlemen um I'm Joe I just started here and uh this is David hello uh what are you working on oh uh this is some new code it combines game features with uh the the matchmaking process it's very impressive uh what program are you using python it's actually a combination of java and PHP sir that way I can process the game features faster while also allowing for Less developer hours to make changes efficient and mindful of cost I like the way he thinks is he one of your new Engineers I wish I knew I'm sorry what is your job title again well I um I actually just started as an intern but I intern they all think they have the next Steve Jobs you never know I'd keep an eye on this one I can see him definitely going places oh yeah I see him going places too I see him going straight into the break room to make us some coffee how do you take yours uh two creams two creams for Albert you heard them in now off you go boys yes sir oh you know what hold on you uh do you mind meeting me in my office in just like a second yeah of course thank you I would appreciate it if you kept your little homework assignment to yourself I don't want my shareholders thinking that you somehow represent my company but he seemed to like it he was just being polite okay you're an intern you're barely an adult what could you possibly know about developing an app but sir I've been doing but nothing you're an intern okay I want to see you sorting mail and making coffee all right stay in your lane right uh and I will take two creams in my coffee as well thank you now off you go goodbye hi right away ah can I help you I'm sorry I don't mean to intrude I was just um I was admiring your work you know code kid yeah yeah I've been writing it since I was 10 I'm hoping I can be in here working with you guys one of these days Wow since you were 10 guess it's true what they say you are never too young to go after your dreams I 100% agree with that you must be Edward head of engineering I saw your picture in the break room that's me thank you well let me know if there's anything I can ever help you with oh wait do you want to take a look at something sometimes it helps to get a fresh set of eyes of course what's up I've been working on these few lines of code for a while and I keep running into a logic error I'm curious to see what you've got okay um see do you mind if I take take M okay oh okay I see what's going on you do mhm it looks like you don't just have a logic eror in here if you take a look at what's in this array it should just be the meta details I think there's an index error hiding in here are you sure yep okay and that should do it you want to take a look what in the world is going on here oh I was just helping Edward with the code you know I asked him too you're my senior engineer why would you ask a child for help and you little man are you trying to run my company into the ground no sir not at all I was give me that you're not at home playing video games okay this is real life you probably just broke something Edward will you please fix whatever he just messed up thank you and you from now on leave the coding to the developers okay next time I see you you better be sorting mail or handing out coffee and if you're not I am going to fire you do we have an understanding all due respect you know what I know what I hear it do we have an understanding Edward he didn't sabotage anything too bad did he no as as a matter of fact he just caught something the entire team couldn't he probably just saved us solid day of work at least okay well how incompetent can you be if you need an intern to do your work for you maybe I should be paying you what I pay him which is nothing I just don't think there's any way we're going to be able to get all those features done in time for version one okay well then how are we in any different from Tinder or any of the other hundreds of dating apps out on the market okay we we need something unique people if we are going to be better than all of them so you really think we're going to be bigger than Tinder I'm I'm sorry what was that I didn't hear that can you speak up can you did you have something you wanted to share with the group Edward yeah no I didn't think so okay we need something that is going to make us stand out I'm not sure if there's enough time to add any new features before launch she's right can't we just push back the launch now that people that right there is a great idea push back the launch date and then um we can put a big sign out in front of the building that says failures push back the launch we've already done that twice Edward and the shareholders are breathing down my neck as it is what if we added customizable interfaces like you could make your profile pink or add you mean kind of like Myspace in 2005 huh that's adorable people you all got fancy schmancy degrees at very expensive schools and not one of you has come up with a decent idea you better be raising that hand asking me if I want sugar in my coffee no I have a suggestion okay little man how many times have I told you to stay in your lane give him a chance to speak Calvin what have you got to lose isn't that the kid that fix syntax error I like the what he has to say me too okay fine I will give you 30 seconds and then you go back to sorting mail go okay well it's basically a code that I already made it processes game material on a dating app platform without slowing things down if we implement it into the script that would allow for some really cool add-ons what is this this code that this person is talking about has anybody seen this code I have um but I really think this could work well I mean if the other intern thinks it can actually work then I'm sold I mean his idea would definitely be unique I've never seen that done before yeah I think it's pretty genius like Words With Friends for dating exactly and all this code is already written yep all I need to do is migrate it over to the production server and run some tests on it if it's already done then there's a small chance we can actually make it by the deadline but the question is does this code actually work I don't see why it wouldn't I mean I I haven't tested it with real live users but theoretically it should okay so the answer is it only works if nobody uses it that's great there's only 2 days left unless you want to upload V1 without any additional features I suggest we try this is 2 days even enough time I'd need to pull some all nighters but so long as I have some caffeine in me I should be fine maybe you can help yes yes I I can make coffee this is the best shot we have what do you say okay fine I will give you a chance and if it works you will become part of my development team as of Monday really and if it doesn't work you get your stuff and you get out of here and I call call every single person I have ever met in Silicon Valley and make sure that you never work in Tech again how's that sound little man yes sir I understand I I won't let you down don't all right well what are youall doing sitting here get back to work welcome to the development team even if it is just for 48 hours shall I show you to your desk uh yeah that would be great thanks what should I start working on first you tell me you're in charge Joe walks off excited to join the development team while also hoping he made the right decision he's given a desk and starts working right away trying to add his gaming feature to the app launch he works all day and all night even long after everyone else has left well mostly everyone that [Music] is Joe pulls an impressive 48 hours straight regardless of how tired he gets he keeps pushing through to try and make the deadline and then comes the day of the launch Hey Joe hey wake up man what time is it what time is it it's 3 minutes to 8 everyone's literally coming up right now did you finish it I think so um just yeah all done I just need the go signal to take it all live all right I hope it works me too here thanks okay people we are taking this thing live in 2 minutes are you ready kid yes sir I just finished just in time all right everybody to your stations please uh you get me a coffee everybody listen be on your a games today please we cannot have any hiccups all the shareholders will be watching everything's looking good so far but there aren't any users yet that'll be the real test all right well the uh the email blast with the ads and the press release it's going to go live in about 1 minute so this better work well I'm pretty confident oh have you low tested the servers yeah I did they're all set to AWS to Auto scale so we should be able to handle however much traffic we get but we do need real live users to make sure okay here we go Edward take us live in 5 4 3 2 1 we're live we did it relax don't celebrate just yet let's make sure that everything is running smoothly everything's looking good so far we have 5,000 people downloading the app already no no way yeah and the servers are holding up just fine 10,000 downloads 10,000 are you Ser like and there are no errors coming in ah the load's not even spiking we just rolled another 10 servers the scaling seems to be doing great yeah we're looking solid 25,000 downloads in process and Counting 25,000 25,000 downloads are you kidding me like that's unbelievable our last app did not have 25,000 downloads in its first year I can't you I can't believe I'm saying this but welcome to the team uhoh what oh what is oh mean why is she saying uh oh shoot we've got a problem what what is the problem tell me what the problem is tell me now what the problem is some of the servers seem to be faulty we're lagging hard y just crashed no no no no get us back up online quick little little man go do something it's probably something to do with the AWS I'll I'll do what I can oh and terrific Albert is calling already nope goodbye let me just go to the server room so I can fix something and oh you know what forget it don't touch anything this is probably your fault hey don't get mad at Joe there's a number of reasons why this could have happened you do not defend him I knew I should not have trusted this kid he probably has no idea what he is doing and Albert is calling me again well just give me a chance no more chances for you you know what I've had it get out of here you're fired no Calvin don't do this I just did it little man you're not listening to me there's the door I said get out of here you are fired wait just let me wait for nothing I don't want to hear it from you anymore you're trying to run my business into the ground get out hi Albert yeah yeah yeah no no no don't don't don't worry everything is fine it's just a little technical difficulty it's a nothing to be concerned about we will be back up online in a minute [Music] I know what you're thinking if I had another hour I could fix everything no no I'm thinking that I'm I'm a failure I'm a loser I suck God I really wanted this job to work out maybe I'm just not a developers why because you couldn't handle 25,000 concurrent users on your first ever launch none of the people in there could handle a fraction of what you just did Calvin's right I'm just an intern I should have stayed in my Lane no you are a coder one of the best I've ever seen hands down yeah a coder who is never going to work in Silicon Valley again you heard what Calvin said do you think that Calvin has that kind of power his Park is a lot worse than his bite I'm honestly more worried about him finding work again if this app doesn't work out doesn't have the best track record well that makes me feel even worse considering my code is what crashed the entire app have you ever thought that maybe your code isn't meant for Calvin's app it's meant for yours what do you saying I'm saying you're a smart kid and you are a risk taker that's a good combination you should be making your own apps but I'm only 18 years old well then it's a good thing you 100% agree you are never too young to go after your dreams you're right wow I I can't believe I almost forgot that you don't need Calvin you don't need this job all you need is this and maybe some funding oh yeah where am I supposed to find that who do you think helped Calvin find his funding let me take care of it really wait you do that for me I don't want it to seem like charity I will want a percentage but that can come later for now get your app working and give me a call when you have a prototype all right thank you so much Edward I am never going to forget this you see maybe it's a good thing that you got fired yeah that's exactly how I'm going to explain it to my parents good luck kid Joe is once again excited to go after his dream he spends all day a night coating again except this time it's for his own app he works harder than he's ever worked before and after many all nighters he finally completes his his first prototype a few weeks later Edward sets up a meeting with the well-known investor it doesn't take long for the investor to be convinced to help fund the app Joe couldn't be more excited over time Joe opens his own office Edward becomes his CFO and David becomes his coo together they all create one of the top dating apps in the world with so many users buzzing about their Innovative features and then one day Joe gets a visit from an unexpected person uh who am I meeting again today he says he used to work with you Calvin hey hey long time now see what brings you here well you know it's funny I was reading the magazine and for some reason you just uh popped into my head oh I hate that picture I cringe every time I see it oh come on come on it is amazing how well your app is doing congratulations I am just so proud of you I appreciate it you know I I could say it's all thanks to you oh yeah yeah uh if you hadn't fired me I probably never would have started my own business oh well see I am I am glad to have been part of your journey well you didn't have to come all the way out here to tell me that an email would have been just no no no I am here with an offer an offer a job or no no no no no sit down I would like to buy your company oh yeah yeah an all stock deal I give you 10% of my company in exchange for 100% ownership of yours you do that for me yeah absolutely I mean young smart guy like you knows an opportunity when he sees it right I mean you could go anywhere live on a beach in Costa Rica or something like never work another day in your life do you mind me asking how much revenue your company has well I I None right now because our our app hasn't taken off yet but when it does it is going to be huge I'm talking billions you'll see mhm so you're asking for 100% ownership of my company in exchange for 10% stock of a company that makes zero Revenue I don't know if you know this but we're on track for 50 million this year you are mhm with a 300% year-over-year growth rate isn't that right Edward sorry but we're not interested come on at least think about it no sorry there's no way I'm going to change my mind okay you know what little man you are going to live to regret it hey are you new here yes sir I'm an intern it's an honor to meet you if you'd like any coffee or need help with any of your mail I'm your person that'd be great thanks you know Alex here was actually just telling me some good ideas that he had some features that we could maybe add into the app huh is that so yeah I know it's probably hard to believe because I'm young no not at all you know uh a wise person once told me you're never too young to go after your dreams I love that if you ever have a moment I'd love to show you some new code I was working on you know what I have a moment right now want to step into my office that sounds great oh coding what school you go to ah take a look at this sketch who drew that your six-year-old daughter no wonder sales are plummeting no ma'am I did I didn't get a lot of time to work on it that's why it's not as detailed as it could be excuses excuses in her defense the turnaround time that you gave us was less than 8 hours oh you want to know what I think of turnaround time Mr Jackson now the rest of you better shape it up or your designs are next when the CEO gets here I want you all to be on it good morning everyone good morning sha all right let's just make this quick the numbers from last quarter are not looking good Topline Revenue dropped to 700k which is an all-time low for us expenses were quite high due to inflation and we spent $750 K which leaves us with our first time ever losing money are we going to be okay if I'm being transparent we're in trouble Angelique I don't even know if we have enough to make rent at the end of the month it's going to take a real Miracle to turn things around don't worry sha we're on it I've already been talking to the team about their performance and ramping up creativity right so we're going to have some great new designs for you at the next meeting thank you Elise MH I mean we've all worked so hard to build this clothing line and it would break my heart to um I'm just going to be in my office if anyone needs me just keep working this is all your guys's fault you know that right designs have been trash lately I better see some major improvements on my desk tomorrow morning tomorrow morning it's already the end of the day oh you know what you're right do I look like I care Gabe you're all dismissed [Music] okay so how was it today did Elise calm down yet no if anything she's worse to be up all night trying to think of new designs this could work for Paul and George's wedding right mhm yeah it's your color do you want to get it it's not my size oh excuse me is this the biggest size you have in this dress unfortunately yes everything we have is out on the floor do you have anything that anyone who wears a bigger size could wear uh the biggest size we carry is an extra large it's frustrating actually that's not true we do have a rack with bigger sizes over there these look a little old yeah they've been there for a while there just really isn't much of a selection for women of our size I wish they did I can't even shop here I'm sorry I see thanks hey don't stress we'll just go someplace else okay this is the third place we've gone to today no one carries clothes for plus-sized women I just wish designers thought about us more a come on let's go [Music] home no no no did you not hear anything I said last meeting I'm sorry I thought that the intricacies of the patterns were really unique unique oh I can think of another word that begins with the letter you to describe that Angelique please tell me you have something good um yes seriously get this out of my sight before I have an aneurysm out of all of you not one person not a single soul has one good idea do you not find that troubling do you want us to answer that no I do not want you to answer that question it was a rhetorical one I have something Gabe what is it this better be good okay well um I know that we uh have never done this before but I put together some sketches for a plus-size clothing line these are rough but I think a line like this has a lot of potential is this a joke my God plus-size clothes I don't see what's funny about that we are high fashioned we have a certain image to uphold well why can't that image include plus-sized women you pitching that to me is an insult I'm going to get this thanks again for another disappointing meeting I think your idea is brilliant really yes I'm so sick of going to stores where there's no plus- siiz section and if there is all of the dresses look like burlap sacks over it my wife feels the same way well then I need to call her and we need to discuss it over wine but seriously Gabe you need to make some samples for sha are you Elise said it's a noo please Elise says a lot of things doesn't mean we have to listen to her your idea could be exactly what this company needs to get us out of this hole we're in I don't know come on we're doing it I will even help you this is looking fabulous how are those sleeves coming good just finished trimming the fabric and now I will s are you sure this is a good idea if you ask me that one more time I will go a lease on you what was that I said flee and what is all this we're just making a dress sample from my sketches my plus-size sketches you mean the ones I said I never wanted to see again well technically you didn't say that you said we're in high fashion I don't recall asking you Angelique and really making dresses this size do you know how much fabric of ours you are wasting I had to take it out of your paycheck this fabric is from the scraps pile and I realize that money is tight but what we're doing is very important I truly believe that everybody should be celebrated not just skinny body oh God if I can get one sample together to show Shaya oh no you are not wasting shaya's time with all this I understand that she is busy but if I can just show her this design then she'll understand that there is a need in the market for this size my wife can attest to that so can I no there is no need for clothing this size if anything plus-sized people need to learn how to lose weight in order to fit into regular siiz clothes excuse me you heard me now clean this all up before Shaina sees it before Shaina sees [Music] what who made this I did I tried to tell him that he's wasting Fabric and that there's no market for plus size I mean this is interesting really sha you can't seriously be considering this why not nothing else seems to be working maybe it's time we tried something new when Gabe first pitched this idea I instantly loved it not only could it change the way high-end fashion is perceived but it could open up a whole new customer base for us who knows this could be the change that we need to turn things around or the final nail in the coffin for us all I'm sorry Sha but really let's give it a shot Gabe can you get one collection ready we can test it out in one of our stores and if it doesn't work we'll discontinue it but if it does we'll expand yes is it all right if Angelique works with me of course but I need you to get the samples to production ASAP of course we'll get started right away I don't mean to overstep here but I think you're making a big mistake huge at this point what do we have to lose Gabe can't wait to see the final product Shaya really with shaina's blessing Gabe and Angelique are excited to create their new collection they start working right away in all the different designs they even enlist the help of Gabe's wife who gladly supports them after a couple weeks Gabe and Angelique pitch their ideas to Shaya it doesn't take long for her to Greenlight their ideas and move them into the next stage Gabe and Angelique make samples to show their manufacturer the manufacturer gets everything needed to move everything into production a few months later sha places the collection inside one of the stores and they wait to see how it goes we've been waiting here forever just give it a little more time how much longer I mean we can't just stand around a customer hello hi [Music] it's okay Gabe it's just the first day maybe more people will come when they find out about the collection we have Billboards of this collection everywhere I did a full marketing campaign it's just not selling she's right maybe I was wrong H I hope this is a big Learning lesson for you the reality is plus-size dresses just don't appeal to anyone look look look look at these dresses I know and they're our size I'm so glad you guys finally have a plus- siiz collection man it's actually super cute for once well if you like the designs today is your lucky day cuz the CEO is here this is Shaina Woods hi wow it's so nice to meet you thank you so much for making this collection you know we always feel invisible in this industry oh well thank you so much but I can't take all of the credit actually our designer is here meet Gabe wow what inspired you to do this well you know my wife is always having such a hard time to finding clothes in her size that are actually fashionable and since I'm a designer I thought that I could do something about that well you have a customer for life now sure do and I'm telling all my friends great we' love to hear that oh thank you so much bye I knew they would come I think we're on to something here oh we'll see this could just be a fluke I mean we need to sell more than just two dresses exactly mhm which is why I'm thinking about expanding The Collection come on let's walk and [Music] talk these all look great Gabe this new plus-size prom dress collection is going to be a big hit all thanks to our new head of design I appreciate that but it's definitely been a team effort thank you for all your hard work keep it up so looking at a collection here you can just go ahead hey everything okay Le oh yeah I wasn't sure if you guys saw our new write up in People magazine but they did a whole story on plus-size models I haven't seen that yet but I will look there been so much press lately it's hard to keep up yes I know Gabe you were right all bodies should be celebrated not just skinny bodies thank you for helping me see that you working on some designs this oh no this is just it's nothing may I see it oh right at least are you kidding me this is some sort of a joke what gotcha okay at Le this is really dad I haven't had a break in 4 hours I'm exhausted son keep going you know how Todd is what's going on here I don't pay you to stand around sorry Todd we're working as fast as we can what are you talking back to me Mario no all I said was we've been working look I can have you and your father replaced by tomorrow so pick up the pace or I'll find someone else who can another word don't worry sir we'll get it done good all right I'm about to go on my break when I get back this better be done guess boss oh paychecks are in not that you deserve [Music] it $319 17 sense that's it what did you say you should be grateful for what you have before it is gone now get back to work this is crazy we break our backs all day and for what so we could be treated poorly and be given a few measly hundred it's time we quit dad son I know it's not the best job but I need it to pay the mortgage I owe $100,000 on my house so I can't just quit well if you're not going to quit I am I've had enough of this job what are you doing I'm quitting I'm done I'm going to start my own cleaning business I don't need to or anybody else come on son think about this I'm done thinking about it I thought about it every day I have to at least try I mean it's the American dream right the American dream right Dre right right Dad and what's the matter it's nothing no tell me what's the matter son I was just like you young full of Big Dreams thought I could do anything you see before I started working here I saved up some money to start my own business I spent that money on flyers and I posted them all around town but the customers he never came eventually I lost everything I had no money left so I had to take a cleaning job just to keep a roof over my head and food on the table so you see I was just like you I used to believe in the American dream but I don't want you to make the same mistakes that I did look Dad I'm sorry all that happened to you and I appreciate your advice but just because it didn't work out for you doesn't mean it won't work out for me even if I fail I'll at least know that I tried sorry Dad I hope you understand son wait here I know it's not much but it'll help just do me one favor no matter how hard it gets don't ever give up I don't want you to end up like me take it thank you Dad I won't forget this this will be the best investment you ever made Mario uses the money he has to buy some flyers and promote his new cleaning business this he tries to hand out flyers but his marketing doesn't go so well he tries and tries but nothing seems to work eventually he throws away his flyers and decides to just give up on his dream defeated he considers going back to his old job but then he remembers his father's advice no matter how hard it gets don't ever give up with new found motivation Mario decides not to give up he keeps trying to Market his new business and as time went on it started [Music] [Applause] [Music] working he began getting dozens of calls and his Client List started to grow [Music] [Applause] [Music] eventually he ended up building a really successful business a business that he knew his dad would be proud [Applause] [Music] of you're still not done cleaning how many times do I have to tell you speed it up or you're fired you hear me yes sorry boss I don't even know why I pay you these days here he won't be needing that anymore son you what are you doing back here I came by to give my dad something here this is for you what is this $100,000 what I don't understand it's to pay off your mortgage dad you see that little investment you put into my cleaning company it paid off big time you don't need to work here anymore you now the co-owner of father and son's cleaning company my God I am so proud of you you did it no Dad we did it come on let's go father and Son's cleaning company needs its two owners whoo whoo whoa whoo okay you can't go anywhere I need you well if someone once told us be grateful for what you have before it's gone best of luck [Music] Todd you know what we can decorate that last batch of cupcakes when we get back hey I just got another call about that kid's birthday party you got it [Music] boss you see this is exactly what's wrong with the [Music] world what's wrong what's wrong what are you blind can't you see it's disgusting two women should not be getting married yeah what are you doing excuse me oh can I help you yeah I have a business here in this Center and I couldn't help but notice what's going on in here I know aren't they the most stunning couple you've ever seen well stunning is not exactly the word I had in mind uh Trey shouldn't we nobody wants to see a gay couple picking up clothes for a wedding excuse me well look at you how ridiculous aren't you embarrassed you should be ashamed of yourself women don't wear tuxedos wow and I don't need you bringing your little pride parade into my neighborhood scaring away my customers you know it's really none of our business they're just trying to shop like everyone else they are not like everyone else okay that's enough I need to ask you to leave you want me to leave you're the one that's supporting people like them I'm serious out you know it's wrong I'll call security yeah come on Kristen I'm really sorry about my boss I think you guys look great I'm terribly sorry who are April hi I'm all ready for you here yeah have a good one bye hey Sam so great seeing you always a pleasure thank you so much have a good one you too thanks [Music] oh my God are you Kyler velvet I am such a huge F well aren't you a dear what's your name little lady Kristen oh is there anything I can help you with sure is I'm having a huge party after my next show and was looking for a place to cater the desserts well you came to the right place oh these cupcakes look amazing I bet the owner spent a lot of time on these no actually I made those ones myself get out yeah you're so talented thank you you should open your own shop oh that is plan I just my boss has been in business forever and I just don't think it's that easy you know of course it is my mother always told me if you stand up for what you believe in you'll always win in the end that advice has always helped me besides I'd buy from you thanks I really appreciate that unfortunately I need this job to pay my rent so anyway do you want to try a sample oh I'd love to how about hey chrisan the delivery guy show Welcome oh yeah it's in the back oh great okay what's going on here I'm trying to place an order is there a problem yeah there's a problem you you're the problem now go take your business somewhere else because we don't serve your kind of people in here Trey do you have any idea who I got it honey my people just because I'm Different doesn't mean I'm not equal you're kidding right look at you you're a freak well Kristen here doesn't seem to think so do you support a circus clown like him her it's her and and yes I do never mind I don't have time for this just do me a favor and get out of my store this is ridiculous you're ridiculous now leave Kyla Kyla wait I I think how could you treat her like that you listen to me from now on I don't want you to even think about serving people like that do you understand me we clear hello sir welcome to my shop these were just freshly baked real nice individual cakes I know you like them I can CH hey hi I'm here to pick up an order for a bridal shower it should be under Alex okay one second I'll gra for you thank you you see those Republic cupcakes I did so good I'm sure you're excited yes wait a minute I know you two from somewhere so I got it you with a couple in the wedding store and you're the man that interrupted our fitting yep and what are you doing in my bakery all right Alex uh 25 specialty cupcakes whoo wo stop put that down wow what do you mean this is their we don't serve people like them in here you've got to be kidding me do I look like I'm kidding we don't support this it's wrong okay I don't see how our love life is any of your business besides we already paid for the order well isn't that too bad Trey if they already paid for it you kind of have to give it to them you stay out of this Kristen I'm just saying it's not the 1950s anymore right we need these today otherwise trust me we would have no problem taking our business elsewhere yeah the last thing we want to do is be buying from you what okay you want your cupcakes there's your cupcake now go get them hey man what is your problem I don't have a problem it's you two that need help you know what whatever come on babe forget this guy I'd rather have no desserts than bear one more minute with you ridiculous how many times have I told you we don't serve people like that in here it is not okay how you treated them what's wrong with them buying some cupcakes they're for a bridal shower for a gay wedding whose side are you on Kristen theirs you really want to do this there is nothing wrong with being gay lesbian trans or any other part of the lgbtqia plus Community I can't believe you would support that kind of behavior I don't just support it I'm part of the [Music] community you take that off take it off right now I swear to God if you don't take that off right now you're fire you know what you can't fire me because I quit my only regret is not doing this a long time ago you know what I'm going to open my own Bakery and be way more successful than you don't make me laugh I've been here 20 years I'd like to see you try Okay Kristen quits her job nervous but also excited to start her baking business within a couple days she comes up with the business name and starts marketing on Facebook to let all her friends know to save money she uses her own kitchen to run her [Music] business at first everything seems to be going great her family and friends Place orders to support her but over time that excitement dies down she finds herself going weeks without a single order before long bills start piling up Kristen starts to stress and comes to realize her business may not work out eventually she gives up on her dream and starts to look for a job hi oh hi how are you good can can I help you yeah I was just wondering if there's any chance you're hiring unfortunately we're not that's okay I'm sorry thanks for your time no worries well look who it is let me guess looking for a new job right what do you want Trey nothing I just wanted to see how that new business idea of yours worked out but I guess that resume tells me everything I need to know look Little Miss I want to be a successful Baker do you feel better about yourself I don't want to lie a little I had no idea that you would fail what a shock I'd even offer you a job but hey I would rather go homeless than ever work for you again oh you really know how to hurt my feelings well let me tell you something you go homeless don't worry cuz I will find you and I'll bring you a cupcake so you don't starve to death good luck job [Music] hunting hi darling aren't you that girl from the bakery hi hi yeah I don't work there anymore though oh thank goodness that man was a Monster yeah I am so sorry again for how how he treated you I I feel terrible for not standing up for you more I definitely should have especially since we're from the same Community don't apologize you did the best you could please tell me you started your own business like we talked about I did but it already failed so looking for work if you know anyone who's hiring it hasn't even been that long how'd you Market your business I posted on Facebook and Instagram I told my friends and family that's pretty much it did you do any Target marketing focus on any specific Niche what do you mean well our community loves to support lgbtq plus owners especially since as you've seen some businesses aren't always the most friendly to our people why don't you focus on serving our community I didn't think about that but I don't know I really can't afford to fail again though I'm almost out of cash as it is do you really think I can succeed I don't think so okay I know so you really because as I told you when you stand up for what you believe in you always win in the end you're right I should have been focused on serving our community from the first place maybe I will give it another shot great because you know I'm looking for someone to cat to my party next week and the timing works out perfectly so what's your business called it was Kristen's crafts ooh how about Kristen's inclusive crafts now that has a nice ring to it it really does well I'd love to be your first customer take my number down so I can place my order I'll even help you promote your business to all my followers I've seen your work I know how good it is seriously that would be amazing oh my God your Lifesaver what what's your number all right Kristen's once again excited to go after her dream and this time decides to focus on a niche she's amazed as to how much support she starts to receive it doesn't take her long to get more referrals from her own community and her brand quickly starts to [Music] grow as more people hear about Kristen's inclusive crafts she starts to get orders all over town each person she meets ends up referring her to even more people as Kristen's business starts to go uphill the baker's business starts to go downhill he gets flooded with negative reviews from the lgbtq plus community and many people refus to buy from him and then a few months later Kristen becomes so successful that she decides to open up her own Bakery and this place has an amazing commercial kitchen so what do we quite much work for you to get you up and running yeah I'm actually pretty familiar with this spot I'm ready to place a deposit really yeah wow uh that was fast uh let me go and get the leas agreement and we'll get you going what are you doing here hi Trey I suppose you came to for your old job back hardly I'm actually showing of this place for rent really well this place is not for lease come on Trey we've been through this if you can't pay you can't keep the spot we've given you more than enough chances it's not my fault business is down the whole economy is down it's not just me I don't know about that Christian runs her own Bakery and her business seems to be booming in fact she decided to put AOS down in the space you I thought you shut down wait a minute are you the one responsible for all those bad reviews I got and now no one will come in my store Trey as much as you deserve those bad reviews I wasn't the one behind them well if it wasn't you then who was it we may have had something to do with that yeah sorry but not sorry maybe if you learned to treat people a little better you wouldn't be going through this right now I mean you should know our community is very outspoken and as I I've learned we like to stick together yeah you all make me sick all right bye hey thank you for having my back always I love how much you all support each other so are they the reason for your success pretty much because as someone once told me if you stand up for what you believe in you always win in the end that's beautiful I'll get at least two right away thanks yes but I may add one extra conditioner in there what's that I got to try some of your delicious cupcakes I'm about online your views are amazing I think I can make that happen let's make it happen let's make it Happ it's got to be kidding me the heck is this me a real avocado don't get so frustrated you've still got time I got this you can keep cooking beautiful Mison Place Monica thank you Chef I've learned from watching your shows every good cook has everything in its place every good cook has everything in its place I know you love sweet and salty so I added an extra few pinches of salt you're going to love it I can't wait to try it just not too much salt I don't want to choke to death all right all done do you still need anything yeah an easier recipe I didn't know it was going to be this hard um well how did you get into a cooking competition I know the basics so don't tell anybody but I may or may not have some my dad's food to qualify for this he's a he's a Master Chef you cheated it's my only way into culinary school I'm not good enough on my own but winning this competition and that prize money will for sure get me in I well as Jordan Ramsey always says there are no Shortcuts To Success you have to do things the hard way but the good thing is you don't have to be the best of make it to the next round you just don't have to be the worst just can't be the worst oh no my sugar here can use mine are you sure wow you're the best thank you my [Music] pleasure not bad a little flat sorry chef impressive these remind me of Mrs panucci's Bakery one of my favorite restaurants their macaroons are to die for thank you Chef so what do you think no I don't answer that I already know you think they're the best M way too much baking soda and and not enough brown sugar they're not even baked properly haven't you ever made cookies before uh yeah how do you think I got in the show can you stay is the question because you're definitely in last place my grand can do better than this and she's dead these look delicious let's see oh it's like biting into a pink kimay and salt I can't even swallowed water now I I don't know what I did wrong I made them like I always do I'm so sorry you got lucky I was convinced you were the one going home but after tasting this Abomination I'm sorry Monica but you're eliminated from the competition wait no please something went wrong I'm begging it please give me another chance uh there are no Second Chances turn in your apron you are all going on to the next round oh no she was so nice oh well and cup Where's My Water you're want sir hey hey you were right I don't have to be the best I just can't be the worst you got any more tips well not much but I'll tell you this the chef is really sensitive to spice Soo that all costs ow ow hot hot time's almost up you better be getting your dishes ready G I won't even eat this hey can I have a favor what is it can I borrow some of your hot sauce I got a tip that Jordan likes it really spicy really yeah I I think we should work together to get Michael out of the competition I think he's the best one here thanks let me use some first oh I'd use a lot more than that here is a really high tolerance are you sure okay thanks for helping me no worries I got you just in case and time let's see what you guys have got pretty good not bad but not great hold on just a sec all right this is terrible the only way I can get this bite down is because of the lime juice it's almost as bad as your cookies I don't know how you made it on this show if this is half as good as your filet you made earlier this season I know I'll love it oh my gosh hot hot hot someone get me a glass of milk Bronto what are you trying to kill me you put way too much hot sauce it's supposed to be a street Taco not an assault on the senses but I thought that you liked hot food I can't stand spice I have sensitive stomach and this isn't just spicy this is a for alarm fire in my mouth what were you thinking I'm sorry Jenny it's time to turn in your apron no please yeah you heard him get out of here I don't know what you were thinking with all that hot sauce you are going to pay for this what goes around always comes around Jason just wait until I tell my dad oh no your dad I'm so scared I bet he's a doofus just like you don't let the door hits you on the way out now we're down to the final two you both will have 1 hour to bake the best macaroons you can macaroons but but those are the hardest to make exactly so do your best and make it count begin hey hey you got any more tips sorry kid you're on your own for this [Music] one ooh careful now you don't want to overbeat the maray the macaroon shells can come out too [Music] Hollow uh can I have a second chance or something I'm afraid not you'll really have to hustle now sorry Chef we made a huge mistake we were supposed to take them both into confessionals before the rounds began so we're going to pause the timer and get the taken care of real quick let's start with you follow us to the other [Music] set and you can't work on anything while we're gone can I step outside and get some air I'm hot guess just make kick any advice on how to make macaroons yeah just do what I taught you and everything will be fine but how do I make sure that hey son I got to go I'm sure you're going to come up with something okay break an egg no no no wait wait excuse me I don't know if I'm in the right place I'm looking for stage six no why oh I'm just dropping off these macaroons to someone here in the lot and I guess I got turned around oh well wait wait wait did did you did you say mac runes yeah from Miss panucci's Bakery why didn't you say so this is stage six hey is that the Jordan Ramsay cuz I'm like a huge fan oh yeah yeah I'm I'm actually working for him I'm his personal assistant really well you just look a little young to be a celebrity's personal assistant oh wow thanks yeah I keep thinking I'm getting old anyway how much you for the macons oh they were prepaid sweet uh thanks man have a good day hey wait wait wait wait uh do you think I could meet Jordan Ramsey uh I I would say yes it's just um when you know as Jordan know tells me all the time Jason get back to work oh [Music] yeah hey what are you doing what me nothing huh what so you ready to confess okay fine there's this guy outside who was making delivery and acted like if I was Jordan's personal assistant and then then I told him he was in the right place even though he was in the wrong no I I mean for the confessional you know your reaction to everything that's going on uh for the camera the confessional yeah uh yeah I'm ready cool did you want to finish that story you were telling me or nah it it wasn't important here it is the moment of truth let's begin with Michael's macarons oh very good job these look lovely the feet are lifted to Perfection just the right amount of filling the edges are smooth all around this is the real test delicious do I taste a hint of old gray yep I love old gray and look at the cross-section almost no Hollows good job now Jason let's see what you've prepared I must say I was a little worried about you at first seems like you've really turned yourself around these look like they came straight from one of my favorite bakeries oh I know I guess I just saved the best for last wow this is really good this is going to be a difficult challenge to judge you you two are really going places question is who's going to first place no it's hard to choose I have an idea I'd like to see each of your techniques why don't we review the hidden cameras uh hidden cameras what do you what do you what are you talking about yeah we put them up on your cooking stations to get some closeups whil else do you think we had fake avocados there I'll put everything up on the monitor hold on hold on hold on why don't you just judge our food by how it tastes who cares about technique um I do excellent technique M very impressive let's pull up Jason's footage we really don't need to see that how about we just move on wow I'm shocked what uh what seems to be the problem I've never seen this happen before in all my years directing these shows this is a huge problem I I can explain you see I um uh I'm sorry everyone it looks like our hidden camera on Jason's cooking station somehow broke it didn't capture any footage after the first few seconds oh let's go let's let's go back to the competition it's all right I still think I can decide I think I want to win good choice well thank you both for being an amazing part of our first season of kids cook off our very first winner who will receive a $10,000 cash prize and a free ride to the culinary school of his choice is Jason is there a Jason here what now I'm looking for a Jason and who are you I came to deliver something but I gave it to the wrong person so I'm oh my goodness you are Jordan ramsy excuse me we're trying to type a show here and uh no fans are allowed so please don't get lost it's you hey I need that delivery back what's going on do you know this man I've never seen this guy in my life uhhuh yeah I'm the guy who gave you that order from Miss panucci's Bakery you said you were Mr Ramsay's assistant I don't understand what's he talking about I just got a call from my boss who's mad at me for not delivering the macaroons to the right person there they are oh what there's a bite taken out of one of them where's the Box Jason did you really make those macaroons uh she thing is you know when I went outside and I called my dad that delivery guy just happened do you have any idea how much you've messed up my teling so don't interrupt me you donut did you really think you're going to get away with this sneaking food into a televised cooking competition how lazy is that you're so lazy you make a sloth look like an Olympic Athlete how insanely foolish have you got to be you should know there are no Shortcuts To Success you've have to do things the hard way so does this mean I lost or like do I have to make it any more obvious you're forgetting something my [Music] apron all right let's just get the coverage of me giving the win to Michael now I'm terribly sorry about this if you need to call to your boss you won't get in trouble to be honest even if I lost my job I don't care I just really want a picture with you is that cool of [Music] course who are you I'm Jenny's dad and what since I hear you call me a doofus four weeks paid vacation all you can need hey boss oh hey Jared I was just speaking to Evan about the new senior manager position opening up I'll be making my decision later on today so hey you bring your A game here I won't let you down boss Owen nice suit fits you real nicely I'll walk in with you let me park real quick really that's a handicap spot you can't park there who cares about handicap people besides I'll be the new senior manager soon so I can park wherever I want excuse me young man can I park there I have a handicap permit absolutely not I've already parked go find another spot well I'm using the wheelchair you you know it would help me out a great deal if you could just did you not hear me I said look don't worry about it sir you can have my Spots I'm parked right there so hey look this is why you'll never be the next cing manager you waste your time helping people that can do nothing for you it's like what our Company motto says you should always have compassion for strangers oh please that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard I'll see you inside I'm sorry about that I'm moving right now thank you you know if this isn't what the next senior manager looks like I don't know what is not that you would know who where your turn man would you mind using a regular stall instead I I really need to use the bathroom can you see I got here first are you handicapped and blind too well can you see the store clearly says handicapped on it and it's the only way for me to get my wheel chair in the store bab well that's not my problem now is it if you want this stall you can wait till I'm done with it [Music] um hey we do have a nearby bathroom with a bigger store that I can take you to really thank you so much but why are you being real nice to me I just believe in helping people it's our Company motto so please after you so you're a senior manager here no I wish that' be my dream but Jared my coor met he's probably going to end up getting that position so well you just keep doing the right thing is in the end a good heart always wins here we are oh thanks I heard the promotion comes with the new office maybe you can visit me sometime yeah maybe I'm sorry for interrupting just just grabing some more who even are you and what are you doing here again oh I I came to visit no can you grab that for me please I I need to take my medicine seriously you people think you're you're so entitled to everything don't you no not at all you want easy parking the biggest bathroom stalls and for everyone to bend over backwards for you do you want me to push you around too uh no I can you know what never mind I don't even know why I asked come on Evan let's go it's time to meet with the [Music] boss here thank you so much are you serious right now come on what are we always saying here you should always save it like this is why you'll stay as a low-level associate for the rest of your life let's go now everyone the moment of truth it's time to announce the person who's going to be promoted Mr Griffin has anyone anyone ever told you how great your skin looks just keep looking younger and younger well thanks Jared you're always been so good with your words and now the new senior manager is hey I'm about to be made the new senior manager get lost oh I'm sorry no no it's okay you can stay Dad Dad wait he's your dad yeah and he's the best dad he's the reason I started the whole company you see my dad hasn't been able to walk most of his life for as long as I can remember he's always been in the wheelchair but that's never stopped him from being a great father growing up it hurt me to see how people would treat my Dad they look down on him and treat him like he was somehow beneath them I'd see it time and time again people always treating him differently just because of his handicap but the part that would hurt most was just how inconsiderate people could be laughing and staring at my dad as if he had no [Music] feelings that's why I vowed to one day start my own company and use it to help disabled people everywhere so you see my dad is the reason I started this company he's even the reason for our company model always be compassionate to strangers wow Mr Griffin that was so touching and Brian by the way oh save it Jared my dad's already told me how you treated him he did yeah and he's also told me how nice that Evan has been to him so that's why I choose Evan to be our new senior manager of this company [Applause] thank you for demonstrating our company values I'm sure this company will be in good hands under your leadership wow thank you so much you you can't be serious no one deserves that promotion more than me look if you don't give me the senior manager position then I'm quitting well that won't be necessary because you're fired now pack your things and go Evan when you're ready I'll show you to your new office this is ridiculous hey don't be upset maybe you can come visit me in my new office sometime whatever [Music] man thank you again I really appreciate it and thank you sir for putting in a good word oh it's like I said you keep doing the right thing and in the end a good heart always wins [Music] Tim can you please turn the volume down I'm trying to Tim can you turn the volume down yeah I got it up oh my God that was giving me a he come on man I was jamming to that oh my she totally killed the whole vibe man well you can Vibe later okay well you should be concentrating on his driving okay especially since you only got a permit and a your license oh yet that is going to change today my friend I know I know I'm actually really glad that you finally decided to take it yeah I'm sorry but I was getting really tired of driving you around all the time and damn are you what you almost ran over the squirrel you okay well I should have ran him over then he needs to watch where he's going bro if you do that on the test you're going to fail fail schil with this Tesla I'm going to pass a flying color okay watch all I have to do is and the car drives itself huh look at this you know I highly doubt they're going to let you do that on the test why all I have to do is put my hands on the wheel make it look like I'm the one driving yeah but I wouldn't risk it okay hey by the how did you get your dad to like you borrow his brand new car oh I didn't oh come on don't give me that look all right he's not going to find out yeah I wouldn't be so sure okay it's your father and can you please keep your eyes on the road okay you know even with autopilot you're supposed to keep your hands on the steering wheel okay oh yeah you know what let's park on the street looks like the lot's full wait there's oh right there oh yeah yeah yeah I see it I see it okay I mean you do know how to parallel park right do I know how to parallel park I'm offended you even have to ask me that of course I do okay good it's easy all we have to to do is press this button and the car parts itself okay it's cool huh Tam you know getting a driver's license is not just about passing a test okay it's also knowing how to drive okay sure it is Paul sure it is okay I need you to go do something while I take my written exam okay yeah I I'll find something good Lu luck yeah oh who needs luck when I have the answer sheet is this wait how in the world did you get that I stole it from my driver's ed instructor pretty brilliant huh no no that's not brilliant okay that's cheating Tim Tim how many times do I have to tell you okay if you cheat you'll never get ahead okay to be honest I probably would have passed the test even without cheating but I have this delivery job lined up that pays $40 an hour okay so I had to pass okay well that first paycheck better go towards spaying your half of the rent okay it was due yesterday you know mhm relax all right all they're waiting for is for me to get my license which I am taking care of right now okay okay so why don't you go for a walk or something listen to some spa music watch some birds huh okay it'll help you calm down are you sure cuz I I can just wait for you no no no I need the car to drive all right yeah okay I have to be in there now okay so how do you just how do you open this well I just outside maybe yeah that's how you just got the handle I don't oh there's the there it is there's the button on the side yeah [Music] c-58 calling c58 well hi I'm ticket oh yeah that's right there you go so how are you doing today what are you here for well I'm here to take my driving test you're going to complete this test in that room over there when you're done you're going to bring it back to me then I will assign someone to do the road test with you got it c-59 calling c59 yes ma'am I ticket oh excuse you really oh w't you just in my uh driver's de class yeah uh Timothy right ah yeah Mr how it's good seeing you what are you doing here ironically my wife works here I'm taking her out to lunch oh I see you taking your test oh yeah good luck with that thanks hopefully remember everything I taught you remember T to oh yeah no I remember every single word I wouldn't be surprised if I got a perfect score no doubt okay well it was good seeing you have a good day oh wait random question and did you happen to see my answer key I haven't been able to find it anywhere oh answer key um no no I haven't okay um I hope I just misplaced it and no one stole it oh Mr how I don't think anyone would do anything like that probably right okay uh something wrong um no I just I I misplaced something what is it hope you look for no no I mean no thank you uh plus you shouldn't keep your wife waiting right um well okay take care yeah and good luck thank you yeah bye Mr how okay yeah that is mine thank you very much all right there's that oh you know what oh yeah that's the stuff hey nice to meet you I'm Lance I'll be taking your driving test with you hi I am I am Tim by the way that is a nice tie I am really digging that that's a good touch thank you is this your car yeah you like it I have never been in a Tesla before oh really no one's brought one in for a driving test or anything like that maybe uh not with me actually this is my first test oh well that is perfect how about we take a first spin huh Lance here let me get the door for you by the way I love your name it sounds so superhero-ish you know w okay okay [Music] okay so how am I doing actually I'm pretty impressed I haven't had to dock you on anything you know sometimes I drive so smooth people think the car drives itself wait a minute don't these cars drive themselves oh I don't know about that but you know it's my dad's car so I'm not really too familiar with it so you don't have any sort of Auto Drive turned on or anything like that cuz you know that would be cheating yeah now of course not I don't think my dad even bought that feature he's pretty cheap all righty looks like we're here I take it I pass then almost I just need to see how you parallel park oh nice you know parallel parking is actually my specialty okay all right [Music] is everything okay yeah yeah yeah yeah um is is that a squirrel in in the I don't see a what was that noise noise no I'm I I don't hear a noise is this car parking itself what no I'm I'm parking the car Lance then why does the screen say Auto Park in progress oh it does that's weird I oh look at that we're all done and set nice try Tim I know what you did now I need you to pull it out and put it back in I am hurt that you feel like you can't trust me okay you know what I will do it again just for you Lance okay watch me go all right oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh no oh no no no no no no no no no oh oh my dad is going to kill me I am sorry Tim but contact with another vehicle that tends to be a critical driving error I am afraid I'm going to have to fail you on that no no no please wait okay you don't understand um that was just a little tap I wouldn't say it's critical you're going to have to retake your driving test at a later date oh oh you don't understand I need this license so I can get a job that I have lined up okay let's say you help me out and I come back after I get my first paycheck and uh you know thank you are you bribing me no uh nothing like that okay you you're silly this is just a friend helping out a friend right pal take this to the desk and make another appointment I think we have availability in about two weeks two weeks no you didn't hear me I won't be able to pay rent well go inside and ask me the let you take the test sooner you need to go in there and find out if you passed your written exam anyway so fine thanks a lot Lance where are you going I am going inside you just said to go inside you you have to leave a note on the car saying that you HIIT it do you know it is a federal offense to do a hit and run okay yeah I know I was just going to do it after I went inside but I can do it now let me just find I will see you later actually I think I'll hang around for a bit and watch you leave the note the tie actually ruins the outfit Lance and that's a terrible name fill out this form and take it to the front desk but they told me to come see you and I am telling you to go back to them some people I tell you hey hey hey what do you need it's good seeing you again too ma'am so I may have made a little tiny mistake on my driving test and I didn't pass but the guy out side said that you could help me reschedule another one sooner keep it here oh this no no I don't I really don't think it's important the document please sir okay Collision that's more than just a little mistake okay yeah but we don't have to make a scene about it right well how did I do with my rening s though give me a moment okay I'll go find out yeah okay hey oh you scared me Mr how so how did it go uh the the test yeah I'm sure it went great oh yeah I that did do great I knew it yeah I'm actually waiting for my test results now the written ones okay good yeah by the way did you ever end up finding that little answer sheet that you misplaced oh no um it's okay I just had a duplicate one made oh good I really hope it was just misplaced that'd be so sad if someone stole it to cheat oh yeah sad for them mostly what I'm sorry well even though the questions on the real exam were all the same the really the answers are all changed around so if someone was to cheat they probably get a big fad suit what are you doing back here well some imbecile hit my car can you believe that what I came to let you know sorry I won't be able to pick you up later I'm going to take the car into the shop I'm so sorry sweetheart thanks son yeah no me too but it's good seeing you Mr how I will see you around one of these days okay wait wait wait wait wait hold on I have your test results unfortunately you didn't pass you actually got a zero a zero a zero I've never seen anybody score so low well except for that girl may who tried cheating a few months ago yeah hun can I see that oh you know actually why don't wait this can't be right did you did you try to cheat I would never try to do something like that oh really how's it possible that all your answers and the answer sheet are the same huh can you explain that Timothy yeah maybe maybe it's coincidence oh no no no no no because he also failed the driving test for Collision sh it happened right outside here Lance and then he tried to bribe me into letting him pass anyway that was you who hit my guys guys this this feels really like a team up right now okay I just I'm sorry I I I got to go oh no no no no security stop him [Music] whoa okay come on this is this is a lot oh oh no so tight come on okay come on guys cheating on a government exam is a federal crime as is trying to bribe a government employee you're in a lot of trouble Timothy okay watch the ledge guys come on oh you know I I did pay taxes last year um yeah I just saying like we don't have to what happened oh uh you could say I didn't pass my driver's test oh okay oh um okay um don't freak out okay but wait why would I freak out okay you you're freaking out that's freaking out saying fre freaking out okay just damn stop it I think somebody hid your dad's car oh yeah no that that was me that was yeah are you you he's going to kill you find out what are we supposed to do you many times do you have to be careful [Music] with uh is that is that okay if he answers that for me please go ahead how am I just grab it Hur ringing are you no I got it no no no no no the right pocket have like three Pockets here the right pocket I got it I got it got it's um it it's your dad oh crap um um G uh no no no no no no no you got to answer it I need him to bail me out I need him to bail me out answer it hello Mr Williams hi this is Paul Tim cannot talk right now have you seen the Tesla anywhere I came home and it's not here just well he actually used the car for his driver's license test today he funny story he may or may have not get into a little accident why are you talking in my brand new car just wait till he gets home I'm going to make him pay for this hey hey hey hey hey Dad uh this is this is your your little favorite boy um I know this isn't exactly the best time but do you think you could bail me out of jail jail what the what you know what never mind I don't even care there's no way I'm bailing you out I hope they keep you in there as long as possible maybe you'll finally learn your lesson no no that that's not fair okay I really really oh he hang up um just okay well I don't know what I'm going to do now ow oh Paul buddy old pal do you think you could just loan okay no no absolutely not okay you still owe me rent much well okay I was going to pay you back for that and you know it I'm sorry man but at this point I don't know if I can believe anything you say okay I told you many times Tim if you cheat you'll never get ahead [Music] how's it going this is disgusting why would you even bring me here no my designer hand bag that's it I'm done with this place we're leaving here right now [Music] aome great job June you're natural I didn't do it it was all Mrs milky well you know her name is actually Betsy but between you and me I like Mrs milky but here I'll get this out of your way go ahead and enjoy the rest of the farm thanks Kristen Dad can we come here more oh sweetheart this place was kind of expensive it was like 50 bucks a ticket you you know I mean how about next year if we can't come back can we at least buy one of the animals I love being around them all the time juny we need a whole farm for all these animals maybe one day we'll get a dog or we can get a farm one day oh Dad baby goat Bey goats what's her name name it's just a goat what's a need a name for I'll name you gerud gerud the goat do you like that gerud I think I just found my new favorite animal so if chickens are for eggs cows are to milk and horses are to ride what are goats for oh they're um for meat where else you think goat meat comes from you're telling me you wait till they die and you turn them into meat we don't wait for them to die little girl we kill them we shoot them and drain the blood right out of them keeps the meat nice and freshh that's how we get the big bucks you're going to kill them you know what let's go look at the chickens that's enough I want to know not the kids mm- not yet but the mama has Dum be do for a Slaughter in about 6 weeks from now and then babies don't need her anymore you can't just do that babies always need their moms I ain't see why I can't do what I want considering this is my farm Dad we can't let these goats die can we please buy them they are for sale $500 a goat look honey you know how things are I can't afford that but Dad we can't let geru die please do something well even if I could afford it we wouldn't have a place to put [Music] her you know you didn't have to tell her all that she's 8 years old it's just a fact of life Young's got to learn sooner or later [Music] how come you're not eating your food sweetie I just can't stop thinking about gud yeah I know listen sadly that's just the way things are we depend on animals for food so you're saying this is made from cow they waited for it to die or they killed it I I don't know I'm not eating Betsy no sweetie this isn't Betsy this is not the cow that you met today I don't care I just don't want to eat animals okay all right so what do you want me to make you do you want a PB and J those baby goats need their mom just like I need you and I can imagine if you were taken away too one of them cows is really sick then I talked to the vet we need to get her in as soon as possible I ain't paying no vet to check out some dumb cow we'll Slaughter that thing early before it starts spreading its germs to them other cows get some money for that meat you sure did I [Music] stutter and feed them others more hormones we need to fatten them up so we can skin and sell them you here to buy my goat no uh but um after our last visit my daughter can't stop thinking about Gertrude who the goat that uh just had the babies oh so what are you saying well I was looking to uh maybe talk to you about not killing it Spar look it would mean a lot to my daughter so let me get this straight you come on my farm offer me zero money and then try to tell me to not slaughter a goat because your little girl going to cry about it listen here this is a business to me either you have $500 or in 6 weeks that goat a goner plain and simple Hey where's your little girl I saw you pull in and I remembered how much she loved the goats and I wanted to give her this really oh wow thank you she going to love this yeah June uh she hasn't left her room since yesterday she's devastated because she found out the mama goat's going to get slaughtered I don't know what to do and you know what that owner he just won't budge I know I've had my fair share of arguments with Lance about the way that he treats the animals all he cares about is money if I had the $250,000 to buy this place from him I would do it in a heartbeat but I make $10 an hour it would take me an eternity to save that kind of money but look if June wants to come and visit the mama goat she still has a little bit of time I'll be here thanks but uh I could barely afford the ticket the last time so I think this is it and look thank you she's going to love this oh well um we get these friends and family tickets here just take mine are you sure yeah and they're weeklong passes so she can come as much as she wants thank you so much she's going to love this I can't wait to show it God bless thank you hey sweetie look what I got [Music] you if only it were gertude well there's more Kristen at the farm not only gave you this she gave you these These are free passes so now you can go to the farm as much as you want to see gertude I'm so excited to go to the farm we name all the animals yeah look at [Applause] this so look at this guy look at that one get that one [Music] go woo the lasso the lasso yeah there you go W that is cool cuz it's a good day good life I just want to sayate where's gerud I brought her carrots oh um what happened but it hasn't even been 6 weeks I know Lance decided to take her early what no Dad we have to do something well what are we going to do I don't know they're going to kill her I have to go find her hey June wait no please stop don't kill her Lance I'm sorry I'm begging you please is there any way you could spare this this goat's life no money no goat this here is your last chance bud I don't have any money I mean but I'll do anything just [Music] don't how could you do that right in front of her she's just a little kid she shouldn't have wandered in here and if I ain't mistaken you're last pass expires today don't it so if you don't mind hey brought you some food I don't want to eat I just want grud back I can't believe they did that to her it's going to be her babies next sweetheart I know that you're upset but you have to eat something no Dad please just leave me [Music] alone why does everyone always take everything away from me that I love [Music] [Music] [Music] hi my name is Corey and uh I'm not going to lie uh I have never made a video like this before but I'm sitting in front of a camera because I really need your help you see I have a daughter and her name is June and she's just about the sweetest and most loving person on the planet and and she loves animals she's been going through a lot because well about a year ago her her mom the love of my life passed away Jun was really close to her mom and something that they shared in common other than their smile and their silly laugh was their love for animals so I took my daughter to a farm and June immediately fell in love with this goat named Gertrude and Gertrude's five babies she's been about every day with them and it was the first time since her mom passed that I saw June truly truly happy that was taken away from her today when the farm decided to slaughter that goat right in front of my daughter and now June won't come out of her room she won't eat and I had to watch her lose someone else and she loved all over again so I'm making this video now in hopes that some of you kind Souls out there will help raise money to save gertrud's babies if anyone can spare a dollar a cent anything if I had the money I would do it right now but I don't maybe too late for gertude but we could spare those baby scats lives and save my daughter from another heartbreak that would mean everything to [Music] me I'm going to include a link uh to a go on me if you can find it in your hearts to donate along with some videos of June with her codes thank you Corey posts the video not knowing if anyone would even see it the next day when he checks his phone he's shocked to see that his video is going viral there's an overwhelming amount of support from people all across the world within just 24 hours Cory's GoFundMe raises more than he could have ever imagined and he knows exactly what to do with it why we back I don't want to be here trust me you're going to be glad that you came my cattle my rules I can cut them horns off if I want to what do you think you're going to do about it at least wait until the painkiller kicking it's inhumane to do it this way well good thing they ain't no humans Kristen's right you shouldn't do that ain't you a pain in my Caboose look how many times I got to say it's my farm so you better get to getting actually that's why I'm here to buy your farm got the check right here but you couldn't even afford a goat how'd you get this much money ah my ways but take it whether you'll be able to enjoy it I mean that's another question what's that supposed to mean well when I told the story about what happened between June and gertrud well the word got out about all the things you were doing to the animals and it didn't just get people's attention it got the attention of the ASPCA you know the American Society of prevention of cruelty to animals Mr Lance James do we have a word now listen we just wanted to hey hey hey hey right this is private property you shouldn't even be here the Deeds not in his name yet wait so is it true about you know well it's like you said maybe someday will'll own a farm and you know what I know exactly who I want to run it and lastly this is where we keep the goats one of our goats just had babies a they're so cute I wish I can come here all the time mom well we can sweetheart because a nice new owner made it free for everyone to come one of our pigs just had babies you want to come help name them okay sure let's go I don't know how we're going to keep track of all those names [Music] what's wrong oh nothing I just love eating the same thing five times a week Erica I only make pasta for you because I thought it was your favorite you've never complained before yeah well it's getting old around I can make you something else if you like no it's fine it's fine well maybe we could go out to dinner you and me like the old [Music] days Drew what I was just saying you should take me out to dinner if you were listening to me instead of liking some girls photo if you look like her then maybe maybe I'll take you out what's that supposed to mean why would I want to take you out when you look like that all the time so I'm supposed to dress up to cook and clean I just got off work maybe you gave me a reason I would dress up no Eve we don't throw food okay you want Mommy to feed you I want Daddy to feed me even if I wanted to go out it's not like we [Music] can we both decided to have a kid true and if you planned ahead we can get mom to babysit we can go out for New Year please I'd rather eat the spaghetti every day for the entire year than action M help if we had a nanny like I've been telling you then we actually have a life instead of this same old routine day after day now how are we supposed to afford Nanny and even if we could do you really want a nanny to raise our little girl and what are you going to do when she starts calling a nanny instead of [Music] you I hope that happens that way I could finally get a break [Music] I can't do this right now I don't know how I'm going to survive a whole another year living like [Music] this I want Daddy to feed me Daddy's busy baby all right let's show today's lottery number good luck everybody and coming up next we have yo check this out I wish my wife looked like this don't you wish yours did too I love my wife I don't really think about other women come on you telling me if a girl like that wanted to go on a date with you you say no I would you know you might think that the grass is greener on the other side but that's not always the case yes it is cuz the grass on my side is dead like Erica could completely let herself go after we had Eve and she looks nothing like she used to well maybe you should try watering the grass I'm serious when is the last time that you actually took your wife out on a date brought her flowers took her to a movie I think if you put in a little bit of effort things would change if she looked like this I would love to take Erica out shoot I take her out every day okay well then why don't you go ahead and get a divorce and date her instead you think I want a Don already if I could girls like this only go out with guys with money Drive Ferraris and lives in mansions not broke bombs like me and that's the kind of woman that you want to be with the one that's only in it for the money you know what they say not Everything That Glitters turns out to be gold well she clearly looks like go to me happy early New Year yeah well I hope next year is really happy because this year has been horrible well there one thing you can do to turn things around no one won last night jackpots up to 7 million 7 million no thanks we're okay are you sure be a brand new life what the heck let's do it what I'll take you out to dinner if I win you should be taking your wife [Music] out Eve quiet down can you read me a book Daddy not now I'm busy you never make any time for her and you never stop nagging Once Upon a Time everyone Liv happily ever after the end you didn't have to do that don't start with me why are you so grumpy all the time huh did you even notice I made you something new I swear you don't even appreciate anything that I do for you appreciate what eating the same thing five out of seven days a week this food's not even good appreciate it I come in after a Long Day's Work hearing you nagging my daughter crying you you looking like that good leave trying to watch this here are today's numbers 4 37 12 no way 23 what 18 got to be kidding me and 41 oh my gosh oh my God I can't believe this no oh what what what's going on I won that's what happened I can't believe it $7 million oh no wait no what you're saying you're saying we won $7 million we what do you mean we no no no me I just won not you oh what do you this is I don't have to live like this anymore this is the best day of my life Drew where are you going to start a new life this is unbelievable like all my dreams are about to come true in 2023 oh man I'm so happy for you and to think I tried to talk you out of buying that ticket how does Erica feel about all this clearly not happy come on Jake I don't need her anymore I have money and that's why I've hired a divorce attorney come on man how can you do this well Erica hasn't done anything to you yeah well she hasn't done anything for me either I can finally find someone better how can you say that after Erica's been there for you through thick and thin well lately she's been more thick than thin if you know what I mean next just can't believe what you're saying man happy New Year uh I would like to make a withdrawal from a new account and can you tell me the balance please sure what about your daughter uh she'll get over what I'll have her stay with me from time to time especially now I can finally hire Nanny to watch her and with all the new toys you have the last thing she'll be worried about is having me around here you go have you seen such a big numberb in your life gosh you are making a huge mistake man there's a reason that most lot winners end up depressed well uh if I'm ever feeling down and out I can always check my bank balance and I'll will lift me right back up again I would like to take out 10 grand you know some pocket chains for the weekend Drew is excited to start his new life as a millionaire within a short time he separates from his wife and files for divorce now that he's rich and single he decides to buy himself a brand new mansion with a new Ferrari to go along with it after he moves into his new place he hires a personal chef to make him everything he wants so he no longer has to eat the same thing every day he even gets a nanny to take care of his daughter when Eve seems sad he just spoils her with gifts to keep her distracted while he goes out and enjoys his new life of luxury it doesn't take Drew long to even land the girl of his dreams everything seems to be falling into place once she sees how rich he is she really starts to like him Drew's living the life he always dreamed of little did he know things were about to come crashing down thank you so I was thinking we should go on vacation next week I've never been in Europe have [Music] you uh hello sorry what did you say nothing it's not important I'll be right back I got to go to the ladi's room [Music] I left my what do you think you're doing me what are you doing talking to all these guys especially when we're on a date so don't act like I'm the only girl you're talking to actually you are oh okay well I don't know what to say sorry I got to take this Walter hi no I'm not busy at all I was just out with a friend what are you doing and here is the pasta you ordered [Music] monati you're home early oh yeah well my date was shorter than expected you go home now if you like okay good night Eve I'll see you tomorrow I don't want you to leave oh no it's okay sweetie I can put you to sleep thank you Josie great well I hope you had more fun than daddy did tonight I want a bedtime story sure no problem all right once upon a time I don't want you to read it I want Josie to read it to me or Mommy oh mommy's not here right now and Josie had to go home back to her family so Daddy's going to read to you but I want Josie [Music] Erica I saw your car outside I know you're in there can we talk for a minute please Erica what do you want Erica I messed up real bad I thought I had everything that I wanted but I didn't understand understand that I already had everything that I needed to be honest I miss you I miss our daughter I even miss your cooking so please give me a one more chance I'm sorry I can't do that come on like I know I've always been so miserable and after experienc and everything I promise I'll be a lot happier that's the problem Drew everything is always about you and your happiness never mind did you ever think to ask how am I doing how I felt well since you never asked I'll tell you you see I've been working 50h hour weeks at a minimum wage job job where my boss doesn't even appreciate me then I come home take care of Eve clean the house and cook dinner for you even though I am so tired and stressed out I always put on my best smile for you yet you don't even care to ask me how my day was then when you left I was devastated I thought my life was over but after thinking about it I realized I don't need you to make me happy I'm perfectly fine on my own and with my daughter so you see just because you complained all the time it doesn't mean I wasn't miserable too I just never showed it because I wanted to be there for you I'm so sorry Eric Erica please just give me one more chance I thought about all the things that that I didn't have that I forgot to be grateful for the things that I did have and I realiz eyes now that not Everything That Glitters turns out to be cold it's too late Drew it's over now please please please can I at least say goodbye to your face before I go please wow [Music] you look beautiful why are you all dressed up well because hey Rick sorry this is my ex-husband not no problem it's nice to meet you yeah heard a lot about you yeah you look absolutely stunning you're so sweet oh I love roses thank you shall we absolutely it's [Music] go wait wait wait but I've got way more money than him well maybe but you don't have more money than me or R here is an attorney and he reminded me that California is a community property state so half of those winnings are actually mine I'd slow down on the spending if I were you my attorney will be in touch with you soon take care Dre [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,195,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: t_fSiCT8WDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 1sec (11161 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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