A Horse Called Bear (2015) | Full Movie | Nicholas Ryan Gibbs | Wayne E. Brown | Austin Farnsworth

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[Music] I love riding my horse at sunset it helps me sort things out three summers ago was the worst time in my life I discovered a secret my mother had kept from me you think you know everything there is to know about a person only to realize you're wrong there's a side to them you never even knew existed but I soon discovered that hidden within this secret was the light that allowed me to find my way it all began one day in early June [Music] you're really coming along there Caleb thanks you're the great teacher hey no problem I enjoy drawing as much as you do yeah I gotta get ready for work I'm gonna be late you might show yourself out okay [Music] yeah hello hi it's a seasoned Riley yeah I'm calling with Oregon North College and when we take their application congratulations you've been awarded our scholarship to study computers what mom what did you do that was the college they said I want a scholarship I didn't even apply for Ethan I was just trying to help I didn't even sign up for that scholarship you did it's the only way we can get you to go to college mom you know I'm more interested in arts than computers there's a better chance for you to get a job in computers I just need to go to work [Music] oh wait [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no dad he's 17 and tomorrow morning when he wakes up his mom's not gonna be there it's not gonna be easy Oh Keaney go talk to him I guess yeah [Music] it's all my fault it's all mine it's not your fault the drunk driver killed her [Music] for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord [Music] hi Ethan my name is Beth Klein I'm the attorney for your mother's estate I'm so sorry for your loss and that your grandfather couldn't make it today it's alright it's never there for us anyway your mother left everything to you including your horse a horse you now own a horse a horse called bear [Music] I'm here from time to meet any students [Music] hey this is Ethan Riley I wanted to talk with you about selling the horse you may want to think about that I'm a city guy I know nothing about horses I just want you to sell it and put the funds in my account please where are you I am on my way to Michigan but your grandparents are coming to help you move next week I'll save them the trouble please be careful and stay in touch [Music] hey there hey sister how you doing good to see you how are you oh it's so good to see you good to see you too Gwen and Carl I'd like to introduce you to my neighbor friends Austin Caitlin and Alison well howdy kids well would you like to see the horses yeah all right let's go thanks for coming on welcome thanks again for having us out you know I thought it'd be a good idea that the kids saw the farm before they started riding lessons well we're just so glad you're here it's been so long since we've seen you I know I know but I'll be out here more regularly they're pulling my weeds in exchange for riding lessons that's good let's get going yeah good morning Rachel how are you this morning Harry oh really well well kids I see you've met bear we use him for our new riders because he's good-natured and he's really a sweet boy do you know that horses are a lot like people when it comes to their social skills you know the way they kind of work with each other really what do you mean there's a definite pecking order in the herd and every time we introduce a new horse into the pasture the other horses come around they check them out there's a little jostling that goes on and a lot of times the new horse gets bullied a little bit Wow just that kid can get bullied exactly I don't like boys neither do i but eventually the horses work it out and everything settles down hi how can I help you do you have any horse books yes we do down there on the end how about a quick go get you some whoa this is cool I'll be yeah where is it saying it's a somewhere contest what's the contest about it's an art contest at the library and one of the judges is gonna be Earl Griggs this girl's eggs no honey Earl Gregg's he's a really famous artist this is really exciting Wow the grand prize is three hundred dollars mom I think I have a chance to learn if I win I'm gonna share the money so dad did you hear about that new contest yeah your mom told me it sounds cool I already know what I'm gonna buy if we win that new video bin that just came out that's great but I want you to know I don't want you to spend all day playing video games okay come on dad no I'm serious your mom and I we're talking you gotta get outside and do something active and it wouldn't hurt if you took your sisters with you all right why don't you guys run along it ought to be late for your last day of school okay next day love you guys [Music] hey off the Chris don't you kids know any better Otto stop talking like that what's wrong with you it's not me it's them kids if I've told them once I've told them a million times to stay off the grass what's really going on I don't know I guess I was just thinking about Sarah how long is Ethan gonna stay anyway I don't know but he's welcome to stay as long as he wants [Music] get out my way kid hey you don't do that to my sister so that make me little girl you better stop picking on my sisters who's gonna make me you yeah not gonna happen you're just a punk see you around babies okay well miss Gloria said her grandson Ethan was coming that must be him [Music] hi he was a very friendly I know what are you doing here hey grandma come on in Otto look who's here Ethan why didn't you wait for us to come next week I needed to get out of Seattle there's nothing for me there well what about all your stuff I brought all I needed I don't care about the rest why don't I show you your room Ethan okay here you go I really hope you're gonna be happy here Ethan you better watch out or you're gonna lose him oh yeah what are you doing here Sara please don't marry David he's not good for you how can you say that I love him he's not the type of guy who'll stick around he will hurt you well it's not up to you I'm warning you if you marry him you'll regret it no wait wait no [Music] I've gone too far I've lost my way this pain I've caused life falls apart cruel things I've seen you turn away regret it I love is this a dream please show me now forgiveness is [Music] I humbly baby your bird season please set me free this day [Music] we are starting a series of lessons on the Golden Rule have any of you ever heard of this before isn't it something about being kind to others and they treat you good that's right good job we're gonna learn that this was something very important to Jesus he wants us all to do our best to love all those around us in the same way we would want them to love us what about if they're mean to us Jesus wants us to be nice to everyone even those that are unkind it's easy to be nice to those who treat us well he wants us to treat everyone well I don't know if I can always do that me neither well it isn't always easy but try and remember our Bible verse in John 15:12 my command is this love each other as I have loved you oh hey Glenn how's it going great how was your ride oh great great as always I just love coming out here each week and riding my horse I can leave all my cares behind Bears looking mighty fine today yeah we actually we just sold him so at the end of the summer he'll be leaving really who's this new owner one of the trainer's here at the farm just bought him so we're gonna miss him hey Jeff we were just talking about you mr. Andy meet bears new owner congratulations oh thanks yeah I'm very excited he's such a good training horse oh well I've always admired him yeah in the fall we're moving back to Ohio to be closer with my mom she's not doing too well I plan to work at a nearby farm get some students of my own well we're really gonna miss you here I'm gonna miss you guys too well tomorrow's the first day of riding lessons for the children they are so excited thank you for organizing it all and thank your brother and his wife also oh I will they're earning it anyways I mean my flowerbeds are gonna be weed free this summer that's true you know baking like this reminds me of baking with my mom I'm so glad you moved in next door I never really did get to do much of this with my daughter a lawyer called earlier today something about a college scholarship Ethan you need to confirm that you're going to accept it okay thanks well you're gonna call them no not right now why not this is important they said it will cover everything I don't know I'm still thinking about it what sort of think about whatever when I was young I would have done anything to go to school so how are things with Ethan oh I just love him being here but things are starting to get a little tense I mean Ethan's still grieving over his mother and Otto just keeps pushing him I'm sorry smells delicious YUM it's really sweet a little extra sugar never hurt anyone tell me more about Sarah I'd go out to visit her once a year so I did get to see Ethan growing up I'd only went one time when he was little mmm that's too bad shortly after Sarah had Ethan her husband laughter Otto really never did forgive her I imagine it was just easier for her to stay in Seattle wow that looks like some good bread mind if I have a slice help yourself Thanks well it's a little sweet don't you think it's my fault I'm sorry no no it's fine I like sweet things that looks pretty good thanks I like to draw to really having drawn since I was six kind of relaxes me you know I mean mind if I see what you've done [Music] looks good you get talent really I think so mind if I show you some that'd be great [Music] okay Alison you can do it no I'm a fool it's okay honey it's perfectly safe I'll be right here [Music] [Music] it's okay sweetie we'll do it next time okay thanks Rachel put in [Music] ready there you go see what's going [Music] do you think Ellison doesn't have a fun [Music] job [Music] good job [Music] [Music] [Music] hey what are you doing here brats we're here with miss Gloria we're taking lessons yeah I saw you up there kinda lame and I see Miss scaredy pantsless afraid to even get on the horse hey Knights ooh who cares why are you here my dad works here not that it's any of your business oh and by the way pretty soon you won't be able to ride that horse bear anymore why not because my dad just bought him and at the end of summer we're moving and he's coming with us admissions how may I direct your call uh yeah this is Ethan Riley I was offered a scholarship for school next year I was willing to accept that would you hold the line please I'm sorry but when you didn't respond by the deadline we had to give that scholarship to another I thought I had two days left oh my apologies that deadline was last Friday [Music] Wow Ethan I like it this will look great in my scrapbook you're quite the artist Thanks thank you so if you followed up any more on that scholarship now I don't think I'm interested so where is my mom's horse being kept anyway oh just down the road at my brother's horse farm you need to talk some sense into your grandson obviously he doesn't want to listen to me Otto well I'm serious I can't even talk to him just a waste of my breath great so I come to Michigan and the only family that I have hates me you've got to give it some time it's a big adjustment for everyone I just I need to get a job I need to get out of the house before I go crazy everything's gonna be okay yeah they only have to deal with me until my 18th birthday then I'm out of here [Music] [Music] it's hard to love someone like Anna this mean girl maybe there's an exception for people like her probably not hey what are you kids doing get out of there we're supposed to be waiting for Miss Gloria remember mr. Addams mean - yes he is I know we could play for them Hannah in the shadow I guess so how about we try it and see what happens so did you girls have a good day today no see there was some bad parts Oh did something happen Hannah was mean to her dad she even tried to push Austin down and mr. Otto yelled at us again well that's okay dad we decided to play for both of them sweetie that's perfect we want to treat the nice because that's how we would want them to treat us Wow well it's gonna pray that you Jesus be with Hannah and mr. Otto and be nice to them and help them to learn to be nice to us too and we also pray for them to be happy mmm-hmm what you doing drawing how that's looking great this looks like it teaches he's shaving different shading techniques yeah you're really getting good you really like to draw it don't you yeah I'm excited to come up with something for the drawing contest I'm excited to see what you come up with do you have any ideas not yet I'm working on some ideas though Austin I love it this is great your dad and I are really proud of you now you've done it what Ethan's gone he'll be back where can he go I don't know maybe he's on his way back home just give him time to cool off he'll be back I hope so I'm finally getting to know Ethan better I'm not ready for him to leave yet [Music] well welcome to the farm Thanks so that car of yours got you all the way here just barely Wow how you doing after the funeral yeah I've been better well you're gonna get on with life it's hard but you'll get on hmm I hope so there's room to bunk in there with Josh he's one of the ranch hands not much older than you hmm well thanks I'll call for getting me this job well cleaning stalls is hard work but as my granddaddy used to say it's an honest job and you look plenty strong I've gotta meet with a supplier Rachel's gonna show you around for the rest of the day okay I'll see you at dinnertime yeah Hey why [Music] so have you ever muck to stall before don't never even been on a horse farm really I'm surprised my boy heard your mom was a good rider she never told me about it well then [Music] think you get the idea yeah thanks yeah sure have fun [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there so you were my mom source [Music] hello my name's Andy I've come around here regularly to ride I'm Ethan Riley I just started work today as a stable boy nice to meet you likewise oh I'm sure I'll be seeing you around [Music] [Music] hey new guy you're gonna be staying with me neo follow some rules one and set your alarm before mine and - don't touch my food and shoes off I still can't believe my mom owned a horse she always loved horses do you remember when she was little as soon as she was able she was riding yes sure why didn't she tell me about him I don't know it doesn't sound like Sarah she loved her bear do you know that she won a lot of ribbons with him we were really surprised that you sold him I know nothing about horses besides I don't plan on sticking around this place for long anyway why is he called Bear anyway his official name is General Theodore named after President Theodore Roosevelt really yeah your mom thought that was such a stuffy name and then she discovered that President Roosevelt's nickname was teddy bear and shortened it to bear we were really sorry when she moved away Ethan yeah we felt bad that we haven't been able to visit it's all right the only one who ever came to visit was grandma she didn't stick around for long well how about if we have some dessert it sounds good hey you there you remember me hey oh you like my new horse your bears new owner yes I've had my eye on him for quite a while who are you anyway I'm euthanize a bear used to be my mom source well you're welcome to ride him just don't get attached as we're moving on at the end of summer hang on a second hey grandma yeah everything's fine I stopped by to see mom's horse and uncle Karl gave me a job I got a bunk and everything so it's gonna be fine yes I'm all right I just need to get out of the house for a while that's all all right bye hey it's Rachel right uh-huh buddy I have some papers I was supposed to give you delivery truck guy from the feed company left him oh you need to sign right here for those so you must be a good writer then well I started writing when I was around see me just to Baker children [Music] [Music] you want to ride today sweetie I don't think so no but you could do it oh six years old I think I should let card seven okay well Austin are you ready to trot I guess so hold on let's go [Music] hi kids hi you have fun riding bear yeah well I'm glad you kids are done it's my turn to ride my horse now Hanna excuse her manners she's just excited about owning bear you go thank you thanks Josh welcome now you don't have long got some things I need to do then I'll be back [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for coming to our party I'm sorry to camp the outside this is boring can we do something else takes work to be a good artist yeah let's take a break [Music] [Music] [Music] you know I invited you because I wanted you to play with this I don't want to play come on any fun no please it's just it's not for me [Music] [Music] Ethan [Music] [Music] you're looking good buddy [Music] had years of that kind you I can't believe she just walked out on both of us never thought she would leave I can't believe you guys gotten your horse this is the best birthday present ever thank you [Music] [Music] are you okay well it's just my allergies I was just gonna take bear out for a ride he's my horse now I'm sorry I haven't seen him in a while just wanted to say hello see you dare how do is that you hi you haven't been out here in some time you're right it's been a while good seeing you here how about you and I go up to the house for coffee no I gotta go glorious expecting me okay promise me you'll be back soon why'd you let beer get sold anyway what you were supposed to look out for him for Sarah Nellie somebody else's horse that was Ethan's choice he was the owner you know that it isn't right I tell you you should have done something Hey how's it going hey you want to jump up and ride no I've got work to do come on seriously you can't live on a horse ranch another ride all right but only if you give me one of those horse riding lessons I hear you're a great teacher teacher is only as good as their students make her then I will leave you with the clean record she'll t-top wait and see [Music] you're doing very well now nearly as good as you though this horse rider no I'm serious you're a very good writer Thanks getting to see why you like horses so much see what'd I tell you [Music] that's the story of the Good Samaritan now who remembers our scripture verse from last time okay okay Kaylin did you're so enthusiastic it's John 15:12 my command is this love each other as I have loved you that's right now how are y'all doing with the golden rule does anyone have anything they want to share we invited the girl that was mean to us to her party how'd it go she came but she wanna play with us we tried to befriend her well do you think there's any other way you could reach out to her what do you mean maybe you could pray for her they still do at night [Music] looking good Caitlin do you like working here yeah it's pretty good by the way I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye before I left the other day that's okay Hey yeah you want to bring some of your new drawings next time okay yeah I could give you a couple more pointers I'm entering a drawing contest so that'd be great cool hey Allison you want to come ride now no oh so are you sure don't be afraid you can do it honey sorry no I really think gosh the wait time seven okay maybe another day that's okay sweetie you got plenty of time [Music] it was wrong with me to sell you bear I'd do anything to get you back your good horse I can see why mom loved you okay I've got a joke you want to hear it yeah sure knock knock who's there Mary Mary hoot Merry Christmas that's just bad it's summer wants to hear Christmas jokes let's stop joking around I want to get back to the art contest we kinda lost interest sorry Austin how we play a game instead okay you guys get everything ready I'll be right back hey hey what do you want we're gonna start a game of freeze tag want to join us why are you being nice to me come on it'll be fun [Music] what are you doing kid I thought I told you to be back to help me an hour ago I am I was just on my way doesn't look like it to me I mean it when I tell you to do something now get in the car but I didn't do anything stop talking back to me [Music] [Music] you'd get or spam why can't people be like horses people are nothing but trouble Jeff I need to talk with you so talk I made a mistake selling there and I want to buy him back sorry he's not for sale look he was my mom's horse and we mean a lot to me he's just another horse to you that's not true he's my friend maybe my only friend come on bear let's go to the arena yes yes yes what is it I just got the exact idea I need for the drawing contest what's your idea well I need to refine it I don't know what that means come here and I'll show you Wow [Applause] I'm sorry I've ignored you over the years fear it hurt too much to come here it drove my Sara weigh-in now she's dead and gone all those years and I only visited her once now I'll never see her again I wasn't even able to no no no no what are you doing here I work here Uncle Carl gave me a job we've been worried about you Yeah right you couldn't wait for me to get out of the house that's not true you can stop pretending I've been talking with grandma about this job all week I can't believe you didn't know I was here go ahead and leave run away here let me help you I am so sorry you're just like your father and you won't amount to anything either Ethan wait here sit down all right don't listen to him listen to me son you're nothing like that okay you gotta trust you gotta trust that God has made you with a plan and a purpose in mind my life's a mess what am I supposed to do with this brother everybody's life's a mess okay it's how we respond that makes us the men we are the godly men we need to be don't become that God has a purpose that's greater than this bigger than you and a lot better than that it's easy for you to say you're a pastor why you think I was always a pastor I was no different than you I heard what he said to you in there you think that is bad you should have lived in my house growing up okay I had stuff thrown at me shouting yelling belittling fighting shoving pushing the only difference is I didn't fight back I trusted in something bigger and better for my life it's out there for you so you're just not looking in the right place you don't know how far I've gone doesn't matter doesn't matter how far you can go it's a short distance back there is no home for me there's always hope salsa hey Jeff what do you want how'd you like to make some real money you have my attention yeah it's like an Dawson's horse against horse you been working with you wanna bet at the turnin broom nobody will ever know I don't know I've been training that horse all summer his handling couldn't be better say about $1,000 thousand big ones huh make a lot of good money all right you got yourself a bet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and [Applause] okay [Applause] 26 mckaela mckaela smart thousand bucks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay the five seconds [Applause] next up is Emma [Applause] all right [Music] Dalton is our final rider [Applause] okay that is a good time of a 26 point one five five and what is the winner thank you so much for having us it's exciting I never missed this event some of these kids were my students can I go see bear sure I can take them all right sample kept double do you guys on human okay [Applause] [Music] did you give him grain yeah does he have freshwater mm-hmm did you muck his stall yes hey Jeff you got my money hey Hannah go on ahead I'll catch up what's wrong with you not around my kid mmm where's my money I don't have it yet you shouldn't bet on the races if you don't have the money to pay up don't worry I'll get you your money you better hurry up I won't wait long [Music] so you guys can enter the contest yeah the deadline is coming up soon yeah I don't think I'm gonna enter in anything meet you there yeah I kind of figured it out when you stopped coming over to draw well it's summer it started to seem like school yeah but now you guys are free to root for me I'm still planning to enter something and what's going on eating must soak we play a game now yeah hold on hi hey what's up we're gonna start some games want to join us no I'm busy come on it'll be fun my sisters are playing okay sure [Music] [Music] my mom died in a head-on car accident it's all my fault [Music] God can you really forgive me it's what pastor handy said true [Music] it's me Ethan [Music] I'm so very sorry I left you out of my life please forgive me thank you [Music] what are you doing way out here hey I saw you come out and got worried about you okay yeah everything's great come on I'll walk it back [Music] money where's my money it's coming it's coming I need more time you have one week hey you almost ready to go yeah all right I need to take these back to the other arena then we can go home I'll just wait here Oh some kids you have this card off for you dear Hannah we had a good time playing with you at the park we would really like to be friends with you love Austin Caitlin and Alison [Music] you've been gone for a while what you've been up to I've been taking care of some things not that it's any of your business you still want to buy your horse back yeah definitely the price is three grand what that's a thousand more than you paid for them I don't have that kind of extra money oh I've got some new expenses to cover quickly I'm only giving you first shot because you wanted them back I need more time time to raise the money I have other potential buyers I'll give you one week take it or leave it [Music] I overheard my Jenny and talking last night he wants to slow beer back to him really that's great there's a problem what he wants a thousand dollars more than he paid for him and Ethan doesn't have that much what that's terrible he said only has one week to raise some money why so little time my dad's in trouble and needs to raise the money quickly that's all I know hey dad could I have some more chores I just gave you more chores what happened on the money that you already earned I have it but um I need more what in the world I want more Church to me Jail what's going on here [Music] I'm Miss Sarah I pushed her away and I just wish I could tell her I'm sorry I am [Music] forgive me I'm just a cranky old man I lost my little girl [Music] I know she's up there with you [Music] would you say hello to her for me [Music] are you saying there's one more scholarship available yes you know that computer glitch we had a while back yeah well when the computers got back up and running we never offered that scholarship so what do we do I know just the thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey there best Randy why are you doing there friend pretty good you remember that time you talked with me about hope over by the barn yeah I think I finally found it Oh wonderful yeah regret selling my mom's horse though [Music] God always has a plan [Music] thank you all for coming we have a very special treat for you today as our special guest judge we have nationally known artist mr. Earl Gregg's [Applause] Thank You Marion I can call you Marion right Marion the librarian it really is my pleasure to be here today to announce the grand prize winner of the art contest and kids if I may it was such a pleasure judging these fine works of art you guys all did such a great job and it's my pleasure to have our special judge mr. Gregg's open and announce our winner thank you Mary [Music] [Music] and the grand prize winner is Austin banker [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Ethan come on Han it's crap out here yeah hi grandpa hi Ethan go ahead you first I just wanted to say I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye before I left well I'm the one who should be sorry come here have a seat son I haven't been much of a grandpa to you over the years and I just want to let you know how sorry I am about that I know I never told you that mom and I just before they she and I had this fight and it's it's all my fault no no don't say that it's not your fault she died Ethan it was anybody's fault it was mine I drove her away if she wouldn't have moved all the way across the country Sarah's in heaven she would want you to let go of the past and accept God's forgiveness yes and believe you right I did too come here [Music] welcome home Ethan love you I don't know what's gonna happen to me now my scholarship fell through Oh Ethan I'm so sorry it's it's alright I know God has better things planned anyway [Music] hello hi hey it's great to see you good to see you interesting Thank You itself and quite a while good morning children it's great to see you in church I I just wanted to thank you for the fine job you did reading this summer thank you thanks mister you know I've been thinking of setting up my horseshoe set you could stop by and I'll teach you how to play we would like that [Music] [Music] our series on the golden rule is almost over so what have you learned that you never know when something's going on with another person yeah they might be being mean to you just because someone's being mean to them it's always better to be nice to them you might show them a better way of how to be kind we became friends with Hannah this summer tell us about it she's our friend now I really like her a lot that pleases God when we do what he says especially when it is difficult and doesn't seem to make sense Allison we're kind to mr. auda when he came to church today God is so good isn't he we are to love others just as Jesus has loved us and he loved us so much that he gave everything he had - bias back [Music] what's this a gift [Music] I can't take this it's to help you get there that way when did extra chores and we even added in the contest winnings I even broke my piggy bank there was over $20.00 in there how did you know I was trying to buy bareback Hannah told us Shh I don't think I can take your money we want to help you please Thanks thanks alive [Music] [Music] there it is every cent of the morning you asked for forbear including the extra thousand took everything I had and a little help from my friends I hope you're happy yeah I've got some big-time bills now I'm gonna be needing this Hey I'm sorry my dad overcharged you for bear I'm just glad to have him back I shouldn't have sold him in the first place he wasn't always like that something happened when my mom died I'm sorry it must be difficult for you [Music] anytime you're in the area you should combine right there really yeah that'd be cool [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you guys for coming this is for you [Music] it's a scholarship from college did you know about this well I confess we did but even I did talk to them I told them you might be interested but you only have 48 hours to respond yes yes yes I'll take it it's wonderful in fact if you'll excuse me I'll go call right now so I don't miss the deadline come on Ally you can do it I'll be right here sweetie you'll be totally fine I think that's right no no it's okay I'll help you up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please do this one more time please hey hey what are you doing out here just go in to feed bear one last time killer coming along sure I think everyone will miss you when you go yeah I'm gonna miss everyone right back I'm gonna look forward to every break I can get to come back here ya know God has a plan I'm just trying to follow it love you bear I'm gonna miss you buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] I had a dream last night about Sara really I did too she was riding and she turned and waved goodbye that's the one [Music] I'm gonna miss you when you're gone so I got you something special [Music] Austan this is your winning picture I can't take this I could always draw another one well thanks I'm gonna miss you too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've gone too far I've lost my way this pain I've caused life falls apart cruel things I've seen you turn away regret it breaks my heart is this a dream please show me forgiveness easy real I hum Leben your bird see the one please set me free I reach out my hand but you're no longer here can you forgive and [Music] the sadness I feel is this a dream please show me now forgiveness easy I humbly be your mercy long please set me free this [Music] you give your gray the ants [Music] my shiny brain it's not you know [Music] I you say day so [Music] I see the hole [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 1,782,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Horse Called Bear, Full Movie, Nicholas Ryan Gibbs, Wayne E. Brown, Austin Farnsworth, Penny Carlisi, Daniel Knudsen, Christian Movies, A Horse Called Bear Movie, Entertainment, TV, Movies, Films, Movies Online, Online Movies, A Horse Called Bear - Full Movie, Katelyn Grace Farnsworth, Allison Marie Farnsworth, Dawn Storey
Id: 2QxGnSw329A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 50sec (5450 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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