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howdy folks of the sidemen reacts channel i'm here with minnieminter and ksi we are watching crazy laws that still exist around the world getting banged up free mud guys free my hitters free up any injustice it's just not videos i think about taking a bath with a donkey fancy getting drunk okay these potentially harmless activities and many more could well land you in trouble with the long arm of the law laws of the land that may have made sense when first brought about have a habit of sticking around even if they have no real place in today's society add to those antiquated laws a few newer bizarre rules of the land that have found their way into the law books and we have a truly bizarre set of world legislation so what are some of the strangest laws that still remain on the books around the world that's what we'll find out we're going to learn something new we're going to learn something that still exists great britain has some of the strangest laws in the world some of which are broken every day it is illegal for example to be drunk in a pub in the uk wait well me and harry are [ __ ] well i think everyone i think it was fun i'm waiting to hear this though we literally have a video of us being drunk at bob's yeah but it's legal bro apparently how many thousands of brits break that law every single day it is also illegal to carry a plank of wood along the pavement especially one would imagine after getting drunk in the pub not quite so bizarre because the stipulation you a bank of wood down the street it's illegal are we sure that this isn't some american donnie that's just heard you know jacob he's just googled [ __ ] yeah every time i've walked across a pavement i've it's been illegal have you got a plank of wood on you have you held a pack of wood i'm talking about my penis it's a plank your your penis is the point the penis is the point bro i feel so sorry i did it for the i thought not quite so bizarre is the stipulation that members of parliament in jolly old england are not allowed to wear a suit of armor in parliament but surely this law should have been updated by the lawmakers themselves while in parliament no it is also highly illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances in england and wales what's this what's this what what's this finish this finish this oh my god suspicious there is an unsuspicious way to handle freshwater fish out of water we'd love to see it who decides if it's suspicious or not is it like a committee watching every salmon what the [ __ ] it's also an offense to beat or shake a carpet or rug except if it's a doormat before 8am in the uk and if you're an englander forget about dining on exotic waterfowl unless you happen to be the queen of england it is illegal i knew that one swan oh yeah should you be pregnant in britain it is perfectly legal to spend a penny in a policeman's hat or in fact anywhere else should it be an emergency and on a similar note and on the subject of toilets up in scotland if somebody knocks on your door asking to use the bog you must by law let them inside and offer your bathroom if someone comes and knocks on your door and asks to use your bag if that's real bro i'd be going around knocking on everyone's door there's been so many times when i nearly pissed myself bro oh no i'd do it just just in my toilet it's clean where are you going simon uh just dipping down for a trip if you knew where someone famous lived you could go knock on their door and they have to legally let you know this simon house would be a wreck oh this can i use you don't say it don't sorry i don't probably we just wouldn't live in scotland also in scotland that bizarrely colorful land of haggis and bagpipes there may be more to that folk tale about scotsman and their kilts ever wondered what exactly is beneath the famous tartan kilt okay okay all right i'm not rolling a blank of wood i'm not good yeah well according to ancient legend nothing no underwear can be worn under the kitchen and according to an old law or perhaps to be fair urban legend if a scotsman is found to be wearing underwear beneath his kilt then he is routinely charged two beers by whoever discovered his non-white oh that's lifting up people's kilts yeah and i'm like oh okay that's a [ __ ] that's a cop yeah that's a [ __ ] oh there's some pants you owe me some beers that's a that's probably a sick drinking game right there a sexual assault well so you you you break a law to break another law yeah i'm literally like manhandling three [ __ ] just to get two beers it's just going south now isn't it although we can't confirm the exact legal standing of this law it is too difficult to resist sharing the usa also has its fair share there we go allowing your pet donkey to sleep in the bathtub is against the law placing salt on a railway track is an offense punishable by the death penalty in birmingham what death death penalty for putting silver on the [ __ ] train track imagine you know what i like how we've gone to america and and two laws in we're into the death penalty it took two laws how how one's like you get fun two points oh if you put salt on the train you're dead lad you die yeah that's it at first glance this seems a tad harsh but the reason is that the train could either derail or attract cattle onto the track which could also result in a major derailment should have led with that yeah that should have been yeah it should have been said earlier yeah exactly it's also against the law to play a game of frisbee without first acquiring the permission of a lifeguard in los angeles although responsible frisbee throwing is we are told permitted who can blame the city with all those lawsuits flying around and what happened to the chicken who crossed the road in georgia its owner got arrested it is against the law to let your chickens roam around unattended in this state in hawaii it is illegal to work at the same company as your twin brother or sister we get these laws in place to avoid workplace confusion as to who is doing what and who has taken the day off and dog lovers beware unless you have four legs and a tail that wags it's illegal to live in a dog kennel in idaho bringing a whole new meaning to sleeping in the doghouse perhaps stranger than all these laws though is the law in vermont whereby women who want false teeth are required by law to first obtain permission from their husband quite why this still exists is totally baffling here at the infographic show perhaps someone can explain this one thing that is mad you know freya is there just 80 years old have it beg josh with delays let me get fake teeth well it should be she'll be like i'm really big why this law still exists is totally baffling to us here at the infographic show perhaps someone can explain this one to us and then there's the strange legal world of mainland europe in greece it is illegal to go sightseeing around the ancient ruins wearing high heels and in france it is illegal to name your pet pig napoleon in rome italy keeping a lone goldfish in a fishbowl is considered animal cruelty and if you have more than one in the bowl that is considered acceptable because we all know fish are sociable creatures well you put like 200 in a very small bowl i mean well yeah that again is no that's fine yeah that's fine legally i mean it's there's probably they'll die kids in parts of poland are not allowed to travel outside the house with any winnie the pooh memorabilia including t-shirts backpacks or lunchboxes the cartoon character is considered a non-gender-specific inappropriate hermaphrodite without having the decency to wear a pair of pants and the poles for some reason find winnie's lack of genitalia offensive i don't i don't know how to react to this one i reckon larandosky could leave the house in it yeah yeah mate he's never going to get rid of him he's the best thing to come out this one isn't exactly an ancient law but was simply too brilliant to leave out of our study of quirky laws in the cambodian capital of phnom penh the sale and importation of water pistols is prohibited during new year festivities the reason being that a popular way to enjoy the new year in this part of the world is to take part in a huge water fight and that governor chai sofara reckons may lead to social unrest in thailand it is illegal to step on money and it is also illegal to leave you someone's just dropped like a little [ __ ] tenor by accident they just step on it bro sentences to death in parts of india if a man is in debt he can legally offer his wife as a down payment until the debt is settled in japan why chris you actually don't pay your debt off on purpose oh you're fine there you go a fifa in japan it is illegal to be fat with the government setting a maximum waistline of thirty three and a half inches oh man [ __ ] it's for women you know what lads actually i found this out the other day i've got 28 inch waist now i think i'm a 34 inch waist i'll mate you're done what i'm thinking yeah but you know what it is though bro you're like well i i guess that makes sense do you hardly ever see any fat people in japan imagine if that law is in england it won't be people about people in china buddhist monks are banned from reincarnating unless they have specific government committees sorry sorry sorry reincarnating without the government's permission i'm finished i don't maybe i should laugh because this is like certain people's like no no but if you believe in reincarnation that's fair but to ask the government for permission you can come back as a frog you didn't do much for us so you can be a [ __ ] toad bro you're gonna be a [ __ ] toad the guy the girl was just like nah exactly the buddhist his whole life is he's oh whatever whatever they are monks i don't even know what the [ __ ] they are i've had it i've had it i've had it in samoa it is illegal to forget your wife's birthday in australia it is against the law to disrupt a wedding an act that is punishable by a fine of ten thousand dollars across the world did australia not say like does anyone have any objections okay i guess what's the ceremony he started he's disrupting the wedding so say if i don't realize that venue's actually got a wedding that day and i stroll in that's the trap thing bro that disrupted it yeah yeah yeah there's what if you sneeze i mean wedding crashes just wouldn't happen in australia maybe they don't even have that movie over there i was gonna say it'd be a different film yeah humans [ __ ] this planet bro beforehand it was just what couple cows a couple horses moving all of that now look you gotta ask me if you can have teeth [Laughter] imagine asking boris if you could be regarded [Laughter] thank you for watching uh be sure to subscribe [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,246,273
Rating: 4.9789796 out of 5
Id: YS3xzX87SlQ
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Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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