Should you main a Druid in WOTLK Classic?

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should you play a druid in wrath of the lich king classic much like tbc the druid can fill four very distinct roles being balanced druid for ranged dps feral dps feral tank and restoration for healing all four of these roles can be very useful all four of these roles can perform very well and i just want to break down the druid in five to six minutes i don't want this video to be particularly long because this series is going to run alongside the what's change if you haven't seen these videos which i'm flashing up now you're probably playing a druid and you should go and watch them i go in detail through all the changes for feral balance and resto from tbc to wrath of the lich king this is more of a summing up video of should you play druid so i will be doing one of these videos for every class so if you don't play a druid but you play one of the other classes be sure to hit the subscribe button like the video keep an eye out for your class because it'll be coming very very soon now ultimately in wrath of the lich king because you get dual spec you can fill two roles you might not want to you might want to just be feral dps and then have a feral feral dps pvp spec as well if that's the case absolutely fine but i think the strength of the druid in pve specifically in wrath of the lich king is the fact that you can fill two roles so you can switch from feral dps to feral tank because yes you really do need two specs for that unlike tbc where you can dps and tank in the same spec you could even be ranged and melee so for melee unfriendly fights you could switch to boomi and the gear is fairly easy to obtain in rafa the lich king as well because you're a leather user and if you was going to go boomy off spec for example you can get cloth and you can get lever you can spam heroics you know it don't take that long to gear up so let's talk first tank if you're a feral tank you probably only want to know one thing am i going to be needed yes is the answer feral tanks are very strong played by the right person they can do very very well in fact in wrath of the lich king it still remains as my number one off tank and i say number one off tank they're absolutely fine for main tank him but because if there's a tank swap where there's portions of the fight where you don't need to be doing anything you can switch into cat and still do a significant amount of damage there's not many tanks that can do that that can do a real good amount of damage whilst not actively tanking the boss so for me druid always remains my favorite off tank resto druids very very strong with things like revitalize added so you can actually give extra resources back to your raid with wild growth and rejuve that's very strong all of your dps are going to want hots on them all the time you might not want to give them hots all the time but they will want it all the time and you do use wild growth on cooldown so you will be given a lot of resources back i would say in 10 man they're probably one of the weaker healers i think most people who play private servers would agree with that even in 25 man they're a little bit on the weak side holy paladins and disc priests specifically those two being very very strong not leaving that much for resto druids to do but their strength does lie in blanketing raids with hearts and and preemptively hot in people knowing the damage is coming in before it comes in so whereas your holy paladins and your pre well your holy paladins specifically and your shamans can react to damage as it's coming in a disc priest and a resto druid you will be predicting that damage and getting your shields up and getting your hots out now whilst resto druids can top healing meters they you know it absolutely it can be done you're still looking at certain fights in certain encounters where there's lots of raid damage going around where your hots are getting time to tick where you are going to creep up on those meters i do genuinely feel that if a resto druid is topping the healing meter on the vast majority of fights your holy paladins and disparities are doing it wrong so if you're going in wanting a smash healing meat as completely as a resto druid i'm not saying you haven't got the skill to do it i just don't think the restorer's got the tool kit to pull it off consistently on every fight and then when it comes to boomi boomi again incredibly strong a real great spec that aoe is phenomenal one of the strongest aoes in the game with hurricane now having no cooldown starfall just hitting like an absolute truck the more mobs there are the more dps you do their single target is very very good as well and i feel they start particularly strong in tier seven if there's lots and lots of aoe going on there's no reason why you can't be topping damage or being in the top three you've got a lot of competition when it comes to aoe and cleave from things like spell hunts things like dks but you absolutely can do it you know a boom is seriously do really really good aoe single target if you're topping damaged meters well you shouldn't really be topping damage meters single target i mean if you're slightly over geared compared to everyone else then it's possible if the stars are line and you're getting procs back to back on your eclipse because you're getting lots of crits then again it can happen but ultimately if you're going in as a boomi you're a real strong all-rounder great aoe great single target probably don't excel massively either even though on the aoe you're on the strong side but ultimately there's lots of fights that are made easier with boomis there genuinely is fights where you will want boomers due to their burst aoe and then finally feral obviously i want to keep this video fairly short because i want it just just to give you my thoughts on each class because i'm going to do this obviously for every class like i've already said now feral dps specifically we're talking about now very high skill cap if you're a good feral in tbc you shouldn't have many problems with feral in wrath i uh i would say feral raph is more difficult than tbc and you're instantly like wait i didn't think your power shift into in raph anymore you don't power shift in raph anymore due to energy changes check the feral video if you don't know about the changes i'll put a link in the description to all of the druid class changes anyway into wrath of the lich king you've got a lot more juggling to do you know keeping savage roar up keep him rip up you know shredding using your clear cast improx fairy firing on cooldown to try and force clear casting procs for a moment of clarity it's a lot more i don't want to say manic because it's not actually that manic once you get the initial opener up so you've got everything up on the bus you've got everything up on yourself and then you're just spinning plates for the entire fight but movement can be extremely punishing you know having to move away from a boss if a boss does some sort of invulnerability where he wipes all your bleeds off every 30 seconds or every minute or something like that if you've just got a five combo point bleed up and then they go that can be really frustrating and there are fights where things like that happen but ultimately for feral you can and will top dps pretty much from tier viii onwards in tier 7 you can top dps you probably really need a hysteria from a blood dk which increases your physical damage but it's possible you need a bit more luck during tier 7 to top dps meters getting lots of omega clarity procs and things like that whereas in tier eight nine ten once you start getting armor pen doesn't matter you don't really need luck because you're just gonna hit that hard ferrule will be sort of top two top three dps for the rest of the expansion it's just tier seven where you shouldn't get disheartened don't go in and you're third or fourth getting out dps by shamans or dk's or arcane mages or whatever you know it doesn't matter what you're getting at dps by you will be beating them in future tiers and that's it should you play a druid in wrath of the lich king absolutely yes every spec is viable every spec is good feral i would say is the strongest throughout the entire expansion in terms of tanking and dpsing but boom is incredibly strong as well it's only resto i would put a little bit lower than all of those and take it from someone who started i started the latest private server as resto but then i changed to feral ultimately i wanted i wanted to be feral anyway but it was a constant fight to try and make it look like my healing was actually doing something there's not enough healing going around in tier 7 anyway because the damage is not there you know the hills are not needed so you haven't got anything that you can snipe hills with really outside of swiftmend so you do feel like a bit of a spare part but once you get into all the while 25 when there's a lot more aoe going around on on the vast majority of fights then you will feel a lot more useful so should you play druid yes you should play druid because it's the best class in world of warcraft always has and always will be if you like the video click like subscribe to the channel for lots more content and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 41,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, tbc, classic, wotlk, wrath, of, the, lich, king, scottejaye, scottejaye87, world, Warcraft, Blizzard, mmorpge, mmo, new, fresh, server, Druid, PvE, PvP, feral Druid, feral, item, raid, guide, how to, bg, instance, dungeon, heroic, mythic, resto, metagoblin, Kargoz, warlock, rogue, warrior, hunter, priest, shaman, twitch, stream, Dk, deathknight, lk, ulduar, naxx, 25, private, servers, Whitemane, warmane, 3:3:5, hard, mode, end game, Raiding, bear, cat, Feral, DRUID, dps, Resto, healer, p1, change, Race, best, Balance, tank, boomy, boomkin, main, class, pick
Id: O3axCsolsa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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