(#76) Easy no fuss blooms Recipe! Easy To Find Ingredients - Great Blooms Made Easy!

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hi guys I've been doing some testing and boy have I been doing some testing I've been testing out the Blum recipe because I've had a lot of success with the Blum recipe and I know a lot of people are really really struggling with it and they're struggling also because they just can't get the bits and pieces that you need so these are some test fails because they're not term they're not working and they're cracking there are all sorts of things I've been testing out loads and loads and loads of different product products and these are just some of the failures the most recent failures but I have come up with something that works really really well and it keep everybody can get hold of it and it's easy to use so no having to find all the v700 on tinted based paints and the varnishes and all that stuff because this just works so I've got all the above all the stuff I've got my our troll oil there I've got all the Valspar Xand or everything that you need under my desk in the drawers all sorts of stuff to do these rooms but today I want to show you for how I've created these with how any of the on tinted base for the mixing the paints without any of the varnishes that are really expensive and sometimes I can't get hold of so I just like to show you my desk at the moment her minimus how in such a mess but I have been really really really busy doing lots and lots of testing for you so hopefully you'll be able to do the blooms and I'm going to show you how I've created these so let's get started what I'm working on today is these little MDF plaques which are just like that the six millimeter MDF plaque and I've taped the back and to keep it all clean with masking tape and I've put my little duct tape tab on it so I can hold on to it when I'm tipping it and I've painted it because as I said I've been doing lots and lots of testing lots and lots of scraping of the ones that haven't worked are scraping off and that when I scraped off onto my paper and I've just brushed it back on to my plaques to save wasting it just to give it the base coat you don't need to do that you just work on whatever you're doing it's just because I didn't want to waste the paint that's the only reason I've done that so when I'm doing the blooms it's such a messy technique or I do this I have layers and layers of this greaseproof paper on my desk so as I get the top one dirty I can fold it all up and get rid of him and then you've got next clean one underneath so that's another tip for you now onto this recipe it's so simple really really got to get this simple because so many people are struggling with it I'm not going to use them the emotion and because people are saying they're struggling with it it's given too many bubbles its cracking they can't get the right paint so I'm just using black acrylic paint now you can use any black acrylic paint this one just happens to be Montmartre purely because this is my new paint that I've been using and I do love it it's a really really good paint and it comes in big quantity 2-liter and I just got all the colors that a it was I got all the colors that they had on Amazon which was 13 colors because I've got a new one matte green and I've got and silver and gold so I was really pleased to see that and Amazon poppers I haven't tried these colors yet I have mixed some there's the gold I've mixed them but I haven't tried them out yet the reason I've got cellophane around the top is because it tends to dry out around the nozzle size so I read on the reviews so that's I've got cellophane run the pumps so this is just black montmartre paint and I've got it quite thick so I hope you can see that I know it's quite difficult to see on the camera but it's quite thick and it does leave little heap and now I mix that with my pouring medium which I put in here this is just a milk container so it's 70% PVA bond and 30 percent water and this is the PVA bonds that I've been using and it just works so so well so I've got a link I'll put a link under the video for this which I got off Amazon and in the UK so that's off the UK Amazon I think the USA maybe a bit different I'm not sure so I've just mixed that I didn't measure it I just kept adding a little bit more pouring medium until I got the thickness that I wanted because the pillow has to be fit because you're blowing down into him so it has to be a bit thicker than the colors you put on top so all we're going to do is pour that onto our surface whatever your surface might be now when you're using the emulsion how to paint you can't talk it because it does burn and form a skin on the top so you can't torch it really to get the bubbles out but you can this which is another plus in its favor so there's my base now my colors you see the thickness that I've got that it's just a little bit thinner than the base sorry I was off-camera there so a little bit thinner than the base paint that the pillow there's a little heap so these are all montmartre paints so that's the magenta it's that one and I've got the purple and the lemon Yelland they're the colors I'm using today because they're the ones I've been doing on those practice ones that I showed you earlier so there's the lemon yellow it's got a few bubbles because I've only just had to mix some more up so I could show you from the video so I had to just mix some more up quickly so it has got quite a lot of bubbles in there but it'll be alright so there's the yellow and there's the purple now for whatever mix them with so what we usually mix them with is the base see v700 well spa that's I'm in the UK which is the untainted paint and something like this polycrylic varnish now in the UK this is really expensive this is just a little 8 fluid ounces and that was about 22 pound and it's a tiny tiny little tin so it's really really expensive but then Mod Podge gloss luster because I got to thinking that it's the same sort of thing really because I've used this as a pouring medium I have got video to show you with how I've used this as poor memory medium and it works so well and you can also use this for the varnish so it's kind of everything rolled into one so I didn't see any reason why it wouldn't work and well it seems to be working so don't have to get all those expensive ingredients and this is a 32 fluid ounce one I have actually just ordered off Amazon a gallon which worked out a lot cheaper so that'll be coming within the next few days I should imagine us somewhere around there so I'm really quite excited by this so I need to show you really how I mix so I'll get on and do this and then I will show you after I've done this how I've mixed my colors so quick torch as you can see some bubbles I'll just put a little bit more on top of this to give it that little bit of a pillow because I'm just studying talking mine and it's a chance to frighten now so just pull it a bit more on there and then I'm just on my cell activator forgot to tell you about my cell activator is black out the down which is this one black oxide this is the expert acrylic now you don't have to get the expert this is extra fine and it does it is a lot lot finer than the standard so I usually use the standard series for this but the expert is a lot finer but you can use either one and I mix that with my Australian flowed from the flood flow drum and it's about three parts float role to one part paint until you get a consistency like that it needs to be a little bit thinner than the colored paints so let's get onto layering so because this is an oval plaque I'm just going to go a bit long ways on it like that what it tilted the mints and that black pain is just wooden I'll just bring it back round there so on obviously with the using the normal acrylic paint you can use the base can be any color you want you don't have to just stick with the standard white with it using the white emulsion so it works really well for that reason as well there's a magenta and down lemon yellow now quick thoughts get rid of as many bubbles as we can round now because this isn't as thick as the emulsion I'm not going to blow or we're going to try not to blow as deep into the paint so I'm going to put my cell activator on the top of that and then I'm going to use my little blower but I'm going to just take the nozzle off so sorry about the noise here but what I'm going to do is I'm going to find not to blow straight down I'm going to try and blow more across then down so I move into the cell activator and across so find where the love the wind is blowing from there whatever it is you're using for your blower and then tilt it so as [Music] I've got a bit lopsided but I'll just tip it that way a teeny bit so then you've got to wait for it to come back up but remember as I said this paint isn't as thick as the emotion or you can make it as if if you want to I chose not to because I find it gives less problems because if you've got all your paints as much as possible the same consistency then you'll have less cracking now the black here the face one I got as my black is the thickest but only a little bit thicker than the colours and then the cell activator is a wee bit thinner than the colours again so don't think you can see how that is just dipped in the middle there so just try and wait for that to come up before we start tilting he's a bit of a patience game I know it's frustrating you have to sit and wait forever you can give it a little rock side to side sometimes it will help just loosen that the butterfly wing doesn't it there it's really pretty just give that a quick talk to while we're waiting for that to come on alright then hand I know I'm holding it as a rather I'm very careful still a bit stuck in the middle can you see a little dip right in the middle there so we do really have to wait for that otherwise if you start tipping it before that comes and stuck all this paint if you're tipping it this way all this paint is going to go over the center and come over the top of this paint which we will really want to try and avoid so we'll just tilt it backwards and forwards a little bit give it a little wiggle and hopefully it will start to loosen up I mean that this lacing is all looking really lovely I didn't do such a good on good job on this bit here but you can tip this part off so not too worried it's also a little bit lower on this part here as well and if you can see that I could tilt it to the line but that's not sabbatical that's on the edge so we'll just see can you see as I'm tipping that there that is folding over that centre where it's stuck so it's still not quite ready still a bit stuck in the middle so you do have to wait for that Center to come back up just keep moving it up course and forwards tip it that way little bit first just take off that edge and hopefully that will help it move this is why it's the little tab that I've got underneath is really really helpful when you're doing this part so you can hold on to it and tip it think you might be alright tip it down off that end I don't like this part here or not hard to go so we're trying get rid of that bit we want to keep obviously we want to keep as much of the pretty lacing as we can and then I'll try to get back that way see this pot here that the I didn't get the blow very well here so it's a bit it still looks pretty but it hasn't got that lovely lacing on it tip it that way and then we bring it back a bit and how pretty is that I just think that looks gorgeous so that's with the Mod Podge and I think it just looks magical you can see there you go you look all these beautiful cells that cells that's come up and we've also got all the lovely lace in as well beautiful sails here I think it just looks so pretty so that's that one and you just want to clean off around the bottom so just run your finger on the bottom like that otherwise you may end up with all pulling off it might grab the paint down so there's that one and I think it looks beautiful so you see this here is what I then get my paintbrush and paint on as the base coat and let it dry so I don't waste it all because otherwise I would be wasting an awful lot of paint which I don't want to do obviously so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how I mixed those because it's really really simple it was just my fudge and water just take the tell you what I'll do I'm just going to clear this lot away and then I'll come back and show you so all I'm going to do is going to got my green montmartre paint and I'm just going to put some in this little shot glasses little cup haven't measured it I just put it in now you can use any paint that you want it doesn't have to be I'm just using Montmartre at the moment because it's my new favorite paint you can use our taser pebeo any sort of paint that you've got use what you've got you don't have to go out and buy new paints you can if you want to but you don't have to I will say these pumps some of these pumps on these Montmartre containers are not brilliant some of them are ok and so them just aren't same this one aren't this one isn't it's a bit hit miss do you let it come right up but yeah so that's how much paint just trying to shake it down so you can see how much paint I've got in there so that comes up to just above that first line there in the bottom of that come about to them now this is the Mod Podge gloss luster so all I do is I get my little stick and I just scoop it out and brizl it in and then I haven't measured it so that's one two three about three and a half hours so leave that to one sides I don't knock it over put a lid on and give it a good stir it does mix in really really easy especially with this montmartre paint this menthe part this montmartre paint is it really quite smooth so I'm quite enjoying working with this at the moment so that makes this really really easily and you can see that's quite thick so then I add some water scrape it off around the side so that's all properly mixed in and then all I do just happen to have them bottled water here but you don't have to use that I can use whatever you want and I just put some water in there and mix that round it may seem like it's not mixing to start with knit it seems very watery but it does sir it does start to mix in and then it will start thicken up again starting to thicken up and it's always best when you mix your paints to let them stand a little I'll get all those bubbles out and that's all I do that's about the same consistency as the others way and it's as simple as that guys you paint whatever paint you have Mod Podge gloss luster I'll leave the links to all these below where I've got them from so your Mod Podge your paint and the water to go to the right consistency and that's works perfectly for these blooms now I did mix the black I didn't mix that thick and as I said and I did mix that with my pouring medium but there is no reason you can't mix the base whatever color your base is mind just happened to be black and I used the PVA bond with water there's no reason you can't use this for the base color as well for you killer paint absolutely nothing it will work it's just the same so that's that I know so you again yeah all that I've just done there's that one and it just looks beautiful so no need to go out and buy all these different products but most of them we can't find or we struggle with I just think that looks beautiful I think it looks absolutely beautiful so I hope that's been helpful for you I shall be doing some more testing of products and if you subscribe to my channel and click the little bell notification you'll get notified when I bring out more videos and hopefully there'll be something else that can help you with please click the like button I'm please click on top please click the like button and so it all helps us little youtubers and let me know in the comments below what you think this or if you found something else that works better so hopefully see you in the next video bye for now
Channel: Tilly Douglas
Views: 7,157
Rating: 4.9334917 out of 5
Keywords: paint pouring, paint pouring techniques, visual sense crafts, acrylic pouring, acrylic painting, acrylic paint pour, paint pouring video, fluid acrylics, fluid art tutorial, fluid art tutorial for beginners, paint pouring for beginners, paint pouring tutorial, UK pouring medium, glue pouring medium, mont marte acrylic paint, Mont Marte review, Mont Marte, recipe for blooms, easy bloom recipe, acrylic bloom tutorial, easy blooms tutorial, sheleeartstyle, blooms tutorial
Id: 4obxdWE_1sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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