Ikoria Commander C20 w/ Cassius Marsh & AliasV l Game Knights #36 l Magic the Gathering Gameplay

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Why do I enjoy Cassius being on Game Knights so much? Such a weird guilty pleasure.

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/NeuroDeus 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Maybe I've seen too many Amulet Titan Shenanigans, but couldn't JLK cast his commander a turn earlier by responding to the turn 3 bounceland trigger with Frantic Search? It's instant and would have untapped all three lands.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Joosterguy 📅︎︎ May 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jimmy saying "I don't have any way to pump Ukkima" in a turn where he had exactisies mana to Mutate Otrimi, retrieve Gnarr and then mutate Gnarr was kinda painful. But again, he was too focused for long after stopping being a threat, so I'll spare him the critics.

Otherwise, I believe those games have shown the power of their respective commanders, but also of their partner pairs. Pako is a hell of a powerful and fun card.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/AokiHagane 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Important to note: This episode was recorded in early March before pandemic lockdown protocols were in effect.

Please enjoy the episode and stay safe everyone!

From youtube comment. Very important.

👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/HalfOfANeuron 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was more than a little upset that Cassius didn't recast Gavi to create more tokens to block or defend against Alias. I think he could have done better spending 6 mana the turn after Locus God and then looting to create a cat dragon and an insect. It may have stabilized him.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/inflammablepenguin 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

So, one small thing I noticed early on in the game. This isn't exactly a play that I think mattered at all, but I'm bringing it up so maybe give some players insight on how some card interactions could work.

On Josh's 3rd turn starting at 7:55, he floats a Red mana with one of his Mountains, returns it to his hand after playing a [[Simic Growth Chamber]], then uses his remaining untapped land and his [[Arcane Signet]] to cast [[Frantic Search]], which he then uses to untap the two lands he has in play. Now it isn't like Josh wasted the untap aspect of Frantic Search, since before his next turn he uses the Growth Chamber to cast a [[Growth Spiral]] to ramp himself a bit more.


I can't speak for Josh as I don't know all the cards he had in his hand, or how he was planning on playing the game. However given the information I have available I would have done this play a little bit differently:

  1. Play the Simic Growth Chamber. It ETBs tapped, and the bounce trigger goes on the stack.

  2. Use the 2 Mountains and the Arcane Signet to cast Frantic Search. After this resolves, I untap both Mountains, and the Simic Growth Chamber.

  3. I float a red mana with one of the untapped Mountains, then return it to my hand.

Essentially it is similar to how Josh played things out, with the different being that I have a Red mana floating at the end of everything. Why this could matter is that with the single mana floating, and the untapped lands available, Josh could have actually cast Kalamax this turn.

As I said, I don't think this would have done much to change the game, but it is important to be able to recognize all the lines you have available to you. Maybe if he had Kalamax, on his next turn he could have attacked AliasV with it, then since Kalamax was tapped he'd have been able to copy that Growth Spiral he cast to ramp him an additional mana.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Skitzafreak 📅︎︎ May 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

not surprised Mardu was the deck to be left out

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/OnnaJReverT 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Haven't watched, but I'm personally going to root for Kathril because I like underdogs. Kalamax and Gavi won the ability jackpot and Sultai is basically never the underdog by virtue of its card pool.

So go terror bug!

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/snootyvillager 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Combat damage. What a novel wincon. :D

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/conchinette 📅︎︎ May 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up everybody you are watching a brand new game nights this show is brought to you by Wizards of the coast now we have a very exciting episode today we are playing with the brand new cards from commander 2020 the pre cons and also we have two awesome guests and we have alias v the pro tour commentator and twitch streamer and the long-awaited return of everybody's favorite kashish March the NFL player but before we get into it we are showcasing a bunch of awesome new cards today it's commander Christmas you need a place to pick up those cards so head on over to card to Kingdom Calm / Command zone get your singles get your pre cons get all the product do you need to start brewing around some of these exciting new cards so again card Kingdom calm / command zone start expanding that collection right now yeah I'm really excited about all these new cards they look really really sweet I know everybody else out there is as well and another way to support all of our content is directly if you get a patreon.com slash command zone you can contribute and get a bunch of awesome perks and rewards I can hang out with Jimmy and myself on our discord each and every day also you get to watch game nights before anybody else yep and don't forget to stick around to the end of the episode because we're doing tons of giveaways and if you want to win that first you got to find that who wins the game all right let's do it [Music] how's it everybody welcome back to a new episode of game nights on today's show we've got a returning guest one of your favorites who hasn't been on in quite a while hey everybody is Cassius Marsh NFL defensive end and I'm really excited to be back here on game nights it's been way too long and we have a brand new guest on the show she's never been here before but you might recognize her from the magic broadcast world what's Greg Kinnear on I'm a Leo so known as alias we may know me from the commentary team for the Ithaca Invitational domestic championships and most recently they world championship a strange six days a week on Twitch and I also have a youtube channel with tons of magic content I'm really excited to be here for my first ever appearance on game nights so today we're playing with the brand new commander pre-constructed decks that are themed around a koriya layer of behemoths I grew up watching the Godzilla movies kaiju movies and a cordial looks like it's gonna have a ton of that theme that sort of giant monster bash I know I'm gonna have a blast playing them on the battlefield so the deck I chose is Gavi nest warden this deck is all about cycling I get to cycle for free which is crazy because a lot of cards have ability is tied to cycling and on top of that I get to make two - cat dinosaurs which are like the cutest tokens ever yeah I said cute and if L players think things are cute - so the deck I'm gonna be playing is Callum axe the storm sire this deck is all about instance so as long as Callum axe is tapped you get to double up all your instant spells whenever you cast one of those you're gonna get two instead of one that's just extra value tacked on to every card you play plus the whole time Callum axe keeps getting bigger so I'm gonna recommend it's at the best time during their turn so my deck is catheral aspect warper this strategy revolves around a new mechanic ability counters so usually we put one one counters all creatures but now we're able to put ability counters on so we can give something vigilance trample menace life like death touch this is gonna be build your own monster and I cannot wait the deck I'm playing today is a tree me the ever playful this deck features a brand new mechanic called mutate which lets me put my creatures onto my other creatures and mutate them together to make something even scarier than before that means I'm gonna be creating some crazy monster mashups and bashing my opponents for a ton of damage okay I'm ready to play with the new commander product let's do this alright let's battle all right let's play to the battlefield all right welcome everyone to the table first things first we must reveal these awesome acorrea ultra bro play maps did it at least because it is your first time at the table you know what that means like cash you like to do the honors of course I was i dub thee sir alias v arise I'd like to thank the Academy welcome to game nights only one may stand all right already yeah I will start things off by drawing a card and I will play a forest and passed to you alias I shall draw as per the rules and I will play scour Barrens gain alive pasti all right drum play a smoldering crater tapped and Bastion nice I will draw I will play a mountain pass turn Jimmy tech Mountain everyone else was tapping in alright I will draw four turns and I will play a swamp and pass to you to drop I will play evolving wilds cluster and draw play a island for turned pester okay I will untap I will draw and then I will play a mountain and I'll tap too and I'll play an arcane signet that's nice that's pretty good Josh has the first piece of ramp on the battlefield and it's actually kind of important because is the last player in the turn order so this helps them catch up a little bit ok I will draw for turn I'll play a sunken Hollow a tap 3 and play the trumpeting NARR so here we get our first look at the brand new mechanic from acorrea mutate Jimmy's whole deck is built around that and we know that his commander next turn for 4 mana can mutate onto this card make him a 3/3 and then he's gonna have a 6 6 in play with a bunch of abilities yeah that's that's gonna be a little bit scary which makes sense because monsters are usually scary those are trumpets very good on your end step I'm gonna crack involving whales go find a forest and enter the battlefield tapped great alright that's up and draw my card for turn I'm gonna play a swamp and then I'm going to cost ABS and Sean I'm gonna draw two cards and lose two life so I can play this card at instant speed but I'm a little impatient so I want to play it now draw two cards go up to eight in hand and have to discard something because Mike come on who cares about things in the graveyard so I want to get this going as quickly as I can go down to 39 I'm gonna move to my instep on your instep or tap two-and cycle the zero of tumbling since I will untap you're sucking hollow Jimmy thanks man I won't forget it it's gonna make a huge difference in this game draw my card so I know that I'm losing out on some value here early in the game because my commander is not out there yet but it's most important that I smooth out my early land drops and my hand I will go to untap I have eight cards so need to discard discarding Hornet queen woo it has death touch and flying Geoffrey okay untuck and draw my card return play another Island and then I will tap three and play rah green crystal that's cool pretty good this is a new cycle of man rocks from this set and they all tap for three colors of mana and they have cycling so it's a cycle of cycling carts and then I will pass my turn okay yeah well on tap I will draw okay I'm going to float a red man okay then I'm going to play Simek growth chamber which will bounce the mountain that I tapped and then I will add a blue and another red and I will play frantic search hmm so I draw two cards and then discard two cards and I untappd three lands so the good thing about this card right now is I get to look at a couple extra cards out of my deck smooth out my drawers and it's gonna untap that bounce land I just played so I'll have mana held up for more instance I can play later I'll discard channeled force and artifact mutation and then I will untap two lands because I don't have three and that's it you can go Jimmy okay I will untap and I'll draw for turn I'm going to play Dark Water catacombs and I will tap for mana and I'm going to mutate Oh tree me the ever playful onto my trumpeting gnar so your input on top right yeah it's gonna be on top of me a six six with all of the abilities of both cards Wow yikes that's pretty cool and that's gonna trigger its second ability whenever it mutates and now create a 3/3 green beast creature token I recognize that beast mode you say it's a really cool mechanic it's something they haven't seen before and basically you can just dump a whole bunch of creatures onto one thing make this massive thing that has every single ability and because the other creature was already on the battlefield Jimmy gets to attack this turn so he's got so much power on the battlefield it's crazy so uh obviously I can't attack the Beast cassius and he also untap my lands and well Josh I'm just going to okay I have no blocks ouch and of course Jimmy smacks me with it now it is still Oh tree me so that is commander damage I will take six and go to 34 so yeah there's that whole Baron von count thing there's the mine slaver stuff do you mean I definitely have history and look at his board right now looking at mine like you know this is shaping up all right that's gonna do it for my turn that I'll pass it to you alias alrighty untap everything drawl my carpet turn all right I'm gonna flirt the green play go glory rut farm bounce Forrest and then I'm gonna cost NYX Weaver okay mm-hmm he's gonna be a decent blocker from me for the time being but the important thing that it does is every upkeep it Mills me for to get things it's my graveyard which I really really really need for my commander so it doesn't look super impressive but over time it's gonna get me some value that's my turn Jeffrey on your end stove I will tap for a blue and I will basically in cycle ash barons I will go find up plants and put that in my hand okay all right on top and then I will drop return I think it's time guys aha I'll cast my commander Gavi nest warning nice sweet so now my commanders on the board I'm gonna be cycling drawing cards and just finding everything that I want to find and on top of that making a ton of tokens and then having a board stable so I'm all set up ready to go the engine is started and then I will cycle desert of the troop draw a card okay that'll trigger Gavi and I will get a dinosaur cat okay it's okay I don't care about cycling have you seen those cat tokens there's skits I feel like they did this on purpose it is adorable that's like one cutest tokens I've recreated yeah it's pretty cute I guess I don't know I'm more of a dog person I will pass my turn okay on your end sip I'm gonna pay a green and a blue I'm gonna cast growth spiral ah nice I'm gonna draw card and then I'm gonna put a land from a hand into play it will be an is it boy lurks which will bounce my Mountain back to my hand yep and then I will untap and I will draw there's a six six trample thingy over there I'm definitely swinging at you again okay I'm gonna tap for and I'm gonna play Calum axe the storm sire oh the ability to copy all the instant spells that I play is very very strong that's just free cards every time you play a card but it needs to be tapped in order for him to use its ability which means fortunately for us that he can't do anything with it right now and then I'm going to tap for one and play a soul ring okay so I played arcane signet I grow spiral put an extra land in the play and now I've got this soul ring this means I have way more mana than all the other players at the table this is gonna set me up really well moving into the mid game I'm feeling great and then I will pass the turn okay I will untap I draw for turn all right I'm gonna tap four and I'm gonna play kazoo or a ruthless stalker thanks cuz ear has partnered with Okemah stalking shadow so I'm gonna go look through my library for that car that put it into my hand this card is really good here because looking around the board I don't really see anyone that can block my attacking army which is great for me because they're gonna grow in size when they do combat damage and if it can't block me now it's gonna be even harder for them to block me in the future as my creatures continue to grow and grow I will go to combat and Josh I'm a swing at you again with the six six and Ilyas I'm swinging you with the three three token all right I will take three and then I don't want to block so I will take six more I'll go to 28 and now I have 12 commander damage from that thing so it's turned five I've taken 12 damage but more importantly it's 12 commander damage that thing has trampled it's a mutate deck it's conceivable that he'll be able to pump it in some way so I could be looking at death really really soon actually if I'm not careful alright that comment is gonna trigger kazoo and both creatures are gonna get a plus one plus one counter shuts the 7/7 in a 4/4 now yep so Jimmy's taking the early lead in this game and he's picked a target it's Josh I'm just like kinda just watching them just beat each other up and just trying to stay out of the way no no pastor into you all right what's up at the beginning of my upkeep NYX Weaver will trigger put the top two cards on my library into my graveyard okay drop it out and then I'm gonna play myriad landscape tips okay and everyone's go up things in the battlefield so I think I'm gonna keep my scooter here and posture all right I will on tap and draw so I passes her and I've got nothing to do no permanence in my hand that I can play at this point well I've got pretty much is a hand of removal and I'm looking for something to remove i wolf cycle routing my walk oh nice and it's free because of my commander that's cool and then I will draw okay because I drew my second card Gavi will trigger and I will put a dinosaur cat into play okay they're pretty cute it's cuter when there's two of them together actually that's more scarier when these got more of them I take that back and then I will cast his Spira Supreme judge so you're gonna get a lot of benefits from this card two things could happen either people are gonna tacky because they don't want you to draw cards or people will attack you and your draw cards either way I'm good I'm happy I will pass time all right well I'm not definitely not attacking you now I appreciate that you know I really do okay I will untap and we'll draw so I'm really worried about Jimmy's commander because of that commander damage am I gonna just have to play and chump lock with a bunch of stuff that feels really bad maybe somebody will help me out I have to attack with this thing I want to block with it it has to be tapped in order to use its yeah but I don't wanna just be open up 211 damage from dear me hey who says the bees coming at you cuz I don't have any blockers I'll tell you what I can take care of the big beastie there for you you can take care of the big thing yeah I'll take care of the big thing okay I appreciate that okay I'll call it in the favor later okay deal jeez so pretty simple deal I will take care of Jimmy's creature and then Josh will owe me something in return I got a jail free card if you will all right I'm gonna start off by tapping five on a play Pako arcane Retriever taco taco so that's gonna trigger partner now go find hailed an avid arcanist and put that into my hand wow man this partner with combo is pretty scary Paco's gonna swing out and basically draw Josh for cards then how then gives them the ability to cast them out of Exile so that's a huge amount of card advantage not to mention Paco is gonna be growing and growing over this entire time and then I will go to combat and Jimmy I'm gonna swing at you with both creatures okay so on attack Paco will trigger and everybody exhale talk are over there library so I'll put fetch counters on tie em luminous and nygma fertile it'd Jayce architect of thought an astral drift Wow come on every choice about it I know all right and then I'll exhale these cards with a fetch counter and the two of those are not creatures so Paco gets to one one counters and there's now five five okay yikes okay so that is nine damage total Wow another 31 and four of that is commander damage how you like me now Jimmy your creatures aren't the only ones that can get bigger and then I will tap three and I will play Hal damn have it Arcanist so good and I will pass the turn all right I will untap and I would drop return so Josh and Jimmy are in like full blood war mode like Jimmy's in him and Josh is giving it right back it's it's funny to watch cuz I'm sitting at 40 life and both of them are just like slowly taking down so it's a good position to be in okay well we'll see what happens I go to combat I will swing cuz you're at you alias and the rest of my creatures head Josh alright well these two have made the deal against me so there's not much I can do about that and I'm just gonna keep swinging force it out of their hands alright I will uphold my deal and I will love curdle your big monster thing oh gosh sweet the ever playful a tree me is gonna go into the command zone then my next waiver will get minus-- okey-dokey ability counters are so cool they are yeah that's a cool concept okay okay blocking time I have no box now we'll go down to 24 I'll take three go down to 33 okay that's gonna trigger cuz you learn and both of these creatures and they get a plus one plus one counter pretty good thanks this is awesome Haley lives up to her side of the bargain gets rid of Jimmy's commander I only take a little bit of damage I'm feeling a lot better about this game now alright I'm going to just pass the turn to you alias alright thumbs up I'm really scared of that card advantage and Josh just made with that Hal dance so I hope that someone else removes it but if they don't I need to be ready to pull the trigger myself it doesn't feel good but I think it's what they have to do okay next Weaver's gonna milk two planes and a Wanderers ornament nice and then drama - alrighty now probably all the time to do it but I'm getting impatient so I'm going to cast catheral aspect warper haha very nice as in my grave odd I've just got one creature so far and it is the Hornet queen so I'll give the death touch to the next Weaver and flying to catheral he'll also become a 5/5 daily really able to customize her creatures here choose where she wants the abilities to go she suddenly has a 5/5 flyer she has a really good blocker this is a pretty average case or even weak scenario for her commander and yet it's still pretty good and then I don't want to attack into anyone so I'm gonna cross-chain to you during your hand step I'm going to cycle valiant rescuer and it's free because of my commander nice I love that for girl I'm so jealous kanta I will drop and I won't get a kiddy because it's my first row of the turn summer I'll play Marshall impetus and I will target catheral whoa what you may think it's a little weird that I'm buffing her creature but it's got the goat effect it can attack me and it has to attack every turn so now this is Josh and Jimmy's problem it's not my issue this is a new cycle of cards from the acorrea pre cons and it's almost like it's better than caches removing it because of goat it can't attack him so rather than kill the thing he turned it into a weapon that's now working for him I'd say yeah Josh I won't make you a deal right now can you swing at me with a smaller creature yeah then I will not swing at you for six right now well you'd not eat my smaller creature when I swing I will not get your attackers right deal alright so Cassius and I make a deal here where I'm basically gonna swing into him with a creature he can block for free just so he can draw a card this is good for me because I already made a deal with a li and now I'm making a deal with another player at the table and my only antagonist is now Jimmy and I'm okay with that okay I will play as auras Chancery and bounce an island to my hand I'll move to a TechSoup huh I will swing it Jimmy with two dinosaur cats okay well I'll team up on Jimmy has begun I will take four and go to 27 that's so not true I mean you just have no blockers like that's the way it goes um is that it for you no no I will pass my turn okay I know Josh is already coming up with a bunch of damage so I'm going to cast beast within targeting Halden I just hope that this active goodwill does not go forgotten okay so how then will be destroyed and in this place I will make a Cassius Beast token that's nice so it kills my hal dan which is kind of a big blow because that was what was giving me access to the cars that were exiled by Paco I was counting on that card advantage to really get me through the mid game here so that hurts okay and that's it yeah then I will untap and I will draw all right cash I will uphold our deal I will attack you with yourself the Beast okay and then Jimmy I will attack you with my commander and Paco so there's two triggers Paco and Xperia so cash you get to draw first all right draw and then everybody got 2x all the top card of their library I put a fetch counter on them so I get a dual caster mage psychosis crawler island and death sprout and two of them are non creatures so Paco will become a seven seven Wow those will all be exiled with the fetch counter on them unfortunately have no way for that to matter anymore so even though I don't have Halden anymore so I can't cast those cards that are being exiled by Paco it's still good because he's still growing and he's pretty big at this point okay now we go to blocks yeah I will block the three three beasts with garbage don't bounce off each other all right I have no block so I'll take eleven and go to 16 oh geez okay then I'm gonna play Hallam our depths which will trigger and I will look at the top three cards in my library and then put them back in any order that's pretty good so I'll put them back like that and then my deck is about instance so I suppose that I'll just pass the turn okay I'm going to untap draw for the turn I will play dismal backwater and gain a life there you go Wow things got really hair you really fast for me not only am i at the lowest life total but everyone that the table has done some kind of deal that isn't in my favor I think it's time to reach out and maybe calm the waters a little bit Josh do you want to end the blood feud are you yeah I mean it's costing us both because I'm down to like three cards yeah okay alright well the war has temporarily ended like hostilities could they could they could come back with any time yeah taking a breather so there's a little feud with Jimmy has taken its toll on both of us our life tolls are low especially Jimmy's so if he's willing to pit the pause button I am too because we're just concentrating on each other it really is beneficial to alien cash so I'm going to tap five mana and cast animus awakening 4x equals to four oh my gosh here we go this cards a bit risky right now because I don't actually know what's on the top of my deck and what if I hit zero lands off it I don't have the best of luck on this show so it's I reveal the top four cards in my library put all the link or some of them on the battlefield taps oh come on three lands in a man escape refraction three off of it yeah let's go these three lands will enter the battlefield tapped one of them was thrown would fall so what that would gave me a life and then the man skipper fracture will go to the bottom of my library hey not bad I got three lands out of the top four cards this puts me up a bunch of man that's gonna give me a lot more flexibility I'm really glad that I made that deal with Josh now that's gonna do it for me I'll pass this on to you alias thank you fell on tap next we will trigger melts ooh any keywords hex perfect trophy turn and then I'm getting a little bit concerned about this card draw cap creation nonsense over here cash so I'm gonna cost predatory impetus on my Knicks Weaver row so my plan here is to enchant my own creature make it so it has to be blocked it's got death touch and menace so whatever it swings into its gonna kill my target is cash and his creatures you never like to hear when a player is like not feeling your side of the board and feels like they need to do something but got a little trick up my sleeve some new five from the commander safe response I will cast fierce guardianship and it will cost me no mana because I control my commander okay wow this is one of if not the best new cards from the commander pre cons this year it's a free counter spell if you have your commander out it's really good for captures in this situation obviously but I just can't wait to get this card and put it into all my commander Dax Wow well I can't do everything about that so yeah you counter my thing alright that kind of screws up my plans so Plan B you got any reach I don't well I'm gonna move to combat and I'm going to attack Jimmy with my capital okay I can't block so that means I'll take six commander damage and I'll go to 12 oh boy I don't want to do anything else so join Joe's unta and drop then I will play sure brahs this guy sir this guy shark nice so if cash is Dec behaves this thing is gonna get so many counters on its gonna get so much life could be a threat gotta keep an eye on that one I mean I'm not even sure what to say about this card I guess maybe I'm distracted by the fact that it's a flying shark and because it is partnered with Braylon sky shark writer I will go and search for Braylon put that in my hand make sense I'll declare text up check a and I will swing espera at Josh okay and it's a six port it is a six all right before damage with a tap five in order to play prophetic bolts targeting Xperia that's not nice and then Cal Max is gonna copy it because it's my first instant spell well not unlike that so obviously I gotta kill that big flier that's attacking me but I think I also want to get rid of that death touch reach spider that Elise got because it's just making everybody scared to attack her and if they're scared to attack her they're more likely to attack me don't touch my spider don't touch my spider so I don't want to kill that bigness by shields down you I'm calling I'm calling my favor no kill a spider okay hold on Josh just a second there remember that deal we made I'm cashing in my get a jail free card and you do not kill my spider no touchy I forgot about that okay I will honor my deal okay and I'll do this shark Wow serious I mean it what's coming at me so Josh gets rid of both my fliers and my only real drawings and on board this is not cool this sucks okay and then I will look at the top four cards in my library and put one in my hand and the rest on the bottom but I will do that twice for the two prophetic bolts it's so good and for this one of my hand these three on the bottom that I'm gonna do that again yes and then I'm gonna put this one into my hand and put these three onto the bottom alright and Kalla max gets a plus one plus one counter cuz I copied an instant so it's now five five yeah that's all right I can deal with that so this works out really really well for me I get rid of two problematic permanence on the board I draw the best two cards off the top eight cards in my library Calla max gets a little bit bigger so this is a really good turn of events I will untap and I will draw I won't attack you thanks I appreciate you feels fair no I'm not like as let's draw off by tapping four and playing at nibblies of frost nice thanks this is a deceptively good card I think in this deck because you can tap down your opponent's creatures which makes it easier to attack with Cala Max and you need them tapped to get his ability going so I think this is a really good kart and then I'm gonna play shiny impetus another one then I'm going to target your catheral aspect warper cool right now that can only attack Jimmy and it is a 8/8 flyer sorry okay so Cassius has goaded Elise's creature and then Josh goaded Elise's creature so now the only person that can actually attack is me of course once again I find myself in the worst position where everyone's teaming up against me I'm not even sure why and I'm almost dead I'm not sure why either but hey it's fine with me I'm sure it is scary though that that that thing can kill you in like a couple of hits it can but you know what I might have a couple of tricks up my sleeve okay these are brand new pre cons with cards that you may never have even seen played before Josh yeah that's true if anybody out there wants to get their hands on these awesome cards that were designed specifically for our for Matt just go to card Kingdom dot-com slash command zone you know it's commander Christmas this time of year when the commander product comes out it's my favorite time of year we also have the acorrea main set there's just so many cards that we know everybody out there wants to get their hands on and you're gonna buy them anyway so you might as well use our affiliate link again card Kingdom dot-com slash command zone when you purchase those cards so you can simultaneously support all of our content not to mention there are some sweet alternate arts out there and speaking of cool our ultra pro another great sponsor of the show always make sure to highlight the best art of the magic cards of every set of every pre-con on their play mats their sleeves their deck boxes it's a great way to protect your game pieces but also just look really cool when you play so theme out your stuff make sure that you're protecting the brand-new cards you just got a card Kingdom supported ultra pro and you're also supporting the show okay well speaking of protecting oneself I'm curious to see how you how you're gonna protect yourself in this game you know I think I'm just gonna make it up as I go like I usually do sounds about right alright and then I'm gonna go to combat and Haley I'm sorry but you have the next scariest board so I'm gonna swing at you with everything okay so there's a trigger on Paco everybody gotta exhale the top card of their library so three of those are non creatures and Paco is now a 10/10 yikes those will all be exiled with a fetch counter on them alright so be for blockers I'm a tap too and we play tribute to the wild which says each opponent sacrifices an artifact or enchantment thanks I don't like that so Callum axe has to be tapped in order to double your instance but what you can do is attack and then before blocks are declared cast your instance because he's now tapped so that's an instant trigger prowess and now there are two triggers so I'll stack it so niblets of frost goes off first I'm gonna actually target your commander with that cache so it will tap and not on tap during the next half step and then calla max will actually copy the tribute to the wild so each what you'll have to sacrifice either to rfx to enchantments or one of each oh okay hold on before that results I will tap three mana and play a portal mage oh okay good I thought was gonna encounter wait what's that doing it wanted ET bees I'll make your commander attack Jimmy oh okay oh no so he can block and kill it that's the plan yeah okay yeah I can't do anything about that so kalmyks is now attacking Jimmy oh boy so Jimmy has enough on his board to double block and kill Joshua's commander which is good for everybody at the table I think however there's still the two tributes to the wild that still have to go off so I have nothing to sex so I'm gonna pass over to you alias my next wave is unfortunately an enchantment so that's dead finally for you guys oh I will sacrifice raw green crystal and then martial impetus cuz I still control that Oh finally a card that doesn't just hose me and even better it gets rid of Cash's enchantment on alias creature so she doesn't have to attack me anymore this is great maybe I can dodge it for one turn and live a little longer than I thought I would okay okay and then calla max will get a plus one counter there's now a six six because I copied an instance okay we're back to combat except for kal max is coming at Jimmy I guess now that I have a chance to block Cala max thank you Cassius I will double block it yeah it makes sense cool all right so I'll order the blockers with cuz you are first okay so cuz you're old I yeah and so we'll Cala Max and I'll put him back in the command zone then the Beast and Paco are coming at alias all right no blocks from me you'll take 13 I'll go down to 20 oh pretty good right now I'm not feeling super good I've only got my commander out he has to attack every turn so I have no defense feels bad so at the end this turn I'm actually not feeling that great I don't have very many cards in my hand my commanders not on the board so my main game plan is not online and I'm tapped out I don't know if this attack ended up being really good for me and that's all I can do so I'll pass the turn Jimmy okay well things have certainly changed in one turn cycle i'll untap a draw for turn well I will cast tidal Barracuda this card is really really really cool it gives me the doll kanuri type effect to everyone around the table but it also makes you untouchable during your turns that means your spell's can't be countered no one can interact with your board while you're doing stuff I think it's gonna shift how everyone plays around the table but most importantly maybe they're finally gonna stop doing stuff to me having flash is great everybody having flash is not that great because it's scary to attack they can flash anything into block everyone's just gonna leave up there man and pass the turn I think this is just gonna get annoying alright Josh yeah and I was swinging u45 we did say it was a temporary yeah I take five and I go to nineteen I'll pass Turin alright now on top don't don't okay and now I have to attack anyone except you're correct Josh gets a treasure when you do okay seeing as you gave us all flash do anything but we're gonna move to combat and I'm going to attack you Jimmy 4/7 oh gosh so there's an attack trigger I get a treasure from the shiny impetus pretty good umm I think if I don't do this I'm gonna die I'm going to tap three and flashout reclamation sage and I will blow up the shiny impetus what okay I can't block the creature but I can reduce the damage a little bit which i think is totally worth it here because I'm already solo not to mention that if a Leah wants to she can finally attack Josh next turn with it so I'm only gonna take five damage instead now I'll go to seven this brings Jimmy to the brink of death I've got big fliers I'm not worried about him I'm pretty sure I can take care of him in the next round nothing else my turn guard cache okay I will on top but my commander will stay tapped I will move this coin and draw all right I'll move to attacks and Ellie I will swing it you with the cats and portal maze oh man my life told us not hardly Lowe at this point but I prefer not to take that damage so I got a syrup cache a sweet new car that I've got up my sleeve okay and I cost I'm securing Hays for free because I control my commanders so the reason why fogs are really good is because in commander a lot of times people just go off and then they they only end up swinging at you one time but it only takes that one time so being able to waste somebody's attack step is really valuable very nice I'll pass my turn yeah those force cards are so good yeah I'll on tap I'll draw I would love to attack a leaf or a little bit here because she is getting a little scary but she's got all her mana untapped and she can play things at flash speed so it's just too scary I can't go at her go to combat okay we'll share some love up cash here at 40 yeah cash I'm gonna swing at you with Paco and Jimmy niblets or frost is coming for you for three in the air okay trigger and Paco everybody got to exhale the top card of their library I put a fetch counter on them so two of those are non creatures so I'll get two counters on Paco so it's a 1212 now I feel like this dog has never whipped but it definitely has sniffed so now we'll go two blocks on the box take 12 go to 28 and I have no blockers I'll take three damage and go to four dang oh all of a sudden my hopes have continued to survive in this game have just all but left maybe they'll just see me in the corner crying sad and lonely and just forget about me that's my plan that's the best plan that can come up with now and then I guess stuff has flash so Jimmy enjoy yourself at the end of your turn Josh I'm gonna tap three and flash out kima stocking shadow seems DS game life important this card can gave me a little bit of life here but I don't have any way to really pump it or sacrifice it it's pretty much all I can do right now so I just gotta cross my fingers and hope it works also on Josh's instep because of country than yours I would like to cost unbreakable bond and get something back from a graveyard oh nice Oh to the battlefield with a lively counter that's Hornet queen Ralph you call it Hornet queen it'll enter the battlefield with a life length counter on its and create for one one insect tokens that's just my life the very first card I got into my graveyard is not coming back hot Hornet queen on the battlefield 4 1 1 tokens with it so now I've got this line of death touches anything that attacks into me is gonna die anything I attack into is dead too so I'm feeling real safe at this point oh no one big flyer sure maybe I could have found a blocker or a way to remove it but 5 new creatures in the air that can all swing at me I really got to get desperate here because if I can't stop that that is definitely gonna take me out that was a play touch somebody pass the term ok I'm going to untap and draw my car for the turn ok so I'm definitely dead to Ailey's board here but I do have one card in my hand maybe I can pull off a miracle so I just gotta hope it works out ok I have 11 mana so I'm just gonna tap all of it but I'm gonna cast Genesis Hydra fer 9 oh I think that this is probably his best play he gets to search the top nine for enhancer or something to help him get out of this really bad position look I'm not even sure what's in the deck that could potentially save me in this situation but you gotta just hope for it so let's see what we get so I'm gonna reveal the top nine cards of my library and I can cast a non-land permanent with CMC 9 or less from among them onto the battlefield nothing good here I like that oh gosh okay so the two cards I'm looking at here are propaganda and mind leecher here's the thing regardless of what I play a Lee is still gonna be able to kill me in the air so I think blocking and trading with one of her best creatures is gonna be a lot better than just sort of making her use her mana so I'm gonna go with the mine leecher I'm gonna put mine liter onto the bow field it's a 5/5 flyer and the rest of the cards gonna get shuffled back into my librarian suite I mean sure it's a big guy but I can deal with that this is just too bad cuz unfortunately one big flyer is not gonna save Jimmy in this case I'm actually not feeling great about the recent developments in the game alias slowly become the most scary player and now I don't want Jimmy to go out because it feels like Cassius and I are gonna need his help if we're gonna equalize all right you know what blaze of glory here comes Jimmy Wong Oh in the combat classic Jimmy I'm gonna swing these three creatures at you a lean me yeah alright I will block the five flag with one of my little death touches scratch sorry cash he did good though you did it's like barred down to sixteen that's it for me past turn to you ailing on your end step I'm gonna crack my married landscape I'll find two spots left on the battlefield touch nice alright thumbs up Oh off turn I don't like that noise at all no no no yes I'm gonna cost selectively adaptation oh man that's good selective adaptation is a new card with the kimono set and it is so it's gonna put a card in my battlefield it's gonna put cards in my hand and put cards in my graveyard that is everything that my deck wants to do so I'm keen to fire this off grab the top seven cards alias already has the best board position let's hope she doesn't get anything too bad fingers crossed all right well it's gonna go mmm okay Rob so the cars is that key words go into the graveyard solve innistrad and solemn recruit into my hands and then some lost angel is coming down hot that's terrible went into the battlefield destroy all tapped creatures okay anything about it that's not nice wow this is about the worst thing I could think of that just wipes my board wipes caches board alias board is still intact Jimmy's about to die I don't think this could get any worse I mean my board say wasn't much you know but it was something but now it's nothing things couldn't be going better I mean I've got an absolutely monstrous board state I feel like at this point this game is mine to lose when you come and leaves the battlefield it deals X damage Atari player in that game X life where X's its power so I'm a deal to to you a Lee and I'm getting to life I take two I've got a fourteen that will go to six hold on this is actually really really good for me because when you kima dies I gained two life and I can block her biggest flier inch you can only hit me for five which means I go to one so am I gonna actually live here if I do that's an absolute miracle but holy crap bukii my that to live is gonna be huge alright we have two combats okay Jimmy casserole and an insect are coming at you and then the three other bugs are coming at you cash okay before block is our signed mmm-hmm I'm going to cost D spark to get rid of your flyer law man for greater oh no no flying blockers I why do I do I even bother talking you know it just seems to get me in trouble these days so there goes all my hopes and dreams goodbye cruel world okay well with no blockers Jimmy is definitely getting Kayode so what we got to do is cast our spells before he's gone while we still have flash before combat damage I'm going to tap four six and play locusts god I thought I was the only place yeah that's a bug showdown so long as God is scary because with just a little bit of surgery you can start generating so many tokens and I won't be able to get through to kill him this is a very very powerful card and it's a very big problem before Jimmy dies I am also gonna flash out something a nascent metamorph okay that's pretty cool so there's a new card from this set and it's super interesting when you attack or block you don't know what it's going to become I think there's actually good for me in this situation we've seen a lot of people get lucky on this episode and I think now it's my turn hopefully I can get something cool all right well the blocks I will not block with locusts guys and I will go down to 24 life all right I will also not block but not because I have a choice I will take six and go to zero bye bye so I get killed by a bunch of mm-hmm oh that one killed me already I gained two up to 16 that's gonna be my turn go for cash all right on top and straw I will show your locusts guard and I will give one bug so now it's down to three players and it's kind of to be one cash listen I got a team up and quick if we're gonna have any chance here Josh I feel like this is kind of a bonding together moment that we yeah she's definitely more scary I know but we know you just drew two other cards well it's double strike and one of them gets cards back yeah yeah so we're not really feeling too good I'm gonna tougher for and use the locus cards ability to draw and discard that'll make another bug and then I will use locust God's ability again to draw and discard a card okay make another bug so Ludi pro 4 is not great for me at this point but I need to find answers I really got to find something to deal with her board state I'm also getting an insect out of it so I'll be able to block her stuff it's not a bad play I will pass my turn okay on tap that will draw I'm gonna warn you and I am going to be a very little help this thing might be cool yeah well who knows what I get I'm definitely sweet you would so we're gonna go to calm paths and I'm gonna swing in the nascent metamorph at a Lee yeah we're gonna roll the dice now the question is which deck so Cash's deck has a bunch of cycling cards and I don't know what the creature quality is however alias is deck it's all about monsters with keywords so she's the one that's most likely to give me something huge and cool something that'll turn around this game for me so Hayley yeah you're gonna reveal cards until we hit a creature come on something big something with some value on it come on something that does a lot of damage please don't hit anything good please I'm hitting a good please I'm hitting good okay soul ring so my nascent metamorph becomes a Sakura tribe elder there probably wasn't really too many worse hits in her deck right like this gotta be one of the worst ones in this situation [Music] sorry Josh yeah do you want a block yeah 100% okay response I'll sacrifice my Sakura try Boulder I'll find a forest and I'll put it onto the battlefield dude so much value this is a classic Josh Lee quiet engine right here in action and then yeah I don't have anything else I can do so I'm gonna cast Callum axe for a second time for six mana nice lightning but is back the unfortunate thing here is I don't have any more instance in my hand in fact I have only lands my life total is also pretty low it's likely she's gonna want to take me out first my chances in this game are they're dwindling yeah are you happy with our alliance tonight I mean I look hey good times bad times you know we're together in this it's looking like Josh's run out of gas and it's coming up on our turn she her board said we didn't affect our board state very much if at all so it's just not looking good that's a turn I gonna meet to combat yeah Josh um coming up Joe okay Carol Hornet Queen's son lost angel and an insect well I have no flyers so how much is that that's well damaged okay take 12 I will go to seven and then I'll get into G's and then second main phase I'm going to cast saleh bin estrade [Music] no that's my great let's kind of super cool not only is it a mess of death touch it it also has a really sweet activated birthday that lets me fish cards back from my graveyard and put them into my hands so I'm just gonna smell these two with card advantage oh my god she's paying for diluted time he's like 5 to get just try to get a creature in the end uh yeah let's go you my turn for now so go for cash oh whoa on top draw and trigger I will get another book nice I'm going to tap for activate locust God's ability to draw and discard locust got triggers on draw I'll get another bug five bucks five bucks that's it for us here's the thing when somebody's using for mana to just draw a card and discard a card the fact that they're doing that tells you that they don't have anything good in their hand the one thing I'll say is he's got a token deck it's built to take advantage of having a lot of creatures he maybe has a pump spell somewhere in there in which case with all those Flyers he's making it's possible he could steal the game he might be in a better position than it looks like then I will tap for five and play spell Pierre Phoenix when in ITV's you may return instant or sorcery card with cycling ability from your pitcher oh yeah but I don't have anything so I can not so you're just playing it as a 14 yeah it's a 14 flier yeah that sucks like it's pretty terrible yeah so playing this Phoenix right now and getting nothing from it seems really bad but I need blockers so I need flying blockers my only plan right now is to just stay alive and to try and find some answers and then I'm gonna declare my attack step and swing five bucks at Haley alright no blocks I take oh well the face she is that 13 it does one a little bit concerned about these locusts because it looks like cash this gameplay now it's just swarm me with these little critters I'm a head right now but if he rips a pump spell photometers library then that could spell bad news for me I need to close this thing out and quickly pastern yeah all right I will on tap I will drop just tap with boats like whatever is I'm dead anything you do at this point is just like extra honestly Haley I'm gonna go to combat I'm gonna swing at you with a 4-4-2 33 all right I don't have any fliers so I definitely can't stop her from killing the next turn so this is just me trying to do any damage I can to alias on the way out I'll uh lock both four four three six six and the other one with the one one alright the Beast and the insect will trade my commander will just die sweet I'll put it in the command zone and then I'll play the last card over my hand solemn simulacrum because what I need is more lands I will waste everyone's time and I will search for a forest put it into play taps yeah so Josh just has no help at all I think I'd have a better chance in this game if Josh could help me out just a little bit but I mean he's really he's really got nothing for me at this point and then I guess feels kind of pointless but I will replay cala max for the third time rage mana kill okay and then I will pass the turn all right on your instep I'm gonna activate my soul in a Strunz ability then return three target creature cards from the graveyard to my head yep which are soulflayer NYX Weaver and slippery bug wander Wow close event so yeah she effectively just draws three cards because she gets three cards from a graveyard puts it into our hand this is a level of Carter vanish that I just don't think ash is gonna be able to keep up with this is gonna be tough all right on top drop down sir I'm going to kill you now if that is all right by you hmm so josh is almost dead I need to kill him deal Josh and then we turn our attention to cash okay come up yep alright Josh I'm coming at you with catheral and the Hornet queen and cash kind of eat with these Solman strut all right I have no cards I have no flying blockers I will take exactly seven and die and then I die to a bunch of flyers I am no box and I will take six damage and against your life so Josh is out of it and it's it's me and Haley one on one I think that if I can draw the right card I could really get back into this game I could steal this one but it's gonna take some careful gameplay second main phase I'm gonna cost NYX Weaver yet again my bug is back so the little spiders back on the battlefield and once again doesn't look like much but I think he's gonna be a pretty key part in how I win this game and that's gonna be my chance I get for it are you gonna on top all my stuff and then I will draw for two locusts God will trigger and I will get another insect these bugs I'm going to activate locust God's ability to draw and discard and gets one more bug seven insects seven insects really and then I'll tougher for and play braylon's sky shark writing that's pretty good thanks okay well this is interesting so now whatever caches loots it's gonna trigger Braylon and it'll do damage to a li and her life toll is actually pretty low plus when Cassius does that he's making a blocker which is gonna give him time to maybe get some extra turns so that damage could add up he might be able to grind her down it's possible all right I think I just passed the turn okay on your end step I don't like those words I'm going to accept three for the exile effect on the next Weaver and I turn target card from my graveyard to my hand I wanna return d spark wow that is awesome he blocked everything he threatened people and he got back my kill spill in the end what a champion and then I would like to target your locust guard lefty spark I will exile my locust god yay no work bugs so this stops my whole plan Berlin at this point is useless I mean I'm not looting anymore so there's no discard there's no damage plus I'm not making anymore blockers so that light at the end of the tunnel it's not looking so bright anymore it is your go cool what's up and roll my pocket turn alright uh well let's get swinging shall we loops combat I'm Serina at you with these four creatures cash okay so I'll block the soul of Braylon I'll put an insect in front of catheral and then I will put another insect in front of the Sun blast angel brain one will die and my two insects will die guilty take two take two from horny Queens I gained two okay nice okay second main phase I'm going to cost a chroma angel wrap my first strike vigilance trample basically word soup my gosh here we go there's a lot of words and a lot of abilities on this card but the one thing that matters most is protection from read all of Cash's creatures are read there's not many ways I can think of that he can stop his creatures so he was dead before but now he's just extra dead oh she's just playing huge thing after huge thing that seems to be a good strategy yeah no more different Lord light so it's looking really bad the beginning of this turn my only hopes is to top take aboard clear on top all my lands and draw off return that's definitely not it alright our claim is it Oh put a lot better with Lois got out yeah thank goodness like I heard of that locust god when I did because if never miss it was on the battlefield - hoo boy things would have gotten out of hand real quickly it's a great card regardless but I really don't have enough on the board to synergize with it so I mean it's not gonna do enough to keep me alive and then I'll play the last part of my hand which is crystalline resonance hmm yeah that cards not super great when it's the last card in your hand yeah I have a drawing of cycling card since like turn 5 so I'm basically just playing it because it's all I have yeah this is not looking good for your boy I will pass my parent all right I'm top all the things all right before comment I want to cycle void beckoner just to see what's on top of my library and put the dead touch counter on some lost angel she's got more cycle cars than I do card ok then I'm going to cost daring a fiend Bhandar we're trying to yank two off the top of the library okay pretty good so now I'm just in full-on swing mode I want to kill cache as quick as I can I don't want to find any answers so it's go time everything in all right I am swing at you with everything I'm gonna block the Hornet queen with the Phoenix and then I'll block my five bugs versus your five biggest creatures - a chroma because she has protection from where's all my stuff dies some of yours and I take seven damages by Game two from Hornet queen yeah that's a great posture I'm not really worried at this point because even if he does draw enjoy Boyd wipe I've got so many ways to bring creatures back from my graveyard and I still have a full hand of cards so we're sitting pretty there's gonna have to be a heck of a card right here yeah I'm gonna on top all my lands and draw for turn when I draw my card for turn if visit triggers and I will deal one damage to your insect whatever the answer was I didn't draw it but I have one more draw from kniffen is it all right so I guess I'll just activate never miss it and see what I can get draw card name is it will do one damage to your face I take one damage tomatoes okay so I draw that card and that also was not the answer all right tell me however you're gonna kill me I will pastor gonna untap everything I will draw card all right and if I'm messing around I am swinging in at you with everything so I really died to soul in distress so but like what does it look like what does it just ripped rip to Sola with the sword and then I swear with everything and win the game so this is my first time I game nice and it's been an absolute blast such cool people to play magic with it was great it's really exciting that Coria is releasing alongside the commander products because that means that you are free to build around one of the brand new mechanics we've got mutates the ability counter keyword it means that you really can't play with the best of the newest stuff there's gonna be a lot to do in this set every year I get excited by the commander product because I know there's gonna be some new gems in there stuff that I know that I'll put in my decks and I'm always excited to see new fresh commanders it's been an awesome experience and I'd love to do it again I hope I get invited back in the fact that I killed both Jimmy and Josh doesn't count negativity in my favor alright you made it to the end of the episode good job you finished the episode and that means you've reached the most important part of the episode for many of you which is the giveaways yes huge thanks to ultra pro who as always has given us a ton of swag it's all a coria theme there's monsters all over it this is a really unique time because we've got two sets that have come out and ultra pro really has given us a ton of things to give away to you Jimmy how does everybody out there enter well we have three ways for our viewers to enter you can enter either through Twitter Facebook or Instagram if you're on Twitter just tweet out a link to this video this game that's episode and use the hashtag game nights and you'll be entered that way if you're on Facebook find the post on our page that shares this episode of game nights go into the comments there and tag a friend that you think might be interested in the content or might want to watch it along with you and you'll be answered that way and if you're on Instagram just make a post and use the hashtag game nights and if you want you can make a net Coria theme you can make commander 2020 themes you can make it game nights themed and you'll be entered that way but you only have a limited time to do so yeah make sure that you enter within one week of the release of this video because at that point we're gonna announce the winners and after the winners have been announced well you can't enter to win anymore you don't want to miss out that we got signed play mats tons of swag ultra pro as always coming through big with their great quality equipment alright everybody thanks so much for watching this episode we hope everyone's staying safe out there alright we'll see you next time
Channel: The Command Zone
Views: 1,345,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game high school, ted wong, vghs, wong, jfwong, jimmy, magic, the, gathering, mtg, magic the gathering, strategy, game, trading card game, deck, tactics, commander, general, elder, dragon, highlander, josh, lee, kwai, cards, Card Game (Game Genre), command, zone, podcast, the command zone, edh rules, mana, mana bases, Game Knights, GameKnights, gameplay, ARENA, brawl, oathbreaker, cassius, marsh, product, c20, nfl, aliasv, alias, ikoria, lair, behemoths, otrimi, kalamax, kathril, gavi, jirina, mulan
Id: CjhypHd8YDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 59sec (3779 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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