Silver-Bordered Madness! Unsanctioned Commander l Game Knights #34 l Magic the Gathering Gameplay

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The arm wrestling portion was great. Definitely made it feel more silver bordered.

Enjoy your 3/3 for 3 Olivia.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Carrtoondragon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Am I the only one that would happily watch another game or two without any of the editing? Like on a secondary channel. They could just have an overhead camera that's high def and we could just watch an unedited game and fast forward through shuffles or whatever if we want.

EDIT: I didn't know about extra turns. Sounds like we haven't received many of these episodes. And yes, I understand they hold themselves to a high quality, obviously that's why there's not more. The whole point of my post is saying that I think I hold them to a lower standard of quality than they do. I'm not saying they're right or wrong, just that I would be fine with more, but lower quality, content.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Crixomix πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun episode... For the first half. A little bummed that players got knocked out so quickly as I really wanted to see Jimmy's deck in action and I felt really excited to see some more shenanigans.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 80 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Amarinthe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why did Josh kill Jimmy? He was the least threatening player at the table given how constrained he was on mana. Tappy had a card draw engine going and the mana to use it while Olivia had an infinitely large creature and Josh only had 2 blockers, one of which was his commander which he'd REALLY rather not us to block.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blaze_1013 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Josh would be the one to pick a Commander that's not in the set.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Maniac_Moxie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bad commander choice from Josh - didn't make for a very fun watch imo

although the other peeps were fools for not having any removal

in fact I dont think any removal was play at all in the first half of the ep (didn't watch the last half)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/5150-5150 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This game feels kind of short compared to some other ones I've seen, though the episode is just as long as the other ones. Still a fun and wacky game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Inglonias πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My house rule on Keeper of the sacred word is you can’t just say it over and over to kill someone else, you have to work it into a sentence that way it makes it a little more fun and not so easy to just knock someone out

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Granticus3000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is probably my favorite episode so far

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/matheuswhite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up everybody welcome to a brand new episode of game nights this show is brought to you by Wizards of the coast now today we have a really exciting show we've got Olivia Gobert Hicks and tap Ito Claus in the house to do battle with a bunch of silver bordered cards including the new stuff from the unsanctioned product whoo before we get into it if you want to pick up any of this awesome unsanctioned stuff any silver Board of cards or any magic products in general you know where to go it's card Kingdom com slash commands and for all of your magic card needs they ship super fast they're gonna get it right to you for your next game nights so make sure you use the link yeah when you use that link you are supporting all of our content and another way to support everything that we do is to go on over to patreon comm slash commands own the patrons they contribute to us directly they get to interact with us on our discord server and they get to watch game nights earlier than anybody out there so they're not even watching this right now they've already seen this they've already actually probably watching it a second time they are because they're sticking around to the end of the episode we're gonna have a ton of giveaways that's right free stuff from us to you and the only way you can get there well you got to watch the episode first and see who wins alright well I guess that means we should probably get into it let's do it [Music] how's it everybody welcome back to another episode of game nights on today's show we're gonna be playing with some off-the-wall cards so we thought we'd bring in some off-the-wall guests hey everybody I'm taffy Cho claws on him a loud dinosaur from the internet you may have seen me cosplaying that magic fests and command sets or when I was on the loading ready run pre-release and I am just so stoked to be here on game nights I am olivia Gobert Hicks you may have seen me at many magic events cosplaying I'm also a member of the commander Advisory Group we work with the Rules Committee to help shape the format and I'm also most importantly here to avenge myself for my last loss on game nights so in this episode that we're doing something a little special we're playing commander but in honor of the new unsanctioned product we're allowing players to put silver border cards in their decks these cards come from the unset sand some promo cards they're wacky crazy make fun of our own game they're very tongue-in-cheek they're funny and they make you do stuff that you would absolutely never be able to do in a typical game of magic so the deck I brought today is Baron von count this deck is all about numbers whether it's the casting cost the power and toughness or just the text box if I play them in the right order then it's going to spell someone's due so the deck I build today a Cornelia fashionable filter so a lot of cards in my deck have scores on the art or squirrel creatures themselves so I'm gonna get a lot of squirrel tokens and amass a ton of acorn counters and stockpile my way to victory like a good squirrel does so the deck I built is the surgeon commander this deck is all about creatures and making them weird we're gonna enchant a bunch of creatures we're gonna augment them and see how many weird horrible marvels of science we can get onto the board the deck I built today is PIPA Dutchess of dice every single card that I could put in here that rolls dice is in here and every single card that cares about rolling dice - so I'm looking to put a ton of mana on the board and roll my way to victory all right let's battle let's play let's do this all right it's do or die get it die welcome to the table everybody as always we have some incredibly beautiful play mats from ultra pro very nice well tapi since it is your first time on the show you know what that means Olivia would like to do the honors I would love to I dub thee lady tap me duchess of dinosaurs all right everyone ready yeah let's do it yeah let's play I'm the best player at the table so I get to go first yeah that's exactly how or off return I'll play temple of mystery and scry one yep hmm yeah I'll keep that on top and pass her into you Olivia all right I will drop return and play temple of malady all right and then sky one yeah this seems pretty good so I'll keep it on top and pass to Josh all right I will draw for turn I will play a luxury suite a no pass well I will draw for my turn and I will play this very snazzy it for us doesn't describe but it's and I will pass the turn to Jimmy all right untap draw off return and I will also play my own snazzy forest you got less reaction sorry I know just by virtue of being second it's okay it's so pretty time to introduce some unconfident patient Oh this card is like ramping growth but it actually only cares if the card has a forest in the arts so if you build your mana base correctly this can fetch out any basic land and I will go and find this island there's a lot of trees on it it's an island but really it's just a big for us enters the battlefield tapped all right I'll pass the tree okay and yeah I will play a fancy SWAT everybody's fancy about me luxury suite all right I will tap these friends and they've been go oh wow you're playing bingo I am playing bingo okay this is a crazy car it seems very scary this could be a 10-10 trample how soon is that gonna happen exactly I'm looking at the cards in my hands I'm trying to figure out what CMC I should play what I should avoid that this is gonna get confusing all right I will draw I will play a command tower and then I will tap two and I'll play a thought vessel very nice I will mark two on bingo and now I'm scared to play one CMC thing but I guess it's hard to play sorry again wait harder yesterday line and seven is the dangerous like they they were smart on how they did it well in that case I will tap one and I'll play an expedition map I love that card so this was a tough deck to build and I'm already finding that it's gonna be a tough deck to pilot I really don't know if I should play my cards or wait until my commanders out to play them so that I can tick down the clock I kind of need the mana ramp so this could be a mistake maybe I should wait to play these cards I'm really not sure and because that spells one CMC I'll mark it on bingo the game is afoot okay nobody has any eight drops also don't cast in the a drop I will draw my card for sure lay a swamp and then I will tap two and play agro theanine chant hrus oh boy a game is indeed very nice this is one of the best turn to plays an enchantress technique it's definitely gonna generate some card advantage for me later so hopefully I'll draw into some of my big dumb stuff you don't get to mark anything on bingo haha I will pass attorney Jimmy okay I will untap and draw for turn I'm going to tap a green and play as luck would have it geez okay that seems quite doable for a sec oh my tech doesn't have many great wind conditions but this is the one that I'm the most excited about it's a long shot but if I eventually get that number to over a hundred I just immediately win the game and this enchantment has hex proof which means it's gonna be really hard for my opponents to get rid of it and then I will cast be willing test subjects hmm my deck is all about rolling dice so a creature like this was just gonna get bigger and bigger until it becomes a real threat and that's the CMC saw mark 3 on bingo yikes past turn to you Olivia thank you I'll tap and drop I will pay three for you of my elder right I want to have an option to get some lands in later on in the game I'm just putting this out here to have it at the ready from both the card advantage and the draw all right so I'll go to combat and swing for one at Josh okay I will take one and go to 39 better than plus 9 plus 9 seems like it's gonna happen sooner rather than later I hope the tourney Josh okay I won tap and I will draw I will play a myriad landscape then I will tap three and I will cast a baron von counts oh yeah I don't like that so here it is my commander and wah now I can begin my plan to take over the world or at least destroy one player eventually after I cast five more spells this might take a while I'm hoping that if Josh gets there I won't be the target and it doesn't look like he's gonna do it anytime real soon but we're gonna have to keep track of what number is on so it doesn't come out of nowhere and so the count is currently set at five I don't care for this it's gonna be a while go ahead I will untap and draw my card for the turn I will play city of brass and unfortunately I can't really do anything this turn so I will just pass all right I don't have a turn three play ideally I would have one of my ramp options here but I've got land in hand I've got some future plays and nobody's really gone off yet so I'm feeling okay all right I will untap in our draw for turn I'll play forest and I'm going to tap three mana and cast people Duchess of dice [Applause] oh sweet so my commander is here and it lets me do the thing my deck wants to do the most which is roll a bunch of dice I can pay mana and roll dice to make a creature or I can also reroll any die that I've rolled who she is a ton of synergy already with every single card that I've played on my board and the card that I'm about to play so it's finally time to get the ball rolling I mean get the dice rolling and then I'm going to tap two more mana to cast the steel squirrel sure so far Jimmy has a lot of cards that care about him rolling dice but he's only rolling one at a time so shouldn't be too terrifying just yet okay and with that I just passed the turn okay and tap and draw for the turn I'm going to play memorial to folly okay and then I love you yeah yeah swing for when it's happy you just said you love I do you saying that as I can I'm sorry it's only one damage I will take one I just want to cry about it a little bit that'll be a return pass to Josh I will untap will draw okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna tap to I'm gonna play a zorse gateway which does have a five in the textbox so Baron Vaughn counts will go down to four he's like a mix between doctor Frankenstein and somebody who laughs like that so dr. Frankenstein yeah this is one of the better cards in my deck because it's a lo CMC card with a 5 on it so it gets the count going and it also gives me the ability to cycle through my deck and look for fours and threes and other things that I need so this is the perfect setup go ahead Sydney well I don't have anything on tap so I will just draw my card okay so I will tap the mountain the swamp the forest and I will tap city of breasts for white taking one damage to play smothering time smothering times is an enchantment so I will draw a card off of our goatee and enchanters nice how much this mothering type Huskies don't ask us for oh man I'll mark it on bingo smothering tied out early is great we've still got three other players so potentially every time it goes around I'm gonna be getting at least three treasures and I get to ask the all-important question okay I will draw hey Jimmy you can pay two I will not pay two you can have the treasure too well all right I'm going to tap three mana and I'm going to tap people a duchess of dice to activate her first ability okay cool all right now I could be doing this at instant speed but I have all these cards in my battlefield that want me to roll dice immediately so if I get a five that's gonna be great it's gonna put my other creatures if I get a 6 hole man three man is six six my creatures get buffed I also get more counters on that as luck would have it that would be perfect so I'm gonna roll of dice and I'm gonna make a die creature token equal to the result Oh roll a 1 there good answer all right well I made a 1/1 but that means as luck would have it also gets one luck counter tweet yeah I guess it's just as likely I get a one as I get a six but it sucks anything else would have been better actually literally anything else reman a 1-1 not so great sorry Jimmy Jimmy's luck on game nights continues to be awesome and then our tap to blue mana and cast aura of Dominion targeting Peabody sub dice all right very cool soberly the one on that dice wasn't perfect but at this point on my board I am all set up I can untap my commander a bunch of times I can roll a ton of dice and then get counters and power on everything so I'm feeling really really good about my start and then past the turn to you Olivia the thing I noticed here is that Jimmy misses his land drop for turn which seems particularly bad for his deck since it cost mana to activate PIPA and get the dice rolling thing going so this doesn't bode well for him but it's pretty good for the rest of us on your end stuff I will sacrifice to my other I mean you get a swampy and forest put them in my hands and I'll draw a card from yoga Maya elder dying and unless you're gonna pay - I'm gonna make a treasure treasure is all yours thank you and untap draw for the chart yeah and a pay to not gonna pay cool so I'm gonna place one and then I will play side to side the first ever game like who are you picking cuz I'm ready see this is why silver bordered cards are crazy we're about to have an arm wrestling match in this game Olivia let's do this so here's the thinking I'm not gonna choose Josh I could choose Jimmy I could probably take him but there is some risk involved here so that leads tapi hi Sydney Oh No alright well this is an absolute first for game nights we are about to have an arm wrestling match may the best player win attention Planeswalkers self laters children of all ages it's time for a showdown a mythic proportion in the green corner so listen Sydney's my opponent it's gonna be easy I'm not gonna break a sweat rustling is not all about strength there's a lot of skill and finesse my girl Olivia might be in for a little bit of a surprise it's a battle of the biceps Oh game night fight scuffle over who has the most muscles I don't even know I'm stretching don't think it's gonna be hard I'm watch that Sylvester Stallone movies so I mean you know I think I got this Dame on that's it that's it really it was a nice try to have yes yes I was getting about surprise then of course she knew what she was doing like the girl goes to the gym every day she can like hold me across the room if she wanted to oh I was never gonna be close Olivia would win 100 out of 100 times let's just move on here what does she get for winning the harm wrestling I get hey three three green ape token yep wait it's just a three man of three three and you wouldn't even have gotten it if you've lost all the pageantry all the to do and she gets a three three a powerful magic cards just fun hashtag or this that's it I'm gonna pass the turn to Josh okay on your instep I'm gonna sacrifice my myriad landscape and I'm gonna find two swamps and put them into play tapped then I will untap draw for turn ya gonna pay the to know you can have a charge jumpin thank you let's take out that go for me yeah which is nice all right I'm gonna start out by tapping the azores gateway I'll draw a card and then have to exile a card from my hands I'll exile a bear and more which is a land and zero CMC cool did you pay the two for that drop no you can make another treasure cool soon I have five treasure that's a lot of treasures over there so I'm running into a problem already I don't have any cards in my hand that have a four on them this is really problematic because I don't want to play the other cards in my hands cuz they have the other numbers on them so I don't know what I'm supposed to do nothing no I don't like this alright I'm gonna pay - I'm gonna sacrifice my expedition map and we're gonna find Kobol coffers ooh we got lots of manna coming up okay Kobol copper's isn't a problem right now but down the road it'll enable Josh to play all the spells for Baron von count in one go and fire the laser at someone now put that in my hands but then I'll play it for turn uh it's a little scary but then I'm gonna play some old lady's copter nice okay so a lot of things on Josh's board actually managed to draw him cards which I think he's gonna try to use to fish for cards with the right numbers on them to get the count down really low however Kim drawing cards is great for me because of the smothering tides printers that's a good-news bad-news kind of things and then seeing as I have only one man I will pass the turn all right cool I now have stuff to on tap so I will untap these and draw my card so I will tap for to bring out my commander the surgeon commander oh very nice so my commanders here this crazy anomaly of science wouldn't be able to draw a bunch of cards as soon as I lame an enchantment and next turn eat extra mana it's gonna get my engine going I'm sitting on all these treasures I'm feeling really good then I will use three treasures I'm gonna play if Aras enlightenment on my surgeon commander yep uh with line nice and it'll also trigger surgeon commander and agro fee and agendas so I'll draw two cards value jealous oh this is a really cool card in tapis deck because it has that ability to bounce back to her hand she can replay it triggering her commander and The Enchantress drawing more cards do that again with the smothering tithes she has so much mana oh I'm jealous of everything tapis got going on over there this is a value engine then I will use my other two treasures and I will tap city of brass and take a damage to play kodamas reach so I will find an island and a planes and the planes goes into my hands and I will put the island into play since I am now officially out of mana I will pass turned to me good turn so now taffy has access to a ton of mana and a ton of card draw she's got everything every commander player in the world wants so you could say I'm scared of tapi at this point not of her arm wrestling but definitely about her board state and on the draw stop are you gonna pay the two for smaller and done yeah I will not you can have a treasure token thank you I'm missing LAN drop so I'm going to do this now I'm going to cast fact or fiction and Olivia yes you get to decide for me do me kind of announce before playing this card that he needs to hit lands I think he's hoping someone will help him out let's see what she does so I'm going to reveal the top five cards in my library and Olivia you get to split them into two piles okay I will put the two lands in one pile and the three everything else in another well so rude Jimmy gave up the ghost saying he needed land when he cast that so I'm gonna make him pick between land and spells easy Oh olivia has given me a really difficult choice here I really need those lands but the Sword of Dungeons and Dragons is one of the best cards in my deck because I'm rolling a d20 with it not a d6 that means my as luck would have it it's gonna grow super fast and I could win this game really quickly man this is a really tough choice but I think I'm just gonna have to get greedy I'm actually much more interested in three spells than two lands at this point Wow Jimmy takes the spells even though he needs the land this is becoming a pattern of his on K night all right well Jimmy you can't claim manage screw on this episode this was you chose this this video this is what you wanted to do alright well now it really looks like there's no one that can really attack so I will have to pass the turn I'll end tap and drop will you pay the two personnel during time I will not go I will make a treasure alright I will tap three four keeper of the sacred word when it comes into play I choose a word I'm actually going to make the word squirrel oh nice setting this card seems really powerful because if she swings it in at someone and they don't block all the other pilots have to do is just say the magic word 30 40 times and boom that's an instant one-hit kill so this card is actually terrifying and then I will tap three four Vivien champion of the wilds that's dope Vivian's interesting cuz it allows olivia to play things at flash speed I'm not as familiar with all the silver bordered cards as I am with regular commander cards so it's gonna be really hard to predict what might come out so I really don't like this I'll +1 Vivian and give keeper of the sacred word vigilance and reach so she's a five loyalty yes okay very nice and that will be my turn so with bingo keep live the secret word and Vivian out I'm feeling pretty good I'm gonna saw the board state all right now on taps and I'll drop well you pay the two for smothering type no you can have another treasure thank you alright so I draw my card for the turn and Wow I drew the perfect card of course you did they can probably take somebody out right now what I don't like this Oh No whoa whoa calm down there Josh not like this I mean I built the deck to do with thing I feel like I kind of have to die I kind of got to do the thing I guess I mean your deck is crazy' it's got all these cards that I've never even seen before I wouldn't even consider putting in the commander deck right yeah and I got them all at card Kingdom dot-com a slash command zone if you use that affiliate link when you order your magic cards product singles anything at all you really are supporting all of our content keeping the lights on around here as we like to say and we appreciate everyone that does that yeah and I love the unsold product because they have some of the wacky themes and a way to capitalize on having those awesome themes in your own world is by buying ultra Pro products so they have play mats sleeves everything that you want to deck out check out your play mat in your area and make it look awesome and trust me there's lots of really cool stuff yeah algebra always makes the best stuff to protect your stuff you really want your game pieces to stay in the best possible condition yes Ultra Pro really makes that happen well one player is about to not stay in great condition right all the way to I mean I hope so I hope this works out yeah yeah all right well let's let's see what happens Wow I drew the perfect card I can probably take somebody out right now what I don't like this oh no Josh can just kill someone it means he has to cast four spells this turn and each of those has to have the right numbers on them this is very scary I do not expect this at all at least he can only kill one player at a time with it but he has basically promised destruction of somebody on this table not it you have to cast force pellets right yeah a lot of calculation I think this is right so I'm just gonna tap everything which is gonna give me 7 mana so for a black and a colorless I'm gonna play inhumane e ACK oh dear it has a 4 in its text box so Baron von count will trigger going down to 300 so I'm not even looking at what card he plays the scary thing is is that he just tapped all of his mana and the countdown just went down one more and then I'm gonna play Goblin engineer it has a three in its text box sure does so Baron von count will go down to two tick tock oh okay yep this is really scary these are all really cheap CMC spells which means that Josh still has a lot of mana left he just gets to kill whoever he wants when that thing hits I mean this is some endgame territory right here for somebody no the count is set at two and I will search my library for an artifact I will find stree onic resonator and that'll go into my graveyard baron counts so I have three mana remaining I will cast mine stone Oh Oh at the - that's a - Baron von count goes down to one Oh Josh is gonna get it all the way down it's not good someone's out oh gosh oh gosh he just needs to play any spell with a 1 in it and that thing is going to explode and get rid of a player and now the count is sent that one and then I will tap the mine stone Oh No and remember I sell that one left so I've to in my mana pool and I will play a rock toe signet oh the madman has done it somehow we went from four to zero in a single turn so trigger on the stack destroy target player I have a decision ahead of me it's the first time I game nice I just got your he's ready to kill me now right who could be that girl who's someone else don't pick me I just got my entire board started I just drew the best card in my deck please don't pick me Josh so I'm weighing my options there's Olivia who didn't choose me for armwrestling and honestly that's pretty insulting there's tapi who isn't very good at arm wrestling's and I don't respect that and then there's Jimmy who has mine slaver locked me before and well I don't really actually need any other reasons it's definitely Jimmy I'm killing Jimmy um Jimmy I'm sorry I'm gonna have to blow oh boy oh boy oh no josh Josh Josh please mercy please mercy no mr. Wang I expect you to die wait what what I'm not shackled in no way come on ha who's gonna rescue me I'm James wall I got this huh No so Josh takes out Jimmy on turn six pretty cutthroat on game nights half of me is like well that solves that hex proof Chapman problem the other half is like he could do that again uh and it could come at me next time suddenly josh has become a problem well I can't attack anybody and I'm pretty sure they just made myself really scary so go ahead cool thanks I'm gonna untap my Lance and I will draw a card I'm gonna sack three treasures to play charisma targeting my surgeon commander and that will again trigger the surgery commander Andy enchantress and old Roger guards sweet so Josh's commander is really scary and I'm really hoping that Olivia realizes that too hey Olivia we're friends right yeah that's what I like to hear the only flying creature he has is smuggler chapter yeah so we can try something come with me on this adventure it would be my greatest pleasure so tapi has a scheme and is reaching out to me in friendship she doesn't like what Josh is doing I certainly don't like what josh is doing I think our goals are aligned here so I will tap for mana to play this bumbling penguin and I can destroy target artifact oh my gosh oh really that's gonna be Josh's smugglers copter no now josh has no flying blockers I don't quite have a creature that can kill him but I see someone who does on the trigger of a creature entering the battlefield I can return a far as enlightenment to my hands so I will tap three mana I will lose one to the city of Brest and I will cast a far as enlightenment on Olivia's keeper of the sacred word so your enchanting Olivia's creature uh-huh I don't like that okay so it gets a plus one plus one counter and it flies and it flies so tapi casts her enchantment on to Olivia's creature the creature that tapi can just say the magic word a bunch of times and pumped to an infinite size I'm a huge trouble I wonder how many times tapi can say squirrel I'm tapped out of the mana but my surgeon commander can tap for any colors so I'm going to tap him for a green mana to play half squirrel half and that will augment my bumbling penguin very nice and because of my commander I will draw a card all right nice and you said the word squirrel yes so keeper of the sacred word is a six seven I'm getting myself warmed up yeah it's a it's a teaser of things to come right and then I will definitely pass the turn to my good friend Olivia oh and tap and I'll drop did you pay to you for smothering guys I will not thank you so much problem friend yeah so this is what I was afraid of tapi and olivia they've overcome their differences over the armwrestling I have one card in my hands and all the cards in my deck are actually kind of bad they just have numbers on them I'm not gonna be able to fight against two players I'm gonna tap four and play a Cornelia a fashionable filter sweet school so if you play that one creature type which shall not be named then stuff happens yes so I'm playing my commander because I built this deck off the fact that I have cards with swirls on the art or squirrel creatures themselves I need to use her because in my hand our cards and squirrels in the art but first let's get Josh out of the game Josh what's your like total 39 I will swing in with keeper of the sacred word so Josh is at 39 life and Olivia's creature is 3 power so I have to say squirrel like now whatever squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel ok I think she said it enough times it's big it's bit it's definitely gonna kill me she doesn't have to say it anymore squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel awesome yeah he's still saying it ok I'm sure our editors kept track of exactly how big it is okay I will take a lot of damage from the squirrel okay that's a big creature I am I'm very dead I didn't really die to like a lot of squirrels but it felt like I did because they said the word squirrel so much that I felt like I fit so now it's just me and Tapie and the deal ended when Josh ended so I got to start clearing her board out too so it's up three four kill destroy and target your commanders well that's rude I will send him max the commands oh so if you say the word kill or destroy I can say gotcha and return killer straight from my graveyard to my hand oh wait I helped her when I set a bunch of words and now I can't say words okay this is gonna be a lot to keep track of but hopefully we can do it I'm losing the verbosity by the second here by the end you will just be a mutant which is the worst person to do Yeah right so I cast a spell with a squirrel in the art that will trigger a Cornelia and I'll get an acorn counter that deck is nuts ah and then I'm going to subtract two from Vivian look at the top three cards in my library exile one facedown and put the rest on the bottom of my library I'll place this one under Vivian and the rest under the bottom of my library nice that will be my turn I'm feeling really good going into this second half of the game without the guys I have a solid board state I've got the mental edge from destroying her in armwrestling I think I got this I'm gonna on tap draw a card for the turn my board does not look nearly as good without my commander on it well I joined to something that will definitely balance the scales and by balance the scales I mean balance them back in my favor well Olivia we did so well and then you do what I wasn't going to do you Boop to one of my things oh my board I'm gonna overload cyclonic hey [Applause] yikes this is not good I have to redeploy everything but up until now I haven't been touched I've got plenty of life I should have time to rebuild alright I'll bounce my board and bingo in your hand oh so I definitely slowed Olivia down she's gonna replay all that stuff I'm feeling really good I've got gas in my hand and I think I can close this out in a few more turns well I can swing for some damage now yep and then I'm gonna move to combat and attack you with this half rodent creature half Pangolin will take lunch first damage of the game and I will pass the turn alright Allen tap and draw card are you gonna pay the two for smell drink time no cool I will make a treasure you will I'll tap to play be ing oh okay nice I will tap three and plate romancer that'll trigger bingo I'll mark 3 CMC so this card is good because of that one ones that constantly comes back she's playing an enchantment deck so big creatures that have a lot of stuff on touch to them hopefully I can stop her in her tracks with that death touch snake and then I will tap three and play keeper of the sacred word ooh what's the word today you get to choose a new word I get to choose a new word what is the word the word is pay alright there's a lot of words you can't say mm-hmm all right what words can I say I can't say destroy kill pay I can definitely say squirrel but it doesn't matter anymore yeah this is gonna be annoying and then I will pass I will untap my stuff and on your upkeep I will receive a snake token I will draw my card for true mm-hmm I will tap woo Berg to play Ursa Academy headmaster oh my gosh okay so this is one of the weirder cards in magic you have to go to a website when you play it and just click the button on the website and it will randomly tell you what it does I have no idea what's gonna happen is a real question of you plus or minus you have no idea what's gonna get ya um let's take him up okay plus one and go to a scherzo dot-com okay this is either going to be the worst thing ever or not have much have been affected off all I can hope is that the plus one cares about zombies or something hopefully it doesn't help her too much okay here we go you just press + and it will happen reveal the top card of my library if it's a land card I put it onto the battlefield otherwise put it into my hand the top card of my library is reflecting pool so that goes on to the battlefield but this doesn't blow my mind it's pretty good I'll always take another land but that's nothing super great for me right now so that was about as good as I can hope for another land when she already has all this treasure it's not really gonna set her ahead too much okay nice job orsa what was the cost of that it was five great five yeah so I'm work the five on bingo and I will pass the turn okay I'll on tap and drop will you tap to mana or can I have a treasure I will not you can have the treasure thank you and then I'll tap six and play mine mine mine what the heck oh boy this is a very interesting way to change the game because now both players have the entire deck available to them in their hand that's crazy your opponent has all the answers in their hand and you have all the threats in your hand so it's just gonna be like a huge slugfest this seems like a crazy play but she's already drawn a lot of cards her commander will draw more cards smothering tithe gives her mana when I draw cards I think this is the best way to negate all those advantages this is honestly my best chance to win the game and that's a 6 up bingo it sure is with mine my mine on the stack before you draw your whole library I will tap these and lose a life to city of breasts I'm gonna play a very cryptic command so I'll make a gnome I don't have a ton of creatures and I'd like to be able to block and then I'm gonna draw a card off the top of your library you wanted to do that before she or her whole library was in your hand yeah go for it draw away thank you hmm all right so then it resolves and you both draw your deck oh my lord I'm so jealous right now me too so have you ever tried it before but it's actually really hard to pick up your whole deck and like hang onto it plus there's so many options you have to look through your whole deck and try to find the one card that you're gonna play this is insane what on the plus side I get to play with everything I can't even tell you this is Wow the part that's easy to miss on mine mine mine is that each player only gets to play one spell per turn so that one spell it really has to count it's gonna be interesting to see who this favors more so attacks um swing keeper of the sacred word and my death touch snake token at Persa cool so because we can only play one spell a turn this Planeswalkers something got really important I don't know what it does but it's still give me one more thing I can do every turn and that might really get me ahead of Olivia so I'm gonna throw everything in front of this I will block the keeper the sacred word with our go Xion enchantress and the snake token with this no token okay it's making don't rage yep and the enchantress goes to the graveyard Mirza takes no damage yeah while all this is going on I realize the downside to this that mine mine mine that was my one spell this turn so tapi has the initiative didn't think that through okay that'll do it past turn alright so I will untap on your upkeep I will or see the snake token from opium answer alright and before your draw step I'm gonna tap - and play assassins trophy targeting or zacchara [Music] because of that Ursa she gets an extra action every turn that doesn't count as a spell so I can't let that thing stick around alright well there's a guy's CI Rosa oh but you do get to search your library for Earl and I found all of them can you hold these for me oh yeah and since that spell is - CMC I'll mark it on bingo so I guess when you're up against a wall with your whole deck in your hand and you can only play one spell alright then because I have five different card types in my graveyard I'm going to catch em rakul for eight oh my goodness Wow seriously this card is perfect in my deck because it can't be the target of instant spell removal it's in addition to being a huge giant flying tentacle monster it also can't be killed out from under by enchantments obviously I'm gonna target you and take your next turn seems deep all right then I suppose since I can't attack with Emer cool I will pass the turn okay all on tap here's your hand thank you so amber Cole's ability to steal an opponent's turn is usually just devastating but tap you will still only be able to cast one spell because of that mine mine mine so I don't know if this is actually gonna be as bad as it normally would be Olivia might still have a chance all right here is your deck back my hand oh sorry then I am going to have you cast attrition okay so attrition baby seems like a weird option however if I get rid of all of her creatures then she doesn't have any creatures to use to kill a merkel and then I will have you sacrificed Ohio mansur to kill bingo Oh No bingo then sack the death touch snake to kill keeper singer would kill gotcha gotcha I get that kill destroy back in my hand unfortunately it's an instant you can't use it against the Merkel and then I will make you sacrifice your command vegan okay fail to find where is she who knows so I will have you past your turn to yourself thank you you're welcome untap this really didn't go so bad for me with attrition out if I cast a creature I can still sacrifice it and take out Emma cool that's not casting a spell okay so I'm going to top a forest and I'm going to play squirrel dealer oh so this is gonna give me two creatures I'm gonna get two activations of attrition so I can answer two of her creatures on the board and she can still only cast one spell per turn this is great for me so by mine says each player can only play one spell per turn so I can play one instant on Olivia's turn in response I will sack two treasure tokens to cast who what where when and why whoo and I will destroy target enchantment to destroy your attrition Wow yikes so she destroys attrition before my creatures are on the board all right nutrition down squirrel dealer has entered the battlefield hey Jimmy do you like squirrel I love squirrels thank you so I just used my one spell to get to one once it's horrible and then I'm gonna play maze of it Oh yikes maze of it is always a good card but it's even better in this situation because it counts as a land drop it's not Olivia's spell per turn but it's gonna effectively answer em er cool basically forever this is gonna help her gain some tempo back pass that's right okay I will untap no drop stuff because you have your entire deck in your hands correct so what makes Eldrazi is better making them more Eldrazi alright so I will tap 8 mana to play Eldrazi Conscription oh my gosh I will add some more tentacles to em er cool jeez oh my goodness alright so the really important part of this card is where it says Annihilator that is an attack trigger it'll go on the stack and then ya Olivia can use the maze of it to prevent the damage but she's still gonna have to sacrifice the stuff this was tabi back in the lead again alright go to combat I will send an Emeril on attack the Annihilator - triggers hit cool I'll sacrifice the squirrel and the squirrel dealer and then I'll tap maze of it no damage no damage okay no diggity em er cool gets on tapped alrighty I'm done on your end step I will tap three and I will kill destroy your giant augment creature all dead so my poor half-squirrel last penguin buddy's just gonna have to bite the dust cuz the only thing that matters to me anymore in this game is keeping Emrick alive fantastic island tap well it's time it's time oh my I will tap six for Garrett cursed huntsman Garrick is my one spell but his - three ability is not an instant and can absolutely destroy em Urkel so I'm gonna subtract three from Garrett and destroy em er cool Curt so with Emma cool off the board she'll have nothing I'll have an active planeswalker and we can only cast one spell per turn still I think here is where I can flip the script luckily I have an instant speed interaction that can target every cool because it is an enchantment with flash in response I am going to tap city of brass and your Woodland Cemetery I'll take one from city of brass flash in mystic Vale oh boy Oh attaching it to Umrah cool for the turn em Urkel can't be the target of spells or effects so fizzle garrix ability it goes down to two this is terrible because garrix now it to loyalty and I need free to try to get rid of em er cool this is going to take way too long that's it for me so past turn and because I played mr. Vails an instant I have sacrificed at the insurance okay and it's my turn mm-hmm I will tap three lance to play Esther it's invocation copying Eldrazi conscription oh no it's a 3333 flam pole and that later for cool the thing that's really hurting me here is that Emer pool has protection from instance most of the ways to kill it in my deck or instant speed and I will go to combat and send in this monstrosity oh gosh on the tack trigger the United or four goes off alright I'm going to annihilate these swamps and forests yikes so you might wonder why I wouldn't annihilate mine mine mine what will happen is will shuffle our libraries and graveyards together and make that our library again but we don't get to draw seven cards I won't have a hand or answers and she'll still have an emery cool so I'm just in a really tough spot here Annihilator for only being able to play one spell a turn I mean I think I got her now there's no ways just coming back from this and then I will tap maze a bit and we're cool from combat okay and past the turn okay I'll in tap this I will zero Garrick I'll make two to two black and green wolf creature tokens that'll keep the entire Bay mm-hmm and then I'm gonna tap five for deep forest Hermits mm-hmm and when it ATVs I get four squirrel creature tokens I'm not dead yet I have enough to feed the Annihilator and I can use those wolves to rebuild garrix loyalty enough to take out Emma cool once Emma cools off the board it's a different game and I can start clawing my way back in and that will be my turn okay I will unto help choose from your millions of options and then I remember that I have my whole deck in my hand I will tap three lands to put pemons aura on to Emeril yay oh this is gonna be the game ender this is the perfect card for tapi here it not only protects your creature from the maze of myth it also pumps her creature which will allow her to get in for the final bits of damage now you might be asking tapi why didn't you just play that card before it protects and rakul makes our bigger guys there's a lot of cards in my hands protection from instance I could just kill it but protection from instance I go to combat yep yeah send in Emmie okay well now that her 4 is on the stack now yep well the possum wolfies also get rid of two squirrels when those wolves died Garak will go to for loyalty and then I will attempt a maze of it in response I'll activate penance aura to make Emma pool untargetable so that will counter the mazes ability rough way rough before damage I will tap six mana to activate pemons aura six times and give ever cool 6 extra power that'll do it and then I die - a giant spaghetti monster so I may have lost the armwrestling battle but I definitely won the commander war yes playing with silver boarded cards you're gonna have a wild and wacky game and this definitely fit the bill I mean look I may have gotten eliminated early but it was tons of fun just to sit there and watch all of the crazy shenanigans happen I'm always excited when a new unset comes out because the game designers are really able to let loose and design these wacky irreverent mechanics that you would just never normally see on the table if you play commander to have a crazy great time and to have an even weirder story afterwards silver border cards are gonna take it to the absolute next level there's no right or wrong way to play commander this will let you have fun in ways you could have never imagined with your regular decks it was a dream come true being on game it was such a fun time working with everybody here and playing this fantastic game that I already love today was awesome but I have one regret I took the easy way out I should have arm-wrestle Josh all right let's do it yeah yeah all right now okay are we really doing this yeah why not ready we quite already hmm all right yeah yeah yeah well who won the armwrestling match Josh I mean legend says it's still going on today but I'm right here are you though in spirit you're still armwrestling Olivia maybe we're just gonna have to save that footage for the sequel yeah yeah yeah anyway thank you so much for watching this episode of game nights and of course a huge huge huge thank you to one of our sponsors ultra pro they again provide all of the awesome play mats and stuff that you see on the show and they're also just the best way to protect your cards the best way to sleeve your stuff up put them in the sent our boxes travel with them whatever you need ultra pro really has your back yeah you know we spend a lot of money and resources and time collecting our cards finding the perfect cards and the last thing you want to happen is for them to get damaged in some way so I definitely trust ultra pro to keep all my stuff safe that's one of the the best things you can say about a company that you know it's their point to protect your game pieces yeah and they've been evolving and growing with the magic community for years and years decades even so they are definitely the number one brand of trust if you buy ultra propriety directly support the show and they also do giveaways thanks to ultra pearl and card Kingdom for throwing their hat in the ring yes there's gonna be a bunch of stuff as always that we're gonna give away at the end of this episode so well we're at the end now so I guess Jimmy do you want to tell them how they can win no really all right so now we have three ways to enter we are expanding our horizons and the first is on Twitter if you're on Twitter you just simply have to use the hashtag game nights next with a K and link to this episode say whatever you want tag whoever you want but just make sure you use that hashtag now if you're on Facebook go and find the post that we share to this episode of game nights and in the comment section below simply tag a friend that you think would enjoy this episode or someone that maybe doesn't play magic would love to see some silly shenanigans of which there were plenty in this one and finally on Instagram all you have to do is tag us at command cast in a post and make sure that you use the hashtag game that's there as well it can be anything magic related something about this project something about this episode who knows what just make a post and tag us and use the hashtag so we can find it and of course you have one week from the release of this episode to get your entries and we the winners at the end of that week so don't miss out a lot of free stuff coming your way I like this three chances to win now if you enter on all three platforms that's triple the amount of chance to get free stuff so basically don't waste any time Instagram Facebook Twitter get on over there and enter to win awesome stuff yeah man I don't want to arm-wrestle you I don't know why Olivia made that challenge you know I'm a little bit out of shape and I gotta say Olivia works out all why did you see your Challenger puzzle I said yeah I got ya all right thanks so much for watching everyone see you next time
Channel: The Command Zone
Views: 1,009,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game high school, ted wong, vghs, wong, jfwong, jimmy, magic, the, gathering, mtg, magic the gathering, strategy, game, trading card game, deck, tactics, commander, general, elder, dragon, highlander, politics, josh, lee, kwai, cards, Card Game (Game Genre), negotiations, command, zone, podcast, the command zone, edh rules, mana, mana bases, Game Knights, GameKnights, gameplay, olivia, gobert, hicks, tappy, toe, claws, arena, brawl, oathbreaker, cedh, unsanctioned, unstable, un, set, mulan
Id: LKKJIlqpycw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 34sec (3214 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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