EPISODE 1 Goodbye Old Friend - FULL EPISODE

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this is our merry Christmas to you thanks for joining us here it's episode 1 you're gonna see Ruthie male 1 the rest of us guys taken Milo to its final resting place in Birdwood grab a beer coffee cup of tea whiskey Jameson's whiskies one of my favorites kick back and enjoy this grab your family tell everybody about this Merry Christmas thank you for your support woohoo episode 1 enjoy this episode of duster mop is brought to you by [Music] well this is pretty exciting this is my eyes last trip and we're heading over to South Australia to the Birdwood Museum where she'll be on display forever we're not just gonna do it normal we're gonna head down the darling River then we'll go through my old stomping van the Flinders Ranges town why take it on one last adventure getting my way ready for a last trip pretty much the same as the last 10 or 15 years I went through it put it on a horse had a bit of a look then I took it out to McCormick soon as it came home I checked it out they've done an awesome job all I have to do now really is just for my own peace of mind check it out have a bit of a look essentially a lot of it from me McCormick stuck a new alternator in they said I'm not gonna bother repairing the past theory we'll just put a conditioner in it that's what I would have done perfect check the tires check the spare just make sure the pressures are spot-on make sure the winch works always useful with my life so that's about it really should be ready to do another 3,000 case to Adelaide beer all the back roads I always used to joke that one day I'll be sitting on a milk crate on a bare chassis coming back from moving the data or something but she's going into the museum in one piece I hope have a good trip wrong we'll say goodbye to the old girl or I love you see ya [Music] [Music] I'm really looking forward to this it's very special and the Bitsy's we've got the band back together that's right when our get our right behind me all right good to be in his convoy gentlemen well I'm gonna yeah it's great but with the dust thing Eric you can keep it down a bit I want to be the cleanest so I'm pretty sure you'll agree I am looking forward to caught up farming ever a good camp and just catching up lads yeah for our fate to catch up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all fair all day you never know when that guy's gonna show up do you know it's you know I spent years just just traveling around this country and this bloke just shows up out of nowhere we'd probably got 800 case we're probably 1,500 kilometers from home and here's farrell days hey mate what are you doing here I don't want me way to vote for the more like a donor ah cool Oh born in you can ride with me I mean I know it's a bit dirty and bumpy and a couple of flies and probably smells of it but I suppose you can always go in Glen Oaks 200 anyway he jumped into 200 we handed down the darling river run and might have been on for the toka pop for a non-alcoholic beverage of course [Music] I know til put pub fairly well I've spent lots of time there over the years and it is genuine old Australian you know the sort of thing that may have been dusted since it was first built but not that often and no great changes and that's the topper pub fortunately I think it's far enough away from the rest of civilization that no one's really going to go in there and annoy people by insisting on workplace health and safety or removing the knickers from the roof or something just because it might be else as I dunno [Music] that a good feel that pump an interesting story what not there and a couple good signatures yes or no Ivan Milat signature and Nam apparently this room is gonna run tomorrow but I reckon he says that to everyone so they study stick around and drink beer and wait for the river to run you're happy I think we should had a good feel at the floor our plates are cracking and now I can see myself kicking back in the lamp chair there you know fine pops like that the big smoke have enough beers will fill the river up ourselves [Laughter] Burke Cooper so you imagine this place is normally a dry barren land but to our surprise it had rained in the previous week's a lot of rain and the countryside had come alive it was Green it was lush I loved that I dust I can do but when things are nice and green and lush and alive that's my style [Music] [Music] we had a great camp spot just summer on the side of the darling river when you say darling River you expect water there was a puddle in there but the camp site is it's one that goes in the memory banks just one of those campsites you could just spend a week there and just sit on your butt and do nothing it's taken in I've camped on the darling a lot over the years it's my favorite way to get home from anywhere in South Australia back to Queensland and that particular spot you know right up next to the s it was just glorious I think possibly what really made it was a little bit of winter herbage makes you think you're in a great food mode paddock or something it was just glorious can you believe that the mighty darling river used to flow between these banks it was a major transport route for goods like wool and wheat in the days of the paddle steamers thanks to bureaucracy that's now reduced to a Dust Bowl [Applause] [Music] because the boys are back in ten because the band's back together I've been saving this one I've been hanging it because you know you know can i he loves a good food he cooks a good food Glen I loves our meat fish absolutely loves it and this is a really really simple but incredibly tasty way to cook ribs the whole idea is you get one pot in the fire start cooking up the ribs get someone on to that or do it yourself and meanwhile you make up a sauce and that's so easy watch this the been a few years since I've had a Ruthie meal and there's a good way to get started right the the boneless ribs and the million sauces I suppose you could call it once that's it a little bit of oil a couple of cans of diced tomatoes sweet chili sauce this is oyster sauce this is teriyaki and this is chip bottle or Chipotle or something yeah for kimchi guys that's garlic honey you gotta have sweet and in guys the red one just to be I filled this product it's really is simple okay because basically all I gotta do now stir this without spilling it out see how easy it is it is literally a saucer thought oh you know let's get on the right way all we have to do let's cook the ribs when we're ready dump the sauce on top let it simmer for a while show you the rest once we cook the ribs come on they're stage 2 they couldn't be easier in goes our sauce [Music] so we're the sourcing you know we've got a do dance let it cook I'm just gonna go and get the lead we'll be writing about 15 one of the things about camping on the darling like a whole lot of Australia as soon as you're well away from the coastal regions anyway is that a lot of the time you can be on private property just hang on a minute we'll see who this is cuz big isn't it whatever it is and a man's got every right to check on someone who's on his land so when I saw the headlights coming in and it looked really purposeful look like a big truck you know look like something bigger thorough boy what do we got here and of course it was Jamie good on you Jamie [Music] you are Mike you are I've not got me famous witchetty grubs you you gotta love it [Music] I've a nephew of cooking for a walk you like [Music] this is good guys this is what the reunion dinner back on only come with me strips and we'll lose a bit away because I drink a lot of water and not so heavy on the food but now we're back to the odd ways thanks John [Music] you the campsite where we pulled up was fantastic you wouldn't want to go too much of a wander during the night in the dark because you would have dropped straight off the river edge into no River just sand and it was a fair drop but we found a nice flat area beautiful trees nice flat ground and we had a good cook up so couldn't go wrong really no I wanted to leave in the morning that was the only problem [Music] you know I always find it fascinating getting out to these places and exploring all around them you know like this is a scar tree and you can only imagine it's probably a hundred two hundred years old and it's from the aboriginals back in those days and this one here it's quite large so there's a good chance it could have been a canoe for going down into the river or going across the river here but you know they used to actually just hack into this with a rock and they used to take it all down and then they they would clean it up and then they would use it but not only that if you look around these trees everywhere through here there's scars all sorts of different ones from making shelters making Kulemin snow the old Kulemin was a really common one now that's like a serving tray for picking up yams or berries or anything like that and they used to just serve with it but they used it for so many different things but this stuff is just everywhere all the way through here and that's what I love I love getting out and seeing those sorts of things there's a lot of history just here on the darling River [Music] this is a southern road from till Peter will Kenya there are two roads that run the same route one to the north of the river and one to the south if like asks you traveling from Brisbane this is the route to take to experience the outback of New South Wales and beyond it's a relatively easy Drive but a great intro to the outback adventuring due to the feeling of remoteness [Music] yet late in the afternoon we left Broken Hill run it behind time a little bit we had to get to well Angie so we're gonna have to drive into the night but as you drive along it's just a straight barren drive you [Music] there's there's nothing around you know but thought was here and there but when the sunset happened that's what just changed your perspective this it's like okay we're meant to do this sister has gone from nothing happening - wow look at this sunset gets into everybody's head [Music] we arrived late at Henry's B&B we decided to stay there after a big day of traveling and with an early start it was a great spot to leave the van before hitting the tracks thanks for the hospitality guys well apparently we haven't been on this track but from reports we've had it's a bit shyly a couple of sharp rocks so it's gonna dump the the precious gentle save at 24 25 psi just let them roll over the shell bits and give us a bit more traction and and not ruin our sidewalls forbidden tree bit of a mile OD fighter [Music] canned goods that night you can just sleep the models in this country that's a good view from up here and now this tracks a decent team but we're heading up the northern Ripper not River Ripper track that just sounds Ripper I'm looking forward to it this is the first time I've taking this campaign it doesn't look much but you're gonna be cheerful right especially with caravan can oh you're gonna enjoy that a little bit of a step up there might just be interesting to watch Roger [Music] Hey look at ya driving [Music] here's that Caravan feel on the back a it doesn't feel too heavy I've got a bit of gear and it take like coffee machines and creatures lots of coffee in mine I like the sound of the copy machine wanted to get one that's the only reason I brought the van up these hills just so we had the coffee machine on board [Laughter] [Music] it's funny you know these days they call this the southern Flinders Ranges which yeah I guess it could be you know it really is that south of the Flinders Ranges but at the end of the day in South Australia and I grew up in country like this so I don't think that's why I've got a special attachment to it though I think any Australian is going to feel this because this is one of the oldest parts of our country you can really feel it when you're getting you know and it's just magnificent country and you know I don't I Ozzy rules holding cars make pies the Flinders Ranges I never look [Music] I'll tell you what South Australia never fails when you get to do this sort of stuff this rocky terrain and especially those ridge lines yeah usually you know it's really dry here and dry usually it doesn't look very impressive but this actually is quite impressive looking terrain isn't it so I started the descent and we're coming down there was a few step downs and I actually mentioned to the boys that there was a few decent sized rocks [Music] [Applause] whoa all right okay well that's not what we wanted to do wasn't a a major drama it's just a little lay down but it's a good way to check the solar panels of claim I'd really like to see if anything's falling out of the shelves now interesting wider pocket Ben Kenobi yes very good new tricks my dad's cast can I just come down here into the tyke in that left-hander left-hand rear wheel it's just picked up that hold of it it was just enough off camber that the weight is transferred and it was just so slow to softball and it's I'd say more but I think that everything be okay these typical of kena to have a guard absolutely anything you know he is one of those guys with no fear whatsoever and this is where can I just got it wrong mostly because he didn't listen to the instructions regarding when to raise the air bags and when not to raise them whoops once I drop some air out of the air bags it handled beautifully I've got to say I'm mighty impressed with this zone Zed 10 this is the best camper trailer slash caravan of ever towed and trust me I've tied a few you know damaged really to talk about me and I just a little little bending on a bracket you know that's strong it wasn't a major I wouldn't call it a rollover I'd call it a and lay down [Music] [Applause] [Music] the boys have been asking me how's the big and eager but comparing it to the old defender I'm gonna say he goes pretty good I'm pretty amazed actually I've done a bit of work to what I put a turbo on it and I'll put some suspension on it I've got a lot more to go yet but the handling just amazing we've done some some really slow P Healey climbs and what I found is it just it soaks everything up so if we got to drop down the suspension just drops in and just level there as a comfort of this over the Landy is far superior and I got to say I set a lot higher I'm running 37 s in this the Islandia I used to run 35 s the speeds not much difference they're both a much of a muchness but oh just the difference we're sitting over the top of the wheels instead of having a bonnet in front makes a big big difference but we're gonna say four-wheel drive in low range the bees Nate you know what else is impressive looking at some boy in a dirty great big truck coming up behind you all I can see is sky underneath that thing I wouldn't want to be in front of me if I got bad elbow I you just make sure you speed off in another direction punch tiny push mom I didn't ease am very worried might after having a ball at Langley we blasted up the area moving his way and got the walls in fact station the home of the awesome wilpena pound what we wanted was a couple of days camping and some great four-wheel driving [Music] [Music] welp in a parent look it's the heart of South Australia for me it's where trees grow where there's wildlife where you would not expect there had been rain but you wouldn't know it's just dry and it's barren but it's very picturesque [Music] is that the tracks yesterday I may or may not have given the car a little bit too much Kerry towns van up and down those hills but I've developed a little bit of a problem have a listen to my race car might need to fix the exhaust I think the speedway I don't think I can put up with that I think I might have to fix it so found the hole in the extractor this here is a spacer for a break pay perfect perfect thickness so we've fashioned that way moosh engineered it and wrapped it around the hole in the extractor we're gonna try and wire that on and then put some needed around it and then hopefully we don't sound like a tractor or an airplane anymore so here we go [Music] I've got the plight on the whole of the extractor and put needed around the outside of that and then we put knead it around all the other little cracks around the collector and then we're gonna cut this up and fashion it around the collector itself and then why our tie it on there is some of this stuff in your track need it it can fix radiators oil coolers into coolers and of course exhausts keep that in your tool kit and of course you're always going to have a team to fix up while that up see how we go [Music] so I've nearly finished now put the plate over the hole or put them need it on and then I covered the tin in silicon I wrap the tin around the collectors and then I've wired it so essentially there's three or four layers there the wires the last thing that's just going to hold that tin in place while everything sets let it set and then we'll turn it on and see if it makes a loud noise it sounds like a tractor if not we're ready to go and hit the tracks well let's see if we had any success oh it's quiet let's go do some for driving beauty the four Drive tracks that warmth we park station are nestled between wilpena parent in the chase range we took the all-wheel drive track first [Music] swellings in front of us is like warriors country this hi-yah beautiful gears yeah these are amazing it's a buddy good track either they drive along the ridge lines and it's a good traveling across the top of the ridge line and the view is it good hey guys looking at revision mirrors look at TF Friday and Sunday look backwards and booties that view you can see that yeah you can see roads being pushed up all along the range it's awesome Hartford that was the great wall of Flinders hmm for those trailers look like they're doing all right oh how they feel on the back of those guys feeling good now that we've got the suspension sawed it that's right you know make sure you listen to the guys of zone next door [Music] they were definitely deep into the Flynn yeah [Music] hello if I need to remove these dead stuff out of here cuz I'm thinking I'm gonna walk it out otherwise we're gonna walk van out well that's a draw off the car off the sword there to get it around so from her to that the knocking yeah before this one this little one that one is fun of me [Music] I see but you know it's still gonna be taught [Music] [Music] oh when the old will drop track is really good fun jelly I'm looking forward to those yeah my it was good it was a little bit testing to have the the caravan there look the caravan did Wells just those tight corners but hey look it's good to test it that's what they're here for my testing yeah I'm dying to get on this tracks again it's picturesque at the same time those men range is a spectacular the harder for drive track really isn't suited to care of it and I left the zone 18 foot a back at camp for this one can I on the other hand decided to have a crack [Music] [Music] rocky shyly grabs mountain ranges and to me that's that's the pinnacle of this place it's the mountain ranges free sunrises and sunsets driving along large regions as well it's like the Alps European Alps [Music] [Music] well I'm guessing this is it guys excellent I'm looking forward to this all day definitely a change of scenery down in here yeah it's not beautiful down there I just come around that corner but used to have the caravan on for the last section from 3 foot down on the accelerator walk fans go on play its part State Hill this is genuine form of [Music] sans Wilson mighty there you go I'm gonna put a front Locker in hey hey guy can I leave the trailer the Frog Walker in and if he listened to Glenn he'd have the back Locker in already which he would have otherwise you wouldn't put the funded well-conceived from here he's rolling back a little bit just going back to an erosion huh so I put the trail of there's a little bit of momentum yeah I'm on a tree at least I'm not gonna go anywhere I think I'm gonna need a winch to do that so calm that track that we that we all did the 200 climb up there beautifully but key no having the camper on the back and a bit of an exhaust issue and his track up means he's lost a little a little bit of bloody and grunt got stuck not badly stuck he lynched up for a little bit the boys sore down there helping so I'm on the side of a hill as you can see we've had to winch little bit it's a bit scraggly it's just the weight behind me that's held me up I wouldn't recommend bringing your camper trailer up here obviously I'm testing this one so I need to see what it can do and it can do this it's just a matter of traction that's the issue but if you cut all the right gear and the right people with your so good winch good gear good people to help you out you can do it but like I say I'm just testing this trailer but it's still all good fun [Music] I've had to reverse down and and hook on the strap and just give him a nice gentle pull up to the top [Music] we push the envelope out here with our products same old same old is boring so we push the envelope right and that's what we did but we play safe we've got all steps in play ready to go something triggered on you know and we're up all right yeah I think I'm good down hook and get going on the road again well that was a good way to spend the afternoon gents thanks can i yeah well I'm the easy bit I didn't have to runner-up we're in with the winch rope and all the all the gear I got to sit in the car my foot on the brake side fun it was great we kept its on the tracks for a couple of hours great place to get stuck Hey yeah any stuck if you're still there [Music] thanks for a great day gentlemen that was good on the right-hand side we had the Rangers and the Sun was setting on the other side so it was just lighting up the range beautifully there was a beautiful red and and all the silhouettes and shaded spots just the colors popped it was amazing I think we got there just at the right time just for it to to pop it was it was magnificent it was with something nice to see at the end of the big day sounds good to me on Spotify I never fade do you cooking get out I can throw something on the fire if you like want me to cook [Music] it's the second last day I'm gonna be taking follow-up fried and I'm feeling a bit emotional because I like money I'll go well I really do and she's done me so prayer for so long we've seen so much for this incredible country together and one John I want you to remember she's talking to me here I want you to remember how good this feels like because you might never ever get it to school again it's been a wonderful wonderful twenty-something years with more life and together we've done so much that's nearly old because she's a great truck thanks I'll go we'll all be dealing well little lady starting to tear up - okay don't ever forget this truck man let's go go couple boys I hope you're hungry we're having creamy balls of the bush creamy bottles of the bush so I've already made the meatballs there's chicken garlic parsley some breadcrumbs you can even use old rice if you want so I'm just going to fry these up in the skillet here on my camp cooktop I'm just gonna cook all these through there's a bit of pancetta mate it's not just normal average everyday bacon and I'm about to put that in the camp oven with onion and there's oil in the bottom there so whack that in there got a few things on the guy then I turn these balls for me if you want barrel on the tongs put it eyes don't wreck nose balls so the balls are getting done I'm starting that's the start of the creamy sauce let's add some cream in there goes the bigger group effort I like it pull that little forest John off shut these in fancy pants oh we've got linguine lingual tummy hi guys come back in a few minutes and see how this ends up hopefully it's good all right so the past is done take the lid off that it's looking good it's a lot of different colors so that that's good olive oil we're still waiting on the sauce and the meatballs to thicken up so I hate the volatile in there and submits basil so that makes basil pesto get that in there just mix that all through your pasta and it turns nice and green and beautiful and that'll keep the pasta moist and stop it from all sticking together while your sauce is still rendering down and your your mate mucking around with these balls behind you then just whack your camp oven lid back on and that'll be ready for us to eat that's the sauce and the balls are ready and we'll have creamy balls of the bush on a nice bed of pasta and it looks like our balls are ready come on boys grab a plate get into meatballs [Laughter] [Music] and at the end of it all homer balls were gone and they seemed to polish off all the ball sauce as well and I went to bed a happy man unfortunately I'm not going to be in the last couple of days of this trip my boys they cover the AKC trying karting championship ran against South Australia so mate it's a love of my life at the moment and I get to spend good quality time with my lad so good luck for last couple of days champs be done in three days and I can't I can't do any more any more you in the car with me why get that one why he's gay [Music] [Music] it's funny isn't it you know like I've done a bit of travelling in my time I've seen a few places in Australia and and it continually blows me away that there can be somewhere like this that I've never been to before like the AG Adele's [Music] yeah I'm not an archaeologist and I'm not an expert on this stuff but I have traveled this country an awful lot and one of the things I love doing is looking at something and try to undo the human story behind it and this is an absolutely perfect example of early South Australia now I'm guessing that it's probably 1870s 80s some time in that period you'll see stone relics all the way through South Australia this one's fairly typical it's a lot less than some of them the problem wasn't the stone obviously they built with the local material and they used a lot of stone and the reason they didn't use timber was because the timber really is not much use for building and in fact if you look at this and you look at the few remaining bits of timber in it you can see why it's just about shot it was like to start with there's not a lot left there now but the imprint of 1890s 1900s is still leather and you can see when you look at you know it's stuff I picked up around here this is probably from a horse or a small buggy you know so that the horse that pulled a small buggy or so probably it is without a doubt and it's old it's all hand forged it's fairly worn it's been pulled off because it's worn get a load of that though that's much bigger that's from a draught animal and then we have things like this there's only one twist left in this this is an old hand all a drill the sort of thing that was used to drill the supports that held this all together through the Timbers oh this is lovely for someone who's spent half his life tying things together with wire this is a bit of six gauge wire I've got a little bit of buggy harness here which probably goes without ever that ever horseshoe there this is an early beer bottle and yeah I reckon a lot of beer would have been drunk out here here's a handle from a canvas I always find these things fascinating because the older the woodstove is the small of the handle to some degree I think that the ladies from a long time ago who used the stoves had much smaller hands they were certainly a lot shorter well this is part of the old Gaynor our way which originally punched its way right up the middle of the country and some of the biggest engineering feats in Australia at the time are on this line some of the big iron bridges and other things I think the thing I find most fascinating about this kind of thing apart from the work that went into it is the fact that it's right next to the highway and when we're forced to travel those great big long lengths of tire you know you tend to think oh there's nothing here but there is you just need to have a look this is a wonderful country well there you go guys that little bit of South Australia's history in a nutshell has made up by me [Music] yargh Adele's is a property in the Flinders Ranges with rolling hills red dirt roads sharp peaks the highest mountain in the area me and Arden it's got some epic outlooks and some of the best four-wheel drive tracks in the Flinders Ranges it's just the perfect place for my lows last off-road adventure [Music] mate we've made it almost to the top of the arkadelphia we certainly have milos last last go I'm not telling you what view the view in the morning is gonna be insane and I reckon sunrise over there yeah I reckon this is kind of fitting for my lows laughter ah laughter ah well the way you say that can ask - rah what a spot I'm glad you're here you might imagine sunrise here it's gonna be at about half past 3:00 in the morning of these [Music] [Music] [Music] I went to bed early last night so we could get out of bed early this morning and head up to the top of the hill and watch the Sun Rise my life's last hurrah yeah on these trips John's always a happy-go-lucky guy up first making coffee his laughs it's usually your alarm clock but on this trip um it's been a little bit more emotional I guess and I can understand that he spent so much time with this truck it's like part of his family so I guess tomorrow when he's handing over the truck to the museum it's gonna be like giving away his daughter at a wedding you know very emotional and I think he's been thinking about that all week on the trip and that's what's kept him a little bit more reserved and quiet but totally understandable hey Mike it looks like a bit of a gait track but um you reckon you take the caught up and have a look just see if we can turn around or see what happens up there because it'd be kind of nice to be in the ice yeah absolutely no worries at all Oh about Benny right I'm glad you said that other was all technical [Laughter] I think I just gave you some fun yeah it was great get the quad off and actually go and check out some of these tracks because we knew because we got up there yesterday afternoon and we were going to camp up there and then we could see some Scrabble tracks going up and we thought well well I did I thought well that'd be great to get the out Canty em off and go up there in the morning with the guys well she's a bit of a guide track up there yeah but it continues on doesn't that's the more spec you've use well right beautiful Oh watch the Sun come up here and then we'll go that way sounds good to me thanks a lot Delano you're still gonna get the bird [Music] the bunny knives you get a $2.00 [Music] now good was that sunrise this morning John woods while be like something special mate it's not just that sunrise in a beautiful place boots out Milo's last track speeding in a way cuz you know this is a place I've never been to and it's in South Australia which I always identify with oh yes we feel like we're on top of the world so my eyes done it again break your new dream for me this is my last day in the bush with my life [Music] strikes been such a big part of my life that's new so much of their incredible country thanks to more like getting is there and giving me a name hey yeah thanks for being here Milo's last night last night Bush last time in library we pledge to do it little ladies crime does that Ken out on the radio and he's having a bit of trouble scrambling up that hill so just go run back and see if you need to hear he's Hills never look steep on camera but trust me this is a steep one along with those loose stains camp trailer and intermittently fouling Locker I was scrambling up it not to mention the left power from the sounds of it my bush fix is no good and this exhaust is expired this is this is possibly the last one where the drive this truck he got more than a third of your life and I'm old tied up in a vehicle like Milo right from right from the days when I used to fix her when it wasn't even mine it's been a real long haul and while I deserves to go into the National Motor Museum the best motoring museum in the country it doesn't matter if I'm a bit sad about it this has to happen this is the right thing to do where she'll stay forever and where all those kids and not say kids who've seen Milo over the years and there's a lot of them if they want to they can see her again because she is an entity in their own right [Music] [Applause] this one gets the approved spot properly just be just not to grind off the value I told you I'd make it face for nothing has made your own my harmful [Music] can you please now officially hand over my load to the National Marine Museum and the people of Australia no I've chosen one [Music] [Applause] male I love you baby I really do I'm never gonna be able to forget you we've had so many years traveling the greatest country on earth together I mean you've taken me to places that I never would have seen without you and honestly the memories they're just incredible but at the end of the day our girl you know as well as I do you belong to the people of Australia not just to me so I hope you enjoy your rest in the museum and you can enjoy the adoration of your fans old girl and I love you baby [Music] [Music] so a background is high-end offshore sailing boats we were looking at the Caribbean industry thinking why is everyone using this timorous it's a rubbish product there wasn't a lot of high quality well built strong timber less full-size caravans and that's why we will bring you to the market call it disrupt Inc or whatever you want I just thought well you know there's a there's a much better way of building caravans for the Australian market than what's going on at the moment key for the whole thing was built a strong builder light make it dustproof and waterproof and have absolutely no temper whatsoever and that's how we ended up with the zone range so it's really a trickle-down effect from companies like Boeing using this bonding technology and that comes down through transport industry and that's really what we're applying here and it's not a new thing using composites in in caravans it's definitely a new thing using full composite sandwich panel body infuse the floor panel if there's no argument against that it's it's a stronger structure than than something with framed unit it's obviously a lot lighter that is a very unique feature of these vent zones really unique and pretty much every way that you can imagine for a caravan we only build the order so everything is tailored to our customers and we handle that at our factory in : so Mays design is the Bible it's where we create the products it's where you do all of your testing of the product us and a lot of our customers are absolutely punishing these things for David myself you know the R&D stuff is get the product go out there and thrash it use it to its limits and see what it's capable of and then really reap the benefits by supplying a better product in the long run to [Music] we really started out with our off-road caravan range and I guess it's expanded from there on the success of that range we moved into the venture series then we released what we call our expedition series and then we built a Summit Series is this absolute marvel of manufacturing technology and its really our crown and that's what we love to do show what we're capable of and that's building the best caravans that you can buy in Australia I guess it's been a pretty short history for us but er an award-winning one and we've been recognized for the product that we're building so you know it's a really exciting time to be here you know we're having great fun in the RV industry building high and offroad luxury caravans I think we've got plenty more to bring to the table yet all of these things really do put a zone RV caravan and a zone of its own [Music] g'day I'm David Fitzpatrick founder of off-road animal what is off-road animal I hear you say well we make cool and exciting accessories for your fall Drive [Music] as a qualified mechanical engineer I worked in manufacturing for over a decade and even co-founded another 4x4 company but I wanted to do things my own way so I left and started off for at animal our accessories any good no our products are designed tested right here in Australia alfrid animals products are designed but engineers who actually go wheelie we have created accessories that not only look awesome they are more aggressive more modern and just better better engineered better functionality betterto points [Music] better approach angle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it can really take a life [Music] I can't promise to make you a better driver [Music] but it will make you a hell of a lot more fun and cool and by the way each off writing of a purchase comes with a t-shirt a puppy and a girl puppy a girlfriend not included we make products for people who like to be fun wild and love cool accessories for their four-wheel drives so join the animal nation and get some off-road animal accessories get one product or three I've got a hundred cuz I'm rich and smart [Music] [Applause] hey thanks for picking me up drama spike all right well yeah I gotta get a picture 200 up so I thought the perfect opportunity to take a day and introduce you to the boys later look warming but you know third generation third generation when I was lucky enough to meet all the all the dads and the granddad's but get sixty years plus now Wow but it's a big operation John I think you're gonna be happy with this ahead the whole night I'll tell you what you know I might be choosy with my workshops I always enjoy garden yours you have the best work shop around if this is good enough for you make a special thing for you mate they got a penile building section just in here mate and train stations is there goodbye for Jon Roy hi Ruth are you playing good thank you my pleasure third generation yeah sixty-two years you've been gone a strong so I don't know which is coming under the song established under 57 maybe it's a pleasure to meet you then your dad in the green deck maybe father family and through the business to family in the area yeah I know I heard some of the storage is there when you play so long we have it well like absolutely stood when before he knows it on the vic-20 workshops I'm not a trained mechanic what he likes yeah but I'm a bush mechanic yeah and I know what can go wrong in the middle of nowhere yeah so you gonna put an awful lot of fighting with nausea yeah kids are doing and servicing when Eddie's workshop yeah yeah that was a good thing I'm wondering what he was going to do when the Mosley's workshop oh listen I think there's any problem we looking after you full insurance panel meets a peak want a closer look at the other sort of that's a boy shop here we go so I suspensions armed we for a spry old spayed on a deal aside for Brisbane which is pretty big side is been covered for that and I saw electrician ID today looks like goatee you pretty much cover it forward we do everything for riskier you got a lot of paperwork and ETB need for long time yeah imagine diesel train whistle cheering check your days will turn inside what are you gonna do is headed to go view the free German over noise [Music] here at zoos we are the distributors of trainers and trainers of the alien tech Ethier remapping equipment when your vehicle is tuned here at suits you can be guaranteed it's done right by the instructors using the latest in equipment and intelligence in the industry every search and development facility is located in north place north side of Brisbane and open to the public if you drive a diesel or petrol SUV car or full of drive or even a motorbike we've got you covered for more power more torque let us show you how we can transform your beads fill out the form below or go to WWE to calm a you forward slash tuning or go to 1/3 triple zero double eight seven to six [Music] [Applause] [Music] hide um well come and check it out what I got up to with bigger boy better okay come and see what I got up to with the boys from dust em up on dust them up [Music] [Music] [Music] Harold entering show feral might good to say it but of all places to catch up with you what the hell are you doing it this is in the bush somewhere ball dinner might I like to say under the coffee machine wanted to get one [Music] Oh whoopsie I'd really like to see if anything's falling out on the shelves now guys that wasn't ideal but for your information all of the groceries are still on the shelves [Music] pimples on his eyeballs pimples on his country girls are happy lying in the grass country boys are happy with her fingers up there are numeri had a canary also had a duck she took behind the kitchen sink and she taught it how to fry eggs dinner fry eggs tea too many fried eggs that make you want to Peter had a boat boat begin to rock up jump shark and beat him on the cockadoodledoo nothing to do with you have your own paddle your own pillow your own canoe okay don't you audio set [Music] [Laughter] that's not really good to tell you get it didn't take much to get you out get out get out so there you go and OH what yep here's another remnant of Australia's past and only a couple of states away from where he should be hello I'm ed I'm gonna leave if you're taking on the coffers [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: Trak Yakker - Home of DustEmUp
Views: 141,458
Rating: 4.8580012 out of 5
Keywords: roothy, gleno, kenno, landcruiser, dustemup, dustem up, lowrange, low range, 4wd action, camping, touring, overland, 4x4, 4wd, mdc, market direct, 4x4 australia, 4wd tv, ronnie dahl, unleashed tv, top of down under, arb, tjm, opposite lock, ironman, red dirt diary, jeep, patrol, navara, hilux, dmax, colorado, triton, prado, discover, land rover, LC200, LC80, LC100, 40 series, 70 series, 60 series, 80 series, 100 series, 200 series, simpson desert, birdsville, madigan, french line, channel country
Id: LcH7-0dMcl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 35sec (4475 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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