What We Really Think About Fan Accounts - SimplyPodLogical #31

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[Music] hey what's up hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of simply pod logical a simply nailogical podcast today's episode is brought to you by hollow taco do you have boring nails just add a hollow taco and it's not a problem anymore or a multi-chrome polish yeah check out www.hollowtaco.com to check out the new multi-chrome collection what's your favorite shade in the collection ben uh cats evasion i think why is that sir because i like the original name for that polish that some people didn't like but uh thank you to everyone christine you just launched the new holotaco multichrome collection uh very well received we have more collection boxes still we're doing a better job of forecasting demand these days so it should still be available the time this goes up so thank you to everyone who's already bought and if you're interested in checking out checking it out yeah www.hollowtaco.com it's okay the holo just gets you sometimes it makes you speechless the multichrome the shift i just can't help but stare at my nose i'm just glad that i can finally show you guys this and i know you guys have seen this on the podcast before you've spotted it with your eagle eyes but now it's not a secret anymore eagle eyes christine always spills the beans just let me let me have fun all right so today we're going to argue about the differences between glitter and shimmer i've prepared my argument i now know that i meant micah was the word i was looking for okay okay let's not revisit this i'm just kidding we're not going to get into it it's like the worst fight we've ever had you know i i don't want it yeah we argued on the internet look at that guys our relationship is more important than the difference between glitter and micah and i told you you were wrong anyway today for real uh we're gonna be taking questions from fan accounts so whenever we do a podcast you might see some names that are familiar like uh simply theological christine's charm hollow christine simply ben logical hollow queen 5 000 there's all these names and these are these are a lot of fan accounts people who really like you they mostly exist on instagram these accounts i think and they post you know yeah and they engage with your content they post memes of your face so we thought it might just be fun to give the opportunity those people to ask whatever they wanted so we got a bunch of questions about what it's like to have fans on the internet uh what we think of conventions youtube merch sorry questions along those lines yeah we wanted to give you guys the floor because we appreciate everything you guys do and just like honestly make me smile make me laugh that's my favorite part about fan accounts i mean we'll get into this but just christine likes the memes and i just think it's fun like i i like the idea that there's just this kind of subculture community of people out there who just have made accounts about liking you and i get the impression a lot of these people have just kind of become friends with each other so i like that anyone with mutual interest if you can find people who share the same interests you can make a club or a group when it's kind of fun to talk about it like maybe it's after school sports or certain times of certain types of art or you know youtubers you like so there's fan accounts about all sorts of things anyway let's just hop into it then so first question from simply is little sock which sock my right one or my left one uh what was your reaction when you realized that people have fan accounts about you so just starting off broadly how do you feel about the fact that these accounts even exist i'm trying to remember the first time i recall like seeing this and being like what is going on um it was years ago probably pre-polish mountain when it had just started and i just thought it was really sweet and it was always very very positive people were reposting pictures of me but then like making them funnier or adding much better captions or edits to it than like i thought to do so they'd take like a freeze frame of my face and just add like some hilarious caption on top of it that made it way more relatable and it made me laugh and that was kind of my first impression or introduction to fan accounts yeah i think the first time i remember thinking there were like people who really idolized you is i remember we came across someone had a birthday a simply theological themed birthday party luna i want to say do you remember this yep and it was it's kind of like this weird sort of humbling feeling like it's hard to wrap your head around the fact that someone might look up to you so much that they would theme their 13th birthday party around you had a hollow hollow-themed birthday party she posted the video on youtube i remember she had like hollow plates and there were signs and a cake that said holo or something and it was it was so fun and we met her a few times actually at vidcon yeah yeah and i've met her parents or one of her parents anyways um but yeah it was it was very positive very sweet and it's just it's so fun and and like i i think very highly of my fans and the fact that they're just so kind and they just want to love you know the holo or the socks or the tea like i do or cats actually that's a good point because i think what i've noticed about fan accounts of you is it's not just all about you it's a lot about like the shared interest of like tea or oats or just anything holographic right yeah good point because i i think some people's answer to this question and i don't mean me but just maybe influencers in general maybe find it a little weird that there's other people perhaps emulating everything they do like copying their style or just trying to replicate what they do like maybe if kylie jenner has fan accounts i don't know this i actually haven't seen kelly jenner friend or cans but if i imagined them it might be people you know trying to be exactly like her whereas when i think of my fan accounts it more just seems like people just making fun of things or sharing common interests including me or um sharing common interests like tea or making edits of menchie and xyler or just like stuff like that that isn't just about trying to look and behave like me if that makes sense i think that makes a lot of sense yeah and i think it's just my impression is that a lot of these fan accounts are younger women maybe like teenage girl age type thing there's some there's some guys too some boys yeah okay okay shout out i guess it made me think like we can't really we didn't grow up with social media the same way kids now are growing up with social media right right but like we would have had like posters of people up on our walls or like people we looked up to were kind of like celebrity celebrities so i guess it's just not that different to have fan accounts these days because it's so easy just to make an instagram account put someone else as your avatar and just that could be like your second or third or fifth account yeah just to post things just about that one interest you have right like i have this secret twitter account just for oats that's right chris you have an oat fan account what is it simply's oats or something i'm not following simply oats i think on twitter oh it's not a secret anymore um but i'll just add like my experience being a fan of things growing up was i love the backstreet boys so much that when we had those j14 printed magazines i would cut out their faces and stick them in a collage book like that's what i did and that was my fandom i guess like the backstreet i even had a t-shirt that said the cat street boys and it was the backstreet boys as cats like they were illustrated as cats yeah and i went to their concert wearing it do you still have that shirt because that sounds amazing i don't think it would fit anymore if anyone can find a cat street boys shirt let us know but yeah i think it's all it's all in good fun so i've done it we all do it we're all fans of something what are you a fan of ben uh i'm a fan of you i'm christine's number one i'm your only fan you know what all the fan accounts here are ben yeah just so you know we just made it up yeah i'm simply t-logged i believe it all right next question from simply meow logical have you ever created a fake fan account for yourself would you consider doing it for a video a fake fan what would i do on my fake fan no the answer is no i haven't made one but what would i do on it like i'm not that clever i think you would need more like self-esteem because you would just be talking about how much you like yourself right i could make fun of myself you could that might go over well i might be good at that one it's actually funny like there is probably a video idea that's like going undercover isn't there uh some publication has put out videos of like going undercover on like reddit or something and answering questions as celebrities but like the people you're responding to don't know it's actually you so what would be my goal to talk to other people in the simply fandom and just pretend i'm just some other person you know what i mean maybe we should just leave a little mystery here and just the next time they're talking to you you never know christine from simply bentendo uh is it weird to have fan pages i usually consider myself a page for the hollow community because i find it strange so yeah we kind of touched on this already right these people are sort of fans of the things you're fans of your more shared interests rather than just being all about you and emily emulating you yeah like hollow i think is one major shared interest we all have we love holla we hate the fake hollow you know join forces i guess there is a degree to which it would be strange to like like we just touched on like it's normal to have like idols or people you look look up to right there's nothing wrong with that i do wonder if other creators maybe more than you have this experience of having fans that are a little too attached to them emotionally i think that's possible right because i don't think it's healthy to be so invested in someone else that you're like that's your defining characteristic you know what i think it as long as it's a positive thing for you and it's totally fine to you know look up to someone and then be your role model or for you to like their interests or be inspired by them like i've done that my whole life i've been inspired by others or influenced by people it's just yeah i guess there is a fine line and i have not personally felt that way at all with any fan accounts that i've seen it's all been positive and i'm extremely grateful for that but i also know that maybe i just don't really attract as much negative attention or the types of fan accounts that might try and tear me down so i guess it really depends and i don't have experience with being in that position but i can imagine that for some influencers there might be some accounts about them that make them uncomfortable yeah that are maybe a little bit stalkery-ish or tracking down their houses or like posting their whereabouts all the time i've kind of seen that and and that's what the paparazzi does a lot of so i guess maybe there's not much difference there um but yeah it's possible to make an influencer or a celebrity feel uncomfortable with an account that's 100 about them depending on the type of content that's posted yeah but that's not your experience not at all no uh all right from hollow taco predictions i want to know what's on their page now let's go uh were there any christine hate pages that you have seen hate pages have you ever come across a hate page like i i just kind of said that everything's been extremely positive ever since the beginning but there was this one account that is so funny to me it was recent in like the past six months maybe um it was an account about how sophia and i weren't real friends i remember yeah so i forget the account name i'm pretty sure they've deleted it after by now but it was like christine and sophia hader or something yeah and and the bio was christine and er simply nailogical and sophia's friendship is fake af so i saw it because other fan accounts were tweeting it or sharing it at me and like a lot of them were telling me about how bad this player was so i was like what the heck is going on so i go and look at it and i'm like oh my god there is an account about how me and sophia aren't real friends and they're like documenting things and trying to uh explain why we weren't real friends in this shoot or this video so i screenshotted it and sent it to sophia oh yeah and i said [ __ ] what the [ __ ] we were exposed so she left i laughed and it didn't hurt me at all like i i actually spent a good few minutes laughing at the fact that this exists it's pretty strange that someone may make it i mean it's probably just some kids somewhere yeah it is pretty funny that other people like came to your defense though to tell them that that was bad or wrong or whatever yeah and i i appreciate that but i also just want people out there like whenever you're trying to defend me for something especially like this which i don't think is actually harmful you kind of need to understand where that person is coming from maybe they're really bored or upset about other things in their life and i would just encourage people to not be mean you know when they're trying to tell others like don't do that you're hurting christians feelings like thank you for caring about me but my feelings weren't hurt like i'm fine i laughed and i just hope that whoever made that account finds some inner peace you know or finds or finds people that they love and makes accounts about them instead yeah like there are other creators who i think have a lot of hate accounts and just the idea of making an account to express your dislike of someone like people aren't above criticism and even specifically the criticism of youtubers pretending to be friends for views that totally happens so i'm totally open to someone making that criticism if they suspect it's happening it's not the case with you and saf but yeah but like the idea of making accounts dedicated to disliking people online just seems like a kind of a pretty sad thing to me yeah and i think so too and like i've said i'm fortunate to not really see that about myself but i have seen that about other influencers and it's really sad and like you just said it doesn't mean that no one should criticize an influencer because maybe they made mistakes and there is some merit to the criticism or the discourse about what they did and um you know what they need to do to make it right let's say but making whole accounts and like novels and stories about all these people just seems like a misplaced use of energy i think and so i would encourage people to use you know your platforms or make accounts about stuff that you want to put your energy towards that stuff that's positive and good is going to have a good impact in your life because i just can't believe that um making hate accounts about people is what is making you happy like maybe you feel a temporary sense of like gotcha or like revenge in some weird way even though you've probably never never met the person you're making this account about and never will in your life um but that's not a real meaningful positive thing to have in your life in the long term yeah totally agree uh from simply bentendo unlike many people with similar follower amounts you guys are very active with fan pages how because i want to talk to you guys do you think this is true do you think you and gay like you have what seven million subscribers something like that i guess there is a point at which when you have such a large audience it is much harder to actually engage with them at a certain point and we sort of romanticize like we occasionally reminisce about early on when you were able to when you first started getting fan mail i don't know if people know this you used to send letters back to people physical letters yeah like really early on i know and you used to respond to some emails and then it just it gets the point where your audience is a size where that is just literally impossible to do i used to to write a personalized letter back to people and i remember saying at the time like if people took the time out of the day to write me a letter and send it to my p.o box this was four years ago that i was going to do the same so one night i remember spreading out all the letters i had to do and there was like 40 or 50 of them and they just covered the whole kitchen floor because i was trying to organize them to put them each in their own letter and i was just like i can't physically like do this anymore because it it just takes so much time so i switched to just responding to emails and i remember on my work break at statscan over lunch i would go into one of the the break small rooms and just reply to fan emails for an hour that's great and i would try to get every single one like i didn't want to miss one and it bothered me if i was behind but then over time as i just get hundreds and hundreds of emails i physically like could not do it anymore and when it gets to the point where you can't then you have to start thinking about like is it fair to reply to any if i can't reply to all of them and then at a certain point it's almost like emotionally is it fair to you to take this baggage because i remember like sometimes people would just unload their issues on you and as much as it's humbling and flattering that they're saying that you really helped them maybe through a hard time in your life to get a bunch of emails of people sort of unloading that baggage on you is putting you in a bit of a weird position too i think yeah there was some of that and i felt incredibly bad and like i couldn't help and even a reply from me i don't don't even know if that was the best thing for that person honestly based on what they were saying so yeah it was hard but from the very beginning i always wanted to engage with fans and like i always felt like well they wrote me so i got to write them back and then i was like kind of obsessively trying to make sure i always did that and then with time i realized it was just impossible but fast forwarding to now i really like just engaging with you guys like i'm on twitter all the time and i think twitter is where i'm most because that's where i have the smallest audience i have like six hundred thousand or something followers there's so small you know but that's where it's most likely that you'll actually see something exactly so compared to youtube and instagram um i'm it's easier to manage because there's less people coming at me all at once so i try and reply to as many tweets as i can i like tweets all the time on instagram i do see people's stories and like i'll repost them and the fan accounts on instagram are amazing i follow some and then some just like pop up in my feed and recently actually i really been enjoying this one uh perfectly pinky oh yeah i saw this she's been since quarantine began this is amazing she's been adding another layer of nail polish for every day of quarantine yeah she's almost at day 200. did you think she do you think she thought this would last this long i don't think so but she is so sweet and so funny and i found her account a few months ago and it's just amazing to watch the growth of the polish mountain and the fact that she is living with this on her finger and has been for almost 200 days that's what i don't understand to go months now of having this mound of nail polish on her nail i don't know how she's doing it the dedication it's amazing that's funny is she ending it didn't you you were talking yeah so she dm'd me and asked for so sweet for advice on how to end it because she didn't want to like upset people that it was over and i'm like girl you need to take that mountain off like it's okay but just like maybe peel it off so we can all see the satisfaction as long as you share taking yeah so follow perfectly pinky but i think there's a period in the middle i'll put it up on the screen okay next question from okay christine why did you cancel your merch i'm assuming it has to do with hollow taco short answers yeah kind of yeah do we want to give a brief history of simply nailogical merch here yeah go ahead so like yeah when you got big in 2016 all of a sudden you're getting all sorts of emails from merch companies asking if you wanted to do merch right and that kind of just like in 2016 youtube that was just i think the normal thing to do oh you got big on youtube you should sell branded t-shirts and i remember we kind of thought about it and we were seeing a lot of subscribers asking for merch so we were like maybe we'll do this if we can find someone who will is willing to print like holographic foil on t-shirts so i remember we spent a while just talking to different vendors trying to find someone who was willing to put holographic anything on a t-shirt and that was a bit of a struggle in and of itself so i remember we did that because there was like a lot of fan demand for it and then after that almost all the merch we did through these people was like just to raise money for cat charities essentially there's a lot of menchie and xylar designs that we had some artists come up with and uh yeah we would donate a lot of the money to cat charities and then yeah as hollow taco started getting closer i think we realized first of all like there's only so much energy you can put into so many things right so clearly the nail polish line was going to be your new priority outside of youtube and i think we also sort of realized that the merch sort of scene for youtubers has really changed in the last few years and a lot of people have really raised the bar in terms of like we talked briefly about teddy fresh last week and the fact that youtubers now you know some of them have done a really good job of like fashion lines or clothing lines that are like clearly custom and not just taking like some guild and hoodie and just printing a screen print on it right so i think that bar has been raised and that is a good thing you know customers of youtubers should expect the merch to be good and not just some blank hoodie that they've someone has slapped a name on or something and that they're over charging by like thirty dollars yeah and that was the biggest issue i think we had over the years was like no one's gonna care about your fan base as much as you do and these third-party merch companies like some of them are better than others and they care and we had a good relationship with the one we worked with but at the end of the day they were mostly interested in making money and we weren't interested in marking up sweatshirts that much because i remember we were constantly being encouraged to be like you could sell this hoodie for 40 or more and we were like we know how much it costs and we just didn't want it up we didn't want to charge too much for it we just wanted fair reasonable prices and it was frustrating i remember looking at other youtubers who might have been using the same people we were using or using uh blanks like the the hoodie itself before printing something on it that were pretty much the same as what we were using and they were charging like 20 more yeah and i mean to be fair to them that's that's just what they that's what people are willing to pay for it right we're not you know people can spend their money how they want to spend it but we always just felt weird about that if we were to do merch now and we do see people suggesting merch i think we would only do it if it was if we brought it completely in-house and even potentially maybe hollow taco merch is something we could see i know that's very highly requested it is and let me just say i don't think people just want hollow taco merch just because they like are super fans and they just sorry there's like a tea leaf in my throat like we don't just want to slap hollow taco and everything because like we know we can sell t-shirts i think people also want hollow taco merch because there are people out there who say that they can't wear nail polish or they don't wear nail polish but they would love to wear like some hollow taco gear or just have something else which i found interesting because i was like oh i like didn't really think about it that way so that's also one reason why i think it would be really cool to do it but if we do it it will be done well i think and really like i'll be very picky with it especially if it's holo taco because it's gotta align with my you know 100 nail polish line yeah so click clearly polish is the priority and as like everything gets sort of settled down and the processes really get sort of perfected there then maybe down the road we can shift our attention to to adding merch or something to to the hollow taco brand yeah i mean comment down below if that's something yeah and comment down below what kinds of merch maybe you'd like to see and i don't just mean like t-shirts or hoodies but maybe there's like cats or cat ears or other types of merch all right next question from christine's cup of tea how did you meet sophia look another sofia reference here uh how did you meet sofia cup of tea funny story you know sophia and i first met in the dms [Laughter] this was a while back uh before she had her own youtube channel and she was working for uh an unnamed other company [Music] um i think i remember her tweeting that she wanted my holo merch speaking of march and i was like really like i just had no i didn't know that she watched my channel and i'd seen her in some videos before so i dm'd her and said yeah i'll send you some and that was the beginning of our friendship no but that's not we didn't actually become friends just in that exchange like we talked a bit and then uh she was gonna become like her own channel so there was way more like to talk about there and then we actually met at vidcon i think it was 2017. and i met her backstage with tyler yeah yeah but we'd already been talking and texting for some time so i already felt like i kind of knew her and i think we may have filmed something we did around that time right that would have been like the really expensive manicure video on your channel and then with her where you you went around la dressed up in that like holographic spandex clothing was that the first time wearing holo for a day that was sophia's video concept and we wore like holo which was made of plastic essentially and it was so hot in l.a and we were out there in the sun for hours just getting a bunch of different shots so my memory of that was like really fun because we were running around and people were looking at us and we were like skipping and dancing for the shots but also just sweat constantly dripping down my back and i'm like going like this trying to hide it it was one of those things like you know how they say like new couples once you go on vacation with someone that's like sort of a big moment like you actually learn what it's like to be someone when you you like yeah go away it's a make or break thing i feel like before we film that video you guys kind of knew each other and we're friendly but weren't really friends but then you like went through that experience and i think we realized by the end of it like we were gonna come out of that either hating them or really liking them and i think we were friends by the time that day was over so when you're youtubers once you film a video together then you really get to know someone and you know what that's that's true you know what i mean like people's off often there's this inclination like you barely know someone but you kind of get along you feel like your content works together and you just decide to film a video together and you might not even really know if you're friends yet i think these days are our thoughts on that are different like you really only want to film videos with people you're kind of already friends with and know and i don't want to make new friends it's hard these days right but yeah and then i think we we ended up at the cheesecake factory yeah which is you know it's so easy to become friends at the cheesecake it's the happiest place on earth yeah really good memories and it's really sad honestly right now that we can't like there's no opportunity to see sophia or our other youtube friends because we're everyone's in quarantine we're not leaving canada um but we we have talked to sophia and tyler a few times over face time yeah yeah it's good to keep up with your friends even if you can't see them in real life have a little video chat to answer the christine and sophia aren't real friends instagram evidence of us facetiming last week no they're great and i'm glad they're making content again i know they took a long break and sophia talked a bit about why kind of why they weren't putting out content i'd encourage you to read that i found it was a one of the most honest uh descriptions of kind of what it's like to be someone expected to produce youtube comment content and she's a great writer and communicator so that's why it's also like incredibly valuable i think to read what she wrote yeah her and tyler is very smart and more importantly good people and we like them a lot there's she she described getting big on youtube quickly as you know like the channel was like a horse and she was getting dragged behind it yeah and i thought that was like such a good metaphor because i think you kind of had a similar experience that early on when things started blowing up and like the polish mountain thing happened for you you just sort of go on autopilot and it's almost like you're just trying to follow this like trail of success laid out in front of you and you don't really stop to think about what you're doing so much and then only when you start settling down and like you kind of get in your head after that once things settle down and instead of just being in the mode of just like i need to make make make stuff i think that's when you start to have more of the issues of thinking about what you really want to do and if you even like it anymore it's a train that once you get on you can't get off well until you crash but then you just get back on uh okay next question what's your favorite vidcon experience from simply nope elise i think also known as christine's charm so we know you brought this girl on stage i know her not the profile pic because that's that's me that's you but this girl elise i know her from vidcon because we brought her on stage it was part of like a can we paint a fans nails on stage yeah like during a q a you painted your nails on stage i think originally we thought that could be a video and then we decided like let's just do it for fun yeah yeah so that was really fun i think that was the year that hollow taco launched so it must have been last vidcon because i remember it was like the launch um package right yeah the launch collection set that i was using might be the last time we ever go to vidcon in this new uh yeah new world vidcon this year was cancelled it was it was like a digital only or something sure yeah i should say we were already having a bit of weird mixed feelings about vidcon which i think a lot of other creators do i think we've always loved it as an opportunity to put like faces to some of these names and to actually facilitate having some meet and greets and fan interactions and it's kind of sad that it doesn't seem like that will be able to happen anytime soon but i know with vidcon and i know like other creators feel this way too it's always been a bit of a strange thing where like vidcon used to feel very much like a community event and it wasn't even necessarily the most like popular creators being invited to it it was you know they cared about not inviting problematic figures and they were often just reinviting back people who had been there since the beginning so like these legacy creators even if they weren't really getting the views that they used to right and then you know i think we were a lot of people were always willing to go to vidcon this this is the biggest convention for youtubers in the world in case there's anyone out there who doesn't know what this is yeah like 30 000 or something people would attend way i think way more than that crazy numbers and people would go anyway but yeah i guess as those numbers started getting disclosed and we started realizing how much money they were making off of it and then the two youtubers who founded vidcon sold it for to viacom for i don't know if the actual number leaked but like the reports suggested that they had made like hundreds of millions of dollars off of selling it and i think a lot of youtubers were thinking like we go to this event for free like yeah they put you in a hotel room and maybe they'll fly you out or something but it's this organization like making a bunch of money off of your fans interest in meeting you you're not getting paid to do it and then they turned around and sold it for like an insane amount of money i think a lot of youtubers sort of scratched their heads after that happened and realized there was something kind of strange about the arrangement and maybe more so for us so this last year we went to vidcon which was what 20 2019 is that what it was so we noticed like this was the first year it was uh being run since it was bought by viacom thinking like more corporate it felt more corporate but maybe i think the thing that rubbed me the wrong way is so like tana mongeau was there filming her mtv reality show and it just struck me that like if the excuse used to be that this is a more community event and all about like meeting your fans and your youtube community and that's why you're not getting paid to be there when all of a sudden they're rolling out the red carpet for like jake paul and tana mongeau to be there who are just like awful people and terrible influences i think it made a bunch of creators think like do i want to be associated with this event anymore yeah and i think in in 2020 or however they continue to do vidcon moving forward i don't know if it's completely off the table for us like there are international ones we were considering doing just because it would have been an opportunity to meet some of your fans in london or australia even but the idea of going back to vidcon now just it feels a little strange at this point i'm not sure if it's something you'd really want to do um i remember feeling in addition to just more generally corporate uh that there was so many like different brands that were just constantly hounding me and uh and everyone else every other creator who was there like they wanted to set up meetings they wanted to get you here they were like coming up to you while you're trying to eat or while you're backstage giving you their card and for me who's very much on the like i just want to stick to my like independent little show here with like no manager no nothing like i don't really want your [ __ ] um it was really overwhelming and it felt like it was being shoved down my throat far more than it had in previous years and that stuff like it bothers me it gives me like anxiety to have these salesmen basically just coming up to me telling me how to grow my channel if i sign with them i should say though like if you're an emerging youtuber just you know starting to grow your channel there is a lot of opportunity there to network at vidcon and that might be like the best thing you get out of it but i know for you for me it just made me anxious yeah you you we were going there because you wanted to do meet and greets i wanted to talk to my fans and like see my youtube friends that's why i go to vidcon i don't go to vidcon because i want to be poached by some agency like even the panels would make you nervous right and that's why we'd always like request like one year we just did a panel with redbanger and then the next year i think you did one with sophia so yeah for you it was more about just like hanging out with your friends and meeting your fans as much as possible and it was hard like we would we have to pay for our own security there so we could go out on the floor and meet people out on the convention floor yeah whereas most people i guess aren't really doing that and you're not allowed to just walk around and meet people right yeah yeah i wanted to do more meet and greets than just the usual one that vidcon supplies you with which is that like for two hours you'll meet a maximum of 250 people because that's where they just cap it off and they're just ushering them yeah and they usher them through um but i wanted to do more than that so the last vidcon we had the holo taco booth and we paid for additional security so i was allowed to be on the floor or else they said i wasn't allowed um and that's where i met way more few honestly was through our own like setting this up basically to have a couple more meet and greets and for me that's the best part of vidcon is meeting you guys like and especially putting the face to some people uh like some of these fan accounts and that's been incredible because i have met a couple of you and i remember and that's really cool because i can just like think back to remembering this person and remember and or they have a picture of us and they'll like tweet it to me i'll be like oh my god i remember like it's so cool so that's why i like vidcon and you guys know this about me already i'm generally anxious and i don't like giant crowds so the fact that i have been willing to go to vidcon and have wanted to genuinely for the past four years was ultimately to to meet fans and do meet and greets and i much prefer meet and greets um than like sitting on stage and performing in front of people yeah so that's my style i'd rather meet you guys one-on-one like take pictures sign your holo something whatever and just like say hi rather than putting on a show because i don't really feel like i'm an entertainer and i also maybe you think i am but i i don't i don't enjoy it either which i guess is the bigger just getting on stage in front of crowds of people i just like don't know what to say so that's why i painted elise's nails in front of like a few hundred people because i thought that was entertaining and in some ways just like was more fun for me to focus on like painting someone's nails because that's all i know how to do what am i gonna do tell jokes i can't do that live well that's like when you have people you used to get a bunch of emails from certain mcns or other companies wanting asking if you would go on tour on tour yeah and our reply would be like what do you think she would do on tour and i remember one time the guy was super honest he's like it doesn't really matter the kids will just pay to see these people and we were like that's terrible man like we don't want to just take people's money and just like just like stage yeah yeah not not impressed and there's definitely people who have done tours where it's like what are they it's not like they're performers not all entertainers are entertaining i do just want to say one nice thing about vidcon just so we're not negative uh our experience with the staff there was always super positive yeah and specifically on the security thing like i know a lot of people complained that it was hard to walk around and meet fans but it really is because they've invested uh a lot in keeping people safe there and that is really important right for sure and i remember we'd always have this experience where like at the end of vidcon we'd just be talking to some of the volunteers and some of the organizers and they'd always be really nice to us and a few of them like it was strange a couple of them would say like thank you guys for being so low maintenance or like they would thank you for being so easy to work with and we would always leave there wondering like what what are other people requesting that way because we're not doing like questions i don't understand yeah yeah i have no idea maybe other people were getting paid and we just didn't know it but most of the people we talked to like no one was good maybe if you're david dobrik you're getting paid to be a vidcon i don't know but i don't think so i don't really think they were paying anyone yeah i never went to vidcon for the money because there is none all right that was just sort of unloaded about video all right next question but yeah the favorite thing was clearly just getting to meeting you guys and seeing my youtube friends yeah all right from simply nova logical how did you learn to edit videos so well i edit them well that's a subjective thing but how did you learn to edit videos yeah good question so when i first started making videos they were only for instagram which had to be a square yeah and then i started posting those on youtube because i just posted like a longer version um i used imovie when i first started which is a software that everyone has installed if you have a mac like it just comes free on your computer and i knew absolutely nothing about imovie um i used to use windows movie maker in high school when i did edit some videos i think i've talked about that like class program class projects or yeah but in terms of starting youtube like i was starting from scratch i didn't have a friend or someone show me how to make youtube videos i just figured it out myself by googling finding imovie forums about how to do things like when i would look up how do i do a crossfade transition just google it and then i watched a lot of youtube videos yeah honestly just watching youtube videos of other people editing there's some great tutorials out there that's also how i learned photography just the basics of photography so i didn't know anything about aperture shutter speed or iso which are like the three main functions on a dslr camera because i have no experience in photography and i watched a bunch of youtube videos to understand it so i could take better pictures and videos of my nails yeah yeah yeah so youtube's a great resource and i just say like some of the software out there now is really good at holding your hand some of these editing software some of the free ones if you're just doing like very basic editing it's actually kind of shocking how easy it is if you just sort of play around and if you're just a generally comfortable with computer software there's way more things these days that are also apps for your phone that i think make it a lot easier when i had started doing this that wasn't really the case although everyone still asked me what app are you using and the truth was i was i never use an app i always just use my computer but i used imovie when i started which i think is pretty easy and user friendly and if you look back at some of my very original videos the screen resolution size is like wrong like it doesn't fit the the traditional 1080 by 720 like the the first youtube videos yeah no it's right it's like shorter like closer to a square because i was making it for instagram but then i didn't know how to change it and so the screen resolution was also like decreased in quality too it was being compressed because i just didn't understand how to change the settings so for a while like my older videos are just shittier quality or just not done well but honestly for me it was trial and error and just making the mistakes a few times and then realizing like this isn't right or someone would point out something and then i would look it up and try and make it better for next time so i would tell people who are trying to be content creators maybe now is to not be discouraged if like your first couple videos aren't looking perfect because you have to do them to learn from them and to see how maybe people have some suggestions which i definitely learned from people commenting on my videos like why are you posting in a square when it could be like bigger on youtube that makes no sense i also think people kind of sometimes prioritize too much like the technical aspect of things from like an editing and filming perspective whereas like maybe if you're a tech reviewer and you're talking about like some 4k or 8k camera like if you're a marquez brownlee type guy it makes sense that his videos look amazing and polished and everything looks perfect but for most creators your content doesn't need to look like the perfect studio lit space and like the amazing cinematic camera you don't need two thousand dollars worth of lighting to start your youtube channel like if anything it puts you in another box whereas if you're just like get a point and shoot canon g7x like and just vlog it or if you're like a joanna sadea type who just like she's not using some amazing camera it's more about the storytelling and it gives it a more like authentic feeling of this is just some person in their house vlogging when you aren't filming it on a ten thousand dollar camera with amazing lights in your room you know even nail videos i notice a lot of instagram accounts or smaller youtubers are just using their iphones yeah and honestly the quality is great these days telephone cameras today are amazing it's insane but just to finish this off to come to more current is i started on imovie five years ago i've two years after that maybe i started using final cut pro which is another mac software it's pretty commonly available you have to pay for it but it's um it's something that a lot of video editors content creators use i don't think it's that advanced it's it's like the advanced version of imovie but it's definitely not the most advanced editing software out there there's far more professional software's out there that honestly i i don't feel like i need well like no final cut is used by a lot of professionals i don't want to undersell it but it's just one of those things that it's accessible to people who maybe aren't experts but it has a bunch of features that a lot of people will just never use in it as well i think yeah it's possible but i've i'm even learning now like i've been using more key frames to fade out backgrounds when i'm making some of the holo taco spills i've i started learning like to do that more to do a better job at that like in the last six months yeah and the truth is you learn to do something if you enjoy doing it right and you just didn't you genuinely enjoy editing videos and that's why you've never hired like an outside editor or anything like that either yeah good point i don't have an editor i edit all my videos the the podcast videos the holotaco videos it's all me however ben does help me he he loads all the footage like when we shoot a simply video he'll load all the footage because there's maybe three camera angles there's an audio track he has to sync up the audio with the video and that just helps me honestly because that takes a lot of work right like how long do you spend doing that kind of pre-edit yeah so i'll basically line up the tracks i'll take out like the obviously the bad takes or like the blank space and yeah try to condense it so you just can do the more creative editing at that point but yeah i'll spend a good few hours on a video just preparing it for you to then do all the sort of creative editing that makes a simply nailogical video feel like a simply nail logical video i can't even imagine people other people putting words over my head imagine i let you edit one of my videos and you just put words over my head what would you write ben i don't well it depends on the content right well what would i write uh how much i've written little messages to you when i'm free editing you have it for me just for you not to include but i i'd say hiring an editor isn't necessarily a bad thing it makes sense for a lot of people it's a huge you spend a ton of time editing videos that if you didn't have to you would have more time to make content right but i would say for someone like you your editing style is a big part of what makes your videos your videos whereas if you're rosanna pansino cooking just showing how to bake cookies and the editing is just trying to look nice and clean and so people can clearly see what you're doing she doesn't need to personally be editing that video it makes sense that someone like her or someone in a similar position is just hiring outside editors yeah so i get it it really depends on you i don't want to put out this idea that like having an editor is a terrible inauthentic thing no i think it makes sense for a lot of channels for someone like you or like emma chamberlain has that super unique style of editing videos and she talks about how much time she spends editing i think you would notice if she wasn't editing her videos anymore yeah and that's how i feel about mine too so yeah yeah next question does ben edit for you sometimes no uh only only to the extent that i like might prepare footage for you to then edit right yeah like we just said uh from simply holosexuals hi so um i heard you don't like your fans calling themselves holosexuals anymore so what do you suggest because i don't want my username to make you or anyone uncomfortable that is very thoughtful of this person do you want to just recap what you said so you recently when you announced the rainbow collection i guess or around that time i made a recreation of my american pride nails that's right which i'd done several years ago when i first showed my face i think on youtube and i redid that nail art and in that video i also just explained to people why i wasn't really using the term holosexual anymore and why you haven't heard me say it for years yeah so do you want to recap just at a high level what your thought process is there yeah so i just feel that the it is possible and i have seen some evidence of some people being hurt by that term and i think most of that comes from one time i made a joke about how i was coming out as holosexual and that might have been around the time we had holosexual merch so i was wearing it and it is a joke that i made and i didn't realize it at the time it was like a few years later that i started seeing people point that out um that that that can be very hurtful and i absolutely understand why it is because it's making light of a real hard experience that that might be the case for someone coming out in the lgbtq plus community and that's not something i ever want to make fun of or make someone feel hurt by pretending i'm coming out as homosexual so when when i realized that i just made me not want to use the word or term at all even though i've also seen on the flip side comments under my video where i recently expressed this people including people from the lgbtq community or so they they said they were that they didn't find the term in and of itself to be hurtful they just thought it was like a fun playful way to express your love for hollow as long as you're not turning it into you know a joke about coming out yeah like we really looked at the comments and we really kind of dug deep to try to figure out like is this a really terrible thing right and i think overwhelmingly people sort of understood it for what it was as like a lighthearted joke like back in 2016 when you were getting popular your fans started calling themselves this because like a joke on your channel was like you loved holographic nail polish so much or just hollow so much that like it's almost like you were sexually attracted to it yeah so that was the joke i think people knew where you were coming from and you never you clearly your intent was never to make light of a situation like having to come out to your parents as gay or something like that yeah and i i think what we saw in the comments when you really talked about this in that video was yeah a lot of people who said they were in the lgbtq plus community i think there was a pretty clear consensus that it wasn't the term that was offensive but that yeah it could be insensitive to make jokes about coming out as holosexual or something like that so like we're not the language police we're not gonna tell people what the words they can should or shouldn't use but i would say we would discourage people from making jokes like that but i don't think i would tell someone like this that they can't keep the username holosexual because i think most people see it for what it is which is just sort of a joke about loving hollow so much that you're attracted to it and i think it's just a broader point is to remember to be respectful online and if someone is hurt by something you know don't undermine them don't tell them they're not heard by it either so just be respectful when you're talking to other people and that's kind of just the bottom line for for everything to remember on the internet when you're interacting with people your intent using that term isn't to hurt people's feelings and i think that's important to remember and yeah like you said like just being respectful of people in general no matter what language you're using yeah but simply holosexuals i'm sure you don't have any ill intent with your page um so i i don't you know dislike fans who's whose accounts are named that i don't want you guys to think that either like it's fine joanna you wanna this is a tangent but do you remember when we tried to trademark the term holosexual yeah do you know what i'm talking about so i guess way back in the day uh i think we were mostly concerned that we might start seeing big nail polish companies use some of the terms we did popularized and we saw some evidence we did that's right and we didn't know at the time whether you'd have a nail polish line or not but we thought it was maybe a possibility so we started trademark applications for some of your more common phrases and sayings and like some of the terms that are clearly associated with you like holosexual hollow queen things like that but when we tried to get holosexual back when that was a term that was more used in your community like at this point i just don't think we would use it enough that i don't think we would really pursue it but we try to put in a trademark application for it and someone there's the chance for like other companies to basically contest your trademark and there's a company that said that didn't want us to get the holosexual trademark because they had a perfume line called sexual so they were arguing that perfume is close enough to nail polish and that they own the word sexual which is within the word holosexual so they were trying to prevent us from being able to protect you know the use of the word holosexual on nail polish in english in the 90s someone gave them the legal right to the word sexual so they owned the word sexual as a trademark well for you have to say for what yeah so i said for perfume for perfume yeah and i guess they were arguing that perfume was close enough to nail polish because it's one of those things that sounds ridiculous but think of like apple computers right they own the word apple when it comes to computers so you couldn't have another computer company call themselves crabapple yeah because that would just be too confusing and they might crab apple might benefit from the fact that apple computers has a lot of good will and reputation in the word apple in association with computers crabapple as a term in of itself is centered around an apple just being bad right whereas holosexual is not centered around sexual being hollow it's like a whole new term on its own right like holosexual but you could say it's contained with anyway i had all these arguments and honestly we came close to pursuing it as a like like it it almost escalated to legal proceedings because we cared a lot at the time and i think eventually we just sort of realized is this really a term we were gonna put on things like nail polish in the future probably not maybe i don't know but like these people had a history of actually suing people who tried to put the word sexual on things and it was crazy yeah it's crazy because like if we put holosexual on a product and sold it that we're not benefiting from the fact that there's some obscure perfume company somewhere that owns the word sexual that's right this is just a good example of how trademark law is kind of broken i think it's kind of ancient and doesn't really work well in the age of social media that's the other thing because it doesn't contemplate like what if you use these words in a description for something on an e-commerce website is that trademark infringement yeah i don't really know because it's not on a product and then also like these internet sayings like we had that run in with bath and body works when they put hollow it's me on like a bottle of hand sanitizer and we're like clearly you were known for saying hello it's me we had a bunch of fans saying hey i just bought this hand sanitizer because because they thought like you were associated with them and like that is like clear evidence of their creating confusion in the marketplace right so i remember like we had to talk to them through lawyers and all sorts of weird things and maybe we could have another podcast just on trading i don't know comment down below if that is at the least bit interesting to you ben would be very happy if it is i could go on all day uh from christine's mikey why is christine obsessed with tea because it's just so oh hello it's beeping it's so so delicious i mean have you always been a tea drinker christine no actually no do you want uh to slip in do you want to dip into my past sure so when i was 15 i got addicted to coffee really true story yeah i'm not being i didn't know this yeah i i'm sure i've told you but um i worked at my dad's car shop and they would order four cups of coffee a day like just to break up the day i guess that's what people in car shops do they go for coffee four times at least where i grew up so i would always get a coffee when i was 15 years old just like weird and not that's why i'm so short so i'm 5 4. um but and i i drank so much of it for maybe like a year of my life and then i got so sick of it i never wanted again then i grew up and went to university and everyone's drinking coffee and that's kind of like where you first normally learn how to drink coffee it's like university age yes because you're a university culture of yeah yeah you're up all night partying and then you gotta have your cup of coffee before you write your exam like that's the culture so i hated coffee but i wanted to order something to fit in but i didn't order tea yet because it was so boring and bland to me i know it blasts for me i know but at the time i was like it tastes like hay water it tastes like nothing don't worry this story will have a twist but and so instead i ordered like fancy vanilla creme frappuccinos or peppermint hot chocolate or something milkshakes basically sugar and milk is what i ordered or chocolate um and then over time that it became clear that that was not a healthy choice because i was doing that every day and sometimes multiple times a day you know with my friends who are going for coffee or lattes and here i am ordering like a kid's peppermint hot chocolate frappuccino yeah yeah and i realized later that that that wasn't good for me i was consuming so much sugar and i was drinking drinking it rather than like you know eating it in dessert which is fine but why would you drink all that sugar it just it didn't make sense at a certain point and i realized it just wasn't good for me so i made the decision to just cut all of that out and that i wasn't gonna drink my sugar so i decided well okay i need something to drink to sip on yeah otherwise like what am i doing when i you know have a story to tell and i need to sip some you know tea so i learned to to drink tea but at the beginning i thought it was bland and i could only have it with a little bit of milk so i'd have milk or almond milk or whatever type of milk because i couldn't stand just the plain tea and then over time i learned that there was different types of tea so there wasn't just black tea there was green tea rooibos tea oolong tea white tea fruit infusion tea and then you could experiment with different types of milk like not just one or two percent milk but oat milk and coconut milk and almond milk and i started realizing that there was a whole other world of like flavored tea out there and i slowly grew the taste for tea and appreciation for the hundreds of different flavors and like types of tea and how you could make them taste good with just a little bit of milk so fun fact i don't drink any tea without any milk whether it's real dairy milk or a milk substitute i can't have tea without something just like a little bit just like half an inch well we just got like a whole tea origin super tea superhero orange i've heard people ask for an entire podcast on t so there you have it we'll make that a highlights clip that is interesting like you love tea now but yeah yeah you took you a while to get into it yeah to get into it so i encourage you even if you think it's not for you it very well could be you just got it give to you a chance take your time explore all your options and it might be the right fit for you not sponsored by t alright next question uh what is the most memorable meme you've seen of yourself i like her profile pic it's me spreading the fake hollow all over my head that's right i remember that um there's so many but the first one that comes to mind is me sitting in the glitter coffin and it says like christine and then nail art to imply that like nail art is dead that one always sticks out to me lots of memes about you not doing nail art anymore there's memes of you calling for for me to get you tea do you remember like the seagull meme yeah like the seagull like is inhaling and then just screaming yeah sounds really good i love that one so on brand so on point yeah all right next question from christine's cup of tea will you ever do a house tour a house tour you guys have seen most of this house i mean like if it makes sense for a video we're not reluctant to like show a room of the house it's not that interesting but like we're not gonna take a camera around and be like look at this bathroom and look at how i decorated my closet that just doesn't really make sense right i think there's two main reasons why i haven't and probably won't do a house tour the first is um i don't really care to show off my [ __ ] like i mean if i show you my my tea collection or my nail polish behind my wall it's because it's just one room that i think you may find interesting but will you find like my garage or the cars we might drive or my backyard or the entryway to my house and like all these an extra bedroom like why am i showing you this it just doesn't i i don't really care to show off about my house and then the other more important reason i think is just for privacy and security and unfortunately as someone with a lot of followers on the internet you do have to think about these things so i don't think it would be smart for me to put a house tour online where you can see where the front door is in relation to the bedroom in relation to the garage and all these like potential access points that might give away where we live or give away like um a way that you could break in or what other possessions we might have that aren't already obvious yeah yeah no it's it's too bad but we do have to think about things like this i think the biggest thing is just not showing the outside of your house yeah but people do house tours all the time without showing the outside but it still really gives people a really good idea of how you would get around their house and then they can just go on the internet and find out where they live through other sources so i still don't think it's smart to give people a complete blueprint basically of your place yeah not the floor plans anyway well basically all right uh next question from simply fanlogical is your holographic will actually legally true i don't know i guess valid ask the lawyers so if people don't remember you did a simply nailogical video must have been three years ago where you did like an arts and craft will and you decorated it with like hollow glitter paper and stuff right and i called it my holographic will because that is a legal term yeah so in in canada a holographic will just means a handwritten will and this basically exists in the law uh i think there's some landmark cases where like if someone was dying unexpectedly and just wanted to quickly write up a will as long as it's handwritten signed and dated there's a few like qualifications for what would make it a legally valid will and maybe you just want to quickly write please give everything to my wife so the government doesn't take it or she doesn't have to pay a bunch of taxes and fees on it that might normally have to be paid or whatever but uh so like technically i think you met the criteria of what is a legal valid holographic will in that video and it was holographic and it was oligo and which is insane because you wrote a bunch of crazy stuff on there and i don't want to be too specific or talk about our situation now but like for a while that was the only thing you had resembling a will if i died i think jenna marbles would have gotten my cats or i don't even remember what i wrote so all sorts of crazies and yeah like i would have i guess if i survived in this situation i would have been like no i need the cats oh my god it's fun to think about when we bought a house together that's when i think we started you have to think about wills and things like that yeah so my holographic will is no longer valid no longer but it was but it was really technically it was the closest thing you had to a will for a long time which is insane imagine i'd actually died big youtuber dies has holographic will give cats to jenna mars all right and last question from simply t logical you know we had to include one of those yeah any future plans for hollow taco you want to share christine t um okay so the multi-chrome collection just came out yeah you guys know this now i'm always so used to being like sneaky sneaky you're so good at spilling the beans do you want to just tell people okay so next year we're doing i do know all the way to yeah at least until summer or fall yeah there's some things up in the air but you really do have to plan these things months and months in advance so but i'll just speak more generally because i think some of this is obvious like things that you know i want to do so for the first year i really wanted to just establish uh fundamental formulas so that's like the linear hollow taco formula which you guys have loved and i would love to repeat that in just a different color scheme content hint yeah we're paying attention to the very famous people that's my favorite formula people love the coverage on that and it's just like super hollow wonderful and now we have multi-chrome which is another fundamental that i absolutely like needed that we needed like solid multi-chromes and we have um toppers and unicorn skins which are fundamental choppers of course ben's like nodding his head like sure christine but there's more room to grow there because there's other different colors of unicorn skins right now we only have three there's also not unicorn skins but like unicorn shimmers that's something else i want to build on and then we have other types of base finishes maybe some more cremes i know we've like what was more important to you can't just say everything i'm not saying everyone but like one coat black and not milky white were like staples essentials that i had to have in year one right yeah but year two and three i'm thinking of introducing some other colors and some more fundamental finishes like maybe some metallics okay maybe okay am i saying too much then too much okay i'm sorry it's simply too logical ben has cut me off um well you just said like seven things a lot of these things like we know we want to do are you yeah you know you want them to be part of it at some point some of these things are like are actively being worked on and other things are a little bit more on the back burner and like that sort of wish list right yeah let me just be clear we're not coming out with all this next month yeah it takes a really long time to develop these and to get it right right so yeah so there's yeah there's definitely things we wish could already be out that have taken a little longer than we wanted because you're going through like testing and you want to make sure it's exactly how you want it and like we notice the things people want and ask for and it really does help when people comment like what they want more of oh yeah when people really love the linear hollow formula that absolutely influenced our decisions on whether or not it would make sense to have another linear hollow formula in the future right so things like that and you know the fact that we can see that people are searching for nail oil on the website tells us that people want nail oil and you guys already know i've been testing that working on that for months you've seen that in my setups and stuff also something i'm saying way too much but i don't care we should stop i'm ceo of saying whatever i want um my birthday is coming up so just saying you just might do something holo talk over my birthday maybe maybe that's all i want for my birthday christine you're cutting up okay what what uh apologies to eva gutowski she was supposed to come on today but we ran out of time sorry about that is she a big fan is she a big fan academy i think she runs most of these fan accounts yeah are you sure do you have fan accounts about her ben i'm kind of thinking maybe you do i know what uh but thank you everyone for tuning in you just got your reminder that it was taco tuesday it's taco tuesday it is taco tuesday and thank you guys for all the multichrome love yeah yeah that launch went very well thank you yeah okay i'm gonna go play with my nails now all right thank you everyone for tuning in we'll see you next taco tuesday see you later see y'all later [Music] bye
Channel: SimplyPodLogical
Views: 367,681
Rating: 4.952116 out of 5
Keywords: simplypodlogical, simply nailogical, simplynailogical, simplynailogical podcast, simply podcast, nailogical podcast, cristine and ben, cristine & ben, simplynailogical boyfriend, pod logical, youtuber podcast, fandom, fan account, fans, stans, stan, YouTuber fans, fan club, fan mail, fan groups, hate accounts, internet hate
Id: cIWd_iB8wNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 30sec (4230 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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