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playlist gta anal congrats to the sidemen on getting 10 million subscribers on the sideline channel oh this is a special track in honor of the silence now they always say congratulations he's a bit late okay he could have made it maybe this could have been made yeah 11 mil track please wait wait wait wait there's a guy in the lobby he just said jj [Music] don't give us the pipe don't don't reply just don't reply [Music] hey harry what car you got a slow start harry i'm going out i say [ __ ] you [ __ ] you that's just very mean oh this is lagging bro what's happened to me oh my god i'm a [ __ ] mom oh oh god oh man oh baby watch out with moves like that i'm in the drink i'm going to drink ow baby big bro did you go around the corner at the wall oh you know it's not my phone no no no no i didn't mean this not that again there's a playboy [Music] that is that is the best one i've ever seen in gta he made it poorly in gta oh poor guy oh what is going on harry and jj just always end up racing by the way i don't love me in there i'm [ __ ] i'm catching you boys oh yeah you're not there are you what's happening where is he he's forgotten josh is a prick [ __ ] you come down wait wait you [Applause] by the way it does say current lap and i it was it was set to four but i did change it to three three it was on four three was like a good one after the wall ride let's do a formation oh this is going to be a mess this is going to be a hot mess he knows in the mud no you [ __ ] helped my channel toby toby toby i couldn't control it i couldn't control it jj is on for you bro just know that it's on jj is on facebook oh i'm going so slowly it is odd oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hold on oh god nice bro oh that's going to play real nice i don't like you saying that to me that was a little bit suspicious yeah what do you say nice what does that mean jj yeah what happens going tonight it was real nice what look at us just racing look at the boys throwing back the years just a couple 30 year olds playing [Laughter] there was a comment on my video that said even 25 brackets nearly 30. that was ever so toxic of either we were just having an idea that was ever so toxic i went private school i don't say that what's that true [Music] oh why why why must you punish me gta why must you suffer simon you oh bloody monsters [Music] yeah but he didn't he's i've seen him [Laughter] both doctors oh let's go yes [Applause] the big stars [Music] this is what happens bro it's not fair man i tried so hard it comes so far bro what did we try so hard you cheated in the end it didn't even matter see what happens gonna next in the next race shut up shut up ginger barons ate something i didn't see it everyone choose dune the [ __ ] dude oh here we go yeah oh wait oh it's gonna matter you gotta pick it up i can't get eyes you can't get there wait you picked a sick car i was still struggling that's scamming don't worry i'm going to stabilize i'm not doing the race don't worry don't worry you can't stabilize that major statement because it's still oh lord have mercy on my poor little poor little soul oh yes hold that yes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's oh no no dirty tricks yes hey friends [ __ ] fake oh i'm still tipping you man [Laughter] you said i'm toxic i'm stuck from oh oh i'm out i'm on my side bro my connection is doing me a solid bro that you need to get ethan i don't know where he is you just jump past him yeah because he wasn't he teleported last second oh actually this is a [ __ ] oh my god i'm really upset because you picked a stinker they said i don't like this game [Music] hold that look i got it yeah i see him i see him i see him who's in first now no he still is is it he's still first by queen don't listen don't listen i'm not vicky years he left her i [ __ ] hate this [Laughter] he sounded like oh simon's gone airborne i'm fourth now vic you better be [ __ ] moving i i stopped simon i've got someone he's right i think toby deserves to win i don't need your pee i can't give him a pity win you paid rent to live in his [ __ ] bro that's crazy how much is it oh [ __ ] off [Laughter] i'm on two wheels what the [ __ ] am i doing get off me you dog ah go jj go this thing's a piece of [ __ ] look he's just walking i want to die i was simon this is all you i was first i was first my three seconds first lads i feel like we now need to team up against aj i hate you what why why ah [Music] oh lads i've got gta loading times [Applause] oh harry harry stopped happy what's happening harry's not spoken since he said i [ __ ] ate this i swear to god i'm actually about to jump on my window no hurry holy harry what are you doing [Music] oh [Music] oh [Laughter] oh [Music] [Applause] yes harry [Laughter] this game has been so fun i've really enjoyed myself here today guys this is our [ __ ] off oh the first one was so much fun i've actually wanted like i've wanted to win this this isn't awful i'm not gonna finish oh my god it's either there's my [Laughter] this is causing cortisol bro it's stress like stress i'm getting stressed over nothing this is how he's dressing us [ __ ] hate this i [ __ ] hate this stunters the rockets you've got to take a car i think you've got to drive up try and hit people while they try and hit you with rocket launchers geez geez all right come on ethan he's done jj oh the classic the classic team i built myself i've hurt myself why are we squelching what's that squelching it's wet we've got some nice cars today we've got to kill them oh [ __ ] i don't want to be out there nice my team got my back where are they on the platform in the top middle [ __ ] you jj oh my god did you find this yeah you i'm dead i'm dead i said i'll thank you did i kill you though right yeah yeah of course i'm next to you bro jj is on youtube i said it's working it's worth it now it's a wonderful jj you got it is it just vic and jj left come on vic come on vicky weak i feel very confident i reckon i'm gonna hit someone with a rocket before they even go up around all right game time baby how do i select my rocket uh l1 hey oh that wasn't enough oh no let's be gone bro okay i'm gonna go to the toilet oh ethan's gone yeah okay let's stop all over this way that's set ksi if you're bad if you're bad yeah got it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] peggy [ __ ] you just say beggy i will only shoot at you when you're in the assignment to give you a chance we won't shoot you on the floor i can't promise anything this sounds like just a vic deal okay no i'll back the door oh i'm trying to time it before he comes up the ramp i feel like it's quite easy you're quite screwed here because we're all here waiting there is no way for me actually i know i know how let's do it he's got a plan boys he's got a plan oh that one's quite easy that's nearly epic go and do it again watch what happens someone just shot me yeah not me [Music] oh he nearly got me that was sick that was sick i didn't do anything shut up and take the compliment for the win boys come on come on i'm floating i'm like a bird i'm gonna float away bro let me pick up any weapons any rockets that's unfortunate change weapon um oh what are you doing ah harry i thought that was a ramp now i'm stopping for the underside of the frame bro i've got all my i've got unlimited weapons i've got a mini gun bruh wait wait why are you laughing please [Laughter] oh what's this railgun what the [ __ ] have you got all the guns i left harry looking like a block of cheese bro i died inside ten seconds time i'd like to live long enough should you try and beat your record no don't this time you blame josh bro josh was too techy all right how do i get all these i have more weapons yeah oh i just saw rocket coming at me straight away i don't like it oh my god i like it i don't like it oh my god so where do you unlock the special weapons i don't know how i did it but i did it oh my god that was terrifying hey weak star [ __ ] i went over all the way again [ __ ] oh hey yes um it's very scary it's very scary it's very scary bez is teleporting all over the place so where actually is he just shoot everywhere i hope oh
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 8,997,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: sadohVSF2yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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