Useless (2020) | Full Movie | Brooke Wilson | Mark Bracich | Rinnan Henderson

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[Music] oh okay it's gonna be so late mom your name tag oh gosh where's your long sleeve i'll get changed as soon as i get registered come here i love you i'll see you tomorrow night and drive carefully kiddo i will mom hey you're gonna be late what i'm sure glad you're my girl you're the best thing that's ever happened to me i love you too [Music] forgot your hat [Music] um hey thanks for coming no nick i'm so sorry how's this laurel she's hanging in there this is so terrible yeah we're all still pretty shook up what about robin's daughter jesse she must be devastated i don't know that it's quite landed yet i am so sorry laurel your sister was a great friend we're all gonna miss her thank you you ready to go jesse [Music] where is she going [Music] let's see [Music] no horses not for a while no remember we came out that summer ash when was that yeah but we went on a on a trail ride to uh pine meadow yeah pine meadow that was fun you were back there ever not since mom started competing again hmm maybe we could board some what's that horses yeah maybe really hurts huh does it ever go it uh it eases over time but peace will come hey why don't we go inside hey it's all right it's okay kiddo let me make it through this you're gonna live again i promise you [Music] that i have to go back to the house tomorrow and bring the keys to the bank do you want to ride with me you could grab your car or anything else that's left you got wheels now mom found a really sweet deal what is it i don't know old but it does this thing like when it rains the radio turns on by itself well that's uh different i just keep the knob turned now uh have you checked your headlight fluid you mean blinker fluid yeah that's what i mean the blinker fluid i'm gonna take a look at it hey i can do this why don't you go sit down a while and relax it's okay you should have seen how she grabbed hold of me it's like she's drowning i wish we could have been there for growing up nick we did all we could it just wasn't meant to be [Music] i don't know it's just well she's here now with us and i can't i won't let her down [Music] when's the last time you let anybody down hmm about you [Music] you doing okay i'll be all right really these things got a way of sneaking up on you sure makes you think hey don't worry you ain't gonna lose me [Music] what are you doing [Laughter] don't joke taking precautions [Music] you're silly five bags total yeah five to do it today oh mack how are you hey jim been a while yeah dude you're working here now and they got you loading feed whatever keeps me busy no kidding how do you like it living the dream living the dream yeah seriously jim i was glad to have something to get us through you know well you do what you got to do that you do you could see anybody you too and say hi to the family don't do that thanks [Music] i'm sorry you had to switch your last year that's really tough it's okay so what comes after graduation have you thought about college college yeah i mean not that you'd have to but it's always an option oh i'm pretty sure i know what i want to do barrel racing [Music] what about nursing it's really stable good pay there's never enough nurses in the world i don't really want to be a nurse okay but i mean have you at least explored other options you know besides barrel racing [Music] just do me a favor and at least look at some other options yeah i can do that sorry i can't remember the name roscoe rasca looking for gus he should be right over there if you hustle you might catch him you know how quick he moves all right thanks you bet is this working for you mick well hey then put in a good word for me will you well guess you know i can buck logs with the best of them and i know the management side so i could pitch in there too it's a win-win we're full up mix since you guys started the layoffs we've had our pick well you got some pretty good guys didn't you dude we did well you know given my experience with them very same fellas and my track record i'd fit right in i'm sorry mick there's just no room for you here i understand all right yeah no worries gus listen if something does come up you'll give me a holler huh sure mick sure by the way say hi to laurel for me will you yeah you bet [Music] jesse is there anything else you can think of there's a couple things in the barn i'll just grab them you can go on ahead are you doing okay we can always come back for your car if you want it no that's fine i'll see you at the house [Music] foreign [Music] we have 12 more horses coming in next week so make sure we account for that with a feed [Music] he got out again didn't someone fix the gate hello i found this guy near the road oh my gosh thank you so much of course he's turning into quite the houdini this one what a beautiful horse he better be for 90 000. so what's your story you live in the area not too far i live with mick and laurel they're my aunt and uncle i'm amber jesse let me know if there's anything i can do well actually i'm looking for a job do you know anyone who's hiring why don't you stop by next week and we can talk about it okay just come here yeah i'm usually around all right thanks you might have a job oh really at the horse farm around the corner amber's place yeah amber's the one i'm at we're gonna talk about it well that'd be great if you got a job right off just good luck more than that seems to me though a cowgirl might feel out of place over there not what's this cowgirl dunno as long as you kiss around horses huh yep yeah well this has all the ear markings of a laurel casserole except uh something's missing cheese i'm trying something different it's called leftover casserole new family favorite and remarkably it changes every time [Music] [Applause] hey you you're welcome to sit here if you want kenzie jesse nice to meet you do you want me to show you around a bit no that's okay i'm sure i can figure it out [Music] what is it who are those guys oh they're all like in the rodeos and such what are you into bugs what do you mean like collecting them oh what kind of bugs anything really like have you ever heard of the ambush bug no they literally ambush other bugs and eat them it's so interesting they like yellow flowers and black-eyed susans i could find one for you if you like no that's okay okay kenzie thanks for asking me to sit with you sure god [Music] um [Music] um [Music] hey there you are what's up no nothing what you doing friday night i don't know why laurel works late i thought maybe we could go in and catch us a rodeo sound fun yeah let's do that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] kyle hey mick i thought that was you what are you doing i'm working on an article for the exponent that's uh msu right huh good for you college man now oh you remember my niece jesse oh my gosh it's been years yeah like five you back for a visit uh no she's uh she's with us now well i better go get out your guys's way all right well hey don't be a stranger we should have you over for game of thrones if you still like losing we'll see you lose let's make it happen you bet i'm a good guy you [Music] [Music] up up up shoulders back count your steps hello amber jesse i found your horse we were gonna talk about possible work oh right it's not a great time jesse oh i'm sorry i can come back no just give me a sec no problem shoulders back shoulders back count your steps why don't you take over for a minute okay let's go someplace quiet they're not pets they're mostly thoroughbreds and they can definitely be a handful i can handle that so what's the number one rule with horses always get back on i was going to say don't pay too much for an arabian but that works oh it's not glamorous most of it's going to be mucking out stalls and stacking hay bales i expect you to work does that sound like something you'd like yes that sounds great okay then welcome to the team well i don't know what dusty told you but he was my son's horse as a two-year-old we started him on cutting training and he was athletic seemed to love every bit of it until one day he's give up started shaking all over wouldn't even move i never seen anything like it well dusty said he wasn't much more in a pasture ornament can he be rude i suppose that depends on what you're going to do with him he's pretty darn spooky so what happened my son just pushed him too hard he might be all right eventually for trail riding or pleasure riding but for cutting completely useless [Music] so what's his name named lucky 500 he's yours [Applause] laurel mick grab your shoes come on outside why you know that feeling you get when something's planned out for you everything just falls together what are you talking about i may have found a horse for jesse oh i figured we could go to mom and pick him up make we can't afford a i may have raided the cash jar honey that was for you what i don't need another rifle i mean i haven't been this excited about something in a long time it just feels so right i mean she's our baby girl now it's just come on makes you a little excited every time i hear her talking about barrel racing i just hear robin's voice in her spending her whole life chasing a dream and for what just a horse it's not it's a lie is that what you want for [Music] me she lost her mom honey she needs something to hold on to i'm just scared for her i just can't wish that away i know you are and you got such a big heart but i'm asking you here to be brave this has to be from you as much as it is for me if not we don't do it what should we do this is the second time we've had to speak about this issue i don't like it any more than you do i'm not trying to spoil anybody's fun but we have rules for a reason let's end the year on a good note get through it and you can live however you like outside my school understood good you can go thank you sir and take that stupid hat off well looky here a bug come on man i found it first it's not yours so so it's not very nice loser punk kid it's ruined so are you gonna introduce me to your friend who oh this is jesse jesse this is blaze thanks that was nice no big deal so what's your story do you rodeo yes i do do you ride my mom did but not you i can ride i bet you can i gotta get to class you really come see me ride sometime gets pretty wild yeah or maybe you should watch me ride maybe i will come in hey what you doing nothing you want to come outside and see something what is it you want to come find out he's yours where did he come from i found him too dusty he's bred for cutting but he got spooked pretty bad in training but he swears up and down he's useless but uh i think with a steady hand and a steady heart we can make it so that just ain't so what do you think jesse you for this oh yeah all right well karen feeding's going to be up to you can you handle that uh-huh all right he's beautiful kind of short though so are you all right let's show him his name [Music] so [Music] what's his name yeah believe it or not they called him lucky i think he just might finally fit but you can call him whatever you like lucky welcome home you know you might want to think about uh what you can do to put them to work i think i have an idea [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign i have something for you [Music] it means a lot to me so take good care of it okay thank you well don't you want to settle them up yes [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] jesse are you in here hey what's up think fast [Music] this is not a club it's mine ready i'll get him saddled [Music] easy don't push him too hard he's into it uncle mick i have done this before i know you have but he hasn't he's got a long way to go nice all right let him stretch it out an athletic yeah all right keep it [Music] moving [Music] so [Music] [Music] but don't forget quiet hands make for a quiet horse mom said that well she was right it's the same for barrels as it is for cutting horse gets his cues from you oh hello there josh that time already actually i'm a little late sorry ah it's not a problem at all late for what you're not playing playing what well rook of course [Music] [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] you [Music] aspect didn't knock over any barrels oh hey nice hat thanks hear about the only person i know that has worse luck with these things well at least i'm good for something huh we still good on trade you get this thing running i'll deliver that hay myself awful good thing you guys are doing taking it in your niche like that well it's kind of you say so bob appreciate it let's see we can do about this thing huh [Music] you okay mick it's just a little lightheaded let me get you a drink of water what's wrong there you have to oh well an old friend i ran into at work called and said he wanted to talk business does this look business hold still you look great i gotta go not without this there all right wish me luck good luck [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you jesse something's happened vic's in the er what what happened i don't know i'm going there now i'll call you later okay [Music] [Music] laurel jesse i'm so sorry i was gonna call you but my phone died what's going on i don't really know but he's been moved from the er to a long-term room long term he lost his vision while he was driving what yeah he didn't hit anyone thank god how does that happen they're saying he had a blood clot in his brain but jesse don't worry he's gonna be okay they're saying maybe just a couple weeks and he'll be back on his feet he's gonna be okay we'll go back in the morning okay okay chelsea you can go in now please don't leave me hey jesse little birdie told me you've been racing hey what's going on it's okay you can tell me [Music] my uncle's in the hospital gosh that that's terrible come here kyle i brought you guys some dinner what's wrong with mom that's really sweet she says there's more coming how you doing i'm so sorry jess i i wish or says mark could do kyle hi it's from my mom oh tell her thank you if there's any way i can help just let me know you doing okay well i was gonna find something sappy to watch i need a good cry i could go for that i just have to put lucky away okay we had another race planned i don't know what to do when is it friday you still want to i think i need to well you could use the truck but do you think you could handle the maneuvering and backing and all that why don't you ask kyle to go with you he's awkward there might be a reason for that you ready thanks for going with me i'm a poor substitute for mick but i'll do my best [Music] [Music] it's just one race you can't win a mall no i know just thought he had it it's disappointing isn't it [Music] mom would know what to do [Music] what makes you so sure it's a thing i mean what if he just slipped he turned right into it i remember mom helping other writers figure this one out so it's a common problem i guess i'll figure it out what do you know about barrel racing nothing but i'm good at research and we're a team right okay how's mick doing um the nurse had him up and walking today so that's good i'm really glad to hear that laurel said he's already plotting his escape sounds like mick i better go [Music] so look who it is my long lost pal how are you feeling like a million bucks a million old worn out bucks no i'm just glad to be home kiddo i've been worried about you going here i've been worried about you come on let's get inside [Music] laurel i'm so sorry we're gonna be just fine [Music] it's my line [Music] i have a few huckleberries left how about pancakes for dinner huckleberry pancakes that sounds so good [Music] lucky knows you want speed so when you go into that second barrel you put the shoulder into it cutting through it like a shortcut you're asking for speed he's just trying to give it to you so what you have to do is teach him how to put his hip in and i'll pull shoulder up right easy no it can be it's just a lot of groundwork listen to you i love you you do my research seriously where'd you learn that youtube what are you doing i didn't want to wake you couldn't sleep ah not really [Music] what's going on yeah start those off and then uh feels like it's happening again i don't want you to go back to work not yet so what am i supposed to do here [Music] trust [Music] so [Music] so jesse hey whoa you look great in those jeans oh thank you so are you coming where the bull bash it's gonna be some hellish rides you should definitely be there maybe well nothing else you should come to the after party it's our tradition oh what kind of party nothing too crazy it's good times i'm especially inviting you i'll definitely think about it all right have you seen gamble looking a little lame i don't know maybe a little oh look at you taking the initiative i've been working my way through the tack room it's kind of fun it can be so hard things i hear mix on the mend he's starting to seem more like himself big jokester isn't he yeah mostly well i'm glad he's doing better you have a ride just for fun less and less it seems when you did you could pick any horse you wanted i have a few options yeah how would you choose what do you mean well if you had two horses and one was really fast and exciting and the other was really steady and predictable and boring yeah boring you choose the fast one predictable isn't boring it's just predictable if i'm on a trail ride in the mountains i want to know how that horse is going to act if a grouse flies up and i'm on the side of the mountain and the fast one's inclined to bolt that's not exciting that's dangerous right so it's more a matter of trust do i trust him or does he trust me you'll figure it out why because i don't want to go alone i guess but what about kyle i don't know it just seems like it could get weird because of blaze well yeah he asked me there especially isn't it weird to bring a guy i guess but you don't really know him jesse he was never nice to me before maybe he never noticed you before well yeah that's kind of the point i just i don't want to be rude and you don't want to go alone right don't you want to see some bull riding well not especially but since you're my friend i guess i can go thank you hello i'm a good man welcome to the yellow submarine emporium what's your delight you know what i want you never know one of these days blaze might just blaze one [Music] full dose have fun hey uh what is it it's nothing i was just thinking i'm going to be back at school the rest of the week but what are you doing friday oh i was going to go to the bowl bash on friday oh you want me to go with you or no that's okay it's just for a friend friend who rides bowls so is this like uh look i better start warming up okay i'll see you after [Music] so um [Music] [Applause] [Music] this looks great aunt laurel i thought a salad would be nice how are you who me do you know when you're going back to work yet so far that uh that exact piece is unclear yeah they just don't know what they're doing it'll happen how's your new coach working out kyle he's fine he's just not you well i heard he solved lucky's problem uh-huh research so when's your next race well i've been hoping you guys would be able to go it's at the fair i wouldn't miss it for the world anybody want more water [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] hey you you ready to go wait you mean go go yeah there's that party after didn't you want to go jesse you know they're going to be drinking right well maybe but it doesn't mean we have to are you serious it could still be fun i don't know i have a bad feeling why we can always leave if it gets crazy i'll just get a ride home really yeah it's fine i hope you have fun okay well thanks for going with me [Applause] what's the matter are you nervous hey you hi how's it going are you looking for jessie uh no was she here she just left oh yeah thanks for showing up and watching me ride of course it got pretty crazy huh yeah so have you ever been out here no then welcome to the spot this is where all the good stuff happens cool man [Music] [Music] [Music] here what's the matter you never had a drink before maybe once with my mom sip with family never hurt nobody we're all family here i guess you don't know until you try it right you are so drunk hey let's go for a walk let's go get your hand off her what's with you i said get your hand off her you ready to go can't just walk in here and order her around she's with me jesse run break it up break it up break it up uh i guess that's it thanks for the tip we're clear to go clear to go since neither of you were drinking won't be charged thank you all right i feel awful don't worry you didn't know i feel like i should have how did you know kinsey saw me she told me where he went but how did she know where we were going heard of this place back in high school wasn't that hard to find you okay yeah i'm fine i just want you to know i i'm really sorry [Music] okay you sure to pick better friends from now on [Music] obviously [Music] all the better for practicing [Music] [Applause] how are you jesse harden yeah i'm andy bullish the rodeo coach at montana state university i just want to introduce myself today and i hope you'll consider msu in the future yeah i will all right good luck today thank you have you heard anything back yet [Music] not yet what you thinking nothing just sitting we better stop sitting and start doing or we'll be late you're going of course this can't be easy for you oh [Music] i do so love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so hey jim yeah no it's fine uh i got a minute what's the word really [Music] yeah yes yes i'll take it wow that much all right jim i was very generous uh thank you i won't let you down [Music] [Music] it's gonna be all [Music] [Applause] it's gonna be alright [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's gonna be all right i've [Applause] it's gonna be all right [Music] it's gonna be all right it's gonna be all right [Music] it's gonna be all right [Music] [Applause] gonna be all right you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,295,608
Rating: 4.7794104 out of 5
Keywords: Bridgestone Multimedia, BMG, Movies, Films, Christian Movies, God, Jesus, Feature Film, Full Movie, Brooke Wilson, Mark Bracich, Rinnan Henderson, Josiah Burdick, Useless movie, Useless full movie, Useless feature film, Useless, horse
Id: XlwJ7uXJD6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 25sec (5425 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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