Seafood Potatoes Au Gratin

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hey my cookies or welcome back today I have something that so sinful but is gonna bless you okay we're making my seafood potatoes au gratin and it's good so let's cook it okay baby so I have about four russet potatoes medium sized that I've sliced thinly not too thick not too thin and we're going to boil them now I'm adding them to some boiling salted water I'm only doing this because I don't want to bake this too long in the oven and overcook my seafood so I'm just gonna leave them in here for only five minutes after five minutes we're gonna drain it and carefully drain it because we don't want these babies to fall apart so drain it carefully and then we're just going to set it to the side or the sauce we're gonna add in some butter of course and let that melt now pour in some finely chopped onion and garlic and we're gonna just saute that for a little while and let that butter continue to melt and now sprinkle in some flour we're gonna thicken the sauce we're making a white roux and go ahead and stir it until all of that butter soaks up the flour my cookies know that I love to season my roux so I'm just adding in some cajun spices here stir it up and now I'm gonna add in one can of evaporated milk I grab my whisk and now I'm just whisking in some regular milk make sure that you whisk it well while you're pouring so we get all those lumps out once that milk keeps up and starts to thicken I add in some shredded sharp cheddar cheese man y'all heard a girl struggling to get that out I don't know why I couldn't say sharp shred it cheddar or whatever y'all got it but yeah give it a stir and when that cheese melts go ahead and taste it adjust the seasoning if you need to and turn the heat off because now we got to work on our seafood here I have some shrimp and some crawfish now I'm keeping the shrimp raw because it's gonna cook when we bake fun fact as soon as I film this part I dump that whole bottle on my doggone floor and I cook man filming this heart and I have some onion powder garlic powder accent and some little parsley or something to make it cute I'll leave all that information in the description box y'all know the link will be there but y'all we're gonna sprinkle it and it's house it I didn't show you how I tossed it now in our casserole dish we're just gonna spread a little bit of that sauce at the bottom come on coop get your spring will you add there we go ladle some and just spread it at the bottom now add a layer of the potatoes and now the seafood spread that evenly and then more of that cheese sauce look at God won't he do it and that's not lumps in my sauce that's that garlic and onion I put in there so don't try me it ain't lumpy baby spread it and now I'm sprinkling on some cheese I'm using some of that stretch oh wait man cookies I'm not even taking it out this is real life what goes on when coupe tries to film anyway using shredded mozzarella and shredded sharp cheddar BAM now just repeat those steps one more time except for adding the shredded cheese on top we're gonna bake it um with just the cheese sauce on top first and then we're gonna put it back in and add in the shredded cheese I'll show I'll cover it with foil I love using this nonstick foil it's so easy it doesn't stick to the cheese it's just perfect so we're gonna cover it up and now bake it on 375 for 25 to 30 minutes so after the 30 minutes was up I took it out uncovered it sprinkled the rest of that cheese on there then put it back in the oven uncovered on broil until it look like it mm-hmm and that's it cookies I mean just wait 10 to 15 minutes before you chop into this and eat do not burn up your mouth and blame poop all right as always the babies thank you so much for watching if you want this recipe and I know you do it's in that link in the description box and be sure to subscribe to your girl so I can cook for you thank you guys for watching I gotta eat so until next time be bless
Channel: Coop Can Cook
Views: 206,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, cooking, recipe, recipes, Laura Vitale, Gordon, eat, eating, seafood potatoes, potatoes, au gratin, seafood au gratin, seafood potatoes au gratin
Id: JM4GwczNRjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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