SIMPSON DESERT - Heading To The Races - Roothy

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we're going to take you to some very special places on this trip from boggy hull just out the back of alice springs right through to the carnival atmosphere of the birdsville races that's right in between we're going to tackle 1100 simpson desert sand hills and we're taking these four fine chariots first up is the sand thumpin 7.3 litre f-250 next in line is the mighty dakar a 60 series with one hell of an attitude probably the only sensible truck here is the arb rodeo and of course rattling up the rear is australia's best known 40 series milo piloted by the infamous ruthie so let's settle up and hit the track before we ventured onto the dirt we had to pile on a few bitumen miles out the back of alice springs it's a pretty drive but it's not what we traveled so far for we were here to get away from the bitumen and everything it stands for ever heard of this saying bitumen another waste of taxpayers money well at four wheel drive monthly we reckon that's just about spot on so we chucked a left off larapinta drive at hermansburg and caressed the corrugations on our way to foggy hole there are a few ways you can enter the simpson desert from the south west you can duck in through ood nada or the most direct route is through culgra and then on to fink but we wanted to explore a little so we opted for the historic route through boggy hole and down the old garn railway track [Music] ah not long now we're getting close to the good stuff and this is what it's all about the track runs along the riverbed and is flanked by stunning bright ochre cliffs there's nothing tough about this drive so you can just sit back and soak up the ancient landscape this is a photographer's paradise [Music] the track can get a little tight in parts as you dodge the saplings but it soon opens up again so [Music] foreign well here we are at boggy hull great place to come for a paddle just beware the black mud though you might come out looking a little darker than you did going in in 1889 a police camp was set up here designed to quell hostilities between local station owners and aborigines but the camp was abandoned in 1891 when police officer wilshere was arrested for the murder of two aborigines it wasn't until three years later that a replacement camp was built at ill murder springs it's hard to believe that a place as peaceful as this was once home to that sort of violence [Music] we've jumped off hillary creek now and we're onto the fink river and we're driving along the base of that it's widened up a little bit but the amazing thing is when they get rain out here the finka river can actually get up to five kilometers wide she's a pretty spot too though i reckon much prettier up this end of the thing than than down near the township of fink beautiful big flooded gums popping out of the riverbed lovely big red cliffs this is a special spot ladies and gents so just make sure you perm your pooch [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] we rolled into camp pretty late last night and we've landed at one of those real outback icons it's one of those places that you just have to go before you curl up your toes and the best time to see it is at sunrise so most of the blokes are still tucked up tightly in their swag snoring away let's go and have a look [Music] well this is it folks chambers pillar we're only camped about 100 meters that away chambers pillar was caused by erosion around about 80 to 120 million years ago and the only reason why that big knob up there hasn't eroded is because of the composition of the rock on top it's so hard so that's the only only bit that's left out of all this whole area around here let's go and get a closer look [Music] [Applause] here at the pillar we got one of the earlier signs of aussie graffiti a lot of people have carved their names into the rocks and some of them are the names of early explorers and settlers they did it as much as a safety measure as anything else because if anyone came looking for them they'd know that they'd been here so after soaking up the pillar for the morning we hit the track and headed on towards the simmo down the old garn line [Music] we're on the road now between chambers pillar and maryvale and the road just up ahead here it gets a little bit steep and rocky nothing to worry these sort of vehicles i don't even think we'll worry about locking it in a low range in the big effi but i'll tell you what the views from the top they're worth it well the f250 is loving this trip so far but even a big truck like this is defenseless when it comes to animal strikes and that's pretty much the case with every major four-wheel drive on the market because every four-wheel drive has its radiator mounted right at the front of the engine and it's located there so it can get nice cool air in and obviously cool down the engine but the problem with that is out here you get a lot of kangaroos and a lot of cattle they can do a hell of a lot of damage to the front of your vehicle now that wouldn't matter so much if you are close to town but out here the sheer remoteness of the whole area can leave you stranded and it's a really big problem that's why frontal protection makes a hell of a lot of sense in these sort of parts and let's face it bull bars aren't just good for for protecting the front of your vehicle they're also a great spot to stick cb aerials stick driving lights winches but when you are selecting a bull bar keep an eye out for the mounts have a good look get under there check out how many high tensile bolts are holding out onto the chassis because unless that mounting system is up to scratch the bull bar isn't worth anything we're driving down the old gun railway line at the moment it's a pretty skinny bit of track so you do need to take it fairly easy it can sort of lull you into that full sense of security you'll be racing down here at 80 or 90 then all of a sudden half the track's falling away so take it pretty easy also just running parallel to this track is the fin desert race track it's a once a year race and uh they generally compete in football drives and buggies it's a top race and if you have a look at their track they've still got a lot of the markers around there and uh which is it looks like a lot of fun something else to keep an eye out for on this track is because they've actually pulled the sleepers away there are still a lot of bolts from those sleepers floating around so be aware of them because they can stake your tires really easily well we're here at mountain dew homestead and this is your last chance to fuel up with supplies for your big trip across the simpson it goes from here to dalhousie springs and then birdsville so there's a lot of kilometers we've got to cover so we really need to fuel up right now ruthie i meant to fuel up with diesel oh sorry mate bit of a mistake um too late now that's a real bugger yeah it is isn't it i'm a ladder this one's yours let's go [Music] ah that sprung well i'm just putting one away for a keepsake a bit of a simpson souvenir you know i don't think anyone will notice a tip for new travellers always keep the fridge right behind the seat [Music] it makes you wonder who decides which way the road goes out here i mean it's dead flat there's no elevation i reckon the greater driver just comes along here gets bored bugs in the odd corner you know probably rides a motorbike and puts in the odd airspend doesn't seem any other reason for it from here on in it's red desert all the way it won't be long until we're knee-deep in red sand there's one essential bit of kit that you do need when you're crossing the simmo and it's one of these things it's a desert parks pass it's issued by the south australian government but you can buy it at just about any four-wheel drive store around the country set your back around about a hundred bucks but you do need it to cross the simpson and it's got a lot of fantastic information especially for first timers who haven't been across we've got a bunch of maps in there plus a whole heap of information that really will get you out of trouble thing is with these is there is a trick they do last for 12 months so if you're considering doing a trip within the next 12 months buy it now then read up on it it's quite a thick booklet so it will take you a little bit of time to get through but it's well worth it [Music] [Music] dalhousie springs is a dead set outback oasis but it's one with a twist out of the ground at near boiling point but settles down to about 40 degrees for the most part it's a great spot to wash off the dust and freshen up for your simmer [Music] just remember don't use any soap in there we want to keep this place pristine it was the overland telegraph line expedition that first came across the springs in 1871. of course aborigines have been using these springs for many years before the white fellas turned up it was originally named edith springs after the wife of a south australian governor but she requested to change the name to her father's the marquis of dalhousie [Music] right well we're just packing up now from dalhousie springs we've got this amenities block behind us great facility although it is a little bit on the beak i think it's seen a fair bit of traffic we've got just over here behind us dalhousie springs had a fantastic bath this morning water's around about 40 degrees so um really good spot to freshen up before the summer because i think this is pretty much the last spot we can have a good dip a good bath before we hit the road mate i think you should freshen up as quick as you can thanks mate i've already had one actually thank you for helping me back can you go and help someone else there good luck cheers on the road between dalhousie springs and penny board there are these long stretches of giver planes and gibbers are these little little red rocks and they're remnants of volcanic activity here millions of years ago and don't they play havoc with the tyres they really cut them up which is why we tend to use mud terrain or all-terrain tyres out here and it's not because of there are masses of mud it's because the construction of those tyres is a hell of a lot tougher than your highway terrain tyres that most vehicles come with as standard [Music] [Music] when you think about the outback you always think about how dry and dusty it's going to be but what you do need to remember and plan for is the fact that when it rains out here you can get stuck you can get stuck big time you can see from all the ruts and stuff around here on spring plain just the other side of dalhousie that eight weeks ago when it rained here no one got through not for the first day or two and then it was a bit of a struggle what can you do about it well there's not much you can do i mean you're not going to know if it's going to rain or not so the best thing you can do is just have some spare food you know you've already got your spare water you'll be ready maybe have a spare bottle of rum stacked away somewhere i like to do that just be patient wait until it dries out and then carry on you didn't want to get home anyway did you [Music] [Music] bernie ball was put down in 1963 by a french mob who were out here looking for oil they used the water they found as drinking water for their workers so that they could continue their explorations into the desert in recent years the flow of the boar has been stemmed to a trickle over environmental concerns regarding groundwater levels [Music] we're just at the junction of the tracks here at the moment the french line is up that away and it's probably the toughest track i'd say we're not going to head that way because there's a fair bit of traffic there people are heading up to the birds or races at the moment so the track's going to be fairly cut up so we're going to head down the waa line and then up to knolls track and then rejoin the french line a little bit later on i can taste the beers already [Music] so [Music] so [Music] we're in the middle of the simpson we're on our way to birdsville and because we got the birdsville races coming up i thought i'd do something pretty special so i thought about taking my clothes off and running around the camp but no one was into that so it looks like it's going to have to be cooking dinner again um when you're traveling in the bush you really should consider what you eat fairly seriously and i'm saying that from the point of view of a very seasoned beer drinker okay it is important to eat lots of carbos so what i've got happening here is some rice base the meal on rice this is going to be curry simpson sausages i think i'll call it for whatever better name i'd probably camel curry it'd be good too you know because it'll probably have a few humps in it especially tomorrow the trick to cooking rice if you're out in the bush is to dump the rice in the pot give the pot a good clean dump the rice in put your hand on it and cover it with water to the top of your hand put the lid back on bit of salt in there put the salt in before you put the lid on i better have another beer and then just let it cook now what's going to happen is it'll boil up and if the proportions are about right which they usually are if you just managed to cover the rice about an inch or so um it'll the water most of it will evaporate we'll have lots of nice rice over here i've got the start of the sauce i'm going to get ian to cook the sausages on the barbecue plate in a minute the sauce is basically starting with lots of fried onions some pine nuts and some capsicum why am i using those ingredients because i had them basically from there i'm going to go into my usual favorites of peanut butter chili sauce some curry powder and a bit of coconut milk to spin it out a little bit um oh did i say curry powder yeah i better say it again because there's going to be lots of hurt um yeah so we'll sort of see what happens i think the whole trick to any cooking exercise is to not worry about how it's going to turn out just keep putting stuff in until it tastes alright does that make sense i better go and have another beer and see how ian's gone [Music] to better sausages we've got uh major les higgins here on the barbecue good one bit of bush tucker beef sausages from alice springs i haven't really got a name for this um camel curry which one's the first part of the sand dunes running around here east west north south shore north south which way do they go in the north there south north yeah okay what you got the sausages going north south oh good on ya that's a great little fire pit yeah it was a bit of a didn't have a lot of choice the guy that brought the barbecue plate brought in that leg yeah well i'm sorry about that mate but i knew you'd work it out yeah okay beer can league beer can legs ventilation drink an extra four we had to drink an extra four beers just to get the barbecue going that's fair enough that's all that's typical for us um theory is plenty of air in hot coals from the fire there's no shortage of firewood beautiful very controlled barbecue should be good and it's right at your level should we explain to our viewers that fridge tragedy oh the fridge tragedy oh my waco has died after how many years six years of constantly supplying cold beer to the troops and it's finally died i mean it just you know i know it's hit the roof a couple of times you know we did hit some big bumps but what a shame but mr ruta let's tell them the full story not only one fridge died we had three fridges die all right three fridges for various reasons yeah one of them was alternator not charging which is thankfully charging now one of them was because the plug fell out over the corrugations and the other one was because died through old age because it had been dunked in the uh high country water um through the high country mud yeah but that's not the disaster you know like three dead fridges wouldn't hurt us any time it was last night without a cold beer that really did it wasn't it mate i mean i don't know about you but i'm still shaking at the thought of it but we'll make up for it tonight pat that's right we're still in training for the birdsville races it's yeah these are little green cans they're they're very close to us at the moment they're not wrong and we've only got seven cartons left i suppose that's one good thing when the fridge dies yeah cheers we're ready for some sausage over here mate the bangers are ready how do they look oh you put the good ones on top didn't you did the birthday on the bottom brother there's one in the fire i lost one well you know given the the weight of that pan and the actual amount of meat in these sausages we'll just tuck them over here that's lovely goes a long way that's beautiful ann schultz my friends sausage sausage cooker to the stars and remember when you see ian it's not the sausage it's the sizzle isn't that right mike get on your boat oh here comes the ghoulie bits okay tuna butter is this crunchy rooter little better bee oh yeah look see it's got the little koala guy never oily never dry just like me my friend so how much of this stuff do you put in mate all of it you know why because if we don't tomorrow the bottle will break and it'll be all through everything ruthie this looks suspiciously like the thing that you cooked down at the cod hole in uh on the last trip down at cops harbour you've worked it out haven't you mate i've got two recipes same ingredients every time pretty much you will take one or two pine nuts well i've found that you know most people like peanut butter i mean you know let's be honest most people like peanut butter chili sauce mild that looks good doesn't it okay so the trick is to wait until the old peanut butter's melted down no there's no trick i'll just get it in there get it warmed up the only trick to any of this kind of cooking is to cook the uncooked things first you know like the onion the capsicum stuff like that the pine nuts um i don't know why but for some reason you start with your flavors and you work from there you know yeah that makes sense absolutely it's actually looking like it's slightly edible now it's the pine nuts um what's it missing curry powder garlic powder my friend clive of india curry powder oh yeah so just a dash oh just a little bit yeah um coconut cream you know why we use coconut cream no neither do i but but i believe that i know they use it a lot in asian cooking so use the light instead of the full creamy yeah and a bit of beer can't cook without beer pat no i'm empty i'm up can you get me one too please and then i'll slip in the secret ingredient while he's not there look at this scotch marmalade scotch marmalade you cannot make a curry without some sort of sweet jam in there somewhere don't ask me why i don't know why but it'll really work i'll tell you what there's a lot of curry on this spoon next person to put marmalade on their taste tomorrow is going to notice it beautiful oh look at that rice what's cooking mr ruta look at that rice that's beautiful rice turns on the chicks my friend if that is what is there is it ice yeah i've got ice in there oh that's pure gold hey guys hey do you want to uh come over and grab some birdsville budget bangers that's it mate that's it pat's name my recipe righto stick the plate back there mate there will be more there will be more hang on you need to watch those plates don't come over here one-handed for the plate i don't know what fell over your truck just fell apart matt come on right here this is good stuff mate is it livable oh is it guys what's what's the traditional response sausages are well done yeah very well done beautiful beautiful all right yep ah good stuff unbelievable guys almost as good as nana muskerimo it's a banana yeah not as many hairs in this one [Music] the simpson desert is made up of 1100 sand hills and these sand hills run north south so we're attacking the simo from west to east and that's generally considered a tougher way to do it because because of the way that the wind has actually formed the sand dunes you tend to find that if you're heading this way the sand dunes are steeper on the way up so normally i guess if you went east to west the the easy way she'd be a fairly gentle rise up and then a steve dropped down but um we're attacking it the other way for fun and uh also because um we've got the birdsville races as our little party at the end you might notice that i'm a bit rugged up this morning wearing my uh woolly lined vest here out in the desert here even though it gets quite warm during the day quite pleasant actually though it's been around about 25 degrees during the days out here at night it gets absolutely freezing there's zero cloud cover to keep the heat in and yeah she gets very chilly so make sure you bring your woolies and um and your sort of zero degree sleeping bags um when you when you come out to these parts if you're going to travel in the outback the one thing you really should do to your vehicle before you go and it doesn't matter whether it's new or old is fit some good after after-market suspension i mean good aftermarket suspension the difference is amazing it really is not only is the vehicle going to ride a lot better but it's going to coat with the sort of weights that we carry out here and you can't help it if you're going to carry water and fuel and everything else you're really going to exceed the standard vehicle suspension so much it's not running i mean apart from the need of an old girl like milo uh that really needs a little bit of softness and suppleness in that you get with that suspension look at look at the new radio it's loaded up to the hill absolutely loaded and yet thanks to good suspension it's just fine it's handling this trip brilliantly i've been using the almond any suspension for what's been fantastic i would recommend that if you're going to spend money on your truck before you go out back good suspension is the ticket not only are you going to enjoy the ride a lot more you're not going to break [Music] springs [Music] you'll cross a number of dry salt lakes on your way across the desert stick to the tracks though for a few reasons first those lakes look awesome when they're clean and with no tire marks tearing them up and second you never know what's under the surface of that salty crust and vehicles that get stuck usually get stuck for a while and the lack of recovery points to winch off makes for a tough extraction [Music] we're always going on about carrying extra fuel and here's why it's 450 k's across milo's range is about 500 k's we're about halfway across i'm nearly out of fuel why is that because the sand hills are soft that's why and because it uses more fuel um so i'm going to take advantage of this salt lake to have a bit of a refill no garages around here my favorite form of funnel is one of these screw-on spouts um you don't spill any fuel that way it's terrific and you don't have that big in rush of dirt either you should always carry extra fuel even if you know you can get fuel reliably why is that because once you're out in the outback there aren't too many garages not a lot of services on the way over here i had a rock come up off one of the front wheels and shatter the base of my fuel filter um if i hadn't had extra fuel i would have been stuck on the side of the plenty highway for quite a while extra fuel in the outback is as important as extra water you've just got to do it i think that'll do it man it sounds like she's not getting much juice ruthie stole it all for his session something's stuck some little fuel tank i think the vapor is it is that let's undo the cap on the fuel tank yes let's see if it is so vapor see if it goes pop the cap man okay try her again man fingers out here there we go low man diagnosed it the vapor lock he knows all about pulling caps off things to make him work doesn't he that's it yeah me well you could you could hear a little earlier a bit of um airs being sucked in under the bonnet somewhere with with um and bubbling from the fuel tank so all we've done is just release the fuel cap to allow the air back in release the vapor and um yeah all of a sudden we've got fuel looking simple as that what actually causes a vapor lock flame that's all it is it could be you know sometimes it could be a crushed hose or something like that be very simple so yeah but that is something that a lot of people wouldn't actually think of just to under your fuel cap you know i've had it happen a few times before so it's the simplest one to fix yeah good stuff lovely let's go we don't have to cancel it for next year's model just yet then ian i can't break yours mate i'll do you a really good deal on a barely used only driven on the occasional sunday toyota [Music] this my friends is knowles track it's a top little track runs north south and um rather than the rest of the simo that just goes up and down up and down over the sand dunes this track you tend to run along the top of the sand dune just scatter along the top of them then you'll duck down into a salt pan for a while and you'll pop back up again but the whole time it's a pretty lumpy old track i mean the sand dunes are lumpy and even when you get onto the lower area you get these lumps of gypsum that sort of seem to pop up through the track and um they restrict your speed to around about 25 30 kilometers per hour but um it's good fun it's a really nice track this one well that was knoll's track i really enjoyed that now we're hooking right on to uh the french line so back to the masses if you can get the masses out here in the summer [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] the thing about crossing the simpson is it's a one lane track all the way so that means that people head head east and they head west and um you're bound to meet up somewhere along the track not that we've met up with too many on this trip thankfully i think everyone's a little bit thirsty and they're heading for the races but um the thing about these one lane tracks that are packed full of sand dunes 1100 of them is that if you meet someone at the top of a sand dune you really can't see where you're going basically right at the crest as you crest those dunes you're pretty much staring at the sky so if there's someone coming the other way bang you're going to have a nice little collision in the middle of nowhere so the trick is to install a sand flag on the top of your um uh vehicle so you can mount a nice long flag off your bull bar you can mount one off the roof rack i spoke to the um one of the rangers the other day a fella called nick bailey and he told me that because some people insist on going without sand flags every couple of years they will have a few fatalities on the semi from from people hitting each other at the top of dunes for the most part it's um motorcyclists but uh motorcyclists collecting vehicles but um occasionally it has happened where two forbids have collided at the top of the dunes so obviously you know you're out here to have fun and to have a fantastic spectacular holiday um the last thing you need is to have some disaster happen on your holiday [Music] there are no real secrets when it comes to sand driving in the simpson desert i guess it all comes back to the old sand driving basics lower your tyre pressures around about 16 to 20 psi is generally the best but it does depend on how heavily laden your truck is the other thing is don't be afraid to give it a few berries up these sandals momentum will get you to the top of most hills but it is a real delicate balancing act in these parts because you know you want to give it the berries to get over the hills but you don't want to give it too many for two reasons first of all you don't want to rip up the track for the next person coming along and secondly you don't want to drain your fuel tanks because you do need to conserve fuel in these parts the other thing is i suppose drive to the conditions if there's been rain in the last month or two you'll find that the track is fairly hard and it'll be a fairly simple crossing however if it hasn't rained for months and months and months then you'll find that every sand dune is a challenge and you'll really chew through the juice augustus popel reached this point in 1880 and he actually put his marker in about 274 metres west of here the reason being is that the survey change that he was using had lengthened by one inch since when he started in south australia so that put him 274 metres out i tell you what he did it hard though he dragged his point which was a cooler bar tree 92 kilometers behind a camel to reach here this one's in the right spot now so we've got south australia that away northern territory there and queensland there so my hand is now in three states i'm going to stay in queensland guys you both can have the rest what do you got there you can have northern territory territory mate no speed minutes mate i'm too far from home to care and there's no way i'm taking claim with south australia come on it's got cooper beer hey mate if this was sort of like you know a full-size replica that'd be victoria there that little little toothpicky bit we wouldn't end up being victorians anyway would we oh i'm proud [Music] so [Music] well here we are folks we have finally arrived at the pista resistance of the simpson desert i'm talking big red the tallest sand dune in the simo now there are a few ways you can attack this there's a few chicken tracks and there are some real men's tracks and i'm driving a man's truck a 7.3 liter f-250 so i kind of got to take the men's route locked it into low range turn the overdrive off and off we go full throttle all the way she's a bit bouncy bit bumpy are you there halfway up oh will you make it oh it's running out of pubs running out of pop oh no bugger we got the front wheels up over the top but not the back we're gonna try again put the lockers on because we got ourselves a little bit boggart it's half the fun with the simmo is well at least with big red is playing around on these dunes you have an absolute blast later in the afternoon it tends to soften right up and that's when it gets harder to tackle if you grab it first thing in the morning with a little bit of dew on it it's quite simple to climb okay let's give this another crank oh it's getting close to the top when we make it over oh yes oh just just made it good stuff oh this is fun this is fun it's a really top spot to play you know you're only 30 or 40 cases out of birdsville so you're not too far away for help i suppose if anything does go wrong but um top spot to play what happens is people people sit down the um down the bottom of the the hills crack open a cold drink and watch and get entertained by the different forbids as they tackle the hill that's an absolute blast great way to top off a nice trip across the semi [Music] [Music] well here we go i don't know how it's gonna go i tell you now i've locked the top of the hill and they weren't watching i'm only two feet from it she's just bumpy as hell that big v8 tuna right up 20 feet 33 ah we'll get there come on baby go yes yes oh yeah bloody beauty oh that's great get stuffed a lot of ya [Music] [Applause] come on out come on wow 21 years old you see that you guys are from melbourne yeah newport melbourne yeah you drove up here obviously drove up for the races and just headed out here to have a look really do a bit of four-wheel driving too yeah a little bit we're going over through winter minka and looking forward to the trip home yeah so you're gonna give this bird a bit of a fly up the hill do you reckon i haven't gotten the air to put back in the tires [Music] oh trevor where are you from chris from olive oil down the south coast yeah and um heading back to alice springs to do some work actually yeah yeah i used to work there for a couple of years and he's going to go back over the summer out of the season tomorrow after the races good stuff right so we're following a trailer as well so she's she's done well fully loaded get all the all the gear in and there's and now it's done big red that'd be great mate many times over too oh no no today all today [Music] okay [Music] [Music] well after a fantastic desert crossing we arrived in the big smoke birdsville usually this town lives a fairly quiet existence but when the races come to town birdsville comes alive so after a quick drive around we headed into birdsville autos to fill up their tanks [Music] it's pretty cheap 1.32 that's not far off sydney [Music] glad i'm not playing this build [Music] one more guys [Music] [Music] is [Music] of course the dusty windy all day in birdsville we've just filled up the trucks and uh i have the figures here fellas what's what are the bets what what chewed the most watching the least oh milo probably got twice the economy of the rest of these i'd reckon and three times the economy of the effie where is it that's related to the driver though isn't it oh yeah of course yeah it's the careful attitude to driving the skill in changing gears things like that yeah so what's the answer pat i did one well the fe1 in that achieved the most fuel 163 liters it used it's got a 7.3 liter turbo diesel all the trucks here at turbo diesel uh the arb dakar did two uh did 114 liters the rodeo was pretty frugal at 105 liters but old milo mate the winner the winner only use 78 liters there you go mighty 13 bt who's got a good truck then eh who's also got two big buckets of sand in the fuel tank by the center of things no that'll be right that's great i think it's because you chucked all your gear in the effie mate what are we going to do now go and chase some horses find the bar you know the bar opened at 7am here this morning that's not bad is it my kind of town a couple of four wheel drives here today mate boys that's it mate four wheel drive four wheel drive i don't think i've seen any sedans have you no no no not actually on their wheels [Laughter] this is definitely our country isn't it there's some interesting concoctions around here aren't they i reckon look at this that safari campus pretty interesting it is i haven't seen one of those before and there's there's this die hatsu thing oh that might not be a fourby that's not that's not a fourby by the look of it look at that for a trick canopy mate wow someone made that at home didn't they it's a beauty someone's chopped up the filing cabinet i think actually it looks like they used the wrong imperial measurement for the top and metric for the bottom yeah boy hey look at that cage that's what we need mate couldn't you get a few cartons in that somewhere to keep the handbrake mate played one of those i'd get locked in at night there'd be no point oh boy he's a big boy look at that yeah wow has that got a diff yeah yep yeah big diff she's the real deal for me mate far out that's all right isn't it gee these things are getting popular aren't they the little popped off camper on the back of a trade yeah hey look at this guy he's done a bit of serious stuff got some good rubber under there wow lots of four wheel drive owners having lots of fun eh mate this is what it's all about isn't it really it is not much point owning one unless you get out and use it that's it and they're all still arriving look at the look at the trail down there the car park over here look at the girl hopping out of the one over there but i didn't say that it's been a long time in the desert mate but yeah it's been a long time in the desert an interesting mix of trucks here too isn't there you know yeah tell you what there's a lot of these big effies are a lot of ff's mate i think it's just they go so well on this out these big wide dirt outback roads yeah it's always been the way hasn't it though you know the big yankee cars used to be the guy before four-wheel drives i think we're gonna see a resurgence in effie i know i'm gonna buy one after this trip yeah and i'm seriously considering it too i'll tell you they're not a bad thing not much of a crowd of the pub mate there you go mate thanks very much your readers everywhere this is four wheel drive monthly rated country that's for sure it is isn't it i wonder if we got any readers working behind the bar i think we might have some drunk ones under the bar maybe that was funny what they were saying about dusk goggles being the sail item of the day today yeah there's someone else in them those planes over there mate you know they reckon that this is the biggest fly-in in australia so virtual races yeah vertical races so the biggest single flying so you've got all these amateur aviators and stuff and professional i suppose coming in here to check the place out i'll tell you what there's not many places in the world where you can sort of land right outside the pub it's going to be an advantage and then over here broke his boxing tent oh you're going to give it a crack mate uh i don't want to see how it is 20 years since i got knocked out in brophy's boxing tent mate on an iv game you've had a crack haven't you yeah one and it was a crack yeah right in the side of the head i thought i'd give the little guy a chance you know i thought i better not beat him up he's half my size what a joke what do you reckon we're going to buy a horse yeah let's do it come on mate there was a pretty decent dust storm while the races were on but that didn't dampen anyone's spirits they just meant they had to drink more spirits [Music] 69 a good number whatever you got man team mate put the whole lot on 10. i'll put the hand brakes bloody christmas present moving me on tent but it's all right i've got a hot tip on 10. another six of these oh that must have dropped a couple of plug loads here guys the dollar's made there goes the handbrake's christmas presents i'm not really in the pool now i'll tell you horse poo with that i've had an oven that's made out of four-wheel driving i don't know mate we've had all these days out in the desert i've been lonely as anything i'll tell you she's been you have have your mate it's just fine i have a little too but i think i've got it sorted you've got a sword what have you done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay thank you thank you in the crowd crowd this is this is the typical of the atmosphere of the birdsville races these guys have flown in from alice springs check out the t-shirts rinda crowd birdsville races 2005. i think they know how to party these guys well phil is not a bad trippy the end of our journey though oh mate unfortunately yeah it's a pity isn't it you know it's been fantastic that's really right foggy hold to birdsville i don't know where the bigger mess has been though i reckon there's going to be a boggy ollie tonight i think we're going to form part of that boggy hole mate oh i think so much i reckon it might be time to uh finish the dvd and then go inside and have maybe a little quiet social meeting so to speak what do you reckon meet the locals okay and this is a local beer well [Music] until next time get the shiny side up folks let's go and have a beer [Music] [Music] g'day welcome to ruthie's ruthless tales go on grab a slice of feared income australia get you a dose of roofie and put a smile on your dial [Music] you
Views: 32,289
Rating: 4.8783784 out of 5
Keywords: 4xForum, RonBacardi666, GallBoys, ExpeditionOverland, OverlandBound, markstuff681, AlmazanKitchen, UbeefHooked, Misadventure4WD, OHM26, Hemi4WD, Off-Road Control, go4x4media, josephallen19, 4wdaction, PowerfulJRE, 4xOverland, 1all4Adventure, 4x4Australia, Roothy, UCzRkxmVeTP_29MMtEzPF4KQ, Muddy, Beards, 4x4, UCU7WCO2ymb8HSfee1z72X-w, UCKSKD6XxpsRE1IwSyGC8bKQ
Id: 1htopynRjhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 30sec (3690 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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