Glitches In Real Life Caught On Camera

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hello welcome to simon reacts today we are watching 10 glitches in the matrix caught on camera um one of them actually happened in a sidemen video um it was uh called to be fair though um that was a question that was that was a funny one that was a thing i did laugh i did laugh the whole universe glitched all right let's run it [Music] in 1999 the matrix was released here's a movie that bended people's minds and changed concepts of reality but that's just an entertaining sci-fi movie right it's not reality well now many philosophers and scientists geniuses like elon musk and some glitches in our world have been caught on camera many times in fact from unexplained teleporting people to vehicles which ignore all known laws of physics i'm charlie and today we're going to look at glitches in the matrix caught on camera before we take the red pill why not subscribe and press the notification bell too when cars fly okay okay flying cars don't you been waiting for this normal road cars which levitate do that's right in china in 2016 a road security camera caught something bizarre a car is driving but then out of nowhere it begins to levitate nothing is propping this car up and it actually runs from the back of the car it's obviously well you know you know there's like invisible wires yeah yeah it's one of them you've just changed for clearing that one up and that's not the first time this has happened another video of a similar event was taken from an apartment building as you can see on the road below a car flies up into the air and then so does the one behind it oh actually it's really nice nothing in the frame what's happening you know what that looks like it looks like a gta when like the game's glitching out what's happening what's happening on this one though you can't see anything in the frame which would be lifting these cars up okay that's not right that's you know what you know what that's so easily done in cgi though if there's no car there you just put one car in you rotate it up and like oh the car's flying like it's you do it i don't know yes i use tony vegas 12 you know i'm an og i still use the same editing software i started with i'm i'm based i think vic's got it though you know i think i think the first one was real and i think this one's then faked i'm not cleaning my monitor screen right now because we think that teleportation only exists one truck driver swerves to avoid something but we don't see what it is what then all of a sudden oh my god i can only assume that the trucker was slow to i can't see how this would possibly be a hoax after all the trucker wouldn't swerve for nothing as it would put him and everyone else in danger clearly something was seen and this may have been a glitch in the matrix or to put it more scientifically than multiverse or maybe she just or more scientifically the truck drove around the woman yes no i think i think the woman just got out of the truck what she was doing that very smooth if she did stephen hawkins believed in the multiverse the multiverse theory is that there's an infinite number of universes which are different to us these universes meaning they go on forever and maybe people within them can teleport from one year to another no bro oh what even what were we discussing yesterday the yeah the rabbit the rabbit space jam i definitely would yeah i have been thinking about it rub it out of space jam yeah yeah but i'm putting inside my chat once that boys you actually let's have some he's talking about well jj's gonna say yes because he wanks over overwatch porn so i mean yeah okay i did that when overwatch was actually banging so okay so now it's not relevant literally literally banging looking look at that look at that oh her hips are mad look at that we're gonna call with [ __ ] furries them can teleport from one universe to another perhaps that's what we saw in this clip pope are we seeing this right right now the world is in the group of coronavirus yeah many people in countries like italy can't go out i was gonna a few weeks ago pope francis did a speech from a balcony the speech happened as normal and was televised live on tv but yeah in italy people aren't allowed outside no one saw him in real life thus after his speech ended and he went to turn away something strange happened the footage went on as normal but the pope simply vanished into thin air but instead a hologram people say maybe the pope wanted to isolate himself and couldn't be there so instead they simply used a hologram and switched it off when the speech ended off many different ways no he said it's a camera card yeah what do you think is going on here how did the pope magically disappear no no no no they just said it was multiple camera angles they said the multiple cameras are the same thing so i reckon i reckon he's been holding around ghost boxer you may think that in a boxing ring it's one guy versus another fair and square but what if it was actually a boxer versus another boxer and an invisible entity that's what appears to be going on in this video oh come on this was obviously edited are you [ __ ] up are you [ __ ] dumb what am i watching here today oh jesus christ no i think it's real i think he's getting punched up by the stomach it's fine don't ruin my immersion as you can see passing over a bridge appears to be an airplane but the aeroplane is not moving oh wrong instead it's somehow stuck mostly i think i'm i'm gonna hedge my bets here what he's done is he's he's just tracked a picture of a plane onto a normal video i think that's why i've done that you know what i don't think that is even edited i think the speed that he's moving away is changing the perspective so the plane appears to be staying in the same position that's what my my shout is from looking at that run it back run it back run it back turbo as you can see passing over a bridge it appears not an airplane he's moving away so it's still moving 100 percent the perspective of the bridge i would bat bog no i i'd i'd say it's aliens if i'm being honest was captured on a highway in moscow russia and the people who saw this were on their way to venukavo airport seeing this before my flight would be enough to make me not board the plane future savior hi have you ever had an experience which nearly costs you your life well that's exactly what's happening you've seen this one a van driving past someone else oh i've seen this swing at them very quickly but just before this happens it seems like himself but from the future comes along and saves his life the man looks identical to him and taps him on the shoulder he doesn't say a word and wasn't even looking at the gaze it's almost as if he knew that happened to the girl this clip was caught by surveillance footage and was taken in always in russia what's happening we've already seen humans teleport on this list but what about animals okay turns out they can glitch just as much as humans can one day someone was on a highway filming cars go by that's when one car drives incredibly fast the man pounds his phone tracking the car as it drives past him and then out of nowhere a dog appears i'll play this slowly and you'll see the dog literally comes out of nowhere maybe the car was going so far jj you reckon that one jumped out the car as well uh like the woman jumped out the truck i i definitely feel like it's either that or aliens one of them okay yeah no no bro like dogs are you know are pretty mad with what they do on roads in there i don't know when they jump out of cars play the video play the video of course to rip in the space time continuum all right [ __ ] off you know always obviously just butterfly this channel happened then let's let's close it but if that's not the dog doesn't seem dazed or scared and simply walks on but the cameraman is stunned and tracks the dog maybe dogs can also travel in the multiverse this guy this guy says this guy says nobody's about to say this is a human from a multiverse that disguise into the dog i swear to god that's what he's about to say i swear no no no no no no maybe dogs can also travel in the multiverse or maybe this is a human from a universe in the multiverse where all humans look like dogs oh no no no no no no he said a house this guy this guy says maybe and then says the maddest thing you think well to be fair actually i bet you want to be a rabbit don't you lads freaks but in this video teamwork goes a bit too far the game is going on as normal but watch the five phoenix suns players on the screen as you can see all the players run in the same motion and step at the same time i'm not sure what the odds of this are it really does seem like a real life glitch the bizarre thing is even the referee moves at the same time as the players that to me just cements that something here is not right well what do you guys think they've got the ball and they're going towards the other net that's it it's like it's like a hundred meter sprint and he sets the trigger office oh they all start running at the same time in the same direction don't want a team they go into the [ __ ] net no i don't know about you but we may be living in a multiverse everybody runs at the same time where everybody is actually basketballs and we're trying to put humans in nets oh rain spot okay when you're having a bad day it really feels like a rain cloud is following over your head and your head only but maybe that's not only when you're having a bad day as you can see from this video there's rain coming onto this one spot what's even more strange is that when the camera pans up there's no clouds in the sky other people on the street look up and they don't see anything either the rain is coming directly down from the sky or anything else it seems like it's just one very haunted wet patch i saw this in real life i would not stand anywhere normally for fear of being abducted by aliens this is this guy man it's [ __ ] wrong i always ended the video this guy chats [ __ ] it was funny you know entertaining yeah okay [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,762,322
Rating: 4.9665227 out of 5
Id: UyHGguMeKOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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