Simple Blooms With Regular Acrylic Paint? Will it work Using Non House Paints? 2 Ingredient Recipe!

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good evening my heavenly slice of sweet potato pie how are you tonight I am doing fantastic before I start tonight's video I want to show you some products that lolis FA has to offer so as a lot of you know whoa leave FA is the company that provides the large silicone mats they have medium jumbo and mega and she also sells some other things and she was kind enough to send me some to play with so I just wanted to show you some of these things they are selling and I have prices for everything so ask for the mats really quick I'll go over it again the medium matte is $18 it's 40 by 60 centimeters the Jumbo mat which I have two of those and they cover a seven foot table the two of them those are 60 by 80 centimeters in their 32 nine dollars a piece and then the mega mat which is 100 by 140 centimeters is $69 now for them jumbo and mega mats I do have a coupon code below that takes five dollars off but she sells other things so first I want to show you this cool little torch and the reason why I like this torch is for the following reason first of all it is only 18 dollars second of all a lot of my viewers want to try resin or they want to try using a torch for the bubbles in their paintings the air bubbles to torch them and they are afraid of torches you know we're used to seeing the big blow torches the big blue tank ones and these ones here are really really small they're I would say close to a grill lighter I mean always exercise caution and I have a fire extinguisher no matter when you know as long as you're using fire always have that bye oh he's caution with stuff like that but they are pretty simple this little nozzle here you get one of these little refill tastes now these you can get at Home Depot they're like five bucks or your gas stations smoke shops sell butane that was $5.99 and it's pretty simple to fill and I'm going to do that for you really quick now the thing is is you have to make sure the torch that you have that the nozzle on your tank will fit into this little opening now the one this is made specifically for my burn somatic hand torch which I got from Home Depot also that one's more a little more expensive I think that was like 30 bucks that's for this one not that you could ever tell what it is right now it's so disgusting but this one here this butane you see these little circles here those are alternate tips so it's a universal butane canister so it'll fit all those different sized handheld torch it torches but this one here I'm thinking is just the regular let's see the regular attachment so you hold it upside down you push sorry let's write on my hand there until it starts to spit a little bit like that and it's full you wait about five minutes and then it's good to go you don't want to work the stuff right now because there is butane in the air and it could you know cause a big cloud of fire to puff up in front of your face but we'll let this sit to the side I'm not gonna use it right now anyway in this video but I just wanted to show you how cute that was cute little handheld okay so that was the first thing she also is selling silicone molds now and I will be using these in a future video these are large crystals and what you do is you put them on the table just like that and fill them with your resin with your different colors it's a set of three different shapes and the price for those is $10 for the for the 3 set here I don't if you have you guys on screen what am i doing tonight the holidays are close by so they're just three different crystal shapes it's gonna make one big crystal then then she also has a silicone funnel for $4 these cute little squeeze bottles to pre mix your paint in a buck apiece and they have the cute little twist lids alright so she has those and then this is the silicon geode coaster mold that has five cavities and they are all different shaped and that is $14 only so that's not bad and then we have apron which I will proudly wear one these days soon for you and now you may say what am I gonna do with a tote bag but you know if you go somewhere you want to take some cross stitch with you or some kind of a supply to do something your coloring books to relax on the train that is $12 for the tote bag and then she has the scraper which I believe I showed you but I'll show you again you can use this to clean the mat or you can use it for abstract art it's silicone so it's gonna peel right off if you use resin on it and that's to box and then the last thing I think that I have is the tool caddy which is this right here and you can rest your hammer in it now I do I have a hammer hmm what did you like to know so anyway I just wanted to show you guys that stuff because I'm not sure if everybody knew and she does especially the the geode coaster mold for 14 bucks I don't think you can go wrong I will try it out this week in a video anyway the reason for this video is balloons I think that a lot of people don't want to try them because they feel that there's a lot of work that has to go into it um I agree with that and I don't agree with that if you acrylic pour already and you mix your paints with float roll and water that is two ingredients that you're mixing your paint with this bloom recipe that I've shown you with two different ways is mixed with two different products so it's the same amount of ingredients but I think that just because it's something new and it does look complicated and it's hard to try and to achieve that a lot of people are backing away from it which hey that's perfectly fine but what I want to try tonight is I want to try and see if I could do this with acrylic paints with acrylic paint water and PAL acrylic varnish that's it okay Oh in the the floater all and white paint to make the cells now there's a channel I want to tell you about Jen Neil she even before the the course came out teaching blooms she was experimenting with acrylic paints and different varnishes and gels gloss gels and I believe she achieved it so check her out it's just another way to do this without having to buy the house paints and all that I'm gonna link her below she's a sweetheart but right now what I'm going to do is set up and try to do this with just paint water varnish and my floral and white paint for the cells quickly somebody asked me the difference how do you tell oh boy let me start that over again somebody asks me how do you tell the difference between a good canvas and I'm not so good canvas well here is my Dollar Tree campus last video I said I was close to four twigs and a sheet of toilet paper that's what this is compared to uh-huh maybe I'll change it and say four sticks and a sheet of bounty because I mean it is I don't know how to show you this but it is so flimsy in the center it's really really cheap so what they do is they put it little cheap pieces of canvas over a frame and then they just staple it down okay now this here is a level three campus which is a gallery wrapped canvas this is a high quality canvas difference this was a buck this was 12 bucks okay you see the back it's tucked in nicely and it's really really good quality canvas so that's the difference but for this technique I've been practicing on cheap things like these and tiles because I don't want to waste a $12 canvas on experimenting okay so I was at Michaels and art mines sells an outdoor an outdoor true white semi gloss paint exterior semi-gloss paint when I do the other recipes for the blooms I am using the Walmart paint for the layer on the bottom and that is the semi-gloss but it's an interior so I'm gonna give this a try and the first thing I need to do is look at the consistency of it to see if I even need to water it down which I don't think I'm going to have to but I'm going to pour it in a cup just so I can see what the consistency is on it because I don't want it too thick so that should be good it's it's pretty runny it might be too runny but we will see what happens so since I started out with it in the cup I'll just finish it off even though I'm going to just turn around and dump it right out now for my other colors what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be putting a little bit of paint in the cup thinning it down with some water and adding some polycrylic to it so here is some red violet deep and that is from Utrecht which I buy at blick it's a medium of body paint and what I'm going to do here is take a little bit of the poly acrylic first I have it in a container for easier handling here because it's kind of a pain you keep opening that can so I have a pipette that is let's say three milliliters and I would say there is a teaspoon worth of paint so we have a teaspoon of paint and most likely a teaspoon of the poly acrylic so the first thing I'm going to do is mix that around and then I'm going to add my water you know how much water let's see how much we actually use here um we should add teaspoon I just put in a teeth of approximately a teaspoon of water now this is going to vary if you use a fluid paint something like this you're probably not going to even need to use water so it all depends on the consistency of the paint that you're using and whether or not you need to add water you want it to be thick but you want it to also run off the stick now this is way too thick it plops so I just added another teaspoon of water and that is very close don't fear I'm not going to make you watch me why mix all the colors so it's really plot piece till now let's say that you want to use different brands of paints that are different fluidity I suggest that you mix the run iasts paint that you have first so if I had this medium body this fluid and then an art as ax which is kind of in between I would mix this first and then make these match the consistency of this just so that the consistencies are all the same so we're gonna check it again it's getting a little bit better but I'm gonna slow down with the water now I put three drops in see now that's like almost perfect right there now if I had put another teaspoon in I wouldn't have gone too far so so why it's important to add your water slowly and I think I'm going to go with two drops now again this may seem like a lot of work to pour paint but this is what we do with float roll and paint acrylic paint when we're just doing normal acrylic pours so it's really not that much work much more work it's just that you know you have to go out and buy the ingredients and I think that a lot of people have gotten discouraged because they haven't been able to produce a bloom yet that looks anything like the creators and I'll tell you this right now Shelley did not do this overnight it took her years and years to perfect her technique so even I got frustrated and I said you know who are you to think that you can just do this overnight it doesn't happen like that takes a long time for anybody to perfect something no matter what the technique is just got to keep practicing and not get discouraged all right so now I'm at a good consistency it's thick but it's flowing off the stick and I'm happy with that okay so I'm going to mix up the other colors exactly the same way and then we will give this a try all right so I mixed up three colors you know the last thing I need to do is make my cell activator with flow tall and white paint now I'm sticking with the Amsterdam standard series titanium white paint because that works for me so much that I don't want to change that part plus I have it okay but feel free if this does work which I'm a little skeptical but if it does work feel free to try different white paints now I have probably Oh looking at them about 40 different white paints that I went through for this technique that didn't work so what did it work with the paint basis that I was using so who knows they may work with this but for this demonstration we're going to use the Amsterdam so I have probably a teaspoon and a half of floater all in there too let's start with a teaspoon of the white paint and I'm going to show you what the consistency is that I use for this for the cell activator I would like it nice and fluffy as if you're making whipped cream and it's just starting to thicken very loose yogurt maybe so you can see the consistency of that it'll leave a trace on the surface so you can literally trace a design on the surface with it and then it sinks back down and disappears so that's how I like it okay now we're good to go so now I'm going to say 10 Hail Marys really quick because if this works could you imagine how much how many products you can cut out in I think a lot more people will try it so here's our white paint that was right out of the bottle and we're gonna need more there was no water or anything added to this just right out of the bottle again that was art mines semi-gloss exterior true white know what this is on this campus but it's permanent whatever it is so you can see the thickness of that it's pretty thick your end goal is to kind of have all of your paints even this one about the same consistency as the other ones so that when you go to tilt they all glide together and so I'm going to just use my fingers to kind of pull this out to the edge and then I'm going to add a little bit more right in the center for some cushion so you not only have this paint down here to support the colors colliding but you have the extra little mound in the center too okay it's right there so the first one I'm going to put down is yellow then we have Prussian blue a little bit more of that and then the red violet deep which is purple I love these some of these names alright so here's my cell activator plop right in the center you don't need a lot you know I'm just gonna lift this up and blow it holy crap guys look at this can you believe that Wow whee huh that is selling like crazy you have got to be kidding me here let's do a couple more Oh somebody asked me the other day I went to do another bloom down here and I didn't add more white paint and he said why didn't you do that well the reason was hey I forgot to and B it was so close to the edge that I knew it was gonna flow off and I didn't need that extra support of a pillow there so I can't get over this I cannot get over this two ingredient balloons float roll and polycrylic Wow well now you know oh and the white paint we're gonna try it too with regular artists left paint in a second I'm not gonna leave you hanging in case you can't find that semi-gloss white we're gonna try it with a regular craft store white paint that is amazing look at the Hat would you look at that I can't get over this I really can't get over this right now I really can't get it all over this all I'm thinking about it's all that money I spent on products that is insane all right we'll do one more right in the corner here so that we have enough to stretch around and make sure that we end up with some cells now my weight and the center looks a little milky not like that bright bright white so you may have to add a little more white paint to the mix that when I totally missed okay I'm gonna pause you let that develop okay so I'm going to tilt that around and see what happens yeah and a lot of colors stuck under there this is interesting for sure I'll tell you that this is really interesting you ha very interesting you know what I bet if you sat and worked on this a little bit you see my finger going up through the center of this cheap canvas if you sat and worked on this a little bit maybe added a little glue or something to the mix who knows but we're gonna set this right now to here for now because I want to do this other one quick this is just a do-over alright so here is some flow acrylic by artist's loft from Michaels I'm not going to do anything except dump it out of the bottle well that's too thick okay so we're going to put this white paint down I just watered it down a bit here's the consistency it's pretty oh there's something clunky in there you know my art bottle of artist lofts is very old so it's pretty uh there it is see it it's there I see it I see it just get it out of there it's like dried up at the bottom of the bottle so let's just try this out I'm sure there's more treasures hidden in that paint but it will work for our purpose which is to see if those paints look at all those air bubbles if those paints will activate on top of this artist loft that is not a gloss paint not necessarily worried about all that junk in there but there are a lot of ear balls I was really whipping it okay so let's do the same thing again oh we need a little pillow in the middle nice lumpy pillow it's all in the name of science she blinded me with silence I don't know why I just saying that that had nothing to do with science silence sure you guys are screaming silence you okay same colors seeing the cell activator although I did want to add a little bit more in there which I'm going to do really quick just a little more white paint that's it take you two seconds to whip this in there okay good enough good enough okay let's try this one I blew way too hard but there are cells coming look at that I blew way too hard I went all the way down to the bottom let's try another one now the artist's loft paint was really fluffy so when I blew it just went plumbing alright let's see here so I am getting a reaction in that too not the best reaction but I am getting one oh boy I'm pretty sure with a little tweaking we can do this we just let it sit for a second I have a bunch of paint stuck on her hair alright we'll leave it at that for now let it develop okay so while I was waiting for this one to come back up to the surface the paint from me blowing I did another one on that semi-gloss base so you know something this is definitely something we're gonna play around with more because it does make it a lot more achievable for people if you're able to use regular old paints now the outcome may look a little different than with all of the house paints but it still has a bloom like effect and you are getting that pretty lacing in the center where you want it so that's about it guys I'm gonna shut the camera off now before it turns into a second video I want to thank you for watching and if you have any questions or comments leave them below and I'm coming back maybe tomorrow or the next day with a really fun project so make sure you subscribe like share comment join my facebook group united we pour with Tammy and Lisa all of the links are below and until next time until next time I just drew paint everywhere happy boring
Channel: Tammy Anderson Art
Views: 50,751
Rating: 4.8723192 out of 5
Id: TRs1eDM8UjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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