Ruining the NBA with the worst player ever

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hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we're playing NBA 2k15 I know please - please don't click off look just give me a chance okay I realize I'm appealing to no one here because if you're not a fan of basketball you probably don't want to watch this and if you are a fan of basketball I'm not a fan of basketball I know nothing about it I've never played one these games and also the game is like 5 years old I think 2020 just came out I understand you're apprehensive but the reason I want to play this one is because I saw a video that we're gonna watch now I only saw a little bit of it because I wanted to save the bulk of it for this video but I saw some of the voice-acting and I just really thought this was the one I should dive in it rather than 20/20 so I let's take a look at the video real quick like that's right we all have the head of truth it's like they never read the line beforehand they're just looking at it and just reading it exactly as it's there and that's it what you need those subtitles until they're gone I have no idea what he's saying it's like I've heard enough I love that man I just love that he seems to have put in no effort at all into this good he's back he's back - ow - you can help or not oh this is a new guy talk about making sure I get my touches moving I think that's intentional Oh cause he's just mumbling so much I do what I do with the rock for the good of this team that's the kind of surface I'm talking about get over yourself it's like he's trying to say it to get back at him but he doesn't actually want to be heard because he's afraid he'll come back - all right I've seen enough let's jump in and actually play God it's rare that the starting character creator almost looks like something I would end up with like what is going on with this guy why can I not just use my keyboard why are you making me you're making me use your virtual keyboard instead of me actually using it off effects sake his name is gonna be [ __ ] I don't know why but [ __ ] hands is the first thing that comes to mind so that's what his name is his favorite team will be jazzy thought the people asked him what his favorite music was and he just said jazz straight on salt thing can I use my controller for this god I think this guy's been telling a few lies his nose is sticking out something fierce it looks like something that should be the sat on Easter Island there we go is he looks a bit more normal from the front there we go cornrows oh my god it's just it's like hate is completely flat and it comes in just below the ears it's very strange look he has his own style it just happens to be in the heroin addict welcome to the team yay wow we're really hyped now that he's made ready to ball I'm ready to ball I'm ready to ball he's ready to ball Jesus Christ how heavy can they be oh my God look at him he's going through withdrawal symptoms oh he's really missing that coke how did you get in here this just affects our timing please he's looking at my crotch they didn't adjust for if you made your player a giant can you not stand on my table by the way looks like a child begging to his dad for some allowance my career staring [ __ ] hands six months later okay great can I be in the league now I want to hear this voice acting from the players freedom of choice and all that goosey how many times I have to tell you please stop standing on my table Utah Jazz is 99% interested in me well it has to be a hundred percent for me to be interested in jazz who is the least interested in me these people yeah I want to try out I belong I ain't no down my mind coach come on take me on the team coach oh god how do you basketball is running the opposite way I'm scared of balls get away it's going right at me [ __ ] 69 hands I'm open I opened I'm at the wrong side but I'm open keep calling for the ball but I refused to get involved how do I slide tackle it's take his legs off [ __ ] peanut he's not going for it at all well yes they got the ball first touch of the ball alright let's go this is running on the spot Oh Oh you can do fouls okay you can just pretend to be fouled oh god the ball might get passed to me how do I shoot Wow look at that play he's like wow it looks flashy Rath attack the screams are brutal and they used to playing on a polished floor plates just really won the ball hood come on give it to me how do I jump okay ice kind of set that up I think I just got put on the worst team that's the problem really close to me okay I'm enjoying this too much I got a start but not yet on an F now I started on like a C and I'm all the way down to an F what do I do I'm scared I don't know how to shoot I'm doing some little turns to impress people wow that was close I jumped at them open my body mass might intimidate them what what are you talking about half the game on the floor alright let's go play some jazz I only need a deep artist I'm more than ready this right here is my destiny and I'm fixing to grab and take it in my own hands yeah this is my destiny just because the other one didn't work out like the other one worked out that would have been my destiny give me the ball I'm ready to prove myself now okay I'm already on a c-minus can the game in now cause I'll get accepted if it ends now I scored yes that's gonna count for something right give me some points why I still see - why are you tossing over my head like that takes effort I'm seven foot three oh my god I have the ball run the whole court run the whole court get out of my way oh my god I almost did something bad shot selection what no that was great I'm just trying to run down the clock I figure the longer it goes on the more mistakes I'm gonna make so if I run down the clock that's probably for the best why does a man than me once said that excellence is a habit yeah I got that habit something you do every once in awhile we saw some glimpses of greatness did you see those glimpses that's it I thought they'd accept the deep loss like that's not a bad grade that's a scraping a pass the Jazz have offered you a 10-day deal awesome that's like more than a week and why am I so blurry when I'm sitting like that oh that's better rathole this is all I can afford because you didn't get me drafted yeah blame your agent while you're there flopping on the ground - finally I'm in the league now I didn't meet the actual players fantastic I'm ready willing and able sir you'll see good get out here what was that shake of my hand it's like he's only a writer at shaking hands so he didn't realize it's up and down he was just kind of shaking it all over the place I guess the Jazz really feel like they can get something out of at [ __ ] I think who's worth anything someone would have drafted a hashtag loser I wish you could reply okay I don't see you out here getting [ __ ] on your hands all right he's in there like I think I wanted to lead Twitter hit anybody on this team I'm threatening my teammates for some reason are you for real that's good make enemies with your team after you've just joined yes coach is putting me in come on I want to fall around a bit and go back to the locker room and talk to my friends where am i oh I'm there okay pass me the ball what reach-in fell no I just wanted to show him my [ __ ] hands like he's to catch some butterflies believe this guy for actually continuing my coach just watch him he just like yep I regret everything oh yeah I could use some help that's everyone else's fault I fallen over goddamnit these damn shoes fell he blew air at me come on Ref why didn't you see that did I do it I know I didn't I missed okay okay the ball just [ __ ] hit me and I did nothing all right I'm gonna take a shot I'm not allowed okay just pass it wait I'll come on I didn't need a time to think I don't know her play basketball despite being on the team I scored it was all worth it you're welcome guys all right I'm a star player now I falling over why do you think that about me I scored one and the points we've gotten in the paint have been a huge factor as well let's keep pounding it down low I don't even understand like half the things you're saying coach I'm sorry oh my god I almost kicked him in the [ __ ] face that's the thing I don't know why my guys jumping so high like he's got a foot on most the other players y'all that is an unflattering picture that's like that pictures people take of me and put on my subreddit I want to get a half-court shot let me go back wait what the hell let me show off my stuff for my coaches pissed when I kiss my coach's feet and hopefully he'll forgive me oh god no I'm just gonna kiss him there we go now I'm kissing his feet Wow oh wait no my coaches over here I've been kissing the wrong guy what is this attitude just gonna make eye contact with people you sir wanna stare at you he's just staring back he's not even here for the game consider we're through it it's called basketball look it off oh that's what I want to do how do I do that like just jump into people wait why didn't you grab the ball it just kind of hit his back and he just let it happen tackle him just [ __ ] kick him in the face come on Oh I did something I stole it by accident I was just trying to attack him damn I don't know what happened out there guys felt like I was more like butter hands than [ __ ] hands couldn't keep on to that ball arena tunnel to the game let's see what my team have to say about that performance this one behind learn from an awkward eye contact with the camera I need the ball more that's the problem that's what's going wrong well maybe if I got the ball in my spots where I could do something with it we would have won the game and we wouldn't be having this conversation I don't think that's a maybe that's a definite know that social media is not being kind I think I picked the wrong team I wanted really really bad voice-acting but I only got that kind of slightly awkward voice acting god damn it I'd only I would have been able to be drafted on another team though these are the only people that were willing to accept me as I am but yeah I guess we will end it there and my basketball career is over I don't think it was very successful but oh well I think we all knew going into it it wasn't gonna end well but I hope you guys enjoyed I appreciate watch it as always and I hope to see you next time bye for now Sherrod's patrons chavalla we slam-bang jones Samak ospc alba spitfire some bum tarnish words hey Michelle the Sykes family Thomas Sylvester Time Lord 1997 Timmy J Tom the Ripper Trevor Bruce Trista McKay unlikely gamer are swollen vein Fox ran dress wu-tang hail Yami madness save Snickers Zara and Thor labor bluefin earth [Music]
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 628,124
Rating: 4.9479094 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, nba game, nba 2k15, nba 2k20, nba gameplay, nba callmekevin, nba funny, nba funny moments, nba game funny, nba lets play, nba career mode, nba career
Id: g_sw_EbC93E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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