Come Empty - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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I want to welcome you into the service of the Lord and to prepare your hearts and minds as we get our spirits ready to contemplate the Word of God you never complete the Word of God you contemplate the Word of God you never get to the end of it you contemplate in a few moments were going to contemplate 2nd Kings chapter 4 verse 1 through 7 2nd Kings chapter 4 verse 1 through 7 and I want you to go there with me as we contemplate what the Holy Spirit would have us to say out of this ancient writ about our contemporary dilemmas in that amazing how God can write something thousands of years ago and we can find things in it that are relevant to where we are right today that's the kind of God we serve because we live in time but he lives in eternity and he has fashioned all things unto the continuity of his own divine will go down to 2nd Kings chapter 4 verse 1 through 7 and I'm going to share the word of the Lord with you can you say Amen now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elijah's thing the servant of my husband is dead and I'll knowest that our servant did fear the Lord and the creditor has come to take unto Him my two sons to be bonding or slaves and he lies her said unto her what should I do for thee tell me what hast thou in the house and she said on hand made and have not anything in the house save a part of oh Allah then he said go borrow the vessels abroad of all thy neighbours even empty vessels borrow not a few I want to read that again then he said go back then he said go borrow the vessels abroad of all thy neighbors even empty vessels borrow not a few and when thou art come in thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons and she'll pour out into all those vessels and thou shall set aside that which is full so she went from him and shut the door upon her and upon her sons the ones that they were getting ready to take to pay off her bills who brought the vessels to her and she poured out and it came to pass when the vessels were full that she said unto her son bring me yet a vessel and he said under her mama there is not a vessel more and the oil stayed can you say man can you say man while you're standing I want to pray with you as we contemplate what the Holy Spirit said to me to share with you is come empty come empty look as somebody as they come empty spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us today as we go into the Word of God that we might experience all that she would have us to know and to understand regarding the truth in the integrity of the text that we might extrapolate from this text the complexities of the revelation of who you are and what you require from us we open our hearts and our spirits humbly and in a spirit of submission because we want to become more effective and coming into your presence I ask you now in the name that has been exalted above every name that you would take these mere lips of clay this flesh part that I walk around in and transform it into an instrument for your own auspicious grace and use me O God if their will to be a blessing to somebody to have somebody to better understand the necessity of coming into your presence and how you would have us to come and what you expect from us when we get there I believe you for glorious things to happen while we explore and contemplate your word today I believe you for miraculous moments of supernatural revelation to be extrapolated from the text while it is yet being preached I believe you for a moments of grace to reach my brothers and sisters around the country and around the world and that the text will be cut to the continuity of the challenge before us now I thank you in advance for what you're going to do I don't even have to see you do it I appraise your own credit I praise you now you can do it later I thank you for your blessing had your way in the name of Jesus somebody shout a man say man again you may be seated in the presence of the Lord it is with great spiritual deliberation that we approach this this text not in the traditional sense of merely Exige eating the texts itself though the text itself is extremely profound and it comes at a time that we watch a widow woman whose husband now deceased had formerly served Elijah as a servant as a mentee has one who sought to better understand how to release his prophetic gift it is interesting to note it because Elijah himself had once sought Elijah to better pull his gift out and I can't help but notice that you always need somebody to help you pull out of him what God put inside of you having had that experience himself as he served Elijah he then had addressed of sons up under him that he trained in the ways of the Lord and it is interesting to note that he had to be older than his mentees and yet he had survived something that his sons did not hats off to every survivor out there who beat the odds who lasted longer than the records would have thought she would have been that you are still effective at this age and at this stage in your life so it was for Elijah because his his mentee here is gone but the mentor is still standing so we enter into this cross generational conversation between not he and his successor or he and his son but the wife of the successor now comes to him reminding him that before he died her husband was loyal to Elijah that he was a son as it were that he was that he was serious about God and still he died I have to pause there and note the fact that bad things do happen to good people the woman is clear when the wife says you're a man of God you're a man of God ain't no question about if anybody knows who you are your wife doesn't and it is clear he is a man of God but that did not stop death death has it's unreasonable ability that could to defy reason and pick and choose whoever it will whenever he will sparing not the young or the old there is no guarantee because you are young that you will get to be old all is a gift given by God it is not a promise espoused to grow old to live long enough to gray is a gift given by God it it's not a ripe that you can assume so you have to live every day as if you might not make it to tomorrow that's what's the case with her husband never knowing that he would never finish raising his sons that he and his wife would not grow old together that he would not always be there as a force to provide and to protect for his family now the force is gone the strength is abated and the breath has gone out of his nostrils and there's nothing left as evidence that he was ever there except for the cry of his wife and the concern of his sons his absence has left him uncovered his absence has left him ill-prepared for the challenges of the time and they have suffered not only the emotional toll of him being snatched out of the house but also the economic impact because without him being there the provider the provision was gone and little by little the cupboards grew empty and little by little the pockets grew empty and little by little they started living off a promises that they could not fulfill steps on the scene this woman's pockets are empty and cupboards are bare and the creditors are full and she's down to losing her sons what kind of mama wants to give up her two sons to pay off her debt so we know clearly that this was not the way she wanted her life to go and yet this was where it was and she was a woman of God there are other widows in the Bible that that it is not clear whether they were truly women of God or not but this is a woman of God but tribal will come tell anybody I don't care how you pray I don't care how you fast I don't care how you're talking tongues and dance all over the chest that does not exempt you from having dark days and empty days and days of tumultuous wins and complexities we stepped into this woman's life not during the good times but the Bible doesn't mentioned to us when things were when the covers were full and the closets were overflowing and the pockets were overflowing with money now because that is irrelevant God is showing us how to survive if she had lost everything the only thing she has left is her sons and she's about to lose them too and Elijah comes on the scene and she reminds him who her husband was my husband was your mentee he went to your school of prophecy he was a good man of God and now he's gone she's - I believe trying in some way to create some relationship with real Isis so that he has a vested interest in responding to her she doesn't come in her name to provoke a miracle but she knows whose name to call to get Elijah's attention and she says my husband was one of your spiritual sons and he's dead and I'm his wife and they're about to come and get my sons and Elijah says what am I to do with thee but what do you do when you meet somebody in a particular slice of their life that threatens to define and deter the rest of their life what do you do when you meet someone at a moment in time of desperation what do you do when they're expecting you to do something beyond human rationale what am I to do with them then he asked her a paramount question I won't I won't spend a lot of time contemplating it because it's not really what I'm out there today but he asked her what is in your house and I think it's important to understand that God will always use something that you already got yeah well there's a part of all or a handful of meal or two fish and five loaves of bread the miracle scarred out of normalcy miracles are buff when God begins to magnify that's what you have overlooked and thought was invaluable and it might have been invaluable in your hair it might not have been valuable in your hands but it becomes invaluable when you place it in the hands of God something as normal as the jawbone of an ass or two fish and five loaves of bread think that you've been walking past all the time what the Prophet does his presence illuminates that which you have ignored what do you have you tell me about what you're lost I want to know what you got left because God never uses what you lost no he's not interested in you giving him a litany and a list of my wall left he would who hurts you who forsook you that's carnal talk God doesn't need anything that you lost - bless you God will always use what you got left and she says I don't have anything left listen at their discussion and say go back and for bantering toward a miracle as they banter back and forth toward a miracle the Holy Spirit has only written for us those things that are necessary that our faith might be built up by eavesdropping on their conversation this is not written to give us a hysteroscopy of this woman's life God does not deal with her bank account during the time that she had a husband God does not talk about her good days because faith does not shine in your good days faith always shines when all hell is breaking loose in your life you'll never experience the power of God when you're on the mountaintop who needs God on the mountaintop you need God when you're in the valley and Roger which said and you don't know what else to do I wanted to preach about this because I imagine in my own mind Allah allowed me to use my spiritual imagination to illuminate the text I imagined in my own mind that she had spent many of sleepless nights the Bible then said but I know if they're about to take her sons you don't go to bed with you about to take my kids see it had turmoil and discomfort and she was stressed out and at her wits in and she said I don't have nothing and I have nothing better a pot oh oh I don't know what kind of oil it was but it's just a pot of oil it could have been baking dripping small oil back in I'm out of everything I got nothing he says to the woman who is already broke you tell me to go borrow you have the nerve to tell me that I am NOT empty enough I want you to hear that I want that to sink into your head that God is saying it's not bad enough when they get Spyder you'll see my hand when it gets bad enough you'll see my glory when it gets bad enough I'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you don't have room enough to receive but but but but what you talking about is showers play you talk about you and that God said go borrow see this is for radical people this is not for your average ordinary superficial Sunday morning person who just happens to have clicked into the broadcast and you knew you were just fooling around and you ran into me this is not for you no this is for radical people who are backed in and sharp to the wall and you don't have no choice but to believe God because if you don't believe God you're going under if you don't believe God you're going down if you don't believe God you're gonna lose your body if you don't believe God you're gonna lose everything you got if you don't believe God you'll never get out of talk to somebody who's in enough trouble to hear this message just some of y'all are doing too good to hear this message some of you got too much to get this message some of you are too intellectual to give this message some of you are too full to give this message God is best experienced from a place of vulnerability all of this teaching we don't um praise and worshipping and how to get glory out of God at all that's cute for people who are not in trouble it only becomes this when you are desperate enough for the word to come alive go borrow go borrow from your neighbors buddy is not dead he told her to go borrow that is not what I really came to preach about sometimes when we start talking about making room for God and we start talking about economic impact and we start talking about God and finances I'll talk about how sometimes your your your valley isn't deep enough to get God to let it rain and sometimes you have to dig ditches in your valley in order to attract God because when God comes he's gonna come with such force that your little problem isn't deep enough to get him to flow in your life that I don't have time to talk about that today no no that's that's for another Sunday well it's good to write down and to take note uh then sometimes the only way to get out of trouble is to get deeper into trouble and you have to be desperate to receive that because if you're rational you won't get there you have to be desperate enough I've been thinking sir I got nothing to lose if I know that I'm going down anyway attracts God it is your boy it is the vacuum that attracts God it is not agrees it is not your money it is no Gucci bag it is your vine somewhere down in your soul Oh somewhere down in your soul you gotta be empty enough to have a faith experience yeah I have to be vulnerable enough to have a faith experience Jesus I need to teach you how to walk when you're walking on concrete it's only when you're walking on water divided attention woman's attention and he says go borrow from your neighbors that's one thing to be broken it's another thing to tell your neighbors you're broke they're already talking funny they're already looking at you they're already noticing that the lawn is not manicured and the house needs painting they already know that you haven't had a manicure and a pedicure I already notice that you haven't got your hair down and God says go tell your neighbors that you need something and he doesn't tell you to beg for it in the sense of asking them to give it to you he said this won't take long just borrow when you hear the word borrower it's like Jesus borrowing the grave this won't take long this just let me borrow it I'm just going through some this situation that you're in right now will not last you just need to borrow a solution cuz after a while everything you're lost it's gonna come back everything that got away is gonna come running back everybody who walked off is gonna come knocking on your door this is a temporary situation and he says go to your neighbors and go knocking on doors with your sons that they're about to take send them out into the neighborhood now when you borrow something it has to have value nobody that's listening at me right now goes up to a bag lady and ask her for long when you borrow something there is a perceived value in order to go after them what God says these values is vessels God says he values vessels wrestle when everybody else values content God says go borrow vessels everybody else goes to Diamond Marcus and they buy perfume God says go buy perfume bottles yeah God my body normally go down to the store to get a bottle I don't want the bleach just give me the cash God says borrow her shun double Shia God says [Music] borrow not just any kind of vessel he says I want you to get empty vessels in order to get your miracle I'm not taking this any kind of vessel don't bring me a half-full vessel don't bring me three-quarters full don't bring me one time for they must be empty to be eligible are you empty enough if you got one idea left you do not empty enough if you got a plan being a back-up plan and a contingency plan and a plan a plan C you're not eating enough God said I want you to get vessels that are empty and the reason the Holy Spirit set me over into the Texas not so much for the text itself it is not the text itself that I am contemplating it is the texts against the times that we are living in because we are living in some times right now of emptiness I'm wondering if there's anybody watching me there's been feeling empty now I must take the time to make a distinction between being empty and being tired if you are just tired and you get some sleep you wake up in the morning and you feel better but if you're empty sleep will not resolve it is there anybody who woke up feeling as bad as you did when you laid down is lot that you try empty and this message goes out oh my god two people who have been having this indescribable feeling that you don't even understand how to explain yourself that you have just seen so much and heard so much in and watch so much in read so much and see so much news and read so many texts and seen so many things tweeted and seen so many things happening in your personal life and your financial life in your public life in our professional life that and you so many people have been calling on you asking for advice and for helping and for encouragement to the point there's not that I don't like you but I saw it was your number and I did not cuz I don't like you I said I'm I'm empty I want to talk to some people who are just feeling empty not happy not sad just and you can't even find a word to articulate how you've been feeling because you're not used to describing yourself as if your contents were gone because you've never been drained like you've been drained here lately and you are feeling empty in psychology they call it compassion fatigue compassion fatigue is when you have had so many disastrous things happen one on top of the other on top of the other on top of the other that you run out of compassion nice hard to quantify compassion because we don't know where compassion stays we don't know it is in our liver our lungs our heart our teas your kidneys with on the way it stays but we know one is gone we can't describe if we could figure out where it stayed we could block them from taking it but little by little and day by day in hour by hour every phone call every situation every problem every dilemma has taken its toll and you run out of something that an accountant cannot account for that a lawyer cannot fight for that an agriculturalists cannot grow back you run out of compassion and now you're empty empty is running out of care I don't care yeah I don't care I don't care what I put on I don't care what I look like I don't care that I haven't shaved I don't care that I haven't done my hair I don't care that my nails grown out I don't care cuz I don't care cuz I spent all my care you and now not only am I'm broke but I've also run out of care and now I'm just empty it's walking around with a sad face and nobody died empty is walking around without any kind of expression because you run out of the energy it takes do whatever they want to do and you don't even say nothing because you just gotta go wherever you want to go cuz Mohammed is just Mama's just Mama's just yep ain't got no more ain't got no more don't have no more advice I don't have no more energy I don't have no more passion I don't have no more Drive I am empty who wants to hire an empty person you hire people for the creativity you value them for the knowledge of the interlace you hire people who have got passion and the energy and insight and ideas and God's it out of one lot of that stuff I don't want ideas I don't want creativity I don't want passion go borrow me some empty can you imagine being the little boys who are about to be taken for debt and in a last surge of hope go knocking on doors and say mama said can we borrow some empty how do you fix your mouth to ask me for empty I can see worn a cup of sugar I can see more than a handful of meal I can see wunderbar some salt or some dishwashing liquid but y'all sent me over here since you over here to ask me for some empty that's what the Prophet told the woman that God valued that God values you the most not when you're full not when you're overflowing not when you've got all kind of creative impact in energy that God values you the most when you are empty you see God creates empty when women when liveth in the book of Genesis when with when he reached down into the earth any and he formed man from the dust of the earth he he formed an empty vessel yeah yeah yeah yeah he was careful he didn't form it full he formed it empty and he wanted it to be empty so he'd have something to blow into the dust of the earth Oh clay pot and Oh empty vessel karma hallelujah made of red earth God God was attracted to him don't you neighbors say come in T so there it God is we see the master himself hovered over top of an empty vessel as if he were an Eagle hovering over the egg as if he were about to hatch something God came down from eternity stepped over into time and hovered over an empty vessel and he was so attracted to it that he kissed the empty vessel and when he kissed it he blew in his mouth the breath of life and he became a living soul I don't know who I'm preaching to but God is getting ready to kiss somebody ready to kiss somebody who's been walking around for the last three weeks with an indescribable emptiness down inside of you avoid a vacuum that nothing seems to feel you're watching TV but you're distracted you're listening at the news but you're only half listening at it you're going through the motions you can't even remember for sure this winds here as it's Thursday since it's his Friday as excuse me you just is attracted to empty and so he hovered over and then fever so any Bruins earlier the breath of lives if it became a living soul later on as we turn the pages of the Bible we will see where God tells Moses on the mountain top to go form a tabernacle and Moses formed the tabernacle and once he got the tabernacle all formed then God said fill it with furniture and he begin to feel that which was empty with furniture and then when he made the Holies of Holies God said if you make the Holies of Holies making empty I'll come in and fill it with chlorine and the glory was called Shekinah glory God is attracted to empty the question is not are you full enough the question is are you empty enough because what God wants to come into his presence are not people who got it all together but not people who got the hair all moist God wants people to come into his presence I'm gonna feed you to your hungry I'm not gonna feed you till you're thirsty because I am a God that is attracted to excuse me I got a mother her mama see [Music] can we borrow your baby mama see can we borrow your empty excuse me my mama sent me over to your house to say can we borrow your empty and/or my toy house by house and neighbor by neighbor the boys went out and all they gathered was empty and they kept Pavin back to Mama's house bring in empty vessels one right after another the Bible that tell us how many they brought but the Bible does tell us that the oil didn't begin the flow until it found empty there is a glory that God will only release on somebody who comes into his presence God's is just right for me because what I've been waiting on you to do is run out and when I've been waiting on you to do is to run out of people to call out of your person they can borrow an empty because my god is so big it isn't a question can he supply the question is do I have enough empty to attract God's attention little by little and house by house and nearby neighbor let me get enough fifty it reminds me of what Jesus did when he laid hands on the disciples and and told him to go to Jerusalem and said don't start preaching and the Bible said that all of these disciples were in the upper room and they had not been filled with the Holy Ghost and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were in one place with one Accord suddenly there came a sound with the Holy Ghost if you want God to fill you you gotta come in if you want God to bless you you gotta come in if you want God to help you you gotta come in if you want God to deliver you you gotta come in there somebody shouted there that's what he wants when you finally run out when you fire and when the course was fully come and they were in one place with one Accord suddenly [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is a job for the Lord we go be shut up in here together we've been shut up for weeks we've been set up for months we've been shut up in every city we've been shut up in every neighborhood but God said shut the door [Music] shut the door something is about to happen God is about to move so we are socially distance so we are confined to our houses and it's uncomfortable but the Holy Ghost said it's the sign that something is about to flow I want somebody to take 30 seconds and praise God for the flow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with the door was shut hmm when the phone stopped ringing when people stopped coming over when the door was shut and there was no way out when the door was shut that's when God begins to move look at how he moved they brought the empty vessels to the part of all she already had she knew it was a pot of oil a pot of oil is measurable it is finite how much oil is it is from pot of oil what is a part of oil against all of these empty vessels so she took a pot of oil how much was it it was a potable and she picked it up and when the pot begins to pour the oil begin to flow it was a pot - supported then the aha so you think you know what you got but but but but you don't know what you got to your poor it as long as you save it you don't know what you got you you got is in the process of pouring you you think you know what you can do you don't know what you can do until you have to pull it out it's when you're poor you're multiplied it's when you're poor you got increase it's when you're poor that you go from finite to infinite somewhere between being straight up vertical and being turned over horizontal as the oil begin to flow it began to multiply and the oil continued to flow so the oil is not flowing in proportion to its container it is flowing in proportion to the emptiness of what's in front of it but the more you put in front of him the more he'll begin to flow the more you have a need the more he'll have an answer the more you knock the more the door shall be opened the more you seek the more you shall find the more you ask the more it shall be given God is not limited by the containers we put him in God is not limited to the churches we built God is not limited to the size of our sanctuary he said let me show you how big I am I'll set the dog on your church and it's funny with the door shut he flows more with the door shut then he did when the doors who are open can I get a witness somewhere and the oil began to flow look at somebody elements just begin in the floor it's just beginning the flow is flowing in my living room it's flowing in my kitchen it's flowing in my house it's flowing in my car any time you shut the door God said I will flow they shut the door in the upper room and God begin the flow they shut the door okay Irish quarter and Jesus woke up the dead they shut the door on Jesus in the tomb and he got up out of the grave [Music] somebody said when you open it up I don't know something is flowing with the door shut open the door something is flowing right now [Music] [Music] sugar is flowing better holla let it flow and the Bible said the board that came empty the more the oil begin to flow think somebody say come empty the secret to your next miracle is come empty the secret to your breakthrough is come empty the secret to your increase is coming to him that's why Jesus blessed the Widow's mite the Bible said all the rich people gave an offering but the winner gave all she had and when God saw her empty he said she's more blessed than anybody else cuz there's something about empty that God enjoys the more you come into you the more the oil flow and they say mama was standing there and she was pouring out the law and she said bring me another vessel and when they ran out of empty when they ran out of empty the oil stayed you know what's wrong with the church today we have run out of empty you don't come at the right person a preacher you don't come if you can't get a good parking space you don't call me if the crying singing your song you don't come to that's gonna be a concert you don't come to you're gonna be on TV and you've been missing the point you're hanging around who's preaching about who's seen about who's leading the worship back in all days we didn't know who was preaching and we didn't care who was singing and the folks who were singing couldn't see and it didn't even matter cuz we didn't come to hear folk scene we didn't come to hear flesh preach we came laying on the altar and we came into if you come empty God will fill your if you come empty if you come empty get rid of your gimmicks get rid of your tricks get rid of your flashing lights get rid of your cute outfits and come in stop with your slogans stop with your sayings and lay out before God as I leave here you feel there I can't let you go till you bless my soul and so the Holy Ghost told me to tell you to come into because if you come empty he will flow he will flow if he will come if you lift your hands up right where you are and open up your mouth before God because it is a God God is looking for somebody who can come into he's looking for somebody who can come empty I don't know what to do without you I don't know where to go without you I don't know what to say without you I don't know what to think without you I come as a fool I come to the tanks as a fool I come to your word knowing nothing I have to come to the word empty to see something I have to come to the altar thirsty for you to be water I have to come hungry for you to be bread and if you stop trying to act so full of yourself yes sure and just lift your hands and open your mouth and be empty before him death and all that's gonna flow on you right now yes I right there in your living room right there by the bed right there by the couch if you just if you just admit I'm empty I'm tired of run out I'm I'm trying I'm thirsty I'm Barry Phil my couple or what I mean I need more of you I need more I need I need I need I need I need I need I need you I need you I need you I need you I can't do this without you I'm I'm empty if you come empty God will fill you and when they ran out of vessels that were empty the oil stayed and Elijah told her one thing he said pay off all of your debtors and live off the rest and I said the rest you mean I'm gonna have something left you mean that if I come empty I'll come into overflow you mean if I come empty you my cup will run over and all my bills will be paid and all my knees will be met and all my questions will be answered that if I come empty if I come to the text as a fool I'll leave with revelation if I come to the text not knowing so much and not being so important if I come and open up my Bible like a fool I'll come in to overflow get water bit enough if you paid off my bills I was only asking to break even but God said I'm not gonna let you break even I'm gonna bring you an overflow I don't know who I'm preaching to right now I don't know what you're going through but whatever you got is too much you need to give it whatever you hold it onto you need to sow it whatever you think you know you need to give it away because whole ago sad if you come empty I'll bring you into overflow this is a prophetic word in the life of some believer you think you know something you don't know nothing you think you got something you don't have nothing your problem is you're not empty enough and if you empty yourself the hole will flow and God said when all the debt is paid you'll have enough to live the rest of your life off you shut that book or share digg I live off the rest cuz I'm not coming back to your house this one miracle is gonna do it when I get to blessing you you'll be able to live the rest of your life off of the overflow somebody right now God wants to bring you from hand to mouth from paycheck to bill paying into supernatural overflow and all you got to do is mama say can we borrow your empty can you see this woman selling all the oil and giving back the vessels saying mama said thank you here your vessel back mama said thank you we won't need it anymore mama said thank you we got it all worked out now mama said thank you here's your vessel back y'all don't hear what I'm saying to you Wow something that you used to need you about not to need it anymore mama said thank you you can have it back now the bill is paid I've come into overflow we're living off of the rest as I calls this message I wanna I just want to live off of the rest I'm living off of the rest in God I went from feeling empty to feeling rested I'm a rest in his promise I'm a rest in His grace I'm a rest in his word I'm gonna rest in his truth while my neighbors are going crazy while the world is going crazy while the economy is going up and down while the government is going crazy I'm gonna live off of the rest I'm gonna rest in the rock of ages' I'm gonna rest in the Word of God because I found the secret to unlocking the overflow of God God said I'm gonna shake this world did you come into I'm gonna shake up all of your plans and all of your ideas and all of your circumstances and all your situation do you get like your Grandmamma and get on the altar and a cheap JCPenney dress hair are all poor back nappy-headed into a twist with a rubber band and lay out on the altar empty and God said when I see you have to I'm gonna do amazing things in your life I'm gonna do amazing things in your life and I am going to save the next generation from the debt of their parents I'm gonna break the back of generational debt I'm gonna save the next generation if you have the courage to come empty Wow there there's a prodigal son there's a way with girl and you've been trying to get your life together and you sit when I give my life together I'm coming to God and what you don't understand is that if you get your life together God ain't gonna want you what God wants is for you to come into and come broken and come confused and come crying and come strung out and come feeling kind of crazy and asking him to pick up the pieces right now with every idea you had falling apart and friends betraying you and people walking out on you cos say you just right I want to borrow you mama said God wants to borrow you [Music] it's tough ain't working your business ain't prospering your back to the corner sure to wall got several good good good you're finally right for me to use it this is your moment I want to invite you to Jesus and I want you to come empty I want you to leave all your degrees and come like a fool I want you to leave all the stuff and the ideas and the plans and just come empty before him and say I'll do what you want me to do I'll say what you want me to say I'll give what you want me to give I'm available to you [Music] right now right now this moment right this minute [Music] I don't need a front seat I'll sweep the floor I work in the parking lot I'll do whatever you whatever you however you leave it anywhere if I don't have no opinion I have available to you I don't have no opinion I don't have no preference I'm to being smart I come like a fool and I kneel down adulterer and I give you my life and I give you my plans and I give you my ideas and I give you my concepts and anything I got you can have it you can have it you can have it you can have it I surrender all to Jesus I surrender I give up I give it up I give it up I give it up I give it up you take all of this stuff like all this worldly stuff all this carnal stuff all it's fleshly stuff you can have any of it I come empty to you Lord I want you to understand that right now my storage my storage is empty and I'm available I'm available me I must but I'm available nobody else would see me as valuable but you but but here I am can I pray for you like you to I'll do what you do to show someone the way and enable me to see right where you are right now mamacita give me go empty father right now in the name of Jesus is I bowed my head I pray for every empty vessel every backslider every sinner every weary worn-out exhausted sait every empty mama every man walking around the house feeling empty right now every child that's lost his smile [Music] I pray over empty fences I'm just asking you Lord to just let your oil flow to cleanse every center of their sins reclaim every backslider feel every empty vessel that's watching this broadcast all over the world fellow till answers and creativity come back the power and an integrity comes back till discipline and for the two comes back I feel the oil flowing right now I feel the oil flowing into your life and into your heart and into your spirit and into your mind and into your family and into your house and until your intellect and into your imagination though all is flowing God just kills it God just tilted the vessel he just tilted he just turned it up can you receive it can you catch it it's flowing it's falling is flawed catch open your mouth cats [Music] maestro dredge is hip to Lord my storage is empty lost my storages into the Lord my star [Music] my stove gets his hip too long [Music] somebody right now you're standing on the verge of America and the Holy Spirit spoke something into your spirit for you to do obey Him right now do what he said do so what he said so give what he said give plant what he said plans come empty [Music] come in [Music] pour yourself out I'm ready to come into overflow I'm tearing up my building plans I'm tearing up my contract I'm tearing up my concepts I'm tearing up what I had in mind for myself I don't want it to be me I want it to be you I don't want to be married fill me fill me up all the way from The Potter's House to your house you can forgive me I'm not important but don't you forget this message the word of the Lord said come empty fish [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 664,947
Rating: 4.8177891 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, Come Empty, leave room for God, finding room for God
Id: _k1tUzPyLXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 12sec (4032 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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