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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to simon reacts i am joined today with uh ethan hello and toby hello and i'm simon we are reacting to 28 food combinations that taste great it tastes great i've got a food combination that tastes great right now pasta spicy chicken spinach and uh and a spicy sauce are you just eating i assume yeah i assume it's gonna be weirder than that you're eating a meal i mean i'm absolutely i mean really enjoying this which is lovely what's the weirdest thing you eat weirdest combination dick bro i knew he was going to say it i knew it happened a combination just dick okay okay ever heard of eating a banana with mayo or dipping pickles into peanut butter right these food combinations do sound pretty wild but don't eat them just yeah first give them a try and who knows pizza with nutella might be cool your favorite dish whoa 28 bizarre food ideas you should give a go number one banana and bacon the history of this combo is kind of murky i've tried that have you no i would oh yeah no i'd i'd try that one yeah salty crispy bacon combined with sweet carb heavy banana makes a perfect mix put those ingredients on a slice that sounds nice some peanut butter and your ideal sandwich is ready peanut butter with bacon number two white chocolate and red caviar oh no no to no to both you know that chocolate it's all right it's just it's just not as good as milk chocolate milky barking that i mean that's nicer white chocolate you see what i put in chat the other day when someone called me good milk oh we called you good milk bro someone on twitter said you know who's an example of good milk ethan what does that mean so like it's a way of like other other races defining white people if they look good they call me good milk bro what kind of milk like i don't know i reckon i'm semi-skimmed no i drink a lot of almond milk so i'd probably be almond milk bro are you nutty i'm naughty bro nuts unlimited nut okay okay we're moving on my god number three chocolate and avocado and i don't really mean adding a bit of chocolate to your avocado toast although the very idea makes me well anyway you can also use a mouthful i'm gonna try oh milkshake i swear this is just everything with chocolate or peanut butter yeah thick layer of peanut butter over a slice of tomato this taste combination is surprisingly popular number five popcorn and milk right it's ethan what can we what good milk baby popcorn how do you eat that together let's see let's just find out sit like cereal replace breakfast cereal with yeah then they all mix i kind of claim this dish tastes no worse than it's more widespread and popular alternative that might be advised yeah but if you're describing something it's no worse that's not a good thing it's not yeah it's not a good thing if if i said to toby like oh toby you're no worse than ethan you [ __ ] that's not a compliment six nutella and french fries yes everything is chocolate it is yeah i think i've tried this if you slather some nutella over your french fries this famous hazelnut cocoa spread will taste even sweeter and nuttier i'd do this mcdonald's fries are so good with chocolate yeah yeah i reckon nutella that'd be very nice no i've done fries with the mcflurry pink hang wait what did you use ethan what you have you had no i said chocolate no i said mcdonald's chips are lovely anyway so chocolate would be nice i think oh yeah i think it'd be nice because i've done the milkshake i've dipped fries in milkshake before yeah fresno milkshake is sweet yeah it's nice number seven pizza and nutella everything is just chocolate it's just chocolate i'm hoping it gets a little bit weirder what's next dick and chocolate eight banana and mayonnaise and chocolate oh oh no if you sandwich a sliced banana between two pieces of bread and coat it with mayo you might be in for a pleasant surprise that is grim that one's suspect that's something josh would eat nine pickles and ice cream well i admit that this combination might not be for everyone but there are footages mix of salty and sweet vinegary and milky you can't just say salty and sweet taste good i don't like this normally when i watch these it makes me want to eat yes i'm going to try a couple of them i'm going to try a couple of them i was hungry before this although this one cheddar cheese and apple pie i will back what's this cheese and pie cheese and apple pie only because i back cheese and i was actually that was going to be my word you love cheese cheese and apple cheese an apple i called it chapel it was my way of you know she's pretty did you like that yeah bangs i finished my food now by the way yeah yeah quick found out you folded your arms ethan no no i haven't not today have you put the the tray to the side uh i have actually yes i went to the bride we got him 11. olive oil and ice cream are you for real yeah i bet that's what you're thinking now i read this combination it's a bit on the weird side but lots of people swear by it to get a mega delicious salty sweet combo sprinkle some olive oil along with a bit of sea salt vanilla ice cream salt yeah i'm screaming you know what i said it was all about you know i might soak my ice cream that that's because i used to soak my porridge i i put salt in my porridge it's very different no you can store your porridge you can saute your ice cream bro bro i'm gonna start salting my ice cream bro oh i'm going to try it all right next restaurant i'll go to i'll [ __ ] i'll get a restaurant tonight all right i'm going to put if i if there's dessert i'm going to get a scoop of ice cream and put some on it are you going with anyone that you may not want to put off uh i don't know because i'm just saying i'm just saying so you're trying to like first impressions you start whacking out salt on your ice cream listen uniqueness baby let's go uniqueness [Laughter] these days you can order this combo in most restaurants and no one will think you're a weirdo okay this one i could see yeah more and more people choose this option over the regular one with ketchup that's like um chili jam yeah i was gonna say like do that right yeah all right chili jam's nando's oh it made me hungry again that's a good sign i don't want no pickles of milk peanut butter and pickles first peanut butter and chocolate season honestly they've got 12 ingredients and they just have to find every combination in this case the vinegary flavor of the pickles with the peanut butter same do you when you get burgers do you take them out yeah of course i'm not even i like them bro yeah tony's that weirdo i'm just i'm i'm unique what's the word ethan no no you're not unique you leave in the norm you're an army you're a [ __ ] corrupt person bro wow 17. watermelon and salt watermelon and salt this probably slaps it probably does you know no wouldn't it just taste like salty water no there's like there's a nice sweetness to a watermelon mango and chili powder if you're a spicy food lover this combination might catch your fancy all right this is a this is like a a spice right yeah like you know if you've got like wings stop you can get like mango uh chili mango yeah yeah and there's also like mango chili chutney i'm hungry now this is why you eat durian reacts bro this is why is this why i'm validating it because people will be like ethan doesn't care [Laughter] peanut butter and bacon oh i'm sorry i swear we've already had this what do we have before banana no we have banana and bacon the smoothness of the peanut butter will contrast with the crispiness of the bacon yeah that was slapped though you know i'm gonna go buy some bacon after this bacon bacon ice cream and hot sauce wait pause that pause that pause ice cream and hot sauce even do this tonight no no no no no do it bro no this isn't the best place the place don't go into hot sauce doesn't exist bro i'm sorry ice cream and hot sauce yeah that's disgusting i feel like this is a second channel video you know we have to try all of them well i mean zucker did it so let's do it i'll do it i'll back it all right all right i'll organize peanut butter and mayo no no no no no no no no no no it has a long history people started to mix peanut butter rich and mayonnaise during difficult times when there was a lack of resources but later the sandwich surprisingly stuck around once people realized that it was actually delicious peanut butter and sriracha it's peanut butter and chocolate actually do you know what if you mix it together spicy salty peanut butter might actually be a vibe actually i'm taking it back just to weave it like a little bit of toast or something a little bit of sourdough i don't know so why why wouldn't you know like mayo peanut butter be good no because it's made of him and there's nothing attractive about me you have a drizzle of mayonnaise the sweet aftertaste of sriracha will make the oily and sticky peanut butter taste more interesting and the peanut butter in turn will reduce some of the sriracha's spiciness 23. green apple and salsa you've probably tried the truth is that their slightly sour taste is perfect for spicy dishes it offsets some heat but at the same time adds a strong and a bit bitter taste to the mix yeah 24. french fries and honey oh if you want to turn your french fries into something different and exciting but you don't want to use nutella ice cream or milkshake honey will do the trick okay this one will [ __ ] intrigue me that's intrigued me i typically mcdonald's [Laughter] watermelon and feta oh oh you got me oh you love being fat didn't you i love cheese you're a little [ __ ] cheese fanboy i'm a i'm a cheese fiend this cheese can taste even better when you combine it with fruit in particular watermelon the dense structure and saltiness of the feta adds extra flavor to the juicy red goodness oh this would be banging 26. pizza and honey hot honey can make an unexpected but undeniably enjoyable pizza toppings [Laughter] baby i'm here it'll offset the excessive amount of salt coming with let's say pepperoni so if you cook pizza at home try coating it with pepperoni peppers and honey and don't say i didn't warn you when you get addicted yeah that slabs yeah that'd be nice basil and strawberry right i'm gonna confess something right i'm gonna confess something basil uh i don't know all the other green leafs things that you put on plates yeah i don't taste them i honestly have the most basic taste buds me too you know then dons that say oh wow that basil is really offset in this pasta [Laughter] the pasta what's the one where you taste it and it's either it either tastes nicer it tastes like soap ah that's [ __ ] what'd you call it coriander coriander there you go yeah see again i i couldn't tell you what coriander tastes like because it really is very liquidy taste of green very liquid bro it's foul it tastes very smooth pickle brine and chicken brining chicken in pickle juice helps to keep the meat moist and at the same time preserves its natural flavor i'm out i'm out i'm out i was really hungry and now now this i hate that word as well brian keeps the meat moist nice brine and moist that's some moist bread oh i'm drooling over my briny moist chicken [Laughter] on top of that you don't need to use salt in the process since the brine is salty enough side men brine themselves for 24 hours brain men moist men let's go all right bye peace i just want to moist the brine [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 935,265
Rating: 4.9720511 out of 5
Id: CDES6CJs2y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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