Sims 4 but I kidnap sims to lock in my vault

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Dose anyone know the what the fallout vault is called in the sims 4 gallery? I’ve been trying to find out.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lostfan78 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing the sims 4. we're back with jim pickens in his lovely house he's fallen asleep in the back but don't worry he'll be fine but underneath the house we have built a vault we moved them in here uh yesterday i shouldn't claim i built this i'm not skilled enough to do anything like this we've locked everyone down here except for jim he's allowed to stay up top because he's like the overseer of the vault you know it doesn't look like he's overseeing much right now [Music] what is that music who the hell is listening to that okay good it's gone back to sad some music now that's more familiar i got this mod where i can assign people chores and no one else will clean while i have someone assigned so i want to make one person the cleaning sim of the vault eeny meeny miny moe it's going to be santa cause i don't like you you clean every day and you clean every hour of the day will this work if i'm right with the mod settings i've on they shouldn't even clean up after themselves now that there's a cleaner assigned oh my god what is wrong with me can you clean me what the hell have i been doing and we're gonna try and make everyone writers i think that's a good idea i think that'll get us a lot of money in the long run oh that's made shrek very tense he's writing his biography shrek a life of layers i'm writing an angry note for clement he's not cleaning enough look this is still down here why is he clean this i guess because it's not technically trash you had serial monogamous who got that for four marriages and 20 unique households what who got married i didn't give you permission for that you need the overseers blessing for that why is shrek gaming you need to write your autobiography servo's already done their book there we go grim's finished too grims will make a lot of money he's a good writer capture sim's life in an epic poem sure do that what's happening to you oh he's cleaning or going mad i can't tell which look at this they're all working away except my dad who's just playing video games i think which is a shame because i think he'd be a pretty good ghost writer did you see everyone unsubscribing disliking clicking the x the writing machines i wonder has he nearly done his autobiography he almost is it must be really short if he's almost done already i guess he didn't really get up to much in his life did he oh my god i thought he was just going to tickle her or something oh no look at this it's so uncomfortable now you need to read it to make sure it's good you want to check for spelling errors and whatnot it's fun is maximized from reading this book okay it must be good oh my god he's got so many books to sell to publishers do you actually have to go to the mailbox because if so you're not allowed he gets so pissed off at my dad grimm is always bored but when he's around my dad he gets pissed off because he's lingering around and he won't move on capture jim's epic sag i like there is an option for just a cat crim has recorded jim pickens in the book of life this is great will this possibly bring me back if i need it let's just keep that in your inventory for now i'm going to see if i can take his books to publish them i want the credit and you're not even getting a ghostwriter credit oh god damn it i can't okay good i cheated and got the mailbox inside i had to place it outside the boundary and then build a wall around it with a cheater and it's been nominated for an award oh you are so welcome grim the book of life is a best-seller people want to read about jim i understand contemplated turning it into a book myself but i'm worried that it'll take on some kind of bible-esque reputation and it'll be all religion formed and it's a lot of work thank goodness grim is a celebrity once again he must be a very good writer he's freaking out he really wants to drink i'm gonna lock him in the bathroom until he feels better there we go now when you feel better come on out you can't even see him in the mirror because he's a vampire god he's going to have like an existential crisis in there or something just one of the many experiments in vault-tec they're like jim interesting experiment and what does this prove and he's like what do you mean i'm just torturing kind of rivalry is broken out they're just staring at each other this is very uncomfortable all right i'm just gonna leave you there wait how's jim ill which of you gave him an illness he's trying to get reception he's like oh please come on get me out of here the cleaning seems to be working i don't know if he's cleaning it with his outfit though because he's filthy or maybe that's why he's so stinky he's just working up a sweat but then again jim pickens is dancing too and he looks fine the only issue is the only bathroom in this entire place is locked they're not allowed to use it i don't want any rumors to start flying without my knowledge so i'm gonna buy some spy bugs and bug everyone in the vault i gotta know what they're doing at all times plant bug oh my god what he's getting sick okay well i planted the bug but i think i have a bug myself maybe it's a good time to write that book of life now capture epic saga there you go it's important because he's not looking so good i quick while he's broken plant a bug on him there you go you should know something is up as soon as he hugs you not sure how i can plant a bug on my ghost dad but we're gonna give it a shot there you go that's what i like to see use the listening device i need a listening device oh i think i've already got two of those actually yeah that's great god this is the only human affection this guy's ever gotten you should definitely suspect something jeff biggins is feeling flirty after placing all these bugs on people okay everyone is bogged now let's use the listening device wait why do i have one on this kid i don't remember doing that i know he was my prisoner briefly and then i de-aged him he was old i gave him a new chance at life okay i'm a good guy like it's like a little tracker i think we know where we are and we can't leave because that crazy kid is trying to kill us right oh my god what are you doing to them now okay you sure no one is listening okay i'll tell you who's he talking to and he's talking to himself yeah he is he's reading a book maybe that was just the line of the book i don't know things are going pretty well i think we have to go out into the world and get another prisoner oh well hello that's convenient how are you oh great another vampire i don't know if i can stick another vampire you know what i could do with though a little barbecue we're going to a nice little garden area all right jim's actually a really good chef so this is going to be nice what do vampires like eating veggie burgers right where'd my veggie burgers go what the hell all right we're gonna have some grilled fruit instead sorry oh no i didn't say steamed hams i said grilled fruit okay where is he putting them he's just getting sick every time he makes food oh he put him in his inventory no don't go away serve the food there you go yummy he doesn't look too happy about the food what's wrong with it would it help if i bled on it a bit i think there's some blood downstairs like not even exaggerating i'm pretty yeah there we go there's a little plasma pack we got some very used needles in the kitchen okay he's looking really bad i think i should actually go to the hospital but after this lovely garden chat i think the sun's about to come up okay now he's screaming he just realized i'm evil from that i've got my drone recording him this guy has got to be a bit unsettling it's cloudy someone get on that weather machine clement go stop cooking for everyone shrek is busy you're the only one who can do this bridge god jim still screaming at him he's just screaming at him constantly okay i think it's working great i hear some burning i don't think it's the fruit i don't think there's any point in getting dressed for work at this point you know what um barbecue's over i gotta i gotta go good thing i've got this whole thing giving out to him one last time he looks so sad and the happy little drone behind him recording him burning i hope you have life insurance and that covers that chair oh very considerate that you got up out of the chair god this is gonna make some good content right drone he's doing like shifty eyes he's like i don't think this is what i was made for my god it's recording the whole thing even the crim reaper this in the garden video file description lol he looked so dumb very respectful i'll swap that over to my hard drive soon all right now let's actually hit the town and get some more members from my vault wait why does the grim reaper hate me so much was it because i went and dated another grim reaper look you just stopped caring for your body okay it's not a weight thing it's just you sit around doing nothing you're boring you don't even seem to take pride in your work anymore speaking of no pride in your work the other grim is just fired because he's locked down in the vault where should i go meet new people um i think the hospital would be a great spot alternatively karaoke might be fun stop it oh my god shrek is sick too i think the whole evolved is infected there must be there's something in the events or something like that here i'm going to visit the karaoke bear with this child wait hold on george cattle isn't that my kid i think i adopted him actually and i think he got taken away from me i killed a guy called george cahill and i was like oh well that name's free now and i named him george cahill it is him why are you crying do i bring back bad memories yeah that's right pick him up you're mine now you're mine again run back to the vault let's go come on loss of the family losing a parent is it because i kidnapped him from his new parents yeah you're locked in here now that's all i needed to do just get him inside the gate now i can go do karaoke he'll either find his way down to the vault or he'll just die there one why is no one looking all right fine since no one's looking jim take this opportunity to throw out all that spoiled food wait no don't bring it over there keep it away from everyone okay it's like a siren song trying to lure them into the vault come on you like what you hear if you moved in with me you'd hear me all the time wait come back you like this it sounds a bit like johnny cash if you ask me i am the man in black after all come back that's my piss you're walking through you're not gonna move in with me then stay out of my piss all right the public isn't working i kidnapping worked great i'm gonna go kidnap someone someone famous who will give me a high ransom if i'm ever caught that's how ransoms work right i'm gonna get this guy implicated in the crime for no apparent reason i just want a scapegoat if it goes to court i'll try and pin it all on him and i'll be like judge please i have like six dependents and they're all locked in that vault and unless i go back they're all gonna die down there why is harry potter here i can't get in because you need a relationship with them because they're famous all right fine i gotta get their attention somehow ignore jim making magic gestures that was just an act of god oh god damn it all right again there you go you should have stayed in the same spot because like lightning never strikes twice and it was totally lightning how does he keep getting out of this he's across the street it's just shooting fire at him but he keeps moving yes okay finally someone's on fire oh my god oh whoa good thing you came outside mabel is very hungry who the hell is mabel all right never mind you're coming with me celebrity i'm becoming a super villain let's appreciate it before we uh take her away that's very nice all right thanks for being my distraction i'll see you around this guy always calls me oh wait is he actually gonna die okay i think he's dead i guess that's what happens when no one extinguishes the fire i'm used to someone actually doing it jim you're standing uncomfortably close to that fire could we get you out of there could you go home harry potter he is like five minutes ago my life was fine welcome to your new home avoid the tripwire as you're coming in what's her fame level global superstar can you make good youtube videos or something what can you do from the vault oh my god she's going to be a handful isn't she look you're a star i get that but you gotta wear the uniform use the video station to upload any video footage you captured or ad agency will cut up your footage to get what they need oh a sponsor deal oh i love it i never turn one down there we got space in the storage room that'll be your backdrop i mean that's what this screen screen is hiding all right we got death in the garden let's edit that can we make that into a beauty video yup why are you saluting her you're not involved with this channel she reacted and judith that footage is ace our editors are already recutting it to meet the needs of the client fantastic good job judith you're officially a content creator okay now she's got the mandatory uniform and everything she's assimilating well she's kind of pissed oh no she's in denial actually okay great we've got a new vault member who contributes to the vault you know i don't want to just get anyone for this vault i feel like everyone should have a purpose granted i have some really useless people in the vault already like not singling anyone out but yeah we're gonna leave it at that for today if you've any suggestions for the vault do let me know you know this is a democracy in here even though it may not look like it it's just all filtered through one man he is the funnel and we are the mess of ideas going into it but i hope you guys enjoyed the video i appreciate you watching as always folks and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,026,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims, jim pickens, callmekevin, lets play, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 let's play, sims 4 commentary, sims 4 death, sims 4 reaper, grim reaper mod, sims 4 mods, sims 4 story, sims 4 best mods, sims 4 episodes, sims pets, sims vampire, expansion, simes deluxe edition, expansion packs, sims 2 funny moments, sims battle royale, battle royale, sims 4 island living, sims 4 zombies, sims 4 royalty, sims 4 monarchy mod, sims 4 monarchy, sims 4 monarchy career
Id: YZbDwWUtwaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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