Single and Stuck // Relationship Goals Reloaded (Part 6) (Rich Wilkerson Jr.)

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well come on come on come on what's going on everybody shout out to transformation Church welcome to church online man I am pumped to be in this place today so grateful to be in Tulsa Oklahoma at the world-famous the world-renowned transformation Church come on somebody right there in the chat if you're thankful to be a part of TC nation can you just be a delight to chat up right now in fact wherever you're watching from right now I just want to see because people from all over the world right now are tuning in I want to see all of the different countries all of the different nations come on if you're watching from a different continent right now let us know in the chat I want to see it man I'm pumped I got be honest with you to be in Tulsa Oklahoma in fact I've never loved Tulsa Oklahoma so much until I became a part of TC nation and I'm so grateful and so honored for how God is continuing to use this ministry how God continues to use this church and I believe the word is going really into the entire world it's making a huge huge impact my name is rich Wilkerson jr. and I am from Miami Florida I pastor a little church there in Miami called vous Church now maybe you're gonna what in the heck does boo mean boo is just short for rendezvous and rendezvous means the meeting place and four-and-a-half years ago my wife Don Sri and I we we planted the church vous Church which was a meeting place a place that people could connect but also encounter God and it's been incredible to see God work in Miami and continue to move and I want to say hi to all my friends and family out there right now in fact get back to your church for a second if you're over here watching this right now you should be I know people you I love Church online and Quarantine days right because people are watching like 19 church services I'm getting that in this but if you're from boo friends and family we love you guys so much and you know man we are in this season really across the world of quarantine and we're in a pandemic I'm just thankful that although we are practicing in many ways social distancing we're not practicing spiritual distancing that because of technology we can come and connect and I know for my wife and I and our team in Miami we have been admiring and looking from afar at transformation church as you guys continue to lead and continue to model how we can do Church in a new way and that's not an accident the way that this is all taking place is that when God begins to move in the earth God always works through a man he always works through a woman and I am so thankful for my friends Pastor Mike and Natalie Todd come on right now in the chat I need you to make as much noise as you can come on put your put the applause together come on somebody how many y'all love Pastor Mike and Natalie I think two of the finest leaders in all of the world today I gotta be honest with you Mike Todd is one of the most gifted human beings I have ever met in my in fact it makes me sick how gifted he is but what I love about Mike is that it's not just his talent and it's not just his gifting it's not just his anointing his preaching I love all of that but the thing that honestly has impacted me the most about Mike is his character you know Mike is even better off of this stage than he is on it he's been a faithful friend to me he and Natalie have both deposited in such a major way back home in Miami to vous Church and I know our church is so thankful for you Mike so thankful for you Natalie we love you we're behind you and you know if you haven't heard um my boy has become a New York Times bestselling author hey relationship goals I'm not gonna lie I saw the news a couple weeks ago that Mike had hit the New York Times bestselling author list I screenshot at it I shot Mike at Texas a yo we made it which is funny right because it's like rich you did nothing we didn't do nothing I am a New York Times bestselling author but how many know that's the beauty of relationships that actually Mike's win becomes my win and my win is Mike's win and transformation churches win is vous churches win and how many no it's not about a church name but rather it's about the capital C Church come on somebody give God some praise if you know what I'm talking about devils not afraid of a big church he's afraid of a united church and I think we're living a day and age right now where that we need to be celebrating one another and if you have not gotten this book yet let me just take my few moments real quick to recommend this because we are in a series right now at transformation Church on this book relationshipgoals and I got a message I want to bring to you today but man this is a book that I believe is not just full of Revelation but it is so powerful in the application for your relationships and Mike honestly is so vulnerable in this book and because he's vulnerable he shares from his pain his pain brings us healing and I am just so proud of my friend I'm so grateful for my friend I've always lived this way I believe that alignment is more important than assignment in fact put that in a chat right now alignment is more important than assignment meaning what you're doing in life doesn't matter nearly as much as who you're doing it with and I decided that I'm just doing life with Mike Todd I'm just doing life with Natalie Todd and so anywhere they're going yo cousin rich he's coming behind and so guess what ladies and gentlemen we are best-selling authors come on somebody make a little bit of noise out there I love you Mike so so grateful for you this is incredible well hey listen today I want to share a message and they asked me to come in and say you're rich we need you to jump into relationship goals reloaded by the way and we need you to give a message to all the single people in the house oh come on chat you know is coming at some point right now in the chat just let's just find out who they are just if you're single just come on I'm single I'm single I'm single come on get it out there you never know you never know you might put you're single right now and someone gets your little profile name and then connects with you wouldn't that be just cool I want to start hearing those stories it wasn't tinder that I found my husband it wasn't a harmony where I met her it was TC nation chat room where our love began to blossom and grow I don't know but I got a message today for all the single people in the house I want to preach a message and whether you're single or not I believe this message is gonna land for everyone because when you start talk about relationships come on how many y'all want to grow in your relationships come on just just put your hand up there in the chat just say I want to grow I want to get better I want to grow I think the quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships in life so we're all learning to grow Jesus Christ came and what did he do he established a healthy vertical relationship with us to God he reconciled he forgave us and that's what the cross is the cross helps us get our vertical relationship with God in order but Jesus doesn't just stop there Jesus didn't just get you didn't just come to earth to get you to heaven Jesus came to earth to help you thrive here on this planet the cross is also horizontal that when Jesus died he wasn't just getting you to heaven but he was also dying that you and I might establish and restore healthy horizontal relationships with one another but today I want to lean into this season of life called singleness and I titled today's message if you're taking notes I hope you're taking notes TC nation the research tells us now that 98% of people who take notes automatically get to heaven okay so so just just take those notes man because the more notes you get when you get to heaven bigger mansion I can't prove it theologically but I've got a word of my spirit um I want to talk today from this thought single and stuck oh I already I'm feel the anointing single and stuck I'm in an empty arena today but I don't need other people in this room to get me fired up I got a word in my heart that I believe right now if you're out there and you're single and you feel like you're stuck well congratulations you tuned into the right broadcast today because of the word of the Lord is for you today that you're gonna step into a bright future that God has more for you you're not gonna stay stuck you might've felt stuck but you're not gonna stay stuck today you're gonna be set free come on somebody go ahead and give God a shout of praise all over this place all I feel this message single and stuck have you ever felt stuck before let's put it this way have you ever actually been and stuck before my wife Don Cherie who sends her greetings we've been married now holler at your boy 13 years come on now I mean that's like to Hollywood marriages and one right there okay so we were trying man 13 years married to the same woman I should I should qualify that as well and I met my wife when I was 17 years of age I was in a church service lots of reasons to go to church that's just one of the reasons I was 17 years of age and my wife she walked it I saw her up in the balcony and I don't know what it was man but like I swear she had like those Beyonce fans at her feet I swear her hair was blowing it felt like every step that she took the ground just shook as she walked I just stepped back I'm not even I don't even believe in a prosperity gospel but on that day I was all about naming and claiming I said I choose you hey I just I just picked her I just said that's the girl I'm gonna marry and took a little while to hear from the Lord she's not as spiritual as I am so continue to pray for her but eventually I wore her down and we fell in love and we've been married now for 13 years but my wife and I we went to Bible College together in a southern city known as Cleveland Tennessee and when I was in Cleveland Tennessee I was driving a Jeep Wrangler now I live in Miami now and so I don't get the Jeep out much but back then I was like yo I'm in the south I'm gonna do this right and so I had the big tires I had the car jacked up and remember one day I was I was hanging around some guys and these dudes like hey rich have you ever been muddin before I was like excuse me what language I thought I was like tongues for a seconds like is there an interpretation muddin I don't know what you mean and maybe you're not from the south or maybe you've never gotten out there into the wilderness a little bit but mudding is when you take your four-wheel drive truck or car out into a remote area and you drive it through different trails and mud and I always had my Jeep in Miami's like you know I'm stylin and profilin but like I never knew about mud and they said no let's take it out and go off-road with this thing I said okay cool so they took me in these back areas and we were going for about an hour and a half but finally there was this area there was this deep trench of Mundus it's rich I think you can I think you can take the car through it I said really they'd say yeah I think I think you could so I put that thing in Drive and I tried to go through it and when I went into it all of a sudden as I hit the mud my car came to a complete halt didn't matter how many times I continued to put my foot down on the accelerator the car was stuck now when you get stuck like that the only way to get out is you're gonna need some help come on somebody write on the chat just say I need some help today come on I need some help today my friend said hey we got an idea we're gonna pull you out but how many know that you gotta be careful who you surround yourself with because some of you the reason why you got problems today is because you got stupid friends I had some stupid friends they set up will put you out of the mud I said really they go yeah and so one of my buddies he pulled up his truck I said how you gonna pull me out these jokers pulled out an extension cord oh sorry makes me laugh they pulled out an extension cord I'm just as dumb as them cuz how many know that like literally the people you hang out with you become like the most like y'all put the extension cord on it dude they they tried to drive my car out of the mud with an extension cord the moment he hit drive the extension cord it broke instantly why because the only way to get unstuck is that you need something stronger something greater pulling the thing that is stuck oh I don't think you're getting this today because there's some people that had that you're single and you feel like you're stuck you feel like you're at a halt you don't feel like you can progress in life I love the motto at transformation church it's not about perfection it's about progression but some of you right now you've got it in your mind the only way I can progress is if I get a partner oh but friend you need something bigger than a partner to pull you out of this season where you feel like you're stuck guess what you need you don't need a partner you need a god-given purpose you need something stronger to pull you from the place where you feel like you're stuck what I love so much about the Bible is the Bible over and over again is giving us the promises of the Lord what is a promise a promise is something about the future it's telling you about something that is to come in order to receive God's promises it requires faith I think right now during Co vid 19 a whole lot of people they've spent some time learning the promises of God but I'm telling you what when you go through difficult times it's not enough to learn the promises of God you have to lean on the promises of God I want to remind you TC nation that when you lean on God's promises his promises they do not break they do not fall apart but they are stronger than any extension cord they can pull you out of the rut you have found yourself in come on somebody if you know what I'm talking about go ahead and give God a shout of praise make some noise in the chat let somebody know you're not ashamed I believe right now there's some people right now in your living room you ought to just start shouting and let your neighbors know you're unashamed today because I want you to get a promise from God I want you to get a purpose for your life a purpose so big that will pull you from the place that you feel like you're stuck in it's proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 very famous passage and what does it say it says where there is no vision the people perish it's amazing to me Charles how so many people can create a vision for their business they can create a vision for their life they can create a vision for their bank account yet so many people never ever create a vision for the relational life and the starting point for everybody out there today who's single and feels like they're stuck is it starts with a vision it starts with a promise it starts with a purpose to pull you into the next season that God is leading you into without a vision the people perish without a vision other trails I said people throw off restraint I believe many people today are going through life and they don't have any boundaries and they don't actually have any design to their life because they have no vision for their life see this what I know about vision vision gives pain purpose when you know where you're headed guess what you can tolerate where you are when you actually can anticipate the promise of God I know I'm not there yet oh but baby I have come a long way I might not be exactly where I want to be but come on can somebody thank God you are not where you used to be I'm thankful for God's grace I'm thankful for what he's done in my life there's people right now that are watching this stream and you're going but rich I hear what you're saying man and thanks for getting all hyped up in the first 5 minutes man but I am sick of being single well let me tell you something the only thing worse than being sick of being single is sick of being married see I'm a pastor and one of the great blessings and privileges of being a pastor I'm not I'm not a certified therapist by any means but I've had a chance to last 10 15 years to sit with people and counsel people in their most private most intimate moments and what's always amazing me is also a single people like your pastor man I just want to get marry man I just want to get married man what those single people don't know is that I sit in another room with married people and marry people like you hold my hand I just want to be single again rich what are you saying what I'm saying is is the grass is not greener on the other side but rather the grass is green where you water it come on somebody I sense somebody's getting free today you're about to get a vision you're about to get a purpose you're about to get unstuck today come on somebody write that in the chat right now I'm getting unstuck I'm coming out of bondage I'm coming out of a bad paradigm I'm coming out of a place where I feel like there's no progress and I'm stepping into something new because of Jesus come on somebody give him praise right now I sense this word man single and stuck I want to give you three these are so simple I want to give you three simple things that you can do listen to me what is insanity insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting a new result and so if you're in a spot right now you're gonna feel stuck I feel like I'm sick of being single what what can I do because you know I gotta be honest me sometimes in church we just give like really cliche answers and single people oh my goodness just date Jesus okay it's been like 20 years like the movies with somebody I know but just create you know a spot right there for Jesus you know like you put popcorn there it's being Jesus don't touch that like it gets weird I understand but I want to give you three things that you can start doing today this book is so important God cares about our relationships I'm so thankful that Mike took time to put words to paper and gave you relationship goals what is that about it's about giving you a vision so I remind you the promises of God that how it looks today is not necessarily how it's gonna look tomorrow three things you can do if you feel like you're stuck if you feel like you are single and you're lacking purpose three things really really simple number one write this down help me out chat come on now help me out wherever you're from wherever you're watching help me out number one focus on you it's like the first time I've ever given that point in my entire life in a sermon why because most of the faith journey is focused on God focus on others and that is always where joy comes from that we as believers our first response is to God and then we're called to serve people but when it comes to your relationship life when it comes to your romantic relationship life when you are single guess what all eyes on you baby write this down this is very very important and this is fundamental healthy relationships are made up of healthy individuals can you write that down for me come on those of you that want to get married one day those of you that are married right now healthy relationships are made up of healthy individuals see the reason why I say focus on you is because the reality of it is is you focus on you because you can only fix you this is like now all the married people you can tune in now for a second this is some of you guys his biggest problem in marriage your whole problem in marriage is why won't he change why won't she change why won't he why won't he do what I asked him to do if he would change I would change if she would do this I would do that you know what you sound like you sound like the blame game guess where the blame game begin oh you got to go all the way back to the first couple you got to go all the way back to Adam and Eve to discover how we've been blaming one another for our problems from the get-go but what we have to understand relationally is that healthy relationships it doesn't start with my spouse it starts with me I don't need a partner to progress I need a purpose I need a vision for my life Adam and Eve beautiful story I think it's really important that you note story of Genesis chapter one you know the first problem this is good now the first problem in the Bible was not sin first problem in the Bible was solitude you see the scripture says that Adam well he was formed and created out of the dirt I could preach that another time but Adam was form from the dirt and then what did God do God gave Adam responsibility God gave Adam a job what was his job he was to name all of the animals and it's very apparent that Adam named all the animals cuz this is how guys start right we start strong and then somewhere on the journey we kind of trail off on the work like think about it you can't you just see Adam out there in the garden like oh yeah God gave me a job God gave me a purpose okay okay platypus mm-hmm okay okay giraffe okay I'm getting good at them whoa rhinoceros but somewhere on that name in the animals journey Adam started to kind of get tired bat cat rat bee bee bro bee that's not a name of a Nana lats a letter in the alphabet Oh me what happened God looked down and said it's not good for man to be alone man needs a helper so I want to let you know right now those you that are single and that you desire to get married one day that's not a wrong desire there's nothing wrong with that desire I don't want to make you feel bad or less than for desiring a partner because from the very beginning God said that we needed help that we needed collaboration I just want to make sure that you get your order right because the scripture says delight yourself in the Lord another way says it seek first God's kingdom delight yourself in the Lord and he'll give you what he'll give you the desires of your heart jesus said seek first the kingdom of God and one and all these things shall be added unto you you better get your order right you gotta get your order right God says it's not good for Adam to be alone this dude needs some help hello ladies I want to speak to you for a moment I don't know what you've heard and I don't know what church you've grown up and I don't know what people have preached at you but men and women listen to me ladies are not less than men I want to say it really really loud ladies are not less than men notice this God says Adam needs help all the guys in the chat just say help help don't you if you're listening help me help you guys we need help all the real men of God said amen amen yeah I need some help so what has God do God puts Adam to sleep and what is that God God takes from Adams side from his rib and he creates woman notice he does not take the woman from his feet because women are not beneath men he does not take the woman from his head because women are not above the men instead he takes the woman from his side because women are supposed to walk alongside the man in partnership together as collaborators come on woman of God listen to me loud and clear do not for one second discount your value do not for one second think for at any moment that you are less than any men get a vision for what God wants to do on the inside of you let confidence come not from a partner but let confidence come from the Spirit of God come on somebody go ahead and give God some praise in the chat right now give God some praise this is so important because the first thing I do is you gotta focus on you and focusing on you as you to see yourself as a person of value that you have something to bring to a relationship the question is what are you going to bring to the relationship are you becoming a I believe your life is an asset but just because your life is an asset doesn't mean you're appreciating see whoever you marry and talk to all the people right now that are engaged all through that are dating somebody because some of you at the end of this talk guess what your homeworks gonna be you need to break up with somebody because the person you marry will either be your greatest asset or your greatest liability they're either pushing you towards purpose or they're pulling you back towards apathy III can't even there's no way that I could with my words right now begin to describe you how much of a help my wife Dawn she has been to be my life in fact I won't say it this way there is not a category in my life that my wife Dawn she has not helped me in all she has done for me in my life is push me forward all she has done for me my life is speak to my potential she has been my helper and I'm so so grateful that we walk together and so if you're out there right now going okay you know I really want to be married and I feel stuck before you just let something try to pull you out that's broken until you just try to go to another broken relationship until you keep until you stop just going to that that computer and looking at images that give you you know instant gratification but end up hurting your soul in the long run it's like an extension cord that just keeps breaking on you it looks like it's gonna work but it just keeps breaking on you it's because it's not strong enough to get you out of that place you need something bigger you need a vision you need a purpose let me give all the single people cuz you're like you know I'm sick of being single you're sick of being single yeah I want to get married in fact right now if you want to get married in the chat just put it out there I just want to keep this prophesy on him you want to get married cool that's cool nothing wrong with that desire just want to make sure that the order is right let's just get a vision of what it looks like to be a godly wife and to be a godly husband this is fun aren't feeds here we go open up the Bible seasons chapter 5 ready wives submit to your husband's as to the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church his body of which he is the Saviour now as the church submits to Christ so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything husband's first 25 love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her I want to stop right there because I'm trying to give you vision today of what it looks like to be in a healthy relationship if you're single and you're stuck get the vision of what it looks like to be in a healthy marriage I meet so many guys like y'all man pastor rich bro I got problems with my wife man I got problems with my girl man yo bro she won't submit to me okay stop right there you're focusing on her you're focusing on something you can't control instead of focusing on her I want you to go back and focus on you here's a better question are you a man worth submitting to are you a man who's worth submitting to cuz I mean some dudes like y'all man this girl she won't submit to me I'm like hold up would you submit to you you can't even lead yourself why would you expect anybody to follow you it starts with you are you a man we're submitting to I want to speak to all the women out there ladies once again understand your worth the Bible does not say submit to all men in fact it says something really clear it says submit to your husband that's like one freaking dude listen to me there's a lot of guys out there and I hate to be coming at you by just being honest with you there's a lot of guys who want Authority but they don't want to match the authority with the responsibility this is very very dangerous never ever give someone leadership in your life who wants Authority but does not match it with taking responsibility man of God anybody can bring a child into this world it takes a real man of God it takes a secure man of God you take a responsible man of God to father that child come on where are the real men at where are the men that are worth submitting to are you worth submitting to but I'm not just going with the guys ladies the scripture says something I talk to girls like oh my goodness the Bible it's like so archaic and like it doesn't understand like it's crazy like this word submission okay first and foremost this word submission is not a slave to a master but rather it's more like a team to a coach it's it's teamwork so get a better definition of it but ladies before you complain about submitting I might have to get outta here this one Charles I might I might I might need to call Mike cuz I don't know I I don't wanna let the TC Nation women come at me cuz I know you guys are loud confident and secure I just wanna I just want I want you to see this um you're complaining about submitting I don't think you read the whole verse uh cuz I know that can be difficult at times to submit but did you see what it said - guys we have the harder task we don't have to submit we have to die for you so ladies can you please be a girl who's worth dying for oh I need the men in the chat to come back to your boy help me out just a little bit come on where's the real man at yeah that's why I'm looking for a girl worth dying for ladies if you're not married right now ladies if you are married right now quit focusing on what he's doing quit focusing on what he's not doing start focusing on you am i a girl who's worth dying for can I be a girl who communicates and doesn't manipulate can I be a girl who doesn't just actually forget but actually chooses to forgive can I be a girl who decides that I'm gonna be a person who's loyal that I'm not somebody who's shady but I'm gonna walk with you not just on the mountaintop but you can trust this girl I'll walk with you in the valley I'm not just gonna be there in prosperity even if we come into poverty don't look too far I'm gonna be standing by your side helping you get to the other side oh come on somebody I sense the Lord on this word today you might be single but you're not gonna stay stuck any longer you're gonna focus on you focus on you who are you becoming the only thing more important with who you are today who you're becoming tomorrow who are you becoming tomorrow that which looks stuck today it's not gonna stay stuck you're getting the promise you're gonna do the work I'm gonna start focusing on me be a singles awesome by the way I know it's easy sake is like Richard married but like you got it you gotta find the gold in whatever season you're in whatever season you're in think it's cool yo all the money your bank account you own that when you go to our restaurant you only have to order one meal I were when I first married Don Cherie my wife she doesn't really understand anything about good art and we had gotten this new house together and she came in she's like oh we're get rid of this and get rid of that and I had this beautiful piece of art on the wall and my wife Don Shu she walked in she's like Oh take that down I said Don Cherie that's a fine piece of art she said rich take it down that's a joke I said you it was the Michael Jordan's wings poster my wife doesn't know good art when she sees it what am I saying I'm saying that there's benefits to every season you find yourself in but no matter what season you're in today you can always start with you focus on you get a purpose today everyone say number one focus on you in fact if you're at your house right now just put your hand over your heart and say this out loud say today I commit to focusing on me I can't fix anyone else but I can start with me number one focus on you number two write this down gets better yo here we go um be the minority be the minority this is such an important point be the minority because the majority is overcrowded you got a you got to see this today because I want to lean into this this is very important because today from transformation Church we're not just preaching to you self-help and we're not just preaching to you positive thinking we're not just preaching to you mind over matter this isn't mind over matter this is faith over unbelief this is all done through the power of Jesus and as I meet Jesus he loves me just the way that I am but he loves me too much let me stay the way that I am and following Jesus holiness does not become a work of my flesh but rather it's a work of His grace but the more and more I fall in love with Jesus the more more he transforms me there it is into his image what is his image his image is pure and blameless and no matter what season you find yourself in today all of us can work on our purity a lot of times in church we just talk about stay a virgin be a virgin take more cold showers but yo the message is so much deeper than virginity the message is about purity purity starts from within a man there's so many of us today that are getting counseled by the culture that we're doing whatever Society says listen to me you have to know your worth you are fearfully and wonderfully made you are sculpted and created by the world's greatest artists you have been designed with a spiritual supernatural DNA I know the plans that God has for you plans to prosper you to give you a hope and a future quit talking down to yourself quit minimizing yourself quit lowering your value quit lowering your standard quit looking just like the world quit conforming to the patterns of this world but here we go but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you can test and approve what God's will is transformation starts with a new thought with the revelation with healthy thinking and healthy thinking is y'all I don't look like the crowd I've been called out of the crowd I don't look like the world I'm called to follow Jesus if you feel stuck today I would encourage you be the minority the majority is overcrowded and if you would quit doing this stuff well finally what would happen is if you really knew your Worth you'd quit giving people discounts listen to me there will always be somebody who doesn't know your worth don't let it be you scripture says this he who finds a wife finds a good thing the word find is a verb it's an action see men and women women are not less than than men and women are different from each other and we should celebrate our differences I know in 2020 this can even become very polarizing to talk about gender but the reality of it is that God made us male and female he made us different for a reason our differences shouldn't divide us but rather our differences they should be celebrated and they should unite us but according to scripture it's the man's responsibility to go and find the girl show ladies can I just encourage you for a moment how is he ever gonna find you if you just look like every other girl on Instagram some of you girls are watching right now like I feel so hidden I feel stuck I'm sick of being single maybe you feel hidden because you were designed to be discovered proverbs 31 says a wife of noble character who can find you got to know your role what happens to us is that we have a need for security we have a need to be desired I have a need to be wanted and so guys start playing girls roles and girls start playing guys roles and before you know it it all gets complicated and we miss out on the promise of God because we were trying to play God with our lives some of you girls know what I'm talking about let me just put it really plain make that man work make him walk over to you make him call you make him sweat make him do his job you got it you got to know your Worth woman of God you can't just continue to give away for free what one man should have to work for see what we don't understand is we get in all these conversations like we talk time about ethics in like the morality and I love all that's if I believe in the Bible I believe in morality I believe in ethics but listen let's just talk economics let's just talk economics demand increases when supply decreases why do you think putting this stuff up on Instagram is gonna make you stand out it's gonna make you stand out for all the wrong reasons it's gonna be like trying to get you out of that plate you feel stuck and so you want I got I got a project this I got a B this and all we're doing is we're getting an extension cord and we're attaching it saying all right you think this is gonna get you out it's not gonna get you out it's gonna break on you it's gonna break on you some of the married people you ought to start testifying to the younger generation because there's some women on this chat right now that are watching that I've been married it's somehow in life what happened to you is is that you began your relationship doing the man's job you put yourself out there you made all the decisions for him you went and got him you went and found him and now you're 10 20 years into the marriage and you're coming to T C and you're starting to get a vision of what a godly man looks like but now 10 years down the road you're beginning to resent that man because he won't lead because he won't step up and the only reason why you resent him is because you've been doing his job from the beginning and if he didn't have to work to get you why on earth would he work to keep you whoa if you don't date your spouse don't be surprised if someone else does I'm the man of our house I'm the leader of our house I'm still you know I got my wife whatever it was 17 years ago when we met as kids I'm still chasing that girl it's the chase that keeps it interesting it's the pursuit that produces the passion it's my longing of wanting to get to know her it's the fact that every day she shows me a little bit more of who she is I'm still discovering dawn Shree I could live two lifetimes and I still wouldn't know everything there is to know about my bride it's the discovery that leads us into the destiny woman of God I'm telling you be the minority be the minority if you keep fishing with your body don't be surprised when you catch Body Snatchers man of God you don't get off the hook who are you becoming are you valuing yourself or are you actually a man who's worth submitting to do you just look like the culture is everything when it comes to relationships and sex do you just see it as a physical act it's funny because if you would just stop for a moment and consider sex and sexuality we would both have to agree that sexuality is much more than just some physical act how do I know because some of you men who are watching right now something happened to you when you were younger someone did something inappropriate you've never been told anybody it was an act it was a quick moment but sexuality was involved and now what has it done it's it's pretty shame and you're hiding something and because you're sick on the inside what happens will hurt people hurt people and you'll always be as sick as your secrets but could you get a revelation today yo he's call he's calling me out I'm not called to look like the majority I'm called to be the minority I'm a king's kid I'm a child of God can I just passed her T C for a moment I'm not Mike's my good friend I feel like he's okay with me just coming down down because listen to me there's married people in this church right now and you're gonna go that's great but listening it is a grave grave mistake to invite other people into your bedroom I can't tell you how many times I've counseled people in our church you know we thought this would be hot that we thought this would turn him on or turn her on and that would arouse us it's a mistake we're not talking ethics we're talking economics you it's not logical for me to think that if I if I give Dawn Sheree a new appetite that somehow it's gonna create a greater desire for me no we don't look like the world we're trusting God he's given us a vision because I have a vision now I have guardrails for my life I have boundaries for my life the boundaries aren't there to make my life be boring the guardrails are there to protect me to prosper me for that I might walk into health that I might walk into all that God has for me come on somebody go ahead and give God a shout of praise come on in the chat right now say I'm a part of the minority so I'm a part of the minority I don't look like culture I look different from culture I'm not conforming to the pattern of this world I'm not going date just like the world date I'm not just gonna look for short-term satisfaction I want something deeper I want something something better I want something better number one if you feel like you're single and stuck today number one I would say focus on you number two I would simply say be the minority and lastly today number three I would say break up break up what we rich what you mean break up like hold on I thought this talk was for singles I got nothing to break up with I I wish I had somebody to break up with I'd be happy if I had somebody to break up with that's why I'm on this chat today because I was hoping you're gonna tell me how to get me a man I was wanting to get a girl break up you might not have a person either break up with but maybe you got a mindset you to break up with you might not have a girlfriend you might not have a girlfriend or a boyfriend to break up with but there's a good chance there's a perspective you need to break up with you might not have a person right now you need to break up with but I got a feeling that you might need to break up with some resentment break up with some failure break up with your past listen if you don't break up with some stuff that stuff's gonna break you down you don't wanna things I think we have to we have to break up with that single people single people we got to break up with fairy tales put that in the chat right now just say break up with fairy tales my son Wyatt I don't get to tell you our story but my wife and I were married for eight years and we went on a journey of infertility we're unable to have kids prayed thought God believed that we would have kids and I went eight years finally after eight years our God who I believe still does the impossible thank you Jesus thank you God he's a God who does the impossible he takes impossible things and he makes them possible he's the God who doesn't meet my expectations he my expectations two and a half years ago our God who is gracious and rich and kindness and His mercies are new every morning my wife became pregnant with our firstborn son and she gave birth to her firstborn son in January of 2018 his name is Wyatt Wesley Wilkerson you gotta love God because he gives you double for your trouble this past October my wife gave birth to our second born son we named him wild Wesley Wilkerson I know we're crazy pray for us their initials are www we call them World Wide Web for short okay but these boys are just amazing and during quarantine I got to be honest with you my son Wyatt we got that Disney Channel plus application app thing you know and I have now seen the Jungle Book 37 times holler at your boy where's all the parents at in the chat bro I've watched all the Disney Vault bro I've gone way back I watched Old Yeller the other day you don't even know about Old Yeller holler at Old Yeller if you even know about Old Yeller man I cried watching that Labrador nevermind I'm not gonna go into that right now I've been watching these Disney movies and over and over again you know what happens in these Disney movies in these Disney movies there's always some struggle there's always some challenge and then finally they get married or finally the couple comes together and then it ends and it says and they lived happily ever after you know what I want to tell you today if you're single and you're stuck you need to break up with fairy tales or fairy tales are gonna break you down see happily ever after is not a destination it's a journey it's a journey and what I have discovered in talking with people and pastoring people is that so many of us we don't even realize that it happened in our subconscious but so many of us we didn't grow up with a healthy marriage in front of us we didn't grow up with healthy relationships in front of us in fact what we watch as we watch people that were toxic we watched people that were broken maybe your dad left maybe your mom was addicted to pills maybe somebody hits you maybe somebody abused you maybe every time when there was a problem in the home what you watched people do was you watch people verbally a use one another you watch people storm out of the house you watch people ridicule one another and here's what I want you to catch whatever you watched is what you learned whatever you watch is what you learned and so what happens to many of us is because we never got a vision in our home what we did is we wouldn't got a vision not from God's Word we got a vision from Disney and now what we've been watching is what we learned and so we think every relationship ought to look like aladdin and Jasmine you're living vicariously through Simba and Nala they're Lions here I heal then it's Lily what's happening just think about this what people do they get a fairy tale vision in their mind and there's those of us that go home what's the fairy tale about thing about what fairy tales are about fairy tales are always the story same story there's a princess in distress who needs to be rescued that right there is the first problem for so many of you you're stuck right now and the person you keep trying to get you out of this rut you're trying to date someone you're trying to marry somebody who needs to be rescued oh let me tell you you don't marry the person who needs to be saved you marry the person who's already standing on both of their two feet I'm telling you what a spouse isn't gonna bring you the security your Savior Jesus Christ he's the one who brings you the security come on somebody go ahead and give God a shout of praise I'm telling you some of you right now if you don't break up with this fairy tale this fairy tale is going to break you down you you pick stocks based upon potential you pick your spouse based upon patterns you don't go and pick someone cuz you like I think they've got potential to be a great spouse no no no no you look at their track record if you're going on a date with somebody second third four probably probably fourth date it's interrogation one-on-one tell me about yourself who are you what makes you man what's your credit you got any debt I don't know about you want to find out what you can about you want to see pattern of their life some of you right now you're making excuses for people because what's happening is you're lonely you feel like you're in a rut you feel like your life is not progressing and you're picking and you're reaching out to people that you think are gonna get you out of this place but I'm telling you what they're not strong enough they're not in a place of where you need to go and you're choosing and making excuses because you have the wrong vision in your mind woman of God I know but he loves me okay but he's cheated on you three times but you don't know her like I know her man she's like she's real cool like when you're just one-on-one with her okay bro but she's verbally abusing you and if you stay one more moment in that dating relationship you're gonna lose every ounce of confidence that you're gonna need if you're ever gonna get out of the rut that you're in you got to get your confidence back and the person you got next to you they need saving and guess what you can't save them that's not your job that's the Savior's job that's Jesus's job King of Kings Lord of lords he's the only one who can save us come on somebody give him praise hallelujah that's who we need we need Jesus to do the saving fairytales so many of us fairytales what were they they just look at the outside too many of us right now in our relationships all we're judging is the outside how do they look what do they look like Instagram bro it's a weird world right now dating right you do a full stock expedition before you go on a date with somebody we just put the best-looking photos and all we do is we just judge from the outside let me tell you something you're gonna have to get with somebody who's got more than something on the outside scripture says that God looks at the heart I meet so many girls I can't tell you all me jobs in our church the girls aren't Church no I'm boo friends and family if you watching right now let them know that I come out the girls sometimes because I'll try to hook these great couples up like a great girl and a great guy and these girls are like I'm not attracted to him I'm like listen I understand you got to be attracted to the person there's got to be chemistry but I think sometimes we put way too much stock on the outside and not nearly enough on the inside you do realize that we're all aging you do realize we're all fighting gravity that if you marry someone the day you marry them they're not gonna look like that 20 years later I hope that what attracted you to them was something much more than just the outside I hope there was something on the inside that drew you to that person some of you girls like I just want tall dark and handsome if I were you I would start settling for trustworthy determined and honest it'd get you a man who who's honest break up with fairy tales or where fairytales are gonna break you down as the worship team comes up here I just sense this ward on my heart today it's people in the chat you got to hear this today you got to do this you're single and you go out to look I'm stuck rich I'm sick of being single the only thing worse than being sick of being single is sick of being married you want to choose wisely you want to bring the best version of yourself if you're waiting right now you don't have to waste this season you don't have to waste one moment of it you're becoming you're developing you're more attractive today than you were yesterday you gotta you gotta focus on you you you got it you gotta be the minority if you look like everybody else how you gonna find the right one the way you stand out is not by looking like culture the way you stand out is by walking in your Christ identity you gotta break up I don't know what you got to break up with today but could be a perspective could be resentment for a lot of us that are watching right now you got to break up with failure sometimes were really good at receiving God's forgiveness or pretending to receive God's forgiveness but I've learned that you can receive God's forgiveness but if you don't forgive yourself you're not gonna reap the benefit right maybe you need to forgive yourself today you know you can't go and change the past but starting today you can right the future maybe you're watching right now on just the conviction of the whole experience Pentecost Sunday it's a beautiful Sunday Pentecost Sunday because Pentecost Sunday is the date of the church not TC not vous but the church was born ten days they were waiting there in an upper room waiting for this power that Jesus had described they didn't know what they were exactly waiting for but after ten days of waiting and believing a rushing wind came through tongues of fire begin to set on people's heads and they begin to speak in other tongues and God began to give them a supernatural power what's amazing is that what was happening that day was on that day what we're discovering is that as the Holy Spirit came it was the announcement it was connecting Christ to the church that the Ministry of Christ of what he began on the earth it was not finished but now it was going to continue until he returned salvation grace has been released and his work is done now the church steps up empowered by the Spirit it's amazing because that story read about Adam in the garden out of the dirt what happens the Ruach the Spirit of God comes and breathes into dirt and life comes into that body but there we have 2000 and 20 years ago in the Upper Room experience that same Ruach the Spirit comes and breathes into the Apostles and with it the church is born happy birthday' transformation church happy birthday TC nation this is the day that the people of God we celebrate that the Spirit came he said rich why are you talking about the Holy Spirit because the way that you overcome and the way that you move forward is not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord the Holy Spirit doesn't make me better than you the Holy Spirit makes me better than me and without the spirit and power in me I just gonna struggle almost stay stuck but when I get the Holy Spirit with God's promise I got the Father in heaven I got Jesus interceding to the Father but I got the Holy Spirit here on earth and before you know it I'm attached to something bigger before you know it I can find a bigger purpose I can get a bigger vision and although that mud is strong and although that sin has had me bound the psalmist said that he lifted me up out of the muck and the mire and he placed my feet on a solid rock and he put a new song in my mouth I got a new statement I'm not single and stuck I'm single and secure I'm single and saved I'm single and purposed I'm single and living by design I'm single and I'm ready for whatever God has for me my wife Don Cherie Bible talks about in proverbs 31 that the proverbs 31 woman all of us guys we want proverbs 31 women don't we I've learned if you want to proverbs 31 woman you gonna have to learn how to be a proverbs 1 through 30 man but it says that the husband brags on the wife I'm bragging on my wife my wife it's not just the most secure woman I know I think my wife is the most secure human being I know and I discovered in our journey that so much of her security came from her earthly dad she has an amazing earthly father pastor Danny Durand in Shreveport Louisiana and when I started dating Daan Sharia I realized I was in for that she was gonna make me work cuz I come to him that girl you're incredible she's like I already know like how you know she's like my dad told me I'm like oh dang that usually works what I discovered about Don Cherie is the words the affirmation to love the affection the worth given to her by her earthly father is what produced security here on earth here's what I know today I know that so many people are watching this I'm not saying this flippantly I'm not saying this in a judgmental tone I'm not saying this just to say it but so many of us not just girls but even guys we have daddy issues somebody wasn't there somebody dropped the ball somebody promised us something and somebody led us down and many of us were going to look for a father in a man we're going to look for a father figure even in some relationship and what we don't understand is that these earthly relationships they could never take the place of that father but I want to encourage you today TC whatever you're watching this from whatever nation you are in you might feel all alone you might feel like you are facing hell in hot water you might feel like there's no worth on your life you might feel like nobody sees you nobody cares nobody knows your pain nobody knows your struggle you might not have had anybody who's ever spoken life over you but I want to remind you today that just because you didn't have an earthly dad doesn't for one second neglect the fact that you have always had a Heavenly Father who has declared life over you that he loves you that he sees you that he believes in you and you are a child of God today you can put your shoulders back you could come out of your place of being stuck and when the world says how do you how do you do that how do you know who you are you just say because my cuz my daddy told me my dad told me I love you I believe in you waiting season doesn't have to be a wasted season God has something for you right now focus on you be the minority break up break up break up break up break up all of this place right now right there at your home I know there's people right there in the room man if you're at your house right now man just get your family together get the people you're watching out there look at one another if you can hand if your quarantine grab some hands for a second let's join our faith because there's people that are watching right now and I know you came off a relationship talk but man it's silly to talk about earthly relationships if we don't talk about the first relationship until you get that in order your whole life's gonna be out of order for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life God did not send his son in the world to condemn the world but to save the world we're not the Savior he is and today he's not mad at you he's madly in love with you he has a plan for you he is in heaven he is the heavenly father that when you turn towards him he runs towards you and he sees you today and he invites you into relationship with him telling you get that relationship right the other ones starting to fall into place all of this place wherever you're at in the chat right now if that's you if you want to surrender life to Jesus would you just be bold right now chance me rich effect in the chat is but I've decided I've decided come on belong groups help me out I have decided I have decided I have sir I've decided I've made a decision I've changed my mind because I've changed my mind my life is about to transform I got a new thought I got a promise I got a vision I got a picture I'm moving towards something change your mind today I've decided to follow Jesus I want to lead you in a simple prayer say to say do Jesus today I surrender I give you my entire life forgive me of all my sin past present even future mistakes I give them to you I believe you are who you said that you are today I surrender my life over to you I want to follow you I receive your love father in Jesus name Amen oh come on we put our hands together come on can we give the Lord some praise come on TC nation give God some praise for what he's doing I love you church we'll see you guys soon the best is yet to come thank you so much for watching this message and if this has impacted you in any way I'm asking you to do a couple of things number one join transformation nation join us right here every Sunday gather your friends and your family and be a part of not just this moment but this movement the second thing I would ask you to do is share share this with your friends your co-workers people that are around you because transformation is just one click away the last thing I would ask you to do is partner with us financially if this ministry is impacting your life transforming you I would ask you to consider pray about what you could give to help us take this message to the whole world I want you to know that we love you and your best days are right in front of you this week I want you to live a transformed life see you next week
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 355,787
Rating: 4.9508209 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 1sec (3721 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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