Arctic Apocalypse | Full Action Disaster Movie

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[Music] it's a beautiful day out there hope you're enjoying the weather [Music] i have bad news from our kcdf weather center they're telling me there's a major storm front on the way but i'm sure it's gonna pass and soon we'll be back to our beautiful california weather [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as temperatures continue to spike downwards federal agencies have yet to release official fatality data in connection with the weather changes mandatory evacuation measures have been empty there's still no answer i'm sure bree is fine mark we haven't heard from her in two days she'll be okay bree's smart he'll sometimes i think she's smarter than her parents okay well maybe not smarter than you oh hang on hold piece of cake [Music] what nothing all good gps is down storm tracker's down well good news the storm's still here and i'll need to track it just just keep we're in the middle of a driving let me try and see if i can get more of a signal breathe sorry what are you doing we only have a few more hours to get to my parents we need to give them this data there's no one else in the storm that's going to help us they're all safe in a bunker underground i mean got it it's just you and me are gonna save the world yay we get to fight a huge storm can you reverse the car all right ugh get the knife [Music] [Music] [Music] are you sure we're going in the right direction yeah only a few miles closer i just need to find reception i don't think we need that phone to know a storm is coming we'll be inside soon in the meantime we just need to figure out the storm information as soon as possible so we can't so we can beat this thing fine the entire world is on lockdown but you and i yeah we're going to solve this problem with a smartphone from walmart hey i didn't ask you to come with me i know i'm sorry it's just freaking me out with the storm whiteout all of it people are dying the world is dying it's a lot i know you probably have to save the words i promise it's from best buy i bought the phone from best buy the warranty's still good what are you doing here here i i'm trying to find a signal there's a break in the mountains here how can you tell this isn't a wool's natural habitat migration patterns must be changing but i gotta put my environmental science degree to some good use huh yeah i brought you along here for a good reason it wasn't just the woody banter and charming personality [Music] hey [Music] down here oh damn it we gotta go we gotta go what this isn't a field it's a lake oh do you think it's frozen solid it seems to be still our best direct route let's just take it slow what is that tyler oh what is it are you okay yeah maybe we should take maybe we can take a quick break no no no we we need to get inside look i know we're putting up sweat but the temperature's dropping as it gets darker it's dropping fast wait did you hear that yeah they're all around us do we run move slow if we run they'll chase us okay there we need to get there come on i'm just gonna go check over here free i think i found a way inside it looks like a camp or a school okay i'm going to try my folks again and let them know where we are [Music] hello brie mom dad can you guys hear me hello bri honey we're here mom dad we can hear you bree we can hear you sweetheart i've been trying to get a hold of you but even with the satellite phone this storm has been keeping me from getting a signal tell us where you are honey are you close tyler and i are coming back from our trip but the car got stuck and they closed the roads and it's okay we found shelter this community college community college listen i don't have much time i think i might lose connection to the satellite but i think i perfected the remote sensor prototype from your research notes but that schematic was months awesome i i think i should be able to gather the weather patterns and calculate the algorithms faster than anything else i've been able to come up with but in order to take the readings i need to take them somewhere where i can access the satellite while still avoiding interference from the storms we're coming to get you dad what's the college bree what what's the name of the college community glitch bree could you repeat that we couldn't make it out red community college brie dad dad are you there mom careful we've been hearing dangerous things other than the storms breathe bring hello dad dad are you there it's okay okay we're gonna find him i promise hello dad damn it [Music] larry yeah oh there you are hey mark hey good to see you hey you too you love the decor yeah i call it uh arctic doomsday chic with a hint of hey helen hi larry all right not looking so good is it no we lost the generators about an hour ago and even worse we're down about three degrees across the board three overnight larry where are those maps maps like paper maps with gps and cell towers down we got to go back to the basics i don't know they're somewhere over there yeah yeah look i think we've reached the point of no return the final cold snaps coming in these storms are only gonna get worse yeah what are you gonna do i'm all packed i'm heading to the air force base i'm hoping that my family's there more importantly the military has set up a communications array we've been talking to scientists all over the world but the problem is we don't have enough data we just don't understand these storms we can't figure out found them what are you doing marie is trapped with her boyfriend tyler we have to get them okay where are they at a community college which community college red red community college it can't be far from where they were going on their trip how many colleges can have the word red in the name uh here here redwoods community college that has to be it okay you see that main road right there we can take that and even if it gets rough we'll make it with the truck then what are you gonna do we'll meet you at the air force base but we have to get them all right you guys give them hell okay we'll see you soon somehow yeah you saved those kids hey by the way you know what you should take whatever you want from the lab anything that you think is gonna help you okay larry thanks see you later all right see what you can find in here and i'm gonna take a look around see what else we can get you mean steel it's not stealing i'm the boss okay boss [Music] so okay this will help how's this for prepared attack badger how do you hear me badger attack your signal is weak but readable i say again your signal is weak but readable copy probably the storm descending to 4000 looks to be recent movement on the ground request permission to investigate for survivors standby badger that is a negative year to return to base due to inclement weather i say again you're to return to base due to inclement weather we have confirmed a visual on what appears to be survivors acknowledge we have confirmed a visual on survivors request permission to check low at tango0916 roger badger i say again negative return to base immediate execute return to base enable attack unable out badger what's our play i'm going on the rest of you are free to head back we're with you sir all right let's go so [Music] excuse me sorry you're too late goodbye [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i'm sorry if my units are cold cold hands feel more yuck would you like some wine with some of that cheese how's it looking out there well the teacher left left what do you mean left tyler just walked out oh yeah things aren't great we're almost out of supplies actually it's just about all gone there's only enough food to last us a few more days the others need to know pretty these kids got left here trapped they have no idea what to do kids they're like two years younger than us and if we hadn't shown who knows what kind of shape they'd be in did you get ahold of your parents yeah but i could barely hear them of the cloud cover but they said that they were on their way to help us your dad won't let anything get in the way of saving his daughter i'm sorry our trip got cut short i was having a great time but tyler we need to help these kids oh kids we're kids now tyler you need to help them right everyone out there is on the edge right now if we tell them that we're about out of supplies some of them are able to go off the deep end then we'll tell them help is on the way my parents should be here soon hopefully they can get the van running and we'll be out of here soon look i know i know what sucks i know you're all scared so am i but but what we have to do now is excuse me i don't remember anyone electing you as spokesman or leader or whatever the hell it is you think you are now besides [Music] you don't even go to school here no one elected anyone to do anything tyler and i are just you have a van out there we just need to get it running that's enough tyler i got this so roger right am i pronouncing that right roger so so what's your plan okay you're the one who appointed yourself no no go on go on you're in charge now so do you have the mechanical ability to get the van running that's not what i'm talking about and once you get it running do you know how to clear the roads and figure out what to do next and where to go yeah we feel it it's happening i don't know but i don't think it's going to be anything good guys not an earthquake hey guys what's happening everyone inside now get down oh wow [Music] i think it's stopping leah are you [Music] i think it's over i think it's over again oh you're okay roger help yo pull her out pull her out [Music] reports have been coming in from london england and paris france communications have been spotty we know these storms are heading worldwide we have reports from europe asia and the middle east destruction on a scale we have never seen before all modes of public transportation are closed after countless train safety rail i'll stay on the air as long as possible but for right now all i can tell you is find shelter and stay indoors and make god help us all we're staying ahead of the worst of it pretty well we should have a gap of a couple of hours before it hits us yeah we should be up to college within an hour if conditions stay the same hey hey look at this i'm kind of driving right sorry listen then uh there's a strange anomaly not too far from here anomaly yeah it doesn't seem to be affected by the storms are you sure it's not malfunction or the satellite being affected by the weather it might be but if it's not mark slow down hello anyone in there yes oh god please help us we can't get out [Music] it's okay it's okay thank you you're gonna be fine okay you'll be back to class in no time you know i think school might be counseled for a little bit so how long have you been going to school here about two years i get my certificate in that administrative support in the fall nice thanks it's just a secretarial degree do you go to school i graduated but um i go back to grad school soon how does that feel it's okay can i take it down damn yeah these doors have seen better days well let's try and get them open you sure about that we still need to get out of here all right give me a boost yeah what do you see nothing we're completely trapped god are you kidding me we're trapped in here well it's not our only problem what is that when help arrives how will they know how to get us how can you stay so calm well i was raised by a couple of scientists i was raised to think analytically and assess situations before panicking but yeah we do need a hurry wow my parents only tell me how to change my oil that's handy too oh god look let's not panic just yet okay maybe let's split up you know find any other exits and windows and see if there's another way out and if there isn't you're able to put it in neutral hang on okay got it okay hold on we're gonna try to pull you out sure this is gonna work it'll work it'll work start it up give it everything it's got [Music] keep going keep going don't stop come on [Music] you two saved our lives thank you so much where are you headed mother's air force base the bunkers are there is that where you guys are headed no we gotta find our daughter she's at redwoods community college oh that's only a few miles down the mountain the first building at the entrance well we both better get a move on if we want to reach our destinations before the storm hits okay are you sure you don't want to go to the bunkers you guys got to get to safety before it gets too crazy to be out here yeah we're sure we got to get going i mean you just get your time to see watch those icy patches okay there's still time to drive safely but you need to leave right now we will thank you so much what do you say baby thank you welcome back take care of your mom [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh maybe in the teacher's lounge or town [Music] i've lost ground visual descending to 3 000 copied descending to three thousand [Music] let's move in for a closer look could be survivors descending to 2000 looks like we've got some heavy cloud cover snoopy i've got multiple bogeys on my 12. badger do you have visual thank you snoopy check your high low everyone anyone have a visual i've got bogies on my screen as well hey shouldn't we have visual clouds aren't that thick it doesn't make any sense stay on course it's gotta be the storm screw it with our instrument i can't see crap in this if our instruments are giving false echoes we need to abort badger roger that wait what's that badger banter is down i sing again badger is down mayday mayday mayday sealed off from everything this ice has got to be at least six feet thick maybe we can build a fire and burn our way through we have scraps we can use those kindling i doubt we can make a fire thick enough to break through this ice that won't take what 12 hours and we don't have anywhere near that kind of time there's got to be something in here we can use to dig our way out we haven't searched everywhere in the building we saw some time left take a break come with a plan you don't get it okay dude what is your deal calm down we don't have any time at all who knows when another avalanche might come right on top of us maybe even a bigger one that's enough we need to do something now what is that where did you get that from i found this in the chat of this closet with some tanks and propane stack them up against the doors and use this to set them off you have been watching way too many shark movies we blow it up let's even get the van running if not we start walking to find help look i know it looks pretty bad but i don't think it's a good idea to blow up our only shelter from the inside look i just can't be in here anymore look the avalanche hasn't buried the roof yet and we still have that beacon stupid pecan yeah the stupid bacon but it's big enough to be seen from miles off and you know we were saving it for our last resort so how long are we gonna wait look all i'm asking for is two hours i'll go up to the roof light the beacon and if no one comes within two hours then fine explode away brain are you sure about this of course i'm not sure i think we're running out of options do you have any ideas [Music] two hours two hours tyler help me with the beacon so it's picking up out there we still doing good i'd say we got about an 80-minute buffer but mark the anomaly isn't going away i don't think it's a glitch i think it might be real where is it it's just a few miles east of the school damn it we got a flat tire i'm gonna go take a look i'll make this quick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mark [Music] what [Music] hurry up [Music] all right okay there you go i hope it works me too but i don't want to have to let roger block the building it's actually kind of romantic i was gonna wait until we got to the cabin but this seems like a better time than ever where jacobs will you marry me [Music] absolutely [Music] laughing that has to be at the plateau hands on the wheel i i i don't get it why would a plateau not be affected by the storm it must interrupt the flow of the weather the shape and the altitude create a pocket where the storms just go around and over it thus leaving the area protected from the elements it's like um it's like a concrete post in a river it just diverts the current around it and over it do you want to argue with what we're seeing whoa oh i wasn't ready for that it's getting insane out here even more than before i mean i got more bad news for you what we're losing ground i don't think we're losing ground i think the storm is picking up speed i think if we can just get bree's device to that plateau we can get the data that we need to send back to larry and the military to learn how to deal with these storms world's never going to be the same we can't stop this no but with that data we can learn to adapt as a i species just wish we had any idea where we are right now how close we are to the college it's just white we should be here i i don't understand you just have a landmark something would help anything rock slides look out there in the distance is that the school good job bree [Music] here drink something thank you stop looking at the time i know i'm on the clock how are you doing i've been better we're gonna get out of here soon yeah we turned the place upside down couldn't find anything that'll make a difference no knives nothing we can pry loose and use the makeshift pickaxe roger i don't suppose you'd be willing to give us an extension sorry guys we made a deal i expect to be taking care of some ice pretty soon enough just all at once you just want to use that gun huh i'm just excited to get out of here one way or another did you guys hear that i didn't hear anything it's getting cold let's bunker down and conserve some heat before my mom and dad get here this is insane just keep your eyes peeled for a way in [Music] stop stop stop i see something it's small but i think i can fit good eye yeah most importantly take one of these if she's in there if she's in there you'll find her and you'll find a safe way out just focus on that [Music] we don't have much time try to use the hammer to break up some of the blockages okay hurry up we don't have a lot of time i love you i love you [Music] uh [Music] oh mom dad it has to be them oh [Music] uh oh uh [Music] i'm in [Applause] that's great honey okay radio me as soon as you find anything get back out here as soon as you can so [Music] nice doggy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um scientist one mold nothing oh thank god i knew you'd be okay when i saw that signal fire no one would've thought that would bring my wrong secret tyler i think you definitely have to call me helen oh uh okay so maybe you should start calling me mom from now on oh okay hey i found everyone bree and tyler here with some others that's great we might have another problem [Music] what do you mean the crack is gone the rubble shifted sealing it off you're gonna have to find another way out before this storm hits any ideas maybe dad hello are you there i'm here sweetie you okay i'm fine dad it's good to hear your voice you too everything going okay in there you guys need to hustle your way out here this storm is gonna be bad news for everyone we're working on it just be a few more minutes shake a leg on hey dad what side of the wall are you on east why just making sure you're clear of the blast radius it shouldn't be an issue blast radius breathe no we've got all under control it's fine i think bree out bree hello bri have kids they said it'll be fun and fulfilling they said you sure about this don't back down now man you got this there's a lot that can go wrong here if it blows in the wrong direction yeah we're going out of options [Music] this is crazy this is crazy okay here we go so uh [Music] it worked [Music] dad we're heading out i'm on my way [Music] all right band's ready how's your legs [Music] okay hey bri what do you say you go to college here next year yeah i'm really excited for grad school hey thanks for saving us it wasn't me it's tyler oh yeah you guys are all set man just had a loose battery wire yeah told you my parents taught me a little something about cars i i'm uh gonna make sure we didn't leave anything i think my gunplay days are over well the van's all loaded up uh right at the mathers air force base right we're not actually it's the only place that's safe that's where we're supposed to go when the roads are clear we need to take care of something you get yourself to managers air force base i'll take care of it all right good luck you too i'm gonna go help tyler you saw i thought you liked him i like him i just don't want him to know i like him oh our little girl he's a good guy she'll be happy okay come on [Music] now we're talking all right power can this be uh airspeed altitude fuel fuel all right okay ignition [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] air force base here we come and anomaly it makes total sense the wind patterns are being diverted creating an area safe from the weather yeah it's like an oasis the plateau is protected because of its position like the way air flows over an airplane wing i'm not sure i understand i better get used to it tyler if you're gonna marry into a family of scientists hey congrats by the way but we're gonna have to celebrate later plato's not too far well i can get the readings and take them back to the scientific community dad can we get there depends on the storm system how bad is it as bad as it gets but we're right on the edge of it though so we can stay in front of it if you can drive like hell i'll do my best mr jacobs i mean dad that's mark just let me know if you need me to drive or engine trouble now i don't think it's engine trouble i think it's oh no look i see it hold on hold on hold on guys [Music] [Music] okay okay uh [Applause] ah no no no no looks like they're more storms on the way and they're growing plateau won't stay protected eventually the storms will be too powerful if you don't get the data before that happens this truck isn't gonna make it i don't care how good tyler is with cars what do we do i have an idea [Music] oh i know that sound when's the last time you gave this thing some oil i think the transmission's blown not a minute too soon there's the outpost they decommissioned it before i took over so i have no idea what's in there minimal power for automated experiments and data but my keycard should be a good ascend well it's better than nothing and we can come up with a plan [Music] whoa explain me what you think you're doing look if we don't go out there they're gonna come in maybe we can reason with them reason with them we don't have anything they want but be ready didn't take long for mankind to fall apart howdy howdy looks like you ran into a little bit of car trouble unfortunately the local auto shop is closed for the season y'all should have stayed indoors today there's some mighty ferocious weather coming yeah we were just passing through cars busted do you know where we could borrow a car wow well even if i did i'm not really much of the borrowing type what's in the bag i think that should interest you oh you'd be surprised what interests me stamps english literature what's in your bag we don't have time for this there's a storm coming a massive one you are correct look i'm a scientist we need to get to shut up i don't care we're going to take what we want everything we want and that'll be that first i'll be taking that gun i saw it peeking out from under your coat now get the bag not a chance one [Music] aah [Music] please you have to jump [Music] i'll catch we got this [Music] ugh let's go [Music] i'm sorry [Music] got it [Music] [Music] you doing okay i can't believe how close we came the plateau i could see it it can't can't be less than five miles away may as well be a thousand it's not over yet we're still together right we have a window mark can you believe it in about five minutes we could get out of here and be halfway to the plateau but according to these readings after that the storms are so strong that they could last for months we're done mankind free me you we're gonna figure something out yeah and even if we do then what we learn to live with these storms what kind of life is that for us for bree when the world's populated by people like those guys it's a life that's what's important right we stay alive and we collect as much debt as we can and that might allow us the possibility to create the technology to divert these storm patterns maybe even control and stop them who knows what mankind is going to come up with but you need to believe helen you need to believe i love you i love you hi honey how are you doing hi sweetheart we're so sorry we're all gonna miss tyler very much i know how much you loved him i'm so sorry we missed one of your dad's motivational speeches oh tonight yeah it was a pretty good one motivational speeches always remind me of one of our board members andrew capello holy crap andrew capello dad larry told me that andrew parks his suv up here i don't know if he's trying to hide it from his wife or it's a tax thing but i know he parks in the storage building so there's got to be keys here somewhere that's not the storm get ready to run for the core you killed them it's the opening between the storms it's not gonna last we have to go hmm wait what about dad you should know your mother better than that all right get it started we will be right out you need to stop this and just let us go please there are bigger things at stake there are lives at snake yak yak hey nobody messes with my family i found the back door come on anybody need a ride [Music] mathers air force base come in mathers air force base this is me where are you mathers air force base please come in now there's air force base please reply unidentified aircraft this is mathers air force base do you copy hi hi i mean copy copy yeah um i'm trying to get to you where are you unidentified aircraft we're gonna help you out do you copy copy that um i might have a problem my wings are freezing over mathers is straight ahead just keep your wings level and you should see the airfield any moment land on runway number six i understand copy copy i understand i can see the fields [Music] i think i can make negative aircraft strong runway six runway six six well that's so hard [Music] who needs a pilot's license [Music] oh stone's right on top of us everybody hang on come on it comes in keep going i can do this [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] driving [Music] [Music] there goes nothing something's wrong it's my power to push through may i see that yeah mom what are you doing if i wire this in series with my tracker it should give us enough power right all set try it now [Music] it's working it's gathering the data any minute now it's analyzing the systems it worked i knew it would you did it sweetie [Music] they did it they did it guys guys they did it look even more safe zones are showing up [Music] the world will never be the same [Music] no but we'll adapt society will have to change and we have hope always [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 1,039,092
Rating: 4.4917688 out of 5
Keywords: movies, full, movie, films, classic, sci-fi, horror, drama, b-grade, comedy, hollywood, popcornflix, bigtime, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, CMC, CMC YouTube, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Full Movie, Action Full Movie, Horror Full Movie, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, Free Movies, Movie Central Full Movie, watch free movies on youtube, latest free movies, Arctic Apocalypse, Action Disaster Movie, asylum movies, disaster movies
Id: -Y5McTcg3Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 37sec (5317 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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