Should you care about the Lua Arcanes? | Warframe

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as part of the rewards for conjunction survival you can pick up four new arcanes split across your primary secondary and Warframe there's no doubt that max out one of these arcanes will take quite some time so are they worth it I'm Nick engineer let's solve a practical problem [Music] probably isn't the first video you've watched on this channel so if you haven't already make sure to subscribe to the channel to catch more guides as they go live you can also support future videos by hitting the join or thanks buttons below the video the four arcanes added with Lewis prey are Arcane rise and Arcane blessing for your Warframe primary frostbite for your primary weapons and conjunction voltage for your secondary weapons each of them can be bought at rank 0 for 15 Lewis racks plasm from archimedian yonte on the Zara man and they can also be earned as drops from the higher tier conjunction survival Mission circulus Arcane rise and conjunction voltage drop from rotation B at 7.94 each while Arcane blessing and primary frostbite are on rotation C at 10.2 percent each so take a little bit longer to get on the first pass but they drop more frequently if you start out with no arcanes or plasm it will take you roughly 35 rotation C's to just about 12 hours to get a full set of each Arcane this is assuming you get 30 Lewis thrax plasm every 20 minutes 5 coming this way most of your arcanes will be bought as the 30 plasm in 20 minutes will buy you two of them while the round Awards won't give you any arcanes 83 of the time if you've farmed for this mission for other rewards such as varuna then you'll only have some of the arcanes in your possession which will cut down the time some small amount so considering it's going to take quite a while to get a full set of even one Arcane what are they good for Arcane rise goes onto your Warframe and giving you a 60 chance on reloading your primary weapon to gain plus 150 damage for the next 24 seconds this only applies to weapons which actively reload so it doesn't trigger and recharge weapons like the foreman nor does it trigger on weapons which draw directly from their ammo ball like the Cooper Brahma on the other hand weapons which reload one shot at a time like the Felix have multiple chances to trigger this bonus making it very reliable this Arcane is a direct copy of its older cousin Arcane Awakening which provides the exact same stats except for secondary weapons when applied the damage bonus from rice is additive to other pure damage bonuses such as serration and primary merciless with more pure damage bonuses already on your weapon this Arcane has a lower effective bonus it'll increase your overall damage by 56.6 percent when you pair it with serration or just 32.61 when used alongside the primary steel power arcanes so with that in mind let's see how it compares to the effectiveness of other arcanes you could put in the same slot Arcane primary charger will give you double the bonus of Arcane rise at the cost of requiring a melee kill rather than a Reload lasting for half the time and having half the trigger chance Arcane rage will give you a slightly higher bonus than rise at 180 for the same 24 second duration however this requires you to land a headshot and has an even lower trigger rate of just 15 compared to these two options Arcane Rises more convenience trigger but for a lower bonus the other direct competitors for damage output are Arcane Avenger and Arcane acceleration Arcane acceleration Triggers on critical hit and increases fire rate by 90 making it easy to trigger and not competing with other pure damage bonuses instead adding to fire rate bonuses Arcane Avenger on the other hand applies a fixed 45 absolute increase to critical chance for 12 seconds when you're hit with a 21 chance to trigger while again it has a lower trigger rate and duration than Arcane rise the bigger points are that you need to take damage to trigger the bonus and then the bonus applies to criticals instead of your pure damage the higher your weapons damage bonus the more preferable Arcane Avenger becomes but conversely the higher your weapons modded critical chance then the less overall effects Arcane Avenger has as it turns out we can Mark some simple breakpoints between Avenger and Rise if you're using one of the Steel pafar games on your primary weapon the plus 360 damage then Arcane Avenger will usually provide a more effective bonus than Arcane rise on your crit based weapons up until around 118 critical chance this is tied to your critical damage multiplier with higher multipliers pushing back the point where Arcane rise overtakes Arcane Avenger no matter what though with just the steel path Arcane for Pure damage bonus on your weapon Arcane Avenger stops being better than Arcane rise in almost all situations once you reach 138 critical chance beyond that point Arcane rise will always have a higher on paper DPS there are still some enemies which are weaker to Critical Hits than normal damage such as the icons so in some cases you will still want to have Avenger beyond that critical chance if you're not using a steel path Arcane instead relying on serration for your pure damage bonus then Arcane rise overtakes Avenger entirely by just 80 modded critical chance and in most practical cases by just 58 modded crit chance so while pure damage bonuses may seem to have diminishing returns they can still be the better pick in comparison to other options if the conditions align if you're in a position where you've already got a very high crit chance weapon or if you don't want to take consistent damage to proc Arcane Avenger if you don't want combo melee and primary kills together if you don't want more fire rate and if you don't want to be aiming for headshots then you should use Arcane rise if any of those conditions aren't true however look instead to the other more powerful Arcane to match Arcane rise is capable reliable and simple but it isn't the strongest choice in most cases next up we have primary frostbite this Arcane goes onto your primary weapon and as a result requires access to the steel path in order to be able to use it every time you apply a cold status block by any means including other weapons or abilities even you're a companion you gain a stack onto this Arcane at Max rank each stack provides plus 3 critical damage and plus 2.25 multi-shot to a Max of 40 sacks for plus 120 critical damage and Plus 90 multi-shot this bonus lasts for 12 seconds with any new SEC refreshing the duration this Arcane is in direct competition with the steel pathfarkings which all offer plus 360 damage and token other benefits by this to your Play You'll also have access to galvanized chamber providing up to 230 multi-shot bonus in itself add on to this you'll already have plus 120 critical damage from the mod vital sense and it seems that the bonuses offered by primary frostbite may not add up high enough indeed the effective multi-shot bonus from this Arcane stacked against galvanized chamber is only a 27.3 percent increase for comparison even when combined with serration which a lot of builds avoid you'll find prime merciless is granting a 135.9 effective increase in damage which is far higher than that 27 the arcane's bonus to critical damage simply will not make up this difference to make matters worse the stacks on frostbite do not expire one by one like they do on the steel path arcanes if you go 12 seconds without Landing a cold status effect all 40 Stacks are instantly lost this Arcane then is an objectively inferior option for damage dealing in most circumstances the plus 360 damage from the steel path it's just too much to ignore there is a different use from the multi-shot bonus however one thing the steel path arcanes do not support at all is a status primer weapon if you're using a primary weapon to apply status for other weapons such as using a sea dose to support or your melee then bonus damage on the sedo is pretty pointless instead here a multi-shot bonus will help you to apply that status effect faster not only that but if you're not killing with the status private then you'll be using an ordinary multi-shot mod instead of the galvanized one so the arcane's bonus will be comparatively higher than on damage dealing weapons so the use of primary frostbite is on status primer weapons where either the primer or something else in Your Arsenal is able to put out consistent and numerous cold status effects the only time you should consider using it on a damage focused weapon is when you have a very high added to Pure damage bonus on your weapon specifically from chroma's Vex armor that's the only ability that can make a steel path arcane's damage bonus less effective than primary frostbite and then only if you're putting out enough gold procs the third Arcane is conjunction voltage this one goes onto your secondary weapon again requiring access to the steel path in order to unlock the slot to use it on similar to primary frostbite Landing an electric proc by any weapon ability or your companion will trigger this Arcane giving you plus 1.5 reload speed and plus three percent multi-shot on your secondary weapon this Stacks up to 40 times for a maximum bonus of 60 reload speed and 120 multi-shot just like with frostbite this Arcane bonus lasts for 12 seconds refreshing with every trigger also just like frostbite conjunction voltage is competing directly with the steel path arcanes for damage and is watered down by the existence of both galvanized diffusion and lethal torrents when it comes to multi-shot conjunction voltage gives just a 31 effective bonus at full stack when used alongside these two mods but simply there is no amount of reload speed that can make up for such a small bonus versus the steel path arcanes once again then this reduces conjunction voltage to only being useful on a status primer secondary if you are able to consistently and rapidly apply electric rocks to get and keep the stacks on the Arcane it will provide a multi-shot bonus to make that effect stronger than with any other Arcane but if your secondary weapon is not a status primer then there is no use of conjunction voltage on it lastly then we have Arcane blessing this is a curious Arcane for your Warframe at Max rank it increases your maximum health by 24 every time you pick up a health orb this continues until a maximum stack of 50 for 1 200 Health ignoring bugs for now 1 200 health is a hefty chunk this is more Health than a Max rank Vitality can give to all but three warframes and is more Health than even a full umbral set can achieve for the vast majority of frames so that's good right well sometimes the problem with this Arcane is finding a use case for most warframes you're taking up an Arcane slot that could be used for healing such as Arcane Grace Arcane victory in exchange for a higher maximum health in most non-endless missions however I only found that I'd gain a handful of Health orbs throughout including the guaranteed drops from the Xmas units which spawn usually later into a mission for Endless missions you'll eventually get endless Health orbs but again on balance this doesn't cap out the Arcane for the first few rotations a whole chunk of mission time is spent without having the full benefit that the Arcane was promising you warframes which generate hellforbs can get around this limitation abilities like desecrate or blazing chakram can get health orbs from nearly every kill frames with those abilities can quickly stack a barking blessing granting them significantly higher buffer against bursts of high damage from enemies let's look at those Health form generators more closely necros doesn't have a huge tank with his Base Kit relying on distracting or terrifying enemies Vitality on him will increase his health at level 30 from 300 to 740 with Arcane blessing necros will surpass Vitality at just 19 Health orbs which he'll generate from about 32 bodies that's easy to achieve pretty early intermission so it's usable on necros measure however does have a lot of tank thanks to warding Halo in addition to having a large crowd control ability in Divine Spears with 23 enemies affected by blazik chakram najib will have enough Health orbs to beat up Vitality or 40 Health orbs are beat at a full Emerald set bearing in mind that measure can still benefit greatly from the strength and armor of the umbral set and is very tanky with the full set it's hard to justify adding the Arcane on top and even harder to justify replacing above Vitality with Arcane blessing Neja simply doesn't need it oberon's Reckoning generates Health Forbes half the time when it kills an enemy at any level where you're able to get the need Arcane blessing it's unlikely the damage from Reckoning is actually going to kill many units in this case if the health bonus is actually important to your survival the low rate of orbs will make it too little too late to be of help looking then to Proteus dispensary it will continuously put out hellforbs one or two at a time every 5 seconds or longer between if you're also grabbing the other pickups those orbs provide 100 healing a piece rather than the 50 of normal orbs or 25 of Health orbs in the past but the Arcane will still only give 24 extra Max Health per orb over the course of a few minutes protub will be able to max out our game blessing but notably she doesn't need it produce core defense is in enhanced Shields using her grenade fan which also provides an improved Shield gate if you really want extra help from protea it's usually better to go for Arkham Vitality as this will also double up the heat procs from a blaze artillery so as much as project can generate the health Forbes on dispensary she doesn't really need it Trinity's well of Life can generate Health orbs while it's augmented with the mod pool of life this will produce four Health orbs each time A Marked enemy is killed maxing out the Arcane in just 13 marked Targets this is also a subsumable ability so you can put it onto other warframes too well of life also synergizes with Arcane blessing as it also produces healing so not only do you have a higher Max Health you are then also regenerating that Health lastly for Warframe abilities there's varuna's lycats hunt again it's a subsumable ability this time generating Health thoughts from 50 of melee kills or 100 on varuna there's nothing fancy to it so as long as you're killing with melee then this will grant the necessary orbs so in the case of necros with desecrate or warframes using well of Life of its augment will like our centered melee Arcane blessing can be stacked up quick enough to be of significant use by removing Vitality from your build in the process you can replace that with the mod Health conversion to also gain up to 1 350 armor from these Health Forbes making the tank against burst damage even better but without those abilities to generate a high volume of Health orbs certainly in non-endless missions if you need the help from this Arcane for survival then you're probably dead before the Arcane will finish building up in summary we've got an Arcane for Reliable but modest primary damage two arcanes for adding multi-shot to status primers and then an Arcane to replace Vitality on builds which generate a lot of Health orbs it comes down to your playstyle to determine if these are worth your time to farm or worth your platinum to trade for at the very least I hope this gives you the information you need to make that decision if you haven't already subscribe to the channel and as always Farm arcanes stack bonuses and fight well tenno
Channel: TheKengineer
Views: 126,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, arcane, luas prey, lua prey, voruna, blessing, voltage, rise, comparison, frostbite
Id: hFU2606rKWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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