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yo what's up it's your boy and only your boy reacting to family guy uh most offensive jokes part two baby yeah part two by myself uh i enjoyed the first one uh hopefully one of the others can uh react to this as well i was at one south park that was outrageous uh let's uh let's see what family guy's gone i haven't felt this bad since i drove by that speed sign what what it's a boy mrs quagmire ah that's wonderful how do you feel horny really horny could you put them back in and out of your tongue i was born oh my god oh my god no no seth mcfarlane found that [ __ ] nah how do you even think of that what what that's outrageous what the [ __ ] what 30 seconds in and i'm already screaming i was born nine times that day i have found you yeah oh my god stewie you okay quick somebody call an ambulance this could need stitches we don't want this to leave a scar no there's no time for an ambulance we got to take him to the hospital right away guys i'm all right i think meg oh my god he's delirious he's talking nonsense point everybody in the car hey what's the big idea this song's from the 1960s it shouldn't be in this jukebox wait can i have that record i love that song i'll let you have sex with my daughter i don't know let's see what your daughter looks like she's uh right there okay i'll do her but can you tell her to cry and beg me to stop i think that can be a brian is just a new friend for the family trust me you guys are gonna get along better than abraham lincoln and his neighbor hey dale i noticed your lawns getting a little high yeah i used to have a guy for that dick okay now you have a good one okay peter i'm off to my book club oh god's sake some of you might not get that basically um he abolished slavery lincoln uh and obviously uh this guy is very angry that he doesn't have a slave to do his uh lawn all right well anyway okay peter i'm off to my book club you'll babysit stewie only if i can have a popsicle only if you say it right pop sickle good and you better be responsible tonight i don't want to repeat it the last time i left you alone with one of our children what it's just so horrible i'm sorry lois i i thought if i shook him enough he'd stop crying oh boy i was kind of right turn to superman lois what's wrong clark we all have breast cancer the doctor says it's as if our breasts have been x-rayed five hours a day every day for the last three years oh my god that's terrible first every woman i've ever known and now you guys nice you too peter so uh what do you want to watch well if you turn on channel 14 we can probably catch the end of muslim looney lois know you're here no clue i brought beer i brought pot oh and now i feel stupid i brought pot i brought acid well now i feel stupid i brought crystal meth i brought 10 rounds of chemotherapy i think we may have gone too far now i feel bad for laughing at my dad when he went through this oh my god look you guys it's death hey has anyone got a cell phone i can borrow god's been paging me for like 20 minutes wait you still use a pager yeah well we thought once we got steve jobs in heaven we'd all get iphones but he never showed up wait a minute you work with god oh death we've been looking all over for that guy will you take us to him sure but don't you mean her look at your faces of course it's a dude come on let's go ah dang it that should be good you have any idea how fast you were going sir peter hey cleveland this is just so we can talk without getting spotted by lois or donna i need you to step out of the car sir peter there's got to be a better way he's got a knife oh my god sorry cleveland it's got to be authentic stay down oh stay down cleveland try to grab my gun oh trying to grab my gun hey rookie save some from me wow the whole gang's back together shut up we'll need you in this town you'll never let me live this down in doggy heaven hey there's that guy who got killed by a cat shut up how'd you guys die we bit kids fighting kids edible i miss biting kids oh come on it's not that bad your life could be worse you could be a black a black go ahead a blanket yeah yeah bro being blanket sucks why would they want to be a blanket well the only mouse in this neighborhood is our innocent neighbor frank maxwell comrade mousekavitz did you think you could run forever oh yeah i think you've got the wrong mouse i'm just regular old frank maxwell and i'm very late for work good day ma'am [Music] you killed him that was not me someone else got to him first tough break jew mouse we now return to meredith baxter inn raped by a clown it was awful he made me do things awful things what kinds of things i don't even want to talk about it oh my god peter you killed it well you guys relax he's got eight more lives okay seven more lives six five seasons three peter stop doing it all the cat lovers are just cringing and dying while watching this the catholics believe that as long as you accept jesus before you die anyone can get into heaven really anyone i accept jesus as my lord and savior genius that's genius family guys i'm just too smart with it man they're just too small yes it'll flatten any jew simply climb behind the wheel drive it towards a jew and flatten them could you also use it just to drive from place to place and stuff it's a jew flattening machine it's not what it's designed for but you could use it that way yeah yeah you could yeah yeah you could also use the mona lisa as a placemat where do you think you are this isn't a doctor's office this is the pound you're being euthanized what jess is having me put down oh my god this can't be happening did you also eat a kid oh that was a big red dog ah i was like i don't get it and then i got it these camps don't sound fun at all well chris camp is only as fun as you make it that's how it was in world war ii oh my god don't suppose it would help to say i have a note from my doctor get in there you oh no oh for god's sakes where's that white noise machine [Music] oh my god let me get this straight none of you guys has ever heard of bono he says he knows you daddy what the hell are you doing you threw peter in jail hey pumpkin welcome whatever you do don't tell them you have a clitoris yeah they told me that at the embassy see laughter is the best medicine please sir i'm in so much pain shut up and listen to my material huh what's this bedpan peter pan oh next stop is neverland come wendy fly with me nice spot huh oh yeah oh yeah it's great especially because of that thing over there you know what's in there corn really wow i could go for some corn [Laughter] you're dark raj i don't care yeah brown family oh oh my goodness i'm i'm so sorry sometimes i write descriptions of my patients to help me remember them no it's okay our last name is brown oh okay phew ah then this must be chubster dum-dum i assume you heard of the alphabet you want to explain to me how sammy popsicle comes before napping various geez i'm sorry well can we watch lost boys i've heard of that one those those are different lost boys well i got the results of your ultrasound and i got some news for you wait wait wait we don't want to know if it's a boy or a girl oh okay well it's not breathing it's not breathing oh my god you've missed so much like when america was attacked by mentally challenged suicide bombers you sure you don't want to stay for the show nah this place gives me the creeps like when i went to that pedophile opera we are proud to present mozart's the magic flute in a minor in a minor ah i have a minister price since asi visited quahog oh my god you're ksi yay what first of all that didn't even sound like peter griffin oh my god you're ksi yay what no that's not real god dammit it's been your boy ksi i think south park takes takes the crown will beat the most offensive i'll see you along a bit take care and peace
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 6,866,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sidemen, Sidemen Reacts, SidemenReacts
Id: S_aWUO3gG5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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