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and we're back from the self-isolation it has lost his mind [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] Harry doesn't want a small one anyone say no if if the top was the top is the line okay so what's the second one you know you don't want to tell us right now we don't exist eyes closed what is it guys looks like our Sun is good I don't know the first word is yeah what's the first word JJ Wow guys come on you've got this believe someone can't spell why have you delete it for base for this one I I'm not here wait someone gets jet fuel we have what what just on that jeez what the hell Melissa they have mad cases of the virus they have two virus may of them okay concrete jungle where dreams are made of hi this is he's lost his brain call it a dream you just called it a dream yeah I mean I saw him two weeks and you're gone he went outside he's gone on runs he went outside had to stay home go outside last two days so I'm already feeling the effects oh this is my big bang ah that's a good drawing to mean Big O is my word my god is his big bang ha ha Joran is my word it was just a different one he's a big banger is it war zone maybe I don't know the terminology this game oh I don't know I don't know [Laughter] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] detected oh you put a ninja on a three that word I don't want to be without there's something wrong but I'm troubled ask Toby this wait I think that's pretty good to be close I don't I think I mouth of it's pretty body wrong one [Applause] okay that was my word I think I could get even I think gay was my word oh oh wait I think this is my word as well wait Oh what stands out the only word that hadn't been chosen as what war zone for us it's kind of war in this isn't I mean JJ's and guys still know I want to live the dream [Laughter] I'm guessing it is it was a red tree oh my god oh my god oh my go kick is that [ __ ] no okay nope what the [ __ ] is that hey I seen I kingdom by will be sub I to recently the outside that's a whole topic man we've been knew what you mean there's no news every day this is crowbars News interview no but I could be Bumba whole his chaos I'm worse I can't wait yeah oh my god only fans think about subscribing to any fans so I could think of Jesus that face if and you should be drawing something completely different for the times but within your world whether you're okay [Laughter] just gonna be pissed tomorrow and again [Laughter] poorest poorest poorest okay oh okay oh my god is green what is he's green ooh no I colored him in the face or the tree you get the points from you're just doing the Jesus dead how would you do all this you picked up of two words been picked ready said frames that said frame [Music] [Applause] Harry good there Harry actually celebrated [Laughter] [Music] and I'm back like I never left take me to church here let me confess black channel on my mind I Tony Stark gonna get up a chest when I'm back to fight I come overi and reborn yet everything blessed just raise a new story show don't tell him I hate this test last year on the K on the had sense did your channel ain't even got a super high brush
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 3,499,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: 1Tp8oKaScl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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