Prophecy, Prophets, & Apostles

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Well, good morning and welcome to our live stream service here at Calvary Chapel Kaneohe. On Sundays we have two services, and the first service is dedicated to the Prophecy Update, and the second services dedicated to the sermon. But we have a slight problem today because, as you could see, Pastor J D is not here. And I want you to take a look at this slide that's on the screen. Take a good look at it. This is our prophecy update slide. Okay, you're with me so far. All right? Now, I want you to compare it to this one. Do you see how jacked up this slide is? That's how jacked up my prophecy update would be, because I do not do prophecy updates and I will not pretend toe have such a talent. That is not my calling. I am called to preach and teach God's Word, but not in the area of prophetic updates, so to speak. Now, that is not to say that I would ever overlook or bypass the interpretation of prophecy because I cannot. Nor will I, because prophecy is a major part of Scripture. And, Lord willing, we will be addressing many aspects of prophecy today. However, I'm not conducting prophecy updates, but we will have to teachings this morning, and our second teaching will start at 11:15 Hawaii Standard time. And that will be on the topic of deceiving doctrines using two verses captured in the book of First Timothy, Chapter four verses one and two. And we will expound on those verses as well as look into one of the more popular deceiving doctrines that is being promoted today. So if you're able to join us or able to stay, please do so, because our first teaching ties into it. And in some respects is the foundation for the second teaching. With that, our first biblical teaching this morning is going to be on prophecy, prophets, and apostles. And for me, as well as many of you, I would presume, that Bible prophecy is one of the main factors that actually anchors our faith. Now, I did not need Bible prophecy in order to believe in Jesus, but in order for us to properly grow in Jesus, I truly believe that Bible prophecy is a must. And then here, week in and week out, Pastor J. D. teaches Bible prophecy on a level that nearly everyone can understand, especially professing Christians. And those updates alone have caused many to come to the faith as well as many to return to the faith. And even though some, like myself again did not need that prophecy in order to believe in Jesus. Believe it or not, some people need it, that extra reassurance, if you will, that extra depth, it is necessary. And I could say to everybody with a surety, we all need Bible prophecy in one way or another as Christians. And when we think about it, the Bible is the only place that you're going to find the prophetic word of God, period. It's only in the Scriptures; and that prophetic word speaks to the redemptive plan of man. We're told in the Bible that God is love, and because of his love, He tells man what He is going to do for us because of our fallen state and being in sin. So what does God do? God takes care of sin by way of a Savior in order for salvation to occur. And He tells everyone in the entire world what He is going to do with those who accept, as well as those who reject the Son of man. It's all captured in the Scriptures, and all of it is prophecy. And what is about to take place on mother Earth, according to the Scriptures, deals with the end of the age as we know it. And in the Book of Revelation, in Chapter 19 verses 9 and 10, the Word of God read: Then he said to me, speaking of an angel to John, Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb! And he said to me, These are the true sayings of God.  And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, See that you do not do that. that. I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. So what I want to focus on in these verses, the last part of verse 10. W e can see that it reads for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and I find it very odd that so many people could get very creative as to what this means, but I'm going to keep it simple and back it up with Scripture regarding what this speaks to. Again, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, because the purpose of prophecy is to reveal Jesus Christ and bring glory to Him as the true and living God. He is the Redeemer and the only way to salvation. And notice this angel did not say this, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of this prophecy. That's not what he said, meaning isolating this statement by this angel only to the Book of Revelation. This is not what he said. He said that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. That's what he said. And that testimony is contained within the entire counsel of God's Word, all of it. Please consider these words captured in the Book of Luke in Chapter 24 verses 44 through 45, after Jesus was resurrected from the dead, He would further explain the following to his disciples as the word of God reads. Then he said to them, speaking of Jesus, These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me. Some of your translations read, and the writings concerning Me, and verse 45 And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures, all of them, the Scriptures. Even though all they had was the Old Testament at the time, when the Lord says the Scriptures, He means all of them, because all of the Scriptures points to Jesus. Every prophet in the scriptures spoke of His coming, whether it was His first and/or second and/or both. In some way, they all spoke about the coming of the Messiah. And still to this day many of those prophecies of the coming Messiah that all throughout the Scriptures is waiting for its final fulfillment. Because lo, the volume of the Book is written of Jesus. Everything points to Jesus. And only believing in Christ and Christ alone saves the souls of man. So with that said, we're going to answer an often asked question regarding the salvation of the Old Testament saints. And that question is, if salvation comes by Jesus Christ alone, then how were the Old Testament Saints saved? And we talked about this at one of our Bible studies. But this question continues to get asked, and it needs to continue to get answered. Of course Biblically, not guessing. Not a theory, a fact. And I want to do so by pointing out three verses captured in the oldest book of the Bible, the book of Jo. And prayerfully we'll see these verses again this week, because what they contain is so deep and profound. The meanings of these verses are a study within itself. And Job who is not referred to as a prophet, he makes one of the most profound prophetic statements that too often gets overlooked. And we can find this prophecy, written in the book of Job, Chapter 19 versus 25 through 27. As the word of God reads, For I know that my Redeemer lives and He shall stand at last on the earth; And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, That in my flesh I shall see God, Verse 27, Whom I shall see for myself, And my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! Let that sink in. This is a prophetic word and again in these three verses, too much for us to unpack this morning. But I do want to point this out Job knew that his Redeemer lives, and job never saw this Redeemer. But he knew that He lived. And he would go on to prophesy that he would see his Redeemer in his own flesh. And not that flesh that was being destroyed by the boils and other afflictions he was dealing with, not that flesh. No, that redeemed flesh, that new flesh, that resurrected flesh. Job knew, and many commentators really try to make this so poetic instead of as pointed as it is. And perhaps they do so because they themselves do not believe in the resurrection power of the true living God, that's a problem. So what does this all mean and how does it tie into the salvation of the Old Testament saints? This is how, Job was looking forward to the coming of the Messiah. And throughout the Scriptures in the Old Testament they spoke of their Redeemer coming, the Messiah, the anointed one. They all were looking forward to His coming. W'ere on the opposite end of the spectrum, so to speak. We're looking back because He came. They looked forward to the cross. We look back to it. It's the same Redeemer. We seek Him coming for His bride. All the Old Testament saints seek His second coming for their resurrection. And look at the detail in verse 25. He shall stand at last on the earth. How can you make that poetic? Again, all of the Old Testament saints are not resurrected until the second coming of Jesus Christ, The Redeemer. The same one job looked forward to. And he knew this. He was and is 100% accurate in this prophecy. This is how the Old Testament saints are saved. by believing in the same Redeemer you and I believe in. There is no difference. Are we tracking? Prayerfully w? We are. When it gets to silent I'm like, am I growing a sickle on the forehead or something? I believe when we once know this and understand it though, the question regarding the salvation of the Old Testament saints is put the rest. Jesus said in the book of John, Chapter 14, Verse six. that I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Me. And He meant it. He meant it. This is not a stumbling block for Christians. We just have to rightly divide the Word, the same Messiah. He is the same Redeemer, Jesus the Christ. The accuracy of Job is not in question. We still await the fulfillment of this prophecy. We know that Jesus indeed will stand on the earth in the last day. We will be with him, because he said s, and God cannot lie. And all the prophets of God have their prophecies concerning God captured only in the Bible. And all of the so called hit or miss profits that are out there, they're are only prophets for themselves or, in many cases, prophets for Satan. And believe you, me, we will continue to see an increase in all the self proclaimed prophets as we get closer to the rapture of the church. But let's define a biblical prophet. And when we look at the word prophet or prophetess, according to the word of God, these are people who are direct speakers of God, and they are authenticated based on their words of prophecy being 100% accurate. This is the requirement based on the word of God. And by the way, they're all appointed by God. They're not self proclaimed prophets. Captured in the book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 18 in verses 20 through 22, the Word God reads the following, But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die. And if you say in your heart, how shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken? Oh, Verse 22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. And we need to fully understand what this means. And I say that because even though nearly all prophets of God spoke prophecies that were hundreds if not thousands of years in the future, they were all authenticated by short term prophecies, all of them. This is how you would know if they were true or false, all of them. So now, when we factor in the purpose or the spirit of prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus Christ, it should be very easy, especially for us as Christians, to spot a false prophet and or teacher. Very easy, because if what they say goes against the written word of God, or if what they say does not come to pass, they are not of God, period. And the major way that someone would know this is by knowing the Word of God in the first place. Many people are duped because they don't know the Scriptures. And I say this, if anyone is looking for a prophet or apostle today, as it was in biblical times of the establishing of the church, you are setting yourself up to be deceived, period. Now, that is not to say that someone today cannot prophecy, but as far as having the need for modern day prophets to authenticate God's word, or produce a new revolutionary word, or the need to tell us something different, There is no need. The word of God is complete, and it needs no further additions to it. In fact, captured in the Book of Proverbs in chapter 30 versus five and six, the word of God reads, Every word of God is pure. He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you and you be found a liar. Now the Word of God indeed can be expounded on, because it is alive and active. But added to or taken away from, never. And please notice in verse five that it says every word of God, all of it. It's been tried and tested. We should also consider the words captured, also in the Book of Revelation, in Chapter 22 verses 18 through 19, as the word of God reads, For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to the things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Now we can indeed isolate this warning to the Book of Revelation only. But please consider this. John was writing what he had seen, what he was seeing, and what was to come. Now you think on that. There are things that people can do right now, inside their congregations, that go against the Book of Revelation. And I submit to you that it's taken away or adding to those words. They're fixed. This book tells us everything that's about to come upon this fallen world. And there will never be any adjustment to what God has already spoken of. It's clear for this reason, the whole of God's word, all of it is captured in the Scriptures. It is finished. There's no part two to the Bible, and the purpose of the prophets and apostles was to confirm what they were saying was of God, by being 100% accurate, as well as displaying signs and wonders. So now, with the Scriptures complete, there's no need for the prophets of old. But there is a need for Bible prophecy, which many do not teach, and there is a need to interpret Bible prophecy, and prophesy as the Holy Spirit empowers. But as for being a prophet according to the biblical standards, that title does not exist today. And there's a good reason for this. It's to our benefit. And just like the word prophet is misused. So is the word entitled apostle. Even though the word means messenger or sent out, this simple definition came with special divine powers. The apostles were called to lay the foundation of the church, and they were able to qualify themselves by miracles, wonders, and prophecy. n the book of Ephesians, Chapter two in verses 20 through 21 the word of God reads, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. And I say again, this foundation of the church has been laid and the church has been established. In fact, the apostles of old would turn over the governance of the church to elders. Their time was coming to an end and they knew it. But a major problem is is that we have people looking for apostles and prophets today instead of teaching and studying the prophecies that have already been told. And if we would just look at these prophecies that are already captured in the Scriptures, we will also see throughout the history of man how God has dealt with man differently. God has always had the same redemptive plan. That never changed. But His dealings with man would change and the prophecies speaks to it. When we look at the prophets and apostles as well as of the church figures, I want to provide an example of what I mean regarding how God has and continues to use His instruments, man differently. Also in The Book of Ephesians, captured in Chapter four verses 11 and 12, the word of God reads and He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelist and some pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints, for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Okay, so we have apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. You will find that there's some sects out there that consider these the five offices of church leadership. Well, I would say this, they're all united in one role through the history of the church, and that's to edify the body of Christ. That is agreeable. But how long God uses them is different. And again, I believe that the time for the apostles and prophets of God according to the biblical standard, ended with the death of the Apostle John. So if that be so, that leaves evangelist, pastors, and teachers. And you could also say apostles in the sense that they're missionaries, sent out. That's a fair term. But let's just stick with the three to keep it simple. What we have today is those three; evangelist, pastors, and teachers. Ever since the church was established, they still are around. But there is another prophecy that I believe that takes away the evangelist, pastors, and teachers as we see today. And that prophecy is the rapture of the church. You think about it. Many churches reject the truth of the rapture, but it's true indeed, because in verse 12 we're told that the edifying is for the body of Christ. But at the rapture, the bride of Christ is removed, meaning those of the church who truly believe, as the Bible speaks to are gone, including the evangelist, the pastors, and teachers. And when I read the Book of Revelation, what I see is a lack of evangelists, pastors, and teachers, specifically after the letters to the churches. Because, as noted after chapter three, there is no mention of the church; no mention of it. But what I do see is a series of witnesses who are martyred beginning in Revelation Chapter six in verse nine, as the opening of the fifth Seal speaks to. Then we have the 144,000 servants of Israel who are sealed with the seal of the living God prior to the great tribulation. And that's captured in chapter seven verses one through eight. And then once the great tribulation begins, we see a multitude that cannot be numbered, who came out of the great tribulation in verses nine through 17 of chapter seven. Then we have two witnesses or to prophets captured in Chapter 11 versus one through 14, who witnessed for 42 months. Then they are killed, resurrected and ascend into heaven. And then we have an angel in Chapter 14 verses six and seven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth. Now people are coming to the Lord during the tribulation. But the abundance of preachers, teachers and evangelists are not prevalent. You don't see them? With the exception of the two witnesses, I see no apostles until the end, right?, of Revelation. And that's the 12 apostles. I don't see it. The Church is removed. But guess what there is an abundance of? False prophets who will perform great signs and lying wonders. And we the church, we will not be here to see these deceivers, nor the famine of the Word of God. Why do I say famine of the Word of God? Well, if God has to have an angel, come preach the everlasting gospel, obviously there's a shortage. And know this, in Revelation, Chapter 14, verse six is the only time the word preach is mentioned. And the word teach is only mentioned once in the entire book, and that's in regards to Jezebel, captured in Chapter two in Verse 20. Yet the words preach and teach are constantly mentioned throughout the Gospels and through the church age of Grace. But again, the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. So what's the point? The point is that God in His divine providence has provided us a detailed, prophetic outline regarding how He communicates with man as a whole and His people so that we will not be deceived. We have the entire council of God's Word, and we're still looking for signs and wonders, prophets and apostles, and we haven't even dug into the prophecies of the scriptures today. But the word of God, we can easily identify the false apostles that are out there today by examining at least five traits that I think we'll see in them all the time. The first one is Scripture Twisting. This is what false teachers do, and many false teachers today are called apostles, and they are very good at Scripture Twisting. And this why it's so important that we know God's Word, that we’re Bereans Acts 17:11. We need to search the Scriptures daily in order to see if these things are true or not. Whoever says it, doesn't matter who. Pastor JD talks about it all the time. Don't believe me. Believe the Scriptures. I am not your truth. The word of God is your truth. Twisting Scripture, one of the number one things you'll find from all false teachers. The next one that these false apostles carry around is Sensationalism over one aspect of doctrine alone. It's just something about this piece that just, that's our whole mission. Now, that's not to say that there are not portions of Scriptures that should hold our attention longer. But what I'm speaking about is when the doctrine defines the ministry, that's just it. That sensational piece is their entire ministry. And you could see this when people have nothing but a healing ministry, nothing but a miracle ministry, or a prosperity ministry. Everyone wants to be emotionally tied to something. And Jesus warned us about seeking signs and wonders for a good reason. Notice in the scriptures, because when, so often when signs would come or warnings would happen, it never really fully turned them to God. It was satisfying. What about the feeding of the 5000? Remember that account, after the food was gone, what? They were gone. It's like one of our relatives, you know, foods gone they're out the door, don't even help to clean up, The signs are not where it's at. Only seeking and finding the true living God converts the hearts of man, not a sign. And there's many verses that speak to this sensationalism. And you know what that leads to also is denominationalism. Right? And then they become only centered around emotions and experiences, all based on sensation. And you know, many people claim that we are sensationalist because we talk about the ra,pture often. But they fail to realize that the rapture of the church is so close, and the age that we live in now is being revealed within the Scriptures weekly, if not daily. Jesus is at the door, making it more of a point to speak about it. As this blessed hopes gets closer, we're going to address it more and more as the Lord leads. This is prophecy that will be fulfilled. Then we have the false trait of being self serving, in the sense that the individual or group wants to just draw people to themselves. It's all about what they think they know, and the new revelation that was given to them, and they draw people after them instead of leading people to Jesus . They're in the spotlight. They're lovers of attention. And their humility is false and their piety always a facade. And I believe the best way to weed them out is to wait them out. Don't give them any attention at all. When people crave for attention so much, if they don't get it, they'll go somewhere else. And I have one word when they do: bye. They can't resist the attention, so they will leave eventually. And then we have the fourth one, which is Separators of the Brethren. And this is a big one today. This is not a rebuke on a brother. We need to do that. This is when you don't even go to the rebuke phase. You just want to separate everybody. You ex-communicate everybody. One infraction, oh, you are done. Heretic and so forth and so on. It's just nuts. And we have people who do that. And they think they're serving God. But they're not. It becomes in the end, self serving. I watch these individuals that come out and they do, you know, one rebuke or whatever, and then they see that they get a lot of attention. And then they say, oh, let me find some other people to rebuke. And that becomes their self serving ministry, till us all about them, And then guess what they do become sensationalist, and they begin to twist Scripture, because they've got to keep the followers up. Anything I need to do to keep the attention on me. And the final one, perhaps the most important one, is that salvation becomes secondary. This is a problem. This is when those so called teachers, evangelists, pastors, apostles put them all in the same category, when they put Jesus in the backfield, when Jesus is the only way. His very name is salvation, and He should be primary. He's the only source of eternal life, and you put Him in the backfield. And false apostles will convince you that you need to accomplish something else before you actually come to Jesus. Or you have to prove some works in the process, as if grace is not sufficient enough. It doesn't work that way. Grace is OK, but you need to do the following. That's sad. Prosperity Gospel, it's a part of it. If you give more, your salvation is secure. That is so jacked up. But we who believe, we should know better. We have all the proof that we need in the Scriptures. And because we believe godly works are already produced, it's a byproduct of belief. It does not have to be forced on those who love God. And I'm sure that you could find more indicators regarding false apostles and their traits. But to me, these are some of the most pronounced, if you will. And when it comes to the church regarding prophets and whatnot, I would just say this: the only prophet that the Church should be concerned with today is the greatest prophet of them all. And that is Jesus the Christ. and every teacher, preacher, missionary, evangelist today should be explaining how the testimony of Jesus Christ is the very spirit of prophecy. In some way, it all points to Jesus. And for us today it points to His soon return. Jesus is the focus of prophecy. And Moses would warn the people as well as all of us, what would happen toe all of those who did not listen to the greatest prophet of them all. Captured here in the Book of Acts Chapter three in verses 22 through 20-23. The Word of God reads, For Moses truly said to the fathers, the Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear in all things, whatever He says to you. And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall utterly shall be utterly destroyed from among the people. And that prophet was and is Jesus Christ. And this warning is not isolated to the Children of Israel, not just them. It's for the entire world, all of us, but churches do not want to discuss this today. They don't want to talk about the prophecies to come, because many of the prophecy speaks to perilous times and God's judgment. But if the entire Council of God's Word was taught and preached, the church would be full of joy knowing that the Lord is coming for us, based on what we see happening that continues to confirm His Word. Each day there's more confirmation. And this is why, during all these times of worldly uncertainty, man true Christians should be standing firm. You read the word and you're like, okay, it matches, we know. But the greatest Prophet in the universe is more often overlooked, not only by the world, but also by the church. We should not be surprised. Wasn't this prophesied? Yeah, but it does make you wonder. Do these preachers, teachers and evangelist today who would not speak about what the Bible says regarding prophecy, especially in time prophecy that Jesus would speak about in great detail? Do they truly believe? I always ask that question. Do they truly believe? And, you know, for those who doubt the rapture of the church, and believe that they can withstand this tribulation to come, I just don't understand why is it that we can't manage Covid. I'm perplexed. So when all hell breaks loose, you're going to be strong. Okay? Okay. I just don't see it. If this is a small test, many have failed because of fear. And all of this is the beginning of birth pangs. All of it. We need to recognize the works of the true prophets and apostles by the power of the Holy Spirit, and who believe in the prophecies to come. And we need to stand firm and without fear. This is why it's so important to study the prophetic word of the true living God. And if you have not truly accepted the greatest Prophet who is Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you will remain full of fear and doubt. And we all have the opportunity to accept Jesus. And if you do so, you want to talk about a trusting journey as you get closer to God? He will begin and completely remove any and all uncertainty that's produced by the world and replace it with the sure word that He has f. For all of us. No special sign is needed. No new revelation. No emotional stimulant. Only the fact that God has redeemed us through the Gospel. And the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. And based on His own prophetic word, He will return. And I believe that that return is soon. A nd it is ABC simple to be saved by first acknowledging that you are a sinner. We all are. Many churches don't speak about sin today. Sin is the problem. You know, one of the hardest things for me to do is to talk to somebody when they're on their deathbed, in pain, crying out; asking God why? And as tears flow from my eyes I have to stop, get myself straight, look them in the eye and remind them this pain that you're going through, the decaying body that you have, is all a byproduct of sin. All of it is. Sin is the problem. We need to acknowledge that we're all sinners. Romans Chapter three, verse 10 says that as it is written, there is none righteous. No, not one. Verse 23 says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We're born into it. It's inherited. And as shown in Chapter six, Verse 23. The Bible says that for the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. That's the A. And the B stands for believe, while the C stands for confess with your mouth. Both of them are captured in the Book of Romans, Chapter 10, verses nine and 10. As the word of God reads that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness on with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. This is how one gets saved and it doesn't stop there. But it is the only way to ensure that you would not be awarded the death sentence of eternal damnation. The Word of God specifically says that in the Book of Second Peter, Chapter three in verse nine, the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. God has given us His unbreakable Word, His prophetic Word so that we would see and believe. And the prophets and the apostles have confirmed His Word, and proved it. And you know what? The next sign that people may witness may be the sign off the bride of Christ being removed. My recommendation is that you join us by coming to Jesus. Why don't we all stand so we can pray? Loving heavenly Father we pray that Your Word would just penetrate the hardest of hearts. And that what You've spoken here today will convict us all and make us better witnesses for You and that coming Kingdom. We pray, Lord, that we would be bolder and that we would go forward with the surety of Your Word. No fear and live out our days being faithful servants and witnesses for Your cause and we Thank you and we love You, In the mighty name of Jesus the Christ we pray, Amen.
Channel: J.D. Farag
Views: 138,483
Rating: 4.927629 out of 5
Keywords: Coronavirus, End of the Word, Jesus, Covid19, Flu, Second Coming, Hope, Encouragement, Suffering, Unemployed, Pain, Trials, Lonely, Alone, Joy, Bible, Love, Help, Depressed, Life, Strength, Peace, Truth, Happy, Rest, Freedom, Salvation, Forgiveness, Gospel, Holy Spirit, Lord, Grace, Mercy, Ministry, Messiah, Heavenly Father, Church, Loving, Spiritual Warfare, Satanic Attack, Devil, Pray, Warning, Danger, Hard Times, Faith, Illness, Affliction, Humility, Fear, Death, Future, Problems, Weary, Discouraged, Compassion, Brokenness, Gentleness
Id: x0PNTP2J6nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 45sec (3645 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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