Why Josh & Randolph's Beef Started

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hunted hunted but it was originally going to be darts well it was yeah it was throw a dart race to where it lands and then on the day Josh was like by the way these guys are also chasing you yeah we didn't know until that moment yeah but we did have a slight inkling because uh Chris had said to Harry Arthur was in the video and as we leave we see batch watchs past us I I swear that's I swear that is and then he starts talking to Arthur I go it is yeah what are these two doing and Harry's gone he's in the video yeah so we kind of thought something's going on we didn't know what I I I knew as well because um because Josh had asking me do you want to be a hunter or do you want to be in a team yeah oh here we go well me and I feel like me and are beefing right now but but he seemed all right downstairs have you heard about this John uh I'm aware I'm team Randy a little bit well no no no no no hold on hold on you know okay the only part of this whole thing that was a little bit real was the fact that in the video obviously I rented the car and drove it from rugby to [ __ ] Herford which is like miles away and then like video's done and everyone's got [ __ ] there's like four vcl classes that's your team though your team stitched you up yeah to be fair they were like oh Ry you can drive and I was like I was like oh sure [ __ ] it why not I don't mind and and also actually I paid for it and they're like we can bust you give it you back and and I haven't obviously my fault I haven't asked but anyway anyway um I rented the car in my name and then at the end of the video four [ __ ] V class taking everyone home and everyone's like yep yep yep and Jos like oh you can just drive the car back I'm like what I got drive the car back to [ __ ] rugby um and and I was like no I'm not obious not doing that but obviously I was still joking a little bit but I was being quite serious but obviously with like Josh I'm always like that like that and then uh we ended up finding like a Herford it's like five minutes away there's Enterprise you can drop the car off get there and it's like you can't drop the car off out of hours and then I'm like [ __ ] it man I'm like I'm just put the keys under the wheel left it there and everyone's like bro and I was like I'm risking it I know but I'm like I just can't be asked it's because in videos right I have this weird mentality where I'm like you can do what you want like you know and I have to really when I'm driving as well I have to really curb myself cuz I'm like I could just drive as fast as I want I can speed but I can't I always feel like in videos you got like a free pass cuz it's like you you're working but obviously like life don't care about that people people in life don't care about that um by that you mean the police don't care about the police yeah sorry people people in charge but anyway no what had happened was Josh asked me do you want to be a hunter or do you want to be like in the team and I was like which one is like I think I was like which one's got less running around he's like both both got a lot running around so I was like okay [ __ ] it I'll be on a team why not U then the next day it looks is like chasing ulot and then then he's like um I want to get my five grand man I want to get my five grand I'm like what what do you mean by that oh yeah if we catch him we get five grand each I'm like what and then batch and Arthur just don't catch us but then pretty much they do catch us at the end cuz they go to the finish line so so they're always going to catch us like there's no way you can't catch those if you're just waiting to Finish Line um no to be fair they were they were following you and they decided to go ahead to get there sure sure sure and then they actually were there for about 15 minutes waiting at different place and then they saw your tracker said the other side so they sprinted down yeah um and then too fair to them they actually didn't even know they were going to win five grand um we'll take that but then and then I'm like Josh you did not tell me there was five grand and you the hunter or the hunted yeah and then all these videos we do always win [ __ ] like I remember you know like the when where freezy just won like you know where Ethan someone had to dig through [ __ ] the Box yeah yeah yeah I I've never won anything like that in a s video the only thing I've ever won is that [ __ ] hi Jingo never got it but the mystery box one was his we decided on the day it would be funnier if you guys can steal one thing yeah yeah yeah but he he chain his box was just money yeah so you can still and also by I obviously don't care and also even I was joking around with Josh but I was like I was thinking a few days later I was like you know maybe I jok a bit too much cuz I was like just so you know I obviously don't care about not getting the money because also I I obviously s i don't would never care I would if he offered me I would let him take it he was like here no no don't give it to me and I do mean that stupid I'll take it yeah well it depends what kind of if it's like a if it's like something that you win like uh if I won it maybe but it's like giv it to me I'm like n you know um but um I was teasing about that and then my birthday came around and everyone put the chat birthday he didn't put it and he didn't reply to me the last thing I directly messaged him per privately and I was like sorry about this hopefully it's all right he didn't reply and I'm like wow maybe actually taking this to heart you know but and then downstairs for him today it seemed all right you know yeah I think I think he's okay with you [ __ ] and I've got one more thing I'll talk about with Josh but we'll bring it up a different day we can't talk about it yet okay oh okay yeah I know what it is probably next week I think we'll be able to talk about it see me in the chat yeah yeah [ __ ] you Josh that video is that video oh my God there's so much in that video I loved it by the way it was good it good so what the best thing in it there was sabotages so you can do something that then sabotages us and the way you got to do that was by opening your lucky one your your wild card one ended up giving you that one um so their one was like we have to freeze in place and just so you know we didn't know Josh was trying to call us but no one got a phone call it wasn't even answering no one got a phone call so we didn't know how to freeze yet so we catch you guys on the on the train we're like yeah get let's go and you and you guys are like now you got get off what you mean yeah you you're Frozen by the way I think Harry was so close to [ __ ] punch in P oh no he was he was so angry cuz we're trying to do this guner man and that's a gunster that's just look I'm drinking both at the same time man and B is like that's not a guner that's not a guner and obviously everything in this video is a joke we're all bantering but it was such a rat video in a good way and then [ __ ] looks and Jamie just miss you guys yeah and we didn't even know looks and Jamie were in the video so when I saw looks running I'm like oh my God they must be the hunters cuz we knew we're getting hunted by Arthur at this point and and and bad we got a FaceTime from Lux uh of him just in the car being like mad see soon boys yeah we were already know we were going to get caught and by the way this is so clutch because that what was missing that train was literally what lost us of the video in terms of like that's what put us so far back I'm I'm kind of happy like obviously it did give us this huge advantage on you but the fact that we went to the same boat we the same train it was very yeah it would have been but we missed our boat so we in the video If you see we run to get our boat and it goes so we miss our boat yours one comes after that we got on that one it's funny how in a way we and then Harry is riding that Lineback for no reason he says in the video he's like oh just so you know this doesn't count as travel I'm just going to [ __ ] sit on one why cuz it's just weird it's just fun and and and I realized when you guys are like oh you're on the Lineback I'm like no you weren't I like [ __ ] Harry was on one but not for any reason he just on one yeah me and uh me and me and Ethan are the subject to a lot of hate in the comments yeah but it's funny though no but it's because we um look at that Josh face the know it's because um everyone's like oh they snitched for using their phone yeah by using their phone yeah but obvious well obviously and I'm like well the thing is Joshua's basically texting us throughout and giving us updates on our phones you can't use your phone for navigation or like travel but you can obviously if you want to text like your [ __ ] like if he want if want to text Faith he can do that you know that's all allowed we take you can be on your phone you can't use it for like Maps he said he said don't use it for any form of like figuring out where you're going and don't use it for anything you need your phone to pay for yeah yeah but and that's where the conversation came in for the boat of like Harry Harry holds his phone up and goes I've used my card and he's holding his phone but that is a card though like that is just cuz also by the way don't you know on those Uber Vats you can do you can you can hold it onto like you know when you go through turn Styles you can hold your phone and it just do it you don't have to actually touch your phone you can just beep it you're using your phone am I am I if my phone's like look look at that I can also by way when your pH what have you ta like what have you put there nothing what have you put on the thing to scan through my phone my phone so what have you used but thing about it it's not but it's the same technology that you would use with your [ __ ] card Randy is your phone involved in the process this is the better one right did you get a physical ticket no you don't need to I don't know why you guys have tickets because we used our card no no no you didn't scan it on the thing so you know you go you know you go through a train and you scan it through the gate they have that on the boat so you can just scan that you don't have to actually get a ticket you can you had to buy a ticket with your with the card no if I had my card I could just tap my card on the on the Uber tap you don't have to actually get but you didn't no we didn't but also the C but but but obviously it was funny I mean if if it was revers we would have made the same point yeah no one actually cares about using the phone it's just try to get a oneup against the team oh yeah you just want to win yeah although that is the most frustrating win because that's the only time the winning team hasn't been there like four hours before yeah it good we thought you would just leave we we we by the way one error in hour I mean I think you guys still would have wonn but we like sort of gave up so early we were like let's just have fun [ __ ] it you know so the the thing where you the challenge G was we had we had to all go [ __ ] on top of each other yeah we could have done it on the train oh you didn't do it on the train no we we went and we we were driving stopped at the services McDonald's we did it and then we just ate some food oh for ages someone Harry put in the chat Harry was texting as well just so you know yeah he put everyone on the train is is hearing us shout about pooing yeah we were talking about it so when you you gave us a challenge and on the train so if we were smart which you're going to do on the train we actually said it we we said [ __ ] we should have given them a challenge that they can't do on the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh by the way you don't know this I found this out sidecast just a minute ago briefly I don't know it you know the duck wasn't a [ __ ] duck the duck we got was a duck it was a goose no there was a goose next to it oh oh we took a picture of the duck but I think Toby was saying he didn't there was there was geese you were with us John right yeah we I'm pretty what we saw was a duck what what did Side cast I I joined that late obious we looked and there was we go outside and we're like that's a duck that's a duck run over it's a goose got I got you and then behind the thing is a family of ducks and there's duck I really wish we could the task wasn't a bad one cuz obviously like is pretty hard to come find a duck to be honest we got so lucky you gave us that we pull up uh Birmingham yeah yeah Ethan goes there's a pond out there with ducks yeah he just knows it well I think what happened is I think we wow mad it was just it was so weird he literally just leads us through get to this Pond take a picture go straight back did he maybe use his phone no no he cuz we went there for egx yeah sure sure we I think what we did we smashed it with the whole like skateboard Tik Tok clock all like we smashed out we had different challenges some of some of the okay your clock yeah your freeze was harder it was so hard fry an egg the fry [ __ ] egg on the floor that's why we used the lucky lucky yeah and our luies were crap our luies was you got be Qui 10 minutes and the other one was um you we don't have you don't have to do you have to do a challenge or something we sacked off we read it it's not worth at this point so we just left it but um I reckon if we didn't stop at McDonald's and we actually like put and we didn't and we didn't do that stupid [ __ ] route to get to you guys we climbed up a mountain we didn't we didn't go to the coordinates we parked on the main road and just went up the hill Vic by the way it was on crack that video [ __ ] hell in a good way he's just so energetic put in the chat like oh Vic was on some scatty energy smoke man yeah I mean Harry couldn't even keep up I was like what I always forget like in Time videos I feel like when I watch it back I was like wow I didn't really talk much do you have that like yeah but in the video I feel like I was I'm like probably said nothing of value but that was I enjoyed it though it was R I feel like video should be like that like if if we same thing about golf videos if we actually in that train everyone actually cares so much about getting on there that's why it was so aggressive that's good you know it's not no one's phing it in there everyone's actually really like trying yeah that's Harry actually like swings at Ethan as well bro because he's like it's not guner that's not a guner and like Ethan is the most like he's such a windup Merchant yeah but he's so good like I hate being against him cuz if you're losing just the worst thing in the world he literally goes ha you got freeze um yeah no he's joke he joke [ __ ] man um did you guys actually do the poof thing properly or not um well here's why it's hard right I saw a comment that said like oh Ethan and uh Ethan and Simon are turning into Karens and I'm like how is the definition of a Karen in this yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] um do we [ __ ] no I think Vic did the Poo Vic went first and pooed the thing is it's hard because like what if you can't poo then you have to stay there for oh yeah well I think me and Harry I mean I don't think I didn't poo but we tried it's still it's still gross still [ __ ] that's why we said you have to stay there still not flushing yeah yeah have you guys watched it pack at all oh so they told us about that though with the whole um mils yeah yeah wait they told oh yeah there's fash yeah M them two just had a really leisurely day they didn't when I was watching I was like what the [ __ ] are they doing they were they were talking to this mom for like they were talking to her in Birmingham right yeah she was at the Finish Line mad which was two hours oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait what the [ __ ] with the kid right about this no so they they basically met this mom who was just kind of just kind of on smoke is in like she just she kind of just wanted them she wanted to be very friendly yeah and this is yeah this is on the I think this is going to Birmingham and then um she ended up being at the finisher line to me mad that is two half hours away that's mad but with her son H these are um I mean oh no sorry batch sat with her talking to her Arthur sat with someone else batch has v is um well is attractive guy get attention from the the women I felt really bad you know we sat on the way back it was me Ethan and Vic were in a car with batch and we're sitting in a six seat six seats in the back right so three facing before you set off yeah and I get in I sit down ether gets in sits there like opposite to the in the middle and then VI gets in and sits furthest right facing towards Ethan and Bach's about to get in vi just goes oh you should sit in the front so we can have leg room so what you can't just put him next to the driver yeah it's it's like a three-hour drive and like a guess in the video like the first time it's probably like spoked I don't think any of us have met him like properly I've seen him yeah seen him on i' met himos he was in our video the one yeah but hadn't had a conversation didn't mean it but the way the way it did HEC me it in no like horrible way the way it played out cuz I saw it as I was leaving same v s it was it was like yeah mate get in front yeah I'm not going to lie I saw it Lads and I was a bit like [ __ ] I was like no come on man honestly meant like you you'll be more it'll be comfier for everybody including you if you sit in front but just he was like get in the front mate yeah it was so I felt so bad I was like he's such a nice guy yeah we're going to have him on right Randy yeah we'll we'll get him on yeah yeah but we some point I didn't I didn't want to ask him the other day cuz it's one day notice I was like I want to like get the notes ready and stuff
Channel: What's Good Podcast Clips
Views: 2,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sidemen, Sidemen Sunday, Zerkaa
Id: CymKYtHtj2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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