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no I don't know what to do what's on my door so I'm just gonna start the game indeed there well I didn't know what the blooming game is oh no I don't even know what's happening Among Us good luck guys okay I forgot how to kill people all right I'm a crew mate [Music] I'm massive oh so Josh is the giant Donnie he just moves really slow fantastic I'm slow I'm massive get out of the way wait oh my God look at the size of Josh that looks stressful Josh is massive it's the joke I guess we're doing it in the giant mod today [Laughter] sidemen Among Us I wonder what hurts your brain more sidemen Among Us or drinking battery acid oh I've not played Among Us in ages you know um let me fake a task real quick I want to murder Toby any Darren's double double double double double look are you you're an idiot right I'm just gonna do Simon says whatever all right I'm the biggest boy on the crew though mate you know yeah I'm swole as hell been ingesting some protein all right I don't see anything weird yet so that's a good start lucky dog is following me he's he's straight fire bro this guy's swole I don't see that swole guy Jesus Christ that's bulking season you know I've been working out Josh is a frog oh is he that he's the giant that's the biggest damn frog I've ever seen my God it must be so painful being Josh right now look at him who's bigger me or the Frog honestly I'm the real giant of this Lobby why are you looking at me stop looking at me why is landing like security for the door London's just as big as as Josh and Josh is a giant hello Randy I like Randy Danny Aarons I need Aarons he will kill me I know he will I will never kill Randy in a million years bang right now I've got two Alibis just gonna marinate them by the way it's gonna say has earned 10 million pounds from FIFA just this year I heard that in the in the Grapevine right I'm literally a tourist attraction at this point someone else you gotta go the auction's depletion we'll get there if we go we'll get there come on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I have a feeling we've killed absolutely nobody we're gonna we're gonna team up here and we kind of need to do that as an imposter all right let's go for like a double kill oh there's two people in here ah fireman hasn't moved from the cafeteria do we think he's the Killer [Music] and he's just AFK cut to Simon's camera right now is he there is there something else is that is anything gonna happen here it must be a dead body by now surely no dead bodies yet what's going on surely someone's dead by now nothing's happening bro what is going on oh no we can't we can't we can't we can't this has been a very long round oh Jesus I'm so bad I'm so bad slaughtered in five like I'm gonna find a dead body three there's got to be a dead body somewhere one I don't know who's gonna get framed for it that's a shocking twist I feel like lachlan's probably uh anger at me right now are you idiot you state the lyrics well it all makes sense now oh I don't know what to do oh I don't know what to do I've really done what to do a long time I'm gonna call me in a second I want to say once they fix this okay I'm back oh he's back [Music] oh oh my God just one kill my my that's all that time the police force will never recover I was knackered running around to say I'm a bit big it's just yours bro I reckon I'm the biggest guy in the lobby yeah how is how he's Landing bigger than the Giants yeah it did confuse me I only only one kill early shout Maybe Harry's involved oh my God Harry and said it could be Simon as well because Simon wasn't there I think both of those are good suspicions yeah I'll actually be honest I don't know if I'm killer okay fair enough I don't believe that wait you would know oh wait oh wait oh wait no my name's a white because you would know yeah because this guy is fast like you mate my mine actually says Harold then underneath it says crewmate underneath my name I believe him you know I actually believe oh you know what I believe Harry Danny Aaron's 100 by the way why Danny Ahrens why yeah no I'm buying sign on I'm shooting I'm shooting Josh could have stepped on Pie as well by the way man just so you know it's Danny Aarons yeah I'm gonna vote for you every single round Simon hey come kill me Bradley I could have killed you an electrical I said I could have killed you if I was an imposter oh who's bigger who do we think's bigger like genuinely who's bigger bro I got a bigger red why am I in the mud now what slime I'm gonna but I can't kill Simon but I'd love to rip his neck in half sorry a bit vulgar that apologies I have no idea why I just like targeting Danny he gets very iraked I reckon it's close you know I reckon I reckon I give him a run for his money this guy is Jim look you can still run he's slow as hell man hey who's that who's the big benchy guy oh Josh all right Randy saw me through Med base camp Randy saw me do midday scan look we need a double kill fella we need to double kill it yes we're the best ever oh my God there's been a more okay um I don't know what to do now I'm I'm now quite confused what to do um I told you it was Danny is this sauce if I come out here I thought you were Danny Aaron's at first but oh that's a dead body hair [Music] who killed you know what weapon they use Etc what weapon they used yeah who do you think you are you think you're a DCI pie hey Lads I don't want to deflect here and don't interrupt us um don't have it Randy where were you going me yeah uh okay a long story I don't know where I was going all coming from about because I was taking a picture I was taking a picture I was taking a picture and sending to chip fat saying I'm here to record right that's a lively story Randy was running away from the direction where the body was visible stood over the body where is the where is the booty they are on lights in electrical on lights yes interesting interesting and a lot this is a bit good to only have one kill in the first round though he didn't throw any sauce on me like someone else would have panicked I mean I know it was Toby I just saw him killing you know because I know it's not you that's enough for me I'd like to say that I am bigger than laser beam no [ __ ] he says it's actually not me guys I'm just letting you know that he was stood over the body okay I'm gonna vote Randy what's going on um I don't know what else is going on I mean honestly not sure I'm too slow to see anything because don't ever stand over the body bro Lads we are absolutely chilling wait how many people are left there's like 500 people in this Lobby Jesus bloody Nora right we're off again I'm not gonna be able to Assassin when I'll see anyone I think it was going to kill me either Harry's gotta go by the way for some reason Harry said it was me and for that reason he had to decimate don't kill me please Danny Aaron oh you no get off cams that's my job Josh is massive he didn't notice that I didn't notice that until just now look at him so cute Randy's looking at fake man's just laughing at me I'm just chaperoning Josh I'm making sure Josh's okay hello good sir are you okay oh he's my protector I'd probably say the formula though I feel like he's laughing at me Toby's out of electrical let's do this task shall we oink oink let's double check them double check um so now like Toby's just seen me do that we're boys me and Toby best friends there's line and all the killing he'll start screaming every time I kill him in the game he just gets really mad so it's just not for the best to do that um with that being said yeah he's gonna be pissed you it's so slow he's so slow all right I've got I've got a helper he's walking me around this is good right I'm gonna try and kill someone here Danny Aaron's anybody oh but I'm on cameras but I'm on camera so I'm gonna do a task done around dolphin is following me oh no he stopped an awful helper mate wait you had beef with him did you kill him Josh no Randy is my helper and he can uh back me up me and Josh found a body just sat there and dolphin followed me he's my helper and uh we came down from admin into storage and I was walking at a speed of slow and I walk into electrical and do my task and boom there is a body there in a lot away you're not even that big that you could be way way bigger after I reckon you know yeah someone said it earlier and I was like what I'm being creepers Randy I don't know who do you think Randy was then I didn't pay attention to Randy's name you voted Randy last round Toby moved the conversation towards names and stuff it was key information here I was giving and it just sorry sorry sorry that makes me feel suspicious of you okay you can do that but however earlier I didn't see any Darren's on cameras after there was a pure electrical so that could be an interesting one cameras that's possible I went on cameras yes sir I don't care for your story you're gonna hear it you're gonna hear it I went into electrical I was doing a task and I saw Toby look at me in electrical he had a little peep and then went out and then I've gone I'm in Nav Now all the way in nav I have photos right you should hear my story Josh yeah yeah you said you was mean to me Josh I've seen everyone I think I think it's Toby okay it's not me I saw you on Harry I saw you on cams and I was just I was dancing why did you come in electrical and stare at me and walk out because I wanted to check that you were bro still alive because you and beam cream ran past me no I'm not having it oh wow literally not at all I'm saying is that is an absolute master class from Annie Darren's I'm glad I don't like you know I'm I'm a humble man that wasn't absolute Master Class to turn the lights out I'm just gonna find my teammate I'll be fixing them because that's just what a good person does right he used to fix the lights wait just stay here fix them don't worry guys just stay here and kill him bro where you going stay here don't worry about it oh wait we could just win the game right here yeah it's true damn lucky to him we'll win the game old times I hope you're happy with yourself Josh you won't correct you change your mind you're like I feel sorry for you you can't say you were correct ly yeah you voted me off Toby looked at me by the way yeah well done you sounded suspo but you sounded to be fair it was silly saying that Lanham was Randy yeah come on what are we doing back-to-back imposter oh wait last dig um what no that's the exact same partnership the odds of that oh my life that is giant he's a giant as well okay this could be fun this could be extremely fun all right I'm a giant as well I am definitely bigger than him if you don't include the flames and the Flames don't count I'm still bigger than you bro okay let's not die first round please thank you this is interesting because they'll never suspect me to be the Imposter I want to help the crew actually win because crew never win inside men Among Us objectively I shouldn't do tasks because one of the crew ever won on tasks but you know I'm gonna follow dick around the whole time Vicky work starter he's too quick he's not doing any tasks which worries me why is he not doing any tasks why are you following me Harry big weirdo let's do Communications have been sabotaged I don't know what that means to be honest with you but I've never clipped it before and I wanted to click it so com sabotage that's a rope boy I'm sabotage I don't ever sabotage comms who the f who does cons in this Lobby comms this is a Harry play this is a rose of shore play right here why does Josh look so tiny now he's he's a mini bro he's like Hezbollah a little bit and everyone's watching me Paulie's gonna have to get stabbed so I'm so sorry oh yeah respectively no I just gonna have to get stabbed you know what I mean oh my God die first round please thank you forgot to try and lose Harry because I don't trust him hmm how how will I get kills as a giant hmm what's your purpose here my friend what is your purpose here why is this big doll who's just following me see I'm on his kid bro he's dude he's doing nothing he can't do a task he's not even faking a task but he's trying to get away from me as well I'm not letting him get close enough to kill me but I don't like it I'm now kind of panicking to be completely honest with you no that was a good kill actually that was a very good kill Danny oh nice Simon hello Danny oh that might get me in trouble that might get yeah he's going down there he's going down there I am so good I'm so good yeah lucky sure is slow have fun playing the game bro I would love to kill Lannon that would be quite funny no don't do it if I was to do that don't do me don't do me in like oh my god oh hi again Danny why do you hate pie I love pie stick with that stick with that dude being the giant socks it's not fun yeah lucky was coming for me man lucky was coming for me I've got a question do you not do tasks yes yeah yes it's among us maybe follow why am I follow the Vic the entire round he's not done a single task because I think if I stop you'll kill me I don't know why you're following me Harry that means you haven't done it yeah no no but I was I was watching Vic that was my task what what Danny what how is it me I mean where I'm in a camera room yeah you came from you came from calf no no where'd you come from then where'd you come from where'd you go where'd you go I'll give you that I was right side I was in math yeah and I've checked admins I was in admin and I've come up left calf is up right Harry went through the bottom left to get to security if he was already on the camera yeah I I walked past him I'm happy to vote him based off of last round yeah of course you are Toby someone just remember one of you one of users disgusting what was that accent Vic I want to see you do a task I want to see you do a task I'll go and do a task okay [ __ ] oh I absolutely sorry that's my bad in it it is my bad off I actually don't know what to do here because I moved so slow it'll be so obvious if it's me but maybe I could self-report um don't worry Danny I'll take the heat I'll I'll die for the cause yeah he's just gonna follow me like a little rat and look at them they're all just looking at me man I could turn the lights off and go for it actually the lights off play could be huge I used to run laps around him a lights off play would be very huge I'm coming oh that's my card straight away mate don't try this all right let's try and get someone in the back of electrical then go up to Med oh I've done so badly I'm Bob messed up right I've done Simon says oh he's actually not following me whatever man it's an L in it it's a big fat cell they're actually breathing these tasks too everybody's just hanging around me but they're not following me but I can't kill Simon can I hi Danny look at him just looking at me like a little door yeah oh oh you're gonna have the car fire you oh it's up and right is it no you know exactly where everything is please Daddy can't kill no one even though the other imposter is oh it'll tell me I didn't know you could do but they're screwed because like there's the other imposter and he can't kill the dogs he's too slow no way it is so hard for me to walk he's doing my absolute edit mate he's gonna get murdered it's like a while on that one Danny didn't you huh I didn't think I'm winning him back a little bit I genuinely think I'm winning him back very slightly oh where are you going now huh you're going down let's clear the trash he's doing my [ __ ] head in look at Lachlan he's so slow they're getting they're getting close come on Vic do something so this is fine because me and Harry are getting close to being able to trust each other okay he's doing something maybe he is okay do I trust him at this point I have built a rapport with vixstar I trust that he is actually doing his tasks there we go oh he's running out sheepishly Vic was running sheepishly I I'm not gonna lie Vic did look sheepishly there oh he's there again looking she flee convict where did he go how was that fast he invented literally vented there's no way oh oxygen again this could be another Danny Aaron's you know what do I do what am I what am I what do I do this is a joke I can't bloody kill him I gotta kill somebody kill someone we're gonna kill someone yeah I hope he's killing people he better be killing him I can't do anything let's just slump someone and just say what I literally can't move and then just try and Bluff it lachlan's going so slow man it'll be a stink of being a giant you know just moving it like the the rate of uh I don't know well not the rate of knots the opposite of that the rate of not assessment we've got very slow Killers today yeah they're still managing to win and he doubles about and he doubles look oh Simon gets a job gets a job come here too come here no this is ridiculous though where was it Josh has quite literally stumped him in front of me I literally can't move I believe luckily yeah remember we said but we started to record him right imagine you killed someone and you can't run away in time Simon you and Danny were together yeah the whole game I ran right to nav and lucky kills him and he tries he's trying to run away but he's too slow I can't run Josh why would I I'm looking at someone ain't know where they're gonna throw this do you know what right if you're the Giant and you've had that long to kill I just feel like if you've got any brain cells you'll do it when you you're so confident no one's within eye shot of you he would have been no no one was there Vic is the other imposter so what did you see here so you ran over and what he was by a body it's how do you know he just killed it because it was probably the animation was starting Lads yes this is the thing right if it's Lachlan I'm happy to let him continue I've got a new series but I think there's only been one kill because I've been stuck on Danny Aarons and Victoria are you enjoying it mate are you enjoying it little weasel that look this is a big brain [ __ ] but I'm happy to vote Josh I think Josh is having had another Rudder why is he venting wait yeah enough the right decisions what the hell what why oh I can't play this game man I can't play this game oh it's unbelievable I reckon I'm just gonna kill Simon I think now they've forgotten about me and Simon so I'm just gonna stab him and see what happens oh they're nearly one they're nearly won okay Danny Aaron's actually got a slump Simon though is he gonna stop him at me is Danny gonna stickle me now oh he's gonna stop following me okay well whoever I next see is getting stabbed Ain't No Way Lucky Dog he's the Imposter no way someone come here actually no Electra was a bad place to kill why would you do that oh hey Danny see look Simon I'm not gonna kill you mate okay he did that pretty quick there's lots of us here oh wait oh oh oh that looks like me I didn't do anything yeah I wasn't close enough I wasn't close it was it wasn't Lachlan he got in there at the same time as me and there was a group of people in the beginning of lights and the body was within them oh my God my brain is it Harry Lachlan there was like three two three people I was off that Harry was on that I was close to behavior I like this I fixed the lights and then I walked out who was with you who was with you Daddy was with me no hang on hang on another Simon I'm not saying it's you but you I was with you at the light and then I had offered to do the download yeah absolutely absolutely yeah it was lucky ducky I'll be honest well that was but it was I think it was you around were you in light I was getting into lights oh I don't know I didn't vent by the way so well I don't know last round locked in right now we don't vote we don't vote it's either Randy or vet no it's not Victory don't vote yeah they see the Randy or Victor you've got the wrong one they just need a double kill yeah he suffs on them I mean look at tasks bar let's just finish the tasks Justice vagina I've done all my tasks just finished guitar slabs I'm saying it Collective week this is a Master Class by the way this is an absolute Master stroke how am I live all right um I swear lucky ducky killed that's where we kill look at him trying to kill me now he's trying to kill me huh yes she can he actually can it was I hope I was right with it being someone that stack oh no Daddy don't come for me please who do I kill probably kill Simon I don't know Danny Harris better start pulling his weight God damn no [ __ ] it don't do it bro don't do it no he knows he's trapped me the big boys trap me kill winner lachlan's gonna be few minutes I've done nothing they've almost won to be fair so they've actually got back Daddy better be fragging I swear to God in fact to carry him as the giant then sums up they're about to win I ain't going there bro I have to kill Simon I don't like that I have to kill him away from that giant I kill him with an event though Rocky went Lucky Block he's not the killer he's getting the frame side dog oh my God this Big Boy's trying to kill us come on Randy come on belly the Beast they're actually about to win surely he's not killing the giant is he go Daddy go I can't move get kill [Music] Ed I wouldn't see it dead giant would I right here we go boys here we go that was just built up anger there he was doing my absolute heading it was cold couldn't have done that done that for you know thinking about it but you know what he's a little dork and he deserves it so I think it's Randy look at him he's looking for his opportunity is psydog dead there must be only one killer right because two of them would have done it by now or would they I don't know or maybe it's just Lachlan his big [ __ ] body I I I I I'm I'm literally a giant it's sad dog dead like what do you want from me oh well well one is lucky one is lucky ducky boys uh one's Lachlan because because Harry were together Simon went off with lucky ducky because I saw them together and I come through and Sam is now dead oh my God Randy where was the body the body was right no no you're with everyone all right that's what I'm saying where was it where was it top right I think it's where the asteroids are hurry it worked me or you because we're together well I don't believe you anymore you don't [ __ ] marinate music I don't know I don't think locky could have got there is it you then because he was he was in like the storage area on the camera and I saw him top right cafeteria unless you reckon that kill was 15 minutes ago no it was really close it's really recently all look he's not the killer he's a gentle giant there's no way what's up is he taking the piss shut up Vic surely he's taking the piss left I think that might be the last two oh you can't do your dog protect the giant let the Giants protect the giant no that's you would never do that due diligence I'm voting lucky I'm I'm sifting out I'm going down the Aaron ghosts I'm confident Josh was right I'm confident it was Vick and lucky ducky I'm casting this vote for later when when we look at this footage and you see who the real killer is I'm so confused you will see I mean I'm voting Randy because he keeps yeah I'm voting around dude wait we've almost won by the way escort me escort me how is Danny my God they've actually done it back to back I actually can't believe we've done this I hope Simon's fuming by the way please cut the Simon absolutely fuming how many times do I have to say Danny Aaron's before people know him see see it's gonna be Vic it's gonna be Vic bro it's gonna be Vic there's Danny Harris we just hit this this escort me it's got me boys escort me escort me please done that why have you done that what that right why have I done that we're a score in the big man to finish let me tell you why okay let's just go back here let's go back a little step everyone said it was Randy and we also said it was Josh game's not over we've been wrong about one of them all right let's think about that for a second yeah so who are we wrong about and who pushed hardest for who and who's teaming up on making accusations against collectives I Reckless all right it's locking Vic what no no no it'll be over we would have just double killed we would have just double killed but at the time at the time gone yet or not I don't know there's not two killers left but there is there really is I've just got a garbage dispose let's let's go with lucky to garbage dispose I don't I don't I don't want this meeting this seems unnecessary I don't want this meeting let's follow the big man to finish his job okay okay when we get [ __ ] in about it there's not two killers left I don't yeah I don't think that's two kills but there might be impossible there's no way because they would have got that before the button yeah let's let's uh big man let's watch big man do his thing how have they got an emergency meeting and not voted I I uh oh I just why am I dead first round every game uh vicstar is is getting played Vic is just getting played there's no two ways about it you know what I mean can we scored me the garage disposal boys all right I think he's gonna double kill us now let's go double kill us I think they are yeah wait the stack kill will be crazy just 11 10 seconds and we've done it what is this stupid stack you're doing guys I don't like this mating by the way brilliant thank you very much wow wow because anyone else my friend I've never seen someone dick Riot as hard I swear to God the next time I say it's Danny Aarons signed off for and that's why I was like sass on your Randy because I saw Lockheed in like storage but I was like what the [ __ ] this guy but he didn't he wasn't cafeteria he wasn't here like the crime also landed I was about to kill you in the first round but that a meeting got called literally wait so Vic wasn't doing it on purpose no no oh my God I I once Randy had said I vented I just I was convinced it was him because his head we've played a hundred times with Randy and nothing he's ever said has been correct in a different way yeah but he was he was incorrect In how he got there he said Lachlan killed me he's got two things wrong at least we got a giant win which is good yeah I'm shocked a giant one that's that's culture hey how you doing oh it seems that you haven't subscribed to more sidemen did I mention your mum stinks your mother she stinks just because you haven't subscribed your mom stinks your disgrace subscribe and then I'll love you again
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 9,127,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: tfAo4dNFWg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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