Embarrassing Live TV Moments

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oh no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god yo what's up your boy ksi welcome to a reacts we've got harry and vic star and today we're gonna be looking at embarrassing moments caught on live tv do you say hey it's your boy ksi now is it not here's your boy character legitimate i don't really say all the gw oh devastating bro my child is ruined well it's better than me saying hey guys it's your boy jj olatunji yeah that's thank you during live news this reporter had something coming his way all right so i've got my trusty stopwatch and here they come down the hill it looks like he's about to take it out he's done he's done he's done he's done oh my god oh my god [Applause] he tried to style it out oh god that was a bad idea this is this is where he's just trying to hold it in yeah refusing to hold donald trump's hand when he offered it oh no there we go bite away oh in front of everyone okay all right we're doing the reveal his name's jack oh no oh my god oh my god oh no no the screen's fine it's fine his hands are shaking nah he's chipped out at least this television oh try your best to cook on live tv while the food lit on fire okay that looks like a side video oh no oh no don't put the newspaper there oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god it's great tv to be fair whoopi goldberg accidentally farted on live chat no it explores that in a really smart way [Laughter] excuse me athlete's running tripped on the hurdle and face plants onto the ground for this one which one is it red shorts it's probably yeah oh no it was yellow it's just like you're going so fast you can't stop yourself oh this i'll remember this over to the other side i'm surprised [Music] ryan seacrest falls backwards from his chair after trying to catch a balloon [Applause] that's quite a big fool to be fair [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your leg is badly hurting no no i feel great actually you know the adrenaline is coursing through you but yeah they are suspect to a bit of waffling it's just like you just know some crazy [ __ ] is gonna come from an amount yeah but like just like she's just heard like like whiny like she's just like nattering on about so i don't know no i i i can see where harry's coming from because in that clip like okay it's happened he's fallen off his chair then you're waffling for ten seconds and what does it add nothing you made it not funny anymore you've really yeah you're on the floor meteorologist to the right forgot that he had still left the hanger still inside his blazer yeah yeah we've got it we've the chill is letting up but the chill is not completely gone no no chill it i'm sorry and the chill has got a kinky oh my gosh how does that even happen i i i thought it was just the tight button but never mind let's he's just taken off the hanger and forgotten him okay here we have a few questions in this interview in south africa was slowly starting to break until it completely gave up a place in a point for them to raise that or is it a done deal by the time trevor manual it's actually an opportunity for members of parliament uh to certainly digest and go through the documentation that is going to be presented to the public and the opportunity for proper engagement is actually after the tabling of the year where is it oh there it is [ __ ] that from someone in the background square washington square park and pulitzer fountain to watch as people oh my god oh my god so oh now we don't have any announcements i don't know i'm always shook at that you know because i've had a couple of occasions that you pull someone's pants down the pants come as well oh yeah imagine getting double pants on live tv oh disaster and everyone sees your tiny penis one of the council members went to the bathroom with his mic still being on him while everyone in the room heard it just a little too much and what we can do is call on represent a governmental representatives that are higher oh that's the chain of committees at least he's not taking a [ __ ] it could be worse he's just grunting like oh [ __ ] big jesus christ what the [ __ ] did i eat i think it's only you jj that would sell from the right and ask for action at the federal level so for us to just say within the city limits oh four dollars he's gonna come back and the members are just staring at him for no reason so don't know any boundaries so a state-by-state approach would just mean that a random guy was seen take a huge tumble when the news camera was panning out 30 or 40 street entertainers or buskers if you want to call them that we have cam here playing the keyboard and just over my shoulder something i've never seen before an opera singer he's busking and lots of people going by and dropping money in his uh his cup there also i want to mention that this had a wardrobe malfunction while she was performing okay i love how they've just added their own music and it really about used the performance oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god thank you for that you're a sick the foot turned out kind of hard to bite into and they couldn't stop laughing look it could be like a little happy feeling cleaning it again [Applause] oh my god i'm gonna fix it look there there it's all fixed what but i missed it she's just not liking it the the pizza is very tough it's kind of a now it's a little tough hey we're in america i was live and i lost the track i ain't doing anything for that reason i know you're not meant to criticize but it's a little thought [Applause] what's this it's a british one we'll take that come on back then we could jump in a crowd you've got so many medals the spiderman actor break his chair in the middle of an interview it's going all the hell and we had shot the medium i think i shot the close-ups and i was going to go back for a medium class [Laughter] on qvc this host breaks the ring while trying to measure it and tries your best to cover it up oh no elongated sleeping beauty turquoise now let me share with you 230 quid as well oh well that one just came off so that's not good we're gonna we're gonna put that one aside no one's phoning in no one's turning into that one does anyone buy anything off tele shopping is the building in front was about to be demolished and the cameraman was ready until a bus came and blocked the view as well [Music] while interviewing this man the reporter was a little too late to go to the bathroom so she just did it in her pants oh my god don't turn around oh my god oh oh my god i'm going away from the camera backwards oh you have to do a sidestep out of the frame oh she's not a howler yeah bro she could have played it like she had period pains or something like that like oh yeah it's just just just anything but anything but turn around i'm running everywhere oh nice embarrassing well if you want to know what what not to do on live tv all of the above guys subscribe we'll see you guys next time peace [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 6,369,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yhRyb6rjBN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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