Shrimp & Potato Cheese Casserole

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hey guys listen this recipe is reinventing the casserole we have cheesier be mashed potatoes packed full a tiger shrimp that will blow your mind so if you're liking the way this looks definitely stay tuned for the recipe okay so first we get started we're gonna just peel some good old potatoes don't mind me watching mark Wiens in the back we're gonna boil those bad boys while the two potatoes are boiling we're gonna start setting up our herbs our fresh herbs we're using some parsley and we're also gonna be using some chives as well but you want to make sure you get a nice good handful wash them off and chop them up really really finely you don't want any big chunks of parsley I mean I don't against some people like that fresh taste but I'm not one for it I'd like for it to be cohesive with the dish I don't like big chunks of particles apart sleep so we're just going to chop it up really finely once that's nice and fine we're gonna set that aside in a nice little plate use any plate of your desire and once all of that is transferred we're gonna start chopping up our chive I have some fresh thyme here I'm using a nice handful of those as well you're gonna watch those really really really well cut off the tips in the butt that's what I call up and then we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna chop those up really really finely make sure you go through your bushel or your bunch to make sure there are no spoil pieces sometimes they like to hide in there they kind of look like straw they turn yellow very easy fine so make sure you really go through before you start chopping up your ties to make sure all of that is gone so yes so once all that is said and done it chopped it out really nicely look at this nice little action piece yeah nice and fine and then we're gonna set them up to the other side of the plate you save late same dishes I hate washing dishes so I used to say so yes make sure you set that side clean your workspace let's get into it right now I'm gonna melt a stick of butter my potatoes are done we're gonna start mashing that but we're gonna also add the butter add the butter and start mashing it's gonna give you a nice little arm workout so don't fry we need those 20 20 get them guns up we're gonna add 8 ounces of sour cream it's gonna give it a nice thick texture that's what you want I know while I'm mixing this is gonna look thick especially as we go on in the recipe but you know that's what you want you want it thick so we're adding salt and some white pepper some black pepper as well sprinkle that on in there to your taste but desires I like mine's a little spicier so I had about a teaspoon of black pepper teaspoon of a white pepper so I'm not using milk at the time but I still wanted a rich creamy taste so I'm using some coffee meat and surprisingly that worked really really well we're about 1/4 cup of that and just continue to mash it all up National until it's nice and soft and fluffy yeah and get that arm workout in then we're gonna go in with some adobo about two tablespoons of that I mean two teaspoons not tablespoons that yeah about two teaspoons of that at first I do taste it and then I go on and add another tablespoon so definitely taste while you're mixing it up and use it to your taste buds desires you know now we're going in with some stretch head of cheese we're gonna fold that in there because we want this Debbie he is a baby cheesy we want to scoop it up and had that string cheese pool situation that's what we're going for so we're adding about a cup of a cup of feta cheese and we're going in with about 1/4 of a cup of chives and then we're gonna do a nice palm full of parsley okay then what we're just gonna fold it up and you want to fold it because you don't want to do too much damage to your parsley because then you lose kind of like the flavor of the parsley when it's like too manipulated yeah I'm saying it could also be in my head batches for like you lose some of that Part C changes flavor so we're just gonna fold it up very nice and neatly once it's folded up we are going to add some more seasoning so definitely taste it as you see I'm going back in with adobo and I think that's the only seasoning that I go back in with so definitely taste it and again season to your preference so in total I think I used a tablespoon and a half of the dough now we have our nice clean flat pan all right with my pan and we're just gonna transfer all of the mashed potatoes into that patient okay so just dump it all in there like I'm doing at first I thought it would be cute but I'm like listen I got things to do so I just dump it in there and now I'm just mashing down you want it to be as even as possible I was trying to get cute again but still about time for that so I'm just smashing it all in there get it nice and flat I gave you one it'll stick because you want it to be nice and thick now we're gonna move on to our front we are this guy already be vain there already be so it's just that little tail still on there so I'm just removing all the tails from all the shrimp cuz anybody want that none of my one old wannabe eating a potatoes and then picking out shells like while you're eating or biting into a shrimp and even some shell like good day so we're gonna season our shrimp with some paprika some red chili flakes some chili powder some black pepper some old bay because you can't forget the old bay now you want to really season it well and I'm using my hands just to mix it all up you want all the instruments dizzy tote it baby coat it cuz that's what a flavor is alright so now I have about two tablespoons of butter in a pan and I'm letting that melt I'm just gonna add all my shrimp into that pan and I'm just gonna let it cook see just like that just drop it all in there let it cook up you know but here's the tea all right you don't want to cook your shrimp all the way through you want there to still be some shrimp that looked a bit undone undercooked because we're popping ins in the oven so you don't want to overcook your shrimp you're gonna get gummy and that's nasty so then we're gonna jump all of our shrimp into the potatoes and just mix it up cause listen well that's gonna be kind of shrimp listen this is a quick meal okay quick so we just dump it in mix it all up once this trap for all submerged and mixed up into their mashed potato mixture we're gonna dump more cheese because hello cheese and potatoes just go so we're doing a whole bunch of cheese not a whole bunch maybe about a half cup of cheese just for going top we're gonna go with some paprika because it don't taste like nothing but you use it for color when a nice golden brown top so that's where it gets at the top and so once that's done you just add it's the oven and when you're done cooking maybe cooking for about 10 minutes until all that cheese is nice and melty sprinkle some more chives on top and that nice oniony flavor but it's not super strong and then a little parsley for color and listen and that's that on that anyway look at what we got look at what you just did there sexy cheesy buttery fluffy goodness I'm just Pat myself on the back because I did that and it was delicious listen all you need to do is come up with like a vegetable side I had asparagus with this because you don't need a protein it's already in there you got your carbon in there as well so here I'm scooping some up in a bowl just so that y'all can get the action it's an action just scoop it up in a bowl oh it was so cheesy look at them string pools girl let me tell you something this is the bomb this is so good and it went really well with the asparagus as well but you can do broccoli you can do a little side salad you do whatever you want can I spring it a little bit more parsley in step one time so color that's about it but um that's it I hope you guys really enjoyed this recipe this is my first talks and recipes so hopefully it worked well for you guys and that's it if you like it definitely give me a like and subscribe bye y'all [Music]
Channel: The Hungry Jawn
Views: 106,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7gTYCKBTw5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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