[301] Step By Step- How To Mix Your Paints-Original Acrylic Pour

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hello my youtube yummies how are you today i just want to give you a quick view of a few pieces that are available this is actually a table top and i will show you the legs to the table in a second this just really came out beautiful before i show you the legs i just wanted to show you this little table that you guys were interested in that is now finished with resin also another very pretty piece also for sale if you're interested in anything you see art by tammy yahoo.com a cute few trinket boxes i am working on that are not finished yet but will be soon commission pieces being finished the heart from a few videos ago [Music] this is how that dried that has been sold already that sold very quickly and the leg for the table it's a pedestal table it's got a nice stone like finish it's sparkly it's very very pretty all righty here we go so in today's video it's all about consistency and an original acrylic pour okay when i say original i'm talking pre-bloom error pre-house paints error i'm talking flow troll paint and water that's it okay a lot of people confused i see people trying to do ring pores using house paints and no no no no no if you are new to acrylic pouring please unless you are trying to get a bloom effect use this recipe you are about to see for everything it'll make your life a lot easier once you get used to this recipe then you can venture out to the pouring mediums different types of pouring mediums whatever floats your boat but for now until you get used to it either use the flow troll and water recipe which i'm about to do or the glue and water which i did in a video previous to this which i will link at the end of this video you will see a box pop up with a picture of a canvas with writing on it click on that picture and it'll take you right to the video so what i'm doing here first is i'm straining my flow trial because there is a lot of lumps and bumps and flow troll so i always do that before i start i'm not sure if you'll be able to see them but they're in there so you got to get those out or else they end up in your painting so we're going to put this to the side okay so what do you do when you want to use different brands of paints that are different thicknesses first of all if you're new to this i highly suggest you start out using something like a craft paint that you can get at michael's you can get these at michael's too except for uh the blick and the pebio but they sell these cheaper paints i highly suggest you start out with these because a they're a lot cheaper than what i'm about to use and b they're a fluid consistency and if you use all the same brand your consistency will be a lot easier to have throughout all of your colors whereas here you see i'm using three different brands so i'm going to have all different consistencies that i'm going to have to thin with water but i chose to do this as a teaching moment so what i normally do is first i mix up my colors okay so my recipe is and this is my recipe one part paint to two parts flotrol what does that mean that means however much paint i put in into the cup i'm going to put double the amount of flotrol in but what happens when you're using something that's very very fluid we're not going to follow that rule that's why i say it's better to use the same brand of paint until you get used to doing this because this using different brands tends to confuse people so what i will do is i will go ahead and i'm going to fill up actually no i'm not going to do that let me do this the very simple way i want to use this pebeo gold paint now i'm going to put in well i was going to put in a grape size amount but we're gonna say that's about a teaspoon of paint into the cup okay now i'm going to put in two teaspoons of flotra it's more like a tablespoon i should say okay so there is your one part paint two parts flow trial or what's known as a two to one ratio two parts flotrol one part paint you're gonna mix it up and you're going to go on to the next one we're not going to even think about the consistency yet we're going to go on to the next one i'm going to remove the white for now because we're going to have to mix a lot of that so now i want to use this blick acrylic from blick art materials which you can get online the fluorescent violet this stuff is always such a mess when you get it in these big bottles you're going to see it's going to come out it's not even going to be like you can see clear it's so unmixed and it's so hard to shake into these bottles so what i do is i dump some out i'm not gonna use all that i just gotta mix some up here it's very hard to shake that bottle okay so now i'm going to put my one part paint in which will do that much okay so that's about a tablespoon to two tablespoons of floetrol now i'm eyeballing you can measure to be exact i've been doing this for a very long time so i kind of know plus when you cook you kind of know how much a tablespoon is it's just second nature so we're gonna mix that and we're gonna step on to the next one now i have a heavy body paint these are soft body soft to medium bodied paints this is a heavy body and usually they say it on the label what kind of paint they are if it's a heavy body this one doesn't oh yeah it does on the back so again i'm gonna put in one part paint i'm going to put this to the side because the cap's not going on and i'm going to put in twice as much floetrol okay you can go over with the flow troll it's not going to hurt anything if you add more so now that this is in here you're gonna notice this one is a lot thicker than the other two it's clumpy it's thicker very thick okay compared to this one that is much more runnier so again put it to the side next color is going to be my golden magenta fluorescent magenta i should say and this is also like a soft body paint this is somewhere in between a soft body and fluid because it does run off the stick kind of easily i would say it's more of a soft body though so i'm going to put in one part of that and it doesn't have to be a teaspoon you could put in a cup full of this you just got to make sure you put in two cups of flotra so we have that and that mix it up and set it to the side now the next one i have is a very rare you don't see many people using this and in fact i really don't use it either this is the most juiciest fluid colorant that there is in the line so you have this you have fluid uh which will be one of these then you have the soft body medium body heavy body okay this here you're going to do differently this you're going to put some flotrol in the cup however much of this color you want to make is how much floetrol you're putting in that cup so i want to make that much green paint and then what you're going to do is add some drops of this green fluorescent green i'd say that was what about eight to ten drops and it's very light okay but that's a very good consistency for pouring right there okay and there's a reason why i'm doing this why i'm mixing up the different thicknesses of paints and you're gonna see why in a minute okay so that's good and then the last one that i have to show you how to mix well as far as bodied paints are the golden fluid types okay this is another one where you want to put your flow troll in the cup first and then add just a few drops of the colorant at a time until you achieve the color paint that you want because this is very pigmented yeah you see just those few drops that's why if ice i could suggest if you want to do pouring and can afford to buy a few of these colors if you get like the red yellow blue maybe a purple and a gold or something it is more pricey i think it's like eight to ten dollars a bottle but you don't use as much of it and it makes the perfect consistency all on its own with between that and flow troll okay so i'm going to mix up the rest of my colors and then we're going to continue on okay so all of my colors are now mixed with just the flow troll so now we have to do the consistency test i want you to think about it this way you have this in all the cups what is the thing that's going to add nothing to the thickness of this it's really not going to affect it the most thinnest out of the paints that you used which was this green golden paint okay so this is going to be the thinnest color that i have out of all of these because this paint has no body to it it's like water so this is going to be my consistency that i need to reach for all of these colors now now the only other colors that i have that are extremely close to this consistency are going to be the fluid colors that i used by golden so that would be the teal okay it's a tiny tiny bit thicker so i'm going to put literally two drops of water into that give it a mix and now it is exactly like the other one okay so for all of my fluid colors two drops and we had quite a few of them here so two drops in each color and it's going to make it match and this is the most important part of pouring you have to have the consistencies correct also i had a viewer i can't remember her name i apologize that reached out to me um and i i sorry i can't remember she was struggling with her dutch pore and come to find out she was putting no paint on the canvas no matter what type of technique you're doing besides a ring pore you should have white paint on your canvas first before you start pouring on them now i'm sure i'm going to get a ton of techniques that i'm not thinking about where you don't need white paint on the canvas but you definitely need white paint for uh a dutch pore when you're trying to move the paint the paint needs to have something to to um glide across okay so those are my fluid colors and they're all done now my next least thick paint would be these bottle paints the violet um the golden and the pebio also because it's really not that thick okay the gold so for these i know those took two drops i'm gonna start with four drops and this one i'm gonna give them a mix and see what they're like after four drops of water if they still feel too thick which they do i'm going to add more you should really do one at a time just add a few drops at a time and you're going to keep adding water until you get it to that thickness that you just saw i'm going to pause the camera while i do that okay so where my fluid colors only needed two drops of water added to them these needed a teaspoon of water added to them now we're going to do the thickest one of them all and that was the heavy body as your right hue okay that's going to be the thickest that's going to take the most water so i know automatically i need a teaspoon okay automatically i know that because these saw uh medium body paints needed a teaspoon so this one's definitely gonna need a teaspoon also metallics will always be a little bit thicker than other paints other colors because they have mica in them so that's a teaspoon and a half and we're ready to go so you see it started out with two drops for the fluid and up to a teaspoon and a half on the heavy body so now we're ready now we need to do our white paint so for my white paint my measurement is one part paint two parts flow trial the same as these but because i'm gonna cover the canvas with it i have to make a lot more so what i will do is i'll put about a cup of my white artist loft paint into this bigger cup i want to make a cup full of this so just think of it you can think of it this way a third a third and a third well a third and two thirds of flow trial i'm going to put my strainer back on there you can see that goop better now gunk goop you gotta leave a little room for some water so this is a little bit less than two parts but again that does not make a difference it's it won't hurt anything these are kind of just like guidelines you want to follow somewhat to get to the right consistency now we're going to mix that up and we want to get to the same consistency as the other paints now titanium white is usually thicker too so i already know i'm going to need water for this and i'm going to start with a tablespoon of water approximately it's a bigger cup more paint the titanium is thicker now let's say you wanted to use a heavy body weight it would be the same um rule for the heavy body that we mixed there so we're good to go that is how you mix your paints of different brands now if you used just one brand it would be a lot smoother you know that you would only need the teaspoon of paint two teaspoons of flotrol and two drops of water and you're ready to go so i'm gonna set up and we're gonna pour i wanna do what's called an open cup pour and that is when you take the lid of something that has an opening or you can take a cup a plastic cup and cut off the bottom and place it in the center of the canvas on top of white paint and you pour into the center uh before i do that i would like to add a few drops of silicone i am not afraid to use silicone love it i don't use it in my metallic colors because it seems to separate the mica from the paint when i use it so i'm just gonna pick i have two four six eight ten eleven colors i'm going to pick four of them random and i'm going to put in just like three drops of silicone okay into each actually these are smaller i'll do two one two this spot on treadmill belt silicone is the best if you ask me i have most of everything you see including these cups in my amazon shop the the lazy susan all of it is in there um that's one easy way to support support the channel even if you're not buying art supplies to go through the channel link and i get you know a few cents for every time that happens so but i put everything in there too for easy finding so paint brands tapes everything all right so i mixed it in just a couple of times if you want big juicy cells only stir it a couple of times if you want small tiny cells mix it in a lot okay so first thing we're going to do is pour down our white paint right in the center a nice big circle of it and i'm going to pop those bubbles i have some announcements i'm going to make them now and the end of the video first of all april 4th i will be in agawam mass teaching a class i will leave the link below uh it's from one to four i hope you can join me if you're in that area not the link i will leave the address and i'm going to leave my email so you can contact me if you want to do that also sunday march 8th 8pm eastern standard time christina welsh from christina welsh art is having an auction for st jude's on her channel and i hope you guys can go over there and support that it's going to be a fun time i will definitely be there we could say hi to each other hold on one second just noted something in my notice something in my cup okay so here we go i'm gonna just start pouring my colors in one at a time not much i'm gonna pour from up high so they sink underneath the white a little and there's no really not an order to this really i'm just going to start plopping them in there i'm gonna hold this down because it will start to float off you can see all the pretty designs happening in there let's put some gold in then i'm going to add some oh that was a big clump i'm going to add some white yeah i'm going to let go of it you're going to see it start floating okay we have some of this color purple or i should say dioxazine purple some violet those beautiful cells some more white that was another big clump some more teal should have probably left the green out but it's okay if it's muddy we'll do another one i don't stress about stuff like that i use a lot of that phthalo turquoise i love that color as a matter of fact i'm just going to use all of it i wish i had a little more white maybe i could add a little flotrol to this and see if i could get a little bit more this color is just gorgeous all right i think put a little more gold in white that is really sexy okay so now just gonna kind of there's a lot of paint under here i'm gonna torch really quick and then we're going to tilt let's see what we could get nice and slow we're going to tilt some of this ugly off of here and by ugly i need this down here i do not like that okay i'll have to mix up some white paint because i don't think i have enough we shall see see those nice big juicy cells all right it's wild that's for sure okay so what i'm going to do is pause and mix up a little white paint so one of my viewers christine thank you very much sent me some big syringes i am going to suck up some of the white paint i just made maybe actually no i'm not going to because i have to pull the plunger out okay now that that one is dirty i don't know if i'll be able to get it out yeah i can't get that out right now i wonder why no okay we'll have to use that next time i have to take the thing off first okay so i have another syringe here sorry about that i have to uh that plunger doesn't pull out like this one so i wanted to fill them up and that one must work differently okay so what i want to do first is i want to put some color into this in the areas that i don't like for example right here i just want to keep injecting it to try to kind of manipulate this a little bit you'll get those bubbles like that that's not a big deal okay you don't need to use a syringe um you can use just pour the paint in one spot you will get those bubbles they will pop you just gotta go through and pop them with the torch or whatever anyway you can also if you don't have a syringe just start pouring white paint to force the paint to move and kind of change the outcome of what the painting looks like right so we have that area and then i want to do the same over here but i'm going to use my syringe christine i know you're probably watching tell me how i get those plungers out okay so now i'm going to do the same thing right here in this corner and then also over here a little bit more listen paint pouring is a wasteful art a lot of times so i know a lot of you cringe when you see all the paint on the on the uh mat but it's just part of it yes there are ways that you can help try to avoid that maybe a catch pan or something use the skins it's making a beautiful skin i'll tell you that and then we're going to come over here and then what i think i'm going to do is i'm going to pour some ribbons so in this cup i have some white paint and i dumped a few of the colors into the cup and we're just going to take it and dump right up through here to kind of break that up a little bit and then we're also going to come down here and one through here and that's gonna be ending the video my friends um i hope this video was helpful just practice practice practice and you will go far i promise don't get discouraged and again if you're not doing a bloom technique then do not use house paints for your acrylic pores go back to the basics like i just did with the flow troll or liquitex pouring medium and paint um i think we're going to come up this way a little bit we have just too much paint on here so again don't forget march 8th 8pm eastern standard time christina welsh art check out that auction for st jude's and my class in agawam mess on april 4th 1 to 4 p.m i hope to see you there email me artby tammy yahoo.com if you're interested um and until next time my friends happy pouring check out my etsy shop and all the links below united we pour with tammy elisa my facebook group hope to see you there bye now
Channel: Tammy Anderson Art
Views: 178,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art, art hacks, fluid art, acrylic painting, fluid acrylic painting, acrylic pouring, dutch pour technique, bloom technique, Simple, Easy, Painting, learn to paint, tammy anderson art, life hacks, art techniques for beginners, art techniques, art tips, art tricks, art ideas, satisfying videos, oddly satisfying videos, Paint, Bloom, Resin, Decorating, paint hacks, painting techniques, acrylic pouring for beginners, step by step, art lessons, art tutorial, paint mixing, money
Id: Oc_I3k8NdgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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