This makes Caro-Kann the best beginner opening

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this is my face when I hear people say that they quit kokam because it's not good enough of an opening yes I get it it can be quite intimidating if you are trying to follow what the computer usually recommends but for today's video I'm going to be playing four model games against low rated players showing you exactly what to do in order to make the caroan feel the easiest opening of all time and additionally if you make it till the very end of this video I promise you will be at least as handsome as I am enjoy we're going to be sticking with uh our little Caro and we're going to be playing the main line we are not going to be uh yeah messing around with any Sidelines just yet uh when we will reach let's say a rating range around maybe 15,600 that's when we can perhaps experiment a little bit once you get a little bit more advanced but for now uh yeah just sticking with very basic stuff here we have two options Bishop to F5 which is way more theoretical and just requires a lot of knowledge or my favorite move C5 which is the so-called Bodin CS variation it has a pretty strange name but at least it is way easier to play so opponent goes for dc5 which is what they will do around 30% of the times more often I would expect uh them to play something like C3 Knight C6 and we get this kind of like blocked structure after CD4 Bishop to G4 which is very thematic black has pretty easy plan we have already had this many times but for now I recommend you play Knight C6 from a theoretical perspective E6 is actually a little bit better here just trying to like recapture the pawn but I think uh yeah at least in this rating range below like 2,000 uh this move is just way too profitable not to play this is also what I recommend in my chasable course on the Caro I think it's quite sound so we'll stick with it and we are getting a very interesting line okay hello opponent glamour Hammer what is this because Bishop to B5 it is such a strong move since it's mainly forcing us to block the bishop now uh because notice Knight F3 was not played we would have had the pin and I believe that after Bishop F5 uh that's simply not going to give us enough play and uh White will be able to just um keep the pawn without much compensation so for like low rated games you could stick with Bishop to F5 I don't think you'll necessarily get punished but I am going to stick with the best move and play E6 which is essentially just threatening to win the pawn the line usually goes like Bishop D7 Knight E7 uh well they will be forced to take and the kind of interesting part is that we take back with a bishop since normally their Bishop will land on to E3 and we can use this Knight F5 move to be like super annoying with good compensation for the pawn but when they play a move like Bishop takes on C6 voluntarily giving up the bishop pair I don't think uh yeah this should be any good for white um so plays B4 the idea is that he's keeping the pawn but it kind of gives me uh a move like A5 to undermine which is very typical for this structure like imagine he goes ba then he's going to literally have a pair of double pawns we can easily recapture both of these guys and black is better um because yeah we have better Pawn structure and after C3 a lot of people get anxiety about the light quid Bishop but I think this is one of the very nice cases where we get to highlight why this can be such a strong piece you know it's just kind of like cutting the board in half and pretty much forcing him to play Knight E2 as Knight F3 would be the desired Square however he's never able going to Castle um never going to be able to Castle but after Knight E2 here I think we have a very nice idea that most the people would forget about I think it's very natural to play Queen C7 but even stronger to play a move such as Queen B8 which is a double attack targeting both E5 and B4 uh which is a very common trick for this structure especially after they go for something like uh Bishop takes on C6 once you recapture be aware of this idea double attacking the pawns that is very crucial and he just plays Bishop to F4 which is an indicator that okay we we have at least takes and take on B4 additionally there could be Knight E7 Knight G6 targeting both of these pieces but uh when you have such an obvious Pawn grab uh yeah if you don't see an obvious reason why not to play it then you kind of have to play it hopefully uh that makes any sense okay Queen A4 now with Queen A4 he's essentially threatening the pawn on C6 saying that uh well you can go Bishop takes on E2 but that would be kind of foolish I having Queen takes on C6 intermediate move and then uh the position is pretty awkward so I think we're just going to throw in the intermediate Bishop B5 getting rid of that threat and after he takes now we have a choice that is simple move Queen A7 targeting uh the pawn but I like even better to just try to stay Ultra aggressive all right just keep keeping pressure on the queen and on the bishop forcing him to stay on the B file I mean not like he has any other squares but uh he needs to like keep me pinned imagine I get to do something like Bishop takes on E2 then this guy remains hanging but obviously Bishop takes on to now would leave my queen undefended so we're in a pretty comfortable position where I can already recapture this pawn and black is fine I also want to quickly check whether there is anything better like let's say unpinning so we can threaten again Bishop B2 the biggest problem that I see with unpinning is that it kind of allows him to play Knight D4 so Bishop takes on C5 is not only like a very natural move but it's also kind of prophylactic against Knight E4 because we can just take it so I think really uh already White's position is pretty much uh completely ruined strategically speaking because we have very nice assets such as the bishop air we do have a better Pawn structure just look at this single Pawn Island um just these guys are going to be massive Targets in the future and uh yet again don't be foolish taking the eight Knight because we still need to solve the issue with the queen so in order to solve the issue with the queen I think the simplest is just to get castled because when you are castling then the queen is going to be defended by The Rook so yeah I'm not in any particular rush I just want to finish these two moves and um then uh pretty much I think the whole game play will be around the a pawn okay like the C Pawn is an isolated Pawn could potentially be a Target as well but usually the pawns that are placed on the open files are obviously easier to Target because you can bring your Rook over and when he plays a move like Bishop E3 that's the same essentially saying okay just uh let's trade I'm more than happy to trade uh well I don't care about the fact that his Rook is opening up I care more about the fact that now he has uh this doubled isolated pawns which are huge weaknesses I think already we can start unpinning by collecting the pawn notice this is quite problematic for him still need to be careful cuz uh Bishop E2 Queen A4 may be annoying so I want to uh yeah be careful with the Rook I could potentially take with check here and then take the Knight if he's not careful I could also maybe go for an aggressive Rook lift that would be a pretty funny move uh nevertheless castling should always be good so he plays Knight to D4 targeting that I think uh stick with simple move here take with check and I could take the Rook after but I feel like that's giving him unnecessary counterplay so I'm just going to get uh my myself castled in fact I'm going to play even a nicer move Rook takes on D4 look at this beauty the point with Rook takes on D4 is that uh I may have actually blundered I thought we take and then we pick up the Rook but I forgot he has a back rank check which honestly I think might end up being pretty instructive anyways like I for this but he has check so I think even better it's now to play like an exchange sack and Castle because uh since we have uh so many extra pawns how many pawns do we have like we have Knight and two pawns for the exchange and we have pretty active pieces so we can easily start activating in a position like this and you will see why uh yeah having uh the Knight here could be superior I'm going to go for a weird move but the point is to keep all the pawns connected that is very important little detail and then the point is to eliminate the B Pawn that is potentially the only likely scenario for us to lose where uh yeah like let's say he takes your C pawn and then tries to Queen the B Pawn so once we eliminate that uh we should be in pretty decent shape I'm going to make a Loof move like G6 and uh yeah just need to make sure we get a knight back into the game then that's going to be totally safe so I'm going to start with Knight D2 getting the Knight to C4 is a very safe Square because even if he tries to like give up The Rook for it uh then we will be having a winning end game like a rook end game with two extra pawns it's completely winning and what is very important to understand about this kind of structure is that uh whenever you are having this type of end game games it helps to have the Rook on the board like from White's perspective it would be even better to uh yeah trade a pair of Rooks uh because rook and Knight or rook and Bishop will have pretty nice coordination in these type of scenarios and uh yeah I'm going to play H5 his King is almost Trapped In Like A Ming net so uh yeah I have Knight E5 defending against everything and if I manag to play Knight G4 he's in a mating net which is pretty hilarious so yeah it's good that there is no way for my opponent to keep piling up pressure on F7 and yeah Rook E1 the problem is that I can go Knight G4 but he can no longer take on F7 so yeah he goes for Rook E6 trying to take a pawn but the problem is that he's getting mated For the Love of Jesus why are you trying so hard to lose on time I mean are you completely nuts on the other hand at least you play that end game kind of okay but before we move on to the following game let me show you the key takeaways so first of all starting with the opening when they play this very specific Bishop to B5 line it is super important to admit it and uh play with a lock Bishop after E6 because if you try it really hard to play something like Bishop to F5 white can quickly punish you with a move like Knight F3 and then the quick Knight to D4 can be super annoying to deal with so uh once we move on to the middle game after he took played before critical undermining you want to be using this uh A5 move and then uh put your Bishop onto A6 notice that uh the bad Bishop is now perhaps the best place piece on the board and after Knight E2 really the biggest uh eye opening idea for this specific structure is the move Queen to B8 creating a double attack against uh B4 E5 which uh most of the times is going to win you a pawn or in case white tries to play something like Queen to D4 keeping both pawns uh defended well then black has a very easy game after something like Knight E7 imagine Knight F5 is a huge threat and if they try to stop that by playing Knight G3 well um congrats you can just continue development Knight G6 G castle and uh yeah white is going to be stuck in the center forever uh black would eventually use the F6 break uh with a much better position and really the key turning point of the game was at this moment where uh I kind of panicked I mean he kind of panicked and play the move Rook takes on D4 forgetting about the little back rank where it is way easier to just uh get castled sacrifice the pawn on B5 because then you can literally play anything let's say you just decide to double up play Knight F5 black is having an extra Pawn the position is much better I mean opponent is struggling to get any of his pieces into the game so this would have been even an easier conversion but hey I hope you guys uh found this end game very instructive once you keep uh one p Island and uh the KN is usually stronger than the Rook so with that being said I think we can move on to the following game before we get started quick shout out to today's sponsor which is me I'm making this video possible therefore check out my London system C which is on a sale for one more day right everybody managed to get another black game going to be sticking with a caran and uh let's see are we going to be getting another advance or perhaps something different okay opponent immediately takes the pawn on D5 just going to be recapturing and I am still going to be sticking with the very Main Line stuff that I usually recommend you guys to play additionally if you want something like more goofy you could play uh Knight C6 followed by fiano and then this Knight H6 F6 Knight F7 I play for like E5 in the future but for now if you're in this rating range that we are playing I highly advise you to just stick with one simple setup and that is going to be giving you very easy positions so Bishop F4 um yeah when we are playing The Exchange Knights are going onto the natural squares and important to get the bishop out ideally on G4 if that's Tak on Bishop F5 is also perfectly reasonable and um yeah just going to follow my word listen to my own advice here and play E6 Bishop B7 and okay we're already getting a very interesting situation on the board because our opponent is playing the move H3 now H3 is forcing us to uh make a decision should we take on F3 or should we Retreat well luckily for you we have a rule for every variation that white is playing against the C so whether it's E5 Knight C3 or takes there's a thematic way to answer this move and uh the rule that I made is saying uh well in the exchange whenever they have either Bishop on B5 or Knight on C3 we can meet H3 by takes we see none of that here therefore we can draw the conclusion to just slide it back let that sink in okay this is really effective because uh we're not giving him the bishop air for free so just E6 Bishop E7 Castle now specifically because there is this bishop on to F4 it's a bit better better to go ahead and exchange so I think I'm going to stick with that and if he goes for the pin then I'm going to retreat trying to keep it as simple as we can so I'm going to offer a bishop trade we're more than happy with trades in this structure and uh well now I'll even show you another idea that you can use Bishop G6 because usually this is the only problematic piece like that Bishop is usually the one that chick meets you so I'm going to try to exchange it right away they are usually afraid to take because it's opening up The Rook file potentially you know giving us an attack but uh I think the key concept here is not to get caught like daydreaming about an attack because I don't think there's like a realistic way to get the pawn push so it's better just to Simply Castle uh but important you have to watch out for something here because if you're not careful he may be able to get Knight E5 and then F4 so the point is whenever he's ready to play Knight E5 you're going to have this queen C7 kind of obscure looking move but it's a really nice uh little detail sorry for the quick Interruption once again but I think we really need double down on this uh concept so in the game position the queen C7 concept it is just so vital because well first of all uh this is usually the best Square for the queen against the exchange and uh if you're ignoring such little details and let's say you just carry on with your life and for instance Castle the problem is that you are not able to get rid of the Knight E5 move immediately okay simply because of the fork and now the problem is that uh if let's say you take the pause play Queen C7 a little bit later trying to to now exchange if he has to take with the D Pawn this structure is always fine for us like we can um maneuver the Knight round to D7 C5 and so on but this gives y the timing to play the F4 move and you're simply too late right now if you take one E5 he takes with the F Pawn and usually this is just giving them a crashing initiative you go Knight D7 I mean he gets pressure on the f file he can bring the Knight he can bring the queen and so on so this is way where and an easy way to remember this is by okay whenever you see the Knight potentially landing on E5 you want to be able to get rid of it like imagine you have a little bit of uh teeth pain if you go to the dentist the first day the dentist is going to be like a very nice guy cracking jokes and so on you deal with the problem immediately however let's say if you have the habit of most low rated players that uh okay they allow opponent to play ni 95 and then they leave the night there forever it's like you pretty much go to the dentist after one year which you already know the infection starts spreading it's no good anymore like the dentist looks at you tells okay dude I mean I don't know in order to stop this pain I may have to uh chop your head off and you'll also need to pay me $10,000 in the first part after I chop your head off uh you can send the other 10,000 I mean at this point I'm like dude I can send the white forward it's gonna be a little bit easier so fact of the matter is whenever you see an annoying Knight in the center like this most of the times is best to get rid of it immediately so now with that I think we can go back into the game but the point is after point taks we can just move and this is totally fine for black and I actually quite happy about how this game is developing I mean our opponent has played very good moves so far um just doing a little profile check so far nothing strange though I have to say and I think here is the position where we Castle yet again don't dream about that just get castled and I think it's important that you realize well about the structure the main idea is to use this pawns by playing the minority attack so it's usually something like B5 however I'm also sort of looking for concrete ideas like he may be threatening Knight G5 and if he's in time with let's say bringing the queen to H4 that's the only kind of dangerous thing that can happen so for this reason I am thinking Knight E4 not only like stopping Knight G5 but also kind of trapping his Rook so he needs to sort of watch out for maybe a move like f six at some point so I don't think he was supposed to play Knight F3 he played it very quickly but now the Rook on E5 looks kind of um you know running out of squares it's like almost gasping for air um and I can still very much play B5 on the next move with idea to uh just hit the pawn uh at the base play B4 and put pressure on that it's going to be very important uh like what's happening in the next couple of moves I am expecting maybe like a knight G five move from my opponent where I think we have nothing better than to trade goes Rook e for however I have to take and now he plays The Exchange sacrifice he goes okay Knight E2 so this is pretty much uh just a bit of a desperate reaction by my opponent like he for his rookies getting trapped therefore try to uh yeah save it okay on Knight G5 fair to mention Queen F4 would have been strong targe getting the Knight and defending the pawn I think losing for white and on Knight D2 still have same Queen F4 idea could also defend it with Queen C6 but also I see nothing wrong with like defending here the nice thing is that uh well he has a positional threat of getting the Knight to E5 so as long as we avoid that we should be in good shape I could also strike with E5 right away which I think it's a good move just because uh well already threatening to take create him a Target after Rook d8 Pawn is weak and when he pushes we get a pretty nice Construction in the center so notice that one potential plan for white is F3 and after you take Pawn on E6 would have been weak so when you get the pawn on E5 and you have this structure you pretty much have no weaknesses which is kind of important to understand now I'm going to bring my last piece into the game I think important to have pressure and after C4 I can even consider a transformation in the pawn structure with B5 kind of forcing B3 so I think that's pretty nice he cannot take cuz that just makes it straightforward for us if we win Pawn on D5 it's kind of like game over for him so he needs to take back with a pawn but then once he takes back with a pawn I think we have like a few moves to consider I would love to play Queen C5 and just kind of hang around uh block these pawns however when I play Queen C5 Knight B3 is a little bit annoying another move could be Rook B8 threatening Rook B2 activating and he may still play the same uh Knight B3 but this time A5 is very annoying because he cannot play A4 as the Knight would drop yeah so I think Rook B8 Rook B2 is very strong maneuver in this position also he cannot unpin with Queen E3 because then uh yeah like Knight B3 let's say drops Pawn on C4 so I'm going to stick with the idea that I have already mentioned he is not in time with c 5 because of A4 and I feel like his pawns are dropping if he goes D6 I think he's just a little bit premature like worst case scenario after C5 I could even uh give back the exchange with a move such as Rook B3 a B3 and then pick up the pawn on C5 just because uh it's very likely the pawn on D5 is going to yeah collapse as well so that would be like let's say kind of the emergency button if we feel like his Pawns are getting out of control intuitively I kind of assume that C5 A4 his pawns are lost but maybe after D6 is not very clear not super sure um if I had to allow this okay maybe play a move like Queen F7 there stop his Queen from checking and after like Knight D2 still it feels like you know a move such as Rook C8 should have more or less everything up under control like Rook C1 Queen D5 I he has to play Queen C4 then we have to pretty much take he has to like take you with a rook honestly that's a bit tricky it's a bit difficult but he just plays Rook C1 which is a slow move because it just allows us to make his Knight passive and now I can either infiltrate where he's like quite likely to start pushing but now I can go Queen C5 if you remember problem with Queen C5 was that he had Knight B3 but no more Knight B3 so this move is great to play just uh making sure pawns are weak yes the queen is not like the best blockading piece of all time but in this position it might be the best uh blockading piece of all time just because uh it's stopping the pawns and also putting pressure onto his King just imagine if Rook B2 gets played next he's totally packed like U yeah just almost no moves for uh for white it's a bit of a tricky position uh in a way that uh well you have to watch out for counter play that's the only thing to do and then the game wins itself but yeah think here we have SIMPLE move just bringing last piece into the game like trading yourself may be a mistake thinking you play Rook C8 after just because C5 and you know the pawns are starting to run still I feel like U Rook B5 there could be enough to win but you never want to risk it to give him any kind of play he going to go Rook C8 maybe for him he should try Queen G5 but already I have like simple move let's say King F7 defending or maybe Rook B6 I could even consider Queen G5 play some kind of Counterattack like E3 sacrificing a pawn just to get this Rook B2 idea and speed up the initiative in a way um spending a little bit of time if he goes for the queen trade I think it's going to be an easy win for us because we just need to kind of uh let's say bring the king closer to the center and then we have A3 Rook B2 idea that should be you know all out there but um yeah let's see what he's going to come up with yeah he goes for the trade but yeah I didn't think uh he should be able to survive here so he plays Rook C2 very important move because I was threatening to infiltrate and now if I go A3 he may play Knight B3 and yeah I have to retreat and then the pawns uh start to roll so I cannot push A3 I also cannot infiltrate I have a move like uh Rook C8 creating a hidden threat of Rook D5 on Rook C he's forced to go like uh Rook B2 now the question is how is this Rook end game after takes Rook takes and Rook coming to D4 I have I have a feeling that's a winning Rook end game and also I have a feeling that we kind of want to go for it okay I'm just going to try to not sacrifice I feel like sacrificing is a bit concrete I'm just going to keep it uh very simple and uh show you how to actually win it okay he was not supposed to do this because it gives me Rook B3 I'm going to show you what my plan was after the game it was pretty easy I think to convert from that point and uh well on Rook A2 now already this is way simpler than before just because our King is so much more active yes we have F4 as well maybe no need to sacrifice anything just uh pick up the P for free uh but usually you want to have this options of uh sacrificing back the exchange on your radar CU some people are just way too in love with you know their extra pieces instead of like making the conversion and a lot of times the conversion is easier like for instance now I almost have no move but I can just do Rook B4 and then I'm going to like pick up the pawn on D5 and we literally have three extra Pawns in The Rook end game so should definitely be quite easy going to take and I think important concept to try to cut away his King so ideally we try to bring ours King is going to B3 going to take back and then I'll try to restrict his King with my Rook maybe it's you know even unnecessary at this point on how wiing the possession is but um yeah it's a nice little concept to be aware of in the king uh and rook and games like now we can push King D1 we have nice move that uh you can try to find which is uh Rook D4 just making sure we trade Rooks and he has no way to stop the pawn it's like eight could still uh sacrifice yes that's completely winning here but sometimes it's the move that you want to avoid so finding these kind of like Rook trades is a very important trick to keep in mind in the end games and I think you should take but it doesn't really matter so he just resigns so I mean he got a little bit nervous to the point where almost sacked back the exchange for no reason but the way the game kind of ultimately went I think it was okay so the ke takeway from the opening are to make sure that uh well whenever you're dealing with the exchange the main role to remember uh against H3 is that if they either have Knight on C3 or Bishop on B5 uh we always taking yeah we see none of that so we Retreat and uh afterwards there is this very important idea that well uh we really like to trade the enemy Bishops so so Bishop D6 is quite good uh as well as playing Bishop to G6 in this position eliminating their most dangerous piece uh then the rest uh you play Queen to C7 so that uh we can get rid of the knight uh immediately and uh black is having a very safe position so with that being said I think we can move on to the following game all right everybody getting another black game facing a 1300 rated opponent going to be sticking with little opening and uh okay we do get the uh main position after D4 Pawn's in the center going to be going for the normal car move and finally we are dealing with the classical variation now in this position if you really want to mess around with the sidelines A6 can be quite interesting and juicy I even showed it in a video before on the channel but for now until we reach like 50 15600 I really recommend you stick with a simpl plus D4 trying to play the T cover important to take not to make mistake Knight F6 allow E5 and then the Knight has no good Square so we destroy White Center and then uh yeah after the recapture instead of playing the somewhat uh more natural bishop move targeting the Knight which is the most popular move in the position I recommend you develop the Knight just because the other variations are uh kind of long and dull to be honest kind of hard to play for a win and after they take which is most common uh important to take back with a eon like maybe eventually we can uh mess around with the uh much more dangerous gtes you guys can let me know in the comments if you want to see this on the channel but for now my Universal approach take with a E Pawn get like a nice safe structure Castle King side and uh black usually gets a pretty easy game uh normally instead of uh taking they have options like retreating the Knight somewhere but uh yeah for instance let's say night back you can easily develop and U that has a good game after Knight F3 now typical uh beginner in accuracy developing the bishop I know you guys are uh in love with uh getting the pin but you should also become a little bit more comfortable to play without that so for instance if opponent plays H3 it's not like it's totally killing your game plan and usually that point is a target I will show you after the game what I mean goes Bishop D3 we are going to Castle and about the structure uh the game is pretty easy Bishop always goes to D6 we Castle then we get the pin always play Bishop G4 if possible Knight goes to D7 um Rook goes into the open file and then then uh Knight goes to f8 and when they're playing the move H3 we have a very nice uh simple rule to use whenever you are having the double pawns um we answer H3 with Bishop H5 like always you only take if he is forced to take back with a G Pawn but generally always Slide the bishop back to keep this pressure no need to be afraid of G4 cuz that is only weakening the enemy King they are overextending and we can drop back the bishop next up we can play uh Rook E8 is quite nice to occupy the open file I expect him to play C3 Bishop E3 these are usually the common moves I wouldn't be shocked if he like slides back the bishop he could also do Rook e one many many moves uh to choose from and um yeah I mean kind of against anything we're going to do rookie 8 KN D7 and then it's important that uh you are familiar with this Knight f8 idea and the Knight is pretty nicely placed okay he goes C4 I'm going to start with Rook E8 very important uh fundamental move like you're genuinely controlling seven squares with only one move that is pretty op that is pretty strong goes Bishop to D2 now Knight always goes to D7 in this structure like no need to uh do something complicated like C5 some people play C5 Knight C6 trying to get their KN out but uh okay it is very rare that you play C6 C5 to be honest it's very rare that that's a good move the only position when we do that is against the advance that's when we do C5 so when they have Pawn on E5 it makes sense other than that try to stay away from it generally um and on Bishop D2 just going to continue with what I already mentioned the Knight goes on to f8 and speaking a little bit about the pawn structure um you need to understand that uh well pretty much all the end games are going to be worse for us okay like we have uh the Double pawns and the price that we are paying is that uh well white has this four against three majority on the queen side so if they trade all the pieces white is borderline winning now after G4 they kind of make our task even easier because I was about to say that uh well when need to compensate by attacking the enemy King and we usually do so by playing Knight f8 and then we set up the uh sniper by playing Bishop C7 Queen D6 threatening Bishop takes on F3 and then Checkmate on H2 with a queen and after G4 uh these ideas become even more stronger because this diagonal gets even weaker and perhaps we even manag to get the pawn Cube which is like a very nice little uh Pawn structure very cute our King is ultra safe and we can even make some use of these pawns we're going to get started with the simple Knight f8 always rookie eight knight f8 uh in the T over these moves go very well together not only making room for the uh battery preparing Bishop C7 but also the Knight could later on be maneuvered uh to F4 like via E6 or by playing G5 and then uh the Knight stays like that and okay opponent plays Rook E1 now I have the option to ignore Play Bishop C7 I could do Knight E6 kind of denying the trade on Knight E6 I need to at least consider what happens in case of D5 attacking my knight CU I normally don't want to allow him to push or get any like interesting moves in the center to be honest just to kind of keep uh a relatively smooth structure I am considering takes and Bishop C7 but I feel like giving up the open file is a pretty important concession so I'm just going to do queen D7 it's a bit of an ugly move considering that our goal is kind of like finally to play this but uh we want to be able to take back with the rook and then I'm going to play Bishop C7 next move honestly because he plays Bishop C3 sort of leaving the f Square completely undefended I feel like Knight E6 uh could be perfect way to exploit that cuz if he goes let's say now for the somewhat interesting looking D5 by pushing then hello Knight is going to be leaving on that square completely R free for the rest of the game uh which really goes to show why pushing this G4 move early especially with the king one G1 is like a terrible weakening cuz imagine you know if he could take the pawn back back one move play Pawn to G3 his position is actually pretty good but that's not a thing okay I'm going to tell you a grand master secret the pawns do not move backwards so that is really uh going to get to hurt our opponent here I believe to be honest I think here he needs to sort of accept his mistake and retreat with the bishop go back to D2 because if Bishop D2 Knight F4 Bishop takes it's actually not uh very easy to breakthrough in White's Camp so for that reason alone I wouldn't play Knight f4 on Bishop D2 I would do Bishop C7 play que D6 and then uh yeah okay he finds it very good move by him now this creates a threat expecting him to do Bishop B3 to defend and then I kind of want to go Queen D6 regardless the main point being that uh well what you want to play on this diagonal he goes Rook D1 really uh making me uh calculate like we have to at least consider Knight takes on D4 which honestly I think is working like Knight takes Queen takes he doesn't really seem to have such a useful Discovery so that would be a winning move can we just play Queen E6 and try to play more of a positional game I feel like that would perhaps be a little bit more instructive for the sake of the video I don't want to rely on like a move uh let's say like a one Lander like this I think I'm going to do still Queen D6 or I actually I'm going to bring the Rook I'm just going to bring the Rook because I want to get you into the habit of uh placing your Rooks into the center of the board and now he defends which he was kind of supposed to do initially like anyways so now we're getting a pretty balanced and interesting POS position like he may be ready to advance with D5 so kind of need to be careful one move that could potentially be annoying for my opponent is Bishop A5 tickling The Rook maybe he has to play like Rook F1 also just because D5 feels a little bit annoying I could just uh yeah play Knight F4 which honestly as I already like mentioned this is not going to be easy to break through but still uh black has kind of like a lasting initiative just because we can um let's say Target these pawns by playing F5 and uh okay white starts by taking Rook E1 is not a good move now um just initiating the trades because this time I'm actually going to be uh yeah I'm not going to be that friendly and will collect the Free Pawn so he plays D5 instead now this may look quite scary but uh in fact uh it's not really threatening much so I could still consider F5 which I think we play right away because after DC I can take with the queen targeting the Knight and D6 I don't really feel like uh it's a move like even if let's say maybe yes I cannot take the pawn I'm like already ready to take and after he grabs it's important I think to stay away from the end game because we're really playing for his King so the only way to kind of exploit uh the weakness of his King is by keeping Queens on the board and yeah still kind of happy with uh DC I can take it back and after D6 I think the key move is uh perhaps to go for The Rook lift additionally because he has uh completely abandon the E file I can consider moves like Rook E4 but now I have simple recapture notice that I'm attacked so I got the respond to that threat and um yeah now when the position let's say blast opens like this I think it really uh goes to show yeah how strong uh Black's attack really is I think if he plays the let's say normal looking knight D4 he may easily get mated so instead he finds Queen E3 which I guess is a bit of a better move still shouldn't be saving there's Rook E4 simple move but I think we can go for the check and then uh we can start targeting the um H3 pawn queen H5 kind of hard for him to move the Knight like Knight D4 for instance I can try to pin him I can maybe consider Bishop E3 oh that's such a nice move I mean I haven't really uh completely nailed the move by move stuff but I'm using a little tactic uh with the interference right there perhaps I even had the Rook E3 that was better actually we'll have to to check that in the analysis tab so now he panics uh and blunders pause the video to find why cuz the Rook remains undefended but I think his position was already lost so we'll have to uh check it uh briefly after the game uh I think yeah we have even u a flash here um wi and here very simple um I could even play this move but I'm just going to take just cuz he has literally no threats normally I would advise you to exchange the Queens whenever you have opportunity like that but here you can even keep CU we get to play for CH M so did we miss uh even a more brilliant move oh no dude seriously did you miss anything I can't believe it tell me about it at the end of the day I think that's why you probably quit professional chess honestly the guy from the comments is probably right he genuinely HTS me what you play when you have the opportunity to play a move such as Rook E3 and you don't sacrificing The Rook hitting this and that if they take with a pawn honestly they cannot really do much uh but probably resign at this point CU after Queen takes on H3 only move King G1 then his Bishop takes on E3 King is trapped in a box Pandora box even and white has to give up the queen black is completely winning I don't know how you guys uh suffer this guy play missing such nice tactics I mean his analogies are kind of weird but he is a bit funny at times anyways um I think with that we can move on to the following game all right everybody managed to get another game with the black pieces G to be going for the caran and okay opponent goes night C is it going to be exchange because usually uh that is what they play like normally for somebody that starts Knight C3 it makes sense to play the two kns because after E5 he's already uh getting an inferior version just because the Knight is not well placed on C3 in this structure ideally okay in like a normal world the way white usually plays this is uh by going D4 D5 and then they want to get a transposition to the London system with Bishop D3 Pawn to C3 Bishop F4 so the pawn is the one that goes to C3 not the Knight uh in the exchange just because uh well a lot of the times this Pawn on D4 is going to be a bit vulnerable uh you know since it cannot be protected by another Pawn so uh usually your development whenever you are dealing with the exchange uh you can figure out it's the exchange variation U whenever they make uh this move so development pretty easy uh Knights onto the natural squares ideally Bishop goes to G4 if not possible like F5 is fine as well and we go E6 and usually I recommend you always play uh Bishop to A7 as you get started it's going to play E6 very easy development so far preparing castle and we are going to face um H3 sooner or later I'm also expecting Bishop G5 from them and whenever you are dealing with the uh Exchange variation the rule goes the same uh I mean the rule doesn't go the same but the rule that I made uh goes the following way so if they either have Knight on C3 or Bishop on B5 we're going to be answering uh H3 by taking against the exchange variation so always if you look for that you can take if you see none of that uh you can slide the bishop back back so he takes with the bishop and uh usually in these type of positions the computer prefers Bishop to D6 but just because they will kind of universally Play Bishop G5 and the pin gets very annoying I recommend you do the simpler move and then just get castled they're probably going Bishop G5 anyways okay this guy goes to F4 um I'm going to get castled and you want to get um sort of um yeah into this good habit of uh making sure you're placing um your Rook onto the open file because a lot of the black players usually overlook this Rook C8 idea because they don't quite see immediately what's the purpose of this move but it's just going to be very helpful to have um you know I mean imagine with a move you're kind of in the future U targeting like uh I mean that is easily five squares even six squares could be that is pretty overpowered so um okay opponent goes Rook E1 and we have one of let's say the most common positions that uh you can reach for the structure and what beginners usually don't understand is that in order to dominate the structure uh you need to start pushing these pawns so what people people would usually do here they start either attacking the queen or they make a random these moves that's not going to take you very far so first you want to do A6 preparing the B5 push and then uh we can decide all right like if you're wondering isn't Queen B6 a double attack um maybe reasonable move but usually I think it's uh just risky to rely on this concrete idea so I much rather uh yeah get a pawn push Bishop to E5 uh he can all already take the bishop when they allow it but I'm going to play B5 just ignore it for now and what you really need to understand about this variation like as long as your king is safe you just have risk-free pressure on the queen side thanks to the open file so now with his last move he's essentially saying that uh B4 is um yeah not going to be that annoying because he can just take therefore comeon manuver that uh you want to remember whenever you're deal I mean whenever you're delivering the minority attack You're Gonna Play Knight A5 getting it all the way to C4 because when the Knight lands then these pawns are going to be very weak on the Queens I just imagine you play Knight C4 he cannot push B3 because that allows um Bishop takes on A3 so yeah I think we can just play it additionally if let's say you have like already played Queen D7 Queen C6 could have been a good move putting even more pressure uh on the seile but yeah obviously uh that's not there and we can just take and I bet he's going to play Rook A1 blundering what do you guys think try to pause the video and uh find why this is a blunder oh no he just resigns dude you're not supposed to resign this position come on come on H what do we have here I think this is some clear proof that this guy has been paying his opponents all the time for this kind of staged games farming YouTube content No actually that's a joke I know him pretty well and I can tell you for sure that he's way too cheap to pay anybody so uh the key um learning theme from uh this game is to remember to get into this good habit of placing your Rook onto the open file I mean just imagine if your opponent tries to like re out the Knight with a move like this now you can instantly win thanks to the double attack additionally um make sure to really remember that uh before rushing with uh any point push here make sure to get in this very juicy Knight maneuver get a knight over to C4 and this is going to be uh hanging onto White's position like a sword on top of his head so I think that has been uh pretty much it for the video uh London course on a sale for uh less than 24 hours get yours and get the heck out of here
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 66,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DdjIzdcxLgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 41sec (3221 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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