Rich Wilkerson Jr — Asking For A Friend: 4 Secrets Of A Secure Woman

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I want take a moment I want to welcome all of our who friends and family who are joining us by way of YouTube or the podcast could make up some noise for all of our friends who are part of our extended family if you have a Bible tonight go ahead and reach for it turns me to proverbs chapter 31 we're gonna be camping out in that chapter this evening so glad that you are in church so happy that we are here together we're continuing a collection of talks entitled asking for a friend and tonight my assignment I want to preach to you from the topic for secrets of a secure woman this is part 2 of a collection that we began last week called asking for a friend and really the premise of the entire collection is all things relationships I don't know what it is but when it comes to relationships I think sometimes we feel like we've got more questions than we have answers and many times the questions can make us feel deficient what I've learned is any area of your life that you feel deficient in is prone to shame when it comes to things like identity sex dating marriage there's a lot of shame that shows up maybe here tonight and you have some shame thinking going on in a room this size with people that are joining us by way of online there's a lot of thoughts that go through our minds that are that are shame thoughts things like oh man how come nobody ever asks me out I think something's wrong with me it's shame thinking how come I can't figure out how to make my relationship with my spouse work maybe I'll just not talk about it and then somehow it'll get better how come that turns me on you know what I know that's to feel that way so let's be silent cuz if I just get quiet enough then maybe the feelings and urges will go away I'm telling you somehow I've lowered my standards so many different times I think I ought to just go in this direction because I'm never ever gonna become more than what I am today it's called shame thinking my wife and I we can't communicate therefore we must not be compatible I ought to get out of this relationship because of what I really need is I need a new partner it's shame think let me tell you how you know when shame is in your life shame is always running and it's always hiding any area of your life that wants to run or wants to hide is probably dealing with some shame this collection is about you and I understanding that we cannot live in hiding listen to me anything that's left hidden will remain unhealthy you'll always be as sick as your secrets and the point of this collection is for you and I to push each other to challenge each other to come out of hiding and to declare loud and clear I'm not asking for a friend yo I'm asking for me I need some help I want to encourage us before we even get into the content tonight that this is a house of grace this is not a house of shame this is not a house of condemnation we actually believe that 2,000 years ago on a cross Jesus Christ defeated death sin and even your shame what does that mean practically what that means practically is that you are not defined by your mistakes you're not defined by your desires you're not defined by your proclivities you're not defined by your tendency you're not defined by your urges you're not defined by your sin you're not defined by your issues you are defined by the grace of God you my friend are a child of God he doesn't want to harm you he wants to help you we don't have to live in hiding we can come out of hiding we can step into the light boldly and confidently knowing that our God is not going to hurt us he's going to help us I'm asking for me tonight because I got questions and I believe God's Word holds some answers for many years I've preached around this topic of relationships and over and over again I've said this line and I'm gonna stick to it and you need to learn this line because it's the truth healthy relationships are made up of healthy individuals every relationship in your life starts with you if you're actually ever going to have a healthy marriage if that's your desire it will first require a healthy man and a healthy woman the goal in life is not perfection the goal is progress in fact I don't even like that word goal I like us to have a type of mindset not a goal mindset a growth mindset because if you have a goal there's always a finish line but if you're committed to growth you just continue to become health doesn't have a finish line when you get married you got to go on the journey of becoming even healthier than how you started can I get a witness out there if I'm preaching to anybody in the room I'll write it down this week you'll never be all that you can be collectively until you are all until you are who you're called to be individually it starts with you and so last week I asked my wife don't you two come up and to preach to all the men on what it looks like to be a godly man according to God's Word we put our hands together and thank God for Dawn Sheree and the sermon that she got and tonight my assignment is to preach to all the women I'm nervous yo your boy needs some help my hope and preaching to the girls tonight is yes to give all the women in this house a vision of what God says you are to become but I also want every man in this room to hear it because I believe there's gonna be some men in this room they're gonna raise some daughters I want you to speak the right things over your daughters there's some men that already have some wipes I want you to know how to speak life to your wife there's some dudes that are looking right now I want to make sure you understand what it looks like to find and discover a secure strong woman of God is there anybody out there who wants some secrets for security go ahead and give God some praise I want to start by giving you two basic disclaimers very very important a lot of people from different walks of life some people from different churches different types of things that they believe about the Bible I want to make sure you understand what we believe here at vu Church disclaimer number one women aren't less than men girls I'm gonna be so much more help out of you tonight on your light this is low-hanging fruit just grab it wrong now this is very very biblical I don't just make that statement the scripture says that God created man from dirt named him adam and adam had a role and responsibility he was given dominion over a guard and the garden was known as Eden God gave him a mission name all the animals Adam started out in his mission and only took got a little bit of time to look down at man and say hell this ain't good it is not good for a man to be alone get this bro do some help ASAP and from his rib he created Eve and Eve was known as a helpmate ladies hear me guys need [Applause] all the men of God with me just say hell don cherie help me help you I want you understand that there's not a single category of my life that my wife has not helped me in not a single category she has been a constant help to my life Eve was not taken from Adams feet because women are not beneath men Eve was not taken from Adam's head because women are not above men but rather Eve was taken from his side because women and men are supposed to walk side by side and partnership fulfilling the mission God is giving me there's like this false narrative that's running around church that many times I hear people make little jokes oh if it wasn't for women there wouldn't be sin okay that's a false narrative started by guess who a man remember Adam and Eve they they sinned they ate the fruit and right away what happened shame entered the equation they recognized for the first time that they're naked what a shame do shame runs and hides they went and hid from God God comes and finds him and says yo Adam why did you eat the fruit now it was like yo um the woman made me do it and that was the start of every man for the rest of history blaming women for all of their problems the Bible actually says that sin entered the world through one man I know I'm not supposed to preach to the guys cuz that happened last week but I'm here tonight and a big problem that we have right now with men in 2020 is a whole lot of men and 20-21 authority but they don't want to couple it with responsibility you can't have the first without the second it is a tragedy to watch so many men declare and behave like they deserve Authority but they don't understand that with great authority comes great responsibility let me preach to the men from Allah in our church bro if you are a man to bring a baby into this world you better be a man to take care of that baby there is an epidemic in our nation right now men start in families leaving their families not even paying child support what kind of a man is that I get to do a couple counseling sometimes you don't want me to a couple counsel you I'll talk to these dudes dudes are walking by brah I just don't know why she won't submit to me I'm like well let's start with the basic question would you submit to you [Applause] cuz dude if you can't lead yourself why would you expect anybody else to follow ladies let me just pass to you for a moment do not submit to any man who claims to have authority but he won't match it with responsibility don't do it you don't owe me anything [Applause] the bible does not say women's submit to men the bible says women submit to your husband that's like one dude who know you'll never submit to somebody that you don't respect honor is given respect is earned you see see women aren't less than men what I want to see another sounds like so basic but with the disclaimer disclaimer number two women are different from men that's a polarizing almost statement to make even in 2020 and I want to be sensitive to everybody in the room but the Scriptures are very very clear that God created this male and female now the fact that he created us male and female indicates to you and I that there are differences amongst us if he wanted us all to be alike he would have created us exactly the same but I actually believe our differences shouldn't divide us and shouldn't cause us to disrespect one another but rather our differences should be celebrated we should recognize that our differences are what makes us stronger what makes us better what makes us more powerful so you see a public version of me but you don't understand that the only way I'm able to be the public version of me is first by being the private version of you of my wife my wife lets me lead my wife has chosen to submit to my leadership my wife has recognized that we have different roles in our marriage and she says rich I trust your leadership therefore I will follow you just because she submits to me doesn't mean that she allows me to walk all over her in fact you'd be crazy to try to walk all over dodge she will cut you okay like we're different and our differences should be celebrated we should recognize that it's our differences when they come together that make us so powerful that we're better together what we need in 2020 is we need some men who know how to be men and we need some women who know how to be women come on is there anybody in this room who hears what I'm talking about as you read the book of Proverbs it was written by a man named Solomon Solomon is arguably the wisest man to ever live the earth in spiritual settings as well as secular settings and over and over again when Solomon refers to wisdom he always refers to wisdom from the female gender I don't know what it is but it's like you girls you have the gift of wisdom wisdom is not simply knowledge wisdom is the ability to know what to do with the knowledge I don't make any big decision in my house without first consulting my wisdom my wife proverbs 31 is towards the end of the book and proverbs 31 is probably the most notably known chapter in the Bible that describes and paints a picture of a strong secure woman of God and it's there to give us a picture of who girls are to become I love it as the writer writes in proverbs 31 verse 29 it sums it up he says many women do noble things but you surpass them all I wonder if there's any girls in the room that want to know how to surpass them all God's Word holds the keys and the secrets to you walking in security not in certain seasons but every season it's night I want to show you four secrets to success found in proverbs 31 secret number one I want you to write this down demand increases when supply decreases girls I don't know if anyone's ever told you this before but hear me tonight the best thing you got going for you is you there is no one else on the planet like you to quote the psalmist you are fearfully and wonderfully made you were sculpted and created by the world's greatest artist God quit criticizing God's work quit putting yourself down quit wishing you looked like someone else quit wishing you had someone else's life quit being counseled by the culture quit listening to the world quit hearing what society says about you start listening to what God says about you quit putting your body on display quit lowering your standards why because when you learn how much you're worth you will quit giving people discounts demand increases when supply decreases insecurities loud confidence is quiet you don't have to prove your worth your worth will prove you watch what the writer says verse 10 chapter 31 a wife of noble character who can find she is worth far more than rubies I don't if you see it but it just jumps out of the passage that your greatest value is your character character is produced in trials and tribulations there is no fast track to character the only way you get character is by going deep into the valley going into moments and seasons of suffering going through points of pain and choosing to be patient and to wait on God trusting that God although you can't see it on the outside is doing something on the inside it's called character development and according to this passage it's your character that makes you so valuable notice what the scripture says a wife of noble character who can find everyone say find this is very important that you see this ladies hear me you're not less than men you're different from men you were created to be found death at times it feels like you're hidden it's because you were designed to be discovered another passage of scripture says he who finds a wife finds a good thing meaning the responsibilities of a man is to find you what happens to so many women I want you to hear this tonight because this is so important you hear this what happens there's so many women is their desire for security tempts them into doing the man's job I'm coming it's not your job to find it it's his job to find you and so if you start the relationship doing his work you're gonna have to sustain the relationship doing his work okay I'm gonna stop talking to single people let me talk to married people because you ought to stand up and testify that you've already experienced this there are women in this room right now and you resent your husband and the reason why you resent your husband is because your husband is not leading but before you go and blame him you want to take a hard look in the mirror and look at yourself you ought to blame yourself as much as you blame him the reason why you resent him and the reason why he's not leading is because you allowed him not to work your desire for security expedited and crippled his development process as a man your desire for security created a deficiency inside of him now you're sitting back 10 years later getting a revelation about what a good man looks like and now you're resenting him yo if he didn't have to work to get you why would he ever work to keep you I'm trying to preach to some ladies in this room make that man work make that bad shake you make that bad come and find you [Applause] you're taking shortcuts you don't know the long-term results you'll be facing you don't see the resentment in ten years you don't see the judgment in 15 years make him work ladies I'm telling you there will always be moments in life that people are unable to see your worth just don't let it be you know your worth know your value my wife um in Proverbs 31 it talks about a Provost only one woman that that she's praised by her husband that she's bragged on by her husband so let me just brag on my wife my wife might be one of the most secure not women secure human beings that I know and it's the credits not to me appears when I met my wife she was secure when I met my wife she knew her value one of the great observations that I've learned watching my wife's life is that so much of her security and value came from her earthly father in fact when I met Don Cherie it's like I had to work extra hard I'd be like girl you're incredible she's like already know I'm like that usually works you know like girl you're amazing I already know you're beautiful already know that too how do you know because my daddy told me so oh my god she had an earthly father who was speaking over her life and placing value in worth honor that when some dude came around it wasn't gonna be some slick words that were gonna actually grab her attention but rather it was going to be the work in the action and pursuit of me finally yeah I want a room this size that I know people that are joining us right now whether you're in your car whether you're at work whether you're listening to this in your earbuds at a workout I know there's people in this room that's not your story there's no judgment there it's just that's not your story there's so many women that I meet and I'm not trying to be cliche or snarky or funny but there's so many women that are dealing with daddy issues that you so longed for the voice of a father you so longed for a man to say you're accepted and you're approved and you're beautiful and to place value on you but you never had it for some reason or not and so as you've grown older what you've done is you've gone looking for love in all the wrong places and you look to some boy and you've expected him to take the place of you dad I want to encourage you tonight you might not have had an earthly dad but I'm telling you tonight you got a great heavenly father and your heavenly Father looks down from heaven and he places value on you he says I see you and I love you and I have a plan for you so you can patiently wait for the right guy to find you because Jesus already found you do not discount what God paid in full for demand increases when supply decreases just because somebody desires you doesn't mean they value you so if you're not careful you'll turn this into some like singles talk you know like yeah yeah there's a singles talk it's for all the single people purity I know that message now we talk to the married people it's the same principle in marriage how many know the fact that my wife is not available to anyone else makes me want her even more I pastor our church if you're a guest we're so grateful you're here but married couples that are followers of Jesus that love God's Word it is a grave mistake to bring other people into your bedroom because you think that's gonna turn your other partner on me just let me just tell you let me just let me to tell you because maybe no one ever told you it is a grave mistake to bring pornography into the bedroom to get your partner excited I'm not I'm not I'm not even arguing ethics with you we're talking economics it's not logical to think for me to give my wife a new appetite in the supplier with other things that somehow as I supply her with all these other appetites that somehow she'll have a demand for me protect your marriage protect your home you don't need every man wanting you you need the right man to want you just giving some secrets secret number two secret to security number two adding value makes you more valuable adding value makes you more value secure people are always looking for moments and opportunities to add value to other people listen to me selfishness sabotages relationships you have to shift from a get mindset to a give mindset the moment I need something from you the moment I'm trying to get something from you is the moment I stop giving something to you in the moment I stop giving something to you is the moment I stop adding value to your life see just because you're an asset doesn't mean that you're appreciating I wonder are you depreciating are you better this time this year than you were last year have you become a liability see woman of God you need to carry a spirit of excellence you need to recognize that any situation any circumstance that you walk into you leave that place better than how you found it you ought to see your presence as a present you ought to look at your life saying I am a gift to anybody who comes in contact with me do you see yourself your life as a gift are you a gift to your co-workers are you a gift to your friends to your siblings are you a gift to your parents are you a gift to your children are you a gift to your husband I'm constantly working on this I'm like dontrey I want to be a gift to you come and unwrap me girl [Applause] you guys are stupid anyways um proverbs 31 verse 11 if you don't like ratchet come at 10 a.m. [Applause] robert shafter 31 11 her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value watch this she brings him good not harm all the days of her life all the men say Amen look at this this woman is adding value to the man's life how much value she constantly all the days of her life is bringing him good and not harm and the verse book before it says because of it he lacks nothing of value why because his greatest valuable thing is his partner is his spouse because she just constantly is adding to his life it's like the goose who lays golden eggs what's more valuable the golden eggs or the goose that lays them you have the opportunity to add value say well okay I'm just really I just wanna make check and determine right what is my distinct competency in this category um it's not that confusing I just wanna know how do I add how do you add value look what it said he has complete confidence in her the way you add value to people's life is you create confidence in people's lives okay but how do I create confidence it's really simple live a trustworthy lie what trust worthy worthy of trust well how do you get trust trust comes two ways time and the truth and ladies let me just be as Frank as I possibly can what a man needs is he needs somebody that he can be vulnerable with and he can share the truth and he must know that as he gives the truth he's gonna receive back the truth you have to walk with the revelation that those who know the truth well I'm tell you it's the truth that will set you free and anybody who's walking in truth understands this premise that you can tell a thousand truths but one lie can destroy it all you gotta fall in love with the truth you got to live a life that's worthy of trust because when you live a life that's worthy of trust you add value which makes you more valuable it's amazing because what the devil loves the devil loves to take your greatest gift and turn it into your your greatest weakness I was doing some research this week and I discovered that girls you speak on an average every single day 20,000 words that's impressive the first book I wrote only has 40,000 words I could've hung out with you you could have wrote that in two days guys you speak 7,000 words every day a little bit different girls have the gift to communicate my wife she cracks me I cook emotions like rich I'm telling you what what do you think no babe today was crazy [Applause] [Applause] any thoughts awesome [Applause] you're not less than we're just different but what the enemy loves to do is he loves it take your gift and turn it into your weakness there's no doubt that Adam in the garden was responsible but yo it always takes two to tango I think Eve had some responsibility that to remember she's just walking through the garden and the snake comes by so Eve did God really say not to eat this fruit and he's like I can't really remember she eats the fruit and then Adam walks up to bite by the way like we are all very judge I was very judgmental towards Adam earlier let's just be honest I come home my wife is in the bedroom naked eating fruit your boys joining okay um count me in uh-huh what is that a mango okay um it's like I'm hashtag no judgment here [Applause] but what does she do she doesn't communicate truth instead she manipulates a lie and girls one of your constant challenges to adding value will be can you take your gift and communicate truth or will you manipulate a lie because sometimes we don't even know we're doing this I'm once again pastor our church for a minute because I know there's guests here and so I'm trying to speak into the life of our church and and the generalizations and things that come my way I just want to speak to the singles because sometimes you girls you don't recognize it but sometimes you create false narratives sometimes you don't even know but you're speaking out of both sides of your mouth and you've got a double standard just I want you be careful because it is a pitfall of the enemy in your life I'll talk to girls that church and you'll hear this kind of thing at church there's a there's girls in our church they'll like a guy but that guy maybe hasn't shown any type of real acknowledgment or interest hasn't been direct with that girl so what does that girl do she walks away and she complaints she's like I can't even believe all the guys every Church marché me chivalry is dead at Boot Church guys are always playing games at vous Church what's the interesting this is another guy they that she doesn't like but this guy is very direct yoke I take you to coffee on Monday yo what Cru do you go to I love to bring you a gift that same girl will walk away and ridicule him and say guys that vu are creepy always in my personal space I felt unsaved you got to be careful woman of God because if you're gonna criticize the guy you like for not being direct you can't go ahead and criticize the guy you don't like for being so direct it's a double standard you got to decide what is it you actually believe it's a false narrative and it's important because the story you tell yourself will be the life that you live don't give the enemy a foothold girls don't use your most powerful weapon and gift to communicate and let the enemy turn it into your weakness don't complain you know complaining is complaining is when you talk about a problem with no intent of solving the problem stop gossiping you know what gossiping is it's when you're sharing half-truths and reporting other people's news stop criticizing and slandering others why do we do it we do it to tear other people down so that we can feel better about ourselves but I'm here to preach this I'm secure women I'm here to speak some confidence that you are not called to look like the world you're called to speak truth and when you speak truth you're gonna be a person who adds value when you add value you become valuable secret number three Thank You Adrian who's a guy worrying is betting against God worrying is betting against God as you read property one over and over again you see that this woman is secure and strong but what I have learned is that you don't become strong by avoiding your fears you become strong by facing your fears ladies God has not given you a spirit of fear he has given you a spirit of love of power and a sound mind don't give up don't you dare quit keep on smiling make everybody around you wonder what it is that you've got on the inside of you you are strong you're not gonna waste your time worried because when you are you know this worry is all of your faith in reverse we only get so much of an imagination why would you spend any of it on creating a world of negativity when I worry what I'm indicating is going God I don't trust you I trust myself more than you and if it's up to me I'm never gonna be able to get through this I would say one of the strongest people I've ever met in my entire life is my mother it's not that my mother is not is perfect my mom has got weaknesses and shortcomings but she is a strong human being she raised four boys all on her own my dad was an itinerant preacher and he would travel five days out of the week for twenty years and in the Pacific Northwest she had four boys under her roof one of which was disabled and somehow she managed to get us all into church every week how does that midweek service had us in every sports thing I can't even think about a moment from my childhood even though my mom was working full-time that somehow she was absent in my life she was constantly present I watched my mom and my dad and their late 40s leave their comfort zone of the Pacific Northwest out of a conviction and a calling from God to move their entire family to Miami Florida where they didn't know a single soul to lead an inner city urban church and when I think about my mom it's not that my mom wasn't afraid it's not that my mom didn't feel fear it's that my mom made a decision to say we're not gonna let worry be the culture of our home my wife my Mahama and my wife but my mom reminds me of proverbs 31 verse 25 she is clothed with strength and dignity you can't go find that outfit at the mall can't walk into Bloomingdale's tomorrow okay I'm looking for a skirt that says dignity and a blouse that says strength the only way you get clothes in strength and dignity is when you face your fear and declare I'm not backing down I'm not running away I'm not hiding I'm moving forward and she laughs without fear of the future that verse is so dope she laughs without fear of the future I think one of the greatest fears that we have in life is the fear of the future and the fear of the future causes us to worry and there's girls in this room that when you look at your life it's like do you really want the soundtrack of your life to be worried you're single oh my goodness I just don't think I'll ever get married no one's ever I'm getting older I'm against I'm 25 and so old no one's ever I'm 30 I'm so I'm 35 oh there's no one all of a sudden you get married oh that was great new worry oh my goodness how we gonna pay our bills or will we ever get a house will we ever get apartment I've always wanted a house with a picket fence but I said one house with two bedrooms I'd be so happy you get a house oh wow it's great I know we'll never be able to have kids it kids it so bad I don't think you get kids Wow how will they ever get my kids into school how I'll ever get my kids into element do you know how hard it is to get into elementary school in Miami it's very difficult they go to elementary school junior high junior high is gonna be much different looking to get well I know they're gonna get bullied I know they're gonna get bullied probably get sick and bully [Applause] they make it to high school my goodness how will they ever graduate he'll never graduate SATs AC sees all these tests it's too many tests the education says it's all wrong it's so scary they get into college oh my goodness will they ever graduate well they don't know if they're ever gonna graduate they graduate oh my goodness will they ever move out of my house will they ever move out a mouse but everything about do you really want the soundtrack of your life to be worried - worried - worried you're not called to move from worry to worry to worry your call to move from strength to strength and grace to grace from glory to glory oh the soundtrack of a secure woman's life is laughter not because life is always funny but rather because you have discovered a principle that your joy doesn't come from circumstances and your happiness doesn't come from situations but rather the joy of the Lord is your strength I'm moving into the future and I'm gonna laugh my way into it come on somebody give him praise I'm gonna laugh my way into the future it's the joy of the Lord which is my strength you know what I've learned I've learned that many times people are afraid of the future because of pain from the past I've learned that many times people are living out of a wound and many times we can't move forward with confidence and faith because of past pain I'm not making light out of all that you've gone through I just know this I just know that life won't weigh on the wounded so often what happens to us is a moment in life takes place where we did something or someone did something in this moment which was supposed to be a moment was supposed to be a season becomes the definition of our story it was a scene not the story and so often if if you don't learn how to heal what you'll do over and over and over again is you will hurt people in the process why cos hurt people hurt people never heard that expression hell has no fury like a woman scorned the only way to get rid of pain like that is through one word it's called forgiveness many times the forgiveness starts with you forgiving yourself I've been preaching it all night tonight but like this is not a house of shame my heart breaks around this topic because there's so many that feels so ashamed so wounded hiding and running and it's not God's plan for your life forgave yourself started yet it's not too late to start again tonight's a good night maybe it's someone some person you need to forgive maybe it's someone who's hurt you someone who's harmed you I'm not making light out of it forgiveness it's difficult forgiveness is never easy but forgiveness is always worth it and when it comes to forgiveness what I know and people don't teach us enough but when you forgive somebody always has to pay that's why God didn't just say I forgive you you got to understand that there's good theology or God didn't just forgive you God said I forgive you in the way I'm gonna forgive you someone has to pay in this case it will be my son Jesus so Jesus went to a cross because the wages of sin the wages of shame is death Jesus okay I'll die your death I'll pay the price to forgive you what I know so confidently is this is that to heal a wound you need to stop touching it's a good night to let it go woman of God you're called to security and every time you worry you're betting against God and many times you're worrying because of a past incident why not let it go and trust God and forgive future really is bright secret to security number one demand increases where supply decreases secret number two when you add value you become valuable secret number three worrying is betting against God and secret number four it's the only way I know how to close beauty is fleeting Jesus is lasting I'm not accounts to learn I'm not a psychologist I am an old school preacher of the gospel and all I got is really one message his name is Jesus in proverbs chapter 31 verse 30 watch it it says this is as charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised we live in a weird world man this is the anti aging generation the goal is to stay young I wonder how many people we are stripping one of the greatest badges of honor which is simply age wrinkles aren't ugly wrinkles are beautiful every wrinkle is another line of wisdom gray hair isn't ugly gray hair is beautiful it indicates to me that this isn't your first rodeo it tells me that you've been through some stuff it tells me that you got some good counsel it tells me you can help me in my season of life newsflash we're all dying so encouraging bro you're gonna die and before you die you're dying to die cells are falling off your body right now a part of you will stay in this auditorium something like I don't know science here just read what's she talking about every one of us were at war with gravity if you come to this church you know I advocate for health you know I believe in holding ourselves and looking good on the outside nothing wrong with any of those things but my concern is is that we're putting more stock in the temporary than we are in the kernel and last time I checked the gospel is not an outside-in work the gospel is an inside-out work [Music] charm is deceptive beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised it's not that she's scared of God but rather she knows where her oo and Wonder belong I am NOT in awe of myself I am not in awe of others but rather I am in awe of the God who created me we need a generation that rises up that isn't obsessed with their self-image but would become obsessed with their Jesus image get over yourself but never get over him because the outward is fleeting but Jesus is is lasting it's a bummer you can't Botox your soul there's only one thing that can fill your soul his name is Jesus Christ King of Kings Lord of lords alpha enemy maybe a lot of things I could tell you about my wife that's attractive but I got to be honest with you the most attractive thing about my wife is that I know that my wife is more in love with Jesus then she is rich Wilkerson jr. it's the greatest gift that she can give me because it produces a confidence inside of me that God forbid I was to die somehow young at this age I know my wife she would grieve I know my wife would be sad but I got a firm confidence in my wife that the foundation of her life is on the solid rock known as Jesus Christ therefore I believe she would rise up and she would laugh all over way into her future because she's not completed by me she doesn't find security in a spouse she finds security in a Savior our first love is Jesus the one who fills and fulfills our soul oh if you desire to have a spouse I hope you get one but I pray that before you ever get that spouse you have already found security in a Savior come on you believe that tonight [Applause]
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 449,743
Rating: 4.9553061 out of 5
Id: lvgyh0SnmiM
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Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.