Which mirror defense arcanes are worth farming? | Warframe

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I've already shown in an earlier video that the mirror defense arcanes take a while to acquire even if you're grinding at an efficient Pace getting 150 of each Crystal fragment every 25 minutes that's still three and a half hours of mission time just to max out one Arcane so let's see what these five arcanes do and if they're even worth it I'm Nick engineer let's solve a practical problem [Music] as we go through I'll be rating each Arcane like on a tier list with ratings from worst to best being f d c b a and finally s tier with these ratings in mind let's look at our first Arcane primary plated round when you reload your primary weapon you gain a temporary damage bonus the scale of the bonus is tied to both your maximum magazine size and how much of that magazine is reloaded as it's triggered on reload this doesn't work on bows like the dread or recharging weapons like the foreman the equation for this bonus is this that's a 33 damage bonus or technically 33.485 according to the clever clogs behind the wiki multiplied by the square root of your maximum magazine size and then proportionally reduced based on how much ammo was left when you reloaded the larger your magazine the higher the bonus you will get but it's not a one-to-one ratio a One-Shot weapon like the vectors will get a 33 bonus while at 4 shot magazine gets a 67 bonus 100 shotgun magazine gets a 335 bonus and so on the bonus damage provided by this Arcane surpasses that of the steel pathar gain when you have a magazine of at least 116. not counting the other bonuses you can get from steel path arcanes the problem with plated round is that pesky third term reducing the bonus if you do a tactical reload with only a partially depleted magazine while the amplex has a maximum magazine of 100 but there's a maximum bonus of 335 percent if we reload with only one ammo consumed this will instead Grant only a three percent damage bonus 10 times lower than what the vectors get with its just one shot for weapons which reload one at a time like the fell axles are the Arcane doesn't stack the bonus as you reload but instead just keeps refreshing the timer on a very low damage bonus as you only partially reloading the magazine every single time to make matters worse the bonus duration on this Arcane is only 10 seconds at maximum rank meaning in order to get the full bonus you must empty your entire magazine within 10 seconds of reloading even with ammo support such as dispensary transmutation probe or ammo case that is still a lot of ammo consumption being forced onto High magazine High rate of fire weapons very few weapons will be able to keep up with that amount of demand realistically the only circumstances in which this would be better than a seal path Arcane is if you are unable to get kills to charge the steel path Arcane which would mostly be in boss fights in that case you'll usually be better served using primary frostbite but for critical damage and multi-shot bonuses that Arcane has a longer and refreshable bonus duration and it only demands cold procs technically speaking there are some weapons which can use the bonus of plated round to some extent where your unable to apply called status effects and unable to get kills at all but because of how Niche this is I'm rating primary bladed around as D tier unless you know for a fact exactly how and why this Arcane will be the correct choice for build don't waste your time on it in this state next we have secondary kinship while you are buffing your Warframe or an Allied Warframe your secondary weapon gains a plus 20 critical chance bonus this buff sucks additively with critical chance mods and applies an extra stack for every extra buff you apply the only cap on how many Buffs you can benefit from is your warframe's ability to actually apply those Buffs for example Excalibur lacks any buffing abilities without augment while wisp has three Buffs that can apply to allies just on her first ability I'll leave you to check individually which warframes have what eligible Buffs as there's no way I'm about to go over 52 warframes worth of abilities in just one video now most warframes don't have three Buffs to apply to their whole Squad and those warframes with multiple Buffs may find that allies often refuse to be in range or activate them all at once sure Octavia has the highest potential thanks to a combination of passive third and fourth abilities but this requires each player in the squad to be in range of each ability as well as jumping crouching shooting and meleeing sufficiently in time with the beat activate each buff there's also Mirage who is a weird case her clones count as Allied warframes to be buffed when using the total eclipse augment but that is her only buff ability which again impacts the effectiveness of this arcane still if you have three active team Buffs and four allies to put them onto then that is 12 stacks of kinship for a total critical chance bonus of 240 which just slightly better than the bonus afforded by the mod creeping Bullseye in order to achieve this however you've used up a slot which could have gone to plus 360 damage bonus from a steel path Arcane much like the issue with primary plated round this Arcane doesn't just require you to meet the conditions but also has the opportunity cost of not using some other bonus secondary kinship is also competing with Cascadia overcharge which grants 300 critical chance whilst you have overshields or Cascadia accuracy granting 300 critical chance on headshots for 4 seconds after rolling neither of which require allies in your squad nor active Buffs on them so if you find yourself using a Warframe with many Buffs to apply a squad all ready to receive the Buffs a situation where you cannot get kills for steel puff arcanes or have a weapon setup that benefit more from the critical chance and it's easier to maintain all the boss than to maintain overshields on yourself then you can consider using secondary kinship as an optimal choice now this isn't as bad as plated round as kinship does have more options when it comes to weapon choice but it is still rather Niche due to all this I'll rate it as C minus it's honestly quite forgettable even when the right situation comes up though it determined wisp Octavia or Oberon could potentially get workable value from the Arcane my recommendation would be not to waste your time getting one our third Arcane today is Arcane double back this goes on to your Warframe and grants damage resistance for 4 seconds on performing parkour Maneuvers at maximum this will give you 25 damage resistance on a Dodge roll 25 on bullet jump and 25 on double jump adding together for a maximum 75 damage resistance while all three Buffs are active each one has its own independent timer and each 25 requires that specific park or move if you do three rolls in a row this will only Grant you 25 resistance not 75. so double back is in an interesting spot as it's one of very few Warframe arcanes which provides damage resistance the only others are King Guardian which sometimes grants you 900 armor for 20 seconds if you're hit or Arcane tanker granted 1 200 armor for one minute when you deploy your heavy weapon Arcane tankers bonus is equal to 75 damage reduction if your Warframe has 100 armor fifty percent reduction of your Warframe has 900 armor and 25 damage reduction if your Warframe has 3 300 armor so for most warframes then Arcane tanker will provide significantly more than 50 damage reduction closer to 75 for the whole minute Arcane double back then has a massively shorter active duration necessitating all but constant particle movement just to get the full bonus while movement in Warframe is a good idea for survival in general this amount of Parkour can take away from actually attacking the enemies shooting at you instead this Arcane is more useful as a general defense whilst you move through a mission or get yourself into position protecting you as you begin to fight enemies rather than throughout the whole engagement still in terms of a damage reduction bonus double back is one of very few arcanes to offer it and is the only one to benefit Shields as well as health more mobile play Styles can definitely incorporate it but that short duration is punishing for that reason I'm rating this as a B minus Arcane it to be better if the duration was longer but for now this is how it stands rolling onto our next Arcane is Arcane steadfast this one once again goes on to Warframe and has a 20 chance to trigger whenever you cast an ability when triggered your next reability cast have zero energy cost this functions very similarly to zeneric's Inner might passive ability allowing you to cast the ability even with zero energy left it even has the same visual indicator of a bright most of light gently drifting around your Warframe until it's consumed also similar to innomite the only other notification you get of activation is a buff icon on your buff bar otherwise the Arcane triggers almost imperceptibly making it easy to miss when it triggers and you may end up wasting some of the charges the buff has no effect on abilities which already costs Zero Energy such as levels abilities and will not reduce the ongoing cost of toggled abilities however it does both trigger on and benefit hildren's abilities despite them using her Shields the Arcane buff cannot trigger again whilst it's already active and is subject to Pure RNG as to when it does happen interestingly enough this Arcane is the first Warframe Arcane to act as a means of efficiency though it doesn't tie into the efficiency stat directly it allows you to strategically focus on cheaper abilities until it triggers then unleashing more expensive abilities without an energy cost on average at Max rank you'll spend energy five times to be able to cast freely three times for example if you use a 25 NG ability five times with three free casts of 100 energy ability you will have spent 125 energy but gained the benefits of 425 energies worth of casting that's a 71 saving in normal gameplay you won't be so efficient however most frames will be utilizing 50 and 75 energy abilities in normal rotation and you won't always be able to make use of three casts of 100 energy ability if you even have one before needing to recast something cheaper instead in a very basic scenario where you're always casting abilities with the same cost this arcane's effect drops to an average saving of 37.5 percent the biggest competition to Arcane steadfast is the legendary Arcane energize energize has a vastly more reliable trigger at 60 instead of 20 and will grant 150 energy to you and your allies on activation energize works better with more efficient abilities getting the most out of the energy granted as well as supporting toggle abilities steadfast on the other hand doesn't increase your energy income it only reduces the outgoings this synergizes with energy sources that are not energy orbs such as Wellspring nourish and emergence dissipate as you can potentially get more casts out after using the energy that they Grant you unlike energize steadfast doesn't get any worse the lower your ability efficiency as you always have the same chance to get additional casts but the biggest weakness in steadfast is all in its probability a 20 chance of a set of three free cast leaves you exposed to RNG if you're not concerned about being unable to cast abilities for a while then it's a low risk but also low return Arcane as your abilities clearly aren't that impactful if instead you're relying on abilities being available a dry spell can lead to death or even Mission failure on the First cast there's a 20 chance your next three casts are free however you also have a 20 chance to cast 7 of that ability in a row and still not trigger the Arcane with more expensive abilities thrown in you can should be consuming hundreds of energy with the Arcane acting as if it doesn't exist at all compared to energize which has less than a three percent chance of failing to activate four times in a row steadfast will frequently fail you if you rely on it so while this Arcane can enable increased ability casting you should still build like it doesn't exist to be prepared for the worst case scenarios one final aspect you should be aware of is the effect on brief respite and the orgamod set those mods will grant you Shields based on the energy spent on casting an ability as you might expect removing the energy cost with Arcane said fast also removes the ability to restore Shields by casting if you are relying on Shield gating I would strongly advise against using steadfast overall I'd rate this Arcane at a minus as it's certainly capable when carefully managed if anything it qualifies as a poor man's Arcane energize as it's easy to obtain or cheaper to purchase it's just held back by that lack of reliability and so finally we turn to secondary income when you fire a shot that applies a status effect this Arcane has a chance of applying a random additional status effect this random effect can be any physical basic elements or combination stasis effect including ones not present on the weapon you're firing giving a total of 13 possible status types if that status type is a damaging one such as a toxin proc it'll still be based on your weapon's shot damage just like a normal status effect including any relevant equipped mods as this is all about applying additional status effects it's entirely an Arcane for status priming the restriction on this Arcane is that it doesn't trigger with every single status effect you land instead for every shot you fire you can procness Arcane a maximum of once even if you have multi-shots and hits multiple enemies each hit that includes any number of status blocks will one by one roll the chance to activate this Arcane once one of the hits triggers the effect the rest of the shot fired is no longer considered this means that Multi Shot and multi-target increases the chance of the Arcane being utilized but with diminishing returns due to the cap on one proc per shot in terms of the number of status blocks you're applying this means that the Arcane will at most be a 24 increase if you're firing single Target weapon with no more than 100 status chance no multi-shot and no forced procs in reality the amount of additional status effects applied will be significantly lower than that but that's not what encumber is geared towards it's not trying to give you loads upon loads of status effects its role is giving you status effects you never could have had with 2.8 multi-shot and guaranteed status effects you have an average of a 53 chance to deliver a bonus status proc with this Arcane every shot for something like the kubernucor with a base 10 fire rate rising to 16 with lethal torrent that's an average of 8.5 additional status blocks per second while you can mod four or five innately onto the kuvenu core this would give you a very very high chance of applying multiple other effects which wouldn't normally be present now in themselves many status effects are of limited value applying an impact puncture blast or magnetic proc to a grineer unit we'll be doing close to nothing and you're realistically not getting much from a status primer applying toxin electric slash or gas either as they have low damage however all eight of those effects and any others you may be applying still qualify for one of the strongest mod options in the entire game that is condition overload condition overload and its primary counterparts galvanized attitude and galvanized Savvy applies 80 additional pure damage to the weapon for every unique status effect active on an enemy if the enemy has 40 heat blocks on them this is just 80 extra damage as it's only one status effect however if the enemy has one of each of impact puncture slash blast magnetic toxin electric and the gas procs that's five times fewer status effects in total than the damage bonus because comes 640 percent to say this is just a big bonus would be a bit of an understatement one of the most meta-changing additions to our arsenals in recent years was the introduction of Steel path arcanes to primary and secondary weapons and these will grant you up to 360 damage with 13 potential status blocks secondary encumber can lead to getting plus one thousand and forty percent nearly three times that bonus to really get the most out of this Arcane you want a secondary weapon with a very high fire rate either 100 status chance or a four status effect and basic multi-shot to improve the per shot chances optional extras includes ammo efficiency or recovery such as pistol ammo mutation and Status duration with the recently buffed Perpetual Agony if you're hitting many enemies at once with your primer after all it's no good getting these random status blocks if they run out before you've cleared through the enemies what this all means is that secondary incumber with no hint of exaggeration is the best in slot for Rapid Fire limited Target primer weapons the only downside is that the effect is diluted if you're hitting multiple enemies at once which does bring this down a bit putting it at the bottom of s tier if this Arcane could hit multiple enemies simultaneously from a single shot then it would be literally God to your pick up for priming and I do not use that phrase lightly if you ever consider using a secondary status primer especially for high level content this is the Arcane you want to get first as expected the mirror defense arcanes are not all made equal but some of them definitely have their place I hope this helps you in deciding which arcanes justify the amount of time it takes to get them that's all from me for now though so as always gather crystals Max arcanes and fight well tenno
Channel: TheKengineer
Views: 222,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, primary plated rounds, plated rounds, arcanes, mirror defence, mirror defense, citrine, kengineer
Id: MciyWAQoWzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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