SIG M17 Commemorative Chapter 2

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I [ __ ] 45 here this was time for a chapter to with the old cig m17 320p 320m 17 commemorative yes I just pulled out of the holster and guess what it's five because I was going to pull it out and shoot something like that jug right there for that bowling pin pretty cool pretty cold I like this m17 I still do I haven't shined it for a while and I thought it was time to do that and before I shoot any more let me thank buds gun shop comm for all the help they give us okay check them out that's John Shope calm as well as the Sonoran Desert Institute STI dot edu take yourself a distance-learning course take it from a distance learn gunsmithing how to redo a stock all kinds of cool things ok we appreciate their help and you know what we're firing federal ammunition 124 grain American Eagle it's kind of a standard good stuff they'll shoot someone others alright that's a long magazine in here now oh boy well as well as chapter 2 is about just shoot the thing mostly you know whatever it is that we've talked about in the first video now link to that video but this is the m17 commemorative this is pretty much exactly what was shipped to the troops without the talon grips i guess right i but i feel so much better with those on it for me alright there we go I'm gonna shoot that old 2-liter wise down you know what that hog I think I got some bad hits on him let's finish him off yeah better hit and mr. gong over there lonely look how lonely he is oh that's the sound of water dear a couple more things over there maybe why red plate sure where I'm going there we go another one of those magazines well as extended mags they hold thanks 21 don't they yeah 21 then I got a fully loaded this is a pretty cool gun yeah it just feels good and you know it tends to work red plate I remembered hold up on the target not the six o'clock hold especially over there don't try this red plate again hold up on it a little bit boy such a beautiful day I'm glad you came out with it's a little sunny off and on but that's okay we work with it if my face disappears because the Sun is on it you know you'll just be happy right oh you know what I've got some carry ammo here this is a firearm out I will admit that is has taken on a home defense role at times like waver between it and a couple others but I know this is what I keep for a mag and it might be first thing I grab because you know it has proved to be reliable and it's just a good gun so that's important but let's use some hollow points this is what I've had in it these are the very round so if one of these doesn't fire or hangs up yeah it's not good or misses let's hit the dog with a hollow-point she's got to hold up a little bit and I sound oh the cowboy has remained unscathed for some reason those hollow points for the cowboy I'm sure they expanded don't you imagine run both the gong and the cowboy I bet we got some really good expansion so so I don't need to load mags now I've got part more loft shoot but this is just a chance to bring that again again new folks check out the first video this is the commemorative model I think they made 5,000 of them most people are not fools like I am and they've got theirs in a box and they take it out and just make sure it's clean and it's a collectible investment for them what do I do I shoot it okay and it won't be worth as much as yours because you protected your zone box you've not fired it and all that but I just I wanted the same firearm and I want to shoot so yeah okay a bit of a luxury and a little maybe piece of stupidity but uh you know I just don't buy guns really for investment especially new guns but I just like it and I just wanted to be like the soldiers that have the same gun right all right we'll see if anymore just going to get it out and shoot it and I wanted you to be here and see how it's doing you know keep track of it that's that's one of the things you know supposedly we review guns whatever that means exactly at least we do in our own way and as I always say the real reviews come across the internet through all the people that own a firearm a new firearm or whatever it is this for example and we we can't rely on what one person's experience is because you know one sample of any firearm might be a total dog be a lemon or it might be the only one that works well out of a hundred you know it so kind of works both ways but but the more we see them the more people shoot them pattern develops as to whether or not they're reliable whether they're working and that kind of thing so this is just kind of more more evidence of that one way or the other right so let's shoot it some more have some more fun with it I wish you could be here shooting or do I you didn't really believe that did you no we love you all we wish you were all here alright let's just play with it a little bit come on shooting we can focus has a nice ring to it doesn't it aim again he's far enough away that's probably alright generally a propane tank was too close might not be that smart oh there's a bowling pin there was two of them why are they doing standing I'm gonna try red plate with one hand hey I'm going to struggle at least I need an alibi and excused just barely off I see those going right beneath it I think bring it up bring it up I can't I get the sights up call them up hard enough that time they're gonna finally woo try to go I jerked at that time alright I just like to mess around even on a day that maybe I'm not feeling I don't know like my steadiest or the most accurate I don't know it still like shooting basketball you get out and just try different shots and maybe uh things you shouldn't be doing let's try again try going all right all right now I'll try red played again hmm all right thank you better than I did before alright alright let's shoot something closer now like that paper target and that cowboy yeah shooting you know by now if you've been watching our videos we just enjoy firearms and rarely is it that I ever just come out I want to see what kind of precision shooting I can do I'm gonna take deep breaths and take my time and see what I can I can hear I really just don't do that much and maybe because I'm shooting a lot and mess around it but I do end up just messing around a little bit like pulling it up okay I don't really probably can't hit that but I'm just going to do that or shoot my offhand and dismiss around and I think in a way it in total it's it's just it's good once you're safe you know to work with both hands and just get familiar with the firearm get the feel of it better and how it's huge like shooting this week handed or one handed it helps give you a little more evidence as to whether or not it's easy to limp wrists Yancy's leads or the limp wrists if you know what that means you get a malfunction because you're shooting with one hand maybe don't have a tighter grip maybe all those kinds of things so I just like to shoot and you might have noticed that and I you know this this farm grows on me the more I shoot it now one thing it still does I've learned from a lot of you and different people have commented let's say I think it still doesn't like automatically go all the way into battery but people tell me that's just natural with this firearm and it's one reason it's so accurate they're made well but it's not misfired and that's fine got a pretty good trigger it's got a nice grip it feels good it's a good shooter it really is I think the military I'll take a look at it oh they did yeah so I like it and I guess I'll I probably shot it enough just wanted to bring you along for the second go-round right and it's a shooter for me then uh shouldn't be but it is it's it's my it's it's just the farm I like that's shot the what's at the end 18 the shorter slide version of it I'm sure it's really nice to what they get one of those to try it so the M 17 you may think differently I'm sure there's you know conflicting stories you know on the internet imagine that that was a really profound I'll bet there's conflicting stories on the internet did I actually say that yeah that's a but I'm sure there was getting at people who who hate it or they've got a lot of stories about house malfunction probably you know probably even in the military I don't know but I'm not seeing a lot of negative on it and you know mine has done well and everyone that I have had and tried has has done really well and they're just good shooters so anyway the p320 the m17 is just a pretty nice firearm and it's always political and the military adopts new guns or when they're looking at firearms and you have all those issues of costs and parts availability and support down the road and whose buddies with whom and all this kind of thing who evaluates it and whose opinion carries more weight among the evaluators which branch of the military carries more weight he's the most influential you know if there's people involved guess what there's politics involved there's opinions involved right but but still what make me ended up with something that seems to work so he ain't nearly as good as the old 1911 right but not a bad disel glad y'all came out today and I'll be checking in with you later to make sure you're behaving life is good oh yeah that's better this is a great gun for the fence oh hey didn't see you guys there well I've got here I want to remind you of our friends over at Allen grips and ballast all Italian grips makes grips can you believe it for all different types of firearms you can get rough texture or more of a rubberized texture just sticks right on there yeah really affordable really cool options and improve the grip for your handguns or or rifles so please check them out at Talon gun grips calm you'll be glad you did and also ballast all dad has been using ballast all for many years it's a cleaner and a lubricant and it's non-toxic it works really great and we're happy to have them on board since it's been a part of our shooting endeavor for a very long time so good ballast allcom towel and gun grips comm and also while you're out there I'm juggling all these things here also while you're on the Internet please do check out our other social media like Hickok 45 on Facebook it's also Hickox 45 on twitter being real Hickok 45 on instagram there's a John underscore Hickok 45 on Instagram where I do some things there's Hickok 45 calm you can find us also on gun streamer so check out all that stuff and then watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 131,780
Rating: 4.9503846 out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, APMEX, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips, SIG, M17, Commemorative
Id: rxalgow6xUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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