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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheDavinci1998 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2022 🗫︎ replies
it's just a racing day no no no no no it's a sneaky game to you then mario kart yeah yeah mario kart smoke boys boys mario kart if we i i i i i challenge you uh to 10 ten ten games of my grand prix on mario kart if i don't win i'll give you all ten bags all right from sidemen obviously no from you from me i'll give you talent [Music] when i simon do a mario kart when are the sidemen free [Music] [Applause] [Music] together but we've done it and we're here this is the episode one of the new sidemen series side men do mario kart series if you're watching this no no no no no no speed and watch it's the end [Music] right by roman finished ethan how do you find his game so far oh yes it's phenomenal [Laughter] you all laughed at me [Music] three [Music] uh yeah searching for players it says currently he's currently spectating get ready he might not be in the three great that's good amazing news he got in too late sounds like a yellow yeah [Laughter] oh now we have to see if he gets to the next one oh there we go harry i'm expecting fantastic things from you by the way you've been working on the next race it says here we go that's good then i'm watching josh look at look at harry's leading the bank i heard you how about boost they're a boost yeah take that one toby already we were the only ones that played it yes exactly i reckon the day we got views on that game was the day we went holy okay okay hello oh i'm [ __ ] this up someone's on my ass by the way hello it was you fair play oh my god two is this going to be a mini minter haraldini alright why you shoot me for [ __ ] oh prick because i got shot oh no i'm scuffing this up bro it's harry actually going clear all it takes is blue blue shell yeah a true voice again who's trying to take me out what's your cell phone what let me watch you harry is actually coming don't worry don't worry i'm chasing yeah who are you talking to these thoughts are you shooting me from behind we're holding each other back but then actually shooting me and i mean i'm watching bogue on the track it's outrageous harry is it drift all the time or what can i give some tips yeah you drift a lot you drift a lot do you have to like counter address and do new ones make it faster or is it nothing just the longer you charge it up like more yeah it gets to like how are you good at this but [ __ ] other racing it's a different kind of game man toby you couldn't give me a heads up jewish we're drew a blue shell like there's always a blue shell what's a blue shell it hits first place [Music] what i'm watching bog do on the track it's outrageous i can't believe it how did you get it again all it takes is one blue blue shell and it's a game changer the blue shoe don't do me no no no no no no no oh my god oh every time by some [ __ ] oh my goodness baby mario beat jj what cc is that guy that's rude man no this is ridiculous man you guys know how to play this game we don't he's even in now yeah yeah just said in the chat come on no rainbow road rainbow road right right please don't maybe do that on my first time sometimes you have to learn the hard way bro i've gone for piranha pipe dude you won't finish the race all right this is my race this one right here jj just don't come last okay oh it's me i'm losing cpu here i bought i lost the cpu hey cpu are we okay let's go oh this is a stinky track by the way you bastard oh yeah why is it stinky this is just one of them the [ __ ] is this track i'm lost hey hey hey hey sis hey oh i didn't mean to do that why are you putting the bandana oh god i don't actually mean to i got a booster booster mom guys oh okay well harry like went past me my guy didn't like no blue shield what does that mean hopefully she'll just murk me bro already is it mad wait i didn't make the jump why didn't i don't you worry brother i'm confirming this why is that on me i just drove into a banana don't don't do it don't do it don't don't miss the staff oh it's my actual power up oh look oh my harry bro this is mario kart leave your language alone what do you mean leave your language alone it's mario kart little kiddies game that's why he's good at it that's not very nice no harry's good at it bro i can't do well in this game man i don't understand why are you guys so fast i think you gotta do what uh try and drift a lot oh for god's sake man third is not the worst place to be last is probably worse i'd say if you're last then you get like better power-ups to shoot people ahead of you i know i didn't make the jump how is that possible i didn't do it either i'm unfortunate someone get uh someone get a blue shell now please what does the sunflower do why don't i ever make the jump what's wrong with me are you holding faith oh josh you're invincible oh my gosh don't crash into me you keep getting exploded bro come on oh my god i can't turn i was inferred number eight for you mad this is battlefield stinkers back here no are you bastard i get you yeah you did get me oh bazinga sick place yeah oh [Music] that i bought this when we was at harrods this didn't cost me money that's the one thing i have no well no beds we all bought one so you paid full price for one no no someone paid for this someone must pay for what this is rainbow road rainbow road rainbow road that's the old rainbow road as well that's a [ __ ] killer [ __ ] that's a killer oh what is this everyone's rainbow [Music] gratification you gotta work hard for your rainbow run oh my god i've i've i've i've got to go oh this is a very simple track is harry b to be chapped right now of course he is that's awesome harry can you get some tips this was his game remember got any tips harry or no oh well i'm currently in fifth so probably not no hi yeah bastard just dropped the rng show up i'll show you rng like simon's pretty good as well you know simon is good like he's he's keeping quiet but he's pretty [ __ ] nifty you pass out like extra drifts i don't know what he's talking about maybe not they're asking you from tips you're in first again all right give me some tips you get swag line do you get swag lines on this guy [Laughter] mario kart was made for those moments you'll give me a tip probably choose harry's character that's my tip is harry gotta pay to win sorry oh whatever no no you're [ __ ] interested you're doing sorry to win certain characters are faster certain ones are stronger oh that's common mario kart knowledge [ __ ] oh jj's got to rock it about the [ __ ] time i get a bit better i mean first you ask me where the dividends are and i'm like because you [ __ ] swore the whole time yeah [ __ ] fine you know what i mean is it yeah guys language man blue shell [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm on 40 points and someone's on 39 going to the final race it's all the drama mick i just love it rainbow road rainbow road they've got to do something where's rainbow road simon they have to twerk for rainbow road rainbow road rainbow road rainbow road come on whoever hasn't voted let's change it to the guards here it's up to the guards jj rainbow road oh this is hard this is hard jj my aim is to beat you well my aim is to just do well yeah jj if you lose to ethan by the way it's embarrassing because he missed the race that is embarrassing oh my god watch me now me josh and toby all within three points here it's about on the midfield go on son there we go how do i get the boost boys on as two's disappearing yeah i'm trying out here they're too late maybe oh great i get [ __ ] hit dwight what no i saw that no i just like the most tory ksi rage there is no piss i was wondering that there are shortcuts there's also um the wiggle while you drift [ __ ] off so we've got your drift yeah huh excuse me do you mind do you mind jj king [ __ ] show at me in prison what do i do oh is that you're not not your reds no but i'm [ __ ] third jj man i've been [ __ ] red shield five times this prick [Music] you've ruined my [ __ ] time this is going to be me oh another oh my god why do you not want me to succeed oh harry made a bet with us what was the bet it was 10 grand oh what was the 10 crown bet you said you just see yeah you said you'd beat all of us well and i've only got it right oh no oh nelly come on oh yes yes they shot my clock sucked back [ __ ] stop come on fat dog oh man suck it hard he's done it don't even get second i didn't get second thank god he's done it carlos you mentor gosh you let me have something something that is a bit peaked bro he's been waiting all year you know what yes indoor face i didn't even race don't give a [ __ ] still beat you [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 4,317,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: meFEJW8jG9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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