Sims 4 but I completely ruin so many lives

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"Oh look, a B-Lister!"


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

When is Jim not ruining peopleโ€™s lives?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Boneal171 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey there friends how's goin my name is Kevin and today we're playing The Sims 4 if you didn't see last episode basically my sim became a content creator and a bad one at that the line between the Sims and reality is blurring more and more oh my god how did my baby even get out oh yeah I think they were just escaping from the basement the last time we left off well that doesn't matter because we are abandoning this lovely lovely house oh but before I do I gotta send this guy into the pond where's this drone at okay let's see begin recording probably shouldn't leave my kid just wander around near the shark tank but they'll be fine look who's sad he looks he knows we used to do this is how every content creator looks when they're going to start on a video this is officially when this series jumped to the shack do you get it oh my god is he gonna die you quired the fitness skill that's how we learned to swim I guess maybe if you don't feed them for a while I might try that out I might just leave them unfed in my new place that is because we're gonna abandon this lovely place as I said and we're moving out to LA who in the right mind will buy this disaster like the land is [ __ ] huge they've got a literal Hollywood movie set here they've got a piss with the Santa we might give him away with the house too we've got at like an outdoor food market a little graveyard a connecting little garden that connects right in to the underground basement where there's numerous cells and a painting chamber I like it more than some of the other ones I've built that's for sure but anyway we got to figure out what we want to take because I don't know if there's any priceless belongings they have here there's a lot of bubbles like it looks like he's breathing under the water but he still gets out every time video file name and ideas jumps with sharks like and scribble look at that goes right from creating content to going on the toilet he has the life that's the kind of setup I want oh my God look at this setup not so nice it's kind of falling apart that was a good time to move look at this the child has to just be an adult oh yeah his two dads are busy in the background but look at his little chair is no Yi's he doesn't have any other choice it always no one's feeding him oh the pictures of my thick cat I almost forgot these grave there no one mourns at this grave it's like the only grave I've had that no one mourns that cuz nobody cares oh my god how did the baby get up there no wonder it's starving oh my god who's sleeping in my money oh it's my ghost son okay yeah that's normal that's allowed Oh curse gnome if anyone finds that they're gonna be so spooked just doing construction on the house and they run into that thing yeah I think we're done here house it was lovely knowing you you've been good to me even when I haven't been good to you alright let's upload my last video and get out of here hell why is the nanny in here she came all the way out here to wash one dish she is definitely being paid by the hour alright let's get a move on folks we're all moving out to LA pack your bags wait any owned businesses will be sold with their value and retail fund balance return to the household I guess I can always buy them back I don't think there'll be a huge demand in the market for that graveyard restaurant alright this will be our temporary home confirm I'll take it furnished please why do they all say it stinks oh no it's that the people stink okay fair enough let's get inside come on we all have to crammed in here this is what we have to make do with for the time being folks come on get in Jim has gained 12 followers god dammit why does this not happen overnight wait don't drink from grim oh you monster you've got to fair this time Jim what you're slapping me I'll [ __ ] kill you Santa you're on thin ice as it is for no goddamn reason oh there's a welcome party awesome it is so nice to meet you thank you for greeting me into the neighborhood what maybe next time no you don't get a choice in this all right come on Jim we got neighbors to visit people to leech off this one I like the look at that take this random kid with me for some reason I'll just find him along the way and like hop in to the strangers house probably easier to gain access to the house with a kid you wouldn't be as suspicious I imagine not that I would know for sure anything like total mystery I'm just totally guessing vampiric entrance come on you can't refuse me I'm coming on in just come downstairs and see this wait are these celebrities wait he actually is he's a proper celebrity and if there's one way to make it quick it's to mooch off you see $15.00 success she's Abby Lister no we don't need her gross yeah he's our target talk to him attempt introduction what's there to attempt my guy is a charmer how could you not want to be friends with this oh my god Jim ye why can't you just treat him like a normal second person you have no idea who he is he seems to be kind of liking me for some reason yeah he is totally down for the bear he's a furry and there's nothing wrong with that as long as he's not hurting anyone now I feel like I can't take off my bear suit though it's not the bear on the outside that counts it's the bear on the inside wait no no no come back come back I was about to kiss you please sir please don't just leave me in your house like this is a bad idea I'm telling you no don't send in the kid come here you little woohoo blocker how dare you oh my god I thought he'd just give him a slight little slap I didn't think he'd knock him to the [ __ ] ground he had knocked do another youniverse what do I do with the body and he's a celebrity too I gotta be careful a good thing he fled the scene it's like I know there was someone else hey be Lister oh my god well he just shot her oh she woke up to turn off the TV she's like oh I'm not dying while leaving that TV on the amount of power that thing uses he's tickling away as he's mopping up the blood ah much better Jesus why are you in your dark form get out of that you don't look as good you gotta impress this guy there you go so is it just him and the lady that lived here let's just meditate until we get back ah one of you oh my god that child is looking at me naked what a creepy bastard why you smiling like that about it steal money I mean it's a kid and he's a celebrity he probably has some money on him oh yeah I just robbed the [ __ ] 173 dollars oh my god put the gun down man he's like me oh all of a sudden his glasses just black wait why does he want to slap the kid again just leave him do it if that's what he wants to do that's what he wants to do he's a celebrity now you can kind of do whatever he wants took a little photo of them put it up at your Sims de Graaff hanging out with this fellow celebrity or haunts the famous besties whatever they can't wait for your next one slap child why do you keep trying to knock this kid out we'd make it trickle money phone what the hell he's pretending to be on the phone to this kid oh no he's one-upping me now he probably is a bit more there stop trying to one-up me when is this guy comin home huh I think he's home is that him sparkling away oh he's the best man I've ever seen since Jules wait who is this she better not be in a relationship with you wait are they related oh yeah our first kiss I forgot hey Kay do you think he likes you check this out blob Oh feck [ __ ] alright I'm gonna slap that kid again so he forget it make naughty suggestions stop burying me I'm networking yeah oh my god why would you make a naughty suggestion and start doing that woohoo I mean it's high-risk high-reward right I think he's digging it yeah he's digging it look at him very eager it was the sweater that I wrap around my waist that's what gets him we can't resist unfortunately there's a long way to the bedroom I hope he doesn't change his mind look at how good a Dear Leader picture would look above that bed let's go first person for this effect what's going on what this [ __ ] all right maybe we shouldn't be gone first person oh wait no we got it Oh God he's laughing at me that's not good ask if singly I should probably ask that earlier but I'm asking it now oh he's single okay well that's not as fun but still it's fine first kiss now try again try again there you go this is definitely my shortcut to fame oh I must have hit the kid again and tried to hide the body but no one will let throat [ __ ] hell he's trying to kill the guy Jesus Christ Jim no this is our one in christ almighty and everything's gone so well like he genuinely likes the guy he's like he's very comfortable I don't blame him serenade will get me plus Fame apparently you're just walking away well I'm serenading you dick give him a gift of like five thousand simoleons I want to see does it actually have an impact on how good friends were I would like to buy your friendship sir look at that spring-loaded the money and everything I mean my plan is that I'll move in here and get that money back anyway asked to move in yes yes and I've given you five test dollars you might have a crash here for a while yes good good oh wait that is your kid gross he's moving out like I'd love to live with you it's just that kid really gets on my nerves because like oh yeah anything for thick pickings I guess I'll just move Jim in for the time being and then I can get rid of the others and move in the rest of the family oh he doesn't look too good after letting me move in I think he's nervous the other people must have just been lingering he's the only one who lives here what the hell no why what Oh trigger randomly he was just coming out of the pool to come inside if he gets pregnant again I swear to God Jesus for a celebrity you don't really take good care of yourself I guess he's probably having a bit of a breakdown like the person he lived with who possibly he could have been going out with considering it was just a man and a woman and I asked him if he was single afterwards but yes she died and the child was taken away just spent a fifth of her money on a computer I'll go on vacation I forgot I had that wait adopt nice adopt $1,000 that's a good price to pay for a human he's walking very confidently I don't like that he's got a good glow about him you know that pregnancy glow oh [ __ ] I did I adopt one I don't know I was just clicking to view it to see what was its perks and stuff you know well he's coming back with a baby may as well go again Barry I mean he's not even getting the pickins named Barry reject we can copy and paste that for the next one this one's old enough to understand he's unwanted adopt him gonzalo reject get out of here who do you think you are come on spending time with me Robert reject okay to get off that [ __ ] computer right now they must just be like we've hit the jackpot here two extremely famous debts and a wonderful house god he's doing a lot of runs to get kids oh my kid just wandering out by the pool stumble in and reject and Darian reject there we go no one's feeding this toddler he's just kind of idling there the rest are kids so they cannot take care of themselves but this guy can't he's just being left there 78 an hour he's a serious musician I thought he'd be loaded this guy's just became way more unattractive look I just don't think it's gonna work out oh yeah he lost a spouse okay yeah look I just don't think it's working out I thought you were a lot more famous than you air can we just be friends Ambala that was a good time to address this race yabba horn it's just like what the hell oh he's freaking out I've ruined his life they've decided to cool off their relationship well look to be honest if you're gonna be like this I don't want to live with you I'll move in with my old family and we'll just go our separate ways okay I'll even go back to my own house look I'm sure you'll be fine with the kids I can't imagine anything going wrong it's not like I've dumped you into a situation where you almost feel like you're drowning because of the stress and you have too much to handle all right well I stand corrected okay I was wrong big whoop I've ruined this guy's life more than I think I've ever ruined anyone's life in The Sims it was just picked up a piece by piece and more importantly I took all these kids along with me all the rejects right he's passed out from the shock oh no Thorne is dead and there are no more adult Sims left alive Sims social services we'll take it from here to care for the children save and manage worlds well folks it looks like a nice home opened up in the hills and we can finally move out of this dump golly gee things seem to always work out for the pickins household oh it's unfurnished FAC I'm gonna have to furnish the whole thing myself oh my god the place looks [ __ ] miserable now I hate this I'm so upset all right move out I'm not furnishing that entire house don't worry don't think of it as the guy died for nothing just think of it that he just don't think of it just don't think about it at all yeah well place this house in here we'll just build it right up now there we go Jesus Christ our three hundred and 33000 alright here's the new house we've definitely upgraded Jesus Christ look at it it's so over the top oh my god it's got like a [ __ ] basketball court upstairs said a cinema room why is the screen so small her glass windows into the bathroom I like that feature oh my god that's kind of hard to look at are the big screens down here okay but now I need to add the really important thing the basement oh my god I thought that our old house was a garage for this house it is kind of out of place it's just built in this quaint little area how did I get planning for this I assumed through threats maybe a little brown envelope or something all right I have fully kitted out the basement you ready for this tada okay so what I have here we'll send this guy in as a bit of an example we've three very different pods they're all livable they have all the basic necessities and they are built to appear normal to the people watching the videos because they're all gonna be making content but they're all gonna be going on Jim's channel so this guy's gonna go into his pod he's gonna have a little nap Jim's gonna stop by and check on him see how he's sleeping can get the old scan done and seal him inside Clemente if you could join me please you'll get a pretty nice pod this one's pretty nice I think this is my favorite one and if you look at it with the walls up it actually has a pretty good little bit of space in there whereas this one is just all crammed together like he's got his little office he's got his little bedroom it's just the bare necessities model this one's pretty kitted out and then this is the last one it's Ken all over the place as well honestly the only one that turned out good was this one all right seal him inside - perfect I just wanted to make sure that they can't see it on the camera like all the little recording stations are in a separate room they're not out in the hallway where that big vault door is I'm gonna leave this Center free for now because he's really good with the kids and I'm not looking after them so he may as well I guess I might end it there I didn't plan on ending it at this point but it took me a lot longer to get through each step things just kind of escalated I was just gonna move in with someone and then bring my family in but things got pretty serious but I hope you guys enjoyed next time we might try and expand on the content creator aspect of this get them all making content and him uploading I want him to be famous or we could go into acting you guys decide leave me a comment but yeah other than that I'll just say I hope you enjoyed appreciate is always folks and I guess I'll see you next time bye for now shoutouts patreon snicker the block Nicolas player to 32 miles Noah Franco all derp licked Paul / tilt holiness reverse gear Randy Drake dictatorship Sarah Maxwell Sarah Campbell Sarah Colter Sean Fitzgerald Sarah Van Jones sushi wolf tarik Bilal the stepped image a Tony Ferrell Trevor Bruce spectral Wendy Williams cold aisle who Tangail Yami madness saves aura and all our favorite christensen
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,566,715
Rating: 4.9767814 out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims, jim pickens, callmekevin, lets play, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 let's play, sims 4 commentary, sims 4 death, sims 4 reaper, grim reaper mod, sims 4 mods, sims 4 story, sims 4 best mods, sims 4 episodes, grim reaper babies, sims cats and dogs, sims pets, sims vampire, sims 4 seasons, expansion, sims deluxe, sims 1, sims collection, pc game, the sims, simes deluxe edition, expansion packs, sims 2, sims 2 2018, sims 2 funny moments, the sims 2
Id: E_tD_MOqUe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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