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oh my god me and vic i actually get a chance oh my god oh my god i got a shape-shifter okay oh okay this bro this time i'm gonna get it right man okay this is this is gonna be my moment to shine just an everyday impasto i haven't like i feel like it's very easy if we just if we just kill high value targets like dessert that's a high value target we just kill him this guy had his eyes set on me from early so early brandy okay so randy doesn't find the body yeah we got away with it all right that get to jj oh hell wait how did you how did no not zakah why does he always call a button no but how did you call a bot how did you call a body you were used to i think he's double clicked again he's called meeting him but he was stood next to me how could he call him wait what where were you i was in i was in navigation and jj was next to me that's probably a more fling bro or like a shape-shifter there's a shape-shifting ksi so it's not jj i was he was about to kill me oh yeah yeah wait jj where were you i i just want to let everyone know i was crewmate but okay no but where were you um i was in the center oh you just stayed and you were spamming the butt until the lights came on yeah can the shape shift to choose who they shape should be yes yes so someone's trying to be ksi because they know he's i mean randy could have someone be you he cleared himself by accident i can clear i could i think i can clear the level 40 here lads let's go so who was in life but we don't know where the body is we don't know where josh is let's just and also guys another question here for the newbies right if someone shakeshift does it continue into the next round same person no they go back to that oh no toby knows that now ethan i just told you i've just run into letters and harry said the shape-shifter jj was in navigation though you know what i've got a tingly feeling who i know it is i think i know this one again there you go yeah okay let's hear it i think it's i think it's hoping okay then oh i i know yeah i'll vote for joey you know gut feeling let's go close one okay i lied i actually think it's simon minter i lied i lied i think why i think simon has shape-shifted into his boyfriend i think he's done it he wants to be inside his boyfriend i've caught him in the act i feel it in my fingers i feel it in my toes love is all around me and that's just the way it goes so i think we follow dick no her vic's near we just protect lights her out [Applause] um did he see that that was cold i don't know if he sees that i think this is i think this is vic bro vic is moving really really strange okay okay i need to shake all right here we go here we go oh you [ __ ] awesome elements jj huh bro bro bro come on do the lights [Music] wow that was fast look at them i just saw okay [ __ ] i don't have an emergency it's totally it was me you and toby that went into electricity bro i was doing the task on the right yeah and out of the corner of my eye i saw someone i saw harry get chopped up and i saw someone then i can't remember who it was no toby bennett okay then it's jj jj prime was written out whether that's the real prime or the fake prime who knows it would be a big brain play for someone to myself wait wait wait wait would it be a big would it be a big brain play for someone to um shift into the other impostor oh cause then that they're cleared right because jj is cleared now because he was written out he was written out he's accusing me and i'm not the guy so i think it's jj yeah i backed that i backed that that's that's yeah i backed that no no that makes so much sense am i getting voted out there's no way there's no way have i just been voted out you have bro because you you too why are you accusing me jj if it's not you why are you accusing me and then excuse me wait how's this happen because oh my god [Laughter] so could it be either i got that so wrong if i got that wrong i'm sorry everyone i'm so sorry i forgot that wrong but he came the way he came at me and he was running out electrical like there was just add up you know could be toby as well but he was doing tasks like he was doing tasks i've got a little suspicion of thinking at the same time you know okay watch this please what it was oh there's going to be a kill on lights who's it going to be okay yeah yeah you saw that right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah who shape-shifted as me who did that who did that who did that who did that get out of it i just saw you careful there's two of us in there oh my god don't do this to me don't do this bro one line there's two of us actually you know it couldn't have been jj it couldn't have been j oh someone shape-shifted into me i think it's simon still i still think it's stunning simon you tell me why it's not you right now i don't know because i'm very sad it's not me because i'm a crewmate so i just ran into the bottom of lights bro oh coming savannah could be doing a really good shape-shifter bro i just ran into the bottom of blackness how is it me how is it you're really good you're really good you're so good simon i haven't yeah i don't think it's me but i'm not you don't you know that first round we went into electrical toby pulled up late from the right hand side of the map oh my god vic don't throw like this i stand with you i think just don't throw like this i'm sorry toby it had to be done i'm sorry if i'm thrown i'm sorry if i've thrown i'm sorry for everyone involved i'm so really sorry i don't think vic's thrown out i don't know i think i might have oh by the way i should have just killed but i thought we'd have some fun no no no not today yeah i'm standing next to harry thinking like i'm going to toy with him a little bit and then the meeting gets caught this game is not good for my heart you like it's not good you need to accuse the person that gives you half a time i feel like you just you just get shout i did that we literally got jj out because of that i know stars pinned on you so many times you should go back at vickin saying no bro why you keep saying it's me the thing is when you accuse me pez i don't think i did anything about that no but i just know you're a slithery one and and and also you spoke significantly less like you laughed at people he did [ __ ] slippery simon oh shock roommate again amazing who who's purple yes wait who is this is this me and it's me and it's the two josh's bro bingo that after josh's okay i'm gonna get i'm not all right you know what i'm not gonna put it on anyone i'm gonna just be calm i don't wanna throw the game for anyone i'm not going to be a sausage i'm just going to be a chunkers i love this stuff smoking these astral rods on me isaac following me kill me tabby kill me all right calm all right this is fine bro okay we're gonna we're gonna sweat this one man okay let's do this we're gonna hit lights all right then when i when i do this i'm gonna go down no one see me literally no one to see me then i'm gonna get in this vent all right my best but he would have killed me right now if it was better so i'm gonna win the clear i'm gonna get in the vent i'm gonna get out i'm gonna kill ah how how hor how someone's dead i'm like someone's dead on cam's in it i can fix dead on camps do it hey vic you're following me a little bit closely there wait yeah i don't think you're the imposter wait wait when when did ethan die oh simon what did you see just then bro i'm gonna throw this out there okay i went from cafeteria down and i saw the cameras were on mm-hmm so i ran into electrical with randy yes confirmed looked up there to see nothing there please yeah you didn't know how to clarify i did not ask i thought someone was on camera so i want to check run up i see ksi stood on cameras and ethan's body like directly next to him or not it was like a yard behind so i can back simon's story up to the state that he went he didn't run up into electrical he ran off i did two tasks and that was really electrical he called the body in so either he killed it in self-reported or he did see someone like he on his way to go and see the camera he didn't see the body jj you should have seen someone enter to be fair when you're on cameras you've filtered your whole screen so you i don't think he should have seen him no he should have seen someone on camera if everyone comes in the cameras yeah you think they came into the video do you think do you think jj knows which camera is which there's no way he doesn't know what he's looking at he doesn't know what's going on but you should have seen someone somewhere no no yeah but i i reckon he's out there staring at cam and he doesn't know where he's looking at his camera so he wouldn't know someone walked into the room he's in i'm going i genuinely think he's just turned around you know i think it's happened i think he's sat on cams and someone has come in and killed someone in the room and just vented ain't not out and there's honestly that is what's happened because i didn't even realize that hold on hold on before this ends before it sends a ride can we just ask a question who else was in that area because me and toby are farthest other side we're just hanging out ellen ellen adam didn't say nothing what about me where are you i'm in uh storage room okay why did josh want for me because i like the story of like you killing someone standing there it's quite funny harry another i didn't think jj did that kill i i could be wrong just don't think he did see look how angry i am i'm angry because i'm confused on what just happened i will find out this game makes me not trust anyone no way jj is back on cameras yeah i'm on cams i see you harry's gonna kill me this round this is a typical like harry's now mad and he's going to be walking around going like oh minter you've you've annoyed me here she's a bit of filthy pizza [ __ ] out hello okay okay he should still be there right that was very quick ellen dude really back on cams all right this will be so jokes if he does it again if he's actually the killer and he does it again my way this dude's just standing on cams the whole time nah no way over to this one has josh killed him oh do it do it um yeah there's the kill come on someone's got to report that please [Music] i know who it so i was obviously on cams the whole time yeah she just stands there doesn't do anything don't do anything else just staring at cams i stood there and watched him stay on cams now adam is there anything you want to say no [ __ ] that it's joker i saw it it's josh why is it me so it's josh and josh who was it circle was hovering around me so much like around the bottom bit there's like one like big block me and simon cross each other it's your hang on yeah you cross each other and you killed him no like he literally killed me i think oh bro i know it's you oh wait you may have seen a lot of shape-shifting maybe you should maybe turn into me though man let's get rid of ellen he's just coming back you what do you mean i'm gapping what's going on now he means you're telling her so harry harry said josh killed someone and now we're all voting what no because kj said i saw adam kill where i don't know who we killed but i saw ellen kill there's two deaths by the way so it could be a josh royale why are we acting like it's only one person you just say hello ellen is a josh as well it is i swear to god it's josh i swear to god it's just by the way tell them please believe me we'll go with josh next we'll go josh next week josh josh vote ellen i think it's circus i'm voting oh we're finished man we're finished we're finished hang on hold on i've got 15 seconds okay all right josh just play this right with me bro play this right with me why has everyone just gone on to ellen then i don't get it if i miss guys i'm not stupid i'm trying to not be serious [Music] there we go harry literally voted for circa straight away what more could i do you had to go for circa yeah but then everyone honestly honestly like randolph what's wrong with it idiot is everyone there alive and the crew mates as an idiot no no i'm not hearing that i'm not hearing that we are really little jj's called him literally shut up jj called him out and he literally had no defense he said no i've got nothing to say and then you win i think it's a circle royale i said it's a joshua's in both of them they're both called josh bronk it's okay we're all friends we're all friends i don't want to play this game again bro [ __ ] it oh man that's why you call them by just the actual minimum like they're josh royale harry's like i know who it is [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 9,686,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: ag37jdQpi-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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