Ravnica Rumble w/ Rachel Agnes & Kenji Egashira l Game Knights 25 l Magic the Gathering Commander

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Game Knights is, hands down, the best Archenemy series on the internet.

👍︎︎ 175 👤︎︎ u/CJ_L10 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Kenji playing Coalition Relic just feels right

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/Toxikomania 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Josh would have won easily if he just killed Rachel when she played Erebos. When it got to his turn next and she tried to kill his Firesong in response to sunforger equip was another time to kill her. He very likely had another hit with it to gain mass amounts of life.

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/J1389 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Felt like Kenji was just along for the ride

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MagikMufinMan 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Very good episode. The stack battle midway through is intense.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/scottyourban 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Rachel did the syndicate proud. no mercy on Josh.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/vintagebrie 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just started the episode, but I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed that only two of the players are using actual Ravnica cards for their Commanders.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Goliath89 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

You’ve gotta pay the tax, people. Same as Rhystic Study.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/AssistantManagerMan 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good lord, I guess Boros really is just hot garbage in commander. Josh popped off something fierce this game and received a billion mana from Smothering tithe and still just barely manged to crawl across the finish line for a second place victory.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Boyahda 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's up everybody you are watching game nights this show is brought to you by Wizards of the coast now today we are doing the Ravnica Rumble and we're all playing decks that you in the community voted on we're playing the guilds that you chose for us it's a really awesome game but before we get into it going over to card Kingdom dot-com / command zone and use that affiliate link when you order your magic products card singles anything at all you're gonna buy magic cards anyway if you use that affiliate link when you do it you really are supporting this show and all of our content and we have a brand new Kickstarter that the time is almost running out on as well this time we are selling exclusive tokens featuring some of your favorite game Knights emblazoned on 10 awesome tokens you're gonna get 4 copies of each but the kicks are is almost over if you do not pledge before it's done you will not have access you will never ever ever be able to buy these cards again so make sure you're head on over those links are all below and again let me the time only this is your only chance to get them and one more thing that the deadline is also coming up the time is running out is our audition for the next fan episode of game nights if you want to get on the show if it's something you've always dreamed of you do have the opportunity to do that however you have to be an active supporter of our patreon in order to audition but it's totally ok to go on over to a patreon.com slash command zone right now to sign up with the express purpose only to audition for the show that's totally fine but you need to do that in the next couple of days if you want to have time to enter again all the information on how to audition is on our patreon page you have to sign up there first in order to enter lots of deadlines coming up but we know what you want to see and that is an episode of game nights so let's get right to it [Music] how is it everybody welcome back to the latest episode of game nights and it's a very special one we have some awesome guests hi I'm Rachel Agnes you may know me as bait AAG I write articles about EDH in the different ways you can enjoy the format I was also recently appointed to the commander advisory group you also may know me on Twitter by my very bad MTC jokes hello friends Kenji new austin amiga Shira here you might recognize me from my Twitter stream where I stream Magic basically every weekday and a lot of magic arena these days because that game is great but I'm excited to be here for my second episode of game nights and I'm gonna win this one okay for this episode we did something we have never done before and that is put the choice of what guilds were playing in your hands we held a vote and the community decided which guilds meaning which color combinations each of us is gonna have to play on today's show I'm the control player I love drawing cards I love value and I was really really really hoping for his aureus and I guess you guys don't click to me up because I got voted for ourselves and the commander I'm playing today is the taxman come ball council of allocation the goal of my deck is to play a little bit of a death and taxes heavy on the death light on the taxes every time my opponents do anything I have a bunch of cards that tax them just a little bit until they have no life left and I have a bunch of big finishers so when their life gets low I can close the door I was super excited to find out that I got is interesting because that is one of my favorite guilds and you know what I built a good deck for this one I'm gonna be playing two Boren Lumia so my back has a few different game plans the main one is to give my commander death touch so then when my commander triggers it will kill all the creatures it deals damage to my secondary game plan is to make a lot of tokens I have a bunch of ways to get my creatures flying so when I do trigger my commander I don't kill any of my own stuff only theirs and for me the viewers selected Thoros legion which is red white now I know why they did this on our podcast I'm often bad-mouthing this color combination because I think it lags behind the others however I'm taking it as a challenge I am ready to battle I'm trying to win so the deck I'm piloting today is fire song and Sun speaker my strategy is all about dealing damage with spells because with my commander that's gonna gain me life and then I have a bunch of cards that take advantage of that life game to give me further value which I can leverage into winning the game the community decided that I'm gonna be playing rack dos today and to be honest I'm a little nervous in the past I played rector's a couple of times and it hasn't gone - well I was mana screwed I really didn't contribute to the game in a meaningful fashion so today I'm gonna try and redeem myself my commander is rack dos the showstopper my deck is all about flipping coins so today I'm gonna be praying to the Lords of chaos that the flips go in my direction if they don't no big deal because my deck has a ton of huge demons that I can ramp out and smash my opponents in the face with plus rack dos is gonna help me kill all my opponent's creatures and keep mine safe okay the Poros Legion ready to fight the ores off syndicate is ready to battle the is it League is fired up and ready to go the cult of rectus says let's start the show okay well welcome everyone to the table it is a pleasure to have you here first things first we need to reveal our guild theme play mats Rachel because this is your first time at the table we have some traditions to uphold kenji you have the honors I dub thee Dame Rachel I am not worthy arise Rachel duchess of the Inland Empire welcome to game nights everyone ready yes let's do it you're off return and I'll play in mana consoles it's so pretty I play this card in almost all my EDH decks because I think that the life loss is relatively insignificant it's particularly insignificant in this deck because come ball helps me gain life so I'm feeling pretty good on my turn one and I'll say go all right drop returns I will play wandering few world go ahead okay I will draw and I will play a mountain and I will tap that mountain and I will play a Wayfarers Bob Braham red-and-white not really known for having great ramps so I'm very happy to have this on turn one and the fact that it gets a land into play is way better than some kind of artifact at taps from mana because the land is just gonna be a lot safer so as far as turn one please go I'm very happy with this you go ahead okay I'll drop returned I will play wooded foothills I'm gonna crack it lose the lights first blood I'll get the Badlands and put it into play and because this deck is all about flipping coins we're gonna be flipping coins from the get-go I'm gonna play me on the Crypt I was hoping you'll be more excited yeah I'm a decryption it's one of those cards that if you have it in the opening hand or if you draw it you know mid game or whatever it's just so so powerful and I'm not gonna lie I'm jealous and then I'll cast Harold's horn naming demons I named demons with this card because my deck is mostly comprised of demons believe it or not anyway I can get a mana reduction on these creatures is gonna help me out in the long run because they're usually pretty pricey to cast I'm looking forward to this card getting me a ton of value over the course of this game so I am off to probably the best start that my deck can have and they'll pass turn okay on tap drop I'll play s scrubland and I will tap to take one per mana confluence and I will play a luminar consumption so once this gets going which will be pretty soon hopefully two men a four four angels are pretty powerful but I also know that this means all three people at the table are gonna be looking directly at me right now on the board nobody has nothing that's going to be attacking no hasty creatures nothing like that so unless we have some random burn in our hand she's gonna be getting four fours real quick and I'll say go on tap draw I guess I will play a Hallam our depth so find a one drop two drop creature with haste with haste I'm gonna put them back in the same order for hello more depth Wow and I'll say go and lumenok essential trigger on your end step because I didn't take any damage thank you for that it needs four counters right yeah yes oh man okay I will untap I will draw I'm gonna play a cliff top retreat and I will pass the turn and because I didn't take any damage Lumet ascension will take up to two and here we see the lumen arc ascension is halfway there already and honestly I don't foresee any way that we're gonna be able to stop it it's gonna turn online very very soon all right I'm going to untap manic ripple trigger so I'll actually flip in New Zealand two-dollar coin Oh so heads and tails I'm gonna call heads heads you got it so no damage and then Harold's horn trigger guard unfortunately I don't hit a demon with the Harold's horn this turn but give it a few more I have a pretty good chance of doing it all right I'm gonna play a blood tapped and I'm gonna pass the turn I had a really sweet first turn this turn not so great I can't threaten Rachel's bored state at all so I just have to pass the turn and on your end set because I didn't lose any life I will take lumenok ascension up to three okay it's like the dude's dick so bad so early three counters I'm one counter away and that lumenok ascension will be online on top Jeff return I'm gonna play arid Mesa and then I'm gonna fetch I'll take one damage and I will get a gauntlet ring and take two okay so I will tap three take one for a mana confluence to play a burnished heart ramp ramp I think this card is absolutely awesome I'm not playing green so I need some way to get some extra lands in the play and this is no way I'm gonna do it Rachel tapped out to play this card which is great it means that we're not really gonna have to deal with angels this turn yet and I'll say go well I liked all the cards off of Haltom or depths but at the end of your turn I'm going to tap my wandering fumarole for blue and play mystical Tudor and all find cyclonic rift the good thing about revealing the cyclonic rift with mr. computer is that she's probably not even gonna wanna invest too much mana into making angels since she knows I have it and I could just do it whenever I want to every single play that I make for the rest of the game I have to think about what's gonna happen when I get cyclonic rift and that is a really bad feeling and all in tough draw the cyclonic return I'm gonna play cascade Bluffs and then I'm going to tap three and play coalition relic this can actually rant me by two if I want to so currently I'm feeling pretty good about my position because pretty quickly I can get too overloaded cyclonic drift and so if she wants to invest that much mana into angels well I could just bounce them all in addition to the lumenok ascension itself to reset all the counters and after I play coalition relic oh pastor okay I'm gonna take this up to four since I did not lose anyway is now online we all better get ready because four four angels in the air especially when Rachel can make multiples someone's life is gonna go down we're really fast on your end step also I am going to pay - and sack the Wayfarers bauble and I will find a mountain and I will put that into play then I will untap and I will draw and I will play a plateau then I will tap for and I will play a smothering tide hey we talked about this card a lot on our podcast I think it's extremely powerful and also josh is in red and white so this is one of the few ways that he can ramp his mana I'm not looking for the way he's gonna be able to do with this card I'm really happy to get this out early it's gonna allow for some explosive plays later on and I will pass the turn alright now on tap mana crypt and Harold stone would trigger at the same time so I'll choose to order the manic-trip trigger first I'll flip a coin and I will call heads heads and no damage yet from that thing Wow I'm the showstopper you are the lord of chaos over there yeah you know look at the top card my library for Harold Horan it is not a demon so I draw that card okay when you draw smothering tithe that will trigger would you like to pay two mana or should I get a treasure I'll pay two mana so you won't get the treasure Wow and on cue Jimmy immediately pays for the smothering type that I thought no one would ever pay for come on man can I have a treasure it's just one and I'm going to tap to to cast demonic tutor I like tutoring here because now I have a lot more information about what's going on I know Rachel Kenji and Josh's board state I understand what their game plan is so this way I can find a card that really helps me advance my game plan or effects theirs I will get a card I don't need to show it to nobody and put into my hand no pass chain all right and luminar contention would trigger but since it has four I think from now and I'll just pass that up so on tap Jeff return okay a smothering tyv is going to trigger would you like to pay to know you can have a treasure thank you and here we go I'm starting to gather up that treasure gonna get that extra mana I like it and then tap a thespian stage for a mana volt I'm thinking about Kenzi and the fact Lee he has cyclonic rift in his hand if I play this card I can always use it for the burnished heart but if he pops it back to my hand a cyclonic rift I'm honestly not too upset about that either and I will attack Kennedy for - okay I'll take two she has the audacity to attack me for 2 with a burnished art I'm gonna come on you're gonna be making angels soon you don't have to get in for the two points of damage it's a better blocker you know you can sack it get the lands whatever I'm disappointed in her what's she gonna block there's no creatures out okay that's true and then I will say go so I'm going to pass the turn I'm leaving that mana for Ascension and for burnished are and don't need to do it now but I'm feeling pretty good that I have some options at the end of your turn I will tap my coalition relic and add a charge counter nice unto draw on the draw smothering tithe triggers would you like to pay no that's alright okay I will make a trigger Dogen so now to gain a lot of mana that's another entire track she's pretty good alright so on my first main phase the charge counters got come off of a coalition relic I think I'm gonna add a blue mana go then play on Islands I have blue blue blue red red red now I'll play mid visit Peru oh that's not any time any of us cast an instant or a sorcery Kenya's gonna be able to draw card and ping someone and eventually start smacking them in the air with this creature this is a really powerful threat so my deck is full of non creature spells Josh and Kenzie's probably are as well so this card is going to get out of control really quick and it's gonna hurt so I mean if I get to pass the turn it becomes full circle back to me again with NIM is it then I think we're gonna be in great shape I cannot let this thing stick around on your end sub Kenji I'm going to pass exile your nib misses so knit visit is going to trigger and I'm going to draw card okay and when you draw that card obviously you can't pay for this mother died for America treasure okay I will then deal one damage to any target and I'm gonna deal one damage right back to you understandable so path is gonna resolve it as it gets exiled and I'm going to go search for a mountain and then I'll put that into play tapped this is great it clears out kgs board and it gets rid of a really problematic threat and it takes a car from Rachel Sam's so all in all Josh and I here with the lack of card advantage in our colors we're happy about this tax me for two and then turn paths minded visits entirely unacceptable and I've done up to that okay I will untap I will draw I will play a flooded strand I'll crack it immediately take one I will find a sacred foundry it will come into play untapped so I'll take two then I will think about my life for a second here in many games of magic and Commander you set up for these turns that are gonna be very explosive you see them coming and you're crossing your fingers that everything is gonna go according to plan and this is gonna be one of those turns then I'm gonna sack three of the treasures for three white mana and then I will add a red to that to play ether flux reservoir oh my gosh interesting this card is an absolute powerhouse in my deck it's one of the wind cons my commander allows me to gain a ton of life which means I get to use this as like the Death Star and just start laser beaming down my opponents this is terrible this is a car you never want to see at the table and then I'm going to pay three and I'm going to play Wheel of Fortune oh okay this card is so good right now on so many levels first of all Jimmy just demonic tutored we know Kenji has that cyclonic rift in his hand but what's really bad here is exactly how many treasures he's gonna get off that smothering guys when we all draw seven cards the smothering type is gonna trigger 21 times a 7 for each player that is not Josh that means he is going to potentially get 21 treasures this is an incredible combo I would be really happy if it didn't affect me so much well I have no effects no I got nothing so we're gonna discard our hands and draw seven all right okay so for each card drawn smothering tithe is going to trigger so Kenji and Jim you can't pay so that's fourteen and then Rachel you could pay for up to two of them I'll let you have the treasure so I get 21 treasures from smothering time yep and then because Wheel of Fortune was the second spell I cast this turn that ether flux reservoir will trigger and I'll gain two life the kicker is I also get to draw seven cards which means I have all this mana and a full grip let's see what I can pull off is this really happening is this real life are we gonna die like right now no so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sack five treasures which will bring me down to sixteen and I'm gonna play vandal blast overloaded well at least this makes my decision very easy because my man of all is going away anyways so I might as well get those lands in response to your MLS I'm going to tap my Manorville and sacrifice burnished heart - no get to basics do basic center play okay so that destroys all artifacts I do not control mm-hmm that kills my coalition really medivolt is gone my Harold's horn and my mana crypt gone Wow this gets rid of a bunch of mana ramp sets Jimmy and kenji back a long ways and we'll make it harder for them when they untapped now to deal with my board this is so bad for me I lost my hand the karna tutor for and now all of my ramp is gone I don't know how I'm gonna get back from this then either flux reservoir will trigger and I will gain three life going to 42 then I will sack three of the treasure so that means I'll be down to 1313 and I will play son forger thanks son forger is probably the best card in Josh's deck it allows them to do things that red-and-white never really can't accomplish which is to Tyrell instance and cast them for free that is super powerful I thought that the reservoir was bad but this is even worse if that's possible ether flux reservoir is gonna trigger that's my fourth spell game for and then I'm gonna sack six treasure and I'm a cast fire song and son speaker so here they come my commander very very important to the deck you know either flux reservoir is powerful but at the same time I need to be at a high enough life total that I can comfortably pay the 50 to get rid of one of my opponents fire song and son speaker are gonna allow me to do that but more importantly right now they are a creature that can hold the Sun forger reservoir is gonna trigger I will gain five you can actually kill someone you can kill somebody right now go to one then I'm gonna pay three of the treasure to equip the Sun forger to fire song and sunscreen oh my god oh yeah we're in huge trouble yep then I'm going to sack one more treasure for a white and imma play enlightened tutor and it will find stolen strategy which I will put on top of my library that's gonna trigger ether flux reservoir and I will gain six going to 57 I am feeling great that is a huge explosive turn I'm set up the Sun for sure can give me some card advantage some card selection I am in a very powerful position the downside here is that it's obvious to my opponents they are definitely gonna be teaming up against me and we'll have to see if I'm able to withstand that kind of pressure that turn was absolutely insane I think all three of us have to team up and kill him I'm feeling really worried right about now so I think the best option for Jimmy Rachel and I would be to try to kill the ether flux reservoir as quickly as possible before he gets too much life because if he's at like 60 or something like that you know he's gonna be a little bit of hesitant to shoot somebody for 50 cuz he's at such a low life total afterwards but if we live it on the battlefield and he gets to say 70 80 90 life well he's not gonna have any problem just shooting somebody and having a very healthy life total still so the clock's ticking and I'm not a watchmaker then that is all I can do I'll pass the turn Jimmy that is all I can do he says that's all Jamie goes to untap two lands for three lands total and this ragdale stack can draw a card would you like to play for smothering - absolutely not I will make a treasure I'm going to tap for and play and crypt cast this card is great it's gonna give me a lot of extra mana next turn but it's also turned for and comparing what I did to what this happening on Josh's side of the table I don't feel as great about it I wish I had my artifact still so I could ramp something else out faster okay I'm going to tap mana confluence and my godless trying to make a 4/4 angel with some in our contention okay the good news is lumenok ascension is probably not my problem anymore I mean it's still going to be annoying in the course of the game but that's probably gonna hit Josh for the foreseeable future alright untap for my turn draw would you like to pay for smothering type no ill not I will make a treasure so now five to turn off that reservoir we need to get Josh below 50 life at least I can bash him for for every turn in the air and Josh I will say this for for Angel at you okay I have no box I will go down to 53 a sickly life total everything I'm looking at with my life total is in context with that ether flux reservoir I have to pay 50 life to use it so the angel attack it's more annoying than you would think and then I will tap three to play a commander sphere oh nice so there's a lot of tension to a son for drew I know he's gonna get an unequivocal what but I can't advance my board because I want to be able to answer it I will say go alright unto and draw when you draw same thing smothering tithe no you can have it okay that will make a treasure I have six alright well Josh this might help you a little bit but what well because I need it so I'm going to tap three and play repercussion oh the Wheel of Fortune was not very good for me so I'm gonna have to play a kind of a longer game which I don't even know if that's possible with what Josh has but I'm gonna play this card and hope it sets me up for the future I will then play a Gorgons flail this card will give my general death touch which can easily just wipe all the creatures without flying luckily it's a still plays commander equipment there's a lot of things that have to happen so it's a worry for the future it's not a worry for right now sadly my turn is not very exciting in fact I will pester thanks a lot Kenji I'm getting no help dealing with this Josh problem from you or Jimmy so I guess I'm gonna have to do it all by myself actually at the end of your turn I will cast English unmaking on the sideboard record yes this is a great start son forger is gonna recruit Josh so much value over the long run that if we can get rid of it right now it's gonna effectively nerf him okay I kind of expected she was gonna do something like this luckily son forger is pretty good actually at protecting itself in response I'm gonna unequip the son forger and I am going to find laughs of certainty what the heck is this a white counter this is the power of Sun for sure it's gonna protect this card and make sure it doesn't go away and that is a huge blow to the rest of the table either flex will trigger again one luckily though I came prepared and I have more than one answer well I actually have a response okay so I'm going to tap do I have to take one from I'm an accomplice I'm solo and I'm going to in smus ship and I'm gonna have lapse of certainty target and sniff what so basically what I can do here is I can make the imps mischief counter his counter spell so that the englishman making still resolves this is a super weird card coming out of black I mean honestly I wasn't expecting it I doubt Josh was as well so this is probably gonna get him real good ooh she has a trick on top of her first trick this is very tricky unfortunately I also have a backup trick so I'm going to sacrifice three treasures Oh No for red red and one and I'm going to play reiterate and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to copy your imps mistress but my amps mischief is gonna redirect your anguish on making towards your lumen ARCA sentient oh that's not good what this is crazy the color wheel is going nuts right now okay playing the stack in reverse order my Ames mischief will resolve changing the target of anguish and making towards your lumenok ascension I lose three now your imps mischief results yes which makes laughs of certain deep target themes misalliance mission is going to go to the graveyard you lose three now laughs a certainty no longer has a target so it fizzles and then anguish and making targets luminar contentions Wow you're making me destroy my luminaire extension and take three basically the dust settles rachel has lost the two cards she played out of her hand Plus her lumen arc ascension and six life this is bad this is worse than bad this is the worst thing that could have happened to me and then because reiterate was my second spell this turn I gained two life back 253 by the way that was the end of my turn I know and then untap overall I can't say I'm pleased I'm glad the ascensions gone but josh is the one in the commanding position so the fact that he gets to keep his relevant permanence uh-uh no good there was a slight glimmer of hope that we could stop seven-footer from going off for right now the gates wide open for Josh to walk through I'm walking I'm walking I'm feeling good yelling grant we're gonna walk through that gate I'm gonna take the oath of the gatewatch you strut right through that gate and right into our hearts Josh just kidding I'm not looking forward to this well I am looking forward to though is seeing how your cards get used and then how you out there might want to purchase some of those cards yourself by visiting card Kingdom comm slash command zone that's our affiliate link for the show it's beyond simple to use you either type it in or click it and you're gonna buy magic cards anyway and trust me once you see what Josh has got brewing over there I think you're gonna want to make some purchases so that's it use the affiliate link you support the show and you keep content like game that's running and flowing for you yes unfortunate I highly recommend picking it up and when you do you're gonna want to protect it you're gonna want to put it into an ultra pro sleeve maybe an Eclipse leave and then when you play it you're gonna want to play it out onto a nice pristine ultra pro play mat you're gonna want to keep those cards safe in an ultra Pro deck box I'll throw one of our awesome sponsors and they really do make the best stuff to protect all of your cards I want protection from Josh do they make that I mean a couple of removal spells maybe yeah maybe we'll find out let's strut slash walk right back into this game and see what it's about I'm excited I'm walking I'm gonna walk right through that gate keep walking okay all in tap-in draw then I'm gonna pay three and I'm going to equip son forger then I'm gonna sack my two treasures for a red and a white and I'm gonna unequip son forger I'm gonna search my library for an instant and I'm gonna get price of progress yeah okay so I'm gonna take four damage and I have four so I'm going to lose eight I lose ten but the kicker here is fire song son speaker has lifelink so I'll even out with mine they'll gain 23 because ether Fox reservoir are gonna 76 the damage to my opponents here is great but the important thing is bolstering my life total I'm now at enough life that I could comfortably activate that ether flux reservoir and still be in the game like it won't immediately put me out like single digits which means the next person that comes at me too hard they're gonna catch a laser beam to the face then I'm going to re-equip son forger and that's it that's a drink as Josh passes the turn I notice he only has one mana available which means that he can't unequip some forger so I have to pay for smothering tithe okay untap draw I will pay for your smothering time Josh okay and then I'm going to play odd Nikolas reignited that's pretty good right now I have no way to deal with the Sun for Tripp but Josh needs to have it equipped to a creature in order to use its ability so I can at least deal with that part of the equation I'm going to minus 3 him and kill your fire salt and Sun speaker Josh alright and we'll go to the command zone that's it start something this is not the best it's my only creature on the battlefield the deck doesn't have a lot of creatures so this is gonna set me back actually quite a lot taciturn ok untap drop return do you want to pay for the smothering type no ok and then I'm gonna top commanders here and then I am going to sacrifice afterwards to draw card and can I have a treasure you may have a treasure thank you and then top two more mana I'll play cabal now that I'm at 16 I'm hoping people are gonna cast a lot of non creature spell so I can bolster my life toward a little bit so I'm not just like one wind away from passing to eternity when wind [Laughter] in response to casting Campbell I'm going to cast whispers of the muse to draw a card I will opt not to pay for slug that type as well okay so I get a treasure you draw a card and that's before creme balls and this is before cam ball results so I don't take the to damage okay I'm going to tap for mana to play a very powerful Solem so I will go get a basic land solid this is one of my all-time favorite magic cards it's a card that you play early it gives you a great amount of value but it's not like oh my god this is gonna save me from what's happening in this game so feels kind of bad man and Josh I'm gonna swing at you with a 4/4 you know box I will take or I will go to 72 I think I just have to keep attacking Josh and hopefully I can get him low enough that he's not gonna wanna fire the laser gun off so easily and then I will take off all right untap draw I will not pay the tooth okay I will make it fourth treasure so for my turn I'm going to cast bribery target Jimmy oh yeah good luck from what I can tell Josh doesn't really play too many creatures and the same goes for Rachel since Jimmy's playing demons and imps and that type of thing I'm more likely to get something that's gonna be big and scary from him and when you cast that that will trigger come ball and I will gain two and you will lose two back up to a healthy 18 okay and with bribery I'm gonna get the rune scar demon and now I get to search my library row normally I never like seeing this card cast by my opponents but none of us are looking at each other we are all directly pointed at Josh and figuring out how to deal with his board state so can't you find something really powerful please all right I'm gonna get this card and be done after that okay I will untap I will draw all right I'm gonna play scolding Tarn I'm gonna crack it right away go to 71 and that's gonna get me a mountain put that into play then I'm gonna sack three treasures at five mana to that and recast fire song and Sun speaker for eight that's a one spell live cast either flexible trigger again one and then I'm gonna pay - I don't play treasure map this might look like an innocuous card but it's actually pretty good when it flips in combination with smothering tithe it allows me to turn my treasure into cards not just mana and as my second spell saw game - so come ball trigger I will game through life and you will lose to life back down to 72 and then that's all I can do that how many cards do you have Josh - the only good thing that I can say about this turn is that it looks like josh is running a little bit low on gasoline with his cards in hand so maybe this is our opportunity to make a comeback okay I will draw for turn you can have a token okay and then I'm going to uptick objects Alisa I'm gonna lose a life and draw a card Josh you can have another token okay make trigger I'll play in my lane for the turn it's a cabal coffers that's a good card you only have three smalls right now yeah this land is great if I can get some more swamps on the table because it means I'm going to essentially gain mana every time I use it but right now it breaks even okay I'm just gonna tap all my lands for a 9 mana total I'm gonna play Muir March this is an interesting card it's a little scary if Jimmy were to get lucky with like 2 or 3 coin flips in a row it could be nuts at the same time this car could do absolutely nothing so it's hard to evaluate I'm not too worried about it that's gonna trigger come ball yep so I'll lose 2 and I'll get good and then I'm also going to play fear of horrors this is another part that gets me a lot of card advantage over the long run so fingers crossed that I can make it to the next turn and do something significant here and Coble is gonna trigger again so I'll lose to life and I will gain 2 and that's gonna do it for me so I'll pass the turn Jimmy's turn was not very impressive none of the cards he cast really does anything especially very march man that turn was a lot of mana and a lot of do nothing to help us deal with Josh on the end of your turn I'm gonna tap mana confluence taking one to make a white egg cast and lay in Tudor oh nice but what can I go get to show that Sun portrait it has to go it's too good son for sure I'm gonna treat it like it I don't know Europe like if anything happens to it I'm gonna launch the nuclear weapons we have to get rid of it I'm just following the Cold War doctrine so this point just starts making all kinds of crazy threats that are we just literally attack him until it gets under 50 is the other option right that's the only other yeah the person that hits me below 65 will die oh my gosh what cuz I said that you're basically making it so I can't use it I mean I get it he has ether flux reservoir he can knock out any of us at any point but none of us have a single chance at winning this game if we're too scared to do anything too long okay I'm gonna resolve enlighten Tudor and I go get air boss and put it on the top of my deck and then I'll untap and drive for the turn when you draw cards mother dies I'll let you have the treasure okay I will get a fourth treasure and then I am going to go ahead and pay for Minh and play aerbook Scott is the dead mm it's fair by the way I wrote my treaty it's a good loophole this card is great because while it doesn't entirely deal with what Josh is doing the last thing we want is for him to have so much life that he can start pinging multiple people what that reservoir smart yet by Rachel here and it just another thing that's putting dampers on me and making it hard to take advantage of that earlier explosive turn okay I'm going to attack Josh with the 4/4 fly a needle okay that will bring me down to 68 that angel it's really whittling me down it's annoying am I gonna have to get rid of Rachel next time because she attacks me for four maybe I will go ahead and pass it her all right so I'm going to untap and draw I am NOT gonna pay for smothering tyv okay I will make my fifth treasure now I just want to take a moment and consider how much man that you have got no smother you know it's crazy it's crazy yeah alright well I guess I'm going to cast abhorrent lumia and then I'm going to equip my Gorgons flail to it so the next read spell you cast kills all non flying creatures correct okay I decide to play my commander and equip the flail now because well I want to keep Josh off of his commander and this way I can also kill any other ground creatures on the battlefield from anybody else so this is good after that I pass this earth okay on your end cept I'm gonna activate treasure map and I'm gonna scribe one I'm gonna put it on bottom so now treasure map has one counter on it and then I'm gonna untap and during my upkeep I'm actually gonna pay one and scry again I'm gonna put that on bottom then I'm gonna draw for turn then I play a blood-stained mire I'm gonna crack it take one find a mountain put that into play then I'm gonna pay three and I'm gonna go to equip son forger on to fire songs on speaker all right I'm going to tap three and I'm going to mortify your general so fire songs on speaker is destroyed it goes back to command zone now cost ten its operation do not let Josh equip son forger beep-beep all on the train okay I'm gonna sacrifice five treasures tap five white cast fire song it's on speaker for ten all right that will trigger either flex reward but I cannot gain life so that doesn't matter and then I will pass the turn I feel like I'm sorry to fall behind in the game now I don't have very many cards I look so good earlier but this one it might be slipping away from me okay I will untap Peter hore isn't gonna trigger I will exile temple I'm the false god underneath it and then I will draw a card for the turn Josh you can go ahead and okay I get treasure from smothering ties okay I'm gonna pick up objects lists I'm going to draw card then there's a life Josh you can make another token okay Omega treasure hi I'm going to tap for and play dread return Oh targeting the abhorrent overlords in my graveyard and then I'm gonna have miramar's trigger which means I'm going to flip coins until I lose a flip I make a few of these guys not only am I gonna build a huge bored state of harpies I'm also gonna be able to get in for a ton of damage so fingers crossed that this works out okay let's go with heads so abhorrent overloads only in the trailer once I'm going to get six harpies on the battlefield [Music] did you guys see that flip that was that was probably the worst coin flipper it like rolled it didn't even flip because of gender turn I'm gonna trigger a comeback so I came to a new list also because F warrant overload entered the battlefield my blood speaker in my graveyard is going to trigger we're turning it to my hand and then I'm going to tap three mana to play swift foot boots and equip it to my abhorrent overlord and that's gonna trigger kim ball so i will game to and you will lose - i'm gonna go to combat and josh i'm was swimming at you for 16 years josh had mentioned earlier that if somebody knocked in below 65 life he was gonna one shot him with the reservoir and well jimmy is going for that attack right now so we'll see if Josh was bluffing or not I refuse to live in fear of that thing even if it kills me in the process I am going to force Josh to use it is he gonna do it but problem is if I don't do it now my threats mean nothing so this is an interesting game theory moment jimmy is essentially saying I bet you won't use your nuclear option for just six damage there's a lot of problems here one is that I can't gain any more life because of Airbus this attack it's gonna bring me down low enough I feel like I kind of have to use the ether flux reservoir now or it's gonna be turned off kind of for the rest of the game in addition there is some value to following through on the threats you make so that in the future people believe you when you make a threat so all this is adding up to the fact that while I don't really like it I think I'm gonna have to push the button so before damage I'm going to pay 50 life to ether flux reservoir and I will deal 50 damage to Jimmy look I told everyone the table I was going to do as much damage to Josh as possible and by my count I just did 50 damage to him boom and I also died in the process honestly it turned out pretty good for me because one of my opponents is gone and the aether flux reservoir is turned off Erebos is on the battlefield so he cannot gain anymore until that's gone we have a chance a real chance but there is one downside of Jimmy dying okay because I am also dead Kenji and get my demon back thank you very much that was one of the ways I was going to kill Josh next turn and I just lost that six damage so that really sucks okay so I will tap to me and I will take one per mana confluence activate Erebos I will pay to life and draw a card some other guys yes you can have a charger jack and I will untap and drop returning and then I will tap five to play Norns annex oh nice so this is not a super exciting play but I do know that if this game goes a little bit longer I do need to worry about Kenzi attacking me and then Joshua I will attack you for four in the air yes I go to 13 I know she had mentioned earlier in the game that she only got to make one angel and boohoo this sucks but the handles done a lot of work and you know she's putting the pressure on Josh to make a move I will say go alright I'm going to untap and draw not pay for this mothering type okay I will make a treasure alright so I'm going to cast leap of flame targeting Tabora and Lumia and that's gonna trigger come ball I'm gonna lose to life and I look at him too and so what's gonna happen is Taborn lumia is gonna trigger for both the blue and a red spell because lethal flame is both it's gonna turn into a 5-4 first strike flying and then it's gonna deal one damage to all of your non flying creatures and because of death touch they'll die correct I have a response so I'm going to tap to mana and pay to life to draw a card do you want to pay for some other guys I'm not gonna pay you could have a treasure thank you and then that will happen this gets rid of Campbell this gets rid of fire song and son speaker maybe my decks starting to do something so I lose my commander in this but I'm really happy that he turned sunflora off again and I get to draw a solemn value value town and then because of repercussion you're all going to take one damage for each of your creatures that took one damage okay so one for me and two for me I suppose I will then attack Josh for five yeah go to seven that's the problem getting ahead so far so early there's this lingering effect even when you've been knocked back down and you're even below other people you still seem scary because of what happened before this is I'm gonna have to pull a rabbit out of a hat to even have a chance here and then I will follow up by paying for and playing Jace's sanctum so I played this card as a more of again setup card Josh is drawing his last breath I think I need to start focusing on Rachel because josh is not really important anymore your turn okay I will untap and then on my upkeep I will activate treasure map it'll go up to three and I will scribe one I will put that on the bottom and then treasure maps gonna flip and it will create me three treasure tokens okay then I will draw four turn one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 okay well I'm gonna sack 10 treasures tap temple of a false god and I'm gonna recast fire song at sun speaker 4 12 and then I'm gonna pay 3 and I'm going to equip the Sun forger do I have anything else in the deck you would rather do well we've seen this song and dance before and I'm not really too scared he's only at 7 life and I'm gonna pass the turn end of your turn I'm going to activate arrows pay to life and drop would you like to pay 2 4 you can have it I will get hey sure they tried really hard and they succeeded for many turns keeping me off that Sun forager but we're back we're ready I'm just hoping it's not too little too late and I will untap then drop for my turn other guys trigger no I'll not I will make a treasure and then I will tap five mana and I will replay come ball and because the path of ancestry I will scribe and I'll put that on the bottom alright tap for mana take one for men a confluence a huge America I like this card because when I need man it gives me mana but late in the game I can see as a man into it and draw some cards and then play aura of silence that card is scary it could get rid of Sun for sure if she does that I'm probably just dead and I'll attack you with my operating dogs mmm this is a tough spot I cannot go to three I feel like I'm forced to unequip son forger and I will find aunt asked to fairies protection yep this is problematic because that means I'm not gonna be able to do anything on my next turn to damage him so kind of put between a rock and a hard spot so that is gonna trigger combo so I will game too yep I go down to five before I this is great it's gonna guarantee that I'm gonna untap with all my stuff and still have Sun forager and a creature so yes my life total is precarious but I'm not out of this yet I have a shot and before the end of my turn I'm gonna sacrifice or silence on Gorgons floss alright so with just solo on life I'm gonna have to start thinking about how I'm also gonna deal with kenji at this point josh is probably not entirely too relevant this signals to me that well I need to look her way now alright so unto draw you don't get smothering ty than any more right since we're here so this part of the game I've been missing quite a few land drops and I kind of need an insurance policy all right I'm going to a three cast Mystic retrieval I'm gonna get cyclonic Creek back to my hands now even though I can't overload it this turn on the following turn it will do some real damage to them if I can resolve it cyclonic rift is obviously an insanely scary card but I'm actually not feeling too bad because I have so much mana to be able to redeploy my things so that's gonna trigger your cam ball I'm gonna lose to life and I will get into okay I also get to scry from Jace's sanctum from casting the mystic retrieval I'm gonna put that on the bottom and my general also gains flying from casting a blue spell all right then I'm gonna get paid to cast ruin chanters pike ooh I will then pay to and equip it to my general so there's now an 8-3 flying first strike carrier come on I will lose too and I gained it and rich I'm going to attack you for 8 with Tabora loomio paying to life for nornes anacs well I don't have much to do I'll have to take it back down to 17 all that hard work she maybe at 17 and feelings still pretty confident about her life total but I have some cards in my hand I can do some real damage real fast when next turn rolls around have a real chance of just winning I'm actually feeling pretty good we have to be really careful here we have to focus on Josh before we turn on each other Josh I'm done after that okay I will phase back in welcome back thank you untap I will draw I will activate my treasure Cove I'm sacrificing a treasure and I will draw I'm running into that same issue that I've been having for the past few turns I just don't have anything good in my hands I keep drawing lands I guess my only plan is the same plan that it's been for a while now okay well I'm going to pay three and do the one play that I have every single turn equip the Sun forager through this fire song is on speaker this does give me some tricks I can pull out last minute so let's see if they go to kill me I may be able to survive it it's gonna be close though I guess this is gonna be interesting can I survive I'm not sure go ahead we've been here before and he's protected himself the last turn but I can't see him surviving another turn with that card so I will untap dropper turn would you like to pay for smothering type you can have it okay so it looks like josh is a little bit getting back on his feet here but I've been holding on to a knockout blow that I think will be that one-two punch so I came here to have a good time not a long time perhaps oh my Nana and I'm going to cast exsanguinate x equal to 12 so brutal it's almost gonna one-shot me josh is gonna lose she's going to gain 24 life I have some damage in my hand but if she's over 40 life what can I do okay wow this is bad but luckily I do still have some tricks up my sleeve okay I'm gonna pay - I'm gonna unequip son forger and I'm gonna find chaos work and I'm gonna target Airbus oh my god now the only reason he would do this is if he can potentially gain some life in response and if he's alive then I might still have a chance because well then maybe he can help me deal with Rachel Keys mark can be a bit of a risky play because yeah you get rid of the thing but the opponent has a chance to get a little value back you could get something really cool though you could yeah all right the moment of truth just reveal the top card just swab so you get a swamp okay oh and because the cam ball yep I will take two and you gain two and then exsanguinated still on the stack and I will cast reverberate and it will copy your exsanguinate I thought he was gonna help me but now I'm gonna die here and Josh you let me down buddy this means that Rachel and I are each gonna gain 12 and more importantly I'm not gonna die yeah so ether bucks reservoir I'm definitely gaining - and then Kim ball I lose - I gain - you gain - let's get this out of the way here we go so that my exsanguinate actually results first correct yes so if you both take 12 and I in 24 I got a 27 okay I think bad things are happening to me and then my excitement resolves and I get excited then I go to 15 and you gain 24 okay I think this is actually better for me than it is for Rachel because that means that Angel has a few more hits before it can take me down bolstering my life total here is very big and Josh I'm gonna tack you for four in the air yep go to 11 and I think that's all I can do that's right now say go okay I will untap I will draw and then I'll sack a treasure okay with my treasure Cove to draw a card I'll pay three all equip Sun forger again I have the transcript of the game right here jaw equip Sun forger unequipped self order equip son porter unequipped supporter equip supporter has he literally done anything else this entire game then I'll go to combat I'm actually gonna swing for eight Rachel and I will pay the one white for nornes annex all right then I will pay five and play pyromancers goggles that's gonna trigger Kim ball and ether bucks reservoir so I will effectively lose one and I gained two and then I'll pass the turn trying to remember exactly what's in my deck here to use with Sun for sure alright I will untap all these lands I will draw for my turn yeah triggers mothering type I'm not gonna pay you can have a treasure okay I'm going to tap two and sacrifice hero and archive to draw two cards do you want to pay for some other guys you can have them all right two treasures and abundance of riches this whole game alright you know what's even better than one knockout punch a second knockout punch I cast debt to deathless X equal to seven mmm so I'm gonna lose 1440 okay in response I'm gonna unequip son forger wow this is bad it's not just the 14 from debt to the deathless you can still attack me with the angel and whatever I use Sun forager for because of chem ball I'm gonna take two so I have to somehow get above like 20 life here I don't know if there's anything in my deck left that still does that the only thing I can come up with is Boros charmer which will deal 40 you all gain 4 but then that is not enough to pay my debt oh dear so the creditors came for me and just didn't have the money to pay him and so I guess they took me out good good and I won the game what what is that that's my crown your your crown you guys don't give out crowns when people win the game I came for my crown thanks so much to everyone that voted on what Dex we should play in this episode it was awesome seeing some of us spread out of our comfort zone and hopefully we can do it again sometime having to build with those types of debt constraints was actually really cool and really fun it really puts a new spin and a new light on what you can and can't do I thought the process overall was really really sweet I'm glad people got to participate you know I didn't really expect anything from the Voros deck and seeing Josh just go off on turn 4 was I think the highlight of this entire game I thought my deck was awesome it was very explosive it made a good showing however all of the other players at the table were very smart working together using their answers and I think that's one of the things that makes commander so much fun you can be very far out of it to one of the players but if you can team up with the others a lot of times you can come back in and you can pull off the victory overall it was great I feel like every player brought their unique playstyle to the table and we've got to show off while our decks wanted to do in some way or fashion as soon as you shuffle up those cards and start playing the game with a person you've made that connection and getting to see what they do getting to see how they react to your spells how you react to theirs that makes it great and that is why this is the best game and that is why ETH is the best format you heard here first made it to the end of the episode what a good episode that was - the part where I didn't win it's only a good episode a few yeah I didn't either yes it was even worse of an episode clearly oh okay yeah I thought it was fun yeah I actually was great was great having to guess on it was great being able to show off the cards and the things that we did on our ultra Pro product algebra is one of the sponsors of the show they provide us with the cool play mats that match the set we're playing the sleeves and all that and very importantly they also help give out some awesome prize support that's right to the viewers of this show yes if you would like to win a bunch of that ultra Pro product or also we sign it the play mats from the episode and then we send and car Kingdom they don't want to be left behind they'd like to throw their hat in the ring and give away some swag as well Jimmy how do they enter there's gonna be ten winners total and you can enter on Facebook or Twitter on Twitter it's very simple post the link to this episode as well as using the hashtag game nights that way we can track it and on Facebook it's changed a little bit go to facebook.com slash command cast find the post that we share with this episode of game nights and all you have to do is comment in the comment section and act or tag a friend that plays magic you think might want to play magic might be interested in watching this video and by doing that you have been entered into the giveaway you have one week from the release of this episode to enter and then we'll announce the winners on Facebook and Twitter yep time is running out on a few things not just the entry giveaway we just talked about also if you would like to be a guest on this show on game nights you can audition right now to do that however you need to be an active supporter of our patreon so if you go to patreon.com slash command zone all the information on how to enter the audition is available there and again it is totally okay to join the patreon just with the express purpose of auditioning for the show we're totally fine with that absolutely and another thing that the time is running out on is our Kickstarter this time we are selling tokens featuring some of your favorite game nights players emblazon and cool artistic form and of course like the rest of our kick starters you only have a limited time to pledge for it if you do not pledge to the Kickstarter before it is over you will never be able to buy these tokens again and we've just passed our stretch goal which means that on the premium sets the foil ones that look amazing Josh and I will be signing some of our tokens as well so make sure you head on over the Kickstarter before that ends you're never gonna be able to buy these again otherwise yeah I want to stress the audition and the Kickstarter both only have a couple of days left like when you're watching this it's almost over so don't waste any time go in there lock in the order for the tokens get your audition in for game nights also you may as well enter the contest to win a bunch of the ultra Pro swag or the car Kingdom stuff while you're there do it to it alright everyone thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time bye you
Channel: The Command Zone
Views: 1,719,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game high school, ted wong, vghs, wong, jfwong, jimmy, magic, the, gathering, mtg, magic the gathering, strategy, game, trading card game, deck, tactics, commander, general, elder, dragon, highlander, josh, lee, kwai, cards, Card Game (Game Genre), command, zone, podcast, the command zone, edh rules, mana, mana bases, Game Knights, GameKnights, gameplay, ravnica, rumble, rachel, agnes, kenji, egashira, numot, nummy, numothenummy, orzhov, rakdos, izzet, boros, tibor, lumia, kambal, firesong, sunspeaker
Id: Z_vVhR4r9LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 22sec (3322 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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