POLICE Officers Get REVENGE, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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man she's a looker right yo give me a couple weeks and i bet i said what actually never mind i don't want to know what's up princess oh did you get lost looking for the little girls room we wonder what people think some cups are pigs [Applause] oh careful boys i think she may be pmsing all right everyone last day of training let's get out there and make it count today come on let's get it look i know you're used to wearing heels try your best to keep up okay princess [Music] all right good work roy let's see doyle you're next let's have you spar with ally oh what you got to be kidding me you want to spar against a woman yeah what's wrong with that look female cops belong behind a desk or better yet in a kitchen not on the streets fighting bad guys oh yeah we'll see about that be careful don't break a nail or something had enough princess all right that's enough good work doyle just face it women belong in the kitchen you should be making us all coffee instead [Music] is the other way i took her down yesterday like that yeah she can't she can't keep up with us that's the thing oh wow this is a surprise after that beating i gave you earlier i thought you were gonna quit well it's a good thing that i didn't because you might be begging for my help one day [Music] yeah right actually i almost forgot give me a cup of coffee see while you're read it get us all another cup of coffee since that's all you're good for thanks okay troops that's it it's official training's over it's the real world out there now so take this seriously eli you're with roy awesome george you and sean hey sarge can i partner with billy trevor yeah no you're with ally oh what you must be joking are you trying to get me killed seriously i'd rather work alone you don't have that choice do you now get out of here come on princess your only job is to make sure my cub stays full understand you're right keep dreaming oh what are you doing everyone knows women can't drive get in the passenger seat [Music] hurry up [Music] y'all probably just drop her off the nail salons and meet up with you boys so what do you think of fresco's going to be uh i don't know hopefully nothing too dangerous since i've got you as my backup can you stop it with the constant female jobs already it's getting old 211 in progress on 11th and brand any units available that's right around the corner let's go hold on your skirt this is officer doyle we're on the way what are you doing what do you mean trying to stop the robber you think we're going in there to play with dolls it isn't safe for you stay in the car why'd you do that i had the situation under control it looked to me like you needed help she's going back and wait in the car this is a man's job you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you and the court of law i want to speak to my attorney come on let's go how'd you do that i said i had it under control yeah right hey let me out of here get comfortable because you're staying here for a long time good thing we got him wait till the sarge finds out he's probably gonna promote me promote you [Music] i can't believe you guys bagged ronnie the robber and on your first day too we've been after this guy for months yeah well that's what you get when you put the right man on the jog oh did you catch him that's not what yeah what did you really think a woman had anything to do with that [Laughter] he's lucky he had her as back up i had him pinned to the ground and he couldn't even keep up with me if it wasn't for her i would have gotten away quiet before i charge you with disorderly conduct sorry about that you know these criminals are a bunch of liars yeah we saw the whole thing through your police body cams excellent work ally really impressive thanks arch you know we're promoting somebody to sergeant you think you'd be interested the only drawback is uh you'd have to get a new partner i would love that what you're gonna promote her what about me look you need a real man for that job actually i do have a new job for you too that's what i'm talking about what is it go get me a fresh cup of coffee while you're at it get aly one too you better get used to it she's your new boss come on ally let me show you a new office oh and um i like my coffee with two creams and two sugars thanks princess i take mine black no here it's the bail bondsman bam hello mr stevens yes i'd regret to inform you sir that your grandson was arrested for a dui no that can't be it's true sir the district attorney's office asked us to call you so we can arrange for bail that is unless you want to leave him in jail no we can't yeah now how do i know this is for real sir i'm calling you from the bail bond company i have the number for the district attorney's office if you'd like to verify yes i would if you don't mind yeah what is it three one zero four seven five six nine six eight okay it's ringing district attorney's office uh i'm sorry i i'm just trying to verify something no problem sir see he was telling the truth well he looks like you were being honest i told you sir now if you would like to get your grandson out of jail you will need to send 9 800 to us through bitcoin did what i i don't know what that is can you send an electronic wire transfer to your computer sir what do you know what that is no we don't know what that is either why can't i just pay in cash let me talk to my supervisor sir yes he can come pick it up but we will need it within the next one hour why so soon it's the law sir [Music] all right let me tell you where to meet me [Music] are you mr stevens yeah yes i am are you uh supervisor of the bail bond company oh did you bring the cash oh yeah yes we're right here wait isn't there supposed to be some paperwork or something i'm just the driver the company will contact you with the rest of the paperwork you need once that's been paid but i i thought you just said you were the supervisor yes the uh driver supervisor if you can just hand me the cash i have to go um are you sure my grandson is in jail yes why else would they send me well shouldn't there be a uniform or a business card or something no only senior supervisors get those well i guess that makes sense then well there you go thank you have a nice day oh wait just a minute do you even know how old my grandson is i'm not sure why he's only nine months old okay so so why would a baby possibly be in jail if he's a baby then why did your wife even hand you the phone let's just say when she's off her medication she has a few screws loose what's really interesting is that you knew about that considering you're a driver i'm sorry i have to go oh wait what's up you might want to look inside that envelope open it up police patch i'll take that if you ever decide to scam someone again make sure it's not a cop take him away let's go well did you bail mikey out yes sweetheart he's right here oh thank goodness oh say hello to grandma oh we were so worried about you oh such a deer now did you take your pills this morning honey no i don't think i did thank you for reminding me [Music] thank you bless you come again [Music] hello hey come on in welcome hey you i don't allow backpacks in my store leave it at the door but then the guy just come in before did you not hear what i said leave your backpack at the door what are you trying to steal something actually i just came from class yeah right come on let's be honest you don't go to school wow can't believe this you know what before you judge someone you should probably get to know them first yeah right just maybe can i help you you planning on buying those i'm pretty sure that's why i'm here give to me and i'll take him up to the register now why would i do that all you do is take from hard-working people like me not true and actually i've never taken anything from anyone in my life yeah right hey jimmy keep an eye on this one i think he's gonna be trouble yes sir how much do i owe you can't you read it's 3.89 here just put on my card dk lenders what is this it's my company card is there a problem do i look stupid i know who dk lenders is they're the only reason i'm in business and there's no way that you work there this card's stolen isn't it no then i want an alternate form of id that matches or i go to the cops how can i provide an id for a company card the charities are it's gone i knew it call the police don't you dare move i didn't take anything i swear i got cameras everywhere you're going to jail then why don't you just check the footage fine hey the charity giant stop that guy get that guy [Music] i told you i didn't take anything i can't believe this i'm sorry about our little misunderstanding but i i thought it was you that stole it well you shouldn't have judged me before you got to know me you see you said that i dropped out of school but the truth is i actually graduated from harvard and finished at the top of my class now the reason i was wearing a backpack well was because i happen to teach that from time to time you also said that i couldn't afford anything but the truth is i actually make a great living doing financial services i made over two million dollars last year alone so yes i can easily buy a candy bar and a soda and finally you said that there's no way someone like me could work for a company like dk lenders but the truth is i not only work there i also happen to own the company so you see i'm dante as in dante king i call my business dk lenders oh my god oh gosh listen i i am so sorry how i treated you earlier and you were right i should have never judged you before i knew you it's okay but i see the way you run your business and this is why we will no longer be providing any financial assistance good luck to you no no wait please please [Music] you should be ashamed of yourself you're really despicable all right all right you guys may be seated all right plaintiff go ahead start thank you your honor as you can imagine life is hard enough for my client who is disabled but what makes it even harder is dealing with negligent business owners like the defendant here that is not what's going on wait your turn defendant you may continue thank you your honor as i was saying before i was so rudely interrupted my client here was using the restroom at the defendant's place of business he was trying to get up when may i approach the bench your honor yes you may thank you as you can see my client was holding on for dear life to grab the bar for support but it was improperly attached causing him to fall on the floor and injure his head thankfully i was nearby to help take the photos but if the defendant wasn't trying to cut corners and do such a shoddy i did not try to cut any corners hey you can speak when it's your turn continue but if the defendant wasn't so negligent in installing that bar my client wouldn't be in a neck brace today therefore we are demanding the defendant to pay 25 000 in damages and all attorney fees thousand dollars that's gonna order i'm not gonna tell you be quiet again i'm sorry your honor go ahead and finish that's all i have your honor but the evidence it speaks for itself all right now what do you have to say about all this okay look that grab bar was not negligently installed okay i did it myself and i know i didn't cut any corners how do you explain all these pictures then [Music] i don't know well it looks like all of the evidence is heading in one direction it's clear that the defendant is negligent and creating injuries to our planet therefore i have to rule in favor of the plane what no your honor please i'll have to close out my business the decision's been made tomorrow we'll get together and we'll talk about the damages thank you thank you your honor i hope you learned your lesson when you take advantage of people it comes back to you [Music] all right next case uh tabitha clemens versus jake o'dell amazing hmm like clockwork you really think we'll get the full 25 grand don't we always [Laughter] i'm gonna try to squeeze out as much as i can in attorney fees this thing is really starting to itch my butt is really sore so i'm just gonna stand what are you doing if anyone sees you we'll both be exposed let's get out of here first plus i found another business to hit up [Music] [Laughter] that's gonna be an easy one this one has a dressing room that's perfect so just give me a couple minutes and then come in okay pookie hey sir excuse me can you move i'm trying okay all right oh hey wait wait wait your screwdriver is sticking out oopsies that would have been pretty bad huh [Music] hi welcome yeah sure okay oh hey let me um let me help you that's so kind hi welcome in hi [Music] oh hi welcome in oh hello hello [Music] excuse me ma'am do you mind if i try this on in the back of course thank you [Music] what was that i don't know oh my gosh are you okay does it look like i'm okay here let me help you maybe you should just stay right there okay oh no what happened well i tried to grab this stupid grab bar and it must have not been installed correctly because it fell when i was holding onto it oh i think i broke something i'm so sorry to hear that would you like us to call you an ambulance first i want to talk to an attorney ah okay i can't find my phone here it is watch your legs i don't mean to overstep my name is stephanie and i'm actually a personal injury attorney i specialize in ada cases really and you would help me yes of course no one deserves to be treated like this especially someone in a wheelchair is it okay if i take some pictures that's fine okay [Music] oh it's cold why is it so cold it's almost tell the owner he will be hearing from my office soon this was really negligent of you guys well let him know and again we're so sorry for what happened you should be [Applause] [Music] hey um i just need one more second why are you taking pictures okay look this is gonna be hard to believe but that guy was faking it all he did the same thing to my business uh yeah you can tell just by looking at the holes what do you mean well just look at the way that the screws came out of the wall it's way too smooth to have been pulled out so that means that somebody came by and unscrewed them i would have never thought of that yeah thank you see ya oh you should have seen the look on their face it was priceless oh i can only imagine oh before i forget here's that settlement from the restaurant case last week wow that is the easiest money i've ever made in my life well it was a pleasure doing business with you as always i better get going so here is your wheelchair thanks i got you now what are you doing here you two are the biggest fraudsters on the planet can't wait until the judge finds out about this get ready to go to jail for a very long time the judge won't find out about this what are you talking about i got the pictures right here yeah yeah yeah stephanie so where's your evidence now oh should i say cheese okay you know what it doesn't even matter no i'll just tell the judge what i saw oh and you think he'll believe you she really don't think he's going to know what's going on here when i tell him that you're going from business to business pulling off the same scam oh well it's not a crime to get injured at different places but you know what do i know i'm just a an attorney well not for long we'll see you in court [Laughter] [Music] and uh don't forget the checkbook okay look i'm telling you your honor this is all one big scam i saw it with my own eyes it's the right truth to this none whatsoever your honor he's just trying to paint us in a bad light to avoid taking responsibility for his own negligence i urge the court to issue punitive damages to punish the defendant for his lies well you are accusing them of some very serious crimes do you have any evidence to substantiate your accusations like i said she cropped my memory card and then she ate it [Laughter] i i'm i'm sorry i ate it i'm sorry your honor but i've heard some pretty outrageous stories in my day but that one takes the game you can look up their court record they have a history of filing cases against businesses yeah yeah yeah but you know even so it's not illegal to have multiple injuries in fact it's kind of common among ada cases so my ruling stands no no no no please look that would mean i have to shut down my whole business and look i'm telling you the truth okay you just have to believe me without proof to substantiate your story it's just hearsay i'm gonna ask you one more time do you have any evidence no all right well then i hereby uh award 25 000 to the plaintiff for the demand along with you know another 10 000 for your attorney fees stop your honor the plaintiff and his attorney are both frauds liar who is this guy i mean why should we be listening to him oh well maybe because i'm the one with the folder full of photos of you committing fraud oh and uh for what it's worth i'm an undercover federal agent your honor i've been investigating these two for quite a while now oh wow this is unbelievable and looks like you've been telling the truth from the beginning defended oh okay it was all her idea she made me do it oh be quiet you're just as guilty as i am arrest those two arrests arrest me you can't do that i am an attorney get off of me you were an attorney i'm gonna make sure that you never practiced law again get these handcuffs off of me well you're right about one thing when you take advantage of people it always comes back to you wait what are you talking about i cannot go back to prison that's not a good place [Music] well this case is dismissed hey you excuse me stop right there what are you doing with two bikes if you really need to know some guy just stole it from a kid and i'm getting it back i'd like to report a suspicious man who has stolen a bike put your hands in the air where i can see them you got the wrong guy
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 4,176,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: 7ROr7v-UYj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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