Speed up Windows 10 PC for MAXIMUM performance (Hidden secrets) - 2021

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hey everyone in this video i'm gonna show you how to make your pc run as fast as it possibly can and it doesn't matter if your pc is currently running slow or not because after you follow the tips in this video it will be running much faster these methods will work both on laptops and desktops running windows 7 or 10. okay so a little bit about me before we get started i am paul and i work at a company called pagasan and we have been specializing in pc maintenance and optimizations for over a decade so guys you're in good hands the things i'll be showing you today is tested to be the most effective ways in making your pc faster so today's video is gonna be a little long but please bear with me because everything we're gonna talk about today will pay off big at the end there's gonna be three parts to today's video part one is four basic things that you can do right now without downloading any programs to make your pc faster and feel more responsive part two is where you'll download a completely free program to automatically do a bunch of things that would normally take you hours and hours to do manually also what i'm about to show you on part two is where you'll actually gain the biggest performance and surprisingly nobody else is talking about this method so make sure to stick around at least until then as for part three i'll talk about that at the end of part two okay so with all of that out of the way let's finally get started so for part one we're gonna do four basic things number one is clean your pc so go over to your start menu and type the i s k this is the one you're looking for this clean up but don't click on it yet you want to right click here and you want to choose run as administrator so wait for it to scan and a new window will pop up that looks like this from here you want to select every little thing that you see for me it only says 28 megabytes but that's because i just cleaned it a few days ago for you it'll probably be much more a quick disclaimer if you see download folder in there do not click on that because it will delete everything you've downloaded into that folder i'm not even sure why they included that in there now hit ok and choose delete files this will get rid of some old and junk files from your pc so you have more hard drive space this is especially good for ssd drives since disk space are more expensive so you want to make sure it's not being taken up by a whole bunch of junk files anyway let it do its thing and it'll automatically close when it's done from here we can go forward to number two number two is your startup so what you want to do is go into your taskbar and right click here and then you're gonna choose task manager so when you first started up yours would probably look like this you just want to click more details here and then you're going to go on the startup tab so these are all the program that starts up as soon as your pc startup loading windows 7 or 10 is a big enough task as it is but now we got all these other programs that are trying to start up with windows so you can kind of see why your computer would start up slower it's because too many programs are fighting for resources at the same time to fix this the first thing i like to do is click on the status and that will sort by what's enabled and what's not from here you just have to look through your program and decide which program you need during startup and you don't for example i have discord and skype so i use these apps occasionally but i don't need it starting up with my windows so what i'll do is i'll right click on them and hit disable so this score is disabled and then i'll do the same for skype and there it is you might also run into situations where you have no idea what the application even is what it does or if you can disable it or not if that's you don't worry about it just be sure to stick around until part two because i'll talk about that free program which will basically highlight it all for you what you can safely disable okay let's go to number three this one is disabling animation so this one is sort of a personal preference but if you have a slow graphic card this can make a big difference basically you'll be disabling the shadows and animations on your windows pc this might make your pc less pretty to look at but follow along and i'll show you the best of both worlds so what you want to do from here is once again go to your start and then you want to start typing this t-h-i-s and then you're going to see this pc right click on it and then choose properties from here you want to scroll down and then you're going to see advanced system settings click on that and it'll bring you up to this window and you should be on the advanced tab you're gonna look at where it says performance and you're going to click settings so notice right now it's on let windows choose what's best for my computer for best performance you can do adjust for best performance and then hit apply but i don't really like going this route because some things really don't look good at all for example the font kind of bothers me and the desktop icons doesn't have shadows under it and to me it just looks weird so what i like to do is enable things that make windows look good enough but at the same time doesn't slow it down as much i'll show you guys my favorite settings and you guys can either copy that or adjust as needed so these five are what i like to choose and from here i'll just hit apply once you're done here just click ok to exit out of it and click ok again and then you can close this now on to number four which is for windows 10 only so in case you didn't know windows 10 is kind of spying on you and they're tracking how you use your pc unfortunately that's also making your pc a little slower so let's go and disable all of that once again you'll go on your start and this time you're going to start typing settings once you see it you just click on it from here you're gonna scroll down to where it says privacy click on this and you should be in the general tab from here i just like to disable everything and once you're done here i like to go to diagnostics and feedback i choose required and i want to disable tailored experiences then i like to go to activity history and uncheck everything here and this one is a personal preference but i also like to go to location and make sure location for device is definitely not on lastly you're going to scroll down all the way to where it says apps i personally don't want these apps constantly running in the background so i turn it off that's less work on your pc to do so it makes it a bit faster and besides when i need them again i can just open them up again and remember these are only windows store apps not your regular software when you're done with this just close out of it and that's it congrats everyone we are now done with part one see that wasn't so bad right really quick if you guys enjoyed it so far please be sure to hit the like button and subscribe for a bunch more pc tips and tricks that's coming especially for windows 11 stuff when that gets released next month and it really helps me out a lot so i would really really appreciate it okay now before we get to part two let me tell you why we even need to download the free program it's because the biggest performance gain comes from windows services and i'm surprised because not many people are talking about this you don't have to follow along for this part but let me show you exactly what i mean so i'll click on start menu and then i'll start typing services and then i'll open this window so what you see here are windows services there are over 160 of these things in here you can think of each of them as a small program that's running in the background doing stuff the problem is there are many of these program that's running in the background doing stuff that doesn't even matter to you all it's doing is running in the background and slowing down your pc so to optimize these services you have to know what each of them even does for example let's look at connected user experience and telemetry what even is this service why is it running and why is it set to automatic once you research and decide if you need it or not you go on properties and then you change the startup type to either manual or disabled and since we have over 160 of these things you can kind of see why it will take insane amount of time and research to do it all manually that's why we're going to download the free program which will do all of it for us in one click and if you guys don't want to install it don't worry there's also a portable version where you just download and run it okay so the program we'll be getting today is called pegason system utilities it's basically a small program less than 10 megabytes and it contains over 28 windows tool to basically maximize the performance of your pc so to get it first i'll open a browser like google chrome and then i'll go into a website called pegasusan.com so that's p e g a s u n dot com and then it'll look something like this and what you wanna do is you wanna click download free and then wait for the download to finish if you want the portable version you want to click on products and services you want to hit system utilities and then scroll all the way down until you reach system requirements and then here you're going to want to click portable dot zip and once again wait for the download to finish from here just click on this arrow and choose show in folder now i can get out of my browser so if you got the portable version all you have to do is double click on the zip file and then drag and drop this folder anywhere you want in my case i'll drag and drop it into the desktop once that's done double click on the folder and this is the program that you want to open you can double click on it or you can left click on it and choose open if you got the installer you either double click on the system utilities file or you left click on it and you click open when you get to this screen all you have to do is click next accept next next next next and then finally hit install in this case i'll leave it as lunch pegasus system utilities as soon as the program opens you'll be greeted with this screen from here what you want to do is just click next and then next again and on this screen you want to hit create system restore point you want to do this because if anything ever goes wrong we can always restore our computer back to the way it was before once that's done click ok and then we'll just skip tutorial from here since i'll be showing you everything so this is basically what the program looks like and as the name states system utilities it's a program that has like 28 programs in a simple interface and the best thing about it is you don't even have to worry about any of the other programs because it does everything for you automatically if you wanted to but we'll focus on the two main ones for now so like we talked about let's go optimize our windows services to do this we'll use a program called service manager all you have to do is click on optimize pc on the quick tools and then you'll be greeted with this program now it's super easy all you do is click save or maximum you can choose save to be on the safer side since it will disable less windows services but i always go with maximum sense the performance gain is better and it has never caused any problems for me and even if it did i can always just choose save and if i didn't even want that i can easily go back to exactly how it was by choosing the default anyway so i'll stick with maximum optimization and then what i'm gonna do is hit optimize in this screen it's going to show you all the services that it's going to optimize for example connected user experience service currently it's set to automatic but the program is going to set it to disabled same thing for data usage currently it's automatic but we're going to set it to disabled anyway if there is anything you didn't want optimize you just uncheck it and when you're done all you do is click optimize and let it do its thing and you're done all you have to do is click close and exit out of here if you remember on part one number two i said that i'll show you a program that tells you automatically which program you can potentially disable from your startup well that program is called startup manager and you can access it by choosing boost pc startup so when you click that this program shows up from here i make sure all of these are highlighted and then i'll do scan items so basically you can see how it highlights what you need and what you don't really need for example in gray it shows not needed so this means discord is not needed skype is not needed same thing for spotify and things like that user choice for onedrive meaning it's up to you if you want it or not but if you don't doesn't really matter and these are just suggestions you can follow and think about so when you decide what you want disabled or not you just hit apply and it does it for you automatically another thing you could do is delay a program from starting up so let's say you actually do want spotify to start up with windows but you don't want spotify to start immediately when windows start in this case what you could do is right click on spotify and click delay this item now it's been delayed so if you go to delayed startups you can see that spotify is delayed for five minutes what this means is spotify will start when your windows loads but it's not going to start right away it's going to start five minutes after windows loads and this is kind of like best of both worlds you get your program starting automatically but not slowing down your pc so when you're done with that just exit out of startup manager also from now on everything we just did can all be done automatically by clicking on one click maintenance and analyze and optimize wait for it to finish and you'll see a result of everything it just did i recommend doing this at least once a month think of it like maintenance for your pc just like how you have to maintain your car every few months you should do the same for your pc and lucky for you maintaining your pc is a very easy task especially with programs like these if you maintain your pc it will be running its best for years to come and not only that it will also improve the lifespan of it with all that said we're done with part two once you restart your computer i'm confident you'll notice a difference in performance before we get to part three if you know anyone like your friends and family that is struggling with their pc or want their pc to run faster please share this video with them and once again if you enjoyed it so far please remember to hit the like and subscribe okay so now you have two options you can restart your pc right now and see how it performs or you can keep watching to part three for even more things you can do to speed up your pc if you do decide to restart your pc now be sure to come back to this video for part 3 because we can make your pc even faster so unfortunately the last two things you can do does require a paid license but there is a lifetime license option that means you pay once and you never ever have to pay again you also get unlimited updates and upgrades as they come which is amazing and away from that crappy subscription model that everyone is offering where you have to pay every month or every year you don't actually ever truly own it i'll link a code in the description for 10 off so basically if you use the code youtube paul during your purchase you'll get another 10 percent off your entire order once the purchase is done the license will be displayed to you immediately and basically you just copy that license code and you go to health you click on upgrade to premium [Music] and then in the registration box you right click on it and then you hit paste once that's done you just click on register and you're good to go after registration the first thing we'll use is windows 10 optimizer like the name says this is only for windows 10 so if you have windows 7 just skip to the next section so to open windows 10 optimizer just click the bloat windows 10. once the program opens the first thing i'll do is go to the optimize tab so this screen shows you all the things that program will do for you take a look through different tabs and choose what you want for me i'll pretty much choose everything on every tab accept block spying domain using host file but besides that one i usually just choose everything and before i hit optimize let me go back to the first tab and talk about my favorite one which is remove bloat promotional windows store apps in case you didn't know windows 10 comes with tons of blue air my start menu currently looks like this you can see some programs that i never asked for for example i never played candy crush in my entire life but for some reason it's in here in their productivity section and here's a picture of what some other people have to deal with so you can see how this is annoying if you want to get rid of all these bloatware you have to go manually one by one find out which one is the bloatware and then right click on it and then uninstall it well the good thing is you don't have to look for bloatwares at all because once you hit optimize it will remove all this bloatware in basically one click okay so let's go hit optimize and wait for it to do its thing and once it's done it'll prompt you with a message to restart your pc but we can save the restart for later because i still have one more thing i want to show you we're done with windows 10 optimizers so you can just go ahead and close the program the last thing we'll talk about is turbo mode to look at it just click on turbo from the left menu so this will basically put your pc in high performance mode and disable more background programs while it's running but first you will need to configure it so just hit configure from here click next and this screen shows you what additional services it will disable while it's running i'm pretty happy with default so i just leave it as is and then i hit next and here you can choose other third-party services that you want disabled i don't want adobe acrobat update service running and that's about it for me so i'm gonna hit next again and here you can choose any background processes that you want terminated i don't usually mess with this so i'm just gonna leave it as default and hit next here on the extra option it's recommended that you have high performance mode selected i usually have clear clipboard and clear ram selected i also have reapplied server mode every 30 minutes from here i'll just click next and i'll hit finish now that you're done with the configuration all we have to do is click turn on but before i click turn on i'm gonna open a task manager and i recommend you guys to do the same just because i want you guys to see the difference so right click on your taskbar and choose task manager now move system utilities to the side and on the task manager i'm going to go on the performance tab and keep an eye out on the number of threads and handles along with cpu utilization watch what happens when i turn it on and turbo mode has been turned on now wait a few second and watch as the threads and handles go down a bit and that's pretty much it i'm gonna close out of task manager and close out of system utilities we are all done i really really hope you guys found this video helpful and i hope it makes a big difference in your pc performance please leave a comment letting me know how well it worked for you and if you have any question feel free to post it in the comment because i'll for sure read it and provide an answer also if you guys have any pc questions or topic that you want me to cover please leave them in the comment section as well and yeah thanks again guys thanks for sticking till the end i really appreciate it this is paul at pegasun and i hope you all have a great day
Channel: Paul Pegasun
Views: 169,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows10, windows7, windows 11
Id: AAC0Jb4YRc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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