MEAN GIRLS Rejected For PROM, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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oh my gosh look there's noah he's so hot i heard he rejected madison to the prom i wonder who he's gonna ask uh me duh he's the quarterback and i'm captain of the cheerleading team it only makes sense hey watch where you're going i'm so sorry angela it was an accident you better be sorry wheelchair wendy don't they have special names for people like you [Laughter] anyway i'm gonna go talk to noah i'll talk to you later all right good luck hey noah you look handsome today and i love that jacket hey thanks angela so prom is coming up soon have you figured out who you're taking no not yet but i did have something special in mind oh how cute so does that mean you're asking can't you do anything right oh i'm i'm so sorry um [Music] would one of you mind helping me reach that no just because your legs don't work doesn't mean your arms don't work i'll help you wendy thanks noah it's not a problem hey um i know this is probably a long shot but uh since prom is coming up would you want to go with me [Music] you have to be kidding you really think the captain of the football team is going to go to prom with someone like you why angela that was really mean oh come on i'm just being honest so why don't you walk i mean wheel your way on out of here [Music] how can you say something like that to her come on why do you keep sticking up for her because i know what it feels like to be in her shoes you see a few years ago i took a really bad hit while i was playing football i was on the ground and i couldn't get up when i got to the hospital the doctor told me that i wouldn't be able to walk for a really long time so i ended up in a wheelchair but do you know what hurt even more how other people would treat me [Music] they'd stop and stare and make me feel like i was beneath them so you see i know what it feels like to be in a wheelchair and wendy doesn't deserve to be treated that way wow i had no idea you went through any of that i'm so sorry noah you don't owe me an apology you go to wendy just next time before you judge someone in a wheelchair try sitting in one thanks for going to prom with me oh hey wendy you look really pretty in that dress oh thanks so do you look i've been meaning to talk to you i feel really bad about how i treated you a few days ago do you think you could forgive me it's okay don't worry about it of course thanks if you don't have a date you can come hang out with us oh uh actually these are for you wow you look absolutely beautiful thank you no no please allow me hey girl so this weekend i was thinking oh my gosh tanya look it's vinnie did you see that he just smiled at me he's so cute i heard he's gonna do a promposal today imagine if he asked you to go to prom with him imagine i mean he's the quarterback and i'm the most beautiful girl in the school who else would he take to prom yeah what are you doing you can't eat that you're on a diet remember i know but i feel so light-headed i'm gonna have to eat something no one's gonna ask you to prom if you're not skinny and beautiful i mean look at chelsea over there do you want to look like her guaranteed no one's asking her to prom shh that's so mean well it's the truth watch this hey chelsea you know maybe if you didn't eat so much your clothes would actually fit looks like they're bursting at the seams stop be nice look what's more important fitting into your prom dress or eating that sandwich well i have to eat something i feel like i'm gonna pass out i'm sorry but i can't let you do this i can't believe you just did that i just did you a huge favor you'll be thanking me later hey you can have the other part of my sandwich if you'd like can you mind your own business she's not eating so she can fit into her prom dress maybe you should try following that advice oh wait who am i kidding it's not like anyone's gonna ask you to prom anyway megan what am i not allowed to be honest anyway come on let's go to the bathroom you know what you have to do fine watch it i daddy do this well you should have thought of that before you took a bite of that sandwich that's all i had today i don't feel good please can we just go no don't you want to stay skinny i mean yeah i do but okay then put your fingers together like this and then shove them down your throat no don't what are you looking at fatty hey tanya you don't have to do that don't listen to her i mean what would she know about being beautiful i know that doing that isn't going to make you feel beautiful trust me oh yeah and how would you know well i used to think just like you you see i was obsessed with being skinny i thought that maybe if i was skinny then i could finally be beautiful so i started eating less [Music] but that still wasn't enough even though i was barely eating i still didn't feel beautiful so after every meal i'd go to the bathroom and make myself throw up until one day i ended up waking up in the hospital i had been starving myself so much that i ended up passing out so you see i had to almost lose my life to realize you don't have to be skinny to be beautiful because beauty is on the inside not on the outside of course a fat girl would say that don't listen to her tanya she's just jealous because she could never look like us maybe she's right are you serious you're gonna take advice from fatty over here she couldn't get a date to prom if her life depended on it everyone come quick vinnie's doing his proper puzzle oh my gosh come on let's go hey everybody all right listen i'm gonna be asking the most beautiful girl in the world of prom and i really hope she says yes [Music] oh my gosh this is it he's gonna ask me i knew it looks like she's finally here hey vinnie i'm so excited i just knew this was gonna happen hey megan would you mind yes vinny of course i'll go to prom with you oh well i was just gonna ask if you'd mind moving over so i could get through chelsea will you go to prom with me oh my gosh yes of course i'd love to go to the prom with you b yes what are you serious you're gonna go to prop with her yeah i am why ew i mean why would you do that she's so fat and ugly right everyone no wow megan you don't need to be skinny to be beautiful and to be honest the only person being ugly right now is you because beauty's on the inside it's not on the outside [Music] [Applause] yeah you ready let's do this let's go play should we buy ali he won't go he's always glued to that thing hey loser come with us we're gonna go play a real sport leave me alone brandon hey give that back i'm gonna lose no you're never gonna make anything of your life if you just sit here doing this all day that's not true my favorite youtuber facerug he makes a killing from gaming in his channel he's even got his own esports team faze clan my dreams to be part of it one day let me get this straight your favorite youtuber is a rug a rock look if you want to be a gamer you have to make videos we've got a camera right there have you ever even turned it on uh no i'm too nervous but i'm going to one day yeah right you're never going to you've got to have the personality and i hate to break it to you but you have none you're just a shy dork so you'll never be successful i'm going to be successful you'll see oh see when i sign my first football endorsement i'll be pulling up in a porsche while you'll be waiting at the bus stop like a loser i told you he wasn't gonna come what do you guys want to eat there's three seats over there look who it is seriously you any lunch all by yourself well yeah i don't have any friends that's because you're staring at a screen all day give me that hey stop always taking my stuff i can't believe you're not embarrassed to sit alone i'm just shy okay i'm too nervous to talk to people and you want to be a youtuber yeah that makes sense how many followers does he have that is an excellent question why don't we find out you have seven followers on instagram and you want to be a youtuber you want to check mine out check mine out i'm almost at a thousand that's more than 100 times what you got good for you brandon uh can i please have my tablet back you're right here's a tablet whoops if you want this you're gonna have to get it from the trash she'll be playing game city now get lost i don't want anyone thinking we hang out with you that'll be crazy yo check it out there goes marie man dude you should ask you to be your girlfriend yeah bro shoot your shot you know what watch this watch it i'm so sorry i didn't see you do you ever get off that thing yeah when i shower and i get dressed i can't believe i got stuck with the biggest dork in the world for my brother you see that girl that's marie she's the hottest girl in school and i'm about to go ask her out okay so don't you want a girlfriend no girl is ever gonna date a guy that just plays video games all day that's not true faze drug has a girlfriend that dumb youtuber again god ali you need to get real you're never gonna be like him even if you are good at gaming you don't have the personality for youtube you're just too shy but just give up you're never gonna be successful you're never gonna have any followers and you're never gonna get any girls you'll always just be a shy loser now if you don't mind i'm gonna get me a girlfriend maybe you should take some notes hey marie i tell you i'm getting a poor suit uh no you didn't that's right [Music] [Laughter] brandon was right i'm never gonna be successful just too shy to be like faze rug i never should have even bought this dumb merch oh get off hey are you okay oh my glasses this day couldn't get any worse i'm i'm sorry why are you having a bad day it's my brother he thinks i'm a loser because i'm oh my gosh face rug hey man you were saying your brother thinks what i still i still can't believe it's you this is insane you're like the coolest guy ever thank you oh i'm sorry i'll calm down my brother my brother says i'm a loser because because i'm shy and that i'll never make it as a youtuber he's probably right i should just listen to him actually that's not true you know how i know how because i'm also shy but that didn't stop you from thinking i'm cool right what you are shy no way that can't be possible yeah actually a lot of the best youtubers are just think of being shy as a superpower it doesn't make you a loser it makes you cool wow i really like that so you think i can make it as a youtuber i don't think you can i know you can and who knows maybe one day you'll be a part of the faze clan oh my gosh that that would be my dream thanks face rug i'm never gonna forget this of course man good luck after meeting his idol ali got the inspiration he needed to finally start streaming when he gets home he stares at his camera for a while building up the courage to turn it on and then he starts his very first stream [Music] he's really shy in the beginning and hardly has any viewers he considers giving up but then remembers faze rug's advice and decides to keep going as time goes on ali gets a little more comfortable being on camera more people start to find out about him and his views keep going up eventually he starts getting really popular he gets so popular that he even gets noticed by none other than the faze clan he gets offered a contract to be a part of their team ali couldn't be happier [Music] and then one day after school he happens to see his brother hey can we take your dad's car to the mall no he's still mad about the last time we used it wait i thought you're buying a car from your endorsement money hardly paid me anything i guess we'll just have to take the bus oh look at this sick porsche wow wait is that ali no way no what are you doing in that car oh hey guys i just picked it up this morning you like it i don't understand how oh well i just signed a huge contract with faze clan they even paid me an advance of a hundred grand what oh also i got a big deal with g fuel since i hit a million followers on instagram what you have a million followers that's like more than ten times the amount of followers you have thanks brainiac hey actually do you mind giving us a ride to the mall so we don't have to take the bus i would but i've actually got a date hey babe you ready yeah let's go i don't understand you're so shy how did you make it as a youtuber well i just realized being shy is a superpower [Music] now if you don't mind i've got a date maybe you should take some notes wow i guess being shot doesn't make you a loser it actually makes you cool whatever let's go before we miss the bus what should we do this weekend well let's just say you shouldn't plan anything because rob has a little surprise for you well for all of us yeah you really had the boyfriend jackpot rob smart he's handsome and he's rich [Music] can i um talk to you for a sec uh go away adam yeah she doesn't want to talk to you okay sorry wait it's okay what's up i just wanted to give you this that's just a little something that i drew an orchid but how'd you know orchids are my favorite flower it wasn't that hard to guess you wear them all the time just like the ring you have on right now wow i don't know what to say this is so lame she doesn't want some dumb drawing yeah you should get out of here before her boyfriend gets here hey babe i got you something you did yep roses your favorite oh um i better get going i guess i should just throw this away no i'll keep it thanks what's that about it's just a drawing he made me you don't have to keep it cause you feel bad for him everybody knows how much of a loser he is yeah i heard his family lives in a trailer park ew give it to me i'll throw it away for you no um that's all right i'll keep it uh you know so that i can throw it away when he's not around oh gosh you so he doesn't try to talk to you again anyway i gotta go but let's meet by my car after class i've got another surprise for you sounds good bye you are so lucky he got you roses i know i wish i had a guy like him he's pretty great so what do you think the surprise is whatever it is i'm sure [Music] paige oh sorry did you even hear what i said um oh shoot i don't be late for class i'll see you girls after school live music at sal's restaurant so does rob have a brother or cousin or anyone that's like him um i don't know i can ask paige ugh not him again he's so annoying are you in a rock and roll at all yeah i love rock why i thought so i saw the beetle sticker on your backpack anyway do you have plans tonight i'm playing at sows and would love for you to come you could even bring your friends we actually have plans sorry yeah and even if we didn't do you ever think girls like us would end up at a dump like sows oh sorry i guess i don't know what i was thinking what do we have here um give that back to me oh so you're playing at styles tonight sounds pretty pathetic let me guess you're trying to get these girls to go so you don't look like such a loser when no one comes to hear you play ah just leave him alone let's go i hate to break it to you but we already have plans tonight because i got us four front row tickets to the big hip-hop concert i'm so excited i heard drake's going to be there yep because i know how much my babe loves hip hop not some dumb wannabe rock musician rob i can't believe you did that whatever let's go oh and just a little advice if you ever want to score a hot girl like paige you need a lot more than some cheap skateboard you gotta have an expensive car like my porsche see you later loser let's go babe [Music] wait this isn't where the concert is i figured we could make a quick stop to watch adam play you know so we can see how bad he is so we can all make fun of them what but why would we do that i love that idea yeah come on let's go see let's go [Music] [Music] what kind of a lame song is that are you kidding i love that song great job adam since when did you start caring about rock music i never mind could you sing another song adam okay i hope you like this one because i custom wrote it for you paige every time i see you i add more to this song just like a growing orchid pretty things take long letters on the page can't show [Music] [Laughter] stop stop that has to be the cringiest song i've ever heard it's so painful none of us can take anymore yeah that's pretty bad for real what are you guys talking about i thought it was really nice yeah right the truth is adam we only came here to see how pathetic you are great job embarrassing yourself let's go babe i said let's go babe [Music] you know what [Music] i don't want to go i'd rather stay all right you can't be serious you want to listen to this loser play some cringy music when i got us four front row tickets to the hottest concert of the year if you knew anything about me rob you know that i didn't even like hip hop what are you talking about she likes the beatles exactly if you knew anything about me you know the first song adam played was hey jude it's one of my favorite songs of all time i've never cared about hip-hop well okay what am i supposed to do with these then you know how much money i spent on them not everything is about money rob we still don't get it come on don't be ridiculous yeah paige let's just go to the concert it'll be way better than hanging around here that's for sure i'm good thanks then how are you going to get home on a skateboard if it means avoiding riding home in your porsche then yes fine well i'm still going to go to the concert do you girls want to stay here or come with me are you kidding we're not missing drake yeah we're going with you have fun at this dump with skater boy i will thanks and don't come crawling back to me later when he's still a deadbeat musician and i'm making six figures i'm sorry i feel like that's all my fault i completely understand if you want to leave oh it's my fault i should have ended things with him a long time ago i do have one favor to ask though sure anything would you mind singing that song you made for me again i really liked it of course i'd love to every time i see you i add more to this song just like an orchid growing pretty paige continues to watch adam sing the song that he wrote for her as time goes on she keeps supporting him no matter where he performs [Music] keeps practicing and getting better and better eventually more people start to show up and then a lot more people one night he even ends up getting signed to a major record label [Music] over time adam ends up becoming one of the most popular artists in the world he consistently lands on the top of the charts and is on the front cover of magazines everywhere [Music] and then one day paige happens to run in to rob again wait paige oh hello rob you look amazing i haven't seen you since high school yeah it's been a while still giving up roses i see oh yeah these are for hey paige hey stacy wow i didn't expect you to end up together but it makes sense i heard what happened with adam it's crazy how much he blew up who would have thought i know right anyways it was good seeing you guys let me guess after he got famous he tossed you aside like a bad habit actually yeah hey sweetheart sorry i'm late i got a little tied up making you something for our anniversary oh hey guys oh my gosh adam i can't believe how famous you got do you mind if i get a pic stop that's embarrassing what why do you mind no not at all an orchid yeah not sure if you remember back in high school are you kidding how could i forget you know i still carried around with me every day wow and i thought you musicians made money i guess not if you're getting her another drawing for your anniversary here babe i got you real flowers your favorite i didn't just get her a drawing i gotta do this too [Music] oh my gosh is this a diamond orchid wow it's so beautiful i thank you so much no thank you for believing in me when no one else did i love you so much i love you too you ready to go yeah oh just a little advice if you ever want to score a hot girl like paige pay attention to the small details they matter more than the big things let's go low you still don't drive a porsche oh you're right i don't i drive a rolls-royce bye-bye adam come on man we don't go out all day hey kyle hey you got the autistic kid that just transferred are you friends with why'd i be friends with a loser like that don't do that you're not smart enough to understand how chess works check me a kid locked do you know him or something no idea a nobody
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 5,777,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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