Man's Best Friend (2019) | Full Movie | DJ Perry | Don Most | Tim Abell | Robert Henline

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[Music] mr. Landon's we've reached the end of our witness list will you be taking the stand no no Paul sit down [Music] [Music] [Music] hi dad I don't have a lot of time just wanted to get a brief email to you and share the news listen I know my decision to join the Corps weighed heavily upon you dead becoming a Marine and a k-9 handler was the best thing I've ever done it gave my life a higher purpose I think Bob would be proud [Music] say hi to Sally for me you're entitled to companion you didn't give mom cancer she loved us to the moon and back she'd want us both to be happy [Music] the agreement came through death the Corps has granted my adoption request for Bart [Music] there was one requirement though that I tender my separation from the Marine Corps that's right I'm coming home to stay [Music] [Music] first to fight for right and we dump and keep clean we are proud to claim the title legit um United States Marine yeah such a good boy yeah catchy oh yeah we're gonna find you your forever home morning ha too bad such a good boy uh gotta run got a meeting downtown you told Glen forget it I'll text him forget it you go boy yeah you want Noah Oh see you were dead today yeah don't bar a good dog - I know what you want you are it's free flags on fur wrote every breeze from dawn to third son we have thought you have a climb and place where we could carry a gun yeah you go boy you are with boots on yeah yeah [Music] I'll be back if I fall I am free to play title money Paul permission to speak freely Paul this isn't the core and you're not at war anymore and please don't call me sir it makes me nervous we are waging war on the homeless pants of America sir I'm told that's why brochure says I know I wrote it and me I can permission to speak sir my respect for your authority sir your rank Paul I don't have a rank I'm just your boss I've told you before you don't have to salute you don't have to call me sir Glenn or mr. banks is just fine Glenn maybe Jenn can use a hand in the storage area I heard those scalp donations came in today good enough sir what's really on your mind Paul Brown boy sir status report please Paul we only have so much room around here you know that and after a given amount of time we have to consider them no no Paul I understand but you just have to accept my got acceptable sir not much more we can do boy he came my business nervous talk before you know he's better than this he's got until tomorrow Paul I'm sorry [Music] first to fight for right and freedom and keep not clean we proud to claim this tires off you know I chase Marines a fire example look every breathe oh darn - sorry son you're gonna enjoy your stay with the brown boy I'm not suspended for the first five games much I see if I get coached adult removed it is a sight local [ __ ] walking another dog she's not a [ __ ] charlie she was respect that's the news marine yeah whatever he's a [ __ ] now I heard he saved some people in Afghanistan and you're doing it yeah you hear that he saved people no he's one of the dumbasses who enlisted and got himself blown up ha hey maybe friendly fire I got him [Laughter] I just hate all those dogs in this bet you five bucks get him Charlie don't shut up Rachel I set up babes house hey private pyle what's your major malfunction you know Desert Storm he wasn't in desert no come on man you can do better than that hey double or nothing all right Charlie stop please you're gonna hit the dog shut up Jordan we don't do it don't you ever try to tell me what to do you hear me now look why it retards getting away third and long Charlie Sawyer responses receiving the wheat oat is in the end zone anybody get a video that that was money and he's not playing me idiot hey hey you see guys they're gonna lose all those games I would've punched scrub you some new recruit come in come on get back get back back back come on this way come on yeah how's that baby doing come on new recruit new recruit come on let's go yeah who's hungry everybody hungry come on come on get back [Music] Boudica [Music] evening Paul hey Jim sir pack has grown some two got adopted this last month how many did you take any smart yeah please judicial brown boy makes three yeah alright looks like a nasty gash I've had worse what happened this life I'm here because you needed a few extra days for the rent yeah the cost of food is cut me thin I like to get the good food it's got the meat first and said just fill it this was supposed to be our ketchup nice ball I know and I'm sorry but if you could just grant me a sort extension you might need to consider no man left behind these aren't men Paul they're dogs man's best friend that's what they are they deserve better they got a lot of love to still give somebody well we'll talk about this later listen you know I'll pay you everything I owe you my world is gold and mrs. Glenn said he might be giving me a rage as a shelter Robert how much you oh yeah I got about a hundred here for you it's fine for now we'll work it out okay all right work it out all right well thank you get good art oh hey let me give you a heads up our illustrious mayor has ordered how to serve you for what health code violation two meals might be best yeah I agree Paul's not I don't suppose you will hey buddy hey what you doing get over here it's an oil man y'all come in and visit for a little bit ha I love to some Miss Sally she invited me to come some church function that's so long I'll have to take a rain check okay okay I just stopped by to tell you something tell me what uh how Rogers he's uh gonna pay your visit sheriff Rogers why well you know Jim owns the house here and he's in violation of a health [ __ ] it's a dog sunders you have too many dogs here you know it's just temporary until they find it forever I like that I know I know but for some of them it's been two years trying to find my home yeah it would kill them Oh buddy it happens sometimes don't say that you don't have to be that way and I'm not gonna allow it wait look you've done the best you could just stop it all right why don't you just go hey you listen to me Jim is your friend all right Jim's gonna be a lot of trouble because you're breaking the law who is law am I breaking God's law once you go to church with Sally ask Jesus of what I'm doing is right huh disco disco ha jeez go [Music] put hungry who want the trees come here I won't let them take you yeah such couple young hell I need the report I don't care if you would school yeah I don't care about anything yeah that's your job to do it thanks Charlie if you don't study you're not gonna pass your test wha dude shut up what's going on that homework but homework you mean looking at these beach babes I'd say it's going pretty great was your date same old political headaches every day is that on the phone you remember uh sheriff Rogers we're gonna do some about that rundown house on Woodworth with all those dogs running around yeah we actually uh we saw the [ __ ] that lives there they didn't we want he's not [ __ ] charlie he's a Marine who served in the war protecting our freedoms whatever he's [ __ ] now yeah and he's a Marine and how they decorate him one at that that's a problem see everybody's all compassionate about all this military stuff doesn't need to serve some compassion dude his house makes the entire block snow in summertime Josh goes down that way those dogs have got to go well it's not that easy sheriff Rogers will serve Him and the Landlord but the paperwork ongoing City Council battle over winter rights you're talking month after month after my just things will go on forever I mean hey 20 would take those dogs really easy don't even joke about it charlie oh I forgot why here what's a dog hey here's an idea how about you go adopt one from the [ __ ] can you shut up any day you want to try and make me you know you've been talking a lot for someone who can back it up shrimp that is enough I gotta get some sleep I got a long day tomorrow how'd you hear that cuz your was and because you told Dad about me getting suspended for a few games I didn't ask almost a cold whatever hey study that shrimp real mature Charlie yo Josh you remember talking about what to get for tomorrow night yeah I have a plan we'll be doing some community service you heard me yeah just get the boys around 6:00 no girls okay yeah they can meet up with us afterwards the Cavalier all right I'll tell you tomorrow just the man I wanted to see you hear about my dogs so he told you that's it you know I can't read very well to the event it's a city citation saying you've got to reduce the amount of animals you're keeping at your residence what they'll have the animals removed who's they the authorities let my family did I find their forever home I think it's a good thing you do Paul why are you here it's my job my hands being forced on this you understand me no look I watch him for because nobody else cares about them they'd ask to be put in this situation I'm really sorry yeah not sorry enough what's going on hell mayor and the City Council pushed me into servant Paul and his landlord on his dogs counties in charge of animal control meaning my office [Music] [Music] [Music] trust me South I'll get you lawyer we'll make it theirs a misson me buck up your marine somebody you're a marine I will make this will make this work out why I'm not gonna take my fire [Music] and you even serve off my car losers I thought I specifically said no girls what's up Charlie you've been secretive all day it's because what we're gonna be doing stop secret sounds illegal Jason Bourne like I dig it oh this will be one for the books what's up Lauren see me what's this rep doing he's shut up Josh he's earning his stripes it's time to want the big dogs now no more this [ __ ] crap how the [ __ ] and you'll have a chance to prove [Music] you want me to do [Music] stay back get back go on stay stay can I help you me me you're the guy who Jake's in lost dogs right yes I try him go home there's a dog tied up in Sawyer Park he might be hurt or sick I'm not sure who's sick if you take me cool I won't pass my curfew but you can't miss him he's by the play structure thank you hey a good kid oh boy okay I feel you here I'm not gonna hurt you done good job little man you're gonna do just sending a little message can't say anything Wyatt what just go home not a word to anyone hear me I'm being serious Wyatt can we trust you Wyatt yeah you can trust me go home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well looking sounds like trouble yeah John come looks like the Hemi in place but we didn't leave the stove honor and you can't look [Music] [Music] [Music] who's Paul inside oh no he wasn't that you said that Paul was not inside however the smoke damage is pretty bad only a few of the dogs out the backyard survived most of them inside didn't make it Paul Paul that the owner no no no I'm the owner of Paul's my Renner the fire started up back he found some rags possible accelerant we'll know more after testing outside is it possible he could have done this no not a chance ain't no way he'd do something like this why don't you play the kids with it [Music] you know I can get in trouble for servin you Charlie I never happened hey Choji should you be at home with all your dogs he wants him with this retards going on some guy came in and he went crazy and he started smashing everything up and everyone in there he didn't even say anything there's other people still in there okay central I need an ambulance and some backup I got a situation here sent him down to the Cavalier bar was he armed I didn't see anything but he was dangerous he was trying to kill those kids there's a shotgun behind the bar I was just scared okay everybody stay here hope he's over there don't keep your hands where I can see him Paul any weapons on you son Oh thug what happened here oh boy they killed my dog Paul a fire killed your dogs these boys are hurt bad I got to get some help in here is that okay we'll sort that out later no I got to get some help in here will you stand put your arms behind your back for me oh yeah I could do that okay I'm gonna go get that help all right you sit tight sort this out I promise [Music] we've got injuries inside could be had a net so let's be careful all right does he attack you're still inside it's Paul annex the guy whose house caught fire down oh no let's not jump to any conclusions here but we did want me to call sweat for food no I can handle this now just keep this bro don't let anybody in that I don't authorize you can Robert landings here immediately follow me yes sir that Palmer Bears we're gonna need a perimeter all set if you have to live that Paul Paul's just meet sheriff Rogers these people here to take care of them boys don't take those bodies off the battlefield Paul we have to move those boys die in here things are gonna get a lot worse for you okay Paul please let them move them boys out we'll just sit here and talk deputy is my son in there Charlie I don't know but that's a crimes you don't know you need to find out who talked to Hale about that but you can't go back you know you're talking to Sal I understand that sir I'm standing positions and I don't we cannot work for me do you understand I cannot let you go back there Charlie Charlie [Music] dude damn job I swear to god whoa what's going on everything's okay stay calm stay calm okay thank y'all my dog not all of them some murdered them for no reason son listen to me put the shotgun on the bar put it down that's it it's been enough I'll just put it down just put on the bar that's it you don't be alright Robert II call wait everything is good here Paul let go everything is good we are okay it is okay stand down [Music] it's alright [Music] we're still trying to assess the total damage to the spinal cord in vertebrae okay we know it's fairly low thoracic six down into the lumbar okay Willie Hugh well his vitals are stabilizing so he's out of shock and he's no longer in any immediate danger of dying but the chance of him making a full recovery walking again we just don't know it's my son I need you to do everything possible cost it's not an issue cost is not the problem it will just depend [Music] tyne you need to know best-case scenario is paralysis for any stone worst case from the chest down and hope that the arms aren't involved initial tests show crushing injuries to the spinal cord and vertebra healthy is fibrin and all of those things are gonna play in his favor mr. Sawyer there [Music] maybe you should pray if you're a spiritual man [Music] all right has he said anything how what are we looking at here depending if anything changes at the hospital we're looking at six counts of attempted murder murder we took my murder my boy didn't have a weapon on him how he's a battle-tested marine for god sakes he is a weapon you're gonna want a lawyer here and I could have pushed him for a confession but I didn't he said those boys killed his dogs and if they did they deserved a good ass whuppin did they it was a fire I know it's a fire hell I saw it I talked to the fire chief no he said the fire start from the back of the house and that just might well have been arson you know the war got to your boy you don't think maybe hearing the news of his dogs are gonna be taken away oh I'm all dirty my car his old house on fire and killed his own dogs but he loved you know my boy he would never have done that you know that out we're gonna detain him here they'll be taken in front of a judge tomorrow Prosecutor's Office has gone over everything but with Mayor Quinn's boy being the most injured it's gonna get ugly all right you need a good attorney I want to talk to my boy now I'm sorry I cannot allow that why are you being a hard-ass I will tell you what time the arraignment is tomorrow once I get word you are unbelievable we're gonna tase me excuse me so take care and top I love you [Music] sheriff Rogers could you please unlock the door so I could leave your facility buzz him out Thank You sheriff and type soon but he's not talking I want statements from all em boys and anyone else who's at that bar yes sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dad not now Wyatt where's Charlie does he get arrested what did you say Charlie he don't you hold out on me right now I want to know everything what is it what you send me to that guy's house knock on his door the bet I sent him to the park for a dog but there wasn't a dog what are you trying to say I thought they were gonna Egger TP that guy's house I saw the fire trucks what did they do listen to me you don't say anything about us go upstairs keep your mouth shut go and do what I said no don't hey thanks for coming dad I heard about your son Quinn I'm really sorry one drink no thanks is reflux ed my son they never walk a beginning reports first thing in the morning yeah well that that's got to pay no we're still trying to piece this thing together that maniac walked into that bar where your underage son and his friends we're boozing it up edu and I did that when we were younger you met your wife I want my son's back got broke I know good little self-righteous on me now not now we will get justice I don't want that maniac getting off on some sympathy PTSD crap you hear me do you hear me calm calm calm down Quinn he knew my office was forcing him to reduce the amount of animals he kept in her house so he loses it he burns his damn house down he tries to kill my son he tries to kill me with the boys from the community now what Mauryan news dad we will put him away I wish Michigan have to duck down Quinn nobody got killed nobody died just some dogs we've got this all right you need to just try to get some rest arraignment will be at 9:00 a.m. there won't be any bagel I'll convince the judge he's a flight risk and a danger and all that now I've got to be up early so I'm going to I'm gonna be on my way I'll be praying for your son's recovery yeah I'll just let myself out just do what I said landings right I served on the 24th meu out of Camp Lejeune the two tours in Afghanistan before I got out moved to Michigan with my wife for her teaching career name's Armando Reyes who like that you made it out I have a few scars left a few close friends back there sorry you didn't hear that you know sometimes I wake up and I and I think I'm still back there does it get better you were just it doesn't get better you can't forget what you saw what you felt but you did no I guess not [Music] you didn't say your house on fire did you [Music] you know that's what my brother-in-law said you know he volunteers a couple times a month over at the animal shelter he said you'd never heard those animals pray for them for the boys but the dogs who died in that fire lonely trapped and scared the boys will face their own judgment [Music] [Music] does she always have to crowd my side of the bed she'll move eventually those boys gonna be all right mmm Quinn's boy may not walk again she's not taking that too well I'm talking about he's not he well this Paul the alleged attacker he waived his right to a preliminary but Quinn does not want to stand for any kind of a plea deal he wants us to go for assault with the intent to commit murder that fit the crime yeah it's complicated very very common in all this happened in the little bar where we met mmm the cavalier so what those boys do to provoke this good question there was a fire at the attackers home and the fire inspector said it was said from the outside arson he managed for arson hard to say at this point but this Paul who worked as a janitor at the animal shelter kept several of the dogs at his home hard to place kind you know what I think yeah the house was full of dogs so I happened to them most of them died smoke inhalation some burned to death after this just when Paul went after the boys at least those boys are still alive I was actually talking about the poor dogs but yeah the boys too what I'm so sorry babe I don't have s I could really you know Paul down mm-hmm I pray to God he forgives Paul for what he done them boys I'm pretty good you can forgive me for not being better father to our son [Music] I gotta miss you so much [Music] I want to fire a report today and what else is there the cook went crazy he burns his house down he goes seek revenge you finds my son I don't care what it takes I want you to keep that courtroom empty I don't want some nutjob swaying the sympathies of the jury oh I am in control of this yeah thanks dad mmm we'll talk about it why don't you go upstairs pack your bags so what you'd be ready by noon and I got a drive come in or go ticketing at Mimi's lake house for couple days she's a Trevor city it's like three hours away and the driver will be here at noon so be ready but don't for another month and I want to be here for you and Charlie you're gonna do as you're told do you understand Charlie and his friends did burn the house so didn't they Jamal don't ever clear to get in public or here anywhere go upstairs and do what you're told go on now go noon be ready all rise good morning everyone please take your seats we have a busy docket today hang in there Paul we're here with you Semper Fi always faithful brother Your Honor in tapper and Quincy Rowan on behalf of the defendants we're working in conjunction with the national legal services for wounded veterans our office is in Detroit Your Honor in view of the number of charges the victims involved and the egregious nature of the offense the prosecution has decided not to offer mr. Landon's a plea deal we are going directly to jury trial please stand miss the landings you stand before this court today facing six counts of assault with intent to commit murder do you understand I will enter a not guilty plea for you do you accept mr. tapper and mr. Owen as your legal counsel I do very well we're going to get a trial date set return all right [Music] [Music] [Music] Lord you know me I don't come to you for much come to you for my wife when she was ill my son when he was deployed in Afghanistan and then when he got blown oh I can't bear to think about loosing him second time the Lord whatever you can do I'll be much obliged him eternally grateful or as we if that was all right love you [Music] it's late yeah I'm going to sleep it's a good girl mmm-hmm it's like she's staying with you maybe not too late okay yeah we'll see you can go with her if you live thought you're off the sugar it helps me think for the doughnuts telling you he's clean except for this situation sounds like the Sawyer boy is gonna make it it's paralyzed but he'll live that's good news I think we need to get as much publicity on this case as possible we have major small-town politics working against us yeah but we've got a hero here he's wounded returns home trying to just mind his own business and live life yeah on the other hand we have the all-american boy star quarterback pro baseball pitching prospect but why did he get suspended from the team suspended by the coach five games for cussing at the principal a female principal not quite all-american uh-uh-uh add the coach to our character witness list I already have his boss Glen from the shelter might be a strong one as well tomorrow I'm working the phones red white and blue Project DAV Marine Semper five fund and two dozen others mm-hmm maybe ASPCA Farm Sanctuary and almost rights groups you see you're not the only smart one here already started a list good we'll put this in the national spotlight still have a few media friends left with a little integrity quint come on gotta have one of these Thanks yeah hey you ever have a dog yeah we got a few grown up Zane was a beagle and Homer was all I'm not some sort of retriever and I loved those dogs biggest thing a man can take into battle is a good reason why [Music] what would you have done if somebody tried to or did kill one of your dogs exactly it's just the reaction I plan to get from her jury [Music] [Music] come on hey looks like only spent a little time with you in your bungalow we should tell like get myself where mobile bish you give me a minute I'll property friendly that way smile Joe yeah smiling Joe is that your name no it's buddy it's mama deuces character I saw a long time and Westwood fella you think I went all Rambo on those Punk's I saw that standoff on the news I mean I've got myself into some trouble stealing a few things but damn son sorry to be so chatty yeah but I've been so a long time and even then people don't want to talk to me much and you don't look like you feel like talking either so I'm just gonna stretch out up here is that okay Hey look I'll try not to snore but if it gets too loud kick the bun oh he's former military they don't like the lobbying broken yeah still a lot of Pro military support around these parts ciao I make seven men and five women women tend to favor animals mostly but if they paint these young men's children women tend to favor children too I believe that rounds out our 12 jurors flies will start tomorrow 9:00 a.m. with opening statements were adjourned all rise hey there hotshot here's a hint women favor a lot of things but being generalized and having men think they know what women favor yeah is way off oh and ties crooked and I'm pretty sure your fly's undone keep your head in the game what I've seen you with that look usually just before you do something stupid [Music] okay mr. Rowan good luck tomorrow mr. Hammonds thank you but we don't require luck you've got case law sure son good luck anyway [Music] his condition has improved greatly I was off the respirator breathing on his own it's a great start yeah mm-hmm well we got a question for you doc when can we start rehabilitation we're ready we are going to have to take that one step at a time yeah but you understand my boy Charlie here he's a fighter it's going to be a major difference in his day-to-day activities he's gonna need to relearn everything in his new condition condition why don't you just say it I'm crippled leave me alone sorry Charlie you're gonna have to come to terms with your condition can I speak to you for a moment outside yeah I want him out of here as soon as possible we're gonna have to see what kind of progress he makes carry in the meantime he's gonna need some help what kind of help uh therapist church leader perhaps he hasn't been to church since his mother passed a therapist really he's gonna have a lot of frustration you saw some of that in there Charlie has a long road ahead of him but he's lucky he has a road ruin you could have easily lost him we'll talk later [Music] [Music] [Music] rivers hi most a few lines and this really you sure have I bend up every place in this town that's brought me solace in the past any luck not so far scared it's clear from my boy Jim you make a both with God and they're brought into this world to raise them watch over him guide him now failed Paul I should have never allowed him to join the Marines yeah but you saw I had to it was drafted it's a big difference I didn't have to serve I I encouraged him to join the Marines totaled make him a man now look where he is well the authorities won't allow me to let anyone inside the house yet but once they do you're welcome to go in and take whatever you want did you hear what happened to all the dogs that survived the fire yeah Glenn took a minute to shelter huh once news of the fire at the papers several word adopted immediately yeah matter of fact a couple were taken in by an agency that trains service dogs absolutely I always think about take it one in myself give it out as Paul says it forever oh there's someone remember don't you lose hope not jet don't ever lose hope oh I'm just happy that so happy that they all found horse you know I just I don't think that could muster the courage that have to have told Paul that he had to be put down he loved him so much well the local VFW took up a collection of paid for the proper handling of the dead animals okay speaking of which up I guess money like them are you back some of what he owes you forever that back rent is everything going on they come late you sure oh yeah they can wait who appreciate that brother appreciate that which anywhere I was contacted by the prosecution to testify and uh I'm guessing it's about all the dogs yeah you gotta do what you gotta do you you know what was a good friend Paul Laura gave a fair shake I was appreciating that and so you make it ask for the slave I I only wish I could gonna do more on all he's done for this country way people treated don't you worry you hang in there buddy it's gonna be alright [Music] stupid reception a lot of excitement or that house fire the tech on those boys yeah I read a few things being posted on it not have anything official yet though do we fire inspector they're not speaking yet I've heard they suspect arson I also heard mayor Quinn's boy likely paralyzed but of course you probably already know that format that's careful about what he shares some work wish that were true for everyone well I like you to run a story think up whatever you can of these paw landings yeah way ahead of you I have told all the past stories we ran on him when he returned from service he was honored at our Memorial Day Parade any arson in his background what violence arrests he wasn't always a boy scout you want me to uncover a dirt on him Quinn's boy ain't never gonna be the same and I don't want that broken down poor excuse of a soldier a Marine whatever I don't want any bleeding hearts on his side I'd like you to cover the entire trial if Ed's okay with it filled with a blind rage the defendant mr. Paul landings viciously attacked Charles Aaron Sawyer and brutally slammed him into the corner of this pool table thereby shattering the lower vertebrae in his back I'm Charlie's life promise athlete student the young man with so much ahead of him forever altered forever altered by this man whom I will tell you is a war veteran United States Marine Corps honorably discharged and we appreciate his service but this vet returned home thinking that he did not play by the same rules that you and I all obey prosecution is going to show that he was in gross violation of city ordinance and that when he was confronted with this fact he did not choose to comply with the law he chose rather to retaliate violently against those he thought responsible for turning him in now the defense is going to try to paint for you a fabricated picture of a pool wounded war vet under stress and they're going to bring you studies and statistics that tried to show how he is not accountable and responsible for his actions but rather it's because of a war fought in a distant country a long time ago the truth is he chose to break the law our law and then he chose this combat hardened marine chose to target stalk and attack a group of boys half his age and it would not surprise me to find out that in a bit of spite that he set his own residence on fire sorry your honor stand down sit down sit down we are done with our opening remarks your honor exciting morning coffee's kicking in better for some than others I want to thank our fine jury for your service much like our client has risk and been awarded for his service to all of you you ladies and gentlemen now serve Him and us I promise you will hear quite a different story you will discover that while arson might have been involved Our client surely did not participate in any way he is in pain he lost family he actually lost family in that bio family that he loved as near and dear as you all love your family I plan to give you a vastly different story than the prosecution might wish you to believe what is that you might ask that Charlie Sawyer is not the Clark Kent small-town America poster boy painted by the prosecution and his team some of you already know he's a troubled young man and who has a pattern of truancy bullying and in this case took things too far we plan to give you the truth and following that we're gonna ask you after you hear all the testimony that you find Paul landings not guilty of these charges he's lived there for about two years now he's always been a good renter he's a good man the final fire department report states that arson was the cause of the fire and hit I'm sorry excuse me at York house did you ever have any issues with mr. Lennox objection mr. Landon's isn't on trial for arson sustained careful miss Bigsby please continue would you like me to repeat the question no I had the typical issues that any landlord might have dealing with anyone these days trying to make ends meet was he failing to pay rent no well he got behind from from time to time and was he currently behind with rent that's um I'm sorry sir excuse me yes saw me it was behind some how did it make you feel to be served in violation of a town ordinance objection how does it make him feel redirect your line of questioning please have you ever been served in violation of a town ordinance in your opinion did you consider the living conditions to be healthy well no so you're gonna have to speak up so the court can hear you please no no then do you think the conditions of your property we're increasing or decreasing in value with mr. landings as your tenant I suppose they were decreasing decreasing yes thank you I have no more questions for this witness your honor recess for lunch one hour all rise okay guys I know Boyer no but you're telling me that they made Jim sound like some heart a slumlord hmm Jim is Paul's friend Jim is little Paul since he was a baby Jim and I go way back were hunting buddies 50 pounds you're telling me that's what the cases will get our chance to cross-examine mr. landings but he's testable his testimony so it just me right so my son's life we're talking about here there it was sitting in my house and I get a call from your boss and your boss in Detroit says hey our organization wants to defend your son free of charge you know guys right now I'm regretting that decision but I guess you get what you paid for don't you mr. lanning's my own charge here was first in his class at the Naval Academy he was an outstanding Jag officer trust me you want him on our side me well yeah I'm I'm the old dog in the mix I know what you were thinking but I actually I had it all once money notoriety people who loved me maybe they still do I climbed into a bottle and threw away the things that matter most family friends you can't put a price on being able to live with yourself believe me I'm still trying Robert we know Paul didn't kill his dogs his family but we also know that he he attacked and paralyzed the Sawyer boy you already lost a part of your son to his service in Afghanistan if we don't bust this down to a lower included charge you're gonna lose was left of Paul have faith mr. landings everything will be all right [Music] yeah I asked do you have any pets of your own objection relevance sustained please continue have you ever had a pet I had a dog Jack for many years he he passed away maybe four years ago he never got a new one too painful to get another one I guess but you are a dog lover objection your honor overruled the witness may answer I like the way they bring out the best in us you were aware that mr. landings was taking in dogs from the local shelter that had reached the end of their stay yes yes were you aware of complications that Paul had from his military service well everyone around here was aware of that so you wanted to assist whenever possible yes like I said he's a good man we should all try and do that for one another go on so you noticed when the defendant came into the bar that night yeah everyone did he looked crazed when he came in his eyes weren't right and he was strangely calm but then he just snaps and went berserk yes I think we can all imagine that based on what went on in this courtroom around here today objection immaterial the same that the commentary miss Bixby do you think the defendant was trying to kill the people in the bar yes I think he was your awareness so you knew the boys you were serving we're all underage yes you're under oath miss Howard yeah I knew but but but what [Music] but they come in all the time to play the jukebox and pool his Charlie's father was is Charlie Sawyer's father yes his father is the mayor so so Charlie didn't fear any consequences because state law doesn't apply to him objection badgering the witness rephrase the question mr. román did Charlie Sawyer feel entitled to do whatever he pleased because of his father's position yes even drinking at a bar across the street from the Sheriff's Department thank you further questions so Charlie Sawyer was suspended for five games yes was that your call yes it was approved and that was for disrespecting the principal do you believe that was a unique situation or more of a pattern I think Charlie Sawyer had Division one potential in both football and baseball could have written his own ticket maybe even into the pros but he lacked discipline and respect and that starts at home are you still active in the army coach National Guard military police unit you sit on the board of the local chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars do you not I do listen I fully support getting help for our deserving vets but if you think I wanted something like this to happen to those boys did you I think too many of the young men around here aren't getting the firm hand they need did I want to see anyone get seriously hurt no don't think Charlie and those boys could have benefited from a swift kick in the butt you're damn right how about a paralyzing near-fatal kick to the spinal cord coach your honor withdrawn no further questions do you like dogs now really got bit by one when I was young once you were young well how do you feel about dogs I can tell you how I feel about them dogs I feel they should have humanely been put down before being abused by that hoarder of animals they were just loud and annoying they stunk and hey they were just dogs do you don't think dogs are anything more than just property nope you have knowledge or participate in any way to the fire set at mr. landings is rental house nope that crazy do right there did they need to be put away forever [Music] how long have you known Charlie Sawyer about five years or so since summer baseball in seventh grade Scouts football camp your two shared a lot together and did you know Paul landings before you encounter him at the Cavalier bar everyone knew of him but no never met him never wanted to well how long were all of you at the bar that night five or six hours Charlie was a spinet so we wanted to shoot Paul and listen to some tools and like many young boys you were drinking underage yes but Gail can tell you that's what we were doing drinking not said nobody's household fire I'm finished with this witness your honor we'll reconvene tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. all right keep the pressure on them and crack I think you're right then don't forget coach dulls various people yeah can you give us a minute not bad today those boys are lying I thought their testimony came across sketchy and and inconsistent it helps us I'm gonna try and get the younger son on the stand sport your story that could be Arg I heard they're debating putting your dad on the stand well they're doing a pretty good job of twisting truth but we've got a few other surprises yeah wanna speak to my own defense not sure that's the kind of surprise we need dr. Keller might also be called to the stand I'm not sure if that's good or bad all right okay rest up see you tomorrow see you Paul Thanks welcome home so you still got a roommate for a few days okay father Palmer yeah we got tacos tonight hmm thought you were vegan hey night boys anything no no nope isn't there anything we can do with stem cells or whatnot major medical advances are happening every day but nothing that can immediately help when do I get to go home soon but your life is gonna be very different oh you mean like I can't do anything for myself you can learn to do things you're just gonna need a lot of help at first I have a peer mentor that's gonna come in and visit you what's that he's a young man who's paralyzed like you are he's gonna help you to see that your life is gonna look very different but it's gonna be very good there are a lot of choices you're gonna be able to make what kind of car you want to drive and you can put hand controls on it you'll be able to choose the kind of house you want to live in and adjust it so that you can live a full life it's gonna be a long road you're gonna have to be a warrior and advocate for yourself but it's gonna be a good life charlie I have to leave you now but I'm gonna check that with you tomorrow [Music] you can do this [Music] hey saw you on the news you don't look so bad how's a few stitches come closer is everyone sticking to our story yes even Gail yeah I'm afraid of the fire report though that's just gonna say it's arson it's our word against rain man rainbow so just stay cool what if they try to get your brother up on the stand [Music] don't sweat it just tell everyone to stick to the story okay [Music] I can't tell you what it means to me that you felt almost all the pawls dogs they're a true blessing brother true blessing to Paul thank you we've been friends for a long time Bob I just want you to know that no matter what the verdict is I still believe in Paul he's a good man Bob you did a good job I've been writing a few grants we're gonna make the shelter a no kill facility in honor of Paul hell we got a plaque and everything boards already approved to me it's outstanding it's not much but hey Paul loved that thank you [Music] you're quiet tonight you're slowly making your case if a dog truly is property then you can't go and try to kill someone for wrecking your property you're on the right side of case law now come I don't feel like I'm arguing for what's right case law or not I feel like I'm working hardest to make the case for my own peace of mind this helps calm the mind gets the sound of flower he's still in that desert fighting nature whose bark we're talking your sleep my fault they can live in color buddy you lost him didn't you vomit heck man it wouldn't had it any other way I mean that's what they do normal way of things it's not right for a parent to bear his child but with our dog babies that's just a righteous way of things in poem I'm truly sorry for a lost man after all that may be chilly all I wanted was a little bit of peace those dogs they gave me that feeling of peace Dana those boys took that from you and for that I feel big I feel rage no boys I feel remorse but that situation would happen again it would go down in the same way because actions have consequences war taught me that the fight for what's right was honorable and to help those who can't help himself the Marines taught me that [Music] then can you please just listen to me stop shouting dad I have to do the right thing hello [Music] hi can you please speak to a mr. Quincy Rowan or mr. Ian tapper tell them it's wet Sawyer thank you [Music] as a damn circus social media grabbed it first spread across the state country actually they get to the dogs and military to grab the headlines I guess Joanne even got a call from NPR you're kidding they're asking question let's go [Music] [Applause] your exact area of expertise again sir I'm a certified fire arson investigator and I assist with six County fire departments and you were assigned to the fire response team yes sir I was what did you find when you responded the entire rear of the house was engulfed in flames we saw several animals in the yard and we immediately began putting water on the flames I was one of the first responders to break down the front door what did you discover upon entering most of the dogs were dead smoke inhalation their paws were bloodied from trying to claw through the front door the door was pretty hard to open because they were all piled together I'm sorry take a moment it's I know this can't be easy the fire started in the rear of the house for most of the crates were being kept and all of the all of the caged animals died in the fire because the the flames melted the plastic crates what was the final conclusion of your inspection beyond a reasonable doubt arson we discovered some burned rags and a charred gas can thank you do you believe the living situation contributed to this incident I can't say that the living situation had any direct cause and the fire-starting however once the fire did start the cramped amount of dog crates and newspapers and empty dog food bags certainly fueled the flames was there any evidence that mr. landings did not set the fire we only know that the fire started outside the Sheriff's Department report stated that no prints could be pulled from the can so the answer is no thank you a full recovery is very unlikely the spinal damage from the attack is irreversible yes ma'am my son was changed by his experience in Afghanistan he came home I never sent disabled you see my son is a Marine Corps dog handler and on his last deployment him and his dog were blown up by an ie D killed his dog and left my son 100% disabled and a bit slower than used to be well the VA the doctors the psychiatrists they determined that his TBI do you know that his traumatic brain injury and PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder from that blast and all the prescriptions that the VA gives him don't do jack the only thing that helps my son is his dogs they were into Kazuma a mission and purpose in life the only thing makes me happy correction was his dogs I see and I can certainly sympathize but the fact is he's not disabled enough to keep from injuring those boys 1 permanently and the forensic psychiatrist determined that he knew exactly what he was doing Your Honor the defense now calls gunnery sergeant Harold Reeves United States Marine Corps they're ready for you I love you brother simplify thank you for joining us today but wouldn't miss it you served with mr. Paul landings probably that man saved my life can you expound on that police sergeant we're both doing another tour in Afghanistan my fourth our unit was tasked to take medical supplies were needed we're going down a road that day we do a sketchy well they're all sketchy so our landings is a specialist k-9 handler Bart was his partner I was walking Flint as always the other dismounted from your Humvee Bart hit on something with our landings yelled at me to stop and fall back come bard um pull there goodie almost before we can react the ID detonated one of those cowards hiding with a trigger remote later I was told Bart was killed instantly start landing took several pieces of shrapnel clean the chunk to the back of his head I was told spent several weeks in a coma just like me I took some considerable amount of damage to myself in case you couldn't tell the Marines in the Humvee put up the fire that engulfed me I swooped teeth's out of my mouth so I can breathe others were hurt that day some internally some externally but all of us for the rest of our lives your honor with all due respect this is a filibuster sit down mr. Hammonds you may continue sergeant I've had 48 surgeries but I'm alive the good Lord above has blessed me our entire human team out there was blessed that day because of Sergeant landings embarked I speak for all of us when I say how grateful we are for your service and personal sacrifice sergeant Paul landings is the hero he and Bart walk front and center to danger on several occasions saving many lives and on that particular day [Music] can you describe the bond between mr. lanning's and his former dog Bart Bart was a Marine his family all of us was he family or was he like family excuse me I'm sorry I was just I was asking if Bart a dog was family or was he like family Bart was family yes that is how all of you saw them but the military sees them as equipment in fact not too long ago they were seen as surplus military equipment and often put down after a time Robby's law changed all that thank God yeah the post war adoption process is a beautiful program do you think Paul landings thought of Bart as his family furthermore do you think he thought of all of his dogs as part of his family yes like I said we all did and do you think the defendant Paul landings would have killed to protect Bart would have killed to protect this family we take care of our own that's what we're trained to do we're Marines not sure how that went pretty tired Your Honor I'm adding a witness who just came forward on his own very well I call Wyatt Sawyer to the stand they can't do this he is my objection Your Honor this witness is not on the defense's witness list be seated gentlemen the honor I will not ask again where's your right hand please you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth why don't you tell all of us what made you come forward today because of what happened to my brother and the other boys your how old young man almost 14 sir did you go to the house of Paul landings at Friday night of the fire I need to remind you that you you're under oath you understand what that means yes it did objection your honor we've had no time to file a motion even against this witness testifying overruled please continue why did you go to mr. landings house that night I told mr. lanning's there was a dog tied up in the park knowing how he'd respond was there a dog no sir who sent you to the house that night my brother Charlie and you did what you were asked to do any regrets now yes sir I regret what happened to my brother and I regret what happened to those dogs [Music] you saw mr. landings run from his house towards the park correct yes sir was the house on fire no sir so - to be clear the house was not on fire when mr. lanning's ran from his house toward soil park No [Music] do you know who set the fire [Music] white I didn't see it happen but I know my brother Charlie and his friends we're gonna do something maybe I guess house or TP the trees but when you saw the fire engines you knew didn't you [Music] violence please continue young man I didn't know they were gonna burn it I never wanted those dogs to die I'm sorry I'm sorry mr. lanning's no more questions [Music] mr. Hammonds [Music] we're going to defer cross-examination at this time and ask for a brief recess since this witness was not on the list we're going to entertain a motion for a mistrial you can entertain anything or anyone you like mr. Hammonds on your own time recess 30 hey nurse nurse can you help me with changing the channel I can't Oh God what have I done so stupid how cuz I've been so stupid please forgive me whose dog said please mr. Landon's we've reached the end of our witness list will you be taking the stand our client has elected not to take no no Paul sit down Paul rigea ready you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do you may be seated sighs look around this courtroom I'm disappointed how few people are here I never wanted attention just to be left alone but I guess that me people care very much about what happened to my dogs so I can do it be a voice for them I do she faces I know my neighbors mrs. Johnson I'm got a dog Bubba at our shelter deputy Mike O'Leary I was there when you picked out Maxie after your gussy may has be put down I recall you mean there was so much joy as if you've been made whole again the animals have that ability Claire girl Snoopy Jo rally I know all your pets and I've seen the people that you become with them in your life I feel a lot of horrible things at war things that keep me up at night of my pack family they taught me if we get about the harshness of yesterday and to live for today your honor as this witness going to be seated to testify or stand and preaches a sermon I want you both to take a seat mr. Hammonds it's the landings your honor if it pleases the court we're going to yield to mr. landings very well I'm duty-bound to caution you mr. landings you're under oath anything you say can be held against you do you understand dogs are mentioned in the Bible 44 times 35 times in the Old Testament nine times you knew the wolf was domesticated the helped mankind survive and dogs they teach us to love unconditionally Your Honor I object yes I object I object to the way we treat one another as living things to be used and discarded without the slightest concern for the soul within okay objection overruled mr. landings please get to your point mr. Hammonds Mr Hammond sir I have seen you with your dog your family how would you feel if your dog died in a fire a fire that was intentionally set by someone objection your honor I am not on trial here mr. landings what is your point sir let's just get this over first you why I Sawyer young man thank you for your courage in your honesty the question we all have to ask ourselves is what the soul of a dog can be way the same is a man or woman he's as simple as right wrong I know my answer and I know my faults so I mean each and everyone used to ponder that question enjoy yourself I'm a marine and maybe what idea was not right in the eyes of the law it was right in my heart I did not set my house on fire but I surely did pursue those who did I brought them the war that they started for that I'm guilty I'm prepared to stand and face whatever punishment it's judging this jury he's fit that's been Charlie Sawyer I'll let God judge him or perhaps he already has I have nothing boys say [Music] Sammis Your Honor in view of the defendants confession on the stand the prosecution's case of assault with intent to commit murder has been confirmed we will accept a changed plea very well mr. Hammonds we will enter a guilty plea mr. tapper mr. Owen your client has been remanded to the county jail to await sentencing we'd like to thank the jury for your time Court is now adjourned [Music] trust in me my friend for I am your comrade I'll protect you with my last breath when all others have left you and the loneliness of night closes in I will be by your side together we will conquer all obstacles and search out those who might wish harm to others all I ask of you is compassion the caring touch of your hands it is for you that I will unselfishly give my life and spend my night Sun rested although our days together may be marked by the passing of the seasons know that each day at your side is my reward my days are measured by the coming and going of your footsteps I anticipate them at every opening of the door where the voice of Carrie when I am him the voice of authority when I've done wrong do not chastise me unduly I am your right arm the sword at your side I attempt to do only what you bid of me I seek only to please you and remain in your favor together you and I shall experience a bond only others like us will understand when Outsiders see us together their envy will be measured by their disdain I will quietly listen to you and pass no judgment ever vigilant nor will your spoken words be repeating and when our time together is done and you move on in the world remember me with kind thoughts and tales for a time we were unbeatable nothing passed among us undetected and if we should meet again on another Street I will gladly take up your fight I am a working dog and together we were guardians of the night [Music] fair winds and following seas amigo I'll be praying for you simplify simplify [Music] I see you got him the Cadillac of electric chairs in there [Music] well Charlie told me he's also excited to transition to his manual chair so he can keep his upper body strong and conditioned sky's the limit on Charlie this is Tom stone from the service dog organization in Flint totally new service starts come from they come from many places this one was a service dog for an elderly lady before she passed he somehow accidentally found himself at a local shelter until he was recently rescued he was one of the dogs that survived from that tragic house fire they had around here a few months ago Charlie mrs. Brown 35 bucks game [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,962,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie, christian, Jesus, full movie, MBF, Mans Best Friend, God, trailers, movies, bridgestone multimedia BMG, DJ Perry, Don Most, Tim Abell, Robert Henline, Anthony Hornus, MBF: Man's Best Friend Full Movie, MBF: Man's Best Friend Movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: afDYPOiL5pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 22sec (7762 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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