Simpsons Predictions That Came True

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welcome back to side memory acts today we are looking at the simpsons because i love the simpsons jj who's your favorite simpson right now my favorite simpson i'd say park because he's a little brat okay ethan um i like milhouse okay that's as far as this video needs to go um should we and should we end this yeah yeah i know exactly and that's that's because that's why bro because he's such a little twerp right it's a little dweeb okay the simpsons is famous for for predicting disaster i'm struggling to talk um so we're just gonna look at the top ten times that's done it let's get it yeah simpsons is without a doubt a classic feel-good cartoon comedy my all-time favorite it's been running for over 30 years which is absolutely incredible it is tonight it's been responsible it looks like it's from outcast is it alcohol outlasting out loud it's also had some pretty spot-on predictions for things that have actually happened in the world or are these just predictions or did the simpsons writing team somehow figure out a way to try to go into the universe and figure out how to always see them what happens next i mean how do they know donald trump was going to be the next american starting us speaker number 10 is faulty voting machines in season 20 episode 4 titled a treehouse of horror it was a time for federal elections at the voting station homer was trying to vote for mama on the voting machine but it kept changing it to john mccain four years later when obama was running for his second term a voting machine in pennsylvania had to be removed because it was actually switching votes wrong wow terrifying to think that faulty coding can sway an election like that and impact millions of lives if it goes too far i mean donald trump actually become the president or was it just a big mistake with a lot of faulty machines next up no matter how straight that'll be if you're already like trying to spam this button you should see that it keeps voting for the other guy obama romney obama romney obama that donald trump running for and becoming president would be a thing bart to the future which in season 11 episode 17 was the second episode of the simpsons to be set in the future and that trump was president of the us and caused america's economy america you can be money in a 2016 episode writer dan negrini mentioned that having trump be president just seemed to be the logical last stop before hitting which i don't think i need to dig too much into that he agrees where trump was at this point yeah trump actually like thinking about running for president he hasn't mentioned presidency in the simpsons so actually just done that i feel like he's probably just sat watching simpson's bro at this point he probably watched it he was probably watching simpsons and then went oh you know what that makes sense shout bro that's a shout out maybe the simpsons caused it you didn't predict it it caused it in a number eight is the three-eyed fish in season two episode four there's a real three-eyed fish oh no way three eyes on every fish bart went fishing into the river right next to the powerball is there a real threat fish actually i'm just catching a fish with three eyes well over 10 years later power plant i don't know what it tastes like not that don't that don't look like it tastes nice but then again once you cook something you never know bro i reckon there's a couple fish in the thames a little bit number seven for sale the episode sweet season oh [ __ ] episode 19 had lunch lady doris using different types of horse meat to make lunches elementary school now years later 2003. that's crazy the safety authority found horse dna in a bunch of meat well i samples have yeah bro we have yeah that's right if someone was like this is horse meat would you eat it um well apparently i'll tell the difference this is what i was going to say well i've i've probably eaten worse things in my life mate so yeah i have emails [Laughter] what's in it they're trying not to play russian with whether or not you're eating horse meat and uh wasn't there horse feet found at ikea yeah i'm pretty sure that's amazing part number six lot goes to autocorrect i mean this one isn't technically a disaster but it definitely has led to some disastrous miscommunication and lisa's on ice in season six episode eight students of springfield are trying to make a note on their device to try to beat up martin but the device auto corrected to say eat up martha it was making fun of apple's newton device which came years before any sorts of you know sophisticated ipod touch or iphone even entered the market it apparently served as inspiration for technology they even have an apple uh symbol coming out of it it's too weird it's weird someone behind it is like definitely um what's that what's the group called the illuminati yeah they're in that illuminati if you're listening to this how much do you want to buy the sidemen for no no no yeah we can we can corrupt how much you want to buy us for like if we're jj you're telling me if they came through they're like okay we'll give each of the sidemen like 50 mil but you just no no no no no my mom would just not allow it no no i like it illuminati they can they can make a no no but wait don't wait bro your mom doesn't need to know whatever yeah but we'd have to do a sign like the triangle sign every time hey guys welcome to react's triangle sign today no you gotta be smarter than that what if they're like 50 million but you have to be baked like that no i'll do it then everyone i think is a joke everything is great manipulating your [ __ ] mind right now baby yeah let's go yeah but if you're if you're listening contact cyber business i am not involved i will take daddy we can corrupt tiger attack well this one happened in season five episode 10 titled springfield in this episode a simpsons universe duo called gunter and ernest clearly meant to resemble siegfried and roy if you guys remember those two they were viciously attacked on one of their vegas shows by a white tiger then ten years later roy horn of sigfeed and roy actually was attacked by the white tiger at their show although andrew roy luckily survived with the attack next up number four is the red billboard to attack same the tiger saw it when like yo that's a good idea yeah this [ __ ] itchy and scratchy the movie shows a billboard for a movie obviously called itchy and scratchy that sends scratches shooting into cars i remember one of these things over 15 years later 2008 a billboard for kill bill 41 did the exact same thing splattering a parking lot all of the cars in it with bright red blood i really hope that's those calls are set off yeah yeah the cards are paid for yeah because i think i'd be really upset if i found my car had fake blood all over it i mean real blood or fake blood i still have to clean that stuff up think number three is one that's honestly insane to me in the simpsons movie marge threatens to expose the government's secrets i wonder what secrets they have well she's brought into a room that is filled with computer monitors and government officials listening in on private phone calls trying to find they're definitely somewhere like that hundreds like 100 yeah right if you say certain words they're instantly they're locked in they're like oh there was one date on him right now one day on instagram right i'm not even joking i said something in the morning to someone in the afternoon bro i had an ad bro and i hadn't used my phone it's weird i don't get it yeah it's mad it's nice no everyone gets that though everyone gets that we're talking more like you type something in your group chat and then instantly this like organization of just tracking you to see if you're a terrorist yeah they're like instantly looking at your history like all right so why is he said that oh he's just trying to be funny oh he's i blessed group chat how many times did that great chat jack and i thought oh it's just for the boys six years later edward revealed to the public in a huge scandal that the nsa actually is listening in how did the simpsons know this breach in privacy and security was absolutely huge and honestly it's still kind of seriously controlled that the government has coming number two is the god particle i'm talking about season 10 episode 2 the wizard of evergreen terrace homer decides to become an inventor in one scene he is standing in front of a super complicated equation on a chalkboard well as it turns out well this equation accurately predicted the mass of the higgs boson a particle or the particle before it was even discovered i know this one is technically a disaster but it's absolutely i didn't know about that one that was [ __ ] but there was just a couple donuts at the bottom it was a doughnut yeah exposed on particles technically homer actually did discover this whatever homer did it bro no no i can't know i can't now can someone can someone verify this comment down below do you think youtube comments are going to be the most accurate form of data yes simon yes and finally closing us off in at number one we gotta do it we're talking about the fire remember the simpsons actually predict the crazy that's going on right now well yeah let's go back to season four which was years ago the very pandemic that we're dealing with today well kind of well i'll let you guys be the judge of this one part of the plot of this episode is a factory word into boxes after explaining that he has the flu the box then gets shipped to springfield where the flu is released and ultimately infects many of the characters the flu in this episode has no known cure and in one of the scenes a doctor even says that's the best thing to do is to rest and any medicine that they would give would only be a placebo like no medications will work sound pretty familiar or what well there is a series of images around right now on the internet right no there's no way there's nothing wrong no it doesn't say coronavirus this is apocalypse yeah okay one of which shows a newscast with the words corona virus behind it however the specific image was actually altered it's not a real image i'm pretty sure the original didn't say anything about corona if it did that would be absolutely insane regardless there are still way too many key similarities that are just a bit too close for comfort for this one well there you guys have it that was the top chase right just want to get past that the bosom one yeah the boat i'm about to go do some large hadron collider research maybe well simpsons is a go to the series man yeah yeah like family guy's better though wow wow that seemed unnecessary but then south park is better than both so whoa i i've done that i know that now ladies and gentlemen we'll see you guys in a bit i'm gonna make a prediction right now that ksi's gonna gamble all this money away in the next year [Music]
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 4,197,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bS3u_hDu9vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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