Crazy Commander Game with Gaby Spartz and Kenji Egashira l Game Knights #16 l EDH Gameplay

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Not a huge EDH player, but the production quality of Game Knights and the guests they bring on are always top notch. Great job Josh and Jimmy!

👍︎︎ 136 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Man, the amount of talent and dedication that goes into editing this series is quite apparent. The effort really pays off, the end product is incredibly well-produced!

👍︎︎ 173 👤︎︎ u/Scarbrow 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

As someone who really doesn't play commander and never thought i'd want to watch other people playing it, this was really enjoyable. I may go back and start some other eps of gameknights

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/NorwegianPearl 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Glad it's more commander content! I don't hate the other stuff but I always like sitting down to enjoy a nice long game of EDH.

👍︎︎ 144 👤︎︎ u/JubX 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

You should play Archenemy with Kenji as main boss.
Seriously, he should be Bolas, not Numot after this gameplay.

👍︎︎ 113 👤︎︎ u/Ellusionn 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Oof that [[Rite of Replication]] was awesome. One of my absolute favorite blue cards for EDH!

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/JibJig 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Apparently Kenji savage AF in EDH

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/LikelyPoopin 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

This episode was great to watch, looked like a ton of fun to watch the pendulum swing back and forth like that.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/KrosanHero 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is one of the best episodes I've ever seen, just because of all the different game mechanics being showcased, especially as I'm a relatively new MTG player. For instance, this is the first time I've seen the Morph mechanic being demonstrated, and the results are really awesome.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/daFunkyUnit 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
how is it welcome to another episode of game nights episode brought to you and sponsored by Wizards of the coast and another big shout-out to our sponsor card Kingdom dot-com / command zone that's the affiliate link that you should use the next time you're buying magic products and singles and hey check it out what is this masters 25 in fact Jimmy and I are both playing decks based on legendary creatures from this set again use that affiliate link when you order all your magic products and singles you're really supporting game nights card Kingdom com / command zone and another way to support the show is patreon at slash commands and that's where you can directly support the show keep the lights on this place running and of course at the end of this episode there is one more special thing that's right prize giveaways from us to you so make sure you stick around to find out of the win all right out of the game [Music] what's up everybody welcome to a new episode of game nights today we are playing commander with two of the biggest magic streamers out there two players that are really known for limited play they're gonna come in and they're gonna mix it up in a game of commander hello friends I'm Kenji new month enemy Giga Shira you might know me from my twitch stream stream basically every day recently qualified for the Pro Tour via the magic online championship series that's gonna be really sweet but more excited for you know what commander today hi I'm Gabby spies I am the Magic the Gathering streamer I'll send you coverage for Wizards of the coast I am super excited here to be at game nights so today I'm playing Rashmi eternities crafter the reason I think Rashmi is really cool and commander is because for every opponent you get to cast a spell and maybe trigger a schmee on that turn so the deck is really constructed around a lot of flash cards a lot of instant feed cards and a lot of really expensive cards too because the higher the converted mana cost of the card you cast the higher you get to trigger off I'm really looking forward to being able to catch some big spells and draw some big cards today I'm piloting a deck that was inspired by Vinny you may remember him from earlier episodes of game nights and that deck is a commando they just got reprinted at masters 25 it is an amar soul of elements this is a special deck built around the moor from mechanics morphs are super versatile they can counter spell as they can destroy artifacts enchantments and bounce creatures and permanence so I'm really excited to play this deck because I'll have the element of surprise as well as being the soul of elements and Marv himself the commander I'm playing today is another one that was reprinted in masters 25 its Grenn's o dungeon warden the goal of the deck is to really manipulate the bottom of your own library and then cheat creatures into play using Grenn's ability Mel Lee one of the game night alums once played this deck against me and I thought it was so awesome I wanted to build a version myself it's really cool because it uses a lot of cards in the history of magic that seemed bad and you would never use in any other deck the deck I'm playing today Newmont the Devastator the goal of my deck is a resource denial now new mots known for blowing up lands but you know I have a lot of wrath effects artifact destruction and Chantry destruction I want these people to feel really bad about themselves alright let's go let's get into it let's play welcome to the table we've gotten you all brand new playing us from ultra pro for masters 25 pretty sweet so this is actually both of your first time on game nights what that means is you need to be knighted Gabby sparks yes I dub thee game night I am worthy you mother Nami Adobe game night welcome to game nights only one island one mana I'll turn one place I made it well known that Josh cut my deck before I drew my seven cards there was nothing wrong about I shuffled I presented he cut it well I do that soul ring anyway just as intended so it was all good thanks Josh oh you want taciturn it was like we got tricked island you go Jimmy double whack pester to you Josh I will play a canyon sloth sloth Slough it flew but sloth works it's lazy it comes in a play tab yep that's it good untap upkeep draw play a nice little command tower nestle in the game and then I'll tap for oh boy the Dynamo oh geez it's a grand variety and then I'll tap the friend Dynamo for three and I'll play oblivion stone oh my gosh well I'm not blowing it up anytime soon Mike having so many permanent what happened it's turned to the Oblivion stone is so problematic because at any point can you can just blow up the entire board so you're in this awful position where it's like do I play anything like do I try and force him to blow it up or does he's just gonna keep spiraling out of control this is just bad bad bad bad bad it's bad okay my much less impressive turn over here Simic Signet I'd usually feel okay about my turn to but honestly it looks kind of embarrassing compared to Kenji here go do me sad day I'm gonna have to play in is it boiler works out to card in my hand and discard Belson's are great but the problem is is that if you're playing them on turn two you're gonna have eight cards in your hand by the end of the turn is that means you have to discard one feels bad and they'll pass turn you Josh I will play a blood crypt tapped I feel so far behind already it's only turn two okay I'm really far behind to what you're less far behind than me I did this card the card luckily Kenji cannot yet cast his commander mountain okay glide I want to put a fake counter Allen my friend dynamite end of turn that way I can protect my board if I want to blow up the board with the Oblivion stone instead of playing out a new mod and kind of just blowing up lands even though that's a great thing to do I'll just pass the turn to Gabby though sure on top draw some good Oh play a boiling Oracle this is not a big deal to play and toast oh no I still get to draw card out of it all right so let's reveal that's a nice one this is kind of awkward because I don't really want a reveal crater behemoth to my opponents at this point but I can't do anything about it okay well yeah that that's a card I mean it's eight mana it's not gonna come out for a while she's gotta remember that she's got that because boy that card came in games and I'll put it into my hand past eight Jimmy I'll replay the bivouac and then I'll tap two and play swiftlet boots right now I think me Gabby and Josh just want to play cards out that aren't the most significant cards in our deck or ones that we get a little value off of so that when kenji does blow up the o stone that doesn't hurt us as much but we can't just sit here and do nothing and astron o play swamp and I'm gonna tap three and I'm gonna play my commander grins Oh with X equal to one so grams o will get a pleasant Pleasant encounter he's a 3/3 you can tell that Gabby Jimmy and I are all trying to sort of hedge against the oblivion stone we don't want to put out anything high-value we want to put out something that's expendable and for me that's my general and I will pass the turn all right at the end of your turn I will activate Oh stone and I will put a fake counter on the trend item oh gosh all right I'm going to play sacred foundry untapped okay first blood to yourself pretty and then I'll play mrs. Ella blade of gold night what and the hits just keep on coming see the problem here is if we play stuff to try and catch up with his board state then he can set us all back to the Stone Age with oblivion stone but if we don't play stuff that he's gonna smack us with Giselle until we died if you want to want to give a commander this is a very easy way to do it so we need to take care of this pronto after that very unimpressive turn Gabby I will pass it to you okay well then I'll unpack yeah yeah that's what we're doing I'll draw so I have a cooling Oracle and Jimmy's kind of the only person I can attack here so yeah why not I guess I can only attack you Jimmy so all right I have no creature so I can't block and because of Gisella I'm gonna actually take two damage pow first blood that's real for his blood but is not super scary but I think I have a plan to deal with it so I'm gonna pass a turn and see what my opponents do pass to you Jimmy on tap draw well I do have one card that I can replay if it dies to oblivion stone and that's my commander so wha may as well run it out there now and a Kenji's tapped out there's a chance that maybe Josh can blow up the Oh stone wall he doesn't have the man to activate it so fingers crossed and then I'm going to tap one two three and cast an amar soul of elements then I will tap one and equip it with Swift boots pasture into you Josh okay I will untap yeah B I'm gonna swing at you for three which will actually be six gosh commander there oh yeah Oh perhaps oh boy we're gonna nonzero amount of damage there's a nonzero mana damage I apologize I can't attack Kenzi and I want Jimmy to keep hitting Kenzie so can do this is what Gisela does now we're dealing double damage to each other I'm not even sure if it was right to attack Gaby there because I actually need or help in stopping Kenji and then I will tap three and I will play burnished heart oh that's a good party yeah I still don't want to over extend into the oblivion stone so I'm gonna play a creature that I can get some value out of in the case that he does activate and then I will pass the turn to the most terrifying being on the planet you mutt well I think I'm gonna start things off by attacking Jimmy for a low leap five which turns into tense I'll take ten Oh that hurts so bad what get to choose me protection from white scares me a lot so I decide to you know hit him in for just just a ten damage it's a 5/5 flyer but of course Gisela doubling her own damage to Jimmy means I get hit him for ten and that's uh that's a real nice swing and then I'm gonna just start things off with brago King eternal I know I keep saying that everything he's doing is bad but this is bad because he can flicker his own mana rocks and the O stone they come back into play untapped which means he can use them again which means more fake counters he's also poised to put a fake counter on Gisela now and protect that this is just getting worse and worse and worse why did we invite Kenji the game nights how many other ways can like what's a different way to say like it's bad it's bad alright after those sick brah goes I will pass turn to Gabi okay we gotta do something about Kenji yeah and I'm your turn I'm gonna event sir concede response okay so I'll bounce just a lie back to your hands this is a little awkward there's a chance I could bounce Oh son and then hope that one of my other opponents has something to interact with it or counter it on the way down I'm not sure that's gonna work it seems like Giselle is the biggest problem it's at least slows Kenji down a little bit maybe also because Gisela is in Kenji's hand they'll have incentive to blow up the Oh step well blue decks are kind of rude but all in all it's actually kind of good because now if I blow up the Oh stone I just I was not there to die alright I'm kind of hate that I have to do this main face but you got to do what you got to do I'm gonna factor fiction I unfortunately have the fact or fiction main face to try to make that land drop and also hope that I find some sort of answer to anything that Kenji is doing then I think to is because this is kind of Kenji vs. the world I hope that one of my at this point teammates gives me something for the over there alright Jimmy give me good stuff so I have to strike a delicate balance here because I want to give Gaby enough tools to deal with Kenji but I also don't want to give her so much that she's gonna be ahead after the dust settles I'm gonna separate the piles into this the first pile is Islands one power stone and opportunity the second pile is bounding crisis and nimble obstructionist you're missing a real opportunity here if you don't take one of those piles so the nimble obstructionist pile looks nice cuz nimble obstructionist will counter the trigger from oblivion stone so it won't actually kill our things but I really need to land I'll take this Oh Gabby why didn't you just tell me you needed a land I would have put it in that pile Oh No communication is key guys draw three still pretty good yeah I'll play my Island and I guess little peg Jimmy / boy I won't block I'll take a damage here we go Jimmy I will untap and I will draw four turn well I can't not do anything so I'm just gonna go ahead and play the worst creature out of my hand I'll tap for mana and cast vizier of the menagerie an tomorrow trigger and get a plus one plus encounter all right I'm gonna go to combat and Ken GG coming in at you for two with an Tamar I'm going to take two general damage I guess yes now past turn to you Josh on your instep I'm going to vampiric tutor yes this is good Josh yes yes this is exactly what you need to find right now which is a destroy target oblivion stone that's what you're looking for right please tell me that's what you're looking for if he has an answer to what Kenji is doing it is right here so I'm really hoping for this one go to untap draw the card I tutored for I'm gonna lose probably all my creatures anyway here so it may as well get some damage in I will go to combat and you're the only one I can attack heavy no sorry I'll talk for five block the burnished hardwood fencer okay Vince are in the heart trade and then take three yo I am dying over here one two three all right we just the game can't progress until we get rid of this oblivion stone so I'm just gonna have to do it and then I am going to play a vandal blast overloaded surprise surprise vandal blast now it's not just my artifacts are getting blown up of course it's everybody's that's not Josh yes okay all right this is good this is exactly what I wanted I lose this and make Cygnet which is kind of unfortunate especially because I'm LAN light but Kenji's board is basically gone at this point so in the response I'll activate a plug-in stone and destroy each non than permanent goodbye I just decided to blow up the world in response with my oblivion stone I think everybody's pretty happy about that for multiple reasons so this worked out pretty good now we can start a game where Kim G's not just like mach-5 right out the gate the problem is that I only have five lands I don't have one in my hand there are and I will cast rustic study the board is cleared everybody's gonna just want to play random things anyway they're probably not going to pay one mana every single time so plan a of well kill them unlike turn five failed so Plan B let's get grindy I will pass the turn to Gabby I'll play this warn Power Stone you're gonna pay for rustic study I will pay for a sixth uh D you don't get to draw a card how you like me now that's mean it's not the worst I'll draw some cards off Jimmy for sure cast a Jimmy I'm gonna cap six mana to cast a no more here's the thing about an amar Dex you need to have animal on the battlefield for the deck to function so even though I have to pay extra for the commander tax it's well worth the cost eristic study I will pay for ristic study this is okay you know eventually they're gonna be like no it's just a card I don't want to pay the one it's too taxing I'm gonna get some cards from Josh guaranteed not passed her to you Josh yeah well on tap I'm gonna play a Videl Kanuri paying the extra first steady both Jimmy and Gabi are paying for ristic study so Ken she's not drawing any cards and I think if we keep a united front about that we can make sure that Kennedy doesn't pull into a huge lead again so I'm gonna go ahead and keep paying for us to study as long as they do and I will pass the turn and in the first eristic study history in commander I didn't draw a single card on a full term rotation I will play this lovely tranquil Cove that gains me a life Wow I need some of that I don't how good this is but I'm gonna attempt to and play phantasmal image targeting NMR oh that's actually really good I think I guess it doesn't target hopping I'm thinking this has got to be a little bit good my deck doesn't actually run that many creatures but I have some good value in the deck and I think you know in this sense it's kind of like a mana rock since I just lost my soul ring and my thread dynamo I kind of how to build up my mana base again I will pass this urn to Gabby sure what did I just say I'll play a thorn would fall I'll go get a life one two three four I'm gonna cast Rashmi eternities crafter I really want to be able to trigger Rashmi on my opponents turn so might as well get it in play now and then I can set it up so that the following turns I can start actually triggering Rashmi and I will pay the extra for istic study go ahead to me all right type 7 mana and play soul of the harvest paying the extra animart will trigger and get a plus one plus one counter yes I played against the NMR deck a lot this is what you don't want to happen because creatures become so cheap to cast you casting them for free or almost free and now when they draw you cards they draw you more creatures with you then cast for free almost free which then draws you more cards that you play for free or almost free which then draws more cards that you then play for free or almost free which draws you more cards you see why this is not good pass that turn okay on top draw I'll play a blood-stained mire and because of it i'll Kanuri i'll pass the turn i'll do stuff later all right untap I'm going to play my Plains and then I will play my namesake general nuance the Devastator it's a six power flyer in the air I can blow up any two lands which blowing up two lands with naman is actually really impressive especially in a game that's you know still pretty fresh people have you know they're not sitting on 20 lands ten lands and I blow up some of their lands they don't pay for a stick study and I trigger my NMR know it's risky to attack Josh when he has that already I'll just say go all right at the end of your turn God Newmont the Devastator what if I just like my lands though well if you let me attack you I won't blow up your lands oh we're getting I see I see how this is developing okay deal I will not succumb to this I'm gonna play expel for Morosco bouncing Newmont the Devastator back your hand I don't have the city's blessing I don't get the bounce new month till the top of the library but I still get to bounce them not have to take any damage and they gets a trigger rush me I'll reveal that top from my library it is a brood berth Viper I cannot cast that so it's gonna go into my hand all right I'll let new my go back to my hand instead of the commands Oh all right let's untap draw I believe I'm just passing here go ahead oh wow I will untap the draw card and then I will tap three mana and cast a morph creature in tomorrow trigger good to pick on the three three and install the harvest will also trigger nan draw card and I'm paying an extra four ristic study this is the worst mystic study I've ever seen I have not drawn a single card well this is a united front you see all right I'm going to now tap two mana paying puristic study and play another morph in tomorrow trigger and soul of the harvest would trigger on the draw card dynamics with top dog in town so my engine is starting to go off here and this is great because no one knows what these morphs are and that gives me the advantage morphs are really interesting cards to play against because it gives a creature deck which normally has to play at sorcery speed a lot of surprise potential a lot of flexibility a lot of versatility it's one of the reasons the deck is so cool then I will pay two mana to play so break hey you broke even on me thank you Rick steady yeah hey my board is looking pretty good now it's time to go settle some old scores Kenji I'll go to combat and Kenji I'll come at you with a six six old harvest and a four four animal it's the tides of turn I will be taking ten instead and that's four more Jenni all right I'm done though by the way you know I'll go somewhere else now hit me 410 I'll be this retaliation because I hit him with Giselle that earlier turn am I feeling bad no of course not do I regret it maybe slightly pestering you Josh all right on your end step I'm going to flash in Attali oh I'm so excited wow that was sweet yes oh my gosh awesome I've been looking forward to seeing this card played ever since it was previewed I mean I would like it to be on my side of the battlefield but you know what I'll let it slide Josh cuz it's red now Kanuri is so awesome because of when I'm playing this card I'm gonna immediately on tap with it be able to swing and trigger its ability right away so I'm basically guaranteed to get some value off of it I'm really excited let's see what I get I will go to combat okay I'm scared of all that open mana making Jimmy mad seems like a bad idea so Kensi attack you with a thali primal storm so that triggers and everybody exhale the top part of your library let's see what I get it's not a salt monolith okay unexpected results I sped the rate that's cool then Tavares puzzle box okay so I can cast any number of those I think I'll cast all four of them I mean I don't know the odds I'm not a mathematician or anything but I hit four out of four so this couldn't have gone any better and then unexpected results so I shuffled my library reveal the top card wait wait wait wait so are you paying one for each of those for a rustic stuff okay I will pay 3 so Kenji you can draw one and then unexpected results all right reveal jumped roller unfortunate so I will cast the drunked roller sure why not I gonna pay for rustic study dang stupid ristic study you know what Kenji you jerk how kind of you because remember this is still all before I'm taking six damage oh yeah now go to damage 6 Kenji has really been knocked down he used to be at the top of the mountain and how he's at the bottom and it feels like all of our teaming up to sort of get him from that early lead has really worked out yeah that's all I can do that's pretty good turn up go ahead alright so untap if you draw two periods puzzle box is going to trigger I have five cards in my hand I'm going to choose to zone Newmont and bottom the other four but I will still draw five cards Sotiris puzzle box is kind of annoying I mean I think it's good for me because I want to find one of my wrath effects or something like that but it doesn't let me plan which this deck wants to do I will play azureus cygnets then with my remaining seven Oh l faster no Gabi all right at the end of your turn I will cast Eva nature's Herald because rush me only triggers every time you cast the first spell of yours on each turn a card like Shiva is gonna be super important because that just means Gabi can always be casting something everyone else to turn and building or board out at the same time pay one extra for the ristic study and I will trigger Rashmi Baba revealing this up vast woods here and I can cast that so I'll get a forest on my duck and then pay one extra for ristic study also cast araga tree speaker at instant speed because of eva whoa that was like instant board she had one creature now she's got four creatures and I will pay for a sick study alright now on top so I might upkeep before my dress-up shuffling away my crater Huff which is one of the best cards in my deck feels pretty bad so I feel like I might as well go for broke oh right she has crater hoof behemoth and now she can cast it at flash speed because of Yahveh I said not to forget about crater hoof when I forgot about crater huh I will flash in crater hook behemoth giving all of our creatures plus five plus five and trample oh she might just be able to win the game on the spot with that crater huh I will pay for a six nutty and you don't get to draw and then I'll trigger Rashmi come on let's do this revealing winding Canyon so I guess I just goes into my hand right yes so now I'll draw from my turn the fairies puzzle box triggers one two three four five six seven to the bottom one two three and now deciding who I want to attack is really interesting because if I do tap out I could just die on the swing back if she attacked all out of me I could block and still live I mean it wouldn't be great I wouldn't be happy about that but I'm not just dead Jimmy and Kenzi on the other hand are dead - what she's got I have no mana there's nothing I can do with my cards I'm gonna have to try and sweet-talk my way out of this here's the thing yes you can hit TAC me right you can bring me down just as low as you want but I can promise you a full term where all I do is literally your bidding my video you don't kill me right now or at this point in the game now okay so what if I split it up how about I don't take both of your rage at the same time deal deal this is a pretty good deal I mean I get to do my big flashy spell I get to deal everybody some damage and I won't die on the crack back which is really nice all right I'm gonna send Eva and Nyssa a Jimmy okay I'm gonna send a hook and drag a treat speaker a Josh and I'll send Rashmi hey Kenji okay so I am gonna just take 16 damage I declare no box okay I'm going to flash out tree of perdition it was gonna be way cool everybody and I'm not gonna pay for ristic soda you can draw so I'll block the hoof with the tree and I will not block the tree speaker alright Kenji alright so I am NOT going to declare any blocks but there is something you can do with seven mana in this format rift cyclonic rift I'm actually not happy about this because my boards in a pretty good position I was not gonna take very much damage Jimmy was about to take 16 so I have no responses so all our stuff gets bounced back to our hands yes separate Kenji's because of a lot of stuff is owned by you guys it's actually gonna go to your hand so X so basalt monolith goes back to Kenzie's hands thank you and ice further Haven goes to Jimmy's hand they came and then we're gonna die more so leaving the battlefield I have to reveal them so the first is a chroma angel of fury the second is Vesuvian shapeshifter time insult to injury to all this one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven this isn't my turn so I'm gonna have to discard so many cards I will cast you're a good tree speaker and not pay an extra for a 6:30 finally ristic study three mana suspend seven draw seven you know that will still be good all right I have ten cards in my hand so I'm gonna discard down to seven Warren power stone flax Manta and a cackling counterpart this turn just went downhill fast and it's your go Jimmy alright it's untap okay and more is one of the best commanders I think to come back from a cyclonic rift because it's bounce to your hand you can just replay the normal cost and soon that engine will be going all over again okay I am going to play a soul ring paying for ristic study and then play an imam floating one paying for ristic study with that one mana I will tap three and cast a more in Amara trigger and getting one counter on him and I'm not gonna pay for ristic steady nice so because of an tomorrow my next one will cost one last so I'll play another and I do pay the extra for that an animal will trigger now pestering you Josh alright I will untap draw okay I'm going to play my Vidal kanuri paying for istic study yeah it feels bad to be redeploying stuff that you already had out on the battlefield but what can you do then I will pass turn alright oh man this feels so much more comfortable now you're back in alright hopefully is it cygnets I will then cast Sun Titan gosh which triggers my Anwar Sun Titan triggers and conveniently there's a card in my graveyard that that costs three I'm gonna get back I was done oh my gosh so this is bad this is really bad you see what Kenji can do is put a fake counter on a Sun Titan which protects it when he blows up the Oblivion stone and then he swings with the Sun Titan and brings the oblivion stone back into play and you can do this over and over and over again and none of us can do anything because it's impossible to rebuild when you're just gonna get it all blown up the next turn man this turned around so fast yeah yeah and you know what Gabby I'm gonna attack you for 3 with a phantasmal if Adam are Fantana mark I cannot do anything about this I'll be taking it Wow one two three kenji is once again the player to take down this needs to be broken up no your move ladies and gentlemen alright I will on tap and I will draw all right I'm gonna tap to to level up the derogatory speaker once again I don't do that much stuff on my turn I have this event hand which I'm planning on playing soon pass to you okay I'm gonna untap go ahead drop return all right I'm going to cast a merfolk looter and Mars gonna trigger two three and I will pay for ristic studying well that NMR is looking up beefed up it gets crazy fast Ben and will then cast Rodian Hawk Brodie and Hulk is the perfect play into oblivion stone here because even if he blows the world up I'm still gonna get value off of it this cart used to be banned and then it was unbanned that tells you something the card is very good Kenji you can draw and I'll add a counter to NMR and then Kenji I'm gonna swing at you for 5 with an amar no effects all right take five I'm at 12 commander damage from Adam or now yeah okay alright and I will pass the turn to you Josh all right on end step I'm going to flash into Barry's puzzle box so if you've been paying attention you know have certain cards in my hand like tree of perdition jumped roller actually want to put them on the bottom of my library because they're cheaper to get out by activating Grenda than they are to just cast okay so i untap i draw for turn then to fairies puzzle box triggers and i put five cards on the bottom of my library in any order takes a little pre-planning i believe this is the correct order benzo strats and then draw five oh yeah and because of a dog Inori and I didn't draw any kind of cool answer to what's about to happen go ahead right end of your turn I'm going to tap four and target my son Titan oblivion stone putting a fate counter on it alright well here we go this is what I was talking about protect his son Titan and get into the loop where he's just gonna oblivion stone over and over I don't really have an answer to that I hope somebody else does I mean why did we invite Kenji to the show this is brutal I mean he's our friend and all but this is like it's like when Cash's played that turn for you again do in fact audience out there have you ever been you know under a lock like this how did you get out of it what did you do I really want to know I need to know yeah right now yeah so make sure you go down to the comments below and write that out and while you're down there I'm gonna tell you again card Kingdom not calm slash commands and there are awesome sponsors of the show use that affiliate link if you want to buy yourself in the Bolivians tone I don't know if your play group will appreciate that yeah yeah well if you want to spice up your board a little bit ultra Pro products are a great way to go in fact they just came out with the new relic tokens which are these sweet hard shiny plastic tokens they actually go on top of the Magic the Gathering cards they have little spin down counters on them so you can use them as life total trackers and everything like that ultra pro making really awesome stuff yeah all right well let's um let's get back to the game I don't know if I want to it's gonna be really bad oh I want to get back to the game you would you ever dancer maybe I've got something oh maybe it's for me that case I ways for you yeah what's always for me that my hopes are like maybe you'll benefit we'll find out so I'll keep draw triggering two Furies puzzle box I have seven cards in my hand in response to the fairies puzzle box trigger I'm going to deal ice feather Aven targeting Sun Titan I'm doing this right now because I'm gonna balance the Sun time to his hand and then two fairies puzzle box is gonna make him put it on the bottom of his library so he's no longer to have that lock so the Sun Titan gets put on the bottom the library and I get to draw eight cards oh well done that one is still in play we're gonna have to figure out how to be able to that Oh somebody can't keep recurring it infinitely so so I'm gonna tap to mana play rixy and metamorph for two because of my Anna Mar I'm going to metamorph your protein hope so good news when I do blow up the world with oblivion stone I'm gonna get my Sun Titan back and just keep doing it all in all again so that's the second player with a protein Hulk and play and I'm looking at my board like Frank this triggers a noir to go up to three then I will play morph card for free what triggering atom are up to four there are two ana marducks at the table okay so get me right Kenji now has his very own Anna Mar he has his very own brilliant Hulk and now he has his very own morph come on dude come up with your own deck so original Kenji you know you're supposed to build your own okay so oh really the war leader Oh No so he's gonna get to attack steps now I hope he doesn't come at me that's a lot of damage so I will respond to that I don't really think I can let that are really a stick around for Kenji so I'll have to crack this flooded strand and then I will cast a draining well sweets basically what it does is counters my spell I really accost six so it's a seven seven flier so feeling kind of stupid now just casting out a six drop that I didn't need to instead of holding up morph and Oh stone do you pay one person I paid seven and I'm are still going to trigger regardless mm-hmm and then I guess I will just pass the time alright what's on tap so puzzlebox triggers so this turn is pretty tricky for me because Eve is so important to my game plan so I either send Eve us somewhere at the bottom of my deck and I don't really have a way to get her again or I flash her in here and if Kenji ends up blowing up the world I'm gonna lose that you've got anyway okay so flash and Eva I think it's better to have her in play just cuz she's so important to my game plan so might as well flash in right now and then shuffle the rest of my hand away I know I'm gonna resolve the box one to this puzzle box is horrible I want to send it back to the manufacturer I have drawn all lands I cultivate to get more land and a repeal oh boy Kenji is bored all your boards are so scary alright I'll tap for to cast a cultivator ping one extra for mystic study and then I think I'm gonna force the issue so draining world packing you seven in the air yeah I was hoping not to use the Oh stone in this turn but I can't really afford to take basically half my life total on this one attack but stupid draining well which stupidly stupid I didn't need to cast into but here we are I got a blow Theo stone yeah alright you're forcing the actions I will tap five mana and attempt to activate my oblivion stone okay I thought I had a little more time but it's totally fine because I have a plan and it is sweet I have one response so I will flip my morph resolving the Steven shapeshifter copying Kirlian Hulk double protein hook so there's three protein hoaxes in play none of them are mine this is so gross okay so everything blows up and then my krickstein Metamorpho D and Hulk is going to trigger I'm gonna get back my son tight which triggers gettin back phantasmal image copying son Titan which is then going to trigger getting back oblivion stone oh my gosh the lock is back again again again how many times we have to kill this oblivion stone alright now my double protein Hulk's are gonna trigger you know it's better than one protein hook though - brilliant Hulk's the first three cards I'm gonna find are Inox survivalist Dan protector let's try this dancer this is it's a little bit weird because morphs aren't good if they come into play face up like that so I don't know what he's playing at trust me I know what I'm doing and the second two cards are gonna find our birds-of-paradise and excedrin oh boy nice now this is what I'm talking about exit run is gonna make everyone flip all of their creatures upside down including Kenji's troublesome son times and my morphs which means now I can use them to their full potential so extra dough much trigger and flip every non choking creature upside down ruined dude so those are tutus now yeah these are not tutus okay an untapped and drop a chicken first order of business let's get rid of this o stone for the billionth time I'm gonna pay two mana flip over the inox survivalist targeting oblivion stone I don't know what just half of this game from having two son Titans and oblivion stone I'm in a position to where I have two tutus I'll go to combat Josh I'm swinging four four seven eight nine ten eleven I mean I have no blockers and I haven't taken any combat damage this game so still a lot of damage mmm where's blood all of a sudden that was a big hit that's pretty close now and then I'm going to tap seven oh crap oh boy and play - Shaun the voice of thunder well that's nice I'm so he's gonna draw and they draw one two three four five six oh man so Jimmy recovered really well from the board wipe with the two protein Hulk's and now he's just putting the icing on the cake refilling his hand it feels like the game is starting to really turn in his direction here and I'll go ahead and pass turn okay so Jimmy is really creating a lot of value and I got to try and keep up and the first thing I got to do is create as much mana as possible I'm gonna step one for soul ring I'm gonna tap for and play crypt cast and then I'm going to plague renzo X equal to zero so now I have a bunch of lands that tapped for two men instead of one which means a lot of Grenn's Oh activations and because of the earlier two fairies puzzle box I know what's on the bottom of my deck I smell a tree I smell a tree yeah it's very sappy and then I'm gonna pay one mana I'm gonna play a tell Jalad stylus this card's pretty unique in that it does what I want to do which is put cards on to the bottom of my library so I can reuse a card without having to figure out a way to destroy it somehow it is sort of a combo synergy piece and it's gonna allow me to do some really cool stuff then I'll tap two because it's a swamp and I'm gonna activate grando's ability so I put the bottom card in my library into my graveyard it's a workhorse it has power less than Grenn's Oh comes in with four counters Bryn's ability cost to workhorse can give me up to four so I'm actually getting ahead on mana here by doing this so I would remove three counters leaving it at one I'm floating three colorless mana and then I'll activate the stylist targeting the workhorse putting it on the bottom of my library this is nasty I'll use two of the mana to activate Krenzel bringing out the workhorse all right this is really cool cuz Josh's deck is actually starting to do what it wants to do right it looks like the wheels are really turning take it down to three so I have two colors mana floating I'll use the two mana to activate renzo huh I'll put out the junk troller this is really a setup turn so that maybe next turn or the turn after I can really kind of go off so I just gotta cross my fingers that I can stay alive until then all right that's all I'm gonna do go ahead kenji and now josh dumps out his hand goes off with Grenn's Oh does all these cute tricks I'm sitting over here feeling terrible already don't play Newmont the Devastator for 8i biggest issue right now is how many cards in my hand and I cast him out for my turn and just gotta say go go to Gabby alrighty I will untap yeah draw not the most exciting turn but I will tap six to my job so at this point I feel like I am just obscenely behind in this game I really hope that they just get distracted with each other so I can maybe give me some time to draw something good passive all right draw four turn I will tap three and cast Sasa god of the sea this card is really strong right now because it's gonna let me close the game off as quickly as possible I look at how many blockers you have you're still gonna take a lot of damage the thing is Kenji whose lands are even blow up I'm pretty sure it's not yours I mean I lights are warm but probably just Gabby's okay I will go to combat I'm going to turn to Shauna sideways at Kenji and then Gabby I'm gonna attack you with excedrin and I'm like survivalist and before blocks I'm gonna make to Shauna unblockable Gabby do you have any effects I do actually I will crack this wooded foothills lose one life I'm not really at a life total where I can be taking a ton of damage I will pop six and repeal the exit drawn it's drawings bouncing my hands it's an interesting situation here because repealing the egg so drawn is good for Jimmy and it's good for me when he replays it but it's definitely pretty bad for Joshua and Kenji and then trigger Rashmi so we're gonna flip up the ball wall Evert actually can block it cannon I will go ahead and cast in my wallet routes I will draw card for repeal and then I'm gonna move the block block survivalist with my wallet routes okay and then because you were peeled an extra card in my hands he shines now back to a Tenten that does not feel good because I won't drop to single digits and I'm that much closer to that why you're down a fire that was some W betrayal right there okay I'm gonna tap one and play a man of alt and then I'm going to recast exit John this is great this shuts down Josh's engine it flips over commanders and they get to reuse my morphs I couldn't ask for a better situation right now everything flips are except for awesome remember how I was set up earlier and poised to have a really big turn coming up well now I gotta somehow get my creatures reef lipped over before I can do that this is a big setback and then I will go ahead and pass turn okay I will untap Kenji you gotta block my grands up happily I'll block with my name on so Kim G and I make a deal you blocked mine nondescript creature with your nondescript redirects okay they trade I will put it in the command zone as well sure this is just a fine trade let's do that we get our commanders back to the command zone so we can recast some face out so they can actually do the thing that we want them to do okay I will tap six mana and I will play Grimm's o X equal to zero and luckily I have one tool available to me that will get around this hole I flipped over a morph thing activate tell Jalad stylus cluding the gassed back on the bottom of my library pay two mana to activate grins oh it's a gasps comes into play surprise so this sets me up to have a lot of mana at my disposal once again I'm sort of poised to have a big turn in the future but I gotta cross my fingers and hope I make it to the future that's the turn all right I don't want to pay ten do I know really don't you have anything that does anything about all that oh I used it all I have this I have crucible of worlds with no glance in my graveyard that doesn't do anything crucible it just seems kind of useless on this board state he doesn't even have lands in his graveyard that's weird I don't get it he could cast Newmont we just traded generals I thought so he could do that so I guess he's got something I can't afford to let anything through at this point and so I'm just gonna hold these seven men up at all times no matter what assets are untapped I'm gonna play an alchemists refuge all I care about our cards that make me play things out instant speed so the refuge is amazing would you block my commander oh if you attack me I'll trade all right I will send this white card at you Kenji alright I'll walk with this card here sounds good back to the commands on so my board isn't looking very good here but I drew something this turn that could single-handedly bring me back into this game I'm gonna try to find an opportunity to really make the most of this path see you Jimmy okay untap up Keith Osso will trigger and will scry keep it on top draw step I'll lose a life for the man of all and you're on the card for the journey and she's too much dad if I choose from the be dead can you want to strike a deal yes I don't really have much of this record deal with unfortunately that's good yes I do could it be used for good against my opponents that's not you that entirely depends on your combat step given I do not wipe you up then yes all right I'm going to go ahead and go to combat Josh I'm gonna swing it with exceed John 4:9 and I'm gonna use to mana from Fawcett to make it unblockable yep I cannot then block it go to 17 this is what I was worried about I'm getting low enough now that Jimmy may be able to just make enough things unblockable to take me out all in one swing that is not a position I want to be in and then watch out for and I'm going to cast unthinking bleb what the what is that this card is gonna generate me a lot of value through the scry - every time I flip over a creature and if there is a board wipe I won't be as affected by it as a result and then I'm going to pay two mana and I'm gonna flip my I knock survivalist back up I'm gonna target your tell G LOD stylus I needed that card around that was kind of my way out of this like flip your cards upside down thing that keeps happening and then it gets a plus and plus some counter non-thinking blebs gonna trigger so i'll scry to how you both on top past turn to you Josh okay I'm gonna activate friends oh because of cryptic asset crates to mana tree of perdition comes out this is really interesting now Josh can mess with life totals and this thing could do 11 damage to me immediately it could be problematic I'm a little worried activate renzo again it's a tally oh he's a little too big so I can't get him out activate again these ones I don't know herb or goes to the graveyard and one more ignition team how many lands the up tap 9 so it is a 22 22 alright that's pretty big does that trample no no I will on tap I will draw and then I'm gonna play demonic tutor oh boy oh this is a sign that josh is definitely gonna try and win here with this card so I cannot let this happen I'm gonna tap to my flip over strats dancer and I'm gonna counter the demonic tutor we know what Jimmy's facedown creatures are because we saw them before he flipped him over at the same time that leaves the door open to kanjis board wipe so I'm kind of trying to open the door to that possibility okay I will go to combat yep Jimmy I will swing at you with a 22 22 ignition team I will block this more okay it was a birds-of-paradise then I am going to actually pass the turn Oh alrighty then I will draw for my turn and then all pay three four maybe that stops them from paying two mana for attacking me I don't know and then I will pass the turn Gaby I'm gonna activate Alchemist refugee whoa cast Rashmi eternities crafter at infant speed I'm paying a big price because she's been back to the command zone a couple times but I still really want to have her out there alright I'm tough drop I will play a temple of the false god and then I'll pass to Jimmy there we go alright Jesus death let's untap Fossett's cry keep it on top man of all take one damage on the draw step I will tap three and play it more and then how many cars even have there man 3 3 5 o cash occurring in sight targeting you Gaby so we draw five cards cloudy rebounds - at this point the only thing I'm really worried about is a board wipe and something that's going to set me back a bunch so I'm trying to sort of plan for the future head and play Azusa lost but seeking and then I'm gonna play a command tower as well as a rebound Craig and then all pasture okay hey Kenji hmm you want your Nate life I mean I wouldn't be opposed to it we're friends right we're friends okay I'm gonna target Kenji with tree perdition so Kenji your life total goes to 13 in the incubation 2:05 now correct this is bad the next time that that thing activates someone's going to five and that person is definitely gonna be me and then I'm gonna activate groans oh it's murderous red cap when Aaron's about fields going to do two damage to that more yep this is everything coming at me now and these are my precious blocker is being taken out one by one and then activate renzo again hearthstone that goes into the bin activated again it is neckla tall there we go I will target excedrin oh no that's another one of my blockers down Josh can now put me to five like you can turn all of his lands into creatures and just turn his board sideways not like this I will respond to that I will activate alchemists refuge cast right of replication targeting excedrin and I will kick it so she is about to get five exceed Ron's oh wait no no no no no so it's gonna trigger Rashmi so papa florists into the hand hand okay I'm going to tap two in response and I will flip over den protector it's okay they plus some plus some counter on it I will target probably Hulk back to my hand it feels like every time something bad happens to me it's actually still good for Jimmy and unblinking bleb is going to trigger and I'm gonna scribe to go put both on top so Josh now you gonna do stuff okay so just speed things up I'm just gonna activate Quinn's oh one two three four five times yep so the first one tainted peak graveyard second one so first Springs right third one Olivia graveyard fourth one Mountain fifth one didn't get nothing all right Kenji Kenji I have no responses and now I will put five copies of exa drawn into play this is awesome this is gonna flip all of Josh's creatures including his tree Perdition man once again I had my engine going and now all my creatures flip over and they don't have any abilities anymore well the swings in this game I thought it was climbing to the top of the hill and now I just got knocked down to the bottom again so now I'm feeling really good I have 5 18 18 all my opponents however a bunch of tutus I feel like I'm back in this game ok now I will go to my turn then it will end tap how many cards everyone I have I've three five seven okay I'm gonna stop five and I'm gonna play sadistic hypnotist oh I actually kind of want my creatures to die because that way maybe I can get them back out of the battlefield and they won't be face down anymore they'll be face up so this card's gonna be pretty good well I'm going to sack Grenn's Oh - this is sick hypnotist and I'm gonna have sorry Gabi I will have you discard two cards by taking cards out of Gabi's hand here I'm actually taking cards out of Jimmy's hand because he has that reoccurring insight that's gonna rebound next turn and so he was gonna draw five off Gabi now he's only gonna draw three so I kind of get four cards that way but you land a little middle then I'm going to sack the murderous redcap and Jimmy I will make you discard two cards all right the upside of sacrificing my facedown creatures that also lowers the power on Gaby's creatures so every creature I have that I sakta sadistic hypnotist actually takes five power away from Gabi's board and then I'm scared that I might need puck here so I'm just gonna cast friends Oh for the third time for eat manna and eat manna too - is that good it's pretty good kasa turn alright untapped draw ghostly prison that's four mana to attack enough for each creature it's a big tax I'm in bad shape don't get me wrong but I'm not in the worst shape Jimmy and Josh basically have nothing but tutus plus if Gabi decides to attack me with more than a few creatures which she's going to need to do if she wants to kill me then maybe Jimmy and Josh can take care of her so we'll see go all right draw this is a really interesting turn I feel like if candy has that board wipe I'd rather force the issue this is my concern are you guys gonna come after me after your attack with two creatures but a few rats we won't have anything to come after you what if I attack him and then you get I won't come after you all right I will pay for four ghostly prison and propaganda and another four for another creature and I will attack with two 16 16 okay go two blocks yes walk one yeah I've been holding this one trick which it's not gonna do as much as I want it to do but it's gonna let me survive in this position that's all you can do I'm deflecting from the second one this is not what I was expecting from Kenji at all I really still I'm so convinced that he has a wrath but I mean deflecting Paul is pretty good here all right so I guess I'll take sixteen oh that was painful the other thing that's super unfortunate about this is that being a such a low-life total I can't any longer just send with all my team and try to kill somebody out I'm just I need to have a lot of blockers and I am done that will pass to you okay untap recurring insight is gonna be cast again I'll target you Gaby sure I'll draw three cards and then I will not pay for the man of all lose the life and my dress step in drop it Charley okay I'm gonna tie up to seven mana and Cass is in the car with surgeon oh crap this car this is bad double mana and card draw we got to do something right now because that's the card that will win the game for Jimmy and then the tap - and play brood hen and to go and I would draw forever sergeant it honestly looks like Jimmy's setting up to win here he has infinite mana and he has so many cards of draw have more cards this is looking bad pass turn Wow well he's done tapping with Renzo to feel like I mean this has happened a few times before it feels like extra John is gonna come out again is what it feels like I'll play a maze of it okay and then I'm gonna top five I'm gonna play mine moil but I have one card enhanced oh my biggest problem right now is I just don't have a lot of cards in my hand I haven't hit any card draw spells and I don't know what's on the bottom of my library I haven't been able to stack it for Grenn's oh so I'm just kind of like shooting in the dark I have no idea what's gonna happen I'm gonna have to get really lucky yep then I pass the turn on tap draw so I'll play ever fowling chalice for three yeah be talking to me have all noticed what I want them to notice I'm leaving all this mana untapped I'm threatening something go all right so this turn I'm just gonna try to attack Kenji again if he has that wrath he's gonna be forced to use it now I'm gonna try to finish him do you have blockers I've nothing that no creatures you're at what life they're 13 all right I'm gonna pay for four ghostly prison and propaganda and then one exit drawn at you they're currently 14s there are currently 14 all right no effects Oh gonna block photo damage okay he didn't have it he was just bluffing you know what they say about Bluffs works every time till it doesn't oh my goodness then there was three go ahead on your end step Gaby I'm gonna tap for two blue and the plate flash oh yes the protein Hulk in his hand and I'm gonna target protein Hulk with flash I'm not gonna pay the mana cost so it will immediately become sacked I'm gonna get her froze and void mage prodigy burrows is really good this board state because if Sendak are resurgent if I could just draw into enough creatures in a row then I'm gonna be able to machine gun everyone down at the table and be the last one standing and then I'm just going to go ahead and untap manifold trigger I'm going to tap poor and on tap it and then I'll draw a card for the turn I have one goal this turn play enough creatures to kill everyone at the table with peripherals so I have to cast nine creatures to win yeah alright Oh tap for floating one and I'll cast eternal witness I'm gonna target vizier of Menagerie okay peripherals trigger we all we both take two damage yes this will trigger is in the car with surgeon I'll draw a card I am floating one mana I'll tap another to to cast a more triggers any car surgeon and peripherals everyone take two damaged card really it's just a question of how many creatures can Jimmy play this turn so we got to hope that a lot of the cards he draws are lands or non creatures so that eventually he runs out of gas and his can't quite get there as far as damage from perf rose and then cast dormant blasts minor trigger trigger I'm gonna take two damage I'll draw a card all right please just run out of gas please Jimmy I will then cast busy or the menagerie trigger trigger I won't take two damage this is looking bad he still has so much man up he has like seven cards in hand and then I'm playing I sold the harvest trigger trigger okay well if I'm gonna have any hope that he doesn't draw enough creatures to kill me this turn I gotta at least try and get rid of that every supposed to these triggers I will activate grins oh it's Jaya Ballard doesn't do a lot right now I'll activate grams Oh again revealing talisman of indulgence goes to my bin I walk of it again revealing terminate graveyard and one more activation hell's caretaker ooh that's a good one sever I can't wait right now it'll be dead a turn yeah yeah none of that mattered all right everyone take two damage yeah drunkard I just need one more creature to kill Gabby and I have none more left in my hand but fortunately there's one trick I can play I'm gonna flip over then protect her and we get birds of paradise let's get suppose some puzzle counter I'll cast the birds-of-paradise trigger trigger trigger yeah me I'm trying to see I can't do anything about this [Music] and I am dead womp-womp no and then I'll draw a card for Zendikar resurgent and I'll draw a card for Sol the harvest I'm getting so low on life here I'm just hoping I get one more turn maybe pull something out and give me a chance to steal this game and I'll cast will bender up to top my library trigger trigger trigger trigger trigger take to damage I'll take two oh my oh my three draw two cards and that's all the creatures I've got I can't quite finish Josh off oh this is so bad what if he is able to take the wind I will pass turn to you Josh seriously I can't do anything I can't cast anything else all right this is crazy but all on top he's got a billion creatures I'm at three life but you're saying there's a chance on my upkeep will activate hell's caretaker he'll sacrifice hell's caretaker and I'll get aliyev old Aaron from the graveyard to the battlefield okay I guess you can steal one of my creatures but that's gonna cost him a ton of mana and then tap two and play a fire diamond what is that it's just a man rock but it'll trigger mine boil so I'll put my one card on the bottom of my library and draw a card this is cute I may as well activate grins oh and just see what comes off the bottom of my deck and maybe I can find something okay activate grins oh I'm from my library smoldering March activate renzo again this saris here this is one of the best cards in the deck and it's really gonna allow me to not only stack the bottom of my library but also filter past the cards on the top so that immediate me out of this mess so I'm gonna sacrifice the jumped roller to scry one put it on the bottom it's interesting kind of I'll pay to activate grins oh I'll reveal anger anger comes out on the battlefield oh I'll sack anger to the saris here this one's interesting because now my creatures have haste if I can get enough creatures into play it opens up some possibilities here it's cry 1 that's about you put it on the bottom I'm not sure exactly what he's looking for but he's going through a lot of cards I'll sack whatever this guy's neck ratafia perdition crypt guests on the bottom bottom bottom activate grins oh I'll bring gonti lord of luxury out this is awesome for yep top scorecards one of them facedown come on come on anything anything anything give me something okay I'm gonna sacrifice the workhorse the sadistic hypnotist the big 2424 scry bottom ok he's starting to run out of mana and creatures to sacrifice here so I feel like I'm a little bit safer than I was before I sacrificed for Enzo to the saris here let's cry one put it on the bottom ok well it was a valiant effort but I think the writing's on the wall I'll pass a turn Jimmy all that here swing I mean maybe Jimmy will just forget to attack and not play any creatures so puros doesn't kill me rocks alright I'll play with you I'll let you blow your face he threw a mystical dragon bolt that means yes ok [Laughter] welcome to the upside down boys and girls [Laughter] so overall the game was really really fun you know I had that really explosive start angie looked like he was gonna have a lock on it in the early game Josh went off of this value engine Jabby all of a sudden had like 90 power on the table at one point and then Jimmy just out valued us and managed to get there with the crazy animal our synergies honestly I could have seen that game playing out any number of ways differently just depending on how those cars were drawn everybody's decks were awesome I really liked that everybody got the I think we cast every commander like minimum two times I love commander games like that where they're really swinging everybody kind of has their shot has their moments Gaby and Kenji are really more known for limited play you can tell because they're very tight players but I was super impressed with their ability to sort of mix it up in the political arena there's that interaction with multiple people other times that you're not gonna get in any other type of magic game you get to bargain you get the bluff you get to make these little alliances and heels I really like that commander just you just get to have these really wacky interactive things and just really wild games hey you mean the end of the episode congratulations to me congratulations to doing sure congratulations to you the viewer because this is your chance to win a lot of product that's right big thanks to ultra pro sponsor of the show for providing all of the playing mats awesome relic tokens card sleeves and gaming accessories that we get to ship to you winners of the game nights giveaways yeah we even have the play mats we used in the episode all signed by all four of the players from this episode so again if you want to win that stuff how do we enter Jimmy it's very simple go on to Facebook or Twitter if you're on Facebook find our post about this episode click share to your public profile and if you're on Twitter just write out a tweet linking the episode and using the hashtag game nice that's all you have to do to enter so far we've given away almost a hundred prizes across the world so that's right even for international you can enter the competition and again as always we will be announcing the winners exactly one week from the release of this video we'll be announcing on Facebook and Twitter since that's where you have to go to enter so good luck everybody and have fun we'll see you next time [Music] Dima Dima Dima new subscribe new subscriber new subscriber the sleeve get the sleeve the sleeve harvest duck the sleeve that's as high as I go man
Channel: The Command Zone
Views: 2,602,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game high school, ted wong, vghs, wong, jfwong, jimmy, magic, the, gathering, mtg, magic the gathering, strategy, game, trading card game, deck, tactics, commander, general, elder, dragon, highlander, politics, josh, lee, kwai, cards, Card Game (Game Genre), negotiations, command, zone, podcast, the command zone, edh rules, mana, mana bases, Game Knights, GameKnights, gameplay, kenji egashira, numot, nummy, gaby spartz, viperbrood, rashmi, animar, grenzo
Id: Fnj_QMaszmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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