Simply Nailogical's Sister (ft. Jen) - SimplyPodLogical #24

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Ben: Hey, what's up? Holo everyone and welcome back to another episode of Simply PodLogical, a Simply Nailogical podcast Cristine: Holo Ben: and today For the first time in studio, in person, we have a very special guest Jen: [laughter] Really? Very special? Thanks, Ben Cristine: In studio, in our house Welcome to our house Ben: A big welcome to Jen Jennifer. Jenny. What do you prefer? Cristine: SimplyJenLogical? Jen: Jen. We can go with Jen. Ben: It's the internet. You can call yourself whatever you want, you know? Bslayer420? Beyonce fan 5000? Jen: Even Menchie is just staring at me Ben: What are you doing here? So we we have Jen, Cristine's little sister. Jen: Holo, everyone. Ben: So SimplyNailLogical fans will recognize Jen. You've appeared in a number of videos You've been in some of the uh, SimplyMailLogical mail openings we've done Jen: Yup Ben: over the years. But, Jen is also a a real person Jen: I am! Ben: Outside of the SimplyNailogical universe Cristine: She's more than just my sister. Jen: I'm not just a character. I'm her legitimate sister. Cristine: I didn't hire her. Ben: Yeah, she's just a paid actor Cristine: It works out really well because.. Jen & Cristine: we look a lot alike. Jen: Get out of my head Ben: So we thought it would be fun today to have a conversation with Jen to find out a little bit more about her Uh growing up with Cristine and your relationship as sisters Cristine: Our current relationship not our past one. Jen: Yeah Ben: your romantic relationships as well. Jen: Oh boy. Oh boyyy Ben: Let's just hop into questions. How about that? Cristine: Juicy. Jen: Why am I so nervous? Cristine: This episode is sponsored by your Instagram. Follow uh.. Jen.. JenRotey? Is that your Instagram? Jen: I think so. Cristine: Do you use your instagram? Jen: Rarely. Cristine: Okay, we'll charge you a lower rate for the sponsorship. But yeah follow JenRotey Ben: Is that, that's a burner account though, right? Jen:What does that mean? Like a fake account? Ben: That's like the account you use to hit up guys and stuff Jen: Ha, oh, yeah. Slide into people's DM. No, not at all. Ben: Okay, so we asked on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube community posts We asked the internets what questions they had for Jen And now we're going to ask them Cristine: There were thousands but we only selected maybe 20 or so just so you know Jen: 20 thousand? Cristine: No, 20. Ben: Yeah, we're gonna be here a while. Jen: Oh boy. Ben: All right. First one. What do you love the most about your sister? Jen: Awwwww. How cute, um... Cristine: Go on Jen: Wow, well, how much time do you have? Cristine: An hour? Jen: Ummmm What do I love... Ben: You don't have to answer this one Jen: about your sister, um, I think your Ambition and ability to like when you set your mind to something you are in like 150 percent And you're going for it. Cristine: This is a serious answer. I was expecting Ben: That's very sincere, that's a nice answer Cristine: Yeah, I was expecting you to be like nothing next question, please Jen: No Ben: Cristine now say something nice about your sister. Cristine: I appreciate that you're also a very determined individual, no in her own right. Ben: You're just, cause she's copying your homework Jen: Yeah, she doesn't know what to say Cristine: We will hear about Jen's, you know education and career paths as well So you guys will learn that in due course. But, Jen is also similar um in the sense that we are very determined So I think that that's a great personality trait. Ben: Yeah, where'd you get that from? Cristine: We don't know. We're still looking. Jen: We just bounce off each other Yeah Ben: All right, next one. Hi Jen, Jen: Hello Ben: heart, uh from ken demergien Please tell us what you majored in and your career path. Maybe you can give advice to people after graduation. Jen: Wow. Ummm Heavy hitter Let's get into this So I majored in um Ben: Do you remember her? Jen: Yeah, so I started my major in history Ben: Okay. Jen: By second year university I decided to change my major. I ended up doing a double major It was uh, criminology and ethics and society And this was at the universe, or Ottawa University um and my career path Well after graduation, actually while I was still in University, I also enrolled in the Ontario Real Estate College. I think it's called. I can't remember. This was a while ago now but um so at the same time as I graduated from Ottawa U, I also was Graduating from this real estate college and I got right into it and I started a career in real estate Cristine: So what made you switch from criminology and society and ethics to real estate? Jen: I mean, I just thought that there was an opportunity and it was also something that I was interested in um, and I I was kind of of the mindset I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue school and I was like, you know what, I kind of want to just get into the job market. I had an opportunity And I wanted to start working right away um However, I couple... do I get into this now? Ben and Cristine: Yeah. Ben: Sure. Jen: However, I I spent two years in real estate and then Really thought to myself, You know what there's, there were other things I wanted to explore So at that point I decided to go back to school So after two years of being out of school, you know working as a real person in the world I decided to do a graduate program in a subject or a field that I was extremely interested in and I just thought to myself if I don't do it now I might regret not doing it later and I felt I was still you know at an age where, I could start over so to speak. Um, I mean, I don't think it really matters how old you are It just depends on what you want to do and what you want to go for, so I decided to go for it Ben: Yeah, I mean yeah, we have a friend Corrine, uh, who's going back to school in the fall actually Yeah, so you can definitely go back. There's plenty of mature students Cristine: And it's not like real estate wasn't working out for you Jen: No it was great Cristine: Like you were doing really well Jen: Yeah Cristine: She just decided that she wanted to switch. Jen: I wanted to pursue something else that I had an interest in and um It's you know, i'm still working at it. But uh, it's turning out to be a good I mean i'm just grateful that I did make that change back then because I think I would have regretted it if I if I didn't Ben: What, what was being a real estate agent like? Jen: Um, it was Cristine: You got to see inside people's homes Jen: Yeah, it was, so I mean there's perks and, there's advantages and disadvantages to every job, right? um, I mean, I always I always enjoyed real estate because yes the fun part you get to see really cool houses. Also like for me I was always fascinated by the random kind of um, organizing techniques that people had in their houses because it was so different and they would seriously like maximize their space. I don't know. I like that kind of thing. I like that kind of thing Cristine: like a nail polish shelf Jen: But um, yeah so it was fun and i'm I guess I would say a people person so you're always meeting new people and you're talking to people and you know for me I enjoy that um, but then there's the other aspect of it, you know the business side and the ethics side of it and you want, I always wanted to maintain an ethical career. So, um sometimes you meet people that aren't always as ethical as you but um It was definitely, I enjoyed it. I just wanted to do something different. Cristine: Just maybe a bit more of a kind of cutthroat industry? Not everyone. Jen: Not everyone. Um, it could be and at the end of the day you want to represent your clients But your clients can also end up being your family members or your friends So there is that thin line as well that you want to maintain your business professionalism but then you're like, I really want to like help out my friend, so Yeah, there's also that thin line. Ben: Okay. So what is your current job? And is that what you wanted to be when you grew up? Jen: When I want, when I was a child, I wanted to be like a race car driver or a backup dancer for like Britney Spears or Beyonce Ben: It's not too late to follow your dreams Jen: I mean, Beyonce, if you're out there i'm still willing to dance. So just just call me. Okay? Cristine: Still willing to dance. Jen: Yeah, I would love to be your backup dancer Ben: Do you know how to dance? Jen: Sure, sure I mean we, we did dance for many years Um, it was always something I enjoyed so I thought uh, Britney Spears, Beyonce. Call me, you know? Ben: Free Britney Ben: Hashtag Free Britney Cristine: So... Ben: So your current job, you don't have to say where. Jen: Currently... after I finished um my grad program Cristine: After you went back to school? Jen: After I went back to school It was a year program, but there was also a job placement there where I worked with a non-profit organization in Toronto Cristine: So sorry just that second degree you went back for was in? Jen: Victimology, which is essentially the psychological effects of crime and trauma Something that i've always been very interested in um, and that's why I decided to go back and explore it a little bit more Yeah, so after that I actually worked at a law firm for a little bit Meanwhile, my goal was to end up eventually working for the government of Canada in policy because I guess my Career path now so to speak after switching after real estate I really wanted to get into a policy shop and kind of explore the gaps within our nation and how can we kind of maybe implement some very necessary change? So I ended up working or I got a job with the federal government of Canada um, probably about a year after I graduated from my grad program and Now i'm still working for the government of Canada in a policy shop. So things are working out. Cristine: Yeah, and you're generally in the approximate fields you want to be which is just closer to Like emergency preparedness or management. So right now i'm in emergency management, which um, relates to my field because I used to also do short-term crisis interventions that was more on an individual Cristine: As a volunteer you did that. Jen: As a volunteer, while I was working full-time for the government. Um Cristine: Multiple jobs at once. Jen: Yes. Yes. Ben: Yeah, you two are pretty similar in your your ambitions Jen: We get bored Jen: We want to always be busy Ben: It's interesting too that like you're you're in very similar fields But whereas Cristine's like the keep my head down. I don't want to talk to people, data person Cristine: She's the I'll talk to people version Ben: You swing to the other. Yeah Jen: Yeah definitely Ben: the more values, uh, the more policy. Cristine: The more helpful in the field maybe Yeah. Jen: I mean, it's all helpful. Ben: Yeah sure you need both, right? Jen: Exactly. Yeah. Ben: Yeah, okay Uh, next question is Jen single as a Pringle? Cristine: Ouuuu... Let me get my tea Jen: No. Ben: Oh, no, Jen: But I like to eat Pringles Ben: you're breaking hearts all over Jen: Sorry guys Cristine: Hearts are being broken in the comments below Ben: Oh, that's funny. All right Do Jen's views on marriage and children differ from Cristine's? Jen: So, wow Ben: So people, people know Cristine's been very open about the fact that she doesn't care about marriage at all and that she is not Cristine: Aren't you lucky. Ben: at all interested in having children Cristine: Just cats. Ben: Yeah, you know, it's funny. We were talking the other day about uh, If you cared about marriage, like which engagement ring you would have liked Cristine: Yeah I picked one, but then i'm like Jen: Was it holographic? Ben: And you're like, I don't actually want to wear a ring because we were talking like if you just want a ring As a sign of like we're in a committed relationship Cristine: Your undying love and affection Ben: Like you can still do that even though you don't care about marriage Cristine: But I wouldn't wear rings because they just get in the way of weightlifting. So like I don't understand Jen: Well you can take them off Cristine: But that's four times a week like Ben: Don't, don't try to convince her. I appreciate it. Cristine: I don't want to wear rings because then they'll take away from my nails Like the nails are the star of the show. So that's just my opinion. That's all. So Jen, what's your opinion? Jen: On rings, or? Cristine: All of it. Marriage, kids, the heavy shit. Jen: Ummm So I guess Cristine and I are similar in the sense that I've never been the little girl that dreams of a marriage and getting married and finding my prince charming Whatever it may be. Ben: Be given away. Jen: Yeah Ben: Sold as property. Jen: For me, it's not important like it's not um something that I feel I have to do, um Menchie's like staring at me right now. Cristine: She's waiting for your answer Jen: She's like grillin me Ben: She's about to propose Jen: But I mean I I think it's to each their own. Like I completely understand, obviously I have friends who want to get married or who have gotten married and I think that's great. I mean It's a lot of fun to go to a wedding as long as it's open bar um But for me, I don't feel like I need one in order to satisfy my life Yeah Cristine: And you're in a happy committed relationship. Jen: Exactly and for me that's that's what matters I don't think getting married is gonna change it or make it better or whatever itt may be. Cristine: And we'll just also add again for context that in in Canada um as a common law partnership You do have more benefits than on average Americans who are in a similar relationship without them having to get married. Do you know what I mean? I mean like we have a few more, uh, like benefits here. Ben: It varies based on where you live, but there's some places where being married gives you some rights Cristine: It kinda matters Here it matters less Than a lot of the comments I saw like well What about health benefits? And what about All these things and i'm like it just doesn't really apply to us as long as you're declared common law status here in Canada Ben: Well, yeah, we don't need to get into the nuance of that. Ben: Do you want to pop out some babies though? Jen? Jen: Um, no, I mean I have a dog and I quite like him so I think i'm good with that for now Ben: You're young too. You can always, not to say you would change your mind, I hate when people say that. Cristine: How old are you for the record? Jen: I honestly forget sometimes yes. Um I think... Cristine: I'm trying to think You're three years younger? Jen: I'm 28. Cristine: Yes. Jen: right? Cristine: Correct. Jen: Yeah Cristine: Right like three minus how old am I? I mean, how old am I my minus three? Never mind? Ben: All right, next one Let's just get to know Jen a little bit better. Cristine loves holo nail polish, tea, cats oats and fitness Jen: What? I'm so surprised. Ben: Name five things that you love Jen: All right. Well, I love dogs. Ben: Okay. So replace cats with dogs. Jen: I mean, I love cats too like they're cute But i'm I guess I have a dog. I love my dog. So we'll say um dogs Ben: Okay Jen: Ummm I don't know. Cristine: Holo Jen: Well, yeah, I mean I like it but it's more your thing. Cristine: Just forget about these. Jen: Hey, I am my own person. Cristine: What do you like, forget about my choices Jen: I like um, I like fitness too like We work out together sometimes Cristine: Sister, Hoe Athletics Jen: Hoe Athletics is what we call it Ben: That's offensive Cristine: It's only used internally. I apologize. Ben: What kind of food do you like? Jen: Ummm I mean, I just love food Um, I definitely explore with food a lot more than Ben: You're more adventurous Jen: than Cristine does. Like i'm willing to eat, you know some interesting different cultural dishes, too I I really like to just taste different things I obviously like my red wine. Ben: Okay, so replace tea with red wine Jen: Umm I don't know. I like biking Ben: Okay Cristine: You're more sporty Jen: But does that go in fitness? Yeah. Cristine: You did sports, right? Jen: Like kind of not really no. Cristine: No, okay Jen: You're just making that up. Cristine: Compared to me you've done more sports Jen: Like i've done it like for fun, but i've never played on real teams like Cristine: Yeah But for fun is still... Ben: You're you're basically Cristine with adult tastes Jen: Probably yeah. Cristine: I'm sorry. I guess like i'm the one wearing cat ears here And i'm the older sister Jen: I mean, they look great Cristine: Right, so Ben: You look, you look great sweety All right, next one, why did Cristine do child acting and Jen didn't? Jen: Well, surprise surprise I did Cristine: She did Jen: um, I was younger. So Cristine and I as we just mentioned, we're three years apart, so I did it but I was younger. I don't remember it as much I think as you do Cristine: You were exploited more as a child because you have no memories Jen: No, I just have a bad memory It's the red wine Ben: Because if Cristine did it from what eight to twelve? Cristine: I was eight to twelve Uh, I think you started a bit after I started. Jen: Yeah Cristine: because you would have been quite young Jen: Yeah. Yeah, so I probably started Like a couple years maybe a couple years after And then I guess I would have been nine so I really wasn't doing it for that long, but I did do a couple commercials and I think I did it if I remember correctly a catalog like a as a model Ben: like a Sears? like a Sears catalogue? Cristine: My sister's a model! Jen: Like something, I think. I can't really remember. This is my memory not serving me Cristine: Isn't that sad we can't remember? Jen: Yeah Ben: But I mean you're 8 years old and your parents are driving you to auditions it's weird. I don't expect you to remember it's weird Cristine: Yeah, it's weird. Jen: I mean like I remember being on set and it was fun because you're with like other girls your age and you're like playing Cristine: And there was all the candy Jen: I did one for a game. Cristine: Remember the candy? Jen: the candy they was amazing. You just go get whatever you want. You're on this like sugar high Cristine: That was the point for young children, here have all the sugar now go act! Jen: Yeah Ben: They actually did that? Cristine: Yeah! Jen: Yeah, you could literally just go fill up bags of candy Ben: But like isn't filming a commercial a lot of just like sitting around waiting for the next shot They wanted you to be all hopped up on sugar Cristine: Yeah but they cant have kids on on stage or on set for too long Like they really have to structure their entire set around when the child comes so I think they time it like that on purpose Ben: Oh, so they want you really like should just be popping caffeine pills into those kids or something, right? Jen: That might be frowned upon, Ben. Cristine: But they have they have stand-ins Like there was always a child stand-in for me before I actually got on set. Ben: Oh, that's so sad though. Cristine: To for the stand-in? Ben: Yeah, because like they pick the kid to be in the commercial and then they have another kid who's just like Cristine: But its a different role. They're hired for something different and they know what they're hired for. They just have to have a similar like height and hair color for lighting Yeah, it's weird Jen: Like I remember even I was on set for one commercial. I was on set longer than the other girls because they There was some rule about you you couldn't have kids on set for too long. But I think they had to compensate for it But they used because at the end of the commercial it was like everyone's hand was like put in So they literally changed the nail polish the jewelry I was wearing so that my hand was the other girl's hands too because they didn't want to keep everyone ... Cristine: Oh, interesting Jen: as long Cristine: And you were You were like nine years old and they're changing your nail polish? Jen: Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't know if, it wasn't like this like Cristine: What do you mean? What do you mean like this?? Jen: I think it was like a little more natural looking. Cristine: Yeah. Jen: Yeah, whatever it would have been, I don't know. Ben: Did you save up any of that, uh commercial money? Did your parents steal it all? Jen: No, I mean I think yeah It was put into an account, and I probably, it probably helped pay for my condo Cristine: Probably. Ben: I mean it did for Cristine for sure Cristine: Yeah, some some of it yes. Jen: I mean, I I don't think I made that much because I wasn't I didn't do as much either Cristine: I think that yeah, people yeah, we weren't like wildly successful Jen: Nooo Cristine: child actresses who made like our entire fortunes that way.. absolutely not Jen: No, not at all Cristine: And a lot of that money went back and was reinvested into like our portfolios so we had to get these pictures done every year by a professional photographer and then you have to people Ben: Oh, you don't need your investment portfolio Cristine: No, no no Ben: you mean into acting portfolio Cristine: into our acting career So we got all these pictures Jen: Our short lived acting career Cristine: and our talent agency had to be paid and there was casting call fees There's actually quite a lot of fees in that business, so I don't think you really end up with as much as What people might think Ben: Sure Jen: Especially if you're not doing it, like for me I wasn't doing it full time Ben: You did like a handfull of commercials Jen: I went to school and I like Cristine: yeah, we were both fully in school like we weren't out of school doing like toy commercials. Jen: Yeah. Ben: You didn't drop out to be a... Jen: No! luckily, I didn't because Cristine: Imagine that's a video. I dropped out of school to be in toy commercials. Ben: Oh, I mean that's probably out there somewhere Jen: Isn't that like YouTube now though? Ben: Next question! Uh has Jen ever thought about having her own youtube channel. And if she did have one what would it be called? and what would the content consist of? Jen: Um, we actually I say we Because you gave me the name for it I don't know if you remember. Ben: Yeah, we all sort of collectively talked Jen: We did talk about it at one point and I was kind of considering it and I think we You thought it would be a good idea to call it "Jenny Getting Ready" Cristine: Yeah! Ben: or "Getting Ready with Jenny" Jen: Yeah, something like that and I think I even like started to film an intro video Ben: Yeah Cristine: This was what a year ago? Jen: More than that. This was like two three years ago, maybe and then like Ben: It just wasn't for you, right? Jen: I was just like... No, this is not me. Cristine: But you started editing something and you sent part of it to me. Jen: I was and I was just looking at it like no This is this is not me. Like I can't do this. Cristine: So, what was the most uncomfortable part for you? Jen: Um, I don't know, all of it. Ben: The whole thing Cristine: like watching yourself? Jen: watching myself is super cringey Ben: Or just talking to a camera alone. Jen: Yeah. It felt just weird. I don't know for me at least. Cristine: I still agree with you Jen: Like... I don't know I felt, it felt very uncomfortable. And I was like, well, I don't need to do this It's really I should only do it if I want to Ben: Actually you know, what that's a really good point. I have a ton of respect for that because As the sister of a popular YouTuber, you could very easily have just sort of slid in there And instantly gotten a lot of subscribers Jen: For sure Ben: just based off that and you probably could have made some good money doing it but the fact that you You didn't actually have a passion to do it. Jen: Yeah Ben: is the most important thing Cristine: Yeah And you felt a bit uncomfortable so you don't have to do it. Jen: And I think at the time too, I was also going through that kind of career Transition and I was thinking about my career path and I was set and I just said to myself, I think I want to focus more on my career path than something that i'm uncomfortable with. So Cristine: Yeah Jen: I just decided against it Cristine: And I think one thing is people always think that because Me and now, now you know Jen as well, used to be child actors that for some Reason were just like naturally amazing and comfortable on camera but like not at all, right? Jen: No Cristine: because I don't think that acting did any favors for me because I just turned into more of a nervous person Jen: Yeah, it's definitely still nerve-wracking Cristine: It haunts me Jen: Like even this I was sitting here for a while like and Ben was like you seem pretty chill Jen: I was like Cristine: Not inside! Ben: Aw you're doing great Uh, Jen, what would you say is the biggest difference between you and your sister in terms of personality? Jen: I'm friendly to people, no Cristine: She's a people person. Jen:Yeah Ben: You're much more personable Jen: I'm definitely, let's say i'm definitely more outgoing Like not that you're not friendly like Cristine: but i'm not i'm an introvert that's been proven Jen: I'm actually an introvert too. When I did one of those personality tests really I was deemed an introvert Ben: yeah, those are Jen: but what they what they say about that is that you're only um You're defined as an introvert if that's what you need like you need that alone time in order to kind of like recharge Whereas extroverts they need the time with people in order to recharge Ben: Do those people exist? Jen: Yeah Ben: Who gets recharged from being social? Jen: I don't know Cristine: Lots of YouTubers Ben: because I think you and I similar like we're very capable of Being social but that's not what we get Cristine: Off on? Ben: our pleasure from or our yeah Jen: I definitely like being home alone sometimes and just Not talking to anyone Cristine: But you do very well. You do very well with people Jen: Oh, yeah Cristine: That's why you were really successful as an agent and that's why you work in policy and you've done volunteer work as like a crisis counselor Jen: Yeah, so I think i'm good at adapting to to different people and their personalities and kind of playing off it and Seeing how I should behave too Um, so i'd say yeah Cristine: It's a really good skill to have, to be personable. Ben: Are you a little jealous? Cristine: Is the next question what are you jealous of your sister? Ben: Uh, the next question is what did you guys argue about the most as children? Cristine: Simplytealogical strikes again With Ben's face Jen: Who? Yeah, Ben: This person has a question ever week. Jen: is that you Ben? Ben: It is a picture of me Jen: It's his burner account Ben: Did you two get along as children? Jen and Cristine: No Cristine: As children, no Jen: Point blank, no Cristine: But like you're sisters and you're kind of close in age Jen: and I don't know we fought, like I can't remember anything specifically unless you can but I feel like we just argued about dumb dumb stuff like Cristine: We would get a Christmas present and one would get the red version of Something and one would get the blue and then we'd be like Jen and Cristine: I want that one Ben: You just want the one the other person got? Jen and Cristine: Yeah. Cristine: Yeah, it was a lot of that kind of stuff because we always got almost Always the same present But it's just a different color or a different version and one of the versions was always a little bit better So we'd get mad a lot at each other for like and we shared Birthdays with family birthday events because our birthdays are only a month apart. So they would just put our birthday parties together growing up So it would be like a just you know It's Jen and Cris' birthday and we'd get like the same present in a different version Jen: Yeah Cristine: Then we'd get mad at each other over who got the better version. That's my memory Ben: So you were, Cristine was only three when Jen was born, right? Cristine: Yeah. I don't remember that. Ben: So I guess you wouldn't remember like Jen: You don't remember my birth?! Cristine: I don't remember her adoption process Ben: I guess where I was going with that is an older sibling often kind of like resents when a new kid is born because it takes attention away from them was it Jen: I actually... Cristine: I don't remember that Jen: I'm thinking of a family video we have And it's when I was born in the hospital and you're you're looking at me and you gave me a kiss on the forehead Ben and Cristine: Awww Cristine: I liked you. Jen: It was probably once I started talking and that's when we started clashing Ben: This little babies annoying it won't shut up Cristine: fuckin baby um, I don't remember not liking you until we were Like pre-teen Jen: high school Cristine: like pre-teen. Yeah Jen: Yeah i'd say we probably Didn't start getting along till Cristine: after high school. Jen: No,I know I would say when I was in grade 9 you were in grade 12 Cristine: So my end of high school Ben: So basically when you were finishing Jen: Yeah, yeah, Cristine: yeah Ben: yeah Ben: I think that's in like the next question okay, as kids as kids like we never physically fought I think that's something that people assume siblings do we never Ben: Physically? Cristine: Yeah We never did. I don't have any memory of like Jen: I, are you sure you didn't push me down the stairs once? Cristine: No i'm sure, like That's not my memory Ben: Are you sure, Jen? Cristine: Do you remember us physically fighting? Jen: Not like physically fighting no Cristine: So.. Jen: I have this like weird memory of the stairs Cristine: I wasn't there, so who did this to you? Jen: I don't know. Maybe I just made it up Ben: Cristine does hate babies. So maybe she pushed the baby Cristine: No, I kissed her on the head. Ben: All right, next one. This is going to be a hot one Jen: Ouu spicy Ben: Choo, choo! I'll get the marshmallows. Jen: Wait. Why did you say choo choo? That's clearly a fire truck Ben: I didn't know how to make the fire truck noise. Uh whatever, woooo Uh, what is Jen's uh favorite embarrassing story about Cristine while on vacation growing up? Jen: This is a very specific question. Cristine: Vacation answers only Ben: Yeah, it doesn't have to be vacation Just tell us something embarrassing about Cristine Jen: I honestly don't know Cristine: Good answer Jen: Well, okay, so i'll just say I mean not that it's embarrassing But and also not when we were necessarily on vacation But it's like when we were at say our parents friends parties or stuff like that Cristine would hide behind me When like our parents were trying to introduce us to friends because she was so shy Cristine: I was shorter than you Jen: I was kind of like the bubbly talky one. Ben: You've always been like this, eh? Jen: She would literally hide behind me Cristine: Ben's like she does that to me too! Ben: Honestly at my sister's wedding last year she's like someone was taking pictures and we were standing near the front and she literally Cristine: But that's diffeerent Ben: Scooched behind me to not be afraid Cristine: That's different, that's because I was nervous If they were being like simply nailogicals at this wedding Ben: People take pictures at weddings. Jen: Yeah, that's normal Cristine: That's that's a bit different because that's current time. She's talking about growing up Ben: I'm saying it hasn't changed Cristine: But the reasoning did Ben: Okay, fine Cristine: anyways Jen: yeah, you weren't simply when we were little That's embarrassing that, Cristine and Jen: I mean, it's not I mean it's not embarrassing Cristine: I don't mind you are taller than me it made sense Jen: Yeah, and I was willing to talk to people unlike her. Cristine: Yes. Thank you for years of protecting me Jen: I'd be like I got you Cristine: She's a good sister. Jen: I got you, sis. Cristine: Please talk to everyone for me Ben: Do you want to return the favor? Do you have an embarrassing memory of Jen? Cristine: When you got stung by like a wasp and blew up Ben: How is that embarrassing? Cristine: I thought what you were going to answer to this question about me was when we went to the Dominican Republic on a family vacation And half of our family. Jen: Oh my god! Yeah! Cristine: Half our family got sick like either diarrhea or throwing up because of something in the water, I guess Jen: I forgot about this Cristine: I threw up in the middle of the brunch hall just like in front of Jen: yeah in front everybody Cristine: everybody Jen: It was so gross Ben: That's pretty embarrassing Cristine: Yeah, that was mostly orange juice Jen: And I remember your hair like being down and you were like trying to rush out But you didn't make it Cristine: And then we spent like the rest of the day just like in our room Jen: Well, no So I spent the day, I had spent the day before I think because I got ill And then I felt fine the next day, but then you at breakfast like threw up everywhere So you had to spend the day in the room that day Cristine: And we were older. I was like, yeah 17 18 Jen: This was probably, what? 10 12 years ago? Cristine: Yeah, we're that old now Ben:Alright Cristine: Good times Ben: that was a fun story Jen: I can't believe I forgot about that one Ben: Next question from captain riz. Some siblings develop their own language like made up words or code words. Did you two ever develop your own secret language? Jen: I don't know, did we? Cristine: Well, it wasn't a secret language. It was a widely known language Jen: We spoke french to each other Cristine: But we did that on purpose because our parents don't know how to speak french So when we were in french immersion, we would speak it at the dinner table just to piss them off Jen: Yeah Cristine: and talk about things between us and they would just get mad at us Because they didn't know what we were saying. Jen: Yeah Cristine: like "je déteste nos parents" Ben: Didn't they kind of know like? Cristine: No, not really Ben: Would they just catch like a word ? Jen: neither of them speak French The only thing Dad knows how to say is "Done moi le poulet" Like give me the chicken, is what that means Cristine: Yeah, but they literally like zero pretty much Jen: and he would just randomly yell it because that's all he... knows Cristine: Yeah, no our parents don't know any french So when we were learning it, we realized we could use it to our advantage Jen: we could use it against them Cristine: I think we grew closer in that it was kind of fun to be able to do that growing up Ben: That's very mature Jen: During the times we did get along. Cristine: We have to stick together. It's very important. Yeah siblings. Ben: No, I get it Uh, okay. What was Jen's favorite subject in high school. And why? And did you ever get Cristine to give you assignments or work from the year that she had already done it? Cristine: the advantages of older siblings Jen: Yeah, so i'll start with because I guess this is two questions two questions. Uh, well three My favorite subject in high school was actually history That's why I ended up picking that as my major when I went to university because I think it was like grade 11 and 12, I really was interested in. I just thought it was interesting to actually learn about like facts from the past I don't know something about it. That intrigued me Ben: sure. Jen: Um And Cristine. Ben: Did Cristine do your homework for you, I think that's the question Jen: So, she didn't do my homework for me, but She did do this one video for me. I mean, I was the star I had to act in it um, but she did the editing and I guess Directing of it I don't even remember what class it was for but Cristine: probably like english where you had to make Something Ben: it's like a video book review or something Jen: Yeah, and well, no, it was a movie review because we did it on Girl, Interrupted Yeah, which is I still think a good movie Um, but we kind of did our own version of it Cristine: Sister interrupted. Jen: Yeah. Yeah, and um, Cristine: That was the concept. Ben: Okay. JenL Yeah. I actually did very well. So, thank you. Cristine: Did you get an A-plus? Jen: I think I got 100% on it, to be honest. Cristine: Yeah? Jen: Yeah. Ben: Is that the one with Winona Ryder? Jen: Yeah. Ben: and Angelina Jolie Cristine: Yeah, I remember Jen: and Britney Murphy. Is that her name? Ben: Ohh Cristine: I remember wanting so badly to like let, I wanted you to Let me help you because I really wanted to just use windows movie maker at that time It was like a cool new thing you could do with your computer and I was really into editing And I had no other reason to be making videos. So I was like Please let me help you with your video Ben: You were looking for excuses to do video editing Jen: I remember at that time, too It was fairly new technology and you were trying to like do every project you could As a video because you were so interested in it and you were good at it. Cristine: It was fun Jen: and editing it Cristine: Remember how I used to ask some of your friends to also star in my quick videos? So like I had another friend of hers. I made her like sit on a bench and like dress up as like a miniature version of me years prior in some kind of like Storytelling. Jen: It's weird she wouldn't ask me to dress up as a younger version. Cristine: You didn't want to do it. I remember like Jen: See, i'm camera shy Ben: That's funny, uh, all right from Sarah: did Cristine teach you any valuable lessons when you were younger Uh and Jen, did you ever copy Cristine's style? Jen: I mean what's there to copy? Ben: Sweatpants and cat ears Jen: cat ears! Cristine: I didn't know what you know, I work cargo pants. I wore Stripes back in the day. Jen: I actually wear a lot of stripes. I think we have a similar Sense of fashion so to speak Cristine: Which is no fashion sense Jen: We prefer to be comfortable. Um Ben: But so Cristine's talked about how she hated high school and wasn't popular. Did you have a similar experience or ? Jen: No, I had a great time in high school. I mean I had Cristine:I was hate her Jen: I was friendly Cristine: Well exactly she was able to interact with her peers in a positive. Jen: I was also on student council in my senior year Cristine: Goody two shoes over here Ben: Did you do well in school though? Jen: Yeah. Yeah, I did. Well, I got a scholarship when I went to university So .. Ben: Wow Jen: I think I did okay Um, but yeah, and I had friends which was fun. Cristine: That's great. Jen: It's great! Cristine:That's great Jen: I'm still very, i'm still very good friends with a lot of my high school friends Well, not a lot, but I have my core group that we're still we still talk almost every day Cristine: You still have a group chat. Jen: Yeah Ben: Cristine, did you ever think about copying Jen's style then since she was maybe more successful with it? Jen: Although we were only in high school one year together. Cristine: Yeah When you're in high school that three years is such a huge gap, I think. I mean like now I I feel like we're the same age but in high school those three years being in grades nine versus 12 is pretty huge So even the styles change, I remember like you liked having different purses And I think when I wanted to borrow one you were like no Because I just bought that one with my own money and no, you can't touch Jen: Yeah. We both worked during high school, too So and we could we would buy our own things. Cristine and Jen : yeah Ben: So Cristine's style icon was like Avril Lavigne and by the time you were in high school it was... Jen: Yeah, I don't know Cristine: JLo maybe? Jen: Maybe? Cristine: You had the low rise jeans thing going on. Jen: I actually dressed up as her recently for a friend's birthday party Well not recently. This is last year, I guess pre COVID Ben: Yeah Jen: But um Yeah. Anyways, I just went off topic there. Ben: Yeah No, that's okay Cristine: But your style in high school was more like Jen: I mean, my friends definitely would not agree with you My friends like to make fun of my style choices. Cristine: Why Jen: Because it's very like comfortable It's definitely not up to par as you'd say as like real fashionistas Ben: Aww people who really care about fashion, you can't trust people like that All right, next one Why did you ruin Cristine's sailor moon coloring book? Cristine: Explain yourself! Jen: She probably deserved it Ben: This podcast appearance is just an excuse to ask this one question after all after all these years Jen: She's trapping me I actually don't remember doing it. So.. Cristine: uh-huh. Sure. Jen: Like how old were we? Cristine: claiming intoxication is not a defense Ben: We need some context Cristine. What are we talking about right now? Jen: Remind me. Bring, bring back the memories for me Ben: What happened? Is it too painful to remember? Cristine: Back when we lived in our family house Ben: What other house would you live in? Cristine: You know grew up moved on. Jen: What? Cristine: Uh, I had a Jen: What did you say? Cristine: Grew up moved on. I had a locked drawer in my desk Ben: Okay Cristine: and I had keys to it and I hid Jen: Ohh, I found the keys My sailor moon, I would color in it But I would do it like in a really specific way. I always make gradients and like shading around the edges and Ben: Trying way too hard I did that and You had found the key and I guess went in my drawer and then scribbled all over it and put it back Jen:I mean, I definitely don't remember scribbling on it but.. Ben: maybe she was just trying to draw in some of the new pictures? Jen: Yeah Cristine: Well it was awful! Jen: Maybe I wanted to, maybe I wanted to colour too Cristine: Get your own coloring book! Jen: I just wasn't as good at it Cristine: Yeah, so you wanted my you broke into my room in my locked drawer? Sure Jen: Well, sisters... Cristine: I'm waiting for an apology. Ben: Yeah. Do you want to apologize, Jen? Jen: Cristine, I guess I should look at you Cristine: look at the camera! Jen: Cristine... I'm sorry for ruining Cristine: For ruining my life Jen: your sailor moon coloring book. But do you remember... Ben: Uh oh Jen: Losing... My candy Bernstein Bears book at the cottage? Ben: Oh shit. Cristine: The bernstein or the bearnstein bear. Jen: I guess it's Bearnstein Ben: Jen just played an uno reverse card Jen: Yep Cristine: I do not recall, but I apologize if I did Jen: Yeah, sure Ben: "If" oh, that's a terrible apology. Jen: She's not taking accountability Ben: Sorry, if you were offended Cristine: I'm not well trained in apologies Because I don't have to make them often Ben: You haven't had to do apology videos, yeah Cristine: All this to say, uh, she did ruin my Ben: Do , do you accept Jen's apology, Cristine? Can we put this behind us? Cristine: I suppose Jen: It was only like Feels like 40 years ago. Cristine: I know I don't really care. Ben: You know what I want to know like you have a locked drawer in your room and what you keep in there is a sailor moon coloring book? Cristine: And my diary Ben: Oh,ok Jen: yeah, I found her diary too. Ben: Did you go for the diary? Jen: I think that's what I was aiming for. Cristine: But instead she found more fun scribbling Ben: All right, let's move on Jen: Yeah before we start fighting Ben: From oof on YouTube You mentioned you were not as close when you were growing up And when and how did you start getting along and do you feel like you can tell each other anything? Jen: Well, I guess we already touched on this a bit. So we probably started getting along In high school like grade nine when I was in grade nine and you were in grade twelve Ben: When Cristine was finishing Cristine: When I was on my way out of high school Jen: yeah Yeah, so and then she moved out she went to university and then we started to really like each other Cristine: Because I had escaped and you wanted to escape Jen: Yeah, I was like help me Cristine: So you were like, How do I escape? And I was like I got you girl Jen: So I, I would, I would go, I would jump on the bus with one of your friends, too I came, I think a couple times with her and um Cristine: Come visit me Jen: We would come visit you Ben: Yeah in Ottawa. Jen: Yeah in Ottawa Ben: Where you also came for University Jen: Where I ended up coming to as well, yes Ben: was the fact that your sister was here one of the reasons or just kind of happened? Jen: I mean...sure Let's say it was but it was also because Ottawa U was one of the only universities in Ontario that had a french immersion program Ben: Oh, gotchu Cristine: Yeah much French over here Ben: So you kept that up for a couple years? Jen: For a couple years Ben: And do you have the kind of relationship where you can tell each other anything? Jen: I mean, I think we're pretty comfortable with each other Ben: You two are close. Cristine: Yeah, we're close Jen: Yeah, we have our little ranting chats together too Cristine: And we talk shit about our boyfriends Jen: we talk shit about Ben. Just kidding Ben: Not Jen's boyfriend. Just me. Jen: Yeah just Ben Cristine: But i'll just add um because I think this question might come from someone who Maybe you're having current issues with your siblings and like it's just unbearable to be living with them And I think the secret for us is once we weren't living together it actually became a way for us to realize that we did like each other and sometimes when you kind of feel like you're You are stuck with someone. You don't have a choice but to live with them there's little things that you'll bicker about or you'll resent them and like they stole my Shirt out of my laundry Ben: And they ruined my sailor moon coloring book Cristine:Yeah, they ruined my.. Exactly! Jen: shhh.. Cristine: So it was pretty much when I knew that I was gonna move out and I had started developing like my own identity and Different friends and wasn't living in the same household or sharing the same bathroom with you Jen: Yeah Cristine: So we never shared a room. I saw this question elsewhere but we did share a bathroom Jen: Yeah Cristine: and that caused tension getting ready Jen: We would like lock eachother out Cristine: Get out! I'm tryin to poo Ben: Would tear anyone apart Jen: And Cristine's room was Cristine's room was attached to the bathroom So she would like race in and then lock me out. Ben:Oh, that's that's nice of you Jen: She had, it was an easier access for her than it was for me Cristine: But like all things that got resolved once we weren't living in the same house Jen:Yeah For sure, and I mean, I think it's also just a part of as you mature and you realize that you know what my sister Is not that bad Ben: It's very normal for siblings not to get along Jen: Yeah Ben: It seems to be more the case with sisters than brothers for some reason maybe i'm just projecting Cristine: So did you get along with your brother, Matt? Ben: Yeah Cristine: Who's three years older Ben: and there's like a bit of that like Brothers being competitive and maybe like wrestling a little bit but then like you get that out of your system and you're fine because I think sisters can have more Cristine: manipulation.. Ben: I don't want to say anything. I don't want to get myself in trouble here. I think the way sisters argue and fight And don't get along is different than the way brothers do typically Okay. Next question. What's the most impressive lie, you pulled off together? A little scheming. Cristine: We are partners in crime Jen:Yeah Cristine: I can think of something Jen: Same. I think we're thinking of the same thing. Cristine: Did it involve my identity? Jen: Liquor store party bar? Ben: What? How about you just say it? Jen: Um, so when I would come visit Cristine in Ottawa, I was obviously three years younger So she, when she was a legal drinking age, Cristine: Which is 19 here in Ontario. Jen: I would also use her id to enter The clubs because I obviously wasn't of age but we looked a lot alike. Cristine: Yeah Jen: That it worked. We don't recommend doing this. Ben: I don't know about this example we're setting Cristine: We're not setting an example Jen: It's definitely not a good thing to do Cristine: we're telling the truth Jen: but that's I would say because we would literally be like two people apart at the with the same bouncer and the same Ben: Just hand the same ID back Cristine: I would let her go first, to make sure that she got in and then there'd be a few people between us and then i'd get in and be like Okay, we got it. We're good. We pulled it off Jen: Yeah, so.. Cristine: But I will just say like i'm not telling people to do this and this isn't why you should be happy you have an older sister's Id Jen: Nooo Cristine: you can use this but there was a part of me that felt protective and also in a harm reduction sense I thought well if I could accompany Jen to her first time going to the club and drinking Ben: What a good influence Cristine: then i'm, i'm supervising her i'm watching her i'm making sure that like she understands where her tolerance level is her limits And she's exposed to this a little bit before she starts going, you know wild on her own Basically, I was parenting her Jen: Sure Ben: fair enough. Jen: We'll call it that but Cristine: It was fun though. It was part of our bonding Jen: I mean.. It was yeah, it was part of us getting closer because it was fun to like dress up together, you know do she would usually do my Makeup, um, but yeah, it was all just part of I guess our bonding experience Cristine: Yeah, it was fun. We had a great. Ben: This happens But if I could just put my dad hat on for a second, I would just encourage like People are going to do this and young women are going To do this and it kind of sucks that you have to think about this but if you're like a very young girl going to bars you need to be careful Jen: Oh yeah Ben: and go with someone who Is looking out for you Cristine: Oh, I didn't let anyone touch her Ben: or like don't leave a drink on the bar and not pay attention to what's happening Jen: Especially nowadays, too I mean not that it was good to do back then but I feel like now you have to be a lot more Um aware, I guess Ben: Maybe people are more aware now. I'm, not sure if it's better or worse but yeah Be careful. Cristine: So we don't recommend that Jen: Don't do this at home Ben: You shouldn't be going to bars at all right now Cristine: We're just admitting, you know, the biggest lie, we pulled off. Jen: We're just being honest Ben: You pulled it off Cristine: We pulled it off. Ben: You never got your id taken? They never uh, Jen: No, never. Ben: Okay. Cristine: No, he looked at the same Cristine Rotenberg Ben: All right, next one from Ayla johnston, was it a hard decision for Jen to be on camera? I remember Ben saying that he did not like it at first So was it any different for Jen? Jen: I mean I think also like i'm trying to remember the first time I went on camera with you I don't really remember. Ben: I don't know Jen: But um, Cristine: It might have been a mail or like a will it water marble Ben: Yeah Jen: Maybe, I don't know Cristine: first edition. Jen: Yeah, but I also don't think I really kind of understood what I was Getting myself into or what how large of a platform you actually had because i've never really been that into the youtube community, so I never really understood too where Youtube can go and take you and like all these youtube influencer peoples or whatever Ben: Jen is saying she didn't have couldn't give informed consent because she didn't know what was going on Jen: No, I mean obviously I agreed to be on camera and I mean, I wouldn't say it was easy But I think it was also just fun because we kind of bounce off each other when we're in our little kitty moods um Ben: I think you had an easier, I think they're referencing me because when I first appeared on camera like I was Very shut off and like barely speaking and you could barely hear me. Yeah, because I think you had an easier time just sort of Forgetting the camera was there maybe a little bit. Yeah, but it is a weird thing to be on camera. Jen: It's definitely weird Cristine: What do you remember in terms of like comments? Like after the first videos came out. What were people saying? Jen: I remember people saying that I Like to drink a lot and a lot of people were speculating that maybe I was a lesbian. Ben: Yeah Cristine: I still don't know why they said that Jen: Those were the comments Cristine: Like what did.. Jen: I don't know Ben: They were positive. They were like i'm really attracted I'm a woman and i'm attracted to Jen Jen: Yeah Cristine: like i'm hoping she's a lesbian Jen: Like for the most part there were I think positive comments and nothing that I was really I don't know upset about but I also didn't purposely take the time to really read comments and really look into it because You never know what people are going to say online, and I just didn't want it to affect me Ben: That's very Cristine: That's very wise. Wise beyond her years Ben: That's right, uh, here's one what is your favorite simply video that you have appeared in? Jen I don't remember that all Ben: Do you remember? What have you done? So you've done the will it water marble? Cristine:We've done my sister's done my nails stuff Jen: Doing the, recreating our looks from childhood The makeup looks Cristine: Yeah! The Jessica Simpsons ! Jen: The Jessica Simpson and was it another celebrity? Cristine: No, it was just like the weird mask. Jen: Okay That was fun to do. Cristine:That's probably my favorite too Ben: Was that on the second channel? Cristine: No, I think I posted it on my main channel It didn't get very many views because no one cares, Jen: But it was fun for us Cristine: I think it was called how we did our makeup in high school. Ben: Yea Cristine: And so I have pictures of us from 2004 where I did your makeup? But it was like a ridiculous version of when that theme was trending because it wasn't like a good look We purposely did ridiculous makeup at the time which we were like, we're trying to be Jessica Simpson, but it was a joke Jen: We thought it was funny because we also did a music video when we were younger in our Jessica Simpson look And like I don't know we thought it was fun. I mean it was fun. Cristine: We wanted to relive that moment as adults. Jen: Yeah Ben: Ok, that's normal... Cristine: Yes. Ben: All right, next one, uh ask Jen to tell the story about the first time she met Ben That's me Cristine: Who? Jen: Yeah, wait. Can you, who's Ben? Ben: And your first impression who's ben? Jen: I don't remember. Do you remember the first time? Cristine: You don't remember meeting him? Ben: I remember you were still in undergrad Because you were living in a place near Ottawa U Jen: Is it when you came over to meet Bentley? Ben: Maybe Jen: I don't remember Ben: I would have met your dog. You introduced me to your dog Jen: Yes Ben: You had roommates. Jen: I had one roommate, I think Ben: I just remember you seemed to have people around Jen: I had friends Ben: You had friends, yes. Jen: He wasn't used to that dating Cristine Ben: Yeah, not at all Jen: Um, yeah I don't... Ben: Do you have any memories? Jen: I don't remember like the first time we met but I remember when, when you guys were newly dating Can I tell this story? Cristine: I don't know. Jen: I don't think you know Ben: we haven't heard it yet. Jen: So i'm gonna tell it. Some tea! Cristine: uh oh Jen: Um, but I remember we were back home at dad's Like for some I don't know holiday I don't really remember what it was for and we were in your room and you were on your laptop searching on facebook and you were like Oh, I think I think he's deleted it and I was like, what are you talking about? And you like wouldn't really tell me because I think it was still like fairly new that you guys were dating but I obviously figured out like she was trying to look up Ben Ben: Ohhh Jen: and she was like, oh Did he block me? But really I think you had deleted your facebook. Ben: Yeah, we had other ways of getting in touch though Cristine: Yeah, but I just wanted to stalk you Jen: She wanted to creep you online Ben: Yeah, I deleted my facebook around that time. Jen: Yeah, so I remember that's the first time I kind of like found out about you But I don't remember the first time we actually met Ben and Cristine: Yeah, me neither me. Neither. Ben: That's a long time. That was like eight years Cristine: Maybe we were at a club or a bar. Jen: I doubt it Ben: I don't know. I remember meeting your dad for the first time and that really threw me off because I was expecting like stern father figure like You're not good enough to date my daughter and he's like the opposite of that Cristine: You are a person who could in theory date my daughter. Go ahead. Jen: Yeah Ben: It was strange how much he is the opposite of that. I didn't know how to uh deal with it Cristine: But after you met Ben Did you like him? Jen: Yeah, I remember thinking that Ben: Be honest. I'll plug my ears Jen: I remember thinking that you guys were a good fit for each other and I think I Ben: How sweet Cristine: Still think that? Jen: Now it's questionable no, um, and I think I like Said that to you years back because I just felt like it was finally a good fit for you. Cristine: Finally Jen: Finally! Jen: Um, and I I was happy with him Ben: How sweet Cristine: I got the sister approval. Ben: Yes, you got the jerks out of your system Cristine: Yes Jen: Exactly. Cristine: That's all I needed was Jen's approval Jen: I was like he likes bananas a lot but no Ben: That's my defining characteristic Cristine: You were like finally someone's smarter than my sister or my sister. Jen: I said finally someone that she can like have a conversation with Ben: Oh, isn't just a pretty face Jen: right? Yeah Ben: Okay, I don't want to get into this. Cristine: Never mind anyways Ben: Uh, all right Next one Does Jen ever feel protective over Cristine when she's in the public eye Like does Jen get mad at hate comments that Cristine gets and want to solve her problems etc.? Jen: I mean, of course it It upsets me too like to see if she's upset about something it obviously Triggers me because I don't want to see her upset Ben: Sure Jen: I don't I personally don't like I said before go through comments and like same with about comments about either of you two because I don't want to get stuck in that hole But if there is something that upsets you then obviously it upsets me too. And I mean I think in general it's it's frustrating how many people will Like not just about you, but about any anyone online puts up hate comments It's I don't know. It's it makes me mad in general Ben: Sure like the way people talk to each other online or on twitter And how different that is from how they would talk to someone if they were face to face with them is kind of insane Jen: Exactly yeah, so And I mean, I don't think I want to solve your problems But i'm happy to support if you Think I can help solve your problems. Ben: No, I think you're taking the reasonable position right and we don't you know, it's When you have a public platform and you are a public figure online You would go crazy if you just went around reading everything about you So like we kind of have a similar idea that we don't seek out this Cristine: No but, and i've just come to the point after a few years, I just accept that there is going to be a small proportion of people who Don't like me Jen: Yeah at the end of the day Cristine: and that's fine. Jen: you can't please everybody and that's fine I don't think anybody should feel the need to please everybody because you're not going to be able to and that's okay Because people are allowed to have their differences. I remember when you wanted to take a break, too from youtube and I was very Encouraging about it. I thought it was a good idea for her too because you do need to take that mental break for yourself, too Cristine: But it wasn't hate comments that made me want to Jen: No it was just I mean, it's obviously obviously I don't experience it like you do but even when I do experience it Just by proxy it can be overwhelming. So I For you you it must be even ten times as worse. Cristine: Actually. I have a follow-up question Has anyone recognized you in your real life as being Jen: Yes Cristine: You wanna tell is there any fun stories there? Jen: Um fun? No, I mean i've been recognized on the street. Um, Which is fine, and of course, I don't mind saying hello um or in stores, at work I've been recognized I tried to come in all you know Nonchalant, like no. Hopefully nobody knows I was when I started nobody knows when I started a new job about a year ago, but um, Little did I know my new boss would google me sure and obviously this comes up Cristine: Just a picture of us eating nail polish. Jen: Yeah, so I mean it's kind of frightening too because i'm i'm like rethinking, okay What have I said? What have I done? But um, I mean, I think we try to keep it pretty Pg. Ben: It's an important reminder though that like whatever you put on the internet employers now are just going to google people's names and if the first thing that comes up is A video that's been viewed millions of times if you're doing something that's going to come up. Jen: Yeah. Ben: Yeah Jen: Yeah, so Ben: So yeah this question did have a negative spin, but I guess there's just a sort of broader or more general question about like How has it impacted your life at all or has it that your sister is kind of like famous on the internet? Jen: I mean obviously like yeah Do I worry more too? Yes, because you not only have your life like at home now It's like you have this virtual presence obviously and people can I guess come at you, So to speak, from that avenue as well. So yeah, it's definitely like More worrisome and also I guess Ben: You don't need about us so much. Cristine: Don't worry. Jen: It's fine Cristine: I'm supposed to worry about you, little sister Jen: I mean luckily Luckily you have Ben but um, and I guess also yeah If you're being recognized like outside, I want to make sure you're like safe too. I don't want I don't know why Ben: Is, it weird Jen: That's why Ben is the muscle Ben: You be selfish about it though Like is it weird for you at all that your sister is a popular per public figure? Do you wish I wasn't popular? Jen: No it's not that I don't, wish that I mean, I think it's great that you've Like achieved this success and this platform. I mean, it's amazing Really. Um, obviously we didn't expect it to happen, but it happened And I think it's great that it did. Um, does it yes, it makes me a little more uncomfortable, I guess so to speak um because I also am then very careful about what I put Out there or what I do or who's watching me because you never really know Um, if anyone does recognize you because I do get recognized as well. So I still want to Maintain some sort of normalcy. Cristine: I think you mentioned that you used to be a waitress growing up through Through your Undergrad. Jen: Yeah, through my undergrad Cristine: and someone was taking pictures of you while you were working? Jen: I think that happened, that was a long time ago But, actually lLast year or the year before, I was at an event here in Ottawa and someone had taken pictures of me with I had no idea Until a few days later, I think you found it online or? Ben: And then they they messaged them to to me Jen: Yeah Ben: it was like someone sending me pictures of you Jen: Yeah so that's obviously it caught me off guard too because you don't think you're being watched and then all of a sudden someone's Sending pictures of you So it's definitely a little weird Cristine: aAnd you're just trying to do your job and like Jen: Yeah live like a normal person in society and not as an online influencer who might more reasonably have an expectation Jen: And not that i'm like Oh, it's horrible people be sympathetic to me. I mean, it's great at the end of the day It's a lot of fun and I think it's great also to use your platform for good things as well Which you guys do, which is awesome. Um, but it's definitely just weird. Yeah. Yeah Cristine: So to sum it up, Jen: Yeah to sum it up Ben: And yeah, it's not all negative. Right? Jen: No, of course not Ben: Like you've come with us on trips to LA a couple times. You know. Cristine: She's come to VidCon Jen: It's so much fun like even just to talk to fans and you know, say hi Like I think it's I mean since I am a person or a people person Um, it's a lot of fun to get to do that and to feel like you know If you can make someone smile then why not? Cristine: Yeah, having you at VidCon and for the meet and greets was like a lot of fun. Jen: Yeah Cristine: Super high energy Ben: All right Here's a follow-up does Jen worry that anything she posts on social media can potentially affect effect simply in a good or bad way? Yeah, so does it? Jen: I mean, yes, I mean not just Um affecting her, but also me because I still have a career i'm working towards too. So i'm also very cautious of that um I just don't post much to be frank like I really don't unless it's I don't know maybe sometimes your products or my dog because he's really cute Um, Ben: Go, go follow @JenRotey Cristine: You don't really have a desire to post that much or be on social media Jen: That's the thing too and I even friends will say to me, but you have x amount of followers like Ben: You should do an ad Jen: You can be an influencer. Why don't like, do you, are you getting paid? through with that whatever whatever, but I just personally I just don't Feel the need or the want to I don't know do much with it, I guess Ben: I think you're smart Cristine: Yeah. Jen: Yeah, it's too scary. Ben: You can't put that genie back in the bottle. Jen: Yeah. Social media is a scary place. Ben: Yeah Cristine: Very respectful Yeah, just pictures of uh your dog and me is what you'll find on JenRotey Ben: All right and last question have you ever wished for another sibling and if so, uh, would it be a brother or sister? Jen: So to replace her? Because that could be a different answer Cristine: Who would you rather instead of me? Jen: I think Ben: Weren't you supposed to be a boy? Jen: Well I was supposed to be the boy. After you, they wanted a boy Um, and actually my nickname growing up was Ben. Ben: Oh that's weird Jen: My parents would call me Ben Cristine: That is very weird Jen: I mean because it rhymes with Jen Cristine: and then you named your dog Ben Jen: Bentley Ben: Wait so, you would have been ben but when you came out as a girl they called you Jen Jen: Well, I don't know if that's what they would have named me Cristine: I don't think that's how it.. Ben: Well if they were calling her Ben as a little girl Jen: I think it's just because it rhymed with Jen Ben: Okay Jen: Um, I think when I was younger, I always wanted a brother Cristine: Just to see what it was. Jen: Just yeah Yeah, just for something different. Cristine: Just to spice it up Jen: Especially when we weren't getting along Cristine: Yeah, I was like, I wish I had a brother he'd probably drive me everywhere. Yeah. Ben: How old how old's your dad? It's not too late, you know Jen: Um, I think it's a little late. I Cristine: Excuse me, sir Jen: I think it's, I think it's a little late Cristine: Absolutely not Jen: I think after me they decided no more Cristine: And that was a wise choice because I mean look at us What if there were three? Ben: Yeah, they couldn't handle a third one of you Jen: You couldn't handle it Ben: All right, well Jen, is there anything else you want to get off your chest this opportunity to show the world who you are Jen:Oh boy, No! No, no. No, ummm No! Ben: Okay. No, that's fine Thank you for joining us. Apologies to Liza Koshy. We were supposed to have her on but she got bumped by Jen Jen: What the hell we could have both been on together. Ben: No, I mean you took precedence. Sorry Sorry to Liza Cristine: Is Liza still your favorite youtuber? Jen: I mean, she doesn't really do much youtube. Does she? Cristine: Fair enough Ben: Burn! Jen: No, it's not a burn. She's just so successful now that she's doing so many other things now Does she have time? I watch her instagrams for sure. She likes to dance on instagram. Ben: Ohhh Cristine: Yeah? Ok Cool Jen: It's fun Ben: You should collab. Getting ready with Jenny and Liza. Jen: Oh god Cristine: That would work Jen: She got a cute puppy too. So maybe our dogs Cristine: She knows more about Liza than me Jen: Maybe our dogs could be friends, you know? Ben: All right. Well, we'll reach out to Liza. See see if we can make that happen. Thank you for coming Cristine: Thank you for coming on Podcast. Our first official guest was a family member Ben: Our first in studio, like we've talked about wanting to have guests on the podcast before Cristine: yeah Ben: and there are a lot of people that i've sort of dm'd with and We've talked about who we'd want to have Jen: on your burner account Ben: On my burner account Yeah But it's just we don't want to do them over zoom or over skype and it's just so much better to have Just sit across from someone and have a conversation. So we're trying to figure out like what is a safe way of doing that if we just hold off on it for now and Cristine: Until the world is a safer place Jen: In person people can't fake freeze and stop answering your questions Cristine: Right. Uhh I lost the connection Ben: They hang up Cristine: I can't answer that There was no escaping this podcast Jen: You can get more of a real reaction Cristine: So we appreciate your Honest and truthful reactions. Thank you. Jen. Ben: Yeah, you did great by the way. Jen: Thank you. Ben: All right. Thank you everyone for tuning in We'll see you next taco Tuesday. Cristine: Yeah, it's Tuesday. Don't forget@ Jen: Yeah, where are my tacos? Cristine: We'll have some later Cristine: All right everybody. Thanks so much for watching and we'll see y'all later. Bye. Jen: Where do I look? Cristine: There!
Channel: SimplyPodLogical
Views: 515,446
Rating: 4.9726663 out of 5
Keywords: simplypodlogical, simply nailogical, simplynailogical, simplynailogical podcast, simply podcast, nailogical podcast, cristine and ben, cristine & ben, simplynailogical boyfriend, pod logical, youtuber podcast, simplynailogical sister, cristine and jen, simply sister, sister rivalries, getting along, kids, childhood, embarrassing stories, first impressions, growing up, family history, simplyjenlogical, nailogical sister, simplynailogical family
Id: iSAsrFtd78c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 3sec (3843 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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