7 Mistakes Windows Users Make

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let's go over seven things that i see windows users do that just are wrong and you really shouldn't do them and this applies to pretty much everybody out there so let's uh let's go ahead and just jump right into it number one with a bullet custom isos here's team os there's kernel i've seen a whole bunch of other ones but i always see these on computers i'm cleaning viruses out of and this has been true back in the windows 7 era and it's appealing because it does this massive like system customization like even when you're going to install it they put this whole different theme on but basically you're inviting viruses into your system when you use these custom isos because they've had to modify the system files heavily and a lot of times they disable feature updates and a lot of updating sometimes all together gets ripped out because as soon as it updates it's going to reinstall like let's say when built in windows antivirus and other things that detect this so people don't just make these out of the goodness of their heart they make them to make you become part of a botnet or just to cause havoc don't use custom isos that you don't make yourself that's why people are like hey do you have an iso for how you do windows 10 i'm like no make it yourself and if you want to make it yourself check out nt lite nt lite is a basic tool it's about 30 dollars but i don't have a link or anything for it because they're not affiliate but just go into light.com it's worth it if you really want a bare bones version of windows you get to choose everything from here and create your own i need to do a video on this someday if you want a free version of it i've done msmg tool kit in the past or even the official tools from microsoft but don't use custom isos that you didn't create yourself all right next up is going to be services now my tool goes through and disables or i should say switches them to manual and makes them not auto start on startup a lot of tools i've noticed disable them or some people just get over overzealous when they get into here and they they open up this and they're going you know what i don't like this service i'm going to disable it and then they hit disabled what disable does is it prevents it from ever starting so let's say you're not using bluetooth right now and you come into the bluetooth service i have it set to manual through my script and you come in here and you set this to disabled and then all of a sudden you want to use bluetooth down the road you have to remember that you did this otherwise it's just going to fail and you're going to have a whole bunch of heartache i love manual because it doesn't start the service unless it's absolutely needed so a lot of times my process count is actually quite low right here it's set at 143 with a ton of stuff in the background going on we got browsers a whole bunch of stuff but you don't need to disable these you can just hit them to manual and then if they do need to start as a dependency of something else they can so don't disable your services unless it's something really egregious that is not needed like super fetch or something like that but most of these services do have dependencies for other services now piggybacking off of that another thing i see a lot of users do is install multiple antiviruses i'm just going to put it like this so people get the point i'd rather have your system i'd rather your system have viruses than multiple antiviruses that's how egregious and just it bogs down your system so much so if you buy that internet security suite and then you buy another internet security suite and you put them together your system is going to perform worse than one that's infected with a bunch of viruses because these these tools will fight over each other and it's going to make your system run like poo so come into your your programs features un uninstall them a mcafee is one that gets installed on a lot of systems by stock defaults i always uninstall mcafee it's an awful antivirus you're better off with microsoft's antivirus and if you don't want to pay for antivirus just use microsoft's don't use free antivirus don't use avg don't use avast don't use these programs that are just awful they're just basically built-in advertisements that offer a little bit of antivirus protection where microsoft's defender is going to be just as good as them so don't do this highly highly recommend against doing it if you are going to go with a paid antivirus by all means you can but stay away from the ones that are really in your face constant pop-ups everywhere it's just not good also antivirus is not the end-all be-all you're going to run into false positives i know my toolbox registers as a virus guess what it's not a virus and all those all the source codes open source you can go check it out but because of how it modifies the system it does register as one but on the same token there's plenty of viruses that can slip right by an antivirus so don't rely on antivirus 100 the best protection against viruses is you and if you're an idiot and you'd like to download a bunch of uh cracked software and custom isos well you're gonna get a virus there's nothing that can save you so there you go be be smart big big brain is what i want you to be don't install a bunch of antivirus just use the stock one or a really nice paid one and leave it at that don't install multiples of this you're just gonna end up killing yourself and killing the performance of your system so next let's go ahead and move back to a little performance sector when we look through here how often are you rebooting your system that's what i want to know a lot of people just lock their computer they do the old windows key l they lock it and then they just go ahead and sign out and do whatever they're going to do me i never do this you can see my system is on for about an hour and 40 minutes if you want to leave your system online that's okay but at the end of the day what you should do is probably just a restart and then what that does is it just kind of refreshes your system so then when you walk in the next day it's going to be a lot better some people sign out which is actually pretty good it closes a lot but i prefer the whole restart because it flushes everything from memory and that way the next day you're going to start with a nice fresh machine but do not lock your system at the very least sign out but what i'd really want every user to do is restart at the end of their day and that kind of make sure your system is always running in tip-top shape as it was really meant to be let's go ahead and move on over to defragging your drive now some people don't realize that this is even a thing but i'm talking to more of the older users from like windows xp era defragging your drive could actually give you performance right these days not so much and honestly i don't ever really want my users to ever pull this up most things are solid state drives nowadays and windows handles this without you ever touching it i have this is actually the first time i've pulled it up on this system and you can see it's been zero days since the last re-trim you notice how it doesn't say defrag because windows now sees most things are solid state drives not the old spinning platters and what they do is they just automatically take care of your drives in the background this right here is an old hard drive but it's zero percent fragmented there's no reason for me to ever defrag it and i've had this system or that hard drive in that system for years and it's still not there so running defrag is really not ever needed you're not really going to hurt too much these days unless you run it on something with like an old operating system or another operating system like this drive that might be very very bad but you never really need to pull up your defrag anymore because your solid states will automatically get re-trimmed they're never defragged that actually decreases the life of them and then your regular hard drives if you do have them are typically storage and usually don't get very fragmented anyways lastly let's talk about uh other tools you know some things and i'll have a little bonus after this too but let's talk about cc cleaner remember this it actually used to be pretty good i actually did use it 10 plus years ago to like clean registry and other things these days this is all just a giant scam and all it does is slow your computer down it runs usually in your task tray and it's causing you more performance loss than if you ever installed it so don't install cc cleaner anymore if you do use it to clean up your files do not run the system monitoring that just is going to increase your process count increase or decrease the amount of memory you have it's just not a good idea at all so just make sure you don't use these tools or if you do they don't run consistently in the background i do recommend cleaning out temp files but a lot of times i'll just use the built-in tools for that if you go windows e to pull up explorer let's say you want to clean out the the c drive just use disk cleanup right here this is fine and if you hit clean system you can actually do even more this is going to do a better job than cc cleaner is going to do a better job than most components like oh man look at that update a lot of these needs to be cleaned out so let's just go ahead i could clear out eight gigs right now just by using the built-in disk cleanup you can also reach it and just by typing disk cleanup right here and then you launch into this and that's basically how you need to do it don't don't download ccleaner anymore that's a it's not 2010 anymore next up is winrar and winzip you guys remember this oh man having nostalgia just looking at the logos uh they're awful they don't they're not needed anymore these are tools that once upon a time served a big purpose some of the encryption and things like them were actually really good and winrar is still not bad per se if you still have a license by all means use that license but paying an extra forty dollars or thirty dollars every year for this is just silly you're just doing yourself a disservice you're throwing your money away uh winzip well that's just laughable this is really not needed anymore so if you instead of this you might use 7-zip which is an open source tool and it's completely free and there's no advertisements or pop-ups now you can go to 7-zip.org and download it right here i actually prefer to do it through my terminal where i just do win git and install it through there but you can easily download it from here if you're old school that's fine too but these are really important things hopefully this kind of gives you a basis of the seven things that i see windows users do all the time and it's just cringe stop doing them it's not helping you it's you're probably wasting a lot of money and you're probably making your computer perform a lot worse than it truly should so with that let me know your thoughts down in the comments what did i miss what what things do you see windows users do all the time that just drive you crazy uh these these are probably my top seven uh that i've seen that i've seen so many big mistakes on but i know there's a lot more i probably could go on to a hundred here but uh for youtube i'm gonna cut it right here that i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 110,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech
Id: Mn0eto5bY-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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