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no oh my God this is the best round of a movie please oh my God oh my God just subscribe man we need eight mil Subs please you get prizes if you subscribe what the hell do it what about Sheriff what does that do what Sheriff does is say Pie Face say your Sheriff yeah there's still two killers you can kill someone yeah as the sheriff if if they are a killer they will die but if you try and kill an innocent person you die oh God yeah do that do that I can feel some real Bazinga moments I can feel some real Bazinga moments coming man all right I'm ready let's go put this new sheriff in town oh let's go imposter oh how fun it's always me and Harry so you know it's gonna be a tough one oh boo and crew simulator has continued for by Facebook so if I think there's a little bit of suss somewhere I can kill I'm the wizard of Randolph like Randolph the gray or Randolph the I'm gonna make Simon's life a living hell come on Simon let's go mate come on come on mate come on mate yep yep yep Harry looks so beautiful man how is a little blob look how cute Harry is little cutie it's Randy dog the dog he's got the dog in him it's the pie Danny Danny leave me alone I will shoot you I will shoot Danny just walking with my best friend Lads might hold hands who knows all right let me do uh lights there we go oh no oh I think it's Harry's not gonna pull the trigger is he there's just no way all right we have to do that double kill oh we're out here okay I like that I like that hey we'll probably get away with this we'll see the Oxford depleted why is that why is laser running this way see I'm preparing myself Danny is chasing me I'm losing him I'm losing him okay Pie Face I'm losing him I've lost him I've lost him I found him oh dead body Danny leave me alone okay it is a double they're both at the back of electrical okay oh it's a double oh Harry hello I will say pie yeah I can all right so I left electrical early doors because I diverted some power and I've run up to the top right I'm now a nav but on my way there I run past Harry Zucker and Victor I'll go on best okay yes yes that is unreal no shot go on Bez I think it's Harry I've Just Seen Harry come out of Camp so he could have killed an event I was I was on Council the whole time I saw laser running your wave of oxygen and I I I I was like you bastard is that how you was like oh you've mastered Harry was you yeah no we did run past each other because I was like someone calls oxygen and there's dead bodies on the other side who did who did the right hand O2 because they're real easy me and Toby did the last he invented the bottom I did the right one well how long did it take because I was doing my download and I was like I ain't stopping my download for this [ __ ] uh Simon why did you not do it top right because you were chasing me and I was scared no I want everyone to know I was the only one on that O2 by the way why Ethan it was no one was around people that side no one was around me there no one else so where was the rest of the people Ethan's on right everyone's left side you literally yeah I have an important question the the sheriff kill by the way do you die instantly in the place that you make the kill yes except it's not bet your money now Sam's gonna shoot Harry okay my early shot early shot is the most sausage everyone watch me talk to Harry yeah yes thank my Matthew assignment is hard cleared now we can find a different person to annoy hurry hurry hurry hurry he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me stay away that's Harry it's gonna use her and stabs and Abby quick that'd be a great place come here Harry come here stay away stay away Harry why are you running bro stay away Simon please who is on cams again [Music] now he's suss with me I'm going for it here he killed okay oh my god did you do this there we go this is the best route I've ever played right okay there's I don't know about that one I don't know about that one loud I don't know I don't know all right I was right there boss I saw you in my own eyes press the buttons it's both for them it's them too hey what's going on oh you look click Harry no you look don't ask questions ask questions please I believe Harry why does Harry sound so exasperated can I break it down yeah so I start running back to navigation to stabilize the steering yeah I see Harry and Simon run into the office so the sheriff has been killed or killed themselves if your Sheriff speak up why would you why would you snap it to yourself the sheriff is gone say you're a sheriff why would you say you're a sheriff because Harry Styles why have you sorry I'm confused I think it's not dumb Lindsay said I'm gonna follow Harry around and kill him yeah he put some questions very well there yeah early I might have a chance I had to kill I couldn't let Simon kill when I have to do it it was very funny it was so funny you shocked me I was like what are the u-turns and kills Simon then you do it straight away this might be one of the best friends ever though this is a good round Oh see now now I feel like it now I feel like I've let myself down today because I was doing so well but I think it was bog because he was in here with Simon unless Simon was the sheriff and tried to shoot him and just died that could be what happened ah poo I've let myself down damn it well this is a shambles oh no I've just clunked Vic's got a major point oh no oh yeah we're getting marinated I was so confused that entire time I'm being cooked to medium rare Perfection right now I like this new role was throwing a spanner in the works oh he's not mate laser beam is just a cab Merchant he's fine going to Med bait oh Vic stances came from Med Bay I didn't see him maybe I'm just stupid it is there I'm really bad at this and I yes I do feel like this is a little Danny Aaron's game it's getting a feeling you know and you can just feel a Danny Aaron's imposter game way too many people around here I I just need to find come on he's just killed all right well it's not this then yeah I'm a genius laser speed speak now later speak now where'd you see Lannon oh I said I walk into electrical and I see your body no no no no no no why no uh because this is top right oh okay he was doing the weapon thing where you shoot 20 things are you are you you're joking no I'm not joking he's top right Oh Daddy I would be inclined to agree bro I reported the body come on Danny come on Danny it's done it's time he's gone no it's done it's done he said he's an electrical when he's top right electrical's bottom left the body though yeah it's not because you killed him and then reported it okay where are you right you have to be where the body is to report it you said he's in the upper corner of the map shut up Toby yeah this this was right in storage shut up one person at a time yeah please I was in storage I saw nothing so and I came from the left I'm I'm hanging around cameras and dancing in front of them yeah and Ethan you saw me dancing I saw you dancing on camera yeah and I so that that anyone can dance on cam I could be killer yeah yeah yeah but the location is important I you can verify on the top right and and I mean you might not seen this right but this was top right doing the weapons thing lasers killed him panicked and self-reported that makes sense of what I saw Danny's holy [ __ ] it's both of them then yeah hold on yeah it's laser it's laser oh my God I thought I was joining the group I beat a [ __ ] [ __ ] last game I didn't even scrape the surface of the unintelligence I might have made a mistake there but I've said it with chess so it's done now I think I'm right I believe I'm right I backed myself he was top right I'll take that I actually want to blame Landon for that though because you literally walked past Vic walking past the body yeah yeah I was I was good it was too funny foreign I shouldn't be here I don't know what to do I'm not even taking information yet anymore I'm just shook I'm second guessing myself I can't lie oh well it's done now look like it's gonna get clipped up and maybe if I'm in if I'm in the wrongs you know what I mean it's done boys stop stop oh no oh I voted that bog and it won't bog um that was Simon's trying to shoot him oh no right we need to safety but we need to hope we don't get a thing and safety button oh dear I don't I don't want to be here anymore I'll try to light it's Vic and these little gun and free travel winners Rick oh the lights are dead someone's dead in cafeteria what the what is Ethan doing there hold a meeting all right good man good man all right okay okay then he got one now we can work this out right we can work this out we don't yeah the game would be over so at some point yeah we can work yeah but we can we can work this out it has to it might well from my from my uh view has to either be Vic or Danny well that's what I think Danny started shouting hold that so I just agreed with Danny last time well the thing is the thing is we had to vote we're on six yeah we had to vote together as long as we vote together oh this is a Bazinga moment there's a bazinka moment Danny who do you think it is because I agree with you but it evidently wasn't right I think it's you Victor nice yes come on it's for my guy yes why because you're trying to latch onto me being my best friend I think it's you yes I've got this in the bag I'm not in doubt never in doubt of Bez no I think you got it wrong I think I think what you said May 10th but how can that be true how could he have been in the top right I'm not sure I'm really not sure okay great only shouts like that when summit's really wrong oh really right and I've exposed them best best you and you and um uh you and visualizer were were nailed on that it was Harry right so I would be shot and then and then I think I thought that I think Simon tried to shoot Harry no oh they killed me yes no he's just too easy influence so he's actually like innocent Soul he's a dad but he's too easy influence honey that's what I think happened so Harry if you're hearing this boss um we know the sheriff is dead because the sheriff yeah yeah one of us would be saying by now I'm the sheriff let me do this I mean I'm gonna guess that they're dead so I hate this I I but you could be just finessing well yeah I could be I like I like that I like pie bean sauce I have so many regrets oh that's a clue I don't know who to kill I don't know who to kill oh I'm not too sure what we do now to be honest with you um can't fix Vic's my boy I like Victor I think it could be pie I think it's pie I don't know why they're accusing me the whole bloody Sheriff thing is probably confused but I'm assuming the sheriff is dead so I'll just play this like we normally would don't know what to do Whack Him on the way I was supposed to kill him on the way eight three eight eight three easy peasy what are we doing then don't do it don't do it don't do it run away run away run away away run away there's sauce on me so I got fat I'm not gonna die might use me I panicked I played it safe no no I don't like that I don't like that but then again well no here's the situation is whoever the Imposter is is not gonna kill me because you sussing me so I I don't think I'm gonna die so I'm pretty like I just wanted to see whether so what do you want to do with this meeting mate well waste time you want to waste time and drop momentum I want I want everybody to vote me out right now quickly no no no no no no we can quickly skip everyone it was just a safety button no no what everyone's everyone click on my name and click the guys why why yeah I'm gonna tell you yesterday no no no there's no why do you want to be back without have you had enough yes I don't want any part of this Labs all right just vote me okay I voted for myself get in your head it's Daddy it's Daddy and he will not kill me because yeah do you think it's him just skip me I've skipped but I'm telling you now please get me out man I don't want to do different Ethan kill me kill me Shut the [ __ ] up I don't want to be here from day one he doesn't want to say it because he knows that something's really bad he just yeah we're gonna do it anyway no one has a darn gosh Dawn clue I'm so confused our pie is sending me I don't know if pie is just stupid or smart he's sending me I just I can't make it blatant I can't make or do I just make it blatant on Danny did I just kill Ethan in front of him I don't know what to do as I can't lie I've got no idea what to do you even wants out do it just end me do it all right oh that's fake stuff thank God I'm gonna be a cam Merchant why not if in doubt go on cams lights are off oh Red's dead wait Red's dead what does that mean Ethan's dead and Pie was there Empire is there um maybe when the lights go out oh someone ran away all right I'm gonna stay with pie uh I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I have no idea what to do I'm gonna throw an impossible this I think it's Pi that's it's turning them back on Danny I still got the top of the map there it is then right so we know it's Danny come on hi where did you come from left or right left let me speak all my life it's Pie Face promise you I was on camera saw him kill him saw him kill him on cameras foreign I absolutely wasted it there's obviously you that is it is it is it you ironically you've got pie on your face mate Danny you went you went before Danny you're at the full museum is it my fault you're saying it's my fault yes Danny Lannon watched Vic kill in electrical and then you shouted him that he was in the top right that laser beam this is my apology I thought just then they were going to each vote a different person I purposely didn't vote and down it you wouldn't decide why did you not here you've got no balls mate you've got no balls you didn't let me discuss it and then you ah it's all your fault Barrett it's all your fault also you hide it from the start bus did I yeah yeah you said Harry from The Stars was literally the answer yeah but that game bro Harry what the [ __ ] was that game I'm so happy you killed me that was Unreal argument you proposed I was like wait hold on did you die in electrical yeah you saw me there but like 30 seconds ago sorry it was I was my bad because I also didn't say Vic's name till the end because I was so stunned I was like what the [ __ ] business hey London I was waiting I was sat there waiting for you to throw me under the bus and I had nothing if you'd have just said it was Vic I would have been like yeah I should have because I was trying to be like all right I saw the body like I was just gonna do a thing oh I literally said I said I'm gonna run after Harry and kill him and then I'm dead Simon where are you the sheriff yeah I literally said I was the sheriff saying genuine question though are you supposed to admit if you are the show well in some situations you can but Simon said before guys uh watch me like yeah I was like the only one that was chasing him and then even in that first in that first meeting yeah he was just answering like classic well then I ran after him got killed and no one thought it was him Daddy's uh well well laser I saw you and and your bastard I was like Johnny Johnny oh [ __ ] we've been givered the key to the city I'm a crew mate yes oh I got a special role that was the first time that Lannon hasn't said his imposter I reckon it's Landon oh for crying out loud not again not again please I've just been through the absolute blender for this not again it's on site fat absolutely anybody it's just on site I might just Jam in this event honestly I did mug it a little bit bro it was not even five seconds all right I'm I'm actually a detective now I'm a sheriff hey I can use a vet I can use the vet I'm just tempted to do it just for the absolute Pierce today I'm blind I can't see I can't see I feel embarrassed boys I can't lie I feel heavily I don't want to be here anymore I feel embarrassed I gotta makeup for it let me make up for it all right I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the biggest brain person ever oh okay where's the door oh my God all right quickly Randy yeah had you been in reactor at all no right okay I can't see a thing Bez oh he's blind legally blind brilliant Annie Darren's I've got big issues with you around yeah and I'm I'm happy to to discuss I come from electrical right Simon can vouch I've done my task he wasn't electrical yeah yeah I'll run to the left I clock Annie down running down from the reactor Corridor no I can't no and I've got a backup I haven't finished let him finish yeah and I see the dead body just yeah they're doing that that is that is true but then Randolph was was in the corridor too but yeah I have a question but it's not towards you Ethan okay Randolph yes I need Aaron's what did you do so right I'll tell you what I did right I was walking through cafeteria and I'm I'm blind right so I'm just walking into walls and going out and then I'm walking into another world going out out so now I come across Bears how did you know it was Bears if you're blind uh well I'm just pretending to be blinds Randy did you blindly kill someone by accident with your Bears no I didn't listen me and you were coming from the same cloth um it's not me honestly it's not okay but you could be trying to play into my specialness I I went down I went on cameras and I saw Randy go top left but I didn't see him go in reactor to my knowledge yeah so I don't like I don't know we could skip but but I I don't know what to say but I don't know I don't know what information to bring to you a lot I don't you guys are out of blankets you seem um yeah no because I don't know how to argue what you're saying he's got his foot in his mouth if I leave this round okay cool it's Danny so just so you know uh Sheriff's convinced so if you see me vent I'm a sheriff oh okay actually yeah I don't think they can well we got away with that one pretty easily that might be the the vibe you know I'll be there I'll be the vent the vent Gremlin or just killing jumping event right we went for a new kid we're gonna we're gonna go for some kill with this round we've gone for no kills I didn't know what to do there twice I've got a wave with it but I don't know how I was SAS there look at Randy ow ow being in one of these lobbies is like the greatest and the worst thing at the same time not even playing together games it's obvious it was him man he's obvious it was him it was so obvious coming on camera oh who does Rampart who's this that's wrong there's that aspect I can't trust this dude look at a mess with my boy realistically I'm pretty much safe because I'm the most oh God I think it's Pie Face I think it's Pie Face I saw bears and Pie where did you see me I was gonna say it's pie at the top left yeah yeah where has this come from you came out of electrical I was in electrical I wasn't electrical to start the round Simon I'll tell you what I've seen I've seen Danny Aaron's likes the killing electrical and then no that's not I'm literally where he was again are you jealous Ethan Ethan you just said I'm in cameras right now bro with me get him out I think it's fixed what are you talking about the long way round like yeah you came over the top what are you talking about I'm just saying did you vent because people vent intermed I was in react to the night's rough and I went into cameras because they was on so I think Danny killed and went vented up and jumped to the camera pie okay I'm literally in electrical right Josh I'm in front of you no I saw it I saw it bro sure if you want to go shoot Vic thank you I'm gonna shoot Vic I'm the sheriff I don't even come back into that body maybe why after it leaves a scene but probably might have left a scene you know kill one and leave the scene and why did dinosaurs the fact that he ran past ply ah this Lobby is so silly I'm lit why is Josh not right Josh is sus Josh is sus I didn't clock that Josh is a sus boy he wants us me really I mean I literally sit over the body because how is he not backing me when I'm two inches away from him little dork [ __ ] got to run gotta run got to get away from London before I get shot also got to kill Simon I don't know how he knows but it's probably because I'm steering the conversation away from my teammate because my teammates are having rough ones bro I think I need to go for a no-kill around here try and avoid some us there's heavy stuff Harry got me locked in I might just do it for the laugh of it all right I don't know if it's Vic but I might just do it for the life of it just roll the dice you know just roll the dice my teammates are having rough ones oh London's coming for me run run run run he ran away from lights I would do it where is he where is Victor so they're running away from here have they done something something heinous no I haven't I tried to just hide from the sheriff like do I just have to hide from Lannon yeah shoot him shoot him okay listen to stay away find him and shoot him where is Victor I'm looking for him where is Victor where is he oh [ __ ] off someone's in NAB all two people in Med oh hello two people in bed they perhaps a dead body in cafeteria dead body and cafeteria and our pies could have Pie's gonna be sussing me now bro I'm looking for Vic where he's aim I was waiting for you to shoot him I was enough I was just coming out you're done let me let me hit that right hey Daddy that's why we're in a row I have a question daddy that's three in a row Danny you have a question I have a question I saw Danny run up to the body it wasn't Danny hey Simon was suss on Vic previous round that's all I'm saying Vic can we do a name because I am actually Chef it takes 20 seconds for the kill counter to come up let's play it right so you wanna fight if you're not the killer if you're not the killer you'll happily stand right next to me all right you'll have to stand right next to me yes I like it so we'll stand right next to each other it's door dice the ultimate 55. let's go watch it let's do it we can stay on muted if we want let's just let's just stay here all right let's get it yeah yeah be careful careful as police do sometimes they misfire you know let's just let's just focus get ready oh my God oh my God oh oh I could resistance sorry right well laser shot him right then Vic star wasn't the Imposter boys you don't think no Danny oh my God Danny Aaron's a new Contender for the worst someone was playing in this Lobby laser laser said he was going to shots why did the lights go off did he run oh no I don't want to speak I don't want to speak I know I think laser beams The Imposter do you oh we can't vote on four though we can't oh I don't like it I don't like it we know there's only one imposter though because unless they picked up the settings when it says sheriffs can kill neutrals it actually meant it could kill them no we turn that off we turn that off okay because vixar was dead outside electrical and you just stood over it oh wait yeah there was three but there was three kills so that's what I'm saying I think you did Kill the yeah I think Laser's calm then sorry yeah I I like that yeah no no no no you're calm you'll come so it's pipe well in the LA in the last round all I'm saying is the kill couldn't have been dally in the last round but you could have stumbled on it Danny you might again if we want to actually win we could I'm left with 100 [Applause] to see what happens no I didn't I skipped I skipped I promise let's see what happens that's poor we don't vote on four I hate this I like it good luck Ethan all right well I was about to turn off my computer sorry Josh I lost control I lost control shocked it's probably stupid to skip I don't know I just don't know anything else about any other killer we have to try and pull some crazy Mad player okay what do we do what do we do what do we do okay I think it's Ethan you know Ethan's trying to gain my trust he wouldn't be doing that task this late on would he you would not do that task that later on I'm getting away from Ethan I'm not trusting even it could be Landon but I believe he's the sheriff I believe he's the sheriff man oh my God no way no wait no don't worry boys I'm here I'll do your job for you there you go lasers see me do lights we're now boys where is he I need to fight I genuinely have to be the one they kill can like there's no way out and there's no way out I'm gonna go hit a meeting and otherwise I might run out of time I don't like that yeah yeah yeah no I'm just checking just checking I was gonna do the same thing but I didn't want to I wish you yeah I didn't I didn't want to embarrass myself but I did think about doing the meeting thing I guess in a scenario technically we can vote though because effectively we are on we are oh now now the ball's moving no because the gold posts are moving hey look I've got no knowledge that can die here is laser effectively right you you've shot your shot you killed Victor didn't you you did that yes I did I can kill again if you want me to I absolutely I think he's gone again I think if you've got another bullet I think you shoot pie I think Ethan I think you're trying to I'm quite concerned Bez about how much you're trying to yeah I agree no we could do something here right because if I shoot okay if we all stand around I shoot pie he dies we win yeah I die we know he's not the killer yeah yeah but then it still comes down to use two so it's like yeah you saw me do lights my friend I did I that is true that is true I did see him do lights and it is good for the video Let's Do It standoff at Western a real Western let's do it let's do it I like shooting people come on great come on okay I actually low-key think he's the Imposter though I'm not taking the standoff just in case laser is the Imposter but you're not taking it you ain't got balls follow him chase him oh you're done son you're done you're done you're come here boy fit close the [ __ ] doors the lights close the doors please we're gonna arrest our own officer pie you've betrayed the force you've betrayed the force buddy anger is not to wear the jacket yeah help me out bro you're done you're done buddy yes yes [Applause] what a video man what videos hey Danny Danny it's good it's a good thing you did Minecraft man I thought I played that quite well now you're so [ __ ] Danny he was involved in the first three rewards once yeah about to vote lannanov after he just killed because I thought he was the Imposter I thought he was big braining it should we do a different role well you want me to add another one we're saying add like 12. nah just add all of them bro I don't know what I want complete confusion yeah literally I every role I just go mental
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 9,205,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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