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[Music] okay glenn you clear we're on the east coast of tasmania and we've been pushing hard for days now and we're on one of the toughest tracks i've ever traveled and right when things look like there might be an end in sight the toughest truck in the world has gone and popped a couple of tyres no one can help that kind of stuff sun's going down you're going to want to know how we got to this stage aren't you well i'll tell you what this is what happens when you ask the locals and when you set out to find out what's tougher east or west coast by the time you've seen this dvd and seen how we got to be right here in this predicament you might be able to make up your own [Music] monday tasmania is a beautiful little island but you know what it's just loaded with mountains from one end to the other and where you get mountains you get valleys and of course plenty of moisture being down this end of the ocean you can bet it's wet [Music] tasmania has got it all and when it comes to four-wheel driving it's the best place to be hi glenn uh i mustache you a question mustafa dad's bino this is a pretty uh a pretty hairy track up here guys we could be in for some close shaves now worries maybe make sure there's nothing left on the side oh dear it's mustache day at the zoo with me on this trip i've got my old mate glenn has been had and driving his 80 series and pulling an mdc right behind him is rocket rod from wholesale automatics in the mighty 79 series and bringing up the tail is kenno in his mighty petrol hilux 20 000 rpms of sheer beast and he's pulling an mdc2 whoa uh we're straight into some mucky stuff almost straight away yeah it's quite wet up here isn't it yeah they've had a bit of spotter ranges here not much but just enough to um certainly make this a bit of an exciting day this track's a real mystery no one really knows who put it in that's pretty amazing even in tassie uh it was a walking track originally and then jim hall famous tasmanian explorer pioneer along and opened it up with machines years later um jim's passed away now but even he didn't know who put the original track in all i can say is that this is some of the densest bush i've ever seen in my life so to cut your way through here with a machete or an axe or whatever what a big job what a big job just driving through his tight enough adamsfield's about an hour's drive out of hobart it's here that we'll be taking on the saw back track to visit an old open cut mining site followed by some amazing original settlement once we've conquered saw back we'll be heading south east towards the huon river to take on the water track and if we survive that we'll be ready to take on the infamous willamette creek track and it's said to be absolute carnage [Music] well big storm through last night so um i don't know what to expect up here probably a bit of mud a few trees across the track who knows we'll see how we go bit of gnarly mud coming up guys it's not far into this track and we've come up against a sloppy mess i'm just going to dive in and give it a go [Music] slipperier than a well used bar of soap the coil sprung 80's got it all over mustard but he's pulling that extra weight in the trailer too but you know glenn give him plenty of mumbo and he's off and away searching for traction all over the place looking alright don't forget to take the trailer with you glenno he's trying oh come on mate oh not much more in this yeah it's going to come back a little bit and get a little bit more momentum yeah bigger runner [Music] rocket on the other hand just travels on through making it look easy as wow four tons of truck tons of traction and an automatic gearbox if you add all that up to roos systems v8 power you've got something in this kind of country track's almost shiny keno's bringing up the rear and he's got a real issue there with that track but with the mighty v6 pumping lots of revs he's through i just love driving through forests like this this forest is millions of years old you know the plants here have been going since well let's face it some of them are older than more jokes i mean it's been regenerating over and over and over again but in the same way just think you know you almost half expect to see a brontosaurus come roaring out any minute and this is what tasmania is all about and this is what conservation is all about but at the end of the day if you can't get in and have a look there's not a lot of point either so um you know we need our tracks we really desperately need our tracks [Music] another steep section is it john yeah mate big time this little bit was steep ass and very little traction thanks to all that wet clay the old mustard truck wow it's just proven itself more and more romping up the track she's a diff grabber guys so uh probably lockers and a bit of momentum will get you through the coil sprung 80's got it all over mustard but he's pulling that extra weight in the trailer too mind you more power and a bit of has been had an attitude and he's at the top before you know it glenn's softened the track up a bit so rocket's job's even harder oh geez but look at the way he goes he just takes it as he uses the torque off the bottom of that automatic and he's into it this 79 is one of the most capable trucks around whoops said that too soon i'm gonna back down and take another run right now this is all about momentum come on rocket the automatic means he can launch quick anytime off the button i'm way to go mate way to go wow got it kenny's got the hardest job with a lot of us following up behind but it's amazing what this guy can do he's really got the knack of punting her hilux hard mind you that motor's probably doing about 28 000 rpm adamsfield was once a thriving osmoridium mining settlement with a population of more than a thousand people in tasmania's remote south west however we're on our way to find and explore one of the open cut mines out here and a remote historic settlement i love this stuff it's like history come to life she's a bit deep there guys boy am i glad i got a snorkel and i got one on the truck too whoa come here so what an awesome effort that was oh rocket let's see what you can do with this [Music] wait that was what we call a mangled puddle 79 really disappeared kenny takes a slightly different line and look at that easier this tasmanian weather is something i don't think i'll ever get used to it's always changing and my jacket's been on and off several times already oh yuck ah oh yuck sounds great mate what do you got no mate two choices and neither of them looks real good i'm gonna go to the right hand side see what happens stop straight in and stuck uh yep double yuck um i'm going to need to pull backwards guys this is just horrible mustards hung up on the leaf springs too many big coils with big tires through here i'm filling up with water here so um [Music] all right are you ready mate a little bit of rear drive all right they'll do you thanks mate just behind me there's a track off to the left we might be able to just skim around and hopefully it comes back on up here we'll give that a go yeah let's do that wow we finally made it through to the old open cut mine you know what coming along that track in our four wheel drives makes me think about how tough it must have been in the 1930s and 40s those pioneers were amazing so it was 1912 when the first white man stepped into this valley possibly one of the first humans to ever step in here because it's such thick country it would have been so hard to get here and that was the government geologist a guy called 12 trees very at name i reckon because he would have cut down thousands of trees to get in here he came all the way in from the west coast on foot and got here and this is the site of the reward claim now what was he looking for well he was looking for minerals of course and here he found them he found traces of gold and traces of auseridium now at that stage they didn't have a use for us iridium in fact it was 1925 before they opened this up as a gold mine and in fact that's what we can see here remains of the old battery that they used to smash the quartz to get the gold out but the gold fetched less value than gold normally did because it was contaminated with the ozaridium and it wasn't until 1925 when they finally found a use for ozaridium it was used in the end of fountain pens can you believe that because it didn't wear out that is just amazing i reckon the saw back track gets its name because it follows along the saw back range it's one of the more challenging tracks in the area and there are moments where the views are just breathtaking bit of a downhill john i suppose what goes up must come down no wrong mate she's fairly stupid but so far lots of traction this um this white rocky stuff is a whole new deal compared to the playback there right but we can't get too distracted by the scenery because the terrain can change so quickly and right now the tracks just dropped away into a deep descent full of big rats wow this is uh this is evil oh just waiting for my step to bang [Music] and of course in a situation like this you're relying on making a decision straight away as to where you go because you can't stop put the handbrake on get out and have a look you wouldn't it's not safe not much we can do here except soldier on wow i thought i was going over then you never get too far from the puddle in tassie do you by crikey puddles angles bring it on whoa how close was that come on glenn let's see what the 80 can do without tipping over oh nice suspension straight through the middle bringing the trailer with it oops spoke too soon i'm not sure how far back you're gonna go there [Music] oh you've done well grano here comes rocket king of wheel lifts let's see what you do here mate i love this truck more and more every day right ken you've seen the rest of us what can you do [Music] so clean well done mate beautiful effort these old mining huts were built in the 50s and they're pretty much a perfect example of what a mining hut should be the timber was mostly hand cut from around here the tin would have been brought in you know what they're still here all these years after temporary accommodation no way they're still being used despite being locked up i'd say someone's got a key obviously the parks ranger and every now and then someone's coming in here for a bit of a break that's a good thing because it's going to keep these huts maintained but i'm not sure it was west coast tough after all we are trying to compare west and east and find out which is the ultimate in tough four-wheel driving in tasmania with this in mind we're making our way towards the hewind river to take on the water track and from what the locals say it's very aptly named there's a little bit of maintenance to be done there always is after a big day like that oh ken this one looks a bit uh a bit square mate yeah mate what happened i just got a bit of stuff in the bed running low pressures mate and they just got a slow leak oh i can see it here yeah all right well listen to break the beat on this i might get gleno involved and we'll drive over it with his truck yep good idea okay cool okay go forwards nice job glenn knows exactly what to do we've done this together a few times before but get a load of this this is the thumper compressor and by crikey it does pack a thump this thing really shifts some air and that is magic when you want to blow out a tyre get rid of some mud or put that tyre back on the rim with big tires like this you need big air to do it and the thumper's got exactly that this track we're on was originally a foot track put in so people could access the hill and then later on a farmer called molesworth jeffrey's he opened it up so he could get from one property to the next judging by the way it's chopped up this must be a fairly evil track when it's wet guys yeah i wonder if it snows around here that'll make it interesting too wouldn't it oh a bit of picking and choosing to do here too guys yeah it looks interesting where's the road going as wide as this track is it's all about trying to pick the best place to be and that means getting your wheels up on the high bits as often as you can it's all about picking the right line and glenn's good at that well done mate brings it on through nice and steady the wonderful advantage of an automatic meanwhile kenny's back there lifting wheels whoa we got a little rocky uh squiggly bit coming up guys bit of a diff grabber just take it one at a time to we're up to the top at least climbing rocky ground is always about trying to pick the best line and the best line is the one that doesn't grab your diffs a touch of real locker old mustard trucks a weapon isn't it what a job this thing's doing might be the prettiest 83 in australia not the best too yellow truck's up glenn's got lots of grand he's got a trailer on the back too oh it's gonna be nice for this one here [Music] whoa ah rocket rod picks a beautiful line and keeps that traction nailed all the way nice job mate here i come rocket kenny there's something grown on your top lip mate could be elites better get it off a big scrabble of rubber kenny's there on your mate [Music] obviously it gets a bit scrabbly out there the sun's been on it long enough to dry it out and thank heavens yeah i didn't need lockers though there's plenty of traction that's just badly wait a minute i'm coming have fun valerie i will leno's got to use a bit more pace to make sure he's got the momentum to get the trailer up too give it 79's got to be the smoothest thing before we use i think many types of roughest tracks come on mate come on up incoming mate if the bomb's going to go off you're going to be sitting on top of it go your hardest keno though tasmania beautiful one minute raining the next hey john did you call this the water track if you did it's fitting mate that uh it's gonna be full of water with its rain yes mate well i didn't call it the water track but whoever did knew what they were talking about and look at this just around the corner we got our first big ghost of water i think this could drop away in a hurry i'm going for rear locker and a bit of boost my biggest worry being a leaf sprung truck both ends is getting hung up oh no not too bad guys it's all right probably all right i'll let you know if it's all right a sec oh nice bang on the trailer there but you did really well ben yeah thanks rocket look how controlled the rocket machine is wow i look at you scared the rats out of the exhaust pipe then ken bit of a stiff little drop here guys followed by a mud puddle out the draw bars of the trailer right certainly will can i [Music] [Music] oh rocket that was tight [Music] the mdc survived this so well it wasn't funny and we really gave him hell [Music] i'm talking hell get a load of this for a puddle just keep sinking you know yeah i think re-lockers i don't know what do you guys reckon it going this way and not tipping over i think that you're right as long as you keep them a bit of momentum and don't sink i just if i tip over there i'm driving side down in this all right i might actually bung a little strap on the back just to make it a bit easier the only reason to do this is so that someone doesn't have to go swimming to get that hooked up if i get stuck uh both lockers on and um hub's locked then he goes mustard need to grow floats to get across this what a mess gee that was a long way absolutely zilch movement here guys mate um the guys are hooking up the the uh tree trunk protected directly to my car so i'm obviously trying to pull you out man i'm hung up on the middle hump all right mate here we go wasn't stuck so much it's just ran out of traction sitting up on the bump i'm going to try the other side go the big angle um yeah this is not my preferred option having seen how the mud at the bottom of this hole just disappears as soon as the wheels turn to go this left hand side which looks like it might work means running the risk of putting the truck on a really bad angle sort of anything where it falls over so i'm going to take it really slow and um just hope that i can do it how slippery is this i'm thinking maybe drop your right hand wheel into that little hole mate because i think you will slide off that hump oh she's sliding mate [Music] mustard trucks only an inch i've fallen over here oh this is a hunky-dory angle to be on we could um [Music] yeah yeah thanks glenn the pull from the left would be really nice this is like big time horrible angles i'm guessing but i'm thinking 35 degrees maybe 45 degrees is fall over well it's not actually about 40. that's not a good angle i'm actually trying to move cans of beer over to the left hand side okay john you ready yeah mate you might have noticed there i've opened up the window and taken my seatbelt off oh that feels better straight away oh the relief i'll tell you oh it's so nice to be a little bit more horizontal thanks guys that uh i can breathe again now that was close the issue here and you can see it from the boot print there in the soft mud rocket and i felt it and it was all right you know it was it's like it's a layer it's a layer and you break through it and then you just plunged it but i reckon you come straight out the string from that angle because if you can try and get up on there much straighter yeah just sort of hug that tree around mate we've come that close to the topple topple already that i'm not even scared anymore problem of course is traction this time steering traction the mud is just so slippery if the rear end slips into that puddle the whole truck will just fall over yes yes yes yes just a little slower man i think we better give glenn a hand here hang a bit of weight off the side of his truck now 300 kilos might not be a lot but in the right place at the right time it's everything you can aim at that tree and we'll just stay hanging off this might work good thing we had bacon and eggs for breakfast guys just not sure how to tackle this i reckon rocking if we just drop you straight in rockets turn to get stuck in the mud go rock it go rocket chooses the big straight through path and he nearly makes it look at that you get a load of the power she turns up too i did try good you did real good wow see how far rocket got pretty amazing i didn't think you'd get that far back looks like it's the winch for you rocket but that's all right it's working well and we're doing good the guys are getting pretty hefty on the winch too by now gee we're using it a lot doesn't that sound good oh go the rocket ship hey what happened friday kenny let's see what you can do here mate we'll hop straight on give you a hand kenny pulls a beautiful line all he needs now is to make a move good to go awesome with the highlights doing about 50 million revs he plunges in and out and away boy is it good to leave the mud behind well until the next lot anyway what a cool little track this is guys just keeps trying curveballs at us done ah that automated just romp that didn't even look like working like that that was good fun right rock and roll after that big mud puddle back there we seem to be making a mile and taking things in our stride but mustard sprung a bit of a leak that's the valve stem that's been knocked out by something um uh yeah i was gonna try and say what it could have been knocked out five but on this track on this tracks we've been doing anything at all right let's go give the new tyre a bit of a workout then hey tasmania just one big mud puddle after another you gotta love tracks like this [Music] hahaha wow that was fun you know what today things were a lot tougher and that's why we're going to be good and ready to relax for the night here at rivers edge wilderness campground [Applause] it's pretty important that we get a good night's sleep tonight because tomorrow we're taking on what's known to the locals as the toughest track in the area the willamette creek track gee rocket you knocked up that polar wood in a hurry [Music] this is a gonna knock it up here in the travel [Music] [Music] buddy [Music] oh look at that [Music] magic the boy's gonna love this i'll take it over there [Music] got some hungry guys tonight after a big day's four-wheel driving it's getting a little bit late everybody's hungry we need to cook up something tasty and something fast so i've decided to do a really quick simple reasonably tasty and healthy spaghetti bolognese well my version of it anyway i'm just going to start out by amazingly enough cooking some spaghetti a little bit of oil in the water the idea here is that you want the less mess possible don't you when you're camping and a little bit of oil keeps the spaghetti from sticking together and it stops it from sticking to the pot too probably should have asked for some instruction before i started shouldn't i i just put the lid back on meanwhile over here i'm going to add some garlic i'm going to use pork mince and beef mince really good combination i reckon now what we need to do now is brown this up before we move to the next stage won't take too long because we've got a fair bit of heat coming through the stove here so uh why don't you go and get a beer come back in a minute and i'll have this all browned up ah you're back i hope you enjoyed your beer the meat is now all nicely browned up and at this stage i'm going to whack in some soy sauce soy sauce is just another form of salt works well with just about every type of meat get that going i'm also because it's these guys i'm cooking for i'm going to put in a little bit of chili not too much because there were complaints from some quarters the other day that i used too much chili don't know who that was there he is over there a little bit of worcestershire sauce who's looking there we go and of course some mixed herbs after that this is just tomato paste and then diced tomatoes that'll give it the juice and the consistency give all that a good stir give it a couple of minutes to heat up you go and check that fridge make sure it's still cooling everything properly and when we come back we'll be ready to serve up see in a minute okay quick and easy spag bowl quick and easy and finished okay lads bring up some buckets or whatever you've got final ingredient always with any sort of pasta dish it's got to be cheese put your bowls there fellas and i'll just throw a bit of pasta in you got two rocket one for me oh you're the man okay i won't kill you with spaghetti because there's plenty of meat rocket i kept this purposely fairly mild for you yeah yeah there you go mate that bowl got really hot really quick then yeah let me do it for you i'll wash my hands a couple of days ago but there we go oh sorry glenno oh boy am i in trouble he said he wasn't hungry [Music] there you go how easy was that quick simple spaghetti bolognese or whatever else you want to call it and you can play around with the ingredients too you know you can make it as simple as you want my kids like to have just the meat and the tomato and the cheese how easy is that give it a go sometime hot good tucker just what you need when you're out camping well welcome to the willamette track guys this is the one the locals were telling us about that's an absolute killer yeah they were saying last night if we're going in here we're going to have a lot of fun and probably a lot of recoveries yeah there's certainly been some of the most awesome tracks i've seen a long time but i'm certainly ready for this track today yeah it's pretty exciting stuff oh i thought it started already hang on i gotta gotta get serious about doing something here this willometer track is turning out to be an absolute doozy these mud puddles along here are full on soup i feel like we're proving a few things along here though including the fact that mustard is doing the number and i'm proud of her and also that the east of tasmania really does have some insane four-wheel drive tracks gee guys this is just horrible um i'm just going to try and blast through this next bit just non-stop action down here in the will mean right on alright guys roger here i come one puddle after one hole after one great mud trip after another i wonder what's next come on cool kenny brings up the rear again and he just keeps on punching that highlights through [Music] hey guys come and have a look i'm serious look look look oh they're both just as bad as each other yeah well look i've got a bit of a plan here that's soup that is it's just soup um there's quite a bit of dead timber around here and what i'm thinking is if we take the worst of these holes on the right because it hasn't been driven for a while and if we cut some of this dead stuff to length so that it fits from just over the other side where it starts to rise to just over here where it starts to dip and then it'll sit in there at the bottom and give us some traction that's the plan yeah all right let's get into it all right we'll start maybe with uh this daddy over here don't drop anything on my truck rocket i'll try not to mate come close a couple of times but i'll be right well i know pretty soon rocket's got the gear on and he's into it even i'm going to put some boots on for this operation a little bit of safety when you're a long way from a hospital is always a good idea i reckon mate i reckon we can stand this up here and just let it fall in let it fall straight beautiful job hey do you want to use that to leave that other one up while it's there don't worry about that rocket's had buckets of chainsaw action cleaning up the shangri-la wildlife reserve where he and his wife tina look after all their wonderful wildlife gee that worked well just go home [Music] oh nice pretty soon he's got us all sorts of things that look like dead trees way to go mate [Music] so this is all good for you guys you get to go first what's it going to look like when it's my turn i'm not [Laughter] got a lot of weight in the 80. okay cool let's give it a go come on let's do it mustard's up first and i'm kind of glad although the other side to that is if she goes through it's going to be a bog hole but if i can keep a couple of wheels on a couple of logs somewhere i've got a there's only chance way to go oh ouch okay winch in time yeah mate i don't think we've got any alternative i've got a um tree trunk protector right in the front here the um drive it easy wooden bridge uh the logs spread of course but it has at least kept me up on the surface i'm not sort of wallowing in deep mud here and i'm nearly all the way across so all up it's been a win really [Music] talking about being at one with nature holy dooley our wheels in the right spot is perfect [Music] oh look at that sludge and somehow the mustard trucks picked up a tree that's probably what stopped her hey glenn i think i'm doing more damage wheel turning if i can do a deadpool without having to turn wheels that might be better what's it look like there good on the drums okay witching that's a lot of tension there no it's not doing it mate uh i'm stuck severely up the back here and we're gonna have to double up and go from straight ahead copy that one these guys always have recovery gear handy thanks keno well this stage the lads have done so many recoveries we know exactly where everything is and we know how to get it out there too guys awesome job we're going to leave this track better than we found it that's for sure hopefully you'll waltz this that's it [Music] oh mike you've done it well done [Music] now that's that is driving [Music] oh that's lovely that auto isn't it oh kenny set straight on the tank and that's that didn't go far just right there yeah that's nice mate that's lovely work [Music] oh you're beautiful thank you gentlemen [Music] oh come on baby oh no well that's where you don't want to be sometimes you just got to try and stay on the high spots because to dive into the low bits means you're going to stop it's all about where you put your wheels until you fall over [Music] whoa that was hard work go big 80 leno's got the power steering just got the trailer on the back too double lockers and let's see what those big tyres will do on this rutted track not a lot bummer oh nice bit of slow earth moving there gleno hanging right off the edge and hanging in [Music] whoa [Music] rocket rod comes up next he's going to try the conventional way with the big tyres the automatic and yep i made it up the right side i was lucky really really lucky to get away with that well done mate kenny's proved just about unstoppable just about everywhere let's see what he can do here that was exciting and this brings us right back to the start [Music] yep here we are almost at the end i'm hung up on those springs again this is uh a big tyre coil spring track so that's what you get i think another six or seven winches they'll be up this hill this track was definitely cut with big coilies not 33 inches on leaves wow we'll go to that tree now by this stage the guys have got recovery so smooth it's not funny it helps with all that slippery mud though ah stay out of the ditch mustard might just try and walk and drive you got any kiddo you're right kenny i don't know who drove through here but by crikey they had a tough truck doesn't get any uh harder either by the look of it i've got both lockers on i'm climbing moving that's how i'm pulling you up that hill you did well all right i'm coming up here rock and roll it's nothing but winch winch and more winch today this track just turned into sheer hell [Music] as soon as his lambo extraction we'll let him go see what he can do right then winch i think glenn gleno fix his line well and pretty soon he's up and away he stays to the ruts because he knows the trailer's going to pull him back in but the 80's got the clearance it needs the coils on the tyres do the job and glen's through yeah geez doing it easy see that thing's got some power thanks guys rocket's turn see if i can make this happen hey see mate you don't look like you're looking forward to that and once again the 79 punches on through hard so i've just broken my seat okay it's late in the day and rocket's gone and popped a bead right in the middle of the sludge this is not good the less wheel spin you do the better because of that bead obviously we're gonna have to sort this out but before we can do that we've got to get him out of the puddle he just went that little bit too hard into that puddle and there was a rock in there that peeled the rubber off it doesn't help that this is the heaviest truck on the trip but once we've gotten clear of the puddle we should be able to sort something out right hey rocket man yeah it goes that's another tyre guy we're just gonna back him up see if we can get him in these ruts glenno i'll disconnect him here oh this is ridiculous if you go back from there what's happening here is rocket needs to get over into these wheel ruts because with no tyre on the left front rim he's got no steering so backwards all forwards he's just sliding into that tree and that's going to cause some major damage so if we hook him up here and get him high enough we can pull the front of the truck over that way and there is a tree nice big one perfectly positioned so we'll see how we go with that i've got to tell you i love this sort of thing i don't like the look of that tyre though wow that's just chewed it up like a bit of old chewy gotta be really careful in conditions like this the jack can slip the truck can slip anything can slip it's losing it down the bottom you know we'll have to go higher you've got a jack at the front a jack at the side and we're still trying to dig some clearance around the tire look at the mud poking out of the bead but the thumper does it again nails it beautiful [Music] oh really 25 yep accurate i had 23 in them [Music] so yeah need full drive eh yeah mate i reckon you should try uh low range too kenny could be a bit slippery up here oh it's just more slop like you knew you were going to get that far i reckon you did well it's all about getting the angle right that's where we went wrong with rocket before pulled him too hard to one side well we're relying on you to be a legend here right now drive what about all the gear you gotta put in the back just drive up a little bit go and the max tracks save the day tell you what there are some conditions where only the max tracks make the difference they're magic what a journey [Music] you know what i thought the east coast might be a bit of a cruise but it's not no way all we've done since we've been here is dig ourselves out of mud winch ruts climbs recoveries it's just been full on the whole lot and most of this are now out of hobart and i've noticed that the locals have either got big trucks or little trucks with big tyres and they've been telling us where to go and they know as far as real action four-wheel driving goes i'll leave it up to you guys to choose east or west come over and have a look you certainly won't be disappointed oh well one more guys you ready [Music] cool [Music] g'day welcome to ruthie's ruthless tales go on grab a slice of feared income you a dose of roofie and put a smile on your [Music] [Music] dial
Views: 67,037
Rating: 4.9462366 out of 5
Keywords: 4xForum, RonBacardi666, GallBoys, ExpeditionOverland, OverlandBound, markstuff681, AlmazanKitchen, UbeefHooked, Misadventure4WD, OHM26, Hemi4WD, Off-Road Control, go4x4media, josephallen19, 4wdaction, PowerfulJRE, 4xOverland, 1all4Adventure, 4x4Australia, Roothy, UCzRkxmVeTP_29MMtEzPF4KQ, Muddy, Beards, 4x4, UCU7WCO2ymb8HSfee1z72X-w, UCKSKD6XxpsRE1IwSyGC8bKQ
Id: PPMzEol9fw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 51sec (3291 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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